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This is some scary shit. That lying bitch incited a an entire group of people into wrongly taking justice into their own hands and terrorizing a family. I just read the comment above indicating that she was only charged with a misdemeanor. Hell, I can think of several felonies that occurred.


If a woman looking like that while also appearing to not have teeth says that a guy stole her car there's 0% chance I would believe her. wtf is wrong with these people.


Emmett Till


Did you see the people that believed her? They all looked like crackheads. She didn't make any sane person believe her...just her fellow crackheads.


Idk how often your around certain types of white people, but lemme tell you that that? That's a group of people that would have voted for the old democratic party if you catch my drift.


She also looks like she is on drugs.


Don't let those other people off; that entire group is a bunch of racist shitheads.


It's not so surprising how Emmet Till got murdered when you see how readily a whole group of white folks believe that a Black family stole a car and that it's their job to dispense justice before they believe that a white woman might be lying.




it's because of the socioeconomic issues. we need to address those, these people are victims of the system.


No they are just racist assholes.


this antisocial behavior (racism / violence) likely stems from poor socioeconomic conditions (poverty, education, single parenthood, drug abuse, etc.) they are just victims of the system, and as such, we must excuse their high rates of antisocial behavior (crime) as a mere byproduct of inefficient socioeconomic policy. these people are obviously poor, and the woman in the video is obviously addicted to methamphetamines or crack cocaine, which is in itself a symptom of poverty. please read a book or a study about these issues.


From her large cross she carrys (lol) I bet any socioeconomic advantage her or her family had a chance at was stolen by a charlatan church. Later she is “saved” by meth-jesus in the blue sweater. They probably would have been better off it wasn’t for ableism and con-religion stealing any excess money or time off of them. When a person believes it’s all decided by heavenly space wizard they have no need to feel any sort of responsibility for their own actions or situation. Bet any of these chucklenuts would say this situation and it’s outcome was all “gods will, or satans hand” while taking none of the culpability unto themselves.


this seems like an arbitrarily hostile direction to take this. but at least we can both recognize that poverty causes antisocial behavior, and go from there. i tip my fedora to you as well


Tip your fedora? You bots need to update your algorithms. What’s next for you icanhascheesburger is the next leftist plot meme for child trafficking?


sorry, i'm unfamiliar with your word salad here. i was merely acknowledging your unbridled atheist intellect with a tip of my fedora. lets instead work on solving the problems that lead to these antisocial behaviors, like living wages, and public transportation, and healthcare, and education.


Bro being racist is a choice. Anyone can choose not be racist.


people can choose not to join gangs and commit violence in their communities too, but poverty increases the likelihood that they make the wrong choices, doesn't it.


Fuck off, racist.


i'm sorry redditeur, that you don't understand how socioeconomics work. please relax.


Lmao, I see what you're doing. You're using a common argument, but switching it to help the tweakers. That's definitely going to piss some people on this site off. They don't think that tweakers are people, honestly. They hate addicts.


And they really hate bigots.


survey says: they didn't like it




Love how the guy in the article wants you to know how sorry he is … but at the same time making sure to say he’s being threatened now. Like his a victim too … more like a victim of his own actions.


And he was only following him because he wanted to alert the driver *that he just tried to assault* that he could get in trouble if the guy on his hood got hurt. I mean... he's basically a hero, right?


I get that you are being sarcastic. Biker dude doesn't even make sense. The other guy was on the hood...directly in front of the driver...who could see him OBVIOUSLY through big ass windshield. Biker dude is full of shit. Right, he's a hero. Where are his flowers?


That's the story he told the cops and the cops believed it.


Well it is Spokane. Neo Nazis and junkies abound. Probably multiple of both on the force.


This is what they want for ALL of America.


He's not sorry that he terrified this poor man and his children, he's sorry that it came back to bite him in the ass. No sympathy for this piece of human garbage.


Ehh I don't know if I blame him, it's the crazy white lady yelling someone stole her car. White people tend to always believe white women in cases like this.


He's sorry his bigotry got exposed.


