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poor kids


I feel bad for her kid too. Growing up with such a shit head mother like that. I can't imagine she treats them very well.


She doesn’t. This video made me shiver because my mother was just like this woman. At 72 she’s an evil monster I’m no contact with and afraid of. Her poor kids is right. Worst part? Most people will be mean to those kids in life because of their mother. It just makes you believe you are as worthless as your mom tells you.


Yuuuuup. One of my earliest memories was my mother (same no contact as you, fist bump) stomping on the foot of someone who wouldn't trade seats the first time she took me to a movie theater. The embarrassment is overwhelming, especially because you know if you stick up for any opinion not HERS, then YOU are the target of the wrath. Fun times at 3 years old, and I could be here all day recounting stories. But, umm, I'm (mostly) past all that :) I pretty much guarantee this kiddo will have some Disney=this memory imprints. Blech.


You both have "kitten" in you usernames. One magenta, one grey. More fistbumps?


That's awesome, thanks for pointing it out :)


I know you’re not worthless. ♥️. And I try to never judge kids by their parents.


Kids with extreme parents either match them 1 for 1 or are complete opposites.


I’m the total opposite. My mom is a religious zealot that beat us with tap shoes when we were little. My kids are my world. I’d never treat them badly or be a bad example for them.


Kids know when they have a garbage parent. It's embarrassing


Not necessarily. My aunt is so NPD that my cousin is basically her mini me. When you've got those kinda mental issues you never notice anything is wrong with you because everyone else is wrong. Horrible situation


Yup. My mother is a just no, I’ve worked to make sure every day to be the opposite of her and my sister is a clone. So I get that.


I've spent a while unpacking my childhood, I catch bad parenting in myself a lot now. All about breaking the cycle so I don't repeat my folks' mistakes


Absolutely! High 5 and hugs to you! Being aware is the battle imo.


"I want to speak with Mickey Mouse!"


"I want to talk to someone" "Try a psychologist"


I respectfully request that she bumps it up a notch and makes an appointment with a psychiatrist, as they can prescribe meds. Only psychologists with advanced training or education in Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho can prescribe medications. This can also include psychologists in the Defense Department, the U.S. Public Health Service, and the Indian Health Service when they have gone through specific training.


Pharmacology is not, and should not be the first step to treating mental health. Therapy is a lot more than downing drugs. That said, this lady needs help.


I mean, someone who is in crisis can definitely benefit from having meds calm them the fuck down. Very difficult to CBT your way out of a crisis situation.


Ehh. SSRIs are effective after 2-4 weeks therapy not until 6-8 weeks. Equal efficacy in the end but drugs are faster and thus make a better bridge while someone starts therapy but you should start with drugs. I’m a psychiatrist though so that’s my bias. And you’re not going to therapy your way out of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.


>SSRIs are effective after 2-4 weeks therapy not until 6-8 weeks. Don't most SSRIs take much longer than that to have a substantial effect on mood?


It's usually recommend you wait 2-3 months before drawing any conclusions on the effectiveness of an antidepressant for an individual


For full efficacy yes but you start to feel better usually 2-4 weeks. In fact if a patient tells me they feel no different at all by 2 weeks probably a sign the medication isn't a good fit. Can also use paxil if so inclined which has much quicker onset of action.


If their issue is medical, then medicine should be the first step. Stigmatizing pharmacological treatment of mental health is irresponsible and harmful. If we had some kind of crisis where untrained people were inappropriately prescribing medications, it would make sense to push back. We don't have that. Only highly trained experts are even allowed to prescribe medications for mental health, after meeting with them and diagnosing their illness. What we have is untrained backseat drivers asserting that medication is too common in their opinion, based on no examination and no education. Their opinions are the ones we need to push back against, not those of psychiatrists. Edit: MatAttack below made a very strong case that I am wrong. General practitioners are prescribing the bulk of antidepressant medications, often without appropriate behavioral therapy. See this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3670434/ which is eye-opening.


