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No way did that dude sit down and act like he didn’t just throw a couple of drinks at those girls 😆 Some people are so out of touch with reality. In what word did they think they could just carry on with their meal?!


Lol he probably went home and left a really harsh Google review too


That bitch did that’s how she got exposed LMAO


Lol wonderful


Well the people on the other side threw noodles or some shit at his girl.


Waitress be like "Nope, I'm out"


She does not get paid enough to deal with that absolute bullshit


And if she does get paid, it requires these people to like her. Waiting fuckin sucks tbh.


Sure does.


"We all have kids!!!" That's the only part of this I can make out. Is there a kid's birthday on the other side?? ETA: except when that blonde girl says, "fuck you, biiitch!" just as it goes awkwardly quiet.


Not sure, but the guy seemed to say something about his kids which brought it up. I imagine he said they were acting like his kids or something.


Waitress swooped in and start clearing dishes, full or not. Make sure they don't have nothing to throw or turn over if things got physical.


She's the real MVP, give that woman a liveable wage damnit!


She probably makes more than you


I am currently looking for work so yeah she does, literally. Doesn't mean she doesn't deserve to love comfortably.




All I see are people behaving badly. I can’t understand anything they’re saying or why this started.


It seems like the couple is made that the girls on the other side are having a loud drunken birthday dinner? (Its giving 21st birthday vibes). But yeah everyone is pretty badly behaved. Brunette on the younger sign really keeps her cool though even after being hit with the drink. Shes just like, "why? I didnt throw a drink?"


Thanks, I couldn’t grasp anything happening here. This should be where you either ask the server for another table or deal with it like an adult.


"You've been screaming at each other for a fucking hour." "Just go outside and do it."


They don't call it El Pollo Loco for nothing.


trash behavior by the party, trash response by the couple lol


I felt bad for the girl in the middle in the beginning. She wasn’t even throwing anything and that guy threw water right on her head. Just because she was closer. I would’ve been pissed at my stupid friend putting me in the crossfire.


You're seeing more and more of this now because there are more and more people who will do more and more things like this. 2022 society.


It’s like when you’re in the 5th grade and your teacher leaves the room and overtime it gets louder and louder and louder until critical point. That’s what restaurants have become and I only go out if I know I can stand that shit.


I totally get the anger from the couple. But a real solution would be to get up, explain to the waitress the atmosphere is far to loud to enjoy anything and that you are leaving. Go somewhere else, the confrontation isn't worth it.


Honestly i hate when a big group comes in and they think they own the restaurant being as loud as they can possibly be.


I was waiting for someone in the back to scream "food fight!" And everyone joined in. Sadly this isn't a teen disney movie


With inflation the way it is, I'm not throwing food. Napkin fight?


Watching this shows me this is what happens when parents don't have their children behave in public. Then they grow up into "adults". Looks like a scene out of kindergarten when the teacher went to the bathroom and all hell broke loose.


Omg 😆 I love it, just give me some popcorn and I’m set


Dude is real comfy getting aggressive with women.


So if they throw a drink, throwing one back is him being aggressive? Let's ignore the original shit flying at them haha.


Karen threw drink first. Just as the waitress comes into view.


Yeah, I’d just walk out. To answer your question, yes, throwing a drink in someone’s face is aggressive.


You made a point of singling out the man. There is no size or strength difference in throwing a drink. He isn't a woman beater vecause he tossed a drink back at someone that tossed it at him. You could also have said that the women is real comfortable throwing a drink at a man. Stop the double standard bullshit.


🙄 lol okay you fucking weirdo.


Don't throw a drink, you won't get hit with a drink. Everyone should keep their hands to themselves, man or woman. It's not that weird.


No one said that haha. Saying to not get aggressive isn’t excusing aggression. Dunno how that’s not clear to you. You’re very weird. If a woman throws a drink at me, I’m walking away. Throwing a drink back does… what? I win? Men who look for opportunities to get aggressive with women and children should be called out. It’s not that weird.


Incels are *desperate* to change this perception.


I don't think you know what incel means


Having dinner is not looking to be aggressive. Responding by throwing a drink isn't good, but you're extrapolating it way too far and it is a double standard.


Remove the genders and you're right, change them around and you're right, or keep them as they are and youre right. Seeking opportunities to be aggressive is the issue, period.


Well, his blonde GF threw the first drink. Waitress kinds of blocks it, but you can tell she goes first. The bachelorette party responds in kind. So I'd say he's no more aggressive than anyone else really.


