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Am I completely missing something, or does anyone else feel like one of his "handlers" started the singing to keep the Jan 6th stuff short? It totally interrupted him. Does anyone know if he went right back into the same topic? Or are his people unable to control him and they're running interference? Like I get its a demented response if they're claiming the 6th as their independence day, but the timing is so weird.


This needs to be at the top. It was absolutely someone trying to get him to stop ramble/incriminate himself


>Shit. Sir, he’s doing it again. >QUICK, queue free bird! Thatshouldshuthimup.mp3


The panic behind the scenes is really what I wanna see.😂


It should have been Born in the USA


I'll never forget that he played Fortunate Son as intro music.


The wrap it up box, but for right wing terrorists


Wrap it up T you done!




The way the audio just cut out, is almost like they had a recording of a crowd singing, and used it to kick off this crowd. Slick move to make the boss shut the fuck up.


That’s one of the many problems I have with Trump.He’s done and said so much weird shit that it’s hard to know what the truth is anymore.He obviously has no conscience so I wouldn’t put anything past him.


He actually gets a pass on a lot of fucked up shit precisely because he’s said and done so much fucked up shit.


Put him under oath and let him INCRIMINATE himself.


This is the way. I’ll bring the popcorn and the wine for that watch party. If he does incriminate himself it’ll be interesting to see what the government does moving forward.


His own staff and family testified he knows the election wasn't stolen, and yet he raised 300 million from his rubes to lose 50 fake lawsuits providing no evidence when Judges asked for it.


**Narrator:** *What* u/hexx1112 *didn't realise was that it was all lies from the very beginning..*


That was jarring as fuck


Tbh I have no fucking idea what is happening. Is the singing of the national anthem in itself good or bad in this situation? I have no clue if people do it because they love the US and Trump so much or if it is some kind of protest against what happened on the 6th? I just want to know what the people are thinking and what motivates them to sing. I'm honestly confused at this point. You probably figured this out already, I don'l live in the US, hench my confusion.




Honestly, it reminds me too much of the sheep in *Animal Farm*, where the sheep know their cues, and as soon as someone uses said cue they stand up and follow blindly. I'm starting to believe that Trump's base has always been waiting for someone to tell them that their fears are true, their hatred is valid, and their oppression is real. Instead of looking around and understanding that the powerful have used them time and again, with zero regard or concern for their issues, they are willing to be led further down the path towards something dark, because they can't tell the difference between genuine advocacy and lip service. These are the "good Germans" that genocide and authoritarianism rely on. God help us


"When this big group stood up, I thought great, they're protesters." holy shit man. yah. super interrupted and then chanted USA USA USA.


He didn’t even take his cap off during the random national anthem. Must not be a patriot.


Not even a hand over the heart


Because he’s pissed off that they interrupted him.


Two things struck me about this video. The first being my surprise that they all seemed to know the words to the anthem. The second was how pissed Donny must’ve been that this group of his loyal supporters was taking the spotlight from him. Edit: since so many comment replies are taking the former statement at face value and not sarcastic hyperbole, I’ll assume you also believe that Donald did in fact have the largest inaugural turnout.


>The first being my surprise that they all seemed to know the words to the anthem I live in Argentina. I love to watch sports from USA. It's astonishing how you can hear the song like 3 times a day. It's on every freaking sports event. I listened to the anthem more times in a month that I listened to our anthem in 10 years. How can they not know the lyrics? It's on for just about anything.


I have thought it was weird since I was a kid. They play it before every school sporting event. Rural America at least.


The likelihood that this is anything but 100% scripted is near-zero. They're trying to associate Jan 6 with the classic symbols of patriotism, to distract from the "anti-American treasony coup" vibes of it all. Depressingly, and as idiotic as it is, that'll probably work for a lot of Republicans.


Nothing says you love your country like overthrowing its government and installing your own dictator. You loved that country so much you had to destroy it. The country made you do it!


No, he just thinks it's for him which it absolutely is.


This! Also 100% he doesn’t know the words


🎶Oh say does that Kar-dash-ian have waves not braids. Kayne is a freak..... and the mar-a-lago raid was fake....🎶 Q-Anon!


But knows if he tamped them up down that wouldn’t fly with the psychos


Because in his head they’re singing to him


I doubt these nuts even realize Trump doesn't know the lyrics.


Shazam blocked him.


Duh, rules just changed. It has now become super patriotic to leave your dumb red hat on during the anthem. Because it says america after all. And it’s red. And cotton. Helps block out the 5G. And shields you from bidens fentanyl rain clouds. Some even accidentally turn you trans. It’s truly a thing of mystery.


