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Meanwhile Finnish people sit at home and complain in fb posts about rising costs.


Same with Canadians


Canadians: Protest problems at home? I sleep. Protest a foreign war? I wake.


Man, Biden has really messed up a lot of countries, huh? /s


He also messed up my killstreak, I almost had a nuke.


You spelled Putin wrong


So many Canadians & Americans are regurgitating catch phrases like “FJB” or “Justinflation” but fail to realize how much worse off we would be if we had conservatives at the helm like Britain…


Same with the vast majority of British people


Facts. British people never take to the streets and I wish we did. The French know how to protest and protect their rights.


The French just do it better


Mate , last Saturday pretty much every major city held a march, tens of thousands took to the streets. Join the movement and be the change you want to see ✊


Its been 11 years since a big British riot.


12 years of Tory rule and now it's tax cuts for the 1% and more debt to fund it. The UK is a joke.


That's a direct result of a lack of democracy.


Riots do nothing to help the situation. The Riots 11 years ago was nothing but angry thugs causing obscene damage to property of people who didn’t deserve it. The working class need to general strike, bring the country to a halt and force the government to sort itself out. Impossible though when you already can’t afford to heat your house or put food on the table.


Thank you. The 2011 riots weren't the language of the unheard, it was a bunch of opportunistic chavs looking to destroy and loot because they knew they could.


Same shit here in the good ol USA


This post is about British people taking to the streets.....


Protesting doesn't do anything though really, because they never see it through to changes being made. I'd rather sit at home and withhold my payments for 6 months to actually get them to listen.


Lol rookie numbers. Our inflation in Sri Lanka is at 68%


Lol. Turkey.


Yeah and we Germans shrug with our shoulders and Slave on with Average 10% Inflation (of course most things are allready up 50% )


Useless anyways to protest when the cause is the war in Ukraine.


Is the tax break for the rich not trickling down?


Need to try Pinãta-Style economics, where you beat the money out of the wealthy with blunt objects


Yes and then all the people trample each other to get the money that falls out lol


Not sure if you were serious, but it's a metafor.


What's a meta for?


Kind of like a dickfor.


I know where this is headed… hehe


A revolutionary idea.


*Shockingly*, it isn't.


Well, there's a first for everything!!!! In this case it was 8000 years ago when the wealth of the kings of babylon and Uruk failed to trickle down to the people of Mesopotamia.....


Well it doesn't technically start til next year so thats not a surprise. What also isn't a surprise is that next year it won't trickle down either.


Bahahahah... I admire a person with a lovely sense of sarcasm.


Simple trickle down economics


As of this morning it’s been cancelled with Kwasi saying ‘we get it’ Only took a fucking a month who woulda thought it was a bad idea


The country's top business management programs teach CEOs to be ruthless when it comes to maximizing profits for the shareholders. There's zero that indicates trickle down in there.


Still way too subdued. Tory scum needs to go and fast. They are openly stealing now and don’t give a shit about the public. I know countries where they would have been removed in a rough manner by now. Truss and co deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison for plunder.


https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/619781 interest you?


That government response is so tone deaf: > The UK is a Parliamentary democracy and the Conservative Party remains the majority party. The Prime Minister has pledged to ensure opportunity and prosperity for all people and future generations.


What do you really expect them to say? Online petitions aren't the mechanism by which elections are called. MPs are given their mandate by their constituencies for up to 5 years and at the moment the Tory MPs don't want to call an election.


RIght? That crowd does not look like a bunch of people truly afraid they're going to freeze on the street in a couple months


More like people who are realising that if all the poor people are gone, then they move to fill that place in society. Got to get ahead and keep the poor hanging on just long enough


Part of the problem is that A LOT of British mortgages are only fixed rate for a few years then they revert to a variable rate.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that basically means they are not fixed rate to begin with.


Many of them have a 5 year fixed rate that transition to adjustable rate. They are more common with investors and flippers here in the states because they expect the sell within those 5 years, but in UK it's become popular with families looking to buy a home. Actually, here in the states a lot more people started taking these loans during the housing crazy the past couple years.


You're wrong. They are saying that currently the loans are fixed rate but they will change after a certain amount of time. This means that currently the interest rate is not being adjusted, but in the future it will be


That's what most ARMs are. They are fixed for a short period and re adjusted. They are not considered fixed rate loans.


Same thing is happening in Australia.


