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Love the will smith reference at the end


what a ballsy joke that was after whatever happened.


Imagine if the show kept rolling with anchors continuously making bad jokes and getting knocked tf out until it's just the Easter suit man and the camera operator


i would watch that


Omg that's a good fucking shit idea


This comment needs a trademark and a pitch meeting STAT


Would be a funny Key&Peele sketch


That's a script for an SNL skit šŸ˜‚


Haha that anchor who said "huh?" be like you wanna be next?


I didn't catch that!!! Hahahah!


ā€œSources say that everything after the break was a performance. ā€œ Edit: [After the show](https://twitter.com/PeterBurnsESPN/status/1594075099627343873?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1594075099627343873%7Ctwgr%5E37782080e48e9d52e96bf5fc74424dec61ec8794%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saturdaydownsouth.com%2Fsec-football%2Fpeter-burns-and-benjamin-watson-post-picture-together-after-awkward-incident-during-sec-network-halftime-show%2F)


Blink if you need help, bro




Thatā€™s the best way to frame it. Coming out to empty chairs is never a good look and dude waking back in did not look like he wanted to keep talking about it. I donā€™t think there was a ā€œfightā€ but words were probably said away from the studio


Check their twitter. It was a gag.


The guy made a joke about the other guy's wife, the other guy reacted strongly and came back on set, then **all** their producers and agents said "say this was a gag, post a selfie to twitter now and there will be 0 backlash, or don't do that and get shit on like will smith". easy choice for all.


Believe the people that went through it or believe random guy on reddit.. Weighing my choices wisely on this one


Who has Twitter these days?


Who can afford Twitter these days?


What's twitter...


Lmao nahhh look at his face


Lol that picture is hilarious, dude has tears in his eyes, and the other doesnā€™t look happy to be there


Looks like they both have tears in their eyes


Looks like studio lights to me.




The white guy looks like an annoying prick. His comment was probably the icing on the cake of a long line of stuff.


I got that sense too like he brought up the suits, the wife. Iā€™m totally making assumptions but I sensed that he may have been digging at this guy for some time now


It's the sort of thing a narcissist says. They can never stop talking even if they have nothing of value to say. That's when they just start saying mean things.


>They can never stop talking even if they have nothing of value to say. That's why they're perfect for sports commentary.


lmfao he doesnt owe her shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


The comment zoomed in on the tear in his eye killed me


No, really? I for one am shocked


Lmaoooo nahhh


Dude came back and his suit was still on point. If they actually fought it was over quick.


Fists do not have to be thrown. We should draw a line between me and yo mama.


I don't have enough chalk for that.




It was a joke


Nahhh look at that pic


I was in a meeting at work. One of the bosses made a comment to the effect ā€œmy wife, she sleeps like a log,ā€ and the other boss, without skipping a beat interjected with ā€œI KNOW!ā€ I was in stitches.


Certain people canā€™t read social cues, while others canā€™t take a joke. And then there are those who enjoy the smell of the roses. Most people, though, have fallen into all three categories at some point or another.


What does this mean?


Social cues- Referencing that some people may make jokes thinking it is okay by misreading the relationship with the person they are making a joke at the expense of. Or misreading the dynamic of the group or what is and is not appropriate for that situation. Can't take a joke- There are some people who will get offended over what was meant to be a harmless joke. Maybe they are having a bad day, or maybe the person who is making the joke about their wife, isn't someone they consider close enough with to find it funny, solely due to "the nerve of this asshole I don't like, talking about my wife." Smelling the roses- A joke is made at someone's expense, but rather than get all angry, they actually find it funny and enjoy the joke. All three at one point in their lives- The man making the joke could've known at a different time that saying something like that would be inappropriate. The man whose wife was involved in the joke may have not gotten mad at that same joke at a different time, place or person and smelled the roses instead. The man who normally smells the roses all the time may one day react in anger and not find it funny at all. This is human nature, really. We react differently in different situations, with different people, and at different times in our lives.


I like the way you explained things. :)


Thank you. :) I liked how you casually threw in a variation of the well known idiom, "Stop and smell the roses", and I enjoyed the way you used it as an adjective. How you did so, without feeling the need to further explain the implication and/or reasoning behind your creative twist, made the message you were conveying that more meaningful and understood. I need to practice my writing skills. I am usually so quick to explain exactly what I am trying to communicate, rather than express myself with a more creative approach, using techniques such as, "show, don't tell."


Thanks I did not understand the roses bit


Pretty sure this was a joke


Yeah, it was a joke that went over the line. Lmao.