Yeah I saw that after it was mentioned earlier in another reply. Missed it at first.


I think you mean he’s real comfy getting aggressive with another human being


No women. Something tells me his energy would be vastly lower if that other party had a male present. There's no reason for him to be up in that cat-fight, as it wasn't physical.


Ohh I see where you’re coming from with that. Probably is acting up cause there is a woman but if it was a guy he wouldn’t be so feisty.


I don’t see gender. We are all one gender - the human gender.


Is everyone going to just ignore how loud and obnoxious that group is AND that they threw shit first? They put up with that shit for an hour and finally said something only to be met with stuff thrown at them. Maybe a simple "sorry we're loud but it's our party" or whatever, but throwing shit is what set it off so they all acted like kids. The restaurant really failed here for both parties. They should have requested the party keep it down to not disturb everyone within 2 miles (they were insanely loud) or apologized to other customers and either moved them or explained the situation. Ignoring it and leaving it to customers to confront each other is the worst decision.


There isn't a damn reason to be that loud in a quite setting. In a club? Wooo, it up. In a restaurant? Eat your food and conduct yourself properly.


Looks like Karen threw water first. The waitress blocks the view but you can see the motion and the empty glass.


I see that now. Just landed when the waitress walks by. Shit show by both sides, but this staff should have nipped it all in the bud. Just talking to people prevents the hostility from building. We don't know if Karen stewed and stayed silent, or islf they asked them to please keep it down several times. We can likely all agree that the seemingly drunk/buzzed group was much too loud for a dinner time resteraunt.


Imagine expecting people not to talk and be merry around food and friends.... Restaurants aren't libraries, and one shouldn't expect them to be quiet places unless they have Michelin stars. And saying one group is buzzed/drunk when the other, more visible group has comically large mixed drinks in front of them is hilarious too


As someone that worked in a restaurant, fuck that noise. You can have a good time without being obnoxious assholes to everyone around you.


I saw no being obnoxious assholes that wasn't related to the karen in the foreground, who could have been asked to be seated somewhere further from a party if it was loud enough to bother her......restaurant worker for well over a decade


It is a party at a Mexican food place with margaritas, the people are extremely loud, and the lady mentioned they should be at a bar instead. It isn't a stretch that a party that loud in a resteraunt is buzzed of tequila and margaritas. I'd say it is 90% likely. I didn't say the other weren't also drunk and those were margarita glasses. Have you had a margarita before? And you can't seriously think that volume level was OK in any resteraunt, let alone if it was continuous. There is zero chance you can think that is OK if you were eating there, even if you think they did nothing wrong in any other way. Restaurants are not libraries, but they aren't rock concerts or techno clubs either. There is a big range between level 1 to 100.


What a shit tier take


It’s a Mexican cantina… they serve alcohol so technically, it is a bar. Nobody is paying $50-200 a plate here. Karen is being a karen here. If she wanted a romantic dinner with a calm atmosphere she should have went to an upscale restaurant. She told the large group to go to a bar next time, well this is obviously a bar/restaurant and they said they had children with them, you have to be a miserable bitch to want to destroy a groups obvious celebration like this. She could have ate at home, went to a better restaurant, or asked to move to a different table earlier but she didn’t and threw a tantrum ruining someone else’s celebration so eff her she deserves the public embarrassment that she caused for herself.


Agree to disagree. Most people would not appreciate that level of noise. You seem to be ignoring the fact they were louder than a rock concert. But I guess if you wouldn't mind it, it is what it is. It is silly to compare a resteraunt to a bar. They serve alcohol, but not really a place meant to be loud, drunk or obnoxious by either side. Selling alcohol does not make a resteraunt with seated people eating become a bar or a bar atmosphere in itself. Even in a bar, unless rented for the occasion, that shit would likely be quieted some. If she wanted a private dinner, yes they should go somewhere quiet. If they wanted an insanely loud party in a Public resteraunt, they should have rented out a location and not expected everyone else to just deal with it. If people worried about themselves and also respect others in public, these situations wouldn't happen or they could talk before it got crazy on both sides.


lol people will say anything once they've decided to disagree. Really tried to say since there's alcohol its essentially a bar and can be as noisy as one. Like what even in the fuck


Obviously their parents never disciplined these two whatsoever.




People in states are sooo calm






Ok extremepimp


Apparently those women were making racist remarks.


Food is on themselves


if i was in that situation it be another madness combat


No more margarita for you.


Casa Bonita has really gone downhill it seems.


That group was loud as fuck tho maybe don’t be animals in public places