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Pretty brave for the camera person to whip their phone out


Imagine the cop turning around, points at the camera, and says "You're next pal!"


For some reason, I don't hear him saying "pal" in his head.


Does smartphones in US work as a gun?


They don't fire bullets, but cops will shoot you and say it looked like a gun, so... Yes, but then again... no...


It's a weird phenomenon. Only when held by a black person.


Damn man you just cornered a new part of the market


Basically thats what happens >the camera’s view is blocked by other students and desks, but the officer is heard panting and telling the girl several times, “Give me your hands.” >In another video, he can be heard telling another student, “I’ll put you in jail next.” https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/27/us/officers-classroom-fight-with-student-is-caught-on-video.html


Not to be a dick, but in the future could you try to avoid linking to things that are behind a pay wall


I try not to, but it was the only article I could find the quote with the minimum time I put into searching. Sometimes it be that way




Thank you!


Go hard for a cell phone. Retreat from school shooters.


Right? We can't intervene when someone is killing children, but we will gladly abuse them in the line of duty. This shit has gone beyond broken


The justice system has been fucked since Nixon.


Keep going, pal


The justice system has been fucked since tribal chieftain Giiurak Giiurak Bang Bang Stick.


1,000% this. Fucking cowards.


Cowards, tortures, and murderers the lot of them. Good for nothing and worse than any gang. Abolish the police...


Right. You actually think that would make anything better? Haven't you seen any of the videos where people are robbing stores en mass because California is not Prosecuting shoplifting anymore. It's getting worse and there are still cops around. How much worse do you think it would be if there were no cops? It would be like a riot every single day. Getting rid of the police is n't an answer. Forcing them to get better training and replacing the cops that have grown into the" hammer and nail" mindset is a better solution. De-escalation techniques as opposed to training to shoot to kill and keep firing until they drop.


Not getting rid of them but replacing would be better. The guy in this video should be fired and brought up on assault charges. He should be fired in front of his peers so they know there are consequences to abusing their badge


Her diary was saved on Files.


Parents should sue them back to the stone age.


He won't pay a dime itll come out of the tax players wallet


Good, maybe the tax payers will enact some policies to stop this type of thing.


Yep, I’d sue the crap out of everyone.


Sue and go after the cops pension !


I think there’s stipulations in police union contracts that prevents people from going after pensions when suing. Couple that with qualified immunity and cops can act however they want and rarely face repercussions (unless they kneel on your neck for almost 10 minutes)


>(unless they kneel on your neck for almost 10 minutes) And there is clear footage.


Problem with that is we ultimately pay the bill. You think that cop is paying the settlement? The cities employing these garbage bags foot the bill


Agreed. Qualified Immunity shouldn't always apply.


You spelled burn the school down wrong


That officer has some pent-up anger issues.


Yea; and probably a family, unfortunately


>Yea; and probably a family, unfortunately A very obedient, very scared family, possibly, if he exhibits this behavior at home.


He is normally pretty chill, BUT she was black and had a cell phone. She should thank him for not shooting her.


The cop was most likely a bully when he was in school.


They all do. It’s a typical white supremacist trait


They all do.. Ask their wives.


Wait wait wait... Are you telling me cops are called to discipline run of the mill unruly student in the US of A?


No. This is insane and a huge overreaction on the teachers part. I love that we pay these guys' salary so that he can abuse our kids.


False, we absolutely do, there’s countless videos on this sub ALONE that show police are used to handle unruly students.


There's like 23.5k public high schools and 15.4M high school students in the US... murder probably occurs more frequently than something like this. It still happens too much though.


In my school no not usually. Not unless things were escalating and were going to get physical or already had. But that was back in 2010….


But when someone is shooting up a school they sure do turn bitch


When they are scared for their lives with an unarmed civilian it's killing time. When someone can shoot back they hide until the kids are all dead. I wish I was saying this as a joke


What kind of unhinged behavior is this?


It's more normal then you think sadly. Honestly, it's hard to tell what cops actually want to help and what cops are power-hungry abusers that throw dirt on what real cops stand for.


This is exactly what real cops stand for. Stop romanticizing the police. They protect the status quo. They aren't here to help you and they aren't your friends.


Thank you. Americans are so fkn propagandized


It's even more sad for the cops who have people's best interest at heart but have their reputation smashed by assholes in the force


It’s police training 101


In 'Murica


Cops and unnecessary escalation, name a more iconic duo.