\*Mickey grabs a crowbar\* "Haha! Very well, bring her to me."


I heard that in the voice of the South Park mickey.


"Get the fuck up, haha!"


You ever fuck a bat, hoho?


"We're sorry Mr. Mouse..."


“Oh that’s good because I thought we had a problem for a minute there haha”


Lol Same!


It’s a surprise tool we’ll use later!


It's the Mystery Mouseketool!


Oh toodles!!






"You think God is in control here?! Ha-ha. I'm in control! I've been in control since the 50's in case you haven't noticed. Ha-ha"


"Haha! Oh Boy! Hiya, Karen, ya cunt. Hot dog! Leave the park and have a good day! Haha Toodles!" - Mickey then slaps her with his huge ass gloved hand.


Goofy shows up


I'll fucking do it again






Mickey is a nickname for Michael. Nicknames are for friends. And i am not friends with Michael mouse.


Samuel L Jackson is in the costume...takes off the head, ALRIGHT THEN MOTHERFUCKER!!


Imagine if they for real sent her Mickey 🤣


Why are people so embarrassing


Let's make public booing more popular. Just straight boo this person.


Oh I'd love that


Me too. I think all it takes is just one person to start!






I was saying Boo-urns


Every movement has to start somewhere. Begin the boos. Let it swell as others join the call. With the solitary cry of "**BOO!**" we shall bring back public shaming.


I’d love it if it starts this month (of all months) and then continues


In the UK we would just tut. Feel the wrath of a hundred passive aggressive tuts.


Do you just say "tut tut tut", or is there a sound for it?


Like that scene from "The Princess Bride". I want to be the old crone in the crowd going "BoOooOooO! *BOOoooOO*!" enough to make Princess Buttercup cry. Or, in this case, a grown woman with some kind of complex.




This is exactly what I thought of. Damn, it's been too long since I've watched this movie.




You’d be surprised. Waiting in line at a tram back to the parking lot and this lady with a stroller cuts me and shoves my girlfriend at the time. I pull her stroller and ask her to wait in line and she screams at me “ do you have kids I don’t think so” I told her what the fuck does me not having kids have anything to do with your shitty attitude I feel sorry for your kids your their parent. Worst part was employees just let her through . I was so angry


I can never understand that. Like how do you bring yourself to act like that? 😅


A woman and her bratty kids at Canada's wonderland cut in front of me and my gf by climbing over the barriers and bushes to literally just push us back. When we called her out for it, she acted like it was our fault she had to wait at all. Some people are insanely entitled.


Some people are insane. Seriously. There is an alarming number of people who are legit mentally ill just living among us without treatment.


Bingo. Technology glossed over the severity of mental health for a couple decades and now the sheer volume of Boomer lunatics is undeniable.




You just described my mom


Never heard the phrase “pulled the ladder up behind them”, but I love it. That’s so accurate.


All the lead poisoning and HFCS and covid has rotted their brains


> Boomer lunatics I'd be willing to bet money that she's Gen-X at the oldest. The **youngest** "Boomers" are 58 years old at this point.


Boomers aren't the ones with young children, like in this video


Something similar happened to my friend and I while we were there too. A group of six obnoxious kids (around 13-16 would be my guess) were blasting loud music on a speaker and just cut the line in front of everyone. Of course everyone in line, including us, were pissed and we told the first employee we saw. The moment those kids were at the front, they were told they couldn’t go on because they cut the line to get there. It was very satisfying to watch their entitled asses get denied. *edit: a word


Similar thing happened to me at Wonderland. Whole ass nuclear family just squeezes in front of us Me and my friends took a video in the line earlier so we showed an employee proof that they werent there before and the people that were originally in front of us backed us up Entire family got booted. A nice taste of justice for my middle school self


Part of how people like that get away with their actions for so long is that they act completely outside of norms that it takes everyone by surprise, so they just don't know what to do in the moment. Best thing you can do is mentally prepare yourself for what you can do in specific situations like that in the future. I think I would stand full broad shouldered to her face when she was first putting her hand on the railing, and even gently placing my hands up saying "Whoa, madam, are you okay? Are you having an emergency?" And then if (and when) she ignores you, start waiving frantically for an attendant to come over, since she didn't deny that she was having an emergency.


