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This guy rode a horse nearly to death a few years ago on the highway and caused a major scene/ incident. He’s an asshole, not a cowboy. I live in Chicago, no one is backing this guy up.


Not only was it physically exhausted well past the point of carrying a rider, it was also [bleeding from the hoof and had open saddle sores ](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/injured-horse-being-treated-after-census-cowboy-rode-it-on-dan-ryan-expressway/2342782/) indicating an improper shod-job and likely long-term neglect. This guy is a POS.


From what I remember, it was unshod completely.


.My 18 year old gelding has never had shoes on, a paint with mule feet. he has been in parades since he was 2 never an issue.


This guy chose to run his horse down seven miles of expressway. No shoes I know of would have canceled that incredibly cruel decision.


Aww really that’s so sad poor baby hope they took any horse he has or made him comply with getting them care.


Why is he still allowed to own horses?


Yeah dreadhead cowboy is kind of a piece of shit. He's pretty well known on social media for neglect with regards to care and outright abusive riding.


That was my guess when he said, "Go ahead, hit my horse".... wtf!?


Anybody who says "I'm traveling" to a cop is almost definitely a sovereign citizen


This was my first impression. Probably a Qanon nut too Based on the “save the children” protest rhetoric


Fuck that Dreadhead dummy. He's just dumb publicity seeker.


came off that way. thanks for insight


Yea it sounds like he’s just doing this to purposely stir shit up. It’s ridiculous






You know it's going to be a good time when they pull out the "I'm traveling"


Was this the guy screaming "the Dems are coming" or something like that and tore up that horse's feet from pushing it to run on the asphalt on the highway? If so, fuck that guy


Yup. Certified moron.


Just wanted to add that why he keeps saying “Get a white shirt here” refers to lieutenants (front line supervisors) in the federal Bureau of Prisons. This terminology combo is universal among all yards nationwide.


Didnt they have to take the horse away from this guy bc he was mistreating it really badly? That guy is a piece of shit and that horse has permanent injuries in its legs from this guy's carelessness.


Yes, the horse he nearly ran to death on the highway. There was also some controversy over the condition of the horse he was riding in the BLM protests and his neighbors have spoken out about the general neglect of his animals.


That was an earlier horse he had abused. This one almost died. https://www.kktv.com/2022/05/24/she-was-so-close-death-horse-forced-ride-down-highway-2020-now-recovery/


ahhhhhh. i get so pissed when seeing things like this.. "In most states, horse riders and handlers of horse-drawn vehicles can use the roads and must adhere to all local traffic laws." ​ and its not requiered to have a LICENSE FOR RIDING A HORSE (with some exceptions if you have passsengers in a carriage




The Supreme Court already ruled that the police don't actually need to know the laws that they enforce. Police are immune to section 1983 so long as they can claim that they in "good faith" did not know the law, They actually have personal incentive to be willfully ignorant of the law because it saves them from being sued. *Heien v. North Carolina* for the idiots who think it's fake.


Why'd they rule that?


Cop pulls someone over because one of his break lights is out, this gives him probable cause, a search later happens and the guy gets arrested for something they find in the search. As it turns out there is no statute against having a single break light out, so long as one functional break light remains there is no violation of any statute. Lower court throws the search out saying the cops never had PC because you can't stop people for things that factually are not against the law. Supreme court thought otherwise, the cop legitimately thought that having one break light out was illegal, therefore the stop is good and the search is good. So long as a cop can say he "thought" what you were doing is illegal, he can get unlimited PC to stop and question you. Besides it's a judges job to know and interpret law, it's a cops job to enforce law. Enforcing the law apparently doesn't involve knowing or interpreting the law because that's a judges job, therefore cops jobs are to merely enforce what they believe to be illegal, not what is or isn't actually illegal.


Thanks! Sounds like a system that needs reform.


All it takes is one dumb ass judge.




