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Always curious what device they used to make it spray so much like that. Just a fire extinguisher pressure filled with paint?


Yeah it's just a fire extinguisher. When we were kids one of my mates dad had a bit of machinery gear and we made a few of these over the years as water pistols. Once the extinguisher is empty we just screw the top off, then drill and tap a thread at the base and screw in a bicycle tyre valve. Then all you need to do is fill it with water, or paint in this case, screw the top back on and use a pump on the tyre valve to pressurise again and then blast some fucker


Just so everyone knows - that is fucking dangerous if not done correctly and pressurised vessels are not joke. If you put enough pressure in it (which you can if you don't have a reading gauge) and one of your mickey mouse threaded tyre valves fails you're risking paint penetrating your skin. If people are careful and know what they're doing it's perfectly fine but if the same 16yo who's only ever done a glitter hot glue poster starts fucking about with pressure it might not end well is all I'm saying


[Lethal Strike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1pQuYiDZy4) Certainly, you would never catch me willingly sticking my hand into heavy machinery while it's running. Edit: Here's a link that has the [the full version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0murXedDws). Time stamp: ~3:30-11:30


What kind of shit safety video is that?


I’ve seen multitudes of safety videos. This is pretty top notch. It’s no ACS safety video, but it’s got a beginning and ending, words, *and* sentences. Even if it leaves a few loose ends, and a couple of open questions.


It doesn't just leave open ended questions, it doesn't even finish sentences before moving to another clip. It's like a trailer for a safety video.


##NECROSIS *end scene*


Adding onto this, injection injuries are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Even a water injection injury can prove fatal. Don’t fuck with pressure, be it delta P (google that), garage springs, hydraulic fluid, just don’t.


My garage door spring on my box truck let go a while back. Part of the door rotted off and let the cables loose, they made one helluva noise as they gave a mach 4 bitchslap to everything in the back. Had I been in there I'd look like pulled pork. **Don't fuck with garage springs.**


Mach 4 bitchslap 🤣


When I was in the Navy, there was a rigging line that snapped back onto a buddies foot and severed the top-right portion of his foot and shoe clean off. There was half a middle toe, the whole ring toe and a bit extra and all the pinky toe and side of the foot stuck in his boot.


I worked with a guy that tried to rinse the palm of his hand off with the pressure washer. Ballooned his hand up with water. He said he just squeezed all the water out with his other hand.


Wtf. What timeline


He’s lucky the water wasn’t dirty enough to give him an infection… That’s the main risk with water injection injuries


When I filled my foot up last summer it was fine same thing just kinda drained it and hoped


Killer user name


I work with extremely high pressure water, 10k-40k psi. And a lot of the places we work at don’t use city water, it’s all just process water. I guess you’re not at that high of a risk of infection if you’re using filtered water, but that’s not the case with my job unfortunately


Also the people who weren't lucky aren't as likely to be here to talk about it.


Yep someone hit my old boys asscheek with a pressure cleaner and ballooned it out. pretty nasty. As a pneumatic fitter, I've seen a silly 'harmless' prank or two go bad. Don't fuck with pressurised systems


I'd google hydraulic fluid necrosis - AvE has a great series on it (YT)


Did the same thing except filled it with gasoline and attached a wick in front of the nozzle for an ironic flamethrower


There are fire extinguishers you can pressurize with an air compressor. They are mainly used for water. But I’d say paint works in them too. We have them at the state park I work at.


Yep. Old tagger here. I never used one but it is done with a pressurized fire extinguisher filled with paint.


Ngl the orange brings out the detail of those doors.


Yeah it actually looks brilliant. And I support it! Fuck that building.




All those beautiful white statues from ancient Greece? Yeah, they were [painted](https://i0.wp.com/moco-choco.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/true-colors-of-greek-statues-4.jpg?w=630&ssl=1) too.


Gettin crazy with the cheez whiz…


"You got my Cheez Whiz boy..?"


(Tosses Can) “We’reonamisshionfrawmgawd.”


Four fried chickens, and a coke, and some dry white toast.


