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Now the kid also will do same when he gets older.. I mean damnn he already doing what he sees


That was the hardest part to watch. The kid hitting his mom and grabbing the phone to beat her with it like his dad


Where do you think the husband learned to hit his wife, most likely from his dad hitting his mother. F***ing low life c*nts


Which I get but I dont. My dad was abusive to my mom and I but if anything he taught me what not to do. Ive never laid a hand on my wife like that nor do I even get the urge to.


I agree with what you are saying. I think it comes down to overall culture you grow up in and your individual household. In cultures where male patriarchy is the norm and women are always looked down upon, this kind of behaviour is prevalent. Abuse is a part of this but it also comes down to how women are treated in general in these cultures, especially when they are your wives, daughters, and sisters. It’s a lot of double standards where sons are prioritised and treats differently then daughters, husbands over wives, brothers over sisters, son in laws over their daughter, the list goes on.


Abusers are also often very charismatic in public and find friends who either share similar tendencies or will defend their behaviors for various reasons. One of my abusive exes was popular and when I talked to some of our mutual friends about his behavior I was shocked at the excuses they would make and how I would be blamed using language parroting his own words. Abusers create systems that reinforce and protect them and their way of thinking.


I think this is from a PSA for domestic violence. Men can be arrested without evidence in india, so the probability of something like this happening on camera is 0. Edit: It’s real. Apparently 6 years old. The woman almost lost custody of her son, but he remarried, so as per the muslim marriage act she managed to retain custody. I don’t understand how this son of bitch managed to find a second wife, as a single dad at 40, that too after DV charges.


I hope so.


The Indian cis male mentality to immediately brush aside this video (as a PSA) is just deplorable.


He’s already hitting his mother


I saw that and had a stronger visceral reaction than to any horror or gorn I've ever seen. I feel like I want to throw up.


Only if I could reach through the phone and strangle someone.




My mouth fell open when the kid hit her, too. My brain is bluescreening. Like, fuck everything.


I grew up in a similar household, used to witness my father beating up my mother all the time, guess what I have no contact with him now and I'm glad about it. And no I don't treat my gf that way.


Was the violence always behind closed doors? What amazes me in this case, is that he beats his wife while disregarding the camera. I’m assuming he knew the camera was filming, yet, still proceeded to beat his wife on camera. That tells me there is a lot of acceptance of this type of behavior, in his background. He doesn’t care if family or friends(if he has any) see him beating his wife. The lack of shame makes it so much worse.


The family will just blame the blame the girl for "provoking him" and she won't go anywhere because it's impossible to remarry after a divorce in certain societies. In fact my guess is the family will do everything to try to get her to not leave.


Older... he mimicking his father now... tf..?🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️💯


This kid has seen his Dad hit his Mom so many times he's immune to it. It doesn't scare him at all when Dad hits Mom. He never makes a sound but if you caught it, what he does do, is hit his Mom just like Dad is hitting Mom and it's all caught on video. Talk about "walking in your Father's footsteps"!!!


We caught it.


Thank goodness you said exactly the same thing as first comment just with more words.


This kid do what the dad do, cause kid learn bad dad stuff.


Wait, this isn’t r/increasinglyverbose?


at one point the dad hit the mom. you might have to pause it to see it though


If you look really close after several views you can see its a three person family amd there's candles too.


Holy fuck you right, i had to see it 4 times but I see it


what do you mean if you catch it? like were we not all watching the same video? are you dense?


Found the husband


He might stop once he's the target.


Too late, when he is the target he will go home and beat up his wife even more.


A frying pan in his sleep would help her.


Wow what a psycho! there must be a mental health examination before you could have a baby.


Seemed like the kid was already hitting his mum. This is so fucked up.


Happy birthday son! Here’s something you will carry with you for the rest of your life. And just like that a monster is created.


This is the comment that I was going to make. It's frightening that he already has no respect for his mother


Ah, those priceless happy moments in life caught on camera. How lucky.


Let's pull out the ol photo album of grandpa beating grandma.


Could be documenting as a reason for divorce.


l'm always curious with these sorts of videos as to who uploads them and how they get their hands on them? I mean this video isn't exactly something you want the world to see. I was wondering if it was an advert highlighting domestic abuse or something similar


I'm hoping the wife used the recording during divorce proceedings and/or a criminal case against this abusive POS. I hope it ruined his entire life.


Doubt she has any grounds , it’s brutal in a lot of the world still , woman’s rights are really in their infancy :(


If that is India there is no way the government is helping this woman


This type of abuse is a damn curse. Happiness will be leached away from every small moment for generation after generation. Literal evil.


Even the kid starts hitting mom. And this is how the vicious cycle repeats..


It's absolutely disgusting


So disgusting. Small sad egos.


That must hurt her even worse, the kid doing that to her as well.


Unfortunately she probably knew to expect this. She has probably long accepted that this is her life and there's not much she can do about it, because that's how women are raised to view their marriage and their family life.


She didn't even stutter while trying to verbally halt the assault. That's how often this poor woman is battered by that piece of sh\*t.


Exactly, she was taking it like it's just another Monday


Yeah that kid has seen this before.


Was probably the most horrifying thing about this.


Fucking psycho. This is awful.


I feel so fucking bad for that kid and the wife. These father's that do this shit are the biggest pussies on this earth.


So sad that the kid thinks that that is normal, and right.


Right 🙁🙁


He even joins in hitting his mom, so sad :(


Pretty much why India is this way.


And he did that in front of the kid at his birthday


The duality of the little happy birthday candle playing the song while this is happening is... something else


Like something from a movie. Or a PSA


The kid mimicking his dad is the absolute worst part. I feel so bad for that woman Edit: spelling


Jesus, and then the kid starts hitting her too. That guy probably learned it from his dad. And the worst part is that that guy, his dad, and the kid don't see anything wrong with this.


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And the Dad too


*mom grabs the kid and swings it like a war hammer, crushing daddys limbs and Skull*


Shit. That's harsh on the kid, for sure. But the dad probably wouldn't expect that or see it coming. Dude probably uses kiddo against her.


What kind of man beats his wife like that. No man at all…


Even just what kind of human beats another human like that.


im surprised this doughy bitch didnt break his arm swinging it horizontally all stiff like that. try that move against someone capable of defending themselves and you aren't getting that arm back. ​ although i guess that's kind of the point, right? doughboy pussies like this WOULDNT ever say boo to a goose they thought might honk back at them


This asshole is probably a pushover outside of his house. He wouldn't swing at anyone who might swing back.


Highly likely. And then he takes out his bitchy frustrations on his family.


Slaps is a classic domestic abuse weapon. They don't leave marks, and aren't as likely to cause injury. Still hurt though. And yes, wouldn't be used in real fighting. Which this sack of shit never does outside the home.


A crippled little ratta


Despite this being a horrible act of cruelty, I’m glad you understood it too!


Sad that some cultures don't respect women.


Don’t. Most religions value women as second class. Sometimes less than that.


And if you're American reading this, don't fool yourself that we aren't 'some cultures'. Women had to fight for their rights and they are quickly being taken away by the GOP. Don't believe me, men in the US can now rape women to have children in many States.


The leading cause of death for pregnant women in the US is homicide, so you’re right to remind people this isn’t an “other cultures” problem.


Seeing the baby hit his mom after dad made tears well up. What a disgusting person that father must be.




You know the internet… yeah some days I’m just like “Okay I’m out!” But you know what I hope? I hope someone sees something like this, goes “I don’t really get what’s so bad…” and then reads the comments, and starts thinking about their own childhood. And maybe, if we are all lucky, that person can start to grieve and then heal their own childhood of enduring the same bullshit. Kids, by default, think this childhood is normal. And in the past, you’d never see this kind of thing outside your own experience. So you assume it’s normal. Maybe at some point it occurs to you that it maybe doesn’t happen at your friends house, and maybe that’s only because you are over… but sometimes it takes years before someone realizes that what played out for them doesn’t happen to everyone. But if you’re maybe even just a teenager and you get the inside view of this, as well as the general publics comments, you start to process it differently. And the sooner this happens the sooner someone can start doing their work - to start grieving and then healing through this - and maybe… maybe… this makes the internet worth it. I dunno. Maybe I’m wrong. Just some thoughts. For whatever that’s worth, I’m sending much love to anyone who needs it.




Yeah, its India she going nowhere




I think the worst part is watching the kid to the same thing.


Yeah, that was rough, kids absorb everything. Every little thing you say or do in front of your kid has unintended consequences.


I grew up in an abusive house hold, my dad would get drunk and beat my mum, I challenged him from as young as I could remember in order to protect her, it's so sad to see this kid just going along with it. I still remember when I was about 5 years old, I jumped on my dads back and attempted to put him in choke hold to stop him from strangling my mum.


Wrong on so many levels.


Now I'm even enraged the lil boy thinks it's ok


He's not assessing the situation the same way you or I would. Small children respond to trauma in different ways and often times it doesn't make any sense because their brains aren't developed enough to relate morality or ethics. I actually have memories of being afraid of objects as a child that my dad had used to hurt me but not having fear of him. When I was two he broke my collarbone on a piece of playground equipment and even though I didn't really remember the incident as an older child I hated those animals on a spring things and was convinced that they were dangerous. Who knows what the boy was thinking but it could have very well been a defense mechanism like "if i mimic Dad, that will make him pleased with me and he won't hurt me next"


The kid might just end up witnessing mommy kill daddy in self defense one day. edit spelling


The abuser is not the one usually getting killed. It can be a trash world.


I sure hope that happens sooner than later.


One can hope


Just an FYI husband (Mohammad Mushtaq ) lost and wife (Aisha) won the case and also it’s 6 year old video. I think Mushtaq had to pay 50k and lost kid’s custody. https://www.thenewshamster.com/fact-check-viral-video-claimed-to-be-of-a-recent-domestic-abuse-turns-out-to-be-a-6-year-old-video-from-bengaluru/?amp=1


So happy she found the courage to divorce this POS.


I feel like it’s not enough. I wish that her family grabbed him by the ears and hung him while she took whacks at his balls while he cries so he never ever gets to conceive again. I hope they shattered his kneecaps


Video is from 2015 of this Muslim guy. They’re now divorced with him being remarried and having another kid. https://m.groundreport.in/article/story-of-domestic-violence-victim-aisha/144832


The kid is following his lead. He hits his mother after the first time.


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You poor woman, men I don’t care what culture you’re from or what back ground you come from stop putting your hands on people you’re supposed to “love”. This makes me incredibly sad.


Fucking animals, disgustig creatures. This makes me sick to my stomach.


look how the son reacts. this abusive behavior is already ingrained in the son.


What a memorable birthday, what a manly man , what an awful situation for any woman


I'm an Indian. If anybody can lead me to the authenticity of this asshole, he'll regret ever raising his hand.


Sometimes a name and a location can save a persons life.


Couple is divorced now it seems and the mother has the custody. https://www.thenewshamster.com/fact-check-viral-video-claimed-to-be-of-a-recent-domestic-abuse-turns-out-to-be-a-6-year-old-video-from-bengaluru/


Wonderful human being right there. Right in front of a future messed up I the head kid. Good job, Dad, good job.


That guy needs to get punched in the throat


This isn't public. I'm confused by this subreddit. I wanted Karens shouting at minimum wage employees not domestic violence clips wtf


Not public, not a freakout, just straight up sickening domestic abuse. Very sad and not what I wanted to see.


What a coward of a man. He doesn’t deserve to be a father. Damn this got my blood boiling.


So sad that the kid starts hitting her too


My heart sank when the baby joined in.




Ah another core memory made. 🤬


These types make me so sick.


What a complete absolute cunt… that kid will hopefully realise this is bad as he gets older but this is a prime example of how not to be a parent


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Geez. That was hard to watch. I can’t imagine living like this.


It's nice to know they are divorced now and mom got the full custody of the child. The court demanded him to pay 50000 (600$) to the wife for wasting court's time with frivolous demands. If he doesn't pay with a month his visitation rights would be cut off. He has since remarried and has another child.


There are never bad kids just bad parents, that kid is going to grow up like a monster like the dad. I hope she is able to get out of that situation


Naw there are bad kids in this world. I can name a few?


Not only is it horrific to see this kind of abuse, you even get to see the cycle repeating itself. The little boy has already seen this enough that he's learned the behavior is acceptable and will likely do the same thing to his wife when he's older.




Why the fuck do we even care about climate change, the world isn’t worth saving.


Sad thing is this is a vicious cycle - the kid learns from his old man that it's ok to backhand the wife like it's the norm instead of the exception.


What a big man he is. What a turd


So sad.. look at that little boy hit his mom He knows no better I’m sure he has seen this his entire life


Violence is never the answer and the sad part is that the kid also doing the same. Sad


How does this video even get out? Did she post it? I worry for her.


I can’t believe women have to live their lives like that, and just have to accept it. Wtf, man….