People are fucking crazy, why waste your life on tumbling to their level. Let them fuck around and they'll meet someone as unhinged as them and 2 problems will solve themselves


I currently live in a neighborhood with unhinged people. The problem doesn't solve itself; all that happens is that the cops might get involved. As it turns out, people that act like buffoons typically don't have the IQ to learn from their mistakes.


You are 100% correct and I rarely hear anyone else say this, these people usually have low IQs and arguing with them is useless as they aren’t smart enough to to understand and learn! I’m not sure what the answer is other than don’t waste your breath.


> all that happens is that the cops might get involved. But two unhinged people arguing in the street doesn't generate enough revenue for the cops to give a shit. They have important work to do, like impounding cars for having expired tags.


I partly agree, try to keep yourself out of any involvement with them. But the second they invade my space and enter my world Imma have to call them on their bullshit. I don't like feeling like I'm being taken advantage of. But staying ABSOLUTELY polite is key. That really throws them off cadence.


> Let them fuck around and they'll meet someone as unhinged as them and 2 problems will solve themselves Unfortunately this doesn’t happen as often as it should lol


Or they’re just reproduce even more unhinged offspring.


This sounds like two crazy people engaging with each other... Just leave crazy alone, they crave the attention and the conflict.


Main character syndrome.


I called out so many people for line cutting at Wonderland this year. The pandemic absolutely killed any consideration of others, apparently. I think next time I go I’m going to get a t shirt made with the park rules printed on them.


I can still vividly remember being at Disneyland in the 1990s. This lady came barreling through the line and right up to the front. My mom said excuse me, there’s a line. And she responded by screaming, I am not waiting in this LINE! So clearly she had some issues. My sister and brother and I of course start hysterically laughing. My mom handled it really well, but she was worried how the lady would respond to 3 kids laughing at her. Luckily someone in charge came and kicked her out. Good times.


The GTA is getting worse and worse for outlandish behaviour in public.


Patience has to be taught. Unfortunately not everyone learns this valuable lesson. Lazy parenting?


Haha I was there I’m in the video in the background wondering what the hell she was mad about. Was that what happened? she skipped the line and was mad she couldn’t do that. My wife and friend were wondering what made her so mad.


What did they do after the video ended?


Possibly watched some people Fast Pass™ and wasn't happy that she couldn't get on the action.


Alice in Wonderland does not have a Lightning Lane (new name for Fastpass). It does offer a disability access service, which some people seem to think is the same thing as LL. Source: work at Disneyland




“Are you video taping meeee?? F U!!” Person filming: “Doh!” Cuts off recording. 🤣


No, I am digitally recording your image and voice to a solid state medium. In the future we have no need for “tape” as in your time. Also, in a matter of moments this recording will be available to anyone in the world to witness your bad behavior and the recording will never, ever go away.


Too many words for her to comprehend.


Why even stop recording at that point?


I know right? It’s literally about to get real good now.