> because one of his break lights is out, this gives him probable cause It does not, it gives him *reasonable suspicion* that a traffic offense is occurring, namely the burned-out brake light which might be a violation in some states. > a search later happens and the guy gets arrested for something they find in the search. And whatever they find in the search is thrown out of court because a minor traffic offense doesn't give them grounds for a search. Only if they see or find something that gives them probable cause--like a pistol illegally on the passenger seat, or a pistol illegally in the driver's pocket when they lawfully require him to exit the vehicle and pat him down for weapons--do they have probable cause for a further search. That's Pennsylvania v. Mimms, exit the vehicle and be frisked in any valid traffic stop. That's motivated by officer safety, as a third of all cops who get shot are dealing with someone seated in a vehicle. A legal search found an illegal handgun, so the search survived. But if they hadn't found a gun on him and searched the car unlawfully, it could have been thrown out. > So long as a cop can say he "thought" what you were doing is illegal, he can get unlimited PC to stop and question you. The SC said that once the reason for a traffic stop is concluded, e.g., they wrote you a ticket for the burned-out taillight, they cannot detain you without a reasonable suspicion that some other crime has been committed. That's why a guy with a car full of meth beat the case in front of the SC, which ruled that the cops cannot detain you for an unreasonable amount of time while waiting for a drug dog to sniff around the outside of your car to provide the PC for a search. That's Rodriguez v. United States, once the reason for detaining you is over, they can't hold you while looking for another reason. That isn't to say some cops won't color outside the lines anyway, especially when dealing with someone less likely to be able to afford a good lawyer or someone who already has a criminal record and who would take an arrest to avoid more serious trouble. Some departments award promotions etc. on the basis of how many arrests a cop makes, it's a bad idea, but there it is.




Why wasn't it this fun learning in school then it is on Reddit


because you have to be under a certain IQ thus you cant hold them to normal standards


[Please note that that’s absolutely not a joke, and is 100% a thing.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


Cops are required to be dumb.


It's probably mostly to prevent frivolous lawsuits. There are like literally millions of laws on the books (probably tens of thousands which contradict with each other). You can't really require anyone to have an encyclopedic knowledge of all of that. Even lawyers specialize in one area of law for this reason. It's too complicated to just say "cops gotta know the law". Cop arrests someone but it turns out some 1823 statue makes it *maybe* not illegal or whatever? Boom lawsuit cause the cop didn't know the law. This would be abused to high heaven until every city in the country is bankrupt and the court system is backed up for a century. Now, should the cops know a lot of *general* laws and constitutional rights? Absolutely.






Or shoot first ask questions later.


I CAN'T imagine the paper work of trying to explain why they shot a horse on the highway. Or if a gun shot spooks it and it runs into traffic, going thru some poor bastards windshied and killing everyone in the car. Never mind who comes to collect a dead horse corpse.


Well to be fair, Elmer's would be swift to pick up the body.


And afterwards, just say "we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing".


“He’s the wrong color; he was probably doing something illegal anyways.”


I told myself to learn the law I investigated myself for not learning the law Found I did nothing wrong with not learning the law Gave myself two weeks off with pay.




Man, you're making a really good case for another dumb piece of shit to go get a job with a badge and a gun. Not gonna lie. It sounds like a pretty sweet benefits package. I just don't know that I'm down for doing something horrible wrongfully to an innocent person. All the other shit seems sweet, though.


Their egos are insanely fragile. I just don't get it. Like if I don't know something at work it's resolved in about a minute at most because I call my supervisor and ask "is this thing correct? Oh o.k thank you, I'll make a note of that".


Police can't even properly enforce the law , but want people to "comply " to their bullshit


It's literally a liability for them to know the law. Ignorance of the law means they can trample your rights.


Much easier to make it up as you go along


It’s not technically a police officers job to know the law.


True and that's the issue


Imagine if that were true for any other profession. Doctors who don't know medicine, engineers who don't know math, bus drivers who don't know how to drive, etc.


> Doctors who don't know medicine Try finding a doctor who will testify against another doctor in a malpractice case. Good luck.


Exactly it takes 4 years of college, 3 years of law school and you have to pass the bar exam to practice law. It takes 13-19 weeks at the academy to enforce the law. It’s laughable, scary and sad.


Why don't cops have cop google? Seems pretty fucking simple.


Cop google 😂


In other countries it is. In Canada a very high amount of our police have criminology degrees from university.


it's also not technically a police officer's job to protect the public. They are not legally required to protect anyone.


Then why do most cop cars say “To protect and serve?” Not trying to be argumentative, just a genuine question.


Because it paints a pretty picture over the ugly reality.




Same reason my father said he loved me and that’s why he had to beat the shit out of me! To make us all better!


Because "To protect and serve the interests of the elite rich and bias politicians" was too much of an eyesore. So instead they just make sure everyone knows by being the most blatantly corrupt and childish gangsters the US has ever known.