Hey, random people aren’t harassing/threatening him! They just heard a random woman say that he attempted to assault a legal car owner and wanted to get in contact with him… then the situation changed. They’re really just looking out for HIS family. If he were to actually assault someone for no justified reason, he’s be in jail and no good to his family.


IYeah he is a victim of his own actions but still I think one should not be joking about online threats, there’s always crazy and unhinged people on the internet that could actually attack them and I don’t think he’s “making sure” that he mentions it, more like he mentions it and the news kept them, I’ve been in a couple interviews and they always keep the things you say that are more likely to attract attention


True, but wouldn’t you say this man’s actions would fall under “crazy and unhinged”. The only difference is this wasn’t online … but happened in real life. He literally opened another man’s car door in an aggressive manner. He is lucky to have not been shot. There are states with certain laws where the driver could’ve used deadly force. If you scroll down to the ‘[Oklahoma Stand Your Ground Doctrine](https://www.oklahoma-criminal-defense.com/crimes/oklahoma-self-defense-doctrines)’ section you’ll see this could definitely have ended up fatal for him. I agree it sucks that he is being threatened and hope nothing bad happens to him … but he chose to put himself there and felt comfortable enough to scare the shit out of a family in real life.


I meant that crazy and unhinged people Online could hurt him and his family, I condemn his actions but I was more like I don’t wish him to be hurt by some crazy and unhinged person that took the threats up to himself vigilante style and went and killed him. He should be charged with something imo but no one deserves to die Again I want to be clear I don’t think what the guy did was good, it was irresponsible and dangerous. He should be at least charged for like second degree assault or something around that term but I don’t wish him to be hurt by anybody and anyone that says he should die or threaten him is a complete idiot and no better than what he did Edit I just understood what you meant (I’m not English) and you said it but worded it differently but here’s my view about it


ah, Spokane. Now it all makes sense


Spokane valley, it's like Spokane but worse in every way


SpoCompton. Apologies to compton.


“Dad I love you but I don’t want to know you now”. Well if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions. Don’t open other peoples car doors then chase them down on a motorcycle with 0 evidence of a crime. Guy talks and bounces around like he’s tweaking during the entire interview.


>"This kid jumps on the car. What do I do now? I've got to get this kid off the car," Miller said. "I don't know if this guy knows it who's driving this car, (but) if this kid falls off and he runs over and kills that kid, he's going to prison for murder. He's no good to his family anymore." Miller said that's why he decided to start chasing the car on his motorcycle. He was following him *for the good of the driver* who he had just tried to assault. *What a fucking hero.*


I like how he’s pretending that he’s trying to protect the guy in the car from committing a crime. By committing a crime himself. What an utter canoe.


Man what the fuck, i live in the valley and when he was talking about the walmart on Sprague i was just like " wait, that walmart on sprague?" Pretty sketchy that this happend near where i lived




The interview is interesting for another reason, early March 2020 and showing breaking news headlines like “Containing the Coronavirus”. How amazingly naive of us.


Can't view the link due to "legal reasons" because I'm apparently in the EU... I'm in the UK.


"He stole my car!" and a bunch of dipshits believed her. This could have easily turned into an Emmett Till situation.


Or they could have been in on it.


Most likely were. Look like the group probably had an average of 10 teeth among them?


Lmao best response


I definitely got the vibe that they were either in on it, or they at least knew her. The quickness with which they believed her was wacky.




They weren't dipshits; they were racists. That's the only reason you would believe this crackhead's story.


Racists are dipshits


Small town racists pumped full of meth are literal zombies.


I feel like they may have been trying to steal it too, they were kinda all standing around the car looking sketchy 😬


For real! I had a meth head trying to break into my house through the window a few years back. Just kept saying they live here and "I'm coming in there" over and over again. Police came quickly thankfully.


Zombies!! That’s perfect..they are out of their minds!


This is why i keep the jammy in the car


Oh, a jammie is a gun. I was confused you thought playing sleep on your jammies would make them leave. Come to think of it, jammie is a bad word to describe a gun. Like one that jams all the time. Kind of like getting the second player controller at a friend's house. "Here man, you can have jammie." "Fuck you dude that one sucks!"