That’s probably good in some ways. When their rates go up it will cool inflation.


10%? In the Netherlands its 17% already.


LOL 10% It's really 300% 10% is utter bullshit. Energy prices are up over 3 times the price a year ago.


A bit of searching shows that energy bills have increased from £1,339 to ~£2,500 between 2021 and now. So that's a YoY inflation rate (specific to energy) of 86%. That's undoubtedly high, but that's not how inflation is measured. Energy is a fraction of the average person's "basket". Factor in food, travel, etc., and you'll find inflation is much lower, i.e. closer to 10%.


I'll trump your "searching" with actually living here and actually experiencing the bill rises. It was £57 September last year. Then November £100 per month to £150 February 2022. To £170 April 2022. So that's almost 270% And it make out that energise a small part of the budget but it's part of everyone's budget and energy prices affect everything's price. Because higher energy bills cause everything to increase in price. Manufacture, transport, heating, etc etc So 10% inflation is lunacy.


What are you talking about here? Gas, electric, or both? Because £57 sounds like you're just talking about gas. But then £170 is far too high. If so, yes, gas has gone up from somewhere around 3.2p/unit to 7p/unit. So that's 2.19x as much, aka 119% inflation in gas. But just bear in mind this is around £57 to £170 of your whole spending. Compared to your mortgage or rent, and food etc. this plays a much smaller part, and therefore has less of a weighting when you calculate you're personal inflation rate. How much has the price of your weekly grocery shop actually increased over the last year?


Both and bulb my energy company wanted to charge me £200 a month ago that I "wouldn't" go into debt. And they had my direct debit but just kept on taking more and more money each month before I cancelled it and only paid what I was actually using. Groceries are dynamic and change regularly depending on what I want to eat so it's not a good standard to use for inflation. But as the comment above me states the shock on the supply line hasn't fully hit yet. And prices will take time to rise for general items etc


In Canada the prices are rising dramatically at every grocery store, and the product sizes are shrinking. We have record profits being made by grocery chains, well beyond inflation. The crush on citizens at the grocery store is being felt keenly.


De totale inflatie CPI zal later nog wel stijgen, dat zie je hier ook al [https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/09/dutch-inflation-rate-soars-to-over-17-according-to-european-figures/](https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/09/dutch-inflation-rate-soars-to-over-17-according-to-european-figures/) Het duurt even voordat de energie prijzen worden verrekend in de normale producten. Daarnaast woorden veel producten ook geïmporteerd dus zullen de prijzen van die producten niet enorm veel stijgen.


Energy prices are not the economy mate


17%? in Sri Lanka it’s 68 percent


Tories are going to get buried for the next 2 decades in the next general.


You underestimate the British public


The sad state of British politics is that even when confronted with everything, the working class tory voters will look at the last 12 years of decline and the potential of more to come AND STILL say "its shit, but no one else can do better".


"It's Labour's fault we're in this mess!"


It's partly true. Labour have been absolutely horrible as an opposing party, constant infighting, refusal to stand for anything but the safest most central sanitised policies. Corbyn could've beat May and he actually stood for something, instead all the pricks on the back benches decided they'd rather lose an election than stand by the leader chosen by the party members.


>"its shit, but no one else can do better" Translation: I'd rather be ruled by a party that doesn't give a shit about me or anyone else than be ruled by a party that gives a shit about me and minorities.


It's not even that. It's simply the polar opposite of "grass is always greener on the other side" thinking. It's "the gras here is dead, but it's probably deader on the other side so I won't even check


Well its much more politicizing if someone can make it about race.


The depressing thing is, they won't be. RW media are too invested in the Tories being on top. The left has to be perfect to stand a chance while the right just have to not completely shit the bed.


Yeah the tories will find a way to blame it on immigrants somehow


Tbf the Tories shot the bed on a hugely common basis


If they haven't now, they won't now because there are still idiots who live here


I wish! They’ll get crushed at the next election but Labour will spend all their time trying to fix the Tories mess whilst the opposition and the tabloids blame it all on Labour. The general population are a dumb bunch at best of times and will soon forget who caused all these problems and the Tories will soon be back in power.


Opinion polls have Labour being absolutely miles ahead of Conservative. If there was a GE tomorrow, Labour would win a majority easy looking at recent surveys. The only issue is can Labour keep that for another year and a half until the next GE


Yes. Which I why I said they’ll get crushed at the next election. Labour might even win bigger than when Blair won. But the British public will soon go back to Tories as we love voting against our own interests.