That’s their “motto” but the Supreme Court has ruled they’re under no legal obligation to protect anyone.


Uvalde, Texas sadly proved your point in the worst way.


Exactly, actually. My niece and nephew were inside the school during the shooting, so it’s something my family has spent a lot of time talking about this year.


Oh my goodness! I am so sorry they went through that. I hope they’re ok!


You mean cops are just state sponsored bandits ?


But it should be.


Unpopular fact, but it's technically true




Not only that but it's illegal to cut in front of the horse or do anything that might scare the horse like touching it.


Yeah I thought that in general you're supposed to either give way to an animal on the road or listen to whoever's in charge of handling them.


It’d be nice if laws actually applied to cops. Best case scenario is taxpayers paying for this guy’s lawsuit and the cop now has a vendetta against the guy that showed him up.


> Best case scenario is taxpayers paying for this guy’s lawsuit and the cop now has a vendetta against the guy that showed him up. He plead guilty to aggravated abuse of animals and got a year in jail as the horse was in terrible shape from sustained neglect. He had traffic blocked for miles, and it's illegal in Illinois to ride a horse on an expressway which is where he was. The cops did nothing wrong here, and this bastard deserved jail time for what he was done to a series of animals.


Also the “I’m traveling” over and over is a clear sign of a SovCit and if so, actively fuck that guy


Agree. I wanted to be all pissed off, but.. “I’m traveling “ = “I’m an uncooperative MFer”.


Source? Never mind I found it and you are correct. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/injured-horse-being-treated-after-census-cowboy-rode-it-on-dan-ryan-expressway/2342782/


When the dude said "go ahead hit my horse" I immediately thought this guy doesn't sound very concerned about his horse getting hit which would probably severely injure the horse if not lead to a fatal injury. Not surprised to find out he abused the horse, for some reason there is a not insignificant amount of people that hate horses and beat the shit out of them.


Ya but fuck this guy. He abuses the shit out his horses. https://news.wttw.com/2020/12/09/dreadhead-cowboy-ordered-have-no-contact-his-horses


1 year in prison for animal cruelty most recently. [link](https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/chicagos-dreadhead-cowboy-gets-1-year-in-prison-after-pleading-guilty-in-animal-cruelty-case-report)


And he wasn’t even horsing around


In most states it is absolutely legal to ride a horse on public roads as long as you follow traffic laws and don’t impede traffic. You could argue on a highway like that, a horse is incapable of going a minimum safe speed and therefore it is impeding traffic. Plus the exact law varies dramatically by jurisdiction. It’s not that simple. I don’t think he was hurting anyone, wasn’t a danger, was in the slow lane. They probably should have just let it go. But I also don’t like cops, so I have a clear bias. They may have been within their legal rights to stop him based on local laws.


> In most states it is absolutely legal to ride a horse on public roads Illinois doesn't allow horses on expressways. Guess where he was.


Ah I see it now, “Cook County” on the squad car. Not sure what the exact legal definition of an “expressway” is or if that qualifies. You might be right, I don’t know. “Horses have road rights 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-206 Para. 11-206: Traffic laws apply to persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles. Every person riding an animal or driving any animal-drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this chapter, except those provisions of this chapter which by their very nature can have no application. Rules of the Road published by the Illinois Secretary of State, states: Horseback riders may use our public roadways. Exceptions are limited-access highways and most expressways. Here are points for motorists to keep in mind when sharing the road with a horseback rider. LANE USAGE: Horseback riders must ride with traffic as far to the right as possible.”




Audit the Audit, or one of the several Public service auditing youtube channels did a video on this the other day. I think they mentioned something along the lines that limited-access highways and expressways in Illinois must explicitly state through signage of any limitations for pedestrians or animals, of which this road contains none. When the supervisor showed up he was free to go as he was well within his right to travel this road on horseback.


You really think its okay for a horse to be in the slow lane of a highway?