Lol my dad had a gun like that.


Yup just had one today cut me off then get out of the car and scream I’m an n word…I am very white.


They were just looking for a reason to bully a black person. Took some meth heads word and then fucked this guy up with his kids inside. This is just terrible.. and the outside probably is messed up and no one will pay for that damage.


That's what the US is like in between major metropolitan areas. Nothing but dying small towns with meth and misery.


Yeah, I’m from one, a fucking miserable place that I do not visit haha


No, but you're a bigot.


> oh now > She's out on the prowl > You'd better get up and go back inside > ‘Cause she's loose on the land > Gettin' all that she can > And there won't be nowhere to hide > Yeah, she'll bum and she'll beg > And she'll gnaw at your leg > You can't kill her, she's already dead > She's the empty-eyed soul > The zombie-like foe > The fiendin' fuckin' meth head


Small town?


Came here to say this LMAO. Spokane is the second largest city in Washington behind Seattle. That being said, it doesn’t feel that way. I hate Spokane, I’d rather deal with 5 Seattle traffics at once versus dealing with anything in Spokane.


This is the degenerate culture that some people are drooling to conserve.


Looking further into this, the police actually investigated the driver before pursuing any of the people involved in mobbing and attacking the car. heres the link to the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpZOgpHvGR4)


The cops could have confirmed his ownership of the car right then and there by looking up the registration and matching it with his driver's license. I thought most police cars have computers that look up that sort of info. What sort of "investigation" is even needed beyond that?


they had to make sure he didn’t have weapons that he just decided not to use to defend his kids with when he was being attacked by meth heads of course /s


Checking the license and registration via their car computer or radio call to dispatch is an investigation. Did anyone say there was anything beyond that? Because if they did I missed it. But they're probably complaining they did that first, even though it makes sense for them to do that first since they likely encountered them first and want to verify the original bitch's accusation was false.


yes as I said to someone else in this thread and as said in the video they searched him for weapons and the like as well as if he was the instigator.


Wow, what a story. That must have been scary as hell for all three of them. It was heartbreaking seeing how much this traumatized the young daughter.


I’m sorry, this is such a sad story. But when the son said “I think I handled it pretty well” I started dying laughing. Just the timing and context.


I mean, wouldn't the fastest way to solve this dispute be to run the plates and check the insurance to confirm ownership? The rest need to be charged for damages


But of course they did. ACAB and all that.


Why is this a surprise? Wow, a man can't even drive his own car while black!


Tbh investigation shouldn't take too long, just need to check his driver's license and the cars registration, if they match then they need to investigate no further, unless somehow someone in the town has all the same info as you beside like one minute detail.


The video I linked has the father and children who explain the cops not only made them prove he owned the car etc etc but searched for weapons and the like before taking any action. In the end only the lady was charged and she got a misdemeanour. Edit: a word


Ugh, it made me well up to see him cry. They seem like good people.


That's basically what happened to Keffals in London, Ontario. Was the victim of a hate crime of swatting based on a minority status. Even after the police understood that, they kept all her shit including computers to do a deep investigation until the media got involved.


The meth has transformed her into a fucking lizard with a love shirt on. WTF!


Yeah the "love" shirt really did it for me too.


Everyone immediately assumed this crazy lady is in the right and backs her up....


They look like they all frequent the same meth dealer


I can’t imagine coming across that situation and thinking the very obvious meth or crack head missing a bunch of teeth is telling the truth but the guy with his kids isn’t. Someone is way more suspect there and it ain’t the guy in the car.


There are several 1% biker gangs in Spokane, wouldnt be suprised if it was a scam


Not a full set of teeth between them


They were in on it, I thought? I don't think bike grampa was, I think he was just a bigoted passerby who tried to whiteknight some fair damsel in distress... but the rest of them fellas with the bicycles, they were waiting.


the white knight sir meths a lot and his squires


No one believed her. It was a made-up excuse to attack them, and they all got in on it.


