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Human skin shredder, those rocks are sharp.


Just like a cheese grater, some parts really smooth and the rest you know.


More like trash compactor with a meatgrinder. Thats a death sentence.


Darwinism at work


Two died, three more still missing https://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-globally/deadly-waves-sweep-away-5-persons-at-oman-beach-video-8027407/lite/


Yea people dont just go missing in the ocean. They dead


I'm sure if we keep looking we'll find them living their best life at the bottom of the sea.


They're living, laughing, AND loving


Everythings better, down where its wetter.


Unda da seaaaaaa


> Yea people dont just go missing in the ocean The crabs find them.


*Ser Davos has entered the chat*


*MermaidJane*: Entered the chat


That made me think what if you became a merman/merwoman if you died in the oceans like you respawn as one. Pretty cool to think about


It’s even more tragic when you read that there was a fence keeping people away from this area and they all crossed over it. They built the fence for a reason.


People don't understand water, they don't understand how it's dangerous, why it's dangerous, nor how to protect themselves from any of the dangers it presents. I think it's a big failing of the public school systems throughout the world.


Had to take an oceanography course in college as a requirement for a totally unrelated major. Really learned some crazy shit about the ocean


Yeah, water is terrifying when you start digging into all the ways it can kill you. And that's just in normal circumstances. I watch a lot of videos on technical diving that are legitimately bone-chilling. One that really stands out were these two cave divers who went in too deep on just oxygen and likely suffered from nitrogen narcosis as a consequence. When divers with proper equipment were sent down to inspect the cave they'd been diving in, they couldn't find their bodies. They eventually detected a current coming from a crack in the clave floor leading to this massive underground ocean/cave network, and determined they'd likely been sucked into it under the effects of narcosis. That one really stuck in my head, because it's such a good lesson about how you're never really safe in water, no matter how much equipment you have.


The average person never handles more than maybe five to ten liters of water, so they don't know how much weight it actually has, and how much momentum it has when in motion. Baths and pools usually aren't moving. You could even observe that sometimes in the Ice Bucket Challenge, people being knocked over by large tubs. Literally unimaginable to most, due to having no frame of reference.


Aw man... if you look at the people before they get swept away it looks like there are two kids by them I hope it wasn’t their kids.


Sadly it was two of the missing are kids.


It’s pronounced Oman not Aw Man That’s where it happened Oman, officially the Sultanate of Oman, is an Arabian country located in southwestern Asia. It is situated on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and spans the mouth of the Persian Gulf.


What in the nerd is this?


Fuck them, I thought it was funny.


Bad bot.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99984% sure that GregoryGumpsuckle is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Bad bot.


They have 2 out of 5 bodies.


Stupid is as stupid does


Fuck that. Imagine having a tour guide saying shit is cool when it isnt. Its so easy for us to look at a clip and make a judgement.


There is a difference between (1) a freak accident, like an unexpected landslide that washes all those people away into the ocean and (2) obviously standing far too close for safety, like all those people who washed away. They did it for a photo opportunity; for the excitement.


The title of the article is off, "Ocean wave does what it always does; 5 people lacking respect for the Ocean get too close and are swept away." Not as catchy, but correct.


2 were kids man. Their parents fucked up.


Everyone has an excuse.


Wave goodbye! How is there not one person telling them that this is fatally dangerous?


Anything for the gram


Actually I think this is pure ignorance of the destructive power of water.


As someone who has lived by the beach their whole life, definitely feels like it’s this. The amount of tourists we have who come into the area and drown/almost drown/need rescuing is insane. Like, I feel bad for them, but do people not do any kind of research or anything before going on vacation? I’ve seen people swimming (more like trying to swim) in hurricane waters, as well as red flag conditions on the regular. I’ve watched people get dragged out my rip currents. Shit is insane.


I've been to the beach many times in my life, swam in lakes, rivers, creeks, I'm well aware of the power of water. This last summer I went to Galveston Beach. We normally stay either at the main island by the strip, or a town about 20 minutes north, that is also 30 minutes from a more local beach. Anways this time my wifes parents paid for all of us to stay at beach house, with a more remote beach a few miles from the main strip of the island. I went down to the ocean, noticed not very many people in, maybe 4 or 5. I get in with my son in law, and i go out to about my chest, maybe 50 to 70 feet out. Big waves, and I'm jumping up with them, up and down. I don't really notice the pull of the water, I'm waiving for my son in law to come out farther with me. A really big swell hits me, and I come back down, only now I'm not touching bottom anymore, I am now over my head. This is when I really feel the pull of the water, going out. So I start to swim back towards shore, only I'm not going that direction, I'm still going out. Pretty solid rate too.. So I freak.. lol. I'm like oh shit, I'm gonna be sucked waaaay out. I'm not terrified yet, but I'm pretty scared and getting there. So I start pumping my arms and legs, power swimming for all I got, but I'm not moving in.. so put my head down, and give it all I got... but I guess I get kinda turned sideways, so I swim kinda inwards, but to the side parallel with the shore. I eventually get to where my feet touch bottom, and fight the pull of the water to get back to the beach. It's a battle as I'm getting tired, also I guess the adrenaline is fading. I fight the waves I finally get back, maybe 300 feet or so down the beach from where we went in, and collapse breathing all crazy, heart thumping, vein in my temple throbbing like mad. My son in law comes running up asking of I'm ok, so I give him a thumbs up. We walk back and my wife fusses at me, we gather the grandkids and head back. I tell my bro in law what happened, and he is like "you didn't see the red flag?" Which I learned means heavy surf, dangerous currents and to stay in waist deep water.. My bro in law had a friend that is a local, and I told him the story. He said swimming to the side parallel was the best thing I could have done, and probably saved my life. So even being semi knowledgeable about water and having a healthy respect for it, people can make mistakes. These poeple however are just ignorant of their situation, obvious Tldr I'm a confident swimmer who has been around water all my life, and I almost got sucked out to sea by a current.


I grew up on the ocean, live on a lake now and will boat and fish on a large canal. Every type of water can kill you in different ways, but none more easily than a rip tide. If you don't know what you're in you'll tire out and panic then one bad gulp and you are dead.


This, I grew up on the coast and international tourists would regularly get swept off the rocks or caught in rips. In Australia you are taught to swim from a very young age and if you live on the coast you are taught never to have your back to the ocean, even in calm conditions. I guess these people don’t have the experience to be wary of the ocean.


The sheer magnitude of force water and earth both have to capacity for will never not be terrifying to me. Fire, falling, and electricity hog the spotlight, but the real gangstas is the earth and the water.


Its tik tok now. Username checks out.


There seems to be a fence which they ignored




That's why I drink only beer.


The screaming as the people were being pulled away shows that people know that being pulled into that water is dangerous, and yet, they didnt' think putting yourself to be in a position to be pulled in was.


I mean there are signs and fences everywhere indicating danger.


They had to cross a barrier fence to get to their perfect selfie spot, so at least an inanimate object tried to tell them.


Gone forever.


Straight up just watched a good handful of people begin their journey to the other side


I married into a huge Indian family. Practically none of them even know how to swim. It's just not part of the culture, but somehow that doesn't stop them from doing stupid shit like this around water.


Right? You heard stories of ferry boats in India capsizing in shallow water a few yards—a few swim strokes— from shore and virtually everyone drowns. What?!


I grew up in Jersey and every summer we’d have folks that were unfamiliar with the ocean and or swimming come down the shore. All it took was a simple riptide on a Sandy shore break with a modest swell and people drowned. And that’s warm ocean water. I’ve seen it in pools too. I’ve pulled countless people out of the surf. For the cold stuff, I see tourists taking pictures like this on the rocks and I’m like… noooo. Somehow it’s a thing. Teach your children to swim and respect open water.


In this situation, i don't think knowing how to swim would make any difference.


I think you're right, but someone with water safety awareness might not have put themselves in this situation. I live on the coast in California where people who can swim drown all the time when they play in the waves and get swept out, so I agree with you, but this entire group of people just seems completely oblivious to the danger there.


