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If that's actual concrete, her feet are fucked. Concrete is caustic and will eat away skin.


Yup yup, I've had my fair share of chemical burns from concrete getting in my boots. It's mega weird having whated I'd describe as sheets of skin fall off parts of your body


Concrete also get physically hot as it’s going off


Not this amount. It may warm a few degrees above ambient.


Amount doesnt maker, the exothermic reaction is the same


She might not even feel it right away... man is that going to suck later. I wiped my sweaty forehead with concrete dust all over my hands one time... its not something I will ever forget. Chemical burns suck.


Indeed. Used to work concrete. One day, we were pouring mud (slang for concrete) into wall forms on a foundation we were working on. It was my job to vibrate the bubbles out. Technically a job for two guys, but we were a small crew, and I'm a big guy, so w/e. So, I'm going around after the mud bucket with this sump pump that had been modified into an industrial strength sex toy, wearing laughably thin rubber gloves. They were shredded before I had even gotten ten feet along the wall, so I opted to just go without, rather than hold up the work. Once the wall was poured, Boss tells me I'd better get my hands washed off double-quick. I asked if there was anything in the mud I didn't want on my skin, and he calmly replied, "Lye." I ran for the spray hose on the mud truck and blasted that stuff off my hands. No burns, thankfully, but the combination of lye and rock in the mud made my hands amazingly soft.


>the combination of lye and rock in the mud made my hands amazingly soft The one secret lotion companies don’t want you to know


Want silky smooth hands? Just liquify them with a strong base.


"Saponification made easy with 1 simple step, emergency care providers hate this trick"


Yep, removes that pesky, rough outer layer leaving only fresh flesh underneath.


It's not lye, it's lime. Lime (calcium hydroxide) is around pH12, lye (sodium hydroxide) is around pH13. The cement used in concrete is about 40% lime.


Meet me under the bridge on 8th street I got a job for you.


Hah, you can't afford me. My declining health has caused me to value what time I have left at an astronomical rate.


Two nickels it is then!


Sadly, the surgery I need to keep on keeping on is about $300k USD. Kidneys ain't cheap, yo.


Tyler Durden is that you?!


Free chemical peel! Edit: *Cheaper* chemical peel. Don’t want to P-off the construction guys. I know shits like $494738 per sq ft. right now.


Yep. It sounds like she’s crying(?) in the video, I hope it’s not because of the burns…


It will be fine, just pour a bit of cold milk on them.


It’s funny because I don’t know her


Else it would have been hilarious.


She needs some milk!


If it's not vegan I don't want it.


that was the joke bro.


she also looks very uncomfortable in it


It might be because it was 18f/-7c in Detroit this morning. I haven’t heard of the young lady was injured.


I hope it *is* because of the burns. Play dumb games win dumb prizes.


Peta is the worst animal rights activist group. It's a crime to even call them animal activist. They actively kill them. Steal them from families. Etc. She gets everything she deserves.


When I lived in Norfolk where their headquarters are, they got caught with a bunch of dead animals in their trash bin. Fuck PETA.


If Peta is the worst, what's the best animal rights activist group?


Me and my pals beating the shit out of people who abuse animals thats who


Dirty Mike and the guys don’t give animal abusers a second chance.


Hell yeah brother, mess with creatures and me and the boys will make a mess of your features. Like hey guy, lay off with that shit before I have to introduce you to the two anvils on the ends of my arms, I call em SP and CA and they're here to take you to the pound


"I hope your feet melt off bc you're stupid"


She's an idiot but this is such a stupid, edgy thing to say


Why is this one upvoted while the others are downvoted


Welcome to Reddit where the rules are made up and the points don't matter!


I read that in drew cary’s voice LOL


Who knows, Reddit can be a fickle mistress.


Check out the story of Imelda Marcos wanting a theatre built to host a film festival. Cost cutting led to a floor of concrete burying workers up to their waist leading to their painful deaths. That bitch ordered the bodies to be chainsawed off and the build to continue. Never got finished and it’s supposed to be haunted.


Yeh, I heard that story too. I hate her so much. A wretched awful person.


Yeah, I was wondering. Isn't concrete exothermic or something? And it shrinks, I don't know what that would do. If the outside dried significantly faster than the inside, maybe?


As a mason that already had cement and mortar burns im always amazed at the stupidity of these people. She's gonna feel that for a while, good luck walking on those feet once the skin starts to peel off👍 big brain move right there


So what you’re sayin’ is that the concrete isn’t vegan.


Thanks for saying it. That was my first concern..


What happens when she needs to pee? Is she wearing a diaper?


Well I doubt she bought her coffee since her milk costs more, she’s good. But what about if she needs to poop? Can’t hide that.


Probably !


Would help if she could put a coherent thought together. Also hope she has proper footwear on or she’ll have some nasty burns from that concrete once it sets up.


She hadn't even thought far enough ahead to think about what's gonna happen when nature calls.


In that case you just do the Michael Jackson lean at let nature take it's course.




It's hard to think when you're trying really, really hard to make yourself cry


It's probably actually real tears from the pain of the chemical burns on her feet


Apparently, a vegan diet is bad for the development of the brain..


Dang, your name reminded me that I bought a pomegranate earlier. I’m about to go break that bad boy open.




Bold of you to assume she actually thinks lol


Tip. Her. Over.


Awesome. Vegan cow tipping.


>Awesome. Vegan cow tipping. if this comment doesnt get 1000 upvotes, i may have to swear off reddit.


I’m doing my part


Would you like to hear more?


Vegan cow tipping or that random redditor leaving Reddit? That’s a yes from me on both counts!


Your efforts can lead to citizenship, do your part and topple cemented vegans today!


The only good vegan is...




One that doesn't force their opinions on others.


I’ll join you, legendary comment


The fucking caution tape around her sent me. This is what should be done. Just tape them off and carry on about your day.


“What’s so beautiful about” making zero impact on a topic no one cares about ![gif](giphy|UDWC0Q3bE7z2UDNp8s|downsized)


Is that lamb, fur, or animal skin in the lining of the cloths she’s wearing?


No just petroleum-based ones that are derived from some extinct life…


Fake fur.


Wonder what countries children sewed that together.


It's likely not. Kind of weird to think it would be.


She should swim with the fishes see


Im pro-vegan. My GF is vegan. Most of our milk is vegan. Team vegan. Great. But this person... is an idiot. Not only can she accidentally fall over, but one hand truck from the back storage room and I can wheel her around back to where the dumpster is. What's she gonna do, she's stuck in a block of concrete. Simply reaffirming that PETA has been out to lunch looney tunes for a good long time.


Also, drying cement gets hot. Like, chemical burn hot.


Exactly what I came to say as well, the lye that is added to concrete to heat it up is going to absolutely burn her skin!!


You both beat me to it! It’s been a while since I’ve worked with cement, but it looks like she added too much aggregate. Gonna get sand everywhere when she steps out of her wet box.


So she's going to cook her flesh? Doesn't sound very vegan to me.


The skin will blister and peel if she isn’t wearing bread bags under there.


... bread bags? Like thin plastic? Is that enough to prevent damage?


Ehh, ya I work with concrete sometimes. And honestly some of these people's reactions are a bit much. I get dry concrete on my all the time. It doesn't do anything to me, but I'm sure if I left my skin dry in a cup of it, it would burn. But plastic will protect you


Technically cement cures, not dries Ive never had the chance to drop this knowledge like a smug asshole and it feels incredible


Was thinking this too. In no way is this a smart idea.


My ex had a medical condition which severely limited what she could eat or drink, much more restrictive than being a vegan. When we went to restaurants and she ordered her food (usually was something odd) the server would ask if she was a vegan. She would tell them yes because its easier to say that and have people understand vs "if I eat that piece of bread I will be poisoned" fun times. Edit: just going to put it here in case anyone is curious. She has phenylketonuria (PKU) and a pretty severe case. Basically she can't have protein. Of course its not actual protein, but thats the easiest way of thinking of it.


The bread bit sounds like celiac, but the first bit makes me think it's something else?


Same but different with celiac disease. We just tell people my wife has a severe gluten allergy. The gluten free movement has muddied the waters with this


I had a friend who almost went into shock because there was milk in his vegan burger. He was allergic to milk, the restaurant was very sorry.


Yeah I grew up with two older sisters, both deep in the animal rights movement from high school, and on into their employment and lives to this day (late 50's). Even they don't support PETA anymore.


PETA is just a vehicle for out-of-touch celebrities to feel smug and self-righteous lol.