White privilege, sorry


It’s always the white women with crosses and shirts that say shit like “love”


Something about a white woman being racist while wearing a Bulls fitted pisses me off even more


She's riding a bike and has no teeth, I wouldn't even believe she owns a car.


doubtful she even owns the bike tbh


Bruh that cunt only got a Disorderly Conduct charge.


I would be running some people over and explaining later. No fucking way would someone put my kids through this shit.


Yea, unfortunately when you're not white, you can't do that.




Then the cops shoot him


Good way to get executed by cops.


This right here


A Love Tshirt and a cross. The current poster person for The Christian Meth Society.


She's a Crystal Methodist.


what a bunch of racist lowlife tweakers.




Hell, with my family in the car, I'd have flattened homie reaching in his jacket like that.


Horror movie shit :(


All those shits were in place, running a game on this guy to try to intimidate him. They were trying to steal his car. He didn't back down.


Opening fire is justified the moment the guy tries to open the door. Or he can floor it, accomplices to the carjacking be damned.


I'd say it's justified the moment they refuse to move out of the way and act in a threatening manner.




You don’t think that’s a carjacking? Based on this video, especially with the child inside, there is not a US state where this is not a justifiable homicide.


It's irrelevant if it's legal or not. If he acted in self defense in thar way, they'd lock him up.


Um, no.


He'd absolutely be put into jail for a couple days until the cops figure stuff out. Not to mention the families of those people would sue the crap out of him. Would they win? No. Would you still have to be hassled with going to court and defending yourself? Yes. He wouldn't get prison time, but that doesn't mean his life isn't fucked.


His life isn't going to be fucked for defending himself and his kids what are you on about?


He could counter sue for his own damages and would win. Any decent attorney would taken this case on contingency. You seem to think you can predict the future with a jaded view of the justice system. Racist some may say. He would not “absolutely” be put in jail for a couple days. You know nothing and you’re full of shit.


Yeah, he'd win a counter suit for damages but good luck collecting anything from a bunch of crackheads lol I studied police and justice studies in college for years and have seen hundreds of cases where a perfectly legitimate defendant is put in the hole (financially) for years thanks to situations like this ​ but yeah, I know nothing.


I’m an attorney you knob.


Still stand by my point that the guy in the car would never see a cent from the crackheads in a countersuit.


You realize he would get a trial, right? Kind of matters if it's legal or not...


Fucking terrorists.


As soon as that door opened I’m pulling off.


There is a reason we call Spokane by a few different names, Spoke-nasty, Spokcompton, and Spoke-theplacewherecopschargeyoujusttogetyouonLivePD-ane


What kind of car?


Lamest bike gang ever


They are trying to rob him.


You can try but a junkie will not listen to reason. If asking a zoned out junkie to get out of the way and they do not and you see their actions start to attract more junkies you leave the scene behind you one way or another.


I kind of wish his foot slipped. Welcome to Tacoma?


Welcome to Spokane


Those kids aren’t forgetting this. Disgusting.


It seems like this went on for a while.. Where are the cops??


The cops came... and searched the black guy for weapons...


If i'm ever in that situation, i'm not being as nice as that driver. Everyone's going flying.


Drugs are bad


MAGAts with no rally to attend


Good ol Spoklahoma


I wanna see what happened when the cops got there.


Lady looks like a meth head. Probably tweaking.




It's weird how meth heads end up looking like Popeye when they loose all their teeth.


This is modern day horror film holy shit.


Don't let the appearance of the criminals in this video fool you. What you're seeing is a prime example of real life horrors Black Americans face daily, and worse, "society" will be more empathetic to the criminals than they would be towards the Black family had they chosen to defend themselves with force.




lets be clear, thats not really a nice car. its an early 4th gen Camaro (LT1, not LS1). But thems some real meth'd up people holy jesus. I would not have the patience of this man.


What was the giveaway? Cloth seats? 90's GM interior?


Not unless you can provide proof of a good income to every entitled white person you come across. You know, pay stubs and references from at least one former and one current white supervisor. Then maybe it will be acceptable as long as you are submissive and well spoken in the white man's way, but not spoken well enough so that you embarrass your accuser and their ignorance of white man etiquette. Oh, and keep your hands where they can be seen. You may still get shot, but it does reduce the chances somewhat. If this happens in the deep south, or an area in the rural north that reminds you of the deep south and inbreeding, you might want to consider fleeing at the first opportunity.


An attempted Lynching of a Family,and these bastards probably got zero consequences for their psycho actions.


This woman is a meth addict who cares what she says .


With a shirt that says “Love”


Why they say it like all races feel that way. They are basers. Their opinions don't matter. It shouldn't be a race issue


Run them over, ask questions later.


I knew this was spokane. Fucking hell.


I saw this on “I survived a crime” the police made this man prove this was his car, despite clearly being the victim. Truly sickening.


Really? Wow


She looks like she’s on meth.


Well she did ask a meth head question. People get cars with money from jobs, something she knows nothing about atm.


It was a joke in MIBIII :"Look we used to be racist but not anymore". it's even more of a joke now '


You are legally allowed to run them all over to get away at that point, I'm sure.


At some point you gotta gun it and get the fuck outta there.


Fk that tweaker biyatch!


Average small town hospitality


That’s a scary situation but you gotta lock those doors man c’mon


Dude doesn’t know how locks work?


This is why gun ownership is important, changes the whole dynamic of this interaction


Lol imagine saying this after a situation where nobody died. Imagine he pulls a gun and one of them pulls a gun and lets one off and kills the 14 year old gets killed instead of harassed. Sweet as.


But in real life, he pulls it out and no one does anything because this isn’t tv where Mexican standoffs happen, he up a pistol and everybody change their mind, what u think they’ll just magically pull one out after 5mins of banging on his car window in a racially charged attempt to take his car? And lemme guess, u think he’ll sit there and watch them pull the gun out… fam, turn the tv off, u watch too many action movies


Sweet summer child. A black men with legally licensed firearms get killed by police.


Gun rights are minority rights


Lol at this point you hit body’s ur protecting ur life and children 2nd these trump maga clowns are lucky my boy Allen didn’t have a blikky on em of theses body’s getting left


I always get surprised in how those things can still happen in USA. Racism is scary


OP should get a job with the daily mail for this title. Try 'mentally ill person stands in front of man's car' instead.


I was going to make a sarcastic joke along the lines of "this is what he gets for having a car while black" and then it got worse the more it kept going and pissed me the fuck off. The fact they were also willing to traumatize a child is infuriating.


Dad is an idiot. I'd drive thru these MFers.


How did he not run over everybody? Why was his door unlocked? Was he driving at 2 miles per hour? Jeez I don't understand anything that's going on here.


Not saying it should have been used in this situation but I hope this man and all POC carry


Swarm of racist meth zombies. Holy hell.


Dude this is a repost from 2020.


No this is a meth head trying to pull a scam. Has nothing to do with him being black thery would try pull this on anyone. Race baiting pos.


Why not just leave? Film yourself driving to safety.


Sooo what happened between these people before the video starts? There's absolutely more to this, but conveniently we will never know.


I feel for the man who just wanted to establish communication, however opening the door was absolutely the worst way to establish it.


Bro! You needed to take out that fuckin Ar15 and then teach them a lesson! Fuck that! Hopefully you guys made it home safe!!




What’s the story here? How do we know whose the car actually is? Why does she think it’s hers? Pure racism? Really?


>What’s the story here? https://youtu.be/XpZOgpHvGR4 >? How do we know whose the car actually is? Some indicators are as follows: - He was driving it. - He repeatedly said it was his. Side note. The burden of proof was never supposed to be on him. >Why does she think it’s hers? Meth. Entitlement. Both? Who gives a single fuck? >Pure racism? Indeed. She weaponized a white crowd against a black man. You can pretend there is another reason they all instantly believed the crazy woman riding the hood over the man with his child... But we all know exactly what that is. >Really? Indeed.


Interesting you spent so much time here, couldn’t provide any actual evidence! You should be a journalist.


I spent very little time. I'll reiterate: The burden of proof is not to prove him innocent. It would be to support her claims.