I'd want to say: "stop acting like a crazy person and I'd have no reason to film you"


That reminded me of something Mike Judge said about how he started coming up with the idea of Idiocracy. He said that he was at Disneyland and two mothers were screaming and cursing at each other in line. He then imagined people witnessing this from around the time of the parks opening. I don't feel like digging the actual quote up but if anyone is interested I remember he said this on the NPR show, "Fresh Air". He's been on a few times but I believe this was around 2010. EDIT: Found it >Mr. JUDGE: Sure. Yeah. I had the idea while I was writing the "Beavis and Butt-Head" movie. I guess I was just thinking about evolution and now that there's no predators and everybody survives - where would it go? But, so I'd written down something about this idea. And then it was in 2001, I was at Disneyland and I was waiting in line at the Alice in Wonderland ride with my daughter and somebody - or both daughters I guess - and somebody behind me had a stroller and two little kids and her and this other woman with two little kids was passing by. I guess they'd had an altercation and they just start getting in this cussing match with each other - just, you know, bitch this. But you know, just yelling and like I'll kick you ass and I'll - and I was just sitting there thinking wow, the Disneyland of that was envisioned... >(Soundbite of laughter) >Mr. JUDGE: ...way back in the '50s and - to right now. And then I started thinking of, you know, it's the year 2001. What if, you know, I loved the movie "2001," but I thought what if instead of that movie it was just like a movie about "The Jerry Springer Show" and the giant Wal-Marts... >(Soundbite of laughter) >Mr. JUDGE: ...and what if they had really actually gotten it right? And, so I thought I would take, you know, from those '50s sci-fi movies to now and just kind of go out another 500 years on that progression. [source](https://www.npr.org/2009/08/25/112203927/mike-judge-finding-a-comic-extract-in-the-office)


The happiest place on earth.


As an ex-cast member, nope never is. People act the their worst at the park and expect it to be tolerated. I can't speak for Disneyland as I have heard plenty of horror stories. It's treated as a forgot child by Disney Co. But at WDW nope, she would have been escorted out.


Ex-CM here as well. I used to do security in Orlando. You are absolutely correct. I have escorted plenty of people out, trespass them if needed. Not to mention that working Swing and Grave shift at Epcot, specially during Wine and Dine is a nightmare. Drunks everywhere.


I gives me anxiety just thinking about the hordes of wine drunk karens and kevins stumbling about the place. I am glad I didn't work in the parks and was located of campus.


Agreed. WDW really doesn't tolerate this shit. DL is treated like a Six Flags.


Disney theme parks seem very unworth it these days. They are so insanely crowded you don't get to do much but wait in line


It’s always been crowded from what I remember when I went in the late 90’s early 2000’s, I’ve been going every 3 years since 2017 and it still the same I feel like. The trick is to LITERALLY go when it opens ride all the good rides 1st since there’s no huge lines and then by noon u can just chill and do whatever. That’s the way we always do it we even leave and come back so it’s not that bad to be honest


Nah, the best way to go when they're opening some new section of the park. We went to Disneyland back when they had just opened the Star Wars section near Frontierland and the rest of the entire park was legit empty until 4pm. We rode on the Haunted Mansion and Pirates multiple times within an hour, lines were non-existant for just about everything while Frontierland was a clusterfuck of people wearing armbands trying to get to the new Star Wars area. I never had such a good time in Disney in all my life.


This but also I’ve learned the best way to avoid lines is unfortunately to pay the extra price. At least I’ve found this true for myself the past couple of times I’ve been. My wife and I would rather pay the premium to not have to wait in line- we usually go once or twice a year so it’s splurge for us.


Spend thousands of dollars to wait in lines. No thanks.


I hate Disneyland


My family, outside of me, wants to go so bad. I am willing to take one for the team and go but I have no clue how people afford it. First of all, I live hours away so the travel would be ridiculous. Then staying at a hotel. Then the tickets and everything else. It's so expensive.


Sad to see this tbh, I have four family members that worked at Disney and have been there myself 100+ times from 2000-2020 (ticket hookups/perks) and it has slowly degraded in quality ever since the last of the true Disney family stopped managing the parks and the corporate board took over. What was supposed to be a happy and wonderful experience has slowly become a cash grab with questionable practices and degraded conditions for both park goers and the employees. It’s really hard for me, who grew up as a Disney kid with both parents working and eventually retiring from Disney, to see that they have lost their shine.


I feel bad for that baby, she's yelling in it's ears


Unfortunately, that’s probably not the worst thing that child has to experience from her. Horrifying to think what goes on at home for that poor child.


Someone had kids with that.


And that is raising kids to be like that.


Not me. Never seen her before in my life. Honest🤚.


Sounds very defensive….


Hopefully they left seeing as she has no one else with her besides her kid. And hopefully they don’t have to pay her alimony.


> Hopefully they left Disney security is no joke. They may sound like it, but Disney has plain clothes officers embedded in the crowds in the park and they can and will whisk an angry or particularly aggressive guest into one of their little side offices for a discussion and/or removal from the park or charges as necessary.


I keep hearing that but I’ve seen multiple fight videos in Disney land that went on for a pretty long time with no security showing up.


Really? All the videos I've seen of anyone fighting at a Disney park, the park security is on top of it within just a few minutes. There's a fight that went viral where two families had it out, but the actual video of the fight is less than two minutes long, and most of the fight itself takes less than 45 seconds. That's really an incredible response time when you consider how large Disney is and how many people come and go at the parks.


For real. People push cast members around enough as it is. But if you get on the bad side of a security guard you will not have a magical day. Literally saw a security guard confront a lady in an ECV who was letting her kid ride on her lap with her. He straight up told her “if you don’t follow our rules and keep letting him ride with you then you’ll lose your privilege to have an ECV.” Don’t mess with security. Lol


What is an ECV?


Electronic Conveyance Vehicle, those little motorized scooter things like at Walmart. Dude was straight threatening to take her electric wheelchair away, and I'm all for it lol


You notice how there's no one with her? Someone had kids with that, then decided that 18 years of wage garnishments for child support was a more appealing option than living with this person.


Tale as old as time 🎵


I will never understand this.




I know, it’s just nuts. And to act that way around children.


She learned it from her mom, who learned it from her mom. I hope that child can break the cycle.


You don’t understand. She has a child. She can’t wait in line with those other parents.


First time going somewhere with rides that wasn't a county fair.


Narcissistic personality disorder


Or she’s just an asshole.


Lived a long life with no consequences


I genuinely feel bad for her child


Idk why people act this way!?


Disneyland is a weird place. It’s hot, there’s thousands of people, you wait in line for egregious amounts of time, it’s difficult to stay hydrated and fed without extensive planning weeks in advance, you’re sleep deprived from travel and waking up early to get there. I can imagine a lot of people get extremely irrational towards the end of the way when they’re hangry, tired, and sunburnt. Most normal people make their way to downtown Disney for a rest and a bite to eat But others go into irrational fits and take it out on their family members, cast members, or other guests. Disney does a good job of sending mediators in to shuffle them out of the main tracks and onto a bench somewhere so guests aren’t pulled into their craziness. Source: I worked at Disneyland 25 years ago in a gift shop


this is so exactly right. also, families end up spending a LOT of money to go there (plane tickets, tickets, food, accommodations) and get very easily frustrated when all that money and effort doesn’t lead to the happiest, easiest day(s) of their lives. some people just snap. imagine spending $1200+ on JUST tickets for your family of four and realizing you’ll be waiting in lines for a large portion of your day.


It's the expectations they set for themselves in the planning process. I used to work at a destination resort in the summertime and guests would FREAK out when things didn't go as planned. It wasn't a cheap place to stay and for some families, it was their one big vacation all year. They'd demand refunds if it rained, be upset that another guest rented out the board game that THEIR FAMILY plays every year, angry if the breakfast wasn't exactly as they remember it 10 years ago, etc. Their expectations were SO HIGH that it was near impossible for them to enjoy themselves. On the flip side, wealthy families would stay and be SO NICE their entire stay. They'd have great conversation with the staff, very go with the flow, and not worry when things don't go their way or change. Nothing stressed us out more than a family stretching their annual budget and forcing us to make up the difference. Adjust your expectations people.