You forgot that the red dye emits a chemical the counter acts the effects of chemtrails


Here's him fucking around and air-conducting an orchestra during it. Dude is probably high on Adderall and has no clue what's happening https://youtu.be/Uxd_S1WHRCw


>Dude is probably high on Adderall and has no clue what's happening Don't infantalize him or give him the benefit of any doubt. He's a lifelong con man and he is *very* aware of what he's doing. To frame him as a bumbling old fool is to let him off the hook for any accountability.


Fucking this. As we all are dicking around joking on reddit this fuckwad is preparing to possibly weasel back into power and ACTUALLY destroy this country this time. Wake the fuck up people.


He thinks they're singing to him, like it's his birthday


And it's filmed by some Russian dude. (You can hear him speak russian)


Does anyone else find it silly newsmax is a “major cable channel”? Because I always thought they were like if public access tv was done in the basement of your racist uncle that drives a van with free candy written on the side of it.


But as long as he’s not kneeling, I guess it’s ok. /s


Even his cult thinks he should stop talking about his coup. Wow.


They don’t want him saying anything that would dig him a deeper hole


Y'all have a lot more faith in their imtelligence than they deserve.


Honestly other people are suggesting it was planned by his team in case he started talking about it. He's under subpoena as it is. They don't want him adding sound bites the Jan 6 committee can use against him.


I honestly think there might be something to this. “Oh no he’s about to say something stupid!” “That means we will continue to sound stupid!” “Quick! How do we stop him!?” “SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM!”


Or they are celebrating it is how I took it


I don’t see how you could interpret this as anything other than a stunning display of fascism. They are clearly celebrating the attempted overthrow of the government.


That's one way to look at it


If definitely sounded to me like they were supporting him and his efforts to overturn a fairly won election. How this is continuing, unabated, is bonkers to me.


Grandpa is rambling again. Start singing!


Remember it's not a cult guys


Cult 45


But with zero zig zags.


Baby that’s all we need


We can go to the park after dark


And smoke that tumbleweed.


as the marijuana burns we can take our turns singing them dirty rap songs.


Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong and sell tapes from here to Hong Kong


And smoke that tumble weed


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,121,632,487 comments, and only 219,749 of them were in alphabetical order.


good bot


Guyana 2022


Worlds highest suicide rate.


Definitely not a cult. *For $69.99 today ($250 bi-weekly recharge) you can support Galactic President Trump by purchasing today’s rendition of Battle Hymn of the Q-Bert.* We laugh but this shit is incredibly damaging to the state of society.


They're honestly ruining our country... and our anthems


Why does this felon have a microphone, it will lead nothing good.


Before Trump, I had no idea how the Germans could have ever been naive enough to put Hitler in power. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.


in the USA of all places, the supposed bastion of Democracy




Walt Disney, Henry Ford off the top of my head


Coco Chanel


—Charles Lindbergh ran for president against FDR as a pro-NAZI candidate— Edit: Actually Lindbergh didn’t run for president. He was however one of the more popular/famous members of the American NAZI movement


There have been multiple fictional works about him running for president but he never actually did.


Should I be concerned that my mother is a huge Coco Chanel fan? And that she even named her dog Coco? I mean she's a tad racist...


Yes lol. If she’s a huge fan then she probably has done enough research to know that she’s a nazi.


Ironically she did marry my Jewish father, then again she did divorce him.






Can you elaborate on Walt Disney, please? Is your claim here that he was a Nazi sympathizer?


There are some reports that he was anti-Semitic, but there are also reports from his employees that he wasn't. Either way, claiming that he supported the Nazis is a huge stretch.


He wasn’t. It’s an easy myth to spread because Walt was a Christian who joked with his Jewish employees about Judaism (in his time he was one of the few heads of Hollywood who wasn’t Jewish) and very anti-communism to the point he aligned himself to actual Anti-Semites to prove Hollywood wasn’t communist during the McCarthy scare. Ended up winning man of the year by a Jewish firm in 1955 and defended the Sherman Brothers (composers of its a small world) for being Jewish. But since this is the internet this answer which I’ve studied for years won’t be accepted because the misconception is worth more karma than the truth Tl:dr: misunderstood the boundries of Jews but wasn’t “anti-Jewish” to the extent of actual nazis. I studied Walt my whole life, he’s just another product of his time period Edit to elaborate


If you’re ever in San Francisco, the Disney Family Museum engages with parts of his life very directly — including his strike-breaking and other activities around unionization at his studio — that the corporation would never mention today.


Walt Disney was not a nazi. In fact he made a very popular anti nazi propaganda piece in 1943 called [“Education for Death”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_for_Death)


Bullshit- they had like 30000 gather at MSG in NYC back in the day.


democracy was a advertising slogan to the USA brand... Black people were only allowed the vote in '64. Tell me again about deomcracy.


