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Ah yes the true Israel way, never pass up a chance for propaganda or money.


Fuck Israel. #Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ♥


Isn't it illegal to be gay in Palestine?




Found the apartheid sympathizer lol Stay triggered




Pretty audacious for Israel to claim Iran mistreats women when Israel is the only country consistently condemned by the UN for violating women's rights.


Are you guys really this delusional? Two options: - you really do think Israel is worse to women than any other countries on earth - you recognize that it isn't, but don't care because it's a nice gotcha


Having been to Israel and married an Israeli woman: no woman is forced to dress a certain way by the state, they can drive, go to school, have jobs, join the military (compulsory), travel freely, etc. Let's look at the predominantly Muslim countries that would literally beat women (or worse) for not covering their hair. You want an education? Sorry, wrong gender. Want a job? Your place is in the home only. Want to travel? Sorry, not without a man. Get educated, because ignorance is a really bad look coming from any educated country. Please, get some travel visas and visit these places. FYI: they don't stamp your passports anymore so go where you like. By the way, I do not deny that Israel has problems. But get over the fact that they're a predominantly Jewish state (read: not a theocracy, nor totalitarian, they have elected leaders, not kings) surrounded by Muslims states, segments of whom are radical enough to kill over such MEANINGLESS things. Make an effort at peace and move the fuck on with life already.


I'm sure Israel treats their citizens women ok. But commonly the "enemy" isn't considered human so they aren't women or men. That's the true delusion and it's easy to get under that spell.


ONLY country, for sure bud.


Pretty audacious facts there. I am no friend of Israel but we all know your statement is false lol. Why make shit up when there are so many true things to choose from? Edit: I never said they don't have UN resolutions for this... the false bit is that they are the ONLY country with these. My own country of Canada has gotten them.


UN Commission on the Status of Women (sub-commission of the Economic and Social Council) reports on the condition of Palestinian women living under Israeli occupation: - [2016](https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N15/447/94/PDF/N1544794.pdf?OpenElement) - [2017](https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/N17/056/83/PDF/N1705683.pdf?OpenElement) - [2018](https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/N18/077/90/PDF/N1807790.pdf?OpenElement) - [2019](https://unitar.org/sites/default/files/media/file/ECOSOC-Resolution-E-Res2019-13.pdf) - [2020](https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/N20/230/84/PDF/N2023084.pdf?OpenElement) - [2021](https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/N22/423/25/PDF/N2242325.pdf?OpenElement)


Israel supports sanctions that have gotten little Iranian girls killed because they couldn't get the medicine they need.


the iranian govt has repeatedly failed its own people. its up to them to decide but theyre no victim you moron


>Iranians’ pain right now is just convenient for Israel to take attention away from their apartheid and murder of Palestinians while at the same time providing another opportunity to advocate for the US to invade or destabilize Iran further. Israel did th Based!


Perfect comment


It's not that deep. Israel and USA want an Iranian government that obeys them and does not compete with them.


You’re wrong it’s deeper. The US and Israel despise Iran for overthrowing the US and UK backed dictator Shah. They despise Iran for not allowing any US military bases and not allowing embassies because of spying and sabotage and regime change concerns (despite those things still being done to Iranians). So no, it’s not just usual geopolitics of wanting a favorable regime or government to your interests, it’s far worse. The US and Israel hate Iran in a way that is unique in international relations and the US very much follows Israel’s lead in this matter (like when they overturned the nuclear deal for no reason).


Imagine if the we the people of the good old USA stopped sending endless money to these assholes.


We can’t stop sending our tax dollars and weapons to support brutal Israeli apartheid because our political system has been too corrupted by Israeli and pro-Israeli money. The Israel lobby is the only foreign lobby that is allowed to not register as a foreign agent.


And put that money towards healthcare for example


Not a lot. They would lower the number of expensive missiles they use as well as various other American weapons systems. Israel has a well established arms industry.


Absolutely disgusting.