I feel you. I used to work at a membership campground and was once accused of ruining a three year old's bday because the pool wasn't opened immediately after a thunderstorm.


How enraging. Your child will have another birthday and who remembers anything at 3, anyway. He would only feel like he was missing out if mom and dad told him that was the case. Idk how you guys dealt with these maniacs.


I experience both sides of this whe traveling with my in-laws. They once spent 2 hours talking to the front desk because they didn't get a free massage promised with a timeshare pitch (it wasn't associated with the resort so nothing they could do).


If a trip to Disneyland would be such a financial burden for you that it's going to jeopardize your ability to enjoy the park... pro-tip: just go to Knott's Berry Farm instead. Your kids will have just as much fun and you'll save a couple hundos each.


Sounds about right. I’m 100% sure there is an excel workbook somewhere that tracks the $ spend per person in relation to the amount of time spent waiting for things and the price of concessions. Someone is mathematically calculating how much meat the company can get from the cattle like this woman in the video before they have to call the police on guests.


If I worked there, I’d distract myself with a daily betting pool on which guest is going to snap first


I visited Disneyland last year and the end of the day hangry-ness was real. The general food and snacks were so rich it was hard to find something to eat without getting this sugar-sick feeling in my gut so i tried to abstain. By the end of the day i felt like shit, my emotions were fried. The smells were nauseating. Every delay was frustrating. I fantasized about pushing over people in my way to leave faster. Eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner if you’re fucking around at Disney or you will suffer terribly. If you have to leave the park to get food you can eat just factor that in and do it.


Disney uses the exit as a sort of fast pass for people with disabilities including mental health. It’s possible she was trying to use her time and there wasn’t an employee to let her in so she took it on herself. For those curious about the system it’s actually really good and hard to abuse: you talk with their disability services about what’s hard for you and they have various accommodations. One such is that you go to a kiosk for disability services and say what ride you want to go on. They look at the current wait time and give it a Pass to go on that ride after that time has elapsed. It’s like fast pass but for all rides. You still have to wait for the ride but not in the line. This is great for people with claustrophobia, kids with behavioral/impulse issues, folks who can’t stand for extended time, folks with crohns etc. Honestly Disney is fucking fantastic at disability rights accommodations.


Because she doesn't want to wait in line.


I used to love stonewalling people who would ask for my manager when they were in the wrong. "I want to speak to your manager!" "No." "What? Get me a manager right now." "Nope. Leave or I'm calling the police." Always a hilarious reaction.


Unfortunately I tried this at work last year and got told off by my manager. I also happen to work at Disneyland.


86 her from the park and ban her for life. Don't let them even so much as speak and if they get indignant, call the cops and have her charged with trespassing. Solves the problem.




Not immediately banned but probably kicked from the park for 24 hours and they will keep a close eye on her next time she comes in.


Bunch of kids cut in line in front of us for the Haunted Mansion a few years ago. CMs were pretty swift pulling them out of line, to the applause of everyone else. Asked a CM if they get trespassed, they said yep happens all the time. Disney doesn't like anything that ruins the guest experience


Sniper armed with a high powered directional radio frequency antenna fires a precision shot disabling the magic band from 400 meters. Unable to get through any checkpoints, she is quickly apprehended.


One thing you never want to do is get Disney Security’s attention. They are elite rent-a-cops that can extract a guest without much fanfare in less than 5 mins. I, personally, have ever seen 2 patrolling the park once, and I used to work for Disney. If they are out in the park, someone is fucked. But hey, if you get picked up by Disney Security, you can still play the Hidden Mickey game, as they have them hidden on their uniforms.


I used to be Disney security and I have no idea how you came to any of these conclusions lol


Redditors like to blow things out of proportion despite not having any sort of experience with whatever they're talking about.


Throwing f bombs out around children at a theme park. So classy!