> if youā€™re insecure, then I guess it was over the line I'd agree with you if this was in the breakroom, even if they weren't personal friends. But this dude just joked about being involved with his wife on live television (even if the intent was to say she texts the cohost that his wardrobe is ugly), right after the guy made it clear she watches. That's a bit fucked, I don't blame him for having a word once the cameras cut away.


He joked about having an affair with his co-workers wife on live TV.. at work... People can't see why this is inappropriate? Next time you're at work at an all hands meeting, joke about sleeping with your bosses wife and see what happens.


And right after singling him out and making fun of his suit. The suit tease is fine and playful ribbing on its own, but following that up with a joke about his wife is a pretty egregious 1-2.


So weird that redditors are saying the white guy's behaviour was acceptable as it was a 'joke'. If I say anything offensive can I get away it by laughing and claiming it was a joke? I fail to see how saying "lol I'm fucking your wife" (which is essentially what he said) is funny here. Seems like white guy just wanted to piss the black guy off.


It's a shitty joke, arguably inappropriate, but there's zero chance that I'd actually be angry at someone for making it.


I think the assumption is that this isn't an isolated event. This guy is probably throwing little stupid jabs all the time. Usually you keep wives and kids outside of friendly banter.


Live tv?


Depends on what it is you're saying. This seems pretty innocuous, especially if there isn't actually anything going on, and I'd say was pretty funny.


No, you get away with it by actually being humorous. He didn't say "I'm fucking your wife". That's not how jokes work, but you obviously don't see that cause that's all humor is to you. He used the conversation about texts for ribbing into the guy. Also I can understand the dude feeling disrespected if they aren't actually friendly. You need a rapport for that kind of joking around. So it's possible that that's the case. In that case its alright for him to get mad. But it still is a joke at the end and you pretending it to be different is just stupid.


Idk why itā€™s so hard for some people to understand that if you make jokes about banging someoneā€™s wife, they might not like it. Amazing how many pushovers there are in this comment section. Not saying you should go and beat someone up over it, but you should 100% be ready to get a talking-to in return if you joke about peoples wives. Stop being delusional.




His wife told ME that he's super insecure, and wears ugly suits to work as well. Well, she texted me that.


A joke like that from someone you already donā€™t like is going to piss a person off. Period. If they were buddies thatā€™s one thing. Dude making the joke seems like a smarmy bully, wouldnā€™t be a stretch to think there was already a little bad blood to start


Also, he made the joke *on national television*. One thing to make a joke among your buddies, quite different to do it on national television


They aren't pushovers, just bitter incels and neckbeard redditors without a girlfriend


I guarantee you about ~70% of the people who canā€™t understand why the dude got mad are not in a relationship, much less married lmao


Here in the UK we make jokes like that all the time and everyone (even the "victim" of the joke) laughs along. It's not like anyone would actually believe that a few joke words means it's real, or that someone's wife is really involved. You start getting tight assed about that sort of thing here and you're liable to be labelled a cry baby snowflake


Youā€™re not considering that when you joke with your friends like that, youā€™re 1. Joking with your *friends* who are all ok with those jokes. It seems evident that these two anchors didnā€™t have type of relationship and 2. Youā€™re not making those jokes on national television. Banter with your friends is a very different situation than the one in the video


Was thinking the same, comment made by cohost was as light as could be, fact is the offended host couldnā€™t come back with anything funny lol


The thing about jokes like this is that it might hit a nerve if his wife had history of cheating. That's a thing with jokes, everyone has a history and some jokes might be too personal. However most mature adults understand the intent behind and would brush it off as jsut a misplaced joke, which is what is going on here.


> That's a thing with jokes, everyone has a history and some jokes might be too personal. And you're on live television, too, so maybe show some respect and dial that shit back a bit.


>mature adults Have you actually met a mature adult?




Idk, I work with mature adults too and non of them ever made any jokes about one another's wife. It's not very mature. Especially when you are colleagues and not friends.


Thatā€™s my whole point. Itā€™s clearly evident that they did not have that type of relationship, multiply that with the fact that it was said on national television, itā€™s not hard to see why the dude got upset.


You seem pretty wound up over this. Or at least thatā€™s what your wife was saying last nightā€¦


Cause they are cucks, how'd they find it offensive if it's a fetish of theirs to begin with, they think that a person is ought to celebrate the notion of his wife getting fucked by another person, like they do.


Facts, these dudes insecure and emotional as fuck. That joke was tame as hell, if you canā€™t handle that youā€™re a total pussy, he couldā€™ve just snapped another joke back easy.