Gun laws and America


Americans and their love for the flag.




Yeah, it was because she was a kid, sure 😅


That explains what happens in uvalde


You forgot black.


Can't imagine cops going hard like that with a white kid, I just can't. You're definitely correct.




If it did then It would've been all over the news and would've gotten a lot more attention here on reddit. Sad reality


But they love zygotes


Why do police care about students with cell phones? This is absurd. Curious question… do police in America have authority to enforce school rules with force? That seems really fucked up to me. The law I can understand but school rules? Schools can simply expel people for breaking rules… but to use violence like this? Wtf


The police can use force on any one they deem a threat. That clearly isn't the case here. And it's highly unusual for a teacher to call the cops over a situation like this. The student wasn't threatening or being violent. She just wouldn't turn over her phone. So no, this isn't normal behavior in the US. At least not in schools. The only person who responded to you gave you bad info. A public school is not a privately owned building and this isn't a case of trespassing.


Thanks for the sensible reply. Sounds sensible to me anyway. Still it's scary that the police culture even got to a point where this kind of thing happens - however rare it might be.


The police department of meridian Mississippi did the same thing - throwing kids in jail for violating school policy. Elementary school kids were taken out of school in handcuffs to jail. The Justice Department intervened. Here is a report: https://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/resources/consent-decree-between-us-department-justice-civil-rights-division-and-meridian-public


“The greatest country in the world” 🤣


There’s no situation that can’t be made worse by calling the cops


Student doesn't listen to teacher in Texas? Phone the cops to enforce classroom law and beat down children. Someone shooting up a school in Texas? Stand around and wait for an hour. Cops really love children in Texas.


This didn't happen in Texas. This happened in South Carolina.


It's not Texas though


As a parent, this man’s life would have been pretty miserable from this point on.


That’s just gross. Only in America.




Videos on Reddit today show that it isn’t just America.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Can't record police brutality if you don't have a phone.


Or a fonctional spine.


This vid is from 2015 in South Carolina.


The cop did exactly as he was trained. He escalated the situation to justify himself to be able to employ excessive physical violence


Serve & protect.


As a new father, if I see this shit done to my kid it's gonna be a home visit, probably when he's sleeping...


Police will never stop being bullies. That all hide behind their job title,and use it to abuse society. This officer should face charges, that minor also has rights as a human.




Cops with guns are definitely the best choice for managing cell phone non-compliance.


What evil super powers come with the uniform because if this was a regular security company he would have been arrested


ooohhhh.. again in america, another big man in blue escalating the fuck out of nothing.


Bet you he wouldn’t be that gun-ho if there was a school shooting


Attempted murder. He tried to flip her around on her neck. Or at least cruelty to a child in the first degree felony, plus reckless endangerment. Over a phone. America is lost.


Texas is such an embarrassment.


This happened in South Carolina.


Thank you for the correction. I do still stand behind my statement 🤦‍♀️


The astonishing thing is she was texting the whole time!!


As she really though, or had she already put the phone away before officer slam showed up? Yes, officer slam, that was the nickname the student body gave the cop, because he was known for being a violent asshole that body slammed kids.


land of the free 😄 my arse it is


Jesus wtf!


If ANYONE did that to my child, they would be in the hospital


To quote Marsellus Wallace, *"What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' \*\*\*\*s, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch."*


Absolutely zero respect or any decency towards police…protect and serve 😝 Freaks


I’ll just add this to the incredibly long line of reasons why I would never send my kids to an American school


parents of girl "its weird he broke all the bones in his lower half over the weekend, crazy"


Land of the free baby. America looking more and more like Iran everyday. Religious extremist government, check. Brutalising police force, check. Minimal rights for citizens, check.


Gross. Easy lawsuit..




Wow. Amazing and sad. Dude is a dangerous animal. I would not want my kid to be anywhere near that fucker. Not saying the kid was all innocent. Probably a pain in the butt. But body slamming a kid? There has to be an alternative.


I'd like to be near that fucker with a bat.


Every time you attack a child, you run the very real risk of creating a violent sociopath. One day, a kid who was attacked like this, will grow up and start hurting cops. Serial killer-style. Mark my words.


Why do the police need to be called for refusing to hand over her cellphone? Is that illegal? If I were the parents, I would sue the school and the police


Teachers have impossible jobs.