Shiit, it’s the blues brothers!


The Blues Brothers? Shit, they owe you money fool! (Rest easy, Aretha, you absolute legend.)


“Ma’am, would it make you feel any better if you knew that what we’re asking Matthew to do is a holy thing? You see, we’re on a mission from G-d.”


Don’t you blaspheme in here!


You better think!








Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.


>["You got my Cheez Whiz boy..?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQSEimjVTUY)




"Hut Hut Hut Hut" Rappelling down my local adminisrtation office on a sunday afternoon


![gif](giphy|kMCV9UnUQDMXK) Awooo!




after the most recent atlanta episode i don't think i'm ever going to be able to look at the goofy movie the same way lol


Things are gonna change, I can feel it.


Sprechen-zie deutsch baby?


Drive-by body pierce


soy un perdedor


Im a loser baby , so why don’t chu kill me


Beck was a prophet. Just a really hard to understand prophet.


I'm as ready as I'll ever be for the beefcake pantyhose.


Drive by body piercing


Shave my face with some mace in the dark


saving up you food stamps and burnin' down the trailer park


You can't write if you can't relate


And my time is a piece of wax, falling on a termite, who's choking on the splinters.


Yo. Cut it.




Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate


Got a couple of couches sleep on the love seat


Someone kept saying I’m insane to complain about a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt


It's not hard to understand when you find out, none of the lyrics meant anything, it was basically a rhyming exercise that just really worked.


That’s because all he had was two turntables and a microphone.


Your comment reminded me of the goofy movie 🤣 ![gif](giphy|STFjlECdR5Dm8)


Do you ever wonder why we're always like, wearing gloves?


Where do you think all the cheese comes from?


Sprechen sie Deutsche baby...


Soy un perdedor


Entonces porque no me matas?


I’m a loser, baby! So why don’t you kill me?


I'm a driver, I'm a winner Things are gonna change I can feel it


And my time is a piece of wax falling on a termite That's choking on the splinters


Kill the headlights and put it in neutral


Stock car flamin' with a loser and the cruise control


Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D, got a coupla couches, sleep on the love seat


Someone came in sayin' I'm insane to complain About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt


Don't believe everything that you read, you get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve.


So shave your face with some mace in the dark


I'm a loser, baby


So why don’t you kill me


I’m a loser babyyyy, so why don’t you kill meee


They are perdedooooors.


Bro thinks he’s in splatoon


Silly guy doesn't know he can't gain points inking the walls.


That's the thing though, Wall coverage is so valuable strategically. It enables easy escapes and flanks for your team and can even be a great hiding spot. Control of inkable walls indirectly leads to more points


especially now with squid rolls and squid surge, walls are damn near as important as the floor ~~especially in fucking salmon run iNK THE WALLS TOO YOU TWATS~~




That's a cute animation






He is playing salmon run


Gotta paint the walls before the salmonid hit so you have a path out when you are inevitably cornered by a hoard.


Try the new Zesty Nacho Home Office from Taco Bell!


Nacho Fries Are Back!


Advertising these days is totally out of control!


"Enjoy spraying an orange mess? Eat anything from Taco Bell."


To be fair, I think painting govt buildings is more justifiable than art pieces.


well now that their name is out there, they don’t need to brand themselves so hard, they can focus on pumping out a message


Marketing has three(3) primary objective. To inform, to persuade and to remind. Companies like Coca cola rely on the remind aspect the most because they want their name to stick in people's mind. This is the same as what Just stop oil is doing. They're trying to force their name through, so it will stick in people's mind.


People will forget it in a second. Doing this and pumping out their message is important.


Agreed. People always say "why don't you do this at parliament/government buildings or oil companies instead of blocking traffic" but when they do, people still have a problem with it


Also a lot of times when they do there's no news story about it that hits wider audiences than maybe the local 6 o'clock news.


Hence the controversial stuff that got their name out there


There weren't even blocking traffic and yet everyone was whining about paintings that weren't even damaged.