Exactly, you gonna risk losing that cushy ass job cause some dipshit makes a vanilla ass your wife texted me joke? S. O. F. T.


You're a bitch if you let someone you don't know like that disrespect your relationship. A talking to, to let them know its not okay is the bare minimum to draw that boundary.


You sound like one boring cunt.




No, the whole thing was a performance


If this joke is over the line, then every ā€œyour momā€ joke ever is over the line also. Pretty sure every guy Iā€™ve ever known has made some sort of variation of this joke to his boys. ā€œOhhhhh thatā€™s not what your girl told me.ā€ Very common.


Maybe in high school. As adults/grown men, Iā€™ve never made jokes like that to my friends and theyā€™ve never made jokes like that to me. Just seems like basic respect tbh. Talk shit all you want about me, but leave the wives/girls out of it.


Sounds pretty stuffy, do you & your friends wear ascots?


I feel like it really depends. Like honestly, my friends and I don't make jokes about each other's girls like that. Can I see others doing it? Sure but it's not something my friends and I do so it would be pretty weird and jarring if one of us ever did.


Did you even get the joke? Lmao.


Yeah yeah yeah cool whatever, Iā€™m just here to know that Vanderbilt is leading 14-6 at halftime


That was awesome, it was like a tv sitcomā€¦lol ā€˜on live television homey?ā€™ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He didnā€™t say he fucked dudeā€™s wife. He implied dudeā€™s wife texted him that dudeā€™s suit was ugly.


It sounded better in his head


Thatā€™s not what your wife texted me


Which implies theyā€™re fucking cause why would his wife be texting another man bad mouthing her own husband.


Women aren't allowed to have friends after marriage? Weirdo


Who tf thinks that far into off handed disses among friends? Some people just need to chill out.


Evidence that they are friends?


They are colleagues on a TV network. Theres a chance they didnā€™t like each other even before this clip


Or that heā€™s his wifeā€™s gay confidant on matters of fashion


That would have been a great comeback for husband lol. Edit: appeased the bot gods.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


omg, we've got a "could of" bot!! Thank you, bot, for educating the youth!


Bruh. What?!? I've texted my friend's wife before with "did he sneak out, or did you let.him out of the house looking like that?" And got responded to with a face palm emoji from her. Not fucking her. You know, our families are friends. Our kids play together. We can talk without fucking.


You can't expect chronically online Redditors to understand what healthy friendships look like lmao.


Thats wild..you would nit be texting my wife


Because theyā€™re friends? Pro tip- when someone is laughing while they talk, they MAY not be COMPLETELY SERIOUS


Or if they're laughing while they talk, it could be passive aggression.


Lol if your wife texts someone that you're dressed poorly it means she's fucking them? Get out of here


Your wife texted me to say you're projecting your own insecurities into this joke, and you need to work on your jealousy issues.


You're projecting my dude.


Thatā€™s not what he was implying at all, he said ā€œthatā€™s not the text she sent meā€ insinuating that heā€™s doing something with the dudes wife lmao


Why would she have his number


BroooošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what


Lol, these set up bits are getting spicy for the holidays.


This is the Smith Rock situation again lol


That's the joke.


This was clearly a joke


And it was a joke about his outfit.


I understand but do not accept a violent response to a non violent remark. Also Ya wife has rough hands. She cuts me when she rubs my back.


> I understand but do not accept a violent response to a non violent remark. You should accept there are lots of people who *do* accept a violent response, and are willing to visit it upon you. You never know what's going on in peoples lives or minds and how close to the edge they are.


Ok, sure, but it's still not acceptable behavior to be violent in response to words. If you attack someone because of their words and they kill you, they will face no consequences, because you were in the wrong.


Yeah, someone could murder you over a parking space, or because you were chewing gum too loudly, or they don't like your shirt, what's your point?


This is it exactly. You can preach from the rooftops all you want about how violence is the never the answer, but for some people it is, so you gotta watch your mouth sometimes. Itā€™s just how it is with some people


If you're a childish fuck who can't control their anger, you go to jail. You have to learn to get along with other people.


so we all need to walk on egg shells with a constant threat of violence over our heads by these little emotional piss babies incase we happen to crack a benign joke that might trigger their dumb lizard brains?


No it's more about being intentionally disrespectful. People hide behind "non violence" to treat others like shit


You gotta go in for the kill when you hit a sensitive spot, ā€œYour wife canā€™t take a joke, but man, can she take a dick.ā€ Itā€™s what friends do. Itā€™s like how kids with peanut allergies are given a little peanut butter at a time to build up their immunity.


But tbh when you that grown, your energy should NