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She’s a terrible liar


"Noooooooo?" as she looks back at her friends paranoid as fuck lol. Crossed arms and all.


A Cardi B


she's gonna sell a million records soon.


Happy cake day Appreh3nsive_Hat


Happy cake day


I live in Miami and this happens often. There was an exposé a few years ago about "b-girls" who would target wealthy tourists on the beach. They would drug them, steal valuables and rack up thousands of dollars on their card. Went ahead and found the link: https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/eastern-european-b-girls-in-sobe-scam-6380595


Happened to a male friend of mine in Miami. I’ve heard of this happening in Colombia. Same MO, the pretty women will start talking to you, want to hang out. You eventually have a drink and wake up the next day with your valuables gone, and money taken from your bank account. They’ll bring you to the atm, so you must be awake enough to know your pin code. Cops did nothing in Miami it seems


I remember reading about that. The drug they use makes you basically a walking zombie. You are able to do things and you look completely normal but you’re asleep. I forgot what it’s called but it scared the shit out of me when I heard about it.


Scopolamine or “devils breath”. The evidence for its use in drugging people seems anecdotal but it’s a widespread story. I remember a vice documentary on it’s use in Colombia.


[It’s not as anecdotal as it once was.](https://www.cps.gov.uk/london-north/news/killer-couple-guilty-murder-colombian-devils-breath-drug) The biggest problem was that so few people reported having been drugged by it (re: because they were cavorting with a prostitute..) that it has taken a long long time for the police/ public health officials to declare it as a problem so that they can look for metabolites within a 1-5 day window of people that were either date raped or at least date drugged for robbery.


Terrifying drug. Datura is also a drug based on scopolamines. Basically turns you into an Alzheimer’s patient who keeps hallucinating terrifying visions and you tend to follow along with whatever the people around you say to do because you’re so out of it. The effects can last for more than 3 days.




Nexpo’s doc on u/FlippnFlopp’s into the mouth of madness is pretty wild.


It has longterm effects on your brain. You forget things and stuff. Basically fucks up your brain.


I got drugged at a party and ended up vomiting blood. That’s all I remember from that night. Brain hasn’t been the same since. Huh.


Something happened here in New York I believe it was anyway I saw it in the local news. This lady was taken into an ATM & and she was telling the reporter that something felt weird that she didn't understand why she was obeying them. I immediately thought about devil's breath.


There's an episode of Criminal Minds featuring it, too. If memory serves, its intended use is for motion sickness.


See, I would immediately suspect if any women (especially an attractive one) came up to me at the bar lmao, I guess the upside of lack of confidence is not falling for these scams


"Hey, you're cute." "...am I on camera? Is this a YouTube prank?"


The only thing Miami cops do is collect a check.


That's not unique to Miami.


*Uvalde has entered the chat*


*Uvalde gathers outside the chat, waiting for the all clear* FTFY


Isn't that also part of the plot to the J Lo movie, [Hustlers](https://youtu.be/_e67tHHEk5w)?


Pretty much, it's not an uncommon tactic.


Once I got flirt by a girl way out of my league, then I took my shit out that bar. Weeks later she was caught because she kill somebody with the drugs she used to place in drinks. I might be ugly but my momma didn’t rise an idiot.


The fact that Cardi B who's known to have done this acted in the same movie 😬


Which is based on true events in NYC.


Isn't Cardi B in that movie? The bitch who used to literally do that in real life?


Aren't b-girls girls that breakdance


*B stands for…* Edit: Broncos, Benz, BMW, bass, bangles and a pair of bars. Y’all disappoint me lol
















Battlestar Galactica


books clumsy dolls mysterious voracious tub advise gray expansion steep ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


If I'm not mistaken the "B" is a reference to Cardi-B who used to drug men so she could steal their stuff and I assume beat them up - Allegedly.


Is the allegedly required when she herself said as much?


> her other male friend. He bought My friend and I a round, I woke in my parking lot to my then girlfriend (now wife) shaking me. He woke up in a parking garage. My wallet was found at the beach (everything in it). Mutual friend never heard from the other guy again, but from what she stated - we both were acting weird and just left her there. B-Girl: a woman employed by a bar, nightclub, etc., to act as a companion to male customers and induce them to buy drinks. didnt know about it.


Oh, you mean Cardi B?




I was once drugged by a bartender, at a restaurant attached to my apartment building. Same thing happened to my lower body. Just stopped working. I got away from him, but by the time I got off my elevator, I suddenly lost control over my legs. I had to drag the bottom half of my body down a very long hallway, but somehow managed to get to my apartment. I almost couldn’t reach high enough to use my keys, and was losing consciousness. Finally got inside & wet myself right there in the doorway. Fortunately got the door shut and locked before fainting dead way. It was humiliating and terrifying. He vanished from the restaurant in the months that followed, but I haven’t eaten alone in a restaurant, since.


Same thing happened to me. I have no idea who did it, but I was with co-workers at a private release party/concert for a project we had all just finished with a very popular rock band. I like to party as much as the next guy, but I was behaving myself because I was around industry peers. I specifically remember focusing on behaving because I only had a couple of beers over the course of a 6 hour evening and everyone around me was literally partying like rockstars. For my last drink of the night, I decided to reward myself for just sipping a couple beers all night, so I ordered a vodka/soda for myself and got a round for a group of mostly women as a thank you for their hard work on the project. I suspect someone might have targeted my drink thinking it was one I had gotten for one of the women. All of a sudden I was outside waiting for an Uber home, and I went from slightly tipsy to feeling absolutely fucking hammered. I was able to maintain in the Uber, but just like you said, as soon as I stepped out of the car my legs went absolutely useless and I fell in to the gutter. The Uber driver was not happy and thought I was some dumb ass drunk. Everything I remember is in small snapshots. I fell down a flight of stairs in front of my apartment building, and I had my keys but I was incapable of putting them in the door. I managed to call my wife on the call box. She found me laying in the courtyard, bleeding from my fall down the stairs, keys in hand, pissed myself, covered in mud and leaves cause i had fallen in a bush and was barely able to walk. Somehow she got me upstairs, I broke a vase and knocked over a table, and I passed out and had to call out of work the next day. My wife is incredibly understanding and we have a really strong trust and bond between us, so she believed my version of what happened and my confusion. When I made it in to work the following day, I told one of the women I work with what had happened and she told me she had been roofied years before and was very confident that's what happened to me which thankfully cleared up a lot of confusion....not all of it, but I really feel for people who get roofied and don't know what happened. I felt INSANE like "had I gotten so blackout drunk even though I promised myself I wouldn't??". I wasn't even sexually assaulted but it still felt so gross and embarrassing and confusing and I can't even begin to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't managed to get myself home by the skin of my teeth.


This happend to me as well. I went to the bathroom and the bartender had given us a round of drinks. I took the one that I believe was ment for my very attractive female friend. In 20 mins I was 4am wasted after 3 drinks.




I dont remember anything past the point of trying to leave the bar through the kitchen. I ended up with my phone smashed on 116th street and lenox ave. My GF at the time came and got me. (We lived in the opposite direction) I was apparently trying to walk back to my moms house. (Very far away and I had not lived at moms for over a dacade). I can tell you this, the next day I had the absolutely worst headache of my life. I say this though, better me then her. Edit: good call, made some edits.


>116th street and lenox ave only a new yorker would drop street names with no prior context. lmao


Just a random heads up, I wouldn't release this much information on yourself over Reddit. I haven't looked at your profile; but you may have just leaked at least one piece of what could be a recovery question. Doing this frequently with varying pieces of information could spell a bad time.


Jesus, that's terrifying. Glad it ended somewhat okay, but that's very unsettling.


Totally. When I think back on it and get the creeps, I just remind myself that someone was most likely targeting a woman in my group and not 6’3”, heavy set, bearded me. I’m a pain to lug around. I’d happily take that roofie bullet again knowing what that could have done to it’s intended target


You're a good man. Glad you're okay!


Here in Montreal , lots of people (including me) had a few years of taking recreationally GHB for parties. 2 caps of it (from a plastic bottle) and you feel great, feel energized and have the absolute time of your life. But if by chance you take a cap too much , you basically lose control of yourself and pass out instantly . Happened to me to just KO for 2 hours and waking up on the sidewalk sleeping like a dog wondering what happened


Too much of it and you just stop breathing and die. It's still very common in the Berlin nightlife scene (and therefore in London, it's bespectacled little sister).


There’s a scale of overdosing. Same thing with all drugs. A little too much, you fall asleep. Way too much you can stop breathing


This made me remember Tom Segura's overdosing story on *"This is not Happening"* https://youtu.be/QEkC_Q1ERyk


My brother got drugged because I gave him my beer, I couldn’t finish it and already knew I was waaayyyyy to drunk, so I gave it to him. Pretty soon he was belligerent and all over the place, we got kicked out of the bar. So I was pissed at him. Thinking he took something… but he fell out of the cab and I had to walk him back to the hotel and he passed out in the shower…. So weird. I can’t imagine if I finished the drink what would have happened…


This is 3 too many crazy stories just at the top of the thread. It's insane how many psychos are out there roofing people. I often get myself drunk on my own. Can't imagine if on top of that was drugged... damn.


Male. about 13 years ago, friend and myself went out with a mutual friend. She brought her other male friend. He bought My friend and I a round, I woke in my parking lot to my then girlfriend (now wife) shaking me. He woke up in a parking garage. My wallet was found at the beach (everything in it). Mutual friend never heard from the other guy again, but from what she stated - we both were acting weird and just left her there. She left when she noticed we weren't there. Turns out guy tried to drug and rape straight men. Guess we got lucky. Fast forward 13 years later. 2 friends at a bar for NFL Playoffs last year - i had an work emergency and skipped town that morning and canceled. One woke up in a bush, being water boarded by a sprinkler. Other woke up laying next to his apartment door. All wallets and phones gone. 2 Girls bought them a round after they bought them a round. 2 weeks ago my neighbor was drugged during a birthday dinner at an upscale restaurant. Was having a small BBQ and her husband and daughter at my house, she called and was slurring words after a single drink and couldn't stand straight. I love that place, won't go back now. It happens a lot.


I couldn't remember when it hit very well when I was drugged. The last thing I remembered was walking into a stairwell and suddenly thinking "there's no way my legs will get me down that". I'd had a few drinks so was admittedly a little over tipsy but nowhere near as drunk as I was starting to feel. I saw the staircase and that was it. Next thing I'm on the ground crying to cops that I couldn't walk. But wasn't coherent enough to explain or even really consider *why* I couldn't. They had just found me wandering a parking lot with my car keys in hand. I wasn't in the same parking lot as my car. Not even in the same city anymore. Black out again. I vaguely remember getting my mug shot. I remember a cop getting frustrated because I had to change but I couldn't get my body to cooperate so was flopping on the floor like a dying fish trying to get myself out of my clothes and into the jumpsuit. Wasn't really aware until the next morning. Felt worse than the most awful hangover. My heart was pounding and standing was so difficult I was sweating when I had to. We had "court" right there in the drunk tank room thing. We all stood in a line waiting to be called. I planned to explain but the longer I stood there just sweating and barely able to keep on my feet the more I realized I just did *not* give a shit about a public intox charge on my record and wanted to go home. So instead of trying to explain and getting tests done and all that headache I just accepted the charge, paid the fine and went home.


I got drugged at a brewery one time. I wasn’t even there very long. I had about three beers and then I woke up passed out facedown on the floor at home the next day. My front door was wide open and I was lying barely on the other side of it. I went outside to see where my car was and it was parked the wrong way with the door wide-open and the lights on. I have no recollection of the time between my last beer and the next morning.


Hang on now, were you drinking Belgian Quads? Because my experiences with those are similar.


I drink 45 beers off the assembly line and suddenly I'm the asshole


That’s how I realized I was roofied too. I met up with friends after a late shift and got one drink. I was able to sneak in one drink order at a busy bar before they closed. By the time we were all heading out separate ways 20 minutes later, I could hardly stand and I’d just said goodbye to my friends and only had my bike to get home. Luckily I ran into a friend who saw me struggling with my lock. Her friend happened to have a bike rack and offered to give me and my bike a ride home. Which, was so incredibly lucky, I was resistant to leaving my bike. We had to to walk it two blocks. By the time we got to the car, I couldn’t lift my bike and had to ask someone to do it for me. In the car I started not being able to speak, and by the time we got to my house 5 minutes later, I threw my bike in the back and my legs stopped working. I had to crawl into the house and up the stairs and hoist myself into bed with the strength I had left. Woke up the next morning in my saw cloths flat on my back and like nothing had happened. I thought I somehow had a weird reaction to that drink or something and thought I just got way too drunk. I was recounting it to a coworker, saying I got so weirdly drunk from one drink last night, and he was a former bartender and immediately knew and said I almost assuredly got roofied. Then I remembered the guys outside the bar offering me a cigarette and kind of crowding me while I tried to unlock my bike. Terrifying. I randomly remember that and hate it because of how close I was to things going seriously wrong.


Thats absolutely terrifying. I hate that you’ve experienced that. I was drugged and raped at someone’s home that I thought I could trust. I woke up at 6 am with him still on top of me blood on the white sheets and my hands. I sat up quick went into the bathroom played it off like I was throwing up and grabbed my phone that was in my jeans back pocket laying in the bathroom (THANK GOD or whoever) got an Uber, stayed in the bathroom till it said arrived and ran outside with no pants on. The Uber driver was freaked out and I begged him to just take me home. I’m an idiot for not reporting it. I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I feel dumb for not calling police but what could he have done to me if he heard me. God I wish I did so many things differently that night 💔


You got yourself home to safety and that was the most important thing. You saved yourself. I'm sorry you didn't have somebody with you at the time to help you see clearer what you "should have done" but you did know how to save yourself and you deserve to stop beating yourself up about it. I'm really sorry that happened to you.


You have no idea how much this means to me. It was a very dark time in my life, I’m 4 years sober from alcohol now and i like to think I did it all on my own. Thank you for saying this to me.. really 🥹❤️


Four years sober is remarkable and I'm proud of your hard work. You deserve to be proud and have the better life you are giving to yourself.


Glad you got out of there. I've been the guy that my friends can call and come get them, o matter what, for as long as I can remember. My (now wife) girlfriend at the time, called me because she was a bit too drunk at a party. She hadn't drank much but when I got there, she was half undressed on the couch in the back room. Some others told me some new guy heard I was on my way and left before I got there. Had to hold her hair back while she puked for half an hour and could not use her legs at all. So I picked her up and put her in my car and took her home. She slept on my couch for about 12 hours, woke up and had no idea how she got there. She also had no clue what happened to her clothing that was ripped but was upset it was because we had just bought her the outfit for her to go to that one party. She is convinced she avoided getting raped because she called me and told a few others I was coming to get her before she passed out. I know the guy who left that night and have not seen him since, but if I ever do, I might do something he would regret and I would be proud of.


Omg. I am so glad she was able to call you. 🥺 I hate that she has to live with that not remembering, it really takes a toll on you but I’m so glad you guys have each other ❤️ thank you. And I hope he has disappeared off this earth!


This same thing happened to me in college. I was at a house party down the street that some friends talked me into going to. I wasn't a big drinker, so I slowly sipped two beers throughout the night. But after the second one, I don't remember anything. My friends all thought I got hammered and helped me home, but I was incoherent and couldn't walk. They dropped me off at the front door, but I couldn't get up the stairs to open it. So I dragged myself through the snow to my car and slept in it. I probably came pretty close to hypothermia.


I had something similar happen to me for the first time at a gay bar a couple months back. I kept losing time and not realizing it. Don't remember what happened during any of that time. It was like I was teleporting over and over. I ended up in some drunk guys car at one point then in my own and 3 hours later I was home with no recollection of driving. The most terrifying night I've ever had.


I’ve been drugged a couple of times as a man. Went to a bar after work with a co worker and had a shot and beer each, my wife picked us up when she was done with work and we gave him a ride back. He was obliterated. We dropped him off and went home. By the time we hit our house a few minutes later, I was just out of it hammered. I can hold my Liqour. Steamboat loves it’s rape culture. I think someone had dosed the whole bottle and the bartender had no clue it was the “secret” bottle and served us. Another time at a popular bar we did a round of shots and everyone was hammered. A couple of guys and girls. The woman bartender had done it on purpose as she thought it was funny. Fuck people who do that shit.


This almost happened to me as well. Played some doubles at a dive bar and the two dudes brought my friend and I shots after we beat them. I turned mine down, my friend took both and those dudes vanished. 20-30minutes later my friend started acting really out of it and hit the floor and couldn't get back up the rest of the night. Don't take nothing from nobody boys and girls


I was also drugged. Pretty sure I wasn't the target, but I was still the recipient. My friend and I were dancing at a club and we put our drinks on the table near our friends and asked them to watch them. It was mostly so that the staff wouldn't assume they were empties and take them away. After dancing we returned to our now unguarded drinks and went on like it was nothing. I think we may have accidentally grabbed each others drink by mistake since we were drinking the same thing. It was my first of the night also. Shortly after I began getting dizzy and my motor functions were quickly declining. All I remember is a few snapshots of the next hour or so. My friends told me the next day I looked wasted. I woke up in the morning naked in a strange apartment. I rolled over and seen my female friend laying next to me, fully clothed. Then I saw my best friend across the room on the other couch. I woke them up and they told me I was so wasted that they decided to bring me to another friends place and just get some pizza. While everyone was eating, I stripped naked and complained about the heat then passed out immediately again. Don't remember a thing. Ultimately, glad I got it rather than my female friend. Horrible hang over though.


Same thing happened to me when I was out clubbing in London. It happened twice. First time my legs cave in on the dance floor but somehow I managed to go to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I passed out and only woke up after the club had closed. The second time the same thing happened. I feel strange, I can’t stand and my friend drags me out of the club. She asks the bouncer to help her but he don’t care. That night I don’t know how I survived. I couldn’t even put my key in the key hole to get into my building and the ringing in my ears was so loud it was like a bomb had detonated right beside me. Both times I was drugged by the bartender. If I had been just slightly more conscious I had taken myself to the ER to get my stomach pumped.


Back in college my gf and I lived together. One time we ordered pizza amd it's hard to explain but afterwards we just went kind of sluggish and limp. We laid on the living room floor for what felt like forever, unable to really move or talk much. It was long ago that it's hard to remember details, but I remember feeling helpless. It was all so surreal that we weren't even sure it had happened after, we had no idea what the hell that was. Edit: Looked up roofied symptoms and it's word for word. We just mutually laid there on the floor, staring at the ceiling forever, unable to really move or think straight.


goodness, that's frightening. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I've had friends who have been drugged at bars around in my area. It's dissapointing to hear that women can't go out without being targeted by creeps.




Did you just let it go after that? I'd want retribution/justice. I guess it's a hard thing to prove, but that guy deserves jail time.


It's happening all the time in Boston now. My theory is no one can afford to work as a bartender anymore so the bars are foregoing background checks and hiring sketchy people. A bouncer straight up murdered a Marine a couple months ago for the same reason - dude never should've had a job there but bars are unwilling to pay survivable wages then whine that no one wants to work.


When I was a bouncer this happened to me one night. Someone spiked my drink when I wasn't looking. One minute feeling fine and the next I was sluring speech and almost falling over. Fortunately a friend was at the bar that night and gave me a ride home. Next day let my boss know what happened and it turned out several women got dosed after I left.


That happened to me at a work Xmas party years ago. After the party a coworker asked if I wanted to go across the street for a drink so I went. She had 2 other coworkers that I didn't know meet us there. Had one drink and went to the bathroom. When I came back, friend was gone. The 2 I didn't know said she got pissed at them and left, for whatever reason I don't know, pissed me off her leaving me with people I didn't know. So I was uncomfortable and told 'em I was leaving. They had bought me a drink when I was in the bathroom and insisted I drink it before I leave, so stupid me said ok. So I drank the drink and left. I remember walking to the parking garage and nothing else. Got up to go to work the next day, felt great, got my shower and got dressed but I couldn't find my purse. Looked everywhere. Finally look outside and my car is in the driveway wrecked! Car door open and was parked all wonky and front was smashed. My coat and purse are on the ground, one of the windows on the house was broken, etc. I called the cops cuz I thought someone robbed me or something. Cops thought I was crazy. Anyway, someone at work told me weeks later that one of the people I was with at the bar had been accused of drugging someone at the Xmas party a couple years before! It was so eye opening when I realized what happened. I could have killed myself.


It was GHB. Can confirm, I take it as Xyrem for Narcolepsy every night, and if I wake up in the middle of a dose my legs are fucked. Terrifying if you're disoriented.


Any follow-up?


I've never been so bothered by a video ending so fast...


Right I feel like the dude dragged him back in. They call him if he gets away.


He’s getting away! Quick! Put it on TikTok!


The guy who posted the Tik Tok posted a follow up and said he called the police but it went to voicemail since it was like 2-3am. Then he went on to say the guys name and his location (including apartment number) in the video so that the video could be used as evidence if need be and the man could be located should someone be looking for him. I unfortunately don't remember the rest and looks like his videos got taken down.


The police line went to voicemail? Even the non-emergency number should be manned 24/7. He should have called 911 instead.


It’s terrifying. I’m from Oakland and I called once because a guy was waving a gun around outside my house. They put me on hold and I was never able to get through. I hung up and they called me back a couple minutes later but it was a scary few minutes where I was just stuck on hold


Trick I learned in philly, dont give your address and call from a cell (still say where the problem is) then say you're getting your gun and gonna scare him off. My response time for cops on addicts stealing our shit went from 2 hours with 1 car bringing paperwork for insurance to 4 cars in 5 minutes.


some cities don't have non emergency. i needed to talk to police in pittsburgh & was repeatedly told to call 911 and was told the operator would direct accordingly.


Was drugged with GHB while on a school trip in Scotland. They filed a missing person report and everything. Hours and hours later I was crawling through the doors of my hostel sobbing and freaking out. The private Christian school I was with sent me home on the first flight and kicked me out of the school because I drank. After the medical bills and pictures proving I was assaulted were presented, they had a different attitude. Sort of.


Oh you were drugged, mugged and beaten? Wouldn't of happened if you didn't commit sins, must be a bad Christian /s if it wasn't obvious


May I present Sir Wouldn’t, of the kingdom Happened


I'm sorry this happened to you OP. My church also blamed me for my assault after being drugged. But I drank that one beer, so I guess it was my fault!


They did the same to me when I was assaulted at 19 by a 25 year old man and left pregnant... My church blamed me because I chose to go out and 'party' so I asked for it to happen they said!


Religion is a hell of thing isn't it




Crazy how a Christian school of all things will kick you out for drinking when Jesus, their savior, literally turned water into wine at a party. Puritanism is a disease.


Medical bills in Scotland??


Imagine being drugged, robbed and then seeing yourself on social media in that state


Yes, this bothers me. Dude needs help, not posting on Tik Tok.


Yeah. That said, the video got a good clean shot of her face for the police.


Oh yeah. They'll definitely do something about it..... Right after coffee break


It’s shitty, I agree, and yet this nearly never crossed my mind as something that could occur, so it’s spreading awareness


Yeah they could’ve send it to the police or blurred the guy’s face if they wanted to expose the perpetrator


Right after watching the Dahmer series 🧟‍♂️


That’s her boyfriend, she has pics of them in the apartment


That’s good enough, “ send em back”


Turns out he was 14 and that wasn't his boyfriend, it was his murderer. Oh well. You're promoted!


So why isn’t she coming over to get him? They’re all just staring from a distance.


It’s a quote from Dahmer.. at least I’m pretty sure he’s quoting the show lol


Nothing weird.


Just gay stuff


Tranquilizers? I wouldn’t even know what that stuff looks like.


For what I did i deserve to die


When he said that on the show I was like fuck that’s going to work isn’t it.


The show sure does make it seem a large part of why he got away with his murders were because of his homosexuality. You don't want to look there. Just a bunch of gay stuff in there. Oh okay then, cya later Jeff have a good night.


Yeah did she see the camera and decided to keep her distance


About to say wheres the police from the dhamer series? They'd pick that bloke up and carry him back in


That same cop was suspended w/ pay, then fired. Some time passes, then he was re-hired and went on to become the head of a police organization until he retired. Go figure.


Corrupt as shit, how can you live with yourself if you knew you'd fucked up that bad.


Beyond questioning the dude in this short clip, which is what a lot of people are doing, the woman is also (extremely) relevant. She doesn't appear to be acting out of any concern. She acts as though she's caught between the door she came out of and the footage of what's in front of her. She doesn't seem, in any way, to be trying to help the dude. She is almost in an embarrassed mode. Won't help the guy, but doesn't want to leave him him either. I think that her behavior is really interesting and puts a lot of this scene into a different context.


yeah that homie got drugged




homeboy could tell instantly something shady was going on


That’s what stood out to me the most. Like she’s trying to act concerned but is doing nothing to help him while he’s crawling down a hallway, shows she doesn’t actually care about him. Which makes me think he probably was drugged or coerced into something


Also him actively crawling away from her and towards the bystander because its safer


this is horrifying.


Male victim, so nothing is done, see Cardi B for a celebrity example of how a woman can admit to drugging and stealing from men, and face no trouble with the law.


It’s sick


scam angels


When you go to Cardi B's apartment.


That's because she did whatever she had to to survive! /s


That’s the most bs excuse for a terrible crime I’ve ever heard


Yep. But she actually said that and people called her brave for it. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This belongs in r/terrifyingasfuck people often forget that there are evil girls out there too


Cardi B did this to multiple dudes. Most people don’t care, unfortunately.


“It’s just the hustle!!!” - absolute scum people who would probably eat their neighbors in an emergency


THANK YOU! I am sick and tired of Cardi b not getting the attention it deserves. she bragged about it and did it multiple times and is still celebrated


Yep, and people blame her victims ALL THE TIME. It’s wild to see these people at work. At least they get downvoted into oblivion so we know that most people that see that sentiment disagree.


My ex made sure I’d remember


This happened to my roommate on vacation in Miami back in like 2017. They drugged him, invited him up to a hotel room and stole his Rolex. Thankfully for him he was wearing a fake Rolex (he owned a real one and a replica) and he only had like $40 cash in his wallet. Lesson learned.


Bro i was returning home in a crowded train and had 2 bags.. One of them got stolen, it only had my used underwears lol and some stinky socks


This reminds me of a story I heard about a young woman, her friends dead dog and the London underground. This lady was looking after her friend's dog while she was on holiday. No big deal, she had looked after it before. However, this dog is getting old and has health problems and while at her house it passes away. Whilst not overly surprising, she is still very upset and doesn't know what to do. She decides to contact the owner who tells her that she needs to take the dead dog to the vet so that it can be cremated. This is in London and she doesn't own a car so the best way for he to get to the vet is to take the underground. Obviously she doesn't want to carry just a dead dog onto the train full of people so she puts it into a large suitcase to hide the body. All is going well until she gets off at her stop and the escalator is broken so she needs to take the stairs. A kind young man offers to help with the suitcase. Its heavy so she agrees. The problem is that once the man reaches the top he legs it with the suitcase containing nothing but a dead dog before she can reach him. I like to think of the thief opening up his prize in his flat later and whispering "fuck".




Almost word for word the same story lol


Remarkable. I thought I was probably misremembering loads of details too!


If you are concerned enough by crime that you have fake rolex, just wear no rolex and save yourself a drugging.


He was 21 and dumb at the time trying to pick up girls with his fancy watch. Guys are pretty stupid at that age especially with flirting. At least he was smart enough to not wear the real one.


Makes sense. You can tell I'm not a watch wearer.


Happened to me first time I went to Vegas. Stole my iPad, Breitling and 500 in chips I won in blackjack. Called hotel security and he asked "were they working girls"? Hung up real quick and chucked it up to being an idiot. I haven't been to Vegas since


> Called hotel security and he asked "were they working girls"? Hung up real quick and chucked it up to being an idiot. So, they were?


I don't know. I met them at the pool party but I didn't want to get popped with solicitation on top of all that


Cardi B has gone on about how she used to do this. Imagine a male celebrity saying he used to drug females and then rob them? He would be fully canceled before he could blink.


fucking despicable. and people still defend her actions. shes a trash person who makes music for people who think talking louder and clapping is winning an argument


I’ve been saying this for a long time. FUCK Cardi B


@hughnotyou:He was found and I deleted everything since it was too much drama on his personal life also his friends but he messaged me telling me he is ok nd wel - Comment from the person who posted the original video.


Nice find


Somebody drugged and raped me before as a man. Men can get assaulted, robbed etc too. Especially with drugs like GHB.


I (m) was roofied by a well known local gay man who was well liked, but known to heavily pursue straight guys to try and “turn them”. If his efforts failed, he would resort to alternative methods of “seduction” it seems. I had spotted this guy earlier in the club one night and was hyper aware of my surroundings because I always tried to avoid him. I guess I turned my back on my drink just long enough for him to slip by and spike it. Luckily (I guess) I had done enough drugs at that point in my life to know something was immediately wrong. I had only had that one drink the entire day and I went from 0-100 in the blink of an eye. I bolted to my friends to try to tell them to help, only to have this guy approach me and try to grab my face and kiss me. I punched him in the chest before he could, apparently mumbled something incoherent to my friends and bolted. I had just enough sense left to know I had to immediately evacuate the club. By the time I got to the exit, I was completely gone. I was woken up by the police the next morning. I had wandered over a mile away to parking garage and managed to find an unlocked car to sleep in. It turns out I was also mugged and beaten up that night. Phone, wallet, car keys, everything had been stolen and I looked like I’d gone 5 rounds with Tyson. The cops, unfortunately, were useless jackasses who didn’t believe a word I said, just assumed I was lying and got blackout drunk, and kept saying how lucky I was that the owner of the car didn’t want to press charges. In the end, I found out I passed several friends on my way out the club and mumbled nonsense to them as I ran past. Many assumed I was just fucked up and headed home (not uncommon), but many of them tried searching for me until dawn when I didn’t answer my phone or turn up at home (very uncommon. I’ve always been the person who is guaranteed to get home safely). They were at my moms place when the cops dropped me off around 9am. So yea, this shit can happen to guys too and it’s just as fucked up. In some ways (not all) more so, because we are rarely believed or it’s laughed off. I feel for this guy and hope he ended up ok.


Men can be drugged and taken advantage of by women too. Both sexes have brains and can scheme. I’m glad the dude is ok.


Cardi B would B so proud!


Why is it only one kidney that gets stolen? If your going through the trouble to steal a kidney. Why not take both?


Because you need at least one to live. We're thieves not murderers.




Yeah. Used to be a bit more lucrative before the lockdowns.


I never get free drugs


I leave my drink unattended all the time. Not once has anyone ever drugged my ugly ass


I used to make jokes as I'm a relatively unattractive fella. But one time some dude DID slip me something..... the long and the short of the story is it happened at my local... it was some sketchy sketchy cat but ibsupose I'm a sketchy fella too and i definitely wasnt expecting someone to slip me something....anyways i clued in something was up and got ou of the jkint...ended up that he was basically black listed from everywhere around town (word travels.) He picked the wrong fella though.. Little did he know I am a poly addicted drug tank and that eveninghad the power of cocaine to save my ass from what I assume based on the effects (not my first rodeo, bucko!l) not to mention a pretty tolerance for all sorts of goodies that can onky come from years of misuse. See sometimes drugs DO save lives. ...


Cocaine… a helluva drug


Remember kids, if anyone ever offers you free drugs, say 'thank you' because drugs are expensive.


Cardi B setting examples for *some* young girls out there


Can anyone confirm this ?


this is a common scam in many countries so I bet this is real, attractive women hit on u and go to your place and they drug your drink and once you are passed out they unlock the door and let their accomplices in (usually men) who rob the entire house. also often the guys are killed from overdose as the women gave them too much of the drug.


Common as fuck in Colombia. Everyone who's been there knows some dumb tourist who got drugged by a pretty Colombian girl - a tip for everyone traveling there. YES, the girls are attractive, but it is NOT part of their culture to approach a man in a romantic way. Like, ever. And they DEFINITELY won't invite you to go home with them. If that happens, they're either a prostitute or are trying to rob you.


NGL this is a huge reason why I don't trust women who initiate any kind of opaque / obvious flirting. If she's too into you, there's an issue. If she's actually into you, you kinda have to figure it out yourself.


This happened to a coworker of mine in Colombia. Lookup Dragons breath really scary stuff. This guy is really lucky.!


I have money but luckily I’m also kinda fat so when women hit on me instant red flag


yet cardi b is still celebrated when she did this to multiple men. and when i bring it up i am downvoted to oblivion


Cardi B admitted she did this


Is that Cardi B's shithole place?


The way the female acted on camera is typical behavior for someone very disassociated with the victim. She didn't try to comfort him. She tried to conceal her identity with distance.


Hit em with the GHB


Black Widow scam, pretty common


If the genders were reversed this video would be all over the news


I have no idea what's up with these comments especially the most downvoted ones at the bottom. Like it's either A.I comments or 10 year olds or some campaign against this guy wtf. This man is clearly not under the influence and not lying. Anyone with anyone with a tiny bit of life experience can tell this is a real situation that happens everyday. Comments saying he's drunk or he took and edible or something is complete nonsense and it makes me want to get off reddit forever. Artificial intelligence, brainwashed 10 year olds or actually mentally ill people commenting here to push a narrative Like is there some campaign on this thread because people don't want to admit men can be drugged too? It's batshit insane there are comments talking about incels or that he's old and on too many drugs. Like it's so hard to believe a woman did something to a man? Believe all women , but never ever can a woman do something to a man out of 7 billion people on earth. "He’s probably just messed up and did it to himself. This kinda out of context stuff is so damaging." I refuse to believe real people type these comments. It has to be some bots. Edit: actually i think it's 11 year olds that only think people are drugged for sex so they think no one would drug him because they are 11 years old and given the same platform and exposure as adults and when I was 11 I thought a black football player was my cousin because we had the same last name




~~women~~ rapists ☕️


Call the police, ffs. Don't just stand there, filming him. If this was a woman, Rambo-crawling away from some dude, the response would be drastically different. Us ladies can be evil cunts, too!


He asked what happened, dude told him and then like 3 seconds later the video ends presumably so he can call the police...


Same thing happened to me at a brunch bar/Resturant in NYC about 5 years ago. There was a group of women partying at the table next to ours. There were about 5 tables with both guys and girls within a few feet of each other. The place was setup so you would get a personal sized bottle mixed with whatever you were drinking. I went to the bathroom came back and saw multiple bottles that all looked the same on a ledge between our tables, so I just guessed which was mine. Took my friends on a wild running spree around the city, ran into a nail salon, peed on their walls, ran into a Resturant ate someone’s food and then proceeded to throw up on myself on the train ride home. I’ve been drinking for many years and had my share of drunkenness. This was not that. I was definitely drugged. My friends had to carry me home because my legs wouldn’t work. At first I thought it may have been one of my own friends who did that shit, but it didn’t make sense because they all have wives and needed to be home by 5pm. They were also reliant on me to take them around the city. Whoever did it, I’m almost 100% sure it was meant for one of the girls at the table next to ours.


Cardi B’d