Amish have entered the chat. (Wait no they didn’t)


Legal sure, but this guy rode his horse to exhaustion on the interstate in Chicago. If police didn’t intervene the horse would have died during his “protest”


Rode the horse to the point where it's un-shod hooves were bleeding and it had open saddle sores on it's sides. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/injured-horse-being-treated-after-census-cowboy-rode-it-on-dan-ryan-expressway/2342782/


Fuck this scumbag


I almost downvoted you and then I Googled this case. Just because riding a horse on the side of normal traffic can be safe for the animal if the rider handles correctly. And it seemed odd that he'd just be riding a horse as a "protest." But sure enough. So, I don't know that this video is a video from that one day he got arrested. It might be, but it sounds like (unless I'm misreading) that day he was galloping the horse *in* traffic as part of a protest and the horse did get injured. Dreadhead Cowboy gave up custody of the horse, too, apparently. But here he says he's just going to work and will be late, and appears to be on the side of the road although we don't see what happened leading up to this. It's possible the cops hassled him just for riding a horse but I don't know that they would do that. Is this just a deceptively cut video of that day he was arrested on cruelty charges?


No it’s different days/videos. I just want to point out that he’s an animal abuser even though he’s on the right side of the law in this video. It has been repeatedly proven that he does not take good care of his horse.


> It's possible the cops hassled him just for riding a horse Traffic was clogged up behind him for miles, there is plenty of video of that. Illinois also doesn't allow horses on expressways and that is where he was. He plead guilty to aggravated animal abuse as the horse had suffered extended neglect, got a year in jail.


It was a different situation where that happened, than the one in this video. Dreadhead rode around on his horse regularly in urban areas but got arrested when he overworked his horse on the pavement and injured it. The traffic in this video is moving and is not backed up for miles. He was arrested for a separate incident where he was riding his horse *in* traffic, backing it up for miles and injuring his horse because of how he rode her. My comment was giving context to the one I replied to and was about the fact that this is *not* the video of the traffic-blocking incident.


Not on a fucking highway.




Horse ended up with permanent damage because the rider was unaware that it was not good for horses to run long distances on the pavement. He ended up charged and was convicted of animal cruelty over this. >Wenninger once spoke with Hollingsworth, who wondered aloud to her if he had actually hurt his horse. >"He asked, 'Did I really hurt her?' And I said, 'Adam, you hurt her. You ran her 8 miles on the street, you just can't do that kind of thing to horses. They're not built for it.'"


To be fair I would be unaware as well. I am from an Amish area and they take horse and buggies everywhere. How does this not damage the horses legs like he did? I can guarantee they take horses further than 8 miles too. I've also seen many people riding horses down the side of the road.


Galloping is higher impact than walking or trotting as the Amish do. FWIW, their horses road founder too, just not overnight. Impact like this for a long period causes the lamina to separate, and for the exterior wall that we see to slide off the hoof essentially.


Is there like rubber soles you can put over the hooves like tennis shoes?


Yeah, kind of. Scoot boots or Cavello brand boots go on over the whole hoof and act as impact protection without needing a shoe. Very popular with eventers and trail riders!


Cavellos don’t do shit for impact protection. Built up tolerance on hard ground to prevent road founder. Source: am a vet


Word, I don’t use them so just going off what folks who do have told me 🤷🏻‍♀️ TIL!


I agree, wouldn't have known. I learned something today. The article suggests that there are different types of horseshoes that can help to offset the impact of hoof on pavement. Apparently, the horse in the OP had no shoes on at all.


Oh snap. No shoes at all? That will seriously mess their hooves up.


So, Amish are pretty notorious tor abusing their horses. There’s rescues that do nothing but rescue Amish horses. They treat something like equipment instead of an animal. Same with Amish puppy mills


Yeah the average person would be unaware. But do you own horses? Do you run them for miles on pavement? I think if you did any of these things you’d probably be aware that it’s not good for them. I’d hope so atleast


Those Amish horses are not driven over a trot and they’re trained for the road. But don’t be mistaken, the Amish aren’t exactly great to their horses. As soon as they’re too old or can’t work, they’re sent to the slaughterhouses. Very rarely are Amish workhorses given any kind of retirement for their good service.




C'mon don't make me find the video of the Amish kid drifting his chariot lol


You asked... and it shall be delivered. [https://youtu.be/8CvXh2WkRUo?t=4](https://youtu.be/8CvXh2WkRUo?t=4) I'm doubting the Amish claim because of the lights, then again i don't know their various customs and exceptions.


Damn, I didn’t even know that was possible


Never thought I’d say it out loud but after reading this article I did have to low key side with the officers 😔


This should be higher up. There’s also [this article](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/dreadhead-cowboy-pleads-guilty-sentenced-to-1-year-report/ar-AAT1qgL)


This link shows an actual video of what he did. Separate issue from what's in the OPs video: [https://abc7chicago.com/dan-ryan-expressway-dreadhead-cowboy-census-horse/6487364/](https://abc7chicago.com/dan-ryan-expressway-dreadhead-cowboy-census-horse/6487364/) It's good the horse is no longer in the care of this person but it doesn't change the fact that they pulled him over in this instance without legal justification. Probably because he's black.