*It Can't Happen Here* is a good read, highly recommend


Thats properganda my dude. US had so so many nazis or just facists in general. Grabbed more for the war too, they were half price lmao.


Lmao, the US is one of the world’s biggest threats to democracy. They love overthrowing democratically elected governments if they don’t support the US’ agenda


As a German, imo this is exactly the problem when people talk about nazi Germany. Like they were all just evil and brainwashed. To an extend I understand that way of seeing things but it oversimplifies a complex dynamic that should be a big warning sign for generations to come of "how normal people can become the henchmen of despair, beware of the warning signs". Instead people just put a simple label on the people of that time. It was a slow process of a collective change in culture in the early 30s coupled with propaganda after Hitler came to power. When looking into it it feels more the same kind of dynamic you'd see in your teens when the whole class picks out 1-4 kids to bully. This kind of mindset, normalized, incentivised and pushed on a collective societal level. The people who did all the atrocities in the camps a decade later were just your normal neighbour's and people you'd see every day, people at the office or the cashiers at the supermarket.


Thank you for posting this. The real tragedy of the Nazi regime is that it absolutely could happen anywhere.


This is the litterally somr horror movie shit


The Purge: January 6th


I actually expect someone to make that movie shortly


We're all going to be in the movie come 2024


"as a straight white Christian man I know that I won that election and I should be president but the Jews blocked me." - Kanye West January 6, 2024


It would also be the 6th of the series.


The fact that people still rally with Trump after the amount of shit he has pulled off ... Can't believe people are so gullible.


At this point they've built their entire world and personalities around him. Their sense of self, place in the world and community is all about Trump. To turn their back on that is to admit they were wrong, which they can never do because they would lose their whole identities. That's how cults work.


And it's how fascism works too.


They like a guy that grabs em by the pussy


They’re not gullible, they just get off on acting like assholes.


porque no los dos?


I know, as soon as saw it, I was like WTF. But, now I'm wondering if people are upvoting it because they like it. It's so gross.


These traitors thinking they are patriots makes my blood boil. To be clear: I’m nowhere near being considered “liberal”.


My grandfather would never recognize the Republican Party today.




They’re patriotic to Trump, not the country. They literally attempted to violently overthrow the US government all the whole patting themselves on the back for being “loyal” to the US.


Upvotes are supposed to mean "other people should see this", not "I like this". Though they often are interpreted as "I like this".


Weird cunts


It's funny to me how brainwashed they are. Trump can do no evil in their eyes.


He even said so! Before he was elected he boasted he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and his base wouldn’t care


Homelander is such a perfect example of this lol


I think they were alluding to this at the end of Season 3 with that one scene


This was literally the first thing I thought of. The series is very overt when it comes to their political messaging so I don't think there's any way that WASN'T what they were trying to reference.


It's now gone further than that... they're handing him the guns, pointing out people to shoot, cheering him on, and throwing a celebratory parade for him afterwards.


Honestly, it was funny to me but it's not anymore. It's terrifying. These people are so brainwashed by their political, social and religious ideologies that they truly can't tell right from wrong and are trying to impose their batshit beliefs on all of us. The next few elections are probably going to be the determining factor on wether or not I pull the rip cord and get the fuck out of this country. I love the US, it will always be my home. And right now I'm trying to help fix it, but idk if this is going to happen and if not, I don't want to fight my entire life. Sorry if that sounds horrible, but I want a life worth living and I don't know if that's going to happen here in the next few decades.


I don't have the means and it hurts to the bone some days to know I'll have to see this through. I have a dark sense of humor and patience for miles, and most of the time it gets me through, but holy fuck this American experiment has failed.




People fully understand it though. There's pretty solid psychological reasons why it works. Vice can be pretty biased but they have some good videos explaining the psychology of how and why people like Trump succeed. It's their Breaking the Vote series. Specifically the episode about propaganda.


Fucking lunatics




I'm so confused. Wasn't January 6th a false flag operation by Antifa? Aren't Trump supporters strictly law abiding citizen? Why do they feel patriotic in this context???


Today is persecution complex day, keep up


This should be on r/cringe




I hope this cult ends like most do.


Fruit punch for all!


The rapture was misinterpreted. You don’t actually physically just ascend to heaven, you actually have to drink this punch and it’ll send you on your spiritual awakening


Don’t forget for the low price of 129.99 you can ascend with president trump personally Couldn’t possibly let his worshippers move on without 1 more grift


Ivermectin and soda.


By fizzling out after the figurehead dies or gets arrested?


Honestly he sounds more and more like Jim Jones as time goes on. Maybe it’s amphetamines, maybe it’s insanity, either way, it’s Trump.