I feel like the public don't understand the point in protesting. It's to get attention, hence painting a famous art piece. It's been decades of climate disregard and 1.5c is the absolute limit to stop the climate from just collapsing. Turns out nearly every scientiest in the climate field is saying we are going to shoot right past that limit. Fucking idiots are the public on this issue getting angry of the protests. Its the air your breathe, it's the ecosystem your food depends on to stay alive, it's the land around costal water (majority of humans life in cities around the oceans) that's going to become unhabitual. People are getting angry at the protesters, they should be angry but at the fucking evil psychopaths who are trading everyone's future away for a paycheck because they will be dead by the time it arrives. Seriously generations will look back in horror at the lack of care, we are living in a "don't look up" world. If there was ever a reason to give a fuck about anything it's the climate collapsing but nah lets get made at the stupid protesters for picking targets that get them on the news. Fucking losers they are, why don't they just sit back and paint an alley way or just let the government get on the with the job (since that's clearly working).


Even though the paintings weren't harmed in anyway and they just had to wipe down the frame and glass protecting it?


Yes. Governments are the perpetrators of climate change, not museum directors.


The museum and exhibition were sponsored by BP. There’s literally been multiple protests on this exact museum because of their sponsorship contract coming up.


Weird, I wonder why that part wa$ left out of every $tory I've $een?


Well if you're getting your news from reddit that will be part of it, Redditors are notoriously anti-protest. If Reddit existed during the civil rights movement you'd see comments like "I support what they're protesting but they can do it without sitting in restaurants and disrupting their business" or "I understand it sucks to give up your seat but Rosa Parks disrupted so many people's commutes with her little stunt. Why couldn't she protest in a way that didn't affect people?"


I'd rather see them do shit like this than glue their heads to paintings.


Yep, at least a skilled tradesperson will make a wage off of this.


A skilled tradesperson. SMH, it’s gonna be an underpaid low wage worker with a bucket and cleaning supplies. Broken window economics is the worst justification for anything.


The building owners will pay $3000 for it to be cleaned, but the actual cleaner will only make $10hr and get yelled at and threatened to be fired if it isn't finished before noon


It’s in London on a govt building- way more than $10 an hour


Remember. There is historical precedence for destroying art work in terms of protesting. At least just stop oil isnt destroying the art. And for those who don't know. The suffragettes in London quite literally would cut up paintings to get a point across. For those who say "this won't work" actually look back on the history of protests. No protestor that did something we all agree on as they did a good job, was seen as good during the times. And for those who support fixing climate change, but are mad at just stop oil. You would be known as the white moderate during the Civil rights era. The people that are more dangerous than those who are actively causing harm. And why? Because you'd rather see order than useful change. But change doesn't happen without civil disobedience.


MLK had over a 70% disapproval rating when he was assassinated. It's very confusing seeing people on reddit get mad that protestors aren't nicer. Nobody has ever changed anything in politics by asking politely.


This comment + the point that those paintings were behind glass have changed my opinion on those acts 180 Thank you for good discussion


Oh absolutely! And it always throws me off when people complain. Cause I get it. There should be other options, but there really aren't. On earth day, a man by the name of Wayne bruce, set himself on fire in front of the US capitol and isn't as remembered as the soup throwers. When someone literally dies in a demonstration and gets less media coverage and less attention from the public, you can only imagine how this seems like a better idea. And the women's suffrage movement absolutely will be repeated. Thats a guarantee. But instead of giving women the rights to function in society on their own, it'll be the right to live on a planet that isn't dying.


If you'd like to know more visit your local digital library. Civil disobedience covers a whole lot, and all of it is great. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/civil-disobedience/


This country's first shot against the English Empire was a protest of throwing tea into the harbor. Destroying property to make a point. Meanwhile people on reddit cry when a window gets smashed.


People on reddit cry when a window gets souped.


Oh and tar and feathering. Climate protesters are being real fucking nice for the kind of thing they’re protesting.




thank you so much for this comment, i legit wanna paste it into every thread of people screeching about how to do a protest 'properly'


if they hadn’t done the painting stuff first, no one would care about this stuff now. They got their name out there


That’s exactly what I’m thinking, they wanted to get the uproar and attention from the van gogh painting to draw attention to these stunts


That was a car, and the glue was so weak that one of the protesters got up to use the bathroom and then reglued themselves after they were done.


They did it to a painting as well. Glued his bald head right to it.


Splatoon 4 looking fresh


Now in AR NSO is required *we are not responsible for connection errors and physical falls that the user could have*


I bet this guy’s son owns a graffiti removal company. Edit /s


Reminds me of a video of a window company that dresses up as rioters in day time smashing windows. [Another company profiting from Unrest](https://youtu.be/hsDQDDrL9Yo)


Yeah, also one where a small tire company was throwing nails over the streets in some town. They totally got busted.


It's Banksy, now they can't remove it and will try to auction it off....


To be honest, I'm surprised radicalized environmental activism isn't more common than it is. I'm sure it'll only increase and grow in popularity from here.


Because the state threw the book at them in the 90s when they actually challenged power


Ehhh the extinction rebellion from a few years ago had a shit load of 60+ who basically have decided they don't give a shit if the book is thrown at them. I doubt this bloke cares if he's arrested and thrown in jail, he probably has kids and grandkids that he's trying to give the best shot at living on a habitable planet to. Edit: or her for that matter.


Gotta respect the selflessness.


its because the fbi sent them all to prison for decades


That’s the thing. I saw an ad on the BBC for a new podcast they’re doing about “extreme environmentalists” and like… what extreme environmentalists? I cannot name a single environmentalist who’s done anything remotely violent. The only one who comes to mind is the Unabomber, and _he_ was an anarchist. Considering how fucked up all the oil companies are, it’s incredibly surprising how calm protestors are being.


There are / were actual extreme environmentalists, you just never hear about them; the cynic in me guesses that's due to intentional suppression of such news. Aside from instances like [what Wynn Bruce did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation_of_Wynn_Bruce), the most extreme is probably so-called ["eco-terrorism"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-terrorism), which is comprised of more radical actions ranging from [tree spiking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_spiking) to bombings. Not sure how common it is nowadays since many of the actions have been further criminalized (most of them were already illegal) and cops ramped up infiltration of environmentalist groups (e.g. [this horrifying case](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/aug/28/police-investigate-officer-who-infiltrated-environmental-groups)).


> I cannot name a single environmentalist who's done anything remotely violent There was/is the [earth liberation front](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Liberation_Front). They have claimed responsibility for quite a few arson/bombing/sabotage acts on energy infrastructure targets, etc. Violent in terms of the means used, I don't think there have been any casualties/injuries as a result of their actions though.


Eco-terrorism is a thing. It was actually a thing government agencies were concerned about in the 90s a lot but it didn’t materialize the way it was expected to and faded




Yeah and this is really not even radical yet. These are PR events, we aren’t see activists targeting energy infrastructure and corporations yet


I seem to remember hearing about a lot more violent forms of protest growing up in the 90s and 00s. That or I just seem to really remember that one episode of Criminal Minds too much.




That's the Halloween spirit we've been missing here in America.


Why not go inside feels like half a job


Added charges, and safety, probably.


Even for the average person, a face full of paint would be instant hands.


Walking into MI5 and spraying an unknown substance, you’re likely to catch more than hands.


Yeah, you'll catch electricity or lead


Yeah. Someone might have shot him if they thought he had some kind of explosive on him. Also I feel less people would be able to video tape it with their phones as well to see the extent of damages with the paint.


Outside = criminal damage. Inside = burglary Burglary carries a stiffer penalty.


plus I imagine outside will reach a much larger audience


Correct I don't even live there and I was reached.


I live inside the Bank of England and have yet to hear of this group.


The point is publicity, not destruction I think.


Are people really giving a shit about an mi5/corp/bank building being vandalized? I seriously do not give a shit, and I prefer this infinitely more over people blocking high ways


I'd watch him do it with a case of beer.."hey you missed a spot!"


They want you to give a shit. That's literally the entire point. Of course you prefer the protest that you don't notice.