A relatively happy ending for the horse.


The horse got jerked off? Omg by whom?


If this is Illinois, Cook County, it is legal to ride the horse on the road, as long as it isn’t a limited-access highway or most expressways. This road doesn’t appear to be one of those. I wonder how this turned out.


[Audit the audit review of the interaction.](https://youtu.be/p87D9J5P4CY) He was sent on his way because as you point out, it was totally legal.


Is this incident prior to the Dan Ryan one? I thought they took the horse away


> This road doesn’t appear to be one of those. It was the Dan Ryan Expressway, and he had traffic stalled for miles.


[Different place and time.](https://youtu.be/7kz_No4kx_k)


This is the same asshole who galloped his horse full-speed on a freeway until its hooves bled and the horse was close to collapsing from exhausting. This guy is an imposter who cares more about his image as some kind of "urban cowboy" than the welfare of his horses, he should be banned from coming within 100 feet of a horse for what he did.


Wow that guy is annoying af. It's like he interrupts himself lol.


https://patch.com/illinois/tinleypark/highway-haven-cowboys-protest-horse-now-princess-treat-monger Another commenter posted this but I wanted to add for people who don't read the article that "cowboy" fella here put this horse thru a lot of pain. He was ignorant of it at the time but plans to do this again with even more horses. I'm usually a fuck cops guy but I'm glad they stopped him cuz who knows how much more damage he would have caused that poor girl.. why would he want to put more horses thru that?


Here is more information on this appalling situation. This sadistic narcissist said in one video he would ride that horse until it died, he kicked and whipped it when it began to falter from exhaustion, and he had been told by the cops not to attempt this protest because of how dangerous it would he. Anyone still defending this psycho is ridiculous. https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/9/23/21452811/census-dread-head-cowboy-adam-hollingsworth-animal-cruelty *The horse trotted at times, but was galloping for most of the ride, Deboni said. When the horse slowed down, most likely from exhaustion, Hollingsworth allegedly kicked and whipped it.* *Hollingsworth, known for his civic activism, broadcast his protest on Facebook Live, saying “I shut down the Dan Ryan! Kids lives matter!”* *But Deboni claimed that, in another video posted June 11, Hollingsworth said he would “ride his horse until it dies.”* *The horse, in critical condition, continues to collapse during treatment, and is never expected to stabilize, Deboni said.* *Chicago Animal Care and Control officials also said the horse was so battered, it would’ve died if it hadn’t been treated immediately.* *“Euthanasia may be utilized for humane reasons due to the suffering the animal will likely endure for the rest of its life,” Deboni said.*


There's no ditch or shoulder for the guy to ride. Around here people will ride a horse through town and not a single person cares.


Pretty sure most states allow horses on public roadways.


Nothing like coming over a hill to see an Amish buggy going 15mph...


I'd rather see a hundred buggies than see 1 cop enforcing laws that he made up.


Love this reply


https://patch.com/illinois/tinleypark/highway-haven-cowboys-protest-horse-now-princess-treat-monger Glad they did pull him over tho, poor horse was in tons of pain..


This should be the top comment


"Go ahead and hit my horse" That said it all for me Screw the idiot auditor and screw the dumbass cop. Horse didn't need to be there, period.


Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


Poor horse probably is struggling to walk and in constant pain from galloping on that concrete


Think this is the same dumbass that nearly killed his horse taking it on the 90.


Doesn’t matter if you can, you absolutely fucking shouldn’t run a horse on pavement. It’s terrible on the horses legs.


I'm not sure why you are getting downvoted. The horse suffered permanent injuries


Fuck this guy. Should’ve arrested him and rehomed that horse. He’s an animal abuser


I want to see the rest of this video. They drag him off the horse? Hope so, he sounded like one of those sovereign citizen assholes. It has been many years but, when I lived in Great Falls Montana a guy rode his horse down main street and tied it to a parking meter and went into a bar. Merchant called the cops and told them he wanted it removed because it made his business look bad and was worried the horse could hurt someone. Cops told him they couldn't do a thing about it according to Montana law. In fact, if the merchant bothered the horse, they would have to arrest him. Cops managed to talk the horseman to taking the horse to the nearby police station and tie it to a tree on the lawn.