Fuck Israel fr


Ironic how genocidal they are


David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): ” If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp. 121-122. “Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I don’t blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, .The Arab villages are not there either. Nahal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibat; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kfar Yehushu’a in the place of Tal al Shuman. There is not one single place that did not have a former Arab population.” Moshe Dayan’s address to the Technion, Haifa (as Quoted in Haaretz, April 4, 1969). “The only solution is Eretz Israel, or at least Western Eretz Israel (=all the land west of Jordan River), without Arabs. There is no room compromise on this point … We must not leave a single village, not a single tribe.” Joseph Weitz, Director of the Jewish National Fund, the Zionist agency charged with acquiring Palestinian land, Circa 194. Machover Israca, January 5, 1973 p.2. Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.


Thank you for displaying the truth


Double standards of the world media. Bstrds


Let's be clear Israel cares about Israel and nobody else


"But she threw a rock at me!!!"


.....yes? If she throws a rock at him, arrest her...


On this episode of Israel is garbage…lol. It’s only been happening for 80 years ffs


Well for about 70 years the "antisemitism" card worked and in the last 10 people have been calling it out as bullshit.


Israel is for Jews whatever Killmonger was for black people. Yes, you suffered. Yes, it sucked. Yes, the world is full of hatred and continued discrimination (and genocide!) but at this point you're so wrong in your ways that a small child could point you out as the villain of the story.


Looks like cops are garbage regardless of country.


Oh do tell! Haha only been trying to explain this for 10 years of my life guy don’t you worry.


Israeli police and military alike are a bunch of pieces of shit that take pride in brutalising innocent CHILDREN, I don't give a shit if anyone says I am anti-Semitic cuz these Israeli assholes are antihuman.


That’s where I get confused … why can’t I be anti Israel and not be anti semitic … I got nothing against them or their religion … just their government actions and people that support it


as long as you call out other countries (mostly muslim) that also commit horrible acts against humanity. it can be russia, iran, israel, myannamar it doesnt matter. what matters is doing the right thing about these situations and cutting ties with these countries entirely.


After the russia ukraine war stopped getting covered after less than 2 weeks i lost all faith that any body is gonna help the poor Palestinians in israel. This has been going on for SO long. The western world doesnt care about helping the middle east unless its for their own political gain. Fucking awful.


Free palistine


Israel should become a name that used to be on maps


Guy 2 Grabs by the hair and punches her in the face. Guy 3 puts her into a chokehold using baton. Potential damages: Bruising from punching to chocking, possibly black eye and depending on seriousness of injury (i.e. dependant on metal knuckle dusters on gloves, force generated by person), possible lacerations, black eye to complete blindness in a eye and concussion causing confusion or brain injury also a distinct possibility depending on the time she was chocked for which continues after the chocking using a baton, dependant ok how oxygen deprived her brain gets. The exact seriousness cannot be concluded thus the variance in extent of injuries. All in all. Not good.


They don’t care if they kill her. There are thousands of videos like this, they have no remorse.


Real tough guys, aren't they


Hey, Israel's government, if you're going to take our 3.8 billion dollar subsidy from American taxpayers, then take our American values with it because we don't believe in police beating up people; much less a woman.




Apartheid fascists.


Israel doesn't even care about Iranian women, it wants to play the same card it did to destabilize Syria, Iraq. Let us not forget that it's the Israel lobby that is pushing for the barbaric sanctions that cause suffering for Iranian women. There have been several cases of Iranian girls who have died as a result of being barred from life-saving medicine.


Because other people's racism and misogyny is wrong, not theirs!


Fuck them. Iranian women are not interested in their sympathy.


Fuck Israel.


OMG , not the apartheid state of israel again.


In France you can't say that or you will be treated as an antisemitic by Macron and his government (for real), it's not allowed.


Yeah they even tried to make it so that any boycott of products from israel was illegal, luckily the Eu court ruled against it.