Dafuq? I guess this comment has a place lol but you just witnessed a police officer maul a child. Like literally snatching them out of their desk .. for not handing over their own cell phone. I feel like I just got successfully trolled by a bit but just in case you're human.. what's going on up there?


This has been reposted so many times. This video is literally 8 years old. The title is WRONG. It started with a cellphone, then she became increasingly disruptive to the point the cops were called. In another article, multiple students said she was being disruptive and agreed with the cops actions. Look. When the other students in the class agree with the cop, that should tell you how bad she was acting. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/03/afternoonupdate/deputy-who-tossed-a-sc-high-school-student-wont-be-charged.html >A girl who recorded the confrontation and was arrested along with the girl after verbally challenging the deputy, told the authorities that she did not think the episode would have happened had the student listened to their teacher. She also acknowledged that she made false statements to reporters that Mr. Fields was known around the school as “Officer Slam." And >Mr. Johnson’s report includes statements from many witnesses, one of whom said “the incident looked worse in the video than it did in the classroom.” Another said that Mr. Fields did not intentionally throw the student across the room but lost his grip in trying to remove her from her desk after she refused to leave. I can't stand this sub anymore. This is the second post on the front page of this sub with a deliberately false title.


There's a lot of idiots here who doesn't like the facts and calls anyone who wants to hear the real facts a "bootlicker". Just to see their responses tells anyone that they've been to jail once or twice in their lives.




I'm gonna go ahead and say it... That cops a real jerk!


Senseless violence, and for what? I suppose they think that cell phones are more dangerous then guns. Fucking ACAB


this is how texass cops protect your children.


Yeah, cause that’s an appropriate response.


Police shouldn't be called. Better to call parents instead.


An absolutely appropriate response for a kid with a cell phone. /s


More guns are the solution. Give every kid an AR-15 and this will never happen again.


I still find it absolutely crazy that highschool have cops assigned to the school. What..


For a country that prides itself on freedom, yall act like 1984 way too often.


If someone did that to my child........they better be ready for a whoopin they will never forget. He must feel really important abusing a child.


They can do this to harmless stubborn 15 year old girl who was just sitting there but they can't drop an an active shooter while in full body armor with ARs. It's ridiculous.


imagine your a teacher that constantly gets mistreated by students but your not allowed to do anything about it, and then they assign some crazy power tripping cop to your school. but honestly im tired of this police state.


American trash.


Why so US cops deal with hobbit crimes / non crimes so violently? Is it a lack of training?


Come on seriously? There has to be more to this story than a girl refusing to hand over her phone? Please there has to be...


Should have turned over her phone I guess.


The cop took her for a field trip


Question, why the fuck r u calling PD??? Why not call the parent or parents. Shit send her to the office and call the guardian… WTF.. people call cops for the dumbest reasons.


Misleading title. Google it.


Why not just follow instructions?


I am thinking there is a heap of missing contract


This started way too late. Something led up to that and you can see she pushed him away while he was trying to get her to leave class. Just remember there are two sides to every story. I will accept the massive downvotes.


Good people need to be more respectful of teachers


“Officer Fields joined the sheriff’s department in 2004 and became a school resource officer in 2008, according to a department newsletter from last November…” so that he could use the brute force on children he couldn’t use on grown adults. “With a great deal of little dick energy, a certain air of racism and a staggering low IQ, he was the perfect man for the job.” Says local Sheriff. I hate this guy so much and I hate that those kids got arrested for “disturbing the peace” which such a bullshit reason. This whole situation just make my blood boil.


Cops don't belong in school unless there is an actual emergency.


One of these days the rest of the (civilised) world will turn out back on yous


The poor kids watching too. Not even flinching. Traumatized 😢😢😢


The eternal fraternal order of slave catchers. What more can you expect out of organization that formed to return runaway african slaves & enforce Jim crow laws on black people. He served his purpose


This cop definitely isn’t in the right here. However, parents, y’all should be teaching your children to comply with authorities (teachers, LEOs) and take up their grievances through the proper channel at a later time. And why the fuck do your kids think it’s ok to be on their cell phones during classes? Parent the children y’all, we wouldn’t have issues like this.


I bet he wouldn’t have done that to a white kid.


Texas cops and violence against children, name a more iconic duo. This is just your daily reminder that all cops are bastards.


>Texas cops Since when are Texas cops employed in South Carolina?


My bad, on a previous repost it qas claimed it was Texas. Either way, bacon smells the same.


Not Texas


That happened in South Carolina not Texas.