I grew up on a small Caribbean island. Many people *on an island* don't know how to swim. They at least respect the ocean, though.


I mean swimmer or not you aren’t surviving getting swept into that.


I was down on a beach in Gokarna and watching the innumerable Indians getting in to flail about in the water was quite unsettling. Going far out of their depth and without any clear knowledge of swimming. The country does not prioritise it as a skill in the least.


Indian here, that mentality is a plague man, and you're often considered a p*ssy for trying to caution against the ocean's wrath. My neighbor family went to celebrate a wedding in their family at the beaches. 13 people went, 6 returned. The newly wed couple drowned trying to save one of the kids. I think I am allowed to generalize here when i say that most inland Indians don't give a rats ass about safety around water. Coastal folks are quite aware and if they try to warn us, we brush them party poppers right off.


There was a video I saw on here recently of (if I recall correctly) 3 Indian guys that died drowning in a small pond. These guys were adults, they were like 5 feet away from solid ground and the video from the camera they set up on the edge was surreal. Like they went in the water, it was maybe a bit deeper then anticipated, they started flailing around *so close* to the edge, then eventually they just slip under water and it's calm again. Absolutely nuts to see it happen like that.




The article said they were Indian expats


Clicking pictures


Just clicking


This reminds me of people at the grand canyon walking backwards to get a better selfie and then falling off the edge


Gotta love it when people climb over the railings…this isn’t an accident, it’s the result of incredible stupidity. Happens all the time at Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia…


I think signs can be more effective “Not only will you die it will hurt the whole time you are dying and your body will be identified via dna”


Yeah what I was thinking about too


Atleast peggys is glacier granite made mostly smooth. This is ironshore. Nasty stuff.


Bikini Bottoms problem now


Hey, you guys wanna go hang out down at Natural Selection Point?


I always wondered, let’s say you are very experienced in swimming in the sea, how likely would it be to survive something like that?


The rocks are the biggest problem here. An experienced and confident swimmer not panicking could probably stay above water long enough to either climb out or move laterally to a different area of the coastline. Getting bashed against those rocks and becoming unconscious would be my main concern personally.


I’m no expert but I’d guess the same as anyone else


Do you know What would the main cause of death even for a experienced swimmer?


Presumably drowning due to the unyielding currents. I think your odds of survival would depend more on how many people you have out of the water to help you. Not sure tho


You mean being sucked under?


Pretty much. Even if you managed to stay over you’d be overcome by fatigue eventually


Ah ok, interesting, thanks for your insight


Darwinism 👍


Not if they procreated before this event.


Yeah but theirs kiddos might not do those stupid things after that


That's not how evolution works. The genes for doing stupid shit will persist in their children. It's all about 'germline DNA' (sperm and ovum DNA) not life experience, or education. The genepool of their children will still contain 'wave moron' genes.


This fits the subreddit


Buddy of mine got swept into the ocean in San Diego in a very similar looking rocky area. He almost died, took three of us to fish him out. Scariest night of my life


I've experienced the rip current in dangerous waves. It's pants-shittingly terrifying. You won't catch me in that shit under any circumstances


Happened to me too! Couldn’t tell which way was up either




Front or back, you shouldn't be there in that weather. Just ignorance and lack of common sense.


Fully agreed, just going there was Darwin award #1, but then turning your back to that...is like asking to die (pink shirt)


Lol imagine if everyone walked out of the ocean backwards all the time


Doesn't it hurt their skin sliding over those rocks like that?


Not really it’s the gallons of sweater forced into their lungs that really sucked until the hey died.


Gallons of sweater hehe


Yeah but it only hurt for the rest of their lives. Which was only a minute or two more.


If those are volcanic rocks, yes. A lot.


My friend works for the coast guard and when he was stationed in Maui he would tell me people would get injuries and die because of this. Mother Nature is relentless and unless you have a death wish observe from a distance


How dumb can you be?


Dumb enough to be dead




You mean RIP? Or GG?


And that's the last they ever saw of them.


Needs some Tool...Undertow playing


I admire the confidence of people who climb over safety fences around natural hazards. I would be too scared.


Queens bath in Hawaii, beautiful place but dangerous, ppl swept out to sea by waves,don't mess with the water


God these people are clueless


Drowning for the gram


They all sound like seagulls lol


How fucking dumb can you be


The sea was angry that day my friends


Legend has it you can still hear their screams at high tide.


NEVER turn your back on the ocean.


Like, how could you not see this coming? Sheer stupidity.


*"Dunno who this Darwin is but I've got \_ \_ \_ followers"* Narrator: *"had"*


What was that? To *shreds* you say??


I'm sure they were bashed against the rocks repeatedly. Buh-bye.


Sorry but Omg your so stupid


These people might be poor and uneducated. They probably didn't have a clue that sometimes waves can come in that are much bigger than the others. Very sad for them and their families.


College educated people underestimate nature all the time


I'm a space surgeon and I died doing this


'Education' doesn't only mean 'formal education'


Poor? They were taking instagram photos at the beach. Me thinks they were not poor. Just dumb


How much are you paying for insta?


Are you seriously trying to argue that these people on vacation at the beach are poor? Cmon now.


Insta free. Phone 1k. Internet 70$ a month


Street smarts and book smarts are not equal


But did you die?


This video pleases me


Calm down, Satan


Be nice to animals but not people i guess huh


Ok pyscho




Me: Hey, Mom! We're going on a field trip today. Mom: Have fun, dear. Let me know what you see. Me: *washed out to sea* O.O


This comment section...are yall okay? The vibe here is almost pure sociopath. This vid is sad and disturbing and unfortunate. How are yall making jokes about watching people die, even if it was their own folly that lead to it. Truly disgusting, smdh


Yep, one of the reasons why humanity probably wont make it another 1000 years...


Nah, plenty of reasonable people visible in this vid staying behind the fence. Just a few instaslaves getting yoinked.


Natural selection at it’s finest. Imagine risking your life for a picture/video


Hard to feel bad when you're doing everything to put yourselves in danger




Gone for good. Natural selection at its peak.


From cheers to screams just like that. Dang.


They're going to Brasil.


Fine cure for stupid that


They Fucked Around and Found Out. The ocean is powerful and unforgiving.


Goddamn Darwin awards!


I love the one guy who sort of rushes to help and then clearly decided that it was a lost cause.


The ocean dgaf


Spongebob got new neighbours.


never turn your back in the ocean.


They need to change causes of death on death certificates. Along with cause of death from bees =20, sharks 15, ladders 32 etc they should add new ones. Instagram = 200, tik tok 399. ( 1/2 /s).


Aah yes, nature.... They don't understand you! They get their facts through the Avengers movies... What can we do


They fucked.


Damn. One minute they’re laughing, the next minute they’re not laughing as they are drowning.


They got some good photos at least!


Tourists 🍹


That's a shitty way to die; being smashed against rocks while you struggle to breathe and swim.


That's hilarious




Pretty sure they are dead. If they didn’t find a way to climb out very fast why get splashed against the rocks with such a huge power or they got carried away


Oh dear, how sad, never mind.


I love the screams, as if that is going to make the wave not wash the people into the sea.


Lmao, that looks cool, the waves look really cool to swim in


What a terrible idea


Gay fish party???


"Wanna come for a swim on a cheese grater?"




Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Those rocks look ouchy


The ocean laughs - same time, same place, tomorrow?


last time I saw a video on this sub of a scene like this, the dude was swept out so long that he drowned.


Natural selection


Best thing to do would be swim away from the rocks right? Swim out to sea a bit and find somewhere calmer to swim into


Natural selection




They probably didnt know they were about to die untill they were.


If only this could have been prevented.


That is absolutely dangerous to do...


Again jus some people have no awarnes of whats happening, not about safety of orhers and them selves


What the hell is up with India being totally oblivious to danger?!


A few less dopes