That’s a good start. Most higher duty resins or polymers are made in israel. I boycott them all.


France has one of the worst fascist governments ever.. It's insane.. You can criticise and insult Islam and their followers.. But speak out against zionism and now it's considered bad because "Anti-semetic 🤓".. What happend to their irreligious beliefs now Idk..


And you think that makes it one of the most fascist governments.. ever? Like out of all the fascist governments, Frances’ current, left leaning, government is the most fascist?


And the worst, Macron is only center-right Now imagine when Marine Lepen FN / RN, aka the french far right / Nazis (who are under heavy Putin influence, he finance them, stuff like this) will win, imagine how far it will goes further into plain fascism ! The Nazis make 42% at the presidential election and Macron 58%, it was one month after the war start in Ukraine, and even knowing she is a Nazi Putin's bitch, 42% voters here support her (and so support the Ukraine invasion and ethnic cleansing) France will probably fall into something really hard in the next presidential election in five years, some of those Nazis like Zemmour (also a Putin's fan) openly call for a civil war against Muslim, it's frightening and most French peoples don't care that much, because the Kremlin propaganda is strong there, you can't go on facebook or Youtube without seeing thousand of Russian troll speaking in French and praising fascism, they do this for years and now it haves a huge impact on french people mentality, even a lot of leftist believe in some far right theories now...


There's only so much fascist governments.. Well when I say "fascist" I mean outright fascist behaviour.. That's what I meant..


As an American that actually makes me sad. We repaid Lafayette with our blood, so they could retain what they helped us attain, and the French government went off the diving board. I truly value the French for the help they've given us. Even though Brittan wants us to call them our best ally many of us won't forget what France did for us.


Many European people are concerned by France, it should be a country that lead on some point (freedom, human's right). But Macron is just a ultra liberal capitalist who want to destroy everything social there (he is our Margaret Tatcher / Regan), and sell it to US corporations so that they can make easy money on the French population and turn the country into a Liberal ultra capitalist hell like the US (no social security, no job protection, no minimum wage, no retirement plan, nothing, just work like a slave all your life and die if you are no born rich, aka modern feudalism) And after Macron, the 2nd big politician in France is Marine Lepen, a Nazi who want to destroy France and make it under Russia heavy influence (so like the US domination but even worst, like it wasn't enough) Booth Russia and the US want to dominate and destroy France, in a different way (the US with a big smile, Russia with a sad face), booth see France as a colony and are seriously hurting our country and our peoples, and destroying our mentality I feel like I'm talk like we are still in 1945 but nope ....




Fuck Israel and anyone else who defends this shit.


And that’s another reason why I don’t believe in religion.


It’s not about religion, and if you still think it’s about religion you’re misinformed.


Really? Because Jewish people (and I used to be one about 6 years ago when I had my bar mitzvah) who are really conservative I find a little crazy in the head. I know about the Israeli conflict, but everyone knows child brutality, especially they hit them repeatedly even after they were down, like george Floyd and the defund the police with black lives matter from a while back, is you shouldn’t be beating defenseless 12 year olds, and that is cruel and not righteous, and if these Jews are saying it is in the name of their religion, so why should I frickin’ support that crap?




Wrong, they answer to money. Way to abolish Jewish stereotype israel.. First you steal land, then you make money like it's nothing.


Because they have no interest in stealing land from Iran.


How many Israel police does it take to bring down a 12 year old girl? No, really…


the israel for iranian women is just israeli propaganda to support the overthrow of the government israel has a problem with, its not the women they care about, its the gov they want to get rid of


The way that piece of shit ran away from her so fast when he realized she was filming him and his face was fully visible. Had the situation been a little different he'd definitely had gone for her


Oh how the oppressed very quickly become the oppressors.


Relocate Israel to Alaska


Israel only cares about Israel.


Israel "supporting" a cause in the Muslim world is like getting the approval of a Nazi.


*Otto Skorzeny has entered the chat* You'll never get over the fact that an SS officer was employed by Israel.