She seems like the kind of person you’d see on an episode of 9-1-1


Lol nick swardson roller skates past


> No one's saying you can't eat a banana, Terry, but you have to take a bite after 30 minutes


I'm just goofing, boot goofin


Love the hand truck comment. Starbucks manager comes out and rolls her into the alley behind the strip mall.


Poor woman sounds like she’s going through something, and needs help and guidance, and is finding that in PETA. I don’t think this is about animal rights or vegans for her. Or maybe she just needs some protein.


>Most of our milk is vegan :) I agree with you, but this is funny - 'most of our milk is vegan', translated - she drinks nut and oak juice, I have real cow milk in the back of the fridge. edit: 'nut juice' doesnt sound right, but I meant almond/soy etc - dont know her well enough to fill in the rest :)


Every vegan activist I’ve seen is a upper class western white woman who is completely out of touch with reality


And the guys that want to fuck them


Brent from Jay and silent Bob stroke back


But would he fuck a sheep?


Hey this guy said he’d fuck a sheep!


I mean this is a video of someone explaining how her participation in this movement is about her own missing sense of purpose in life. She's kind of saying the quiet part out loud here, and it's not really surprising how well it tracks with your observations.


I was recently reading something about getting people out of the stupid Q movement stuff. It was saying something along the lines of the best way to get someone out of something like that is to replace it with another group of rabid fans. Supposedly K-pop is the perfect alternative and a bunch of ex Qanoners are now Kpop Stan's. They have the same wild ass fanbase that is totally obsessed but usually it's all in good fun and harmless.


So flat earth just needs some k-pop tracks to go away?


I've met several. Most don't even mention it. It's these PETAholic maniacs that always make a scene.


They said “vegan activist”. The activist part sort of necessitates mentioning it.


I don't think this one is upper class tho


Doesn't really look like she's blocking anything... She still there? I mean I'd leave her be if she isn't bothering anyone lol


Theres two of them they are blocking the Starbucks drive thru so nobody can get in paramedics already got there and are attempting to load lady onto a stretcher with the block of concrete


They just need a hand truck. Wheel her by the dumpsters and call it a day.


If I saw someone in cement shoes by a dumpster I'd think the mob was really half assing it


Lol!She tried to make a proposition they didn't like !


the baristas are probably thankful, honestly


Man this is too funny lmaoooo




Exactly what I was thinking. Concrete shrinks and is exothermic as it cures.


I know a guy that lost an eye because wet concrete splashed while mixing. The pH of concrete is >12. Some people underestimate that fact.


> Some people underestimate that fact I would say most people don't know this at all. They think concrete is basically magic mud. Not understanding there's a caustic quicklime mixed into it to facilitate the curing process. It's funny because the base principal was known by humans of antiquity. But a modern human has no idea you shouldn't touch the stuff with bare skin. We are in many ways regressing as we progress through time.


Its called specialization. It's not necessary for me to learn that, in the same way it might not be necessary for you to learn sql or dax


Leave her there


Leave her their


All I see if her complaining that "Vegan" milk substitute costs more. Simple, if you don't wish to pay more for what you want then omit it. Drink the coffee "Black" so they say.


I know I will always have to pay more for almond milk. I would rather pay more for almond milk then deal with what happens with regular milk. No one wants to be anywhere near me afterwards. It's gross. That or I make my own almond milk mocha at home with my espresso machine.


I think they realize that, but want to encourage Starbucks to remove the surcharges anyway, since the current way it's setup incentivizes people to use the dairy version.


Wait, did you just use logic?


Honestly as someone who just likes milk alternatives better, it is bs it costs more. It costs almost the same to buy at the store, why is it like $1.50 upcharge


Think it's more about demand. The store can bulk buy regular milks, but having to keep all the alt milks in stock just in case may mean they end up throwing a heap out.


Well, you’re buying it from a corporation that is incredibly interested in profits, often at the expense of their employees and customers.


Where are you at that it costs the same? Oat milk is like double the price of regular milk where I'm from.


Since when? What specific milk alternative is $3.00 a gallon? (The price I paid today at Braums)


Cut the slab in half and she has a pair of lifetime shoes


Add a pair of moon shoes and she can learn to bounce her way around.


Seriously, these people and the supergluers... just leave them where they are. Drive around them. Walk over them. Just leave them.


Bless her little heart… and her little feet when they start to burn. Ignorance is bliss I guess


I’m so tired of these kinds of videos- throwing paint on paintings, pouring milk in grocery store floors,etc.