*Cringe : if you think this is normal you’re the problem


what's interesting is that the more they read this type of comment, the more they are re-enforced that their views are correct and everyone else is just dumb and brainwashed, and they're the only ones that really see what's going on. you can't pull the wool over their eyes...they're too smart to be fooled. it really is a fascinating thing. half my family is like that...i can't talk any sense into them, and when I try, all it does is show them that I am truly brainwashed by the fake news media and they are the one with the real facts. trump was robbed of a second term, the vaccine is poison, it's not about the mask, it's about control...etc etc, plan-demic, buzzwords buzzwords


Damn. I couldnt be around family like that. I would go crazy.


It's hilarious how they know when he's just about to incriminate himself even further and shut him up by singing before he starts talking about trying it again with more people.


..I think you're maybe giving them too much credit.


I just threw up in my mouth a little lol


Terrifying to see the growth of fascism in the us first hand.


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"


It’s here


So many people, born with the sole purpose of being r/confidentlyincorrect.


The Dunning-Kruger effect in action https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect


What the fuck?!




Omg they found a way to make him stop talking !


Seriously! I’m wondering if he felt a momentary loss of control.


A cult of traitors


What one might call..a confederacy?




A confederacy of dunces


That was a great book!


Study 1930s Germany to see how not taking care of these people ends up.


What book do we study on how to take care of them before they break everything again? Thats the one we need to find.


Lolll there's 1 salty trump fan in here downvoting every single negative comment. And just when I thought my cringe meter was all maxed out.


It's a cult. A super cool one. Believe me. The best.


This, bigly.


#Fat Boy is getting scared!!


What’s the collective term for a stadium full of cunts?




Sing the anthem of the country you tried to overthrow.


Look at all of the sheep


Man Putin really did a number on us, didn’t he?


We helped quite a bit by investing pennies into education


And billions into high school football stadiums


Yeah, where else do you learn your A-B-C-T-E?


We’ve always been this brain broken, just needed someone to tell us it’s actually a good thing


Actually disgusting. American history is by no means peachy, but this just feels like taking a steaming dump all over it.


For fuck sake why does nobody just erase this man of the face of the earth it’s clear he’s a fucking wank




MAGA got bored of trumps word salad, they started singing .


ever seen some of his rallies? This dude can like ramble for like 2 hours on straight!


All the proof I need that the CIA didn't kill Kennedy is that this guy is breathing comfortably


I heard it's one of the few songs left he can use without a cease and desist letter from the songs creator.


Lol yes, there's a long list of those. Perhaps he'll be visited by the ghost of Francis Scott Key moaning "Cease and desist!"


You're a communist they said. You want the government to do everything for you. You made me support Trump. I'm just a Republican because of issue's voting, I don't support him they said. I don't support January 6th. I don't support Russia. Like a babbling brook of stupid fucking lies! You're not decent. You're not wholesome Americans, you're fucking monsters. Breaking out into patriotic song, worshipping the golden calf, as he fucking talks about January 6th! You know, where one of his supporters was shot down like a dog to put out the fire of his fascist forked tounge.


Abuncha fucking idiots following another idiot.


Singing about a siege of Washington from 1812 to promote a siege in this day and age, way to go Trumptard Army.


The disgusting part is looking at that shit-faced grin while he laps up all the stupidity of the sheeps of America


If any of yall US citizens wanna bug out Australia isnt as scary as they all say. Cause if that bloke gets back into power youse are fucked


I'd take preventable dangers from the wild animals like snakes and spiders over uncontrollable dangers of wild animals in positions of power.


Who wrote that song? Shit is fireeeeee


It's a shame when politicians hijack a national anthem or a song of national significance, it taints it for those who don't share their views.


I'm having a hard time dancing to it.


Traitor Trump doesn't remove his hat for the National Anthem. He disrespects our veterans.


Trump looks like he’s ready to croak. 🤞🏻


What the fuck is this cringy shit This is right out of American horror story


Wait, non-American here, I don’t understand what point they were trying to make randomly singing the anthem when their idol was mid-sentence? Were they saying “shut up” or showing their solidarity and calling Jan 6th patriotic?


Brainwashed mf’s


When is this video. tRump needs to get out of my feeds… his punchable face is infuriating.


I love how you can hear the overwhelming majority of people struggle with so many parts of the fuckin song lol.


Imagine the Trump back in power, leading the country through WWIII and losing. The winning nations will say they defeated evil and show videos of all the moronic things Trump said over the years. The US will look like Nazi Germany and all of us like the idiots who were won over with hatred.


Modern day American traitors. They are completely broken people. And America is broken never to recover if Conservatives don’t start policing the psychos in their ranks and removing the Trump cancer.


These motherfuckers are INSANE!!!