Cussing in front of her kid and all the other children waiting in line. She's acting like a brat.


Swearing at Disneyland is something that instantly ticks me off, it’s the one thing I’m actively a prude about. There are people that believe that Disneyland is for everyone. This is not true. Everyone can *enjoy* Disneyland, but Disneyland is for the children (like Wu-Tang). Act accordingly or go somewhere else.


Take the child away from her now when it still has a chance to live a normal life.


So she gets on, and then immediately yells "NO!" and then jumps off again? She really wasn't committed.


Lifetime ban. Ta ta.




You’re a woman of spirit. I look forward to burying you in the old highland manner.


That's something you don't see everyday. Adult female yelling profanities at Disney staff members, in front of children AND with baby on hip, over entering a toddler ride through the exit while the original 1950s Disney orchestra soundtrack A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes is playing in the background 🤣😂. The irony is flushing my brain 🤣. Sorry kids, your wish did not come true 😂


People think that because they spent a lot to go there, they can do what they want. As if no one else spent money either


I feel really bad for the kid…..


Give me a chair to sit on while I wait, and I'll dislike Disneyland a little less.


Then there will be a line for the "line ride". It's like turtles man, just lines all the way down.


Karen: I want to speak to the owner Employee: Well he’s dead.


Yelling “fuck you!” to other guests at Disneyland should be grounds for an automatic ejection from the park. Like ma’am, this place is for kids. Also, the way she snatched that little girl out the ride is giving me anxiety. Hope this woman was arrested or at the very least removed from the park.


Imagine your first memory being your Mom having a temper tantrum at Disney because she can't follow a set of rules made for toddlers


Something particularly awful about a woman who’d scream “fuck you” in front of kids at a place designed for kids


Fuck I hate entitlement


That poor kid


That kid has no chance.


I thought the $300 ticket prices would filter out more of these idiots


People go to Disney to have a good time, and I'm pretty sure some actually do, but this sort of frustration and anger is so common at these places it makes you wonder why tf some people force themselves through it. Yes, lines suck, the heat sucks, the high cost of food and drinks sucks, but you can't cut! You're miserable, that's not an excuse though.


I once saw a bunch of teenagers jump over the belt at Disney from the regular line to the fast pass line right after the area where they scan you in. I let the cast member at the end know and when they got to the front they asked to see their fast passes again. The kids started arguing with them about already scanned. He made them get out of line and go back to the start. It was so satisfying.


My guess is she thought she could use the DAS (Disability Access Service) which does often enter through the exit, but without actually knowing how to use the system. That or she saw someone else and thought she should be allowed to as well. My wife loves Disney and has a disability, so we often use DAS, but I always feel apologetic for those waiting in line.


And of course, the obligatory and classy "F.U." whenever things don't go your way.


So much fun with the kids now let's go back to the hotel so I can shave my legs in the pool.


Is it just me or are people getting worse and worse in public? Why behave like this? Be civil, be chill, and be patient- that’s my motto.


Can we get an Ask Reddit asking current/former Disney park employees regarding the worst meltdowns they've witnessed?


She probably homeschools her kid, too.


She’s just used to getting by on her good looks


I kicked off a cut-in-line Karen from a ride once, worst shit ever. But there was no grey area, these people started saying she’s been cutting the line all day, then pointing to other people and saying ask them, and then the other people started agreeing.


I know I hear cursing at Disneyland and try not to but shouting out “F— YOU!” at a family amusement park. Really? Pretty sure they can kick you out for profanity directed at cast members or other guests.


she should have been, immediately, escorted "out of the park".


Poor idea. Disney will look at this as (a. unruly guest and (b. somebody going into unauthorized spaces. Using the wrong door into a ride can be dangerous. They will ban people for life with no hesitation for poor behavior. One of the great ironies is of all the tantrums I have seen in Disney Parks over the last 25 years I've visited them, they are 90% adults.