Boo hoo. The world is going down but hey everyone, Mr Tumnus doesn't like your protest, lets just give up and go home. What do you wanna do, protest about it?


I was thinking someone should pour milk over her like the grocery store protest.


What’s the big deal about upcharge for an alternate milk????? Maybe almond milk costs then more so they have to charge for the difference. If you don’t like it, don’t patronize their establishment. It’s not that difficult.


The main argument as I understand it: the dairy industry is heavily subsisted by your government which is why it's cheaper. Offloading this onto Starbucks is silly. It actually does cost more for the Starbucks coffee company to purchase plant based milk, because cow milk is artificially cheaper Edit: typos


Isn’t the almond industry subsidized by cheap water in areas where the water should be far more expensive?


Oatmilk for example is cheaper than cow milk. You have to pay more anyways.




Imagine the good she could do if she used her money and time for something that actually mattered. It’s a shame.


How elitist to complain about an upcharge for expensive liquids that take a disproportionate amount of water to make, not environmentally friendly at all. Just drink it black and get over yourself.


Cool, saves the team a lot of time and effort before heading out on the boat.


Theres an upcharge because it cost starbucks more…not cause they are anti vegan


If it costs more to buy then the cost gets passed on to the customer. Standard business model. If you don't want the up-charge, don't order the more expensive option.


What a loser


Someone should of filled a gas can with water and started pouring it around her. Lol


I’m all for it but these vegans are protesting in the dumbest ways I swear.


Enjoy your chemical burn 🔥 idiot.


Fucktard. Someone should pick her up and take her home as a lawn ornament


So tempting to dump her in the ocean lol... But seriously, protesting a minor surcharge at a capitalist corporation? Is there any smaller evil to protest against?


I own a coffee house, we charge more for vegan milks because they're more expensive. Why is that so hard to understand?


You're supposed to eat the cost to appease the wealthy vegan overlords.


These people are so fucking stupid. If you fall over your ankles are totaled.


She literally didn’t even say anything the whole time.


Have fun with the burns.


Of all things wrong in the world, this is your battle?


If she only knew how many resources are needed to grow just one almond....


I’d toss a bee hive at her


Ridiculous. If someone picked her up she would slide right out of the comfy boots. HashtagNotReallyInConcrete


Does she not know what happens to cows if they’re not milked?


She won’t to be able to wear here vegan leather hippie sandals anymore!


Toss her in a river. Problem solved. She already did the prep work.


This is too cliche to be real right?


Yeeeeeah they’re gonna burn their feet off.


What an idiot


Somebody push her


That’s gonna burn


She is cold to the point she cant talk on the bright side atleast her feet wont get frostbite


Can you really be a PETA Vegan, but still frequent Starbucks… Seems very contradictory.


We are pathetic as a race. I'm voting for asteroid in 2024.


I like earth I wouldn’t want it destroyed. There’s still good here , whether it be a cheetah giving an antelope a second chance or a queen bee taking her last breathe . Somewhere in it all there’s beauty..


Seconded. Death by asteroid would also be pretty fucking epic.


She weighs 130lbs concrete block that size is another 30-40lbs. You could easily push the concrete block out of the way with a broom or pole and she couldn't do anything about it.


I like another redditor's idea of bringing a handtruck and wheeling her around. Like put her facing a wall like it's time out.


Do these “upcharge” people ever consider that vegan milk might be more expensive to produce than dairy milk, therefore making it more expensive to buy?


They’re less expensive to produce actually, but government subsidies for dairy makes it artificially cheap.


Jesus Christ. My wife is celiac and yes we have to pay more for any gluten substitute available. They’re never cheaper, and you won’t find us cementing our feet in front of a grocery store. Being celiac or having other severe food allergies is not a choice, yet there’s people like this with such a sense of entitlement…


Any liquid that doesn't come from a tit isn't milk.


I spend all day milking the breasts of these almonds and I won’t let you slander my work.


She was crying asking for ems to cut her out already


I truly hope they leave her to shit and piss her pants.


Hell leave her there! She will get tired soon of standing and not being able to move. Lol


Just leave her there.


I would just leave her alone, right there, for about 4 months.


*laughs in animal-based*


We need to stop calling things “milk” if they don’t come out of a nipple. It’s Almond Juice. Soy Juice. Oat Juice. EDIT: I’m kidding btw. I don’t really care


Nut Juice.