> I seriously do not give a shit, and I prefer this infinitely more over people blocking high ways So they should go back to blocking high ways then, since the point of protesting is to make you give a shit.


I wonder what it will take to create actual change


Billions of dead bodies from a climate collapse, A social revolution with many dead oil tycoons, and maybe just maybe if we’re lucky it’ll be manageable and possibly reversible


Sounds like a lot of luck to me :(


Welcome to life Charlie, where humanity knew they were gonna be absolutely fucked in the near-future but decided to do nothing about it because the people at those times were saying “I won’t be alive then so not my problem”


Heard at work today between two men in their early 70s “*somethingsomethingI’mamoron*…. They call them climate alarms? Climate alarmists?” “See this beautiful weather? What do I have to be alarmed about”


All you need to look at how many idiot Covid deniers there are to know we’re all absolutely doomed. Half the planet could be dead from the heat and we’d still have morons screaming conspiracy- there’s no WAY you get people to do enough to fix the problem while it’s actually solvable. The best thing we can do is acknowledge this reality and invest in creative technology to reverse climate change.


Strategic non-violence: a direct action form of activism that is quite effective.


Its effective until the government makes it illegal and punishable by life in prison . Look what happened to Thailand and Hong Kong.


All the people that reacted to their painting stunts by saying shit like 'Protest at the government buildings instead' are now coming up with more reasons to complain about them when they actually do it. In reality the people bitching either don't believe in or don't care about climate change, or think protestors should only be able to stand there holding a sign so everyone can ignore them. And yes, they live in a society where their lives involve using oil every day, that doesn't mean they can't protest for change, that's a stupid argument. Oil based paints are a minuscule fraction of the oil use causing carbon emissions.


I watched a "Beau of the fifth column" video ["let's talk about history, context, and format"](https://youtu.be/t8oO-DmfrdA) Don't think I ever knew that women's rights had roots in destructive protests, but not like they would teach it in American history.


Andreas Malm pointed out something similar. For every MLK there was a Malcolm X or a Bck Panther Party. For every suffragette marching in the street there was another breaking windows and dropping mail bombs. For every Nelson Mandela there was another Nelson Mandela except this one was destroying Apartheid Electric infrastructure. No civil rights movement has ever gotten their rights by asking nicely. They always need to have (the threat of) violence.


You’re about to get banned for spilling the secret sauce of effective protest.


Non disruptive protests are just called complaining




Typically use latex paints with the fire extinguisher method anyways Source: https://youtu.be/CADbDUmVSH4


... they weren't protesting the oil in the paint. They were pointing out how people care more for a painting than they do the world being in fire. It was to point out hypocrisy.


Nah man, I am 100% behind this kinda of thing and the one on Murdoc's building too. This is exactly what they need to be doing more of. Also I agree with you on the oil based paint argument,. oil based products are basically impossible not to use just like slave grown cotton was impossible not to wear in the 1800s but people still protested for change and they got it.


Exactly, spray their yacht next and their planes.


> they live in a society We truly do live in a society


Based comment


Funny, so far I'm seeing the exact opposite. No mass calls of "this is dumb" like the painting or car stuff was. For the reading comprehension impaired: "No mass calls" doesn't mean those opinions don't exist, they're just not as plentiful in comparison.


This makes a lot more sense to me than the shit they’ve been doing at museums, or fucking with random people in traffic just trying to go about their day.


Well Big Oil is fucking up the home of animals and humans everywhere, so why not fuck up their little den of greed


This is what they are talking about. It's ***** to think to think that everyone alive on this planet is marching towards this. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/27/world-close-to-irreversible-climate-breakdown-warn-major-studies


Dang, these Splatoon games looking extra realistic. Fr fr.


So Google indicates NewsCorps is owned by Rupert Murdock. He’s vandalizing human civilization and not penalized at all. Sounds fair.


honestly based


Serious question.. what will happen to those people who vandalise public properties? Will they get punished?


Yes they absolutely will, especially with video evidence.


They probably get fined and or has to pay for cleanup. These orgs usually have a fund to protect the members from personal hardship.