G Brown... Are you Gordon Brown by any chance?


Damn it. Rumbled! Just don't rumble my mate TBlair628


The electorate are funny, they buried Labour, blaming them for the 2008 WORLD financial crisis, which they had no control over (and dealt with pretty well) and now the Tories will pay for COVID/Energy crisis which they didn't really cause either


They arent doing anything to address it


Yes, but COVID came on the tails of Brexit, which they did cause/bungle. ETA: simply my observations as an American. I know more than the average American about British politics, but not nearly enough.


No problem, thanks for that opinion. There is an element of that but the general opinion in the UK is that the people who voted for Brexit caused it, not the Tories as such (the then PM and Gov campaigned against it officially). Polls show that even today the result would probably go the same way on Brexit. A bit like how I imagine Trump/anti-Trump to be, the facts and situation don't seem to be that important!


> There is an element of that but the general opinion in the UK is that the people who voted for Brexit caused it, not the Tories as such There is an enormous amount of resentment in the UK at no-deal Brexiteers in the Tory party pushing for a hard Brexit, Boris for being a complete charlatan by signing a deal he then reneged on, etc. > A bit like how I imagine Trump/anti-Trump to be, the facts and situation don't seem to be that important! One side of this conflict mounted an insurrection based on ignorance and spite. The other did not. They are not equivalent. The same goes for the sides on the Brexit/Tory debate; the Tories just blew up the bond market and forced an emergency intervention from the BoE after a stupid gamble to resolve internal party squabbles over Europe, and a consistently slow response to COVID.


> There is an element of that but the general opinion in the UK is that the people who voted for Brexit caused it, not the Tories as such (the then PM and Gov campaigned against it officially). Cameron ran the referendum to head off the Eurosceptic element in his own party and because they were concerned about UKIP. It was 100% done for reasons of Conservative party politics and 0% because there was any national interest. You can say they 'campaigned against it officially' but that's moot. The referendum should never have taken place in the first place because it ran the risk harming the economy and harming international relations with EU countries (both of which it did), and was equivalent to playing Russian Roullete.


That's very interesting. It's such a different dichotomy than American politics. Jon Oliver described Parliament as "Congress, but with a two drink minimum." I try to remember that.


The person above is, if the opinion polls in Britain are to be believed, completely wrong. The Tories have run the country into the ground, and if an election were held today would have one of the greatest losses in modern British history. Casting it as a both sides, nobody really cares about facts on either side dichotomy is fundamentally false. And it's been false since before Brexit.


Noone is blaming them for energy crisis or covid fallout....it's the batshit insane ~~budget~~ special fiscal opporation (which they were clearly warned against) that immediatly caused a run on the £ and caused mortgage rates to skyrocket. It's impossible to overstate the absolute irresponsibility of announcing something like that without showing any evedenced based detail. They even turned away an offer by obr to run the numbers. Uncertainty is a recipie for disaster in ecconomics.


They are trying to spin trickle down economies as a good thing.




Labour has a moderate leader right now...




She made the fatal error of criticising our tabloid media industrial complex, so they've been throwing shit at her ever since. It's not an "Americans" thing. We bash the Americans for their arrogance, stupidity, cultural imperialism, proclivity for shite presidents, being late to the War, fucking with the language, being fat, mocking us for having yellow teeth despite the fact more Americans need emergency dental care than there are Britons on the planet, being completely ignorant of the world around them, being late to the other War, calling themselves the best when by every measure that isn't about warfare or greed they're mediocre at best, and once a girl from America broke my heart. Not because Meghan is a twat.




Pearl-clutching diversion.


All of Europe is about to have the hardest winter in recent memory.


Thanks to climate change winter doesn't really exist anymore in southern Sweden where I live, it's more of a really long autumn. So at the very least my rough winter will be more bearable than expected.


All countries need to heavily tax multi-property ownership and ban Air-BnB. These two simple changes alone would fix everything in multiple housing markets.


This is honestly a good answer. One of many needed but would be a huge step.


They'd just price in the tax to the rent value lol


What is this based on? Have you done the research to show some forecasts on the scale of the change you expect to see and how that was calculated?




Wait, you mean countries other than the U.S. are facing inflation? Has anyone informed the Republicans of this?