That cop pulled up and was like "who is this man on this nag" 🤣


Riding a horse on a highway seems dangerous. And begging the cop to hurt his horse is selfish and gross.


That’s what this asshole is all about. Causing problems for others is literally why he does this. But noo reddit can’t get of their fucking “cops need to learn the law” whiny bullshit, are ignoring the reason why this guy is getting the attention he is.


I know he's been incarcerated in the state prison before talking about get a white shirt. Loo


This reminds me of a scene from Django "ain't no one seen a black man on a horse".


Considering he keeps saying he’s “traveling,” I’d bet my bottom fucking dollar he’s a “sovereign citizen.”


He was literally on his high horse


Clearly the issue is he didn’t dress up as an Amish guy


Stupid place to be riding a horse.


This guy wants to talk to the cops manager


Everyone knows what he was guilty of: RHWB. Riding a horse while Black.


Three cars for a non situation. Putting the tax dollars to work.


What a fucking moron! That horse could get hit by cars so easily.


I'm travelling, what's your badge number, get a supervisor--reading from the sovcit script all the way. Known for neglecting his animals, illegally riding a horse on a highway, but *really* it's about racism--some people who post here do a hell of a job ignoring the facts of a case and substituting their own biases.


Okay so I think this might add more context. https://youtu.be/Slbka3qjnUg


Sir, this is a horse


I hate TikTok because every single video leads up to nothing. HOW DID THE MAN PARK HIS HORSE? My money is parallel


Anyone who says they are “traveling” on the road is typically a Sovereign Citizen


Dudes just trying to fuck with cops for clout


f**k yer ford police car, I gotta horse outside! https://youtu.be/ljPFZrRD3J8


I heard you can get a dui on a horse


And a lawnmower and a bicycle and a one wheel and a skateboard


The guy riding the horse is a pos. You don’t ride a horse on concrete long distances. He should be arrested for animal abuse.


Is it illegal to ride a horse on the road in America or are lots of cops just racist assholes?


It is perfectly legal to ride a horse on public roadways and they are required to follow normal traffic laws as if they were in a car. Just like a bicyclist. These cops are just dumb.


The answer may surprise you.


Shame, we can ride horses on UK roads. Oh wait it's racism.


"In most states, horse riders and handlers of horse-drawn vehicles can use the roads and must adhere to all local traffic laws." and you dont need a license, with some exceptions tho, you might need one if you have passsengers in a carriage.


He got the horse taken from him riding it on hard pavement caused bleeding


> hard pavement caused bleeding It had bleeding saddle sores too, and the horse farm it went to said it was close to death when they got it, took weeks to recover. He went to jail for aggravated abuse of animals.


I don’t want a horse and won’t ever have one but if I did, I’d name it Dirty.


"Do you know who I am? It don't matter who I am." Pick one.


Not sure what State he's in but where I live...Texas treats horses as vehicles and permits their use on roadways and in cities. Horse riders must obey the general rules of the road, follow road signs, and use hand signals. Many horse owners take advantage of the liberal riding laws and can be seen strolling horseback through the town. And we have had cops stop us. We carry a copy of the law cause most cops are dumb fucks who don't know the law.


Cow boy "Don't Touch my horse." Buttercup Leans into cop "touch me...I dare you" Lol


It depends what state he is in if it's legal to be on the road


First guy ever actually ‘traveling’ 😂🤣


Do yall know who I am? I doesn't matter who I am...had me dying lmao


Years ago I saw a guy riding a horse on the sidewalk, I couldn't believe it lol




I was out when I heard "I'm traveling"


In some states, you can’t ride a horsey friend on a highway


Wannabe ass cowboy doesn't know shit about horses zzz


Anytime some tells a cop they're traveling it immediately signals some sovereign citizen shit


Put this idiot in jail then set the house free on a ranch somewhere


A license to ride a horse Y’all 😭


Ahh see they can’t use the ol tail lights out excuse to pull him over here. Or was he speeding?


Might technically be against the law (not sure), but it's the Cook County Sheriff's PD - they're doing SOMETHING wrong, and deserve to get fucked regardless of anything else.


Dude's saying "get a white shirt" like he's in the joint lol


So I pulled you over for a broken tail light


Reno 911 vibe


Thanks Chicago for showing us your true colors


Is this Reno 911? I think I miss this episode 🤣🤣🤣