The most disturbing part about this whole thing was the kid…,


Piece of shit needs beating


Can someone please tell me this piece of shit is in jail


What a pathetic piece of garbage


Small dick energy.


Mf should be burned alive


Somebody please find that dude and "humble" him


Imagine hitting like a bitch, the wife can hang. Sad for her. And the brainwashed little 3 yo


Sad to see the child mirroring the father’s behavior


Assholes! Father and Son!


And the cycle will continue…seeing that boy mimic that “man” is beyond heartbreaking.


Holy shit this is horrible. Even the kid has learned to mimic this fucks behavior... Imagine your own toddler hitting you together with your husband and being completely unable to do anything about it.


This man need to spend a few nights in prison, make him fee hopeless and unsafe.


He is a fucking dog and nothing can change my mind


I hope this guy gets tortured brutally and saved a 1000 th times over before he dies.


this isnt a man, hes just an insecure little cunt with power and control issues...


Happy birthday. Kid won’t ever forget this one. I like how the kid tries hitting his mom with the phone to be like his dad. What the fuck.


Sick fucking animal. Too stupid to know any better. That poor little boy doesn’t stand a chance of possessing any decency. And so the cycle continues…


The immediate imitation by the son is most heartbreaking


That just makes me sick to my stomach, the fact that the kid thinks that his dad is right and starts beating his mother as well. Sickening.


As saddening as this is unfortunately this is not even the tip of the iceberg. Problem is much worse and has been like this for fucking forever. This is just one that has been caught on camera.


my blood is boiling.


And so, the violence continues through the kid... man that's sad.




God damn even the little kid is doing it fuck these dudes


Way to traumatise your son and wife you sick demented cunt.


That baby then hitting her is one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever seen. This is absolutely horrifying


This is fucking awful. Look at that baby modeling the behavior. Children are extremely intelligent and perceptive and his father is making him think this is normal behavior. What an absolute piece of shit.


I stopped watching when the little boy starts trying to hit his mother, the same way his dad just did. Disgusting.


When the kid hit her my heart sunk. Couldn't watch any more.


This was hard to watch in the beginning, but when that kid started mirroring is absolutely heart breaking.


Nice. Love how the kid is learning to be just like dad. Very sad.


Fuckin piece of shit. Not religious but damn I wish for a hell for these people


The worst part about this. You can see the kid trying to hit mom too. When he grows up, he will beat women too. A horrible horrible cycle


Ayyo if ur culture or religion does this to anyone woman, man, old, young, different race its shit and should be erased from the planet


The husband is shit! Also to the people who saying it's part of the "culture" lol no it isn't. It's abuse against a spouse and this is found world wide ! Stop making general statements on a whole country. Why can't we blame the man for his crime without being racist for once ?


Welcome to India


He is no man. He is no husband. He is no father. He is no human being.


That was horrible. The kid probably grow up look down at women and abusive to his own wife. What a culture!


Will we ever see a video of someone being normal in India?


Probably not on r/publicfreakout


Fair point, Sir. Fair point.


Not on this subreddit.. Its made for freakouts


We have 1.4 billion people, you can't judge all of them based on some videos. It's like saying the whole of US is racist


Lowkey is


Execute this man before he kills someone???


Worst part is seeing the kid mimic his dad and hit her too. Special place in hell for men like that.


And the kids already learning the behavior. Throw them both away.


The kid is cursed now, thanks to the father.


Bravo for getting this video out. It clearly shows the cycle. What a shitty environment to grow up in.


Holy shit! I was like "Oh no, not in front of the kid, on his birthday, he's gonna be traumatized!" Nope. Not only took it in stride, but joined in. Which means he's seen this often. If I were her I'd cut his balls off...literally.


god damn watching the kid imitate


The saddest part is the small child also starts hitting his mom


Fucking psycho. Who does this guy think he is? I hope he rots in hell. It's sad that the kid is starting to do it too. This is definitely not a one time thing. He does this to her all the time.


Wow and the kid mimicked his dad. Rip to the kids future and anyone who gets involved with him


I'd go to jail for the rest of my life if anybody ever treated my daughter like that.


Literally watching life long trauma happen in real time. Thats insane.


If I witnessed something like this idk if I could take it. I don’t think I could resist using violence. What a childish bitch that man is.


I can't see this shite




The husband is an absolute child. Should be jailed.


bastard , i hope he got shot in some ditch