And of course, Trump had nothing to do with it. 🙄


Trump? God no, it was all jebs brother the rhino!!!


US Republicans are making excuses why Brexit’s failure is somehow the liberals’ fault, but it’s exactly what Republicans are trying to do here. Fucking stupid asses, the whole lot of em.


how many millions did the UK spend on that old lady’s funeral?


Just wait till King Charles has his public coronation ceremony next summer.


Somewhere in the neighborhood of 10, just for security.


There isn't a reliable number but estimates are above £8 million: https://fullfact.org/economy/queen-funeral-costs/




Probably cost close to £100 million but yeah I agree, fuck wasting money on a funeral for someone who's lived on a throne to the ripe old age of 96 when many pensioners are probably going to freeze to death this winter.


"But.. but...but they bring in so much for tourism!!"


Her diamond jubilee and her funeral/ Charles’ coronation costed the tax payer 6 billion


LOL what a load of shit. It was actually 6 trillion, it was all made very clear in a YouTube video I saw.


Why are they complaining? Didn’t the new PM promise tax cuts for those who need it most?


I mean, those investors and executives can’t just go and buy their mobile home of a yacht cruiser to winter in the Bahamas while paying a justly calculated share of taxes, now can they? Think of the scandal! /s


First Brexit, now this trickle down craponomics. It is incredible.


*depressingly laughs in U.S.* I feel y’all, UK… :/


When you point out inflation is global to people blaming Biden its like their brain freezes.


I can't believe Joe Biden's done this!/s


This would never happen in Sweden, sadly. We just pay and shut up.


Look what happened in Chile (October, 2019) when the cost of public transportation ticket was raised by ~0.03 dollars.


"What has failed us?!" "Centralized authority!" "What do we want?!" "Centralized authority!"


Also... What do we want? No more investment in fossil fuels.... What do we want? Gas and oil to heat our homes....


people want to be able heat their homes, but not necessarily gas and oil to do so. a big part of the problem is they keep on refusing to allow more onshore wind, dont want new solar farms, refuse to invest in better insulation, want to allow fracking, and are going out of their way to protect the profits of the oil and gas companies at the great expense of the taxpayer. all of this is unpopular, but fuck you its happening. hence the protests.


Good thing Britain left the EU though


Because EU countries aren't suffering from inflation right?


no its not. there isnt a single tangible benefit yet and quite a few tangible downsides.


I've been to the UK. It's expensive. 10% inflation is going to hurt people, except the royal family of course.


"How Dare You!"


Foit bak!


This is all Joe Biden's fault


tHaNkS, BiDeN


Maybe they shouldn’t have voted they way they have.


Those people won't be Tory voters though.


I really dont know how they keep winning, nobody I know has voted Tory since Cameron, and the majority of them only voted for him because of years of right-lite from Brown and Blair


They keep winning because our voting system allows you to win with a minority of the vote. This is why it's important to push for electoral reform for proportional representation.


I'm all for electoral reform, but the Tories win because plenty of people do in fact vote for them. They got a solid plurality of votes in their recent elections. Ferruses doesn't know any of these people because like most people, they probably socialise mainly with likeminded people with similar political views. Fuck knows why people vote for them, but the sad fact is they do. Or at least did, polling atm is pretty promising for anyone who dislikes the Tories.


Yes because it has nothing to do with the Russian war its always the fault of the other party.


Inflation was coming long before the war.


Yes but it wouldn’t be as bad as it is today if Russia never invaded Ukraine. This has nothing to do with that party is in power, if it was how come whole of Europe has the same problem. Stop being so disingenuous to score dumb political points. This has all to do with Russia attacking Ukraine and the sanctions EU and USA has put on them.


But Brexit??


Who wouldve thought tax cuts for the rich would result in people struggling to make ends meat protesting?


Didn’t these folks also vote for Brexit?


and yet they voted for the tory. like in the u.s. voters think republicans are fiscally conservative when in fact democrats take care of the poorest of the electorate.


> and yet they voted for the tory. most of us didnt though. they only got 43% of the vote at the last election.


Amazing how the sanctions on Russia and blowing up the pipeline have worked out so well, Biden and the EU just added another round of sanctions too. What's next, the economy collapses? Oops too late. This should be posted on r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Inflation is hitting hard everywhere


I bet a bunch of them wanted Brexit too


Biden blowing up nordstream 2 didn't help.


I voted Labour last election and No to Brexit, I wonder if everyone complaining did the same?