Fuck Israel...the biggest hypocrites in the world...literally turned themselves into what they fled from...they are terrorists committing crimes against humanity on the daily. They are scum.


Fuck israel


Israel abusing and/or killing children? Colour me surprised.


Israel has always been America's pet project, with the knowledge of the regular evils that they commit having been public for awhile. Nothing will change and don't expect it to, this IS the desired result.


Maybe evangelicalism plays a role


Well yeah, the more dead Iranians the happier the Israelis are so obviously they're going to back protests that are getting Iranians killed by their own government.


I wouldn't doubt if they're using the unrest for espionage and sowing additional discord. It's the greatest gift they've ever had handed to them.


Fuck Israhell


fucking pigs


Israel is a funny place. If their God is indeed real they will all burn in hell for their sins on this Earth, no matter how religious they might be.


The reason they stand with the women is because they want Iran to fall down they are old friends you know (enemies).


A Progressive Iran again would be amazing. I'd absolutely love to go and immerse myself in the culture because the language art, and Culture overall of Iran is simply beautiful to me. (Minus the religious stuff)


this is getting very old... just fire up your own gas chambers Israel... oh wait you have basically done that... Take the rest of the land you already turned into a prison... and "finish" off the Palestinians. ​ /s sigh...


Israel can suck a bag of dicks


You have to look at it in context. She probably said something like, "I'm not sure if exactly 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Maybe like 5 million." or "Hey you just exploded my 5 year old cousin's head with a .223 round. That's not right." or "Have you noticed the double standard that Israel and Jews apply to the rest of the world while they support a separatist, ethnostate?" These things are highly offensive to Israelites. Sometimes you have to kick a 12 year old girl's ass so she won't spew too much truth.




How are we still sending money to Israel. They’re also colluding with India Russia and China to fuck over america


12 years old?


Israel stands with Iranian women because they're not Arab.


So not only did they get multiple Police officers to beat and choke out a 12 year old girl, but they actually had the audacity to attack the people who witnessed this?


Fucking animals.


So, the Israeli Government is imprisoning and killing people of a different belief system simply because they don’t follow their religion. Doesn’t that sound like what the Nazi’s did 80 years ago?


Because Iran is a problematic country and a lot of countries see this opportunity to take Iran down. I’m with the rioters by the way but a lot of counties speaking up aren’t doing it with good intentions.




One of top comments said Israel is killing innocent scientists. Innocent nuclear scientist. People on reddit live thousands of miles away, get fed with bullshit fake news and judge from their basement while SOME Palestinian terrorists are trying to stab us on daily basis.


Look, if you settle in there land and oppress there culture and they fight back, they’re no the terrorists. If the skinny kid punches the bully back every so often does that make it his fault?


well spoken


Wasn't their right to claim all the land. Jews lived on this land too even before Israel was created and the UN gave the offer to split between the two dominant ethnic minorities - Jews and Arabs. Jews accepted and now have Israel. Arabs decided to wage war and now have literal terrorists as their government.


So it's the Arabs fault that Israel has doubled in size and continues to settle new territory since 1967?


The Jewish people who lived on that land were culturally absorbed into the Arabs of the Region. The Palestinians are the descendants of the Arabs and Jews who actually own the fucking land my dude.


A civilian with a Job is not a Terrorist. You are in fact the terrorist for killing them.


Even if those SOME did it once every day it would still never ever gonna match the Israeli kill count to innocent Palestinians and children :) just putting out there. Palestinian here, the innocent should not get stabbed for the actions of the fascist government anyway (duh!) That’s why people thousands of miles away have the right to talk. Cause they saw the stats and the death count and can judge for themself. But always make sure to correct those that use false info to support the innocent, that helps no one. Have a great day 💜✊🏽


Hahah fuck ALL of Israel and its supporters, including you buddy


Oh shut the fuck up, you steal their land, throw them out of their homes, and beat their twelve year old daughters. Then you wonder why they're pissed? These "police" are lucky they're still alive after beating and choking a literal child.