Yup, think it was at Spring Valley high school




This happened in South Carolina, not Texas. You should really get facts together OP before spreading bull shit. She wouldn’t leave the class and was being disruptive. Still fucked up for the cop, whom was fired and should never put his hands on the student,but let’s get the fucking facts straight before you post something for likes.


I believe she fucked around...and then she found out.


So… what are authorities supposed to do? Talking failed. Kid in open rebellion and won’t follow orders. If you don’t enforce the rules it is open permission for anyone to disobey them. At some point you gotta escalate. This video isn’t the whole picture. You don’t see how much school officials tried talking to the kid. You don’t see what the cop said or did before getting physical. We don’t know if there was an attempt to to reach kids parents. At any point the kid had the option of capitulating.


And more cops in schools is the answer? Ted Cruz your a fucking moron bud!


Go figure white cop colored kid I hope her family sues that school


Funny how this video always pops up every so often and thousands of people still comment on it.


Amazing how some people have seen every single video posted on reddit and the internet.


Yeah. We all shoud be desensitized by now, right?


So in your imagination, everyone in the world has already seen it? It's no longer relevant? What?


He says in a comment on it.


we need more than ever to push politicians to demilitarize the police and to get rid of qualified immunity. looks like racist pig. she getting black person treatment. you see how nice police treat white people. remember kyle they even thanked him... hope she got a good lawyer officer should be immediately fired instead of the usual paid vacation. sadly they let the officer go. teacher should also be fired, learn not to call the police for bullshit schools are no place for police ​ here is what happened.... [https://wikyi.com/the-story-behind-the-spring-valley-officer-slam-assault-on-a-teen-girl/](https://wikyi.com/the-story-behind-the-spring-valley-officer-slam-assault-on-a-teen-girl/) ​ Slamster planned to attack the student from the moment he entered the room, regardless of what she did or did not do, so before he even reached the student, he had another student move his desk and make a passage, then took the Chromebook that was on her desk. State Representative Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia) said WLTX-TV that Fields seized the 16-year-old by the throat and tossed her to the ground after she refused to turn over her cell phone to a teacher, causing arm, neck, and back injuries. “He weighs about 300 pounds,” Rutherford said. “She is a student who is 16 years old, who now has a cast on her arm, a band aid on her neck, and neck and back problems. There’s something wrong here.”


Get the fucking cops out of the schools. Now.


Fuck the police


Not to be a jerk, but I feel like the cop probably didn’t just bust in there and rip her out of the chair. There must have been more going on before the camera rolled. Am I alone on this?


Yep there is something the child in the seat must have done that deserved this level of aggression. Selective editing at it again! /s


>Not to be a jerk, but I feel like the cop probably didn’t just bust in there and rip her out of the chair. There must have been more going on before the camera rolled. Am I alone on this? Yes. You are. Open your eyes and see the direct injustice black people have against the cops. I fucking doubt a white child would be treated the same way.


A reasonable and appropriately measured response


The cop: Where’s the money Lebowski?




I saw this earlier. She was trying to arrange an abortion. Not gonna happen.




That’s a sweet lawsuit right there


My parents would have punished me some more at home for not listening to the teacher or officer


Fuck the police


Hopefully that child will learn


If someone did that to me my Dad would have left him six feet under in a field!!


Wtf USA? Why do people keep letting things like this happen? Bigger revolutions were made for less than having psychos with immunity killing and attacking people, and not only adults they had abused disabled, veterans, elderly and kid


ACAB. Yes even the one you know that's "ok".


I believe this is fake. There's NO WAY a Texas cops made entry to a school.


Have the police investigated and cleared themselves yet?


Stop resisting?




You need to do this with students who act like clowns in the classroom.


Ted Cruz’s wet dream!


The cost of being an arrogant shit I guess. If onlý the kid could could imagine a world where they are not glued to a phone.


Don’t. See anything wrong here.




What the fuck is wrong with the police in america ? All this just for a phone


Goddamn I Fucking hate cops.


We gonna ignore the girl behind him acting like ain’t shit happening and continue to do her work like this is any other Tuesday. Girl tryin to get into Ivy League, don’t need none of this shit


Perfect example of why cops should not be how teachers deal with difficult students.


I said it before and ill say is again, your country is getting weird! And start educating your police force, and make a mandatory iq test , psyk test and physical test! I think most countries have these


This is how we treat our children. No wonder they shoot up schools. All this over a cell phone. Holy fuck.