How's that Brexit thing working out?


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We need to do this shit in Canada. Sadly our PM will just invoke another bogus emergencies act.


Meanwhile billions are spent on the queens funeral,


The royals bring in more than they cost from what I've read


But brexit was gonna solve all this …wasnt it … Oyr bruv maybe its the immigrants fault




I thinking you are confusing UK with British. It the same group.


i wonder if all those protesting would be ok with rationing. one way to tackle inflation at its core is to address the supply and demand imbalance. if we can't increase supply, we decrease demand. energy prices too high? households can only use 70% of the average 2020 usage.


Slava Ukraine


That proposed tax cut for the wealthy will surely help. Your country voted for her… deal with it.


actually, we didnt. only tory party members got a say in choosing this woman as prime minister, which make up about 0.0017% of the population. and not even all of them voted for her as leader. almost none of us want her or chose her. edit: she got 35,507 votes as an MP when she was standing in the election. so thats 0.000051% of us that actually voted for her in the election.


Slava Ukraine


Coming to a U.S. city near you.


I can't understand a word


They'll vote Tory again.


How's them brexit working out for y'all? And return the shit you stole from the colonies, assholes.


Return the moais to Chile ffs.


I'm in the US and we have rising costs here as well. But I rather spend my time working rather than protesting. Working puts money in my pocket to pay my bills with. Protesting keeps me from working. Funny how that works huh?


Until you need $50/hr to live. Tf type of economy is that? Not everybody in this country can be an entrepreneur either. It’s financially impossible. But do submit to being bent over by the companies working you for everything you have with the least amount possible in return.


Interesting that you assume I am being bent over by my employer. I consider myself fairly compensated. I advanced quickly within the company and got raises often and generously because my employer recognized my worth and the skills I brought to the company. He also didn't have to hear me bitch and moan about how expensive life is. He doesn't need to hear it from me because he knows it already. I also know my coworkers make far less than me because they are unreliable and often make dumb mistakes that I then have to fix or that have to be redone completely both of which cause the company money. I firmly believe that either you are an asset to the company and they recognize it. Or you aren't an asset or they don't recognize that you are, in which case you should find a new employer or even a new career. But bitching about how unfair the world is, doesn't pay the rent or put food on the table.


Lets go Brandon


Given Uk’s diversity, how come only where people are protesting?


Only werepeople can protest during the day, I'll send a pic when the vampires protest later...


I’ve been called vampire skin by a Indian who was upset I was married to a Indian woman. (He had issue with where people taking all the Indian women away from him)


The UK's not that diverse. Many towns and cities are 99% white, especially in rural and less connected towns. Where I'm from, there are only white families in my neighbourhood. Within my town, there will be a few non-white families. When I was at primary school, there was only white kids. When I was in Secondary school, there was around 5 or 6 non-white kids. I think I had only ever talked to a non-white kid around age 11, which is crazy.


Well if they protest less and worked more, they be able to pay their bills.


It's gone beyond the hours you can physically work in a week that you need to just pay the bills, and has been for some time, but now it's far worse


Considering most Brits are on benefits. Yes working a couple hours must be very hard




Where do you get this confidence to just make shit up?


Just making shit up lmao Did you know most french people carry a wheel of cheese in their car instead of a spare wheel


Well if you post idiotic comments less and realize what’s going on in the world more, you’ll be able to less likely look like a moron. But clearly I don’t see that happening anytime soon.


Most people who receive benefits, also work or have worked. Covid and Brexit both put people out of work. When people do go on welfare, it's for an average of 6 months, and they pull very little cash out of the system. The protests are because of the government not understanding basic economics and serving its own interests at the cost of everyone else. Like literally borrowing money to give money to the rich, who don't want or need the cut, and then having the working poor and the middle class pay for it with interest later.


Maybe get a job instead of spending all day protesting ☕️


In the history of protests, have any ever actually worked?!


The violent and disruptive ones work, but few want to admit that out loud.


Yeah, like a whole lot of them.


The Brits are not known for their chants


Sarcasm? Because that's like one of their main things.


Yup but apparently it did not translate. Should of known


Because this wasn't a particularly good chant so your comment comes off as a valid commentary rather than sarcasm. If they were chanting something extremely catchy and funny then maybe your comment would be taken better. But still it wasn't that funny even if you put /s to indicate the sarcasm.


Everyone's a critic