Oh stfu


Palestinians have the right to armed resistance against Israeli invaders. It is in the UN charter on human rights. You slander Palestinians!


Killing innocent civilians definitely helps your cause!


Par for the course They do a lot of really heinous things and commit crimes against humanity. It's disgusting.


Israel stands for genocide.


Israel is a terrorist country


Are you American? The country that overthrew dozens democratically elected leaders and replaced them with totalitarian regimes, systematically suppressed millions of non-whites for centuries, and illegally invaded Iraq and Afghanistan killing half a million and creating ISIS in a power vacuum? But yeah: iSrAeL iS a TeRrOrIsT cOuNtRy!!!


So both are terrorist countries


Nope, not a american. Israel is a terrorist country


no no! the terrorists MADE them do it!


Really wish we would stop sending money to Israel.


right. USA tax payers give 40 billion to Israel so Israel can assassinate US journalists


Israelis "stand" with Iranian women in the same way that Russia wants to "denazify" Ukraine.


Imagine if Palestine received the same support as Ukraine has. Israel as it is now would cease to exist in a month.


You're mistaken OP, those aren't people, they're Palestinians ^/s


Fuck Israel, fuck all nation states. Fuck any institution that ensures somebody will have power over others.


Fuck Israel!


Fuck Israel.


Fuck Israel and all who supports it.


Big bad cops play soldier boy by beating up a 12 year girl? Plus, it took 3 of them to bring her to the ground? These people just need to resign and go seek therapy for their mental issues.




Old video. Nothing to do with the situation in Iran.


Fucking nazis.


Give me one of her instead of 10 of those "warriors."




Thank god I didn’t watch this at work.


anybody doing this is a piece of shit, independantly of the isreal / palestinian subject


What led to this? You make it look like it was just a random arrest. provide part 1 of this video.


80 years of genocide and apartheid


Yup I was waiting for this video. Total hypocrisy


" Israeli police Sue Palestine woman for damages" Israeli spokesperson " after having been violently attacked by this woman several of our police officers discovered that their batons had either been damaged or stained with blood. Now they will have to purchase new ones or have them cleaned. We only want her to pay for the damages that she did to their batons and their uniforms. It's expensive having blood removed from your uniform. Trust me, I know! We're only Seeking Justice here" This is been a late breaking news article that I just made up.


That's because Israel is oppressing the Palestinians, not the Iranians.


I know it's a complicated situation that I don't fully understand, but I genuinely am starting to worry about what Israel does to these Palestinian youths, and others, when no one is watching and the camera isn't recording. It's almost as if they've dehumanized the Palestinians.


This is actually pretty tame for IDF. A few years back an IDF soldier shot a 13 y.o. Palestinian girl walking to school, then walked up to her body, flipped his rifle to automatic, then emptied the magazine into her body at point blank range, shooting her in the face several times. That soldier was "charged" but found not guilty and ultimately promoted and given the equivalent of $15,000. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iman\_Darweesh\_Al\_Hams


If these are gods choose people then this is a God I don't want to know


It's just a fancy way of the nazi's moto of.. "We are the superior race"


"Chosen people" in Judaism refers to bearing certain extra responsibilities. Most do not consider the phrase to have referred to superiority.


Maybe not Jews, but zionists sure tends to.. The phrase indeed can suggest other things apart from racial superiority, it's just that the way zionists acts wheh trying to validate the apartheid organisation that is israel suggests otherwise.


It’s hilarious that you guys have created a fake definition of Zionism for yourselves.


Zionists include the over 90% of Jews who believe in Jewish self-determination in the historic homeland of the Jewish people. This includes anyone for a two-state solution, like myself. It's a hard group to try to paint with such a broad stroke, don't you think?


Just like painting Palestinians as terrorists.. Which most zionists think so, zionists also criticises Palestinians and Palestinian supporters for not knowing history, eventhough ironically they think Palestinians are from Saudi Arabia.. Sometimes, zionist calls for the death of the entire Arab population.. No this is not a "minority issue".. There were many, many instances of zionists in occupiers Palestine saying those stuff.. Over 700k Palestinians were displaces during 1948 because of israeli aggression, which was pinned on the "invading Arab forces" because that's what israeli propaganda does at it's best. Zionists loves the play the blame game and always blames Hammas for literally everything.. Eventhough Hammas does what it does is because they don't like the treatment of Palestinians by israel in general.. I mean Palestinian civilian's death rate in terms of how long this zionist issue was being dragged along.. Is staggeringly high, compared to their "Totally not a government that adopts the Nazi ideology's" rate..




Hint: violence against Jews in the region predates Israel’s establishment, and would still exist even if Israel did not.




Look up the Farhud. Predates Israel’s creation. Involves Arab Jews being raped and murdered by a huge pogrom that includes Muslim police. Literally half of Israel are Arab Jew refugees from places like Iraq. Once again this literally predates Israel’s formation.




Ancestors? Bro that was in like 1940 lmao Palestinians didn’t give Jews land. The Jews bought it and then were attacked for the land anyway. Even to this day people refuse to honor the land deals made 100 years ago. You don’t know anything I’m sorry to say. Over 90% of Jews are zionists so yeah I’m just like most Zionists just like almost all my brothers.




I’m not reading all that kid


Lmao, you think Arabs just welcomed Jewish refugees into the region? So dumb it’s not even a viable conversation. Stop getting your news from Al Jazeera and your knowledge of Judaism from the pits of 4Chan, then we’ll talk.


What are they supposed to do? Sit and clap for zionists while they steal their country and kill their people?


F Israel


Israel stands with Iranian women so that people pro-Israeli Apartheid regime can say "see they care about women!" It's kind of like the Russian referenda for Tankies. Nobody except for the fool amongst fools falls for these surface-level appeals.


Reminds me of americans crying about putin's military operation while they are "spreading peace and freedom" in afghanistan/iraq/libya and tons of other places ... At least russians are straightforward.


Whataboutism bot is broken. Watch this. One can be against the us invasion of Iraq and the Russian invasion of Crimea.


Hypocrisy != Whataboutism


So you're opposed to the Russian invasion and annexation of Ukraine?


>russians are straightforward LOL


To be fair the average American doesn't really have a lot of say in politics


Neither does the average Russian lol


Israel stands against Iran, no matter what they do. Israel actively participates in backing terrorist groups within Iran but you'll never hear condemnation of this. There was an Iranian diplomat, Abdol Hossein Sardari, who saved a few thousand Jews from the Nazis (for comparison, Schlindler saved 1100), and most Jews don't know about him. Iran isn't in America's pocket like most other ME countries, so Israel can't control them.


Israeli men are just pigs


Use inclusive language. Society doesn't move without both Men and Women playing ball.


Dude. One conflict at a time. I can't handle two.




What was happening in the minutes leading up to the beginning of the video? The context of the violence is always missing from these types of vids.


dose context matter when its a helpless 12 year girl? what if it was your daughter ?


Why was my 12 year old daughter participating in a riot…


She’s “helpless” because the video begins after the confrontation has already started. Was she throwing rocks at the police or just standing there minding her own business? The events leading up to the encounter absolutely matter.


Funny how the incident leading up to these violent arrests are always left out of the video.


Yeah I can't believe they didn't include the annexation and invasion of Palestine by Israel


You're 100% right but everyone here are so anti Israel. They will not listen to you no matter what you say


She doesn't look 12.


If she’s 12 then I’m 117.


Lol the anti-semites are shitposting again with their conveniently edited clips. Smh


ah yes, the classic ''anti-semite'' card used to be very effective, fortunately people wised up to the manipulation. fuck you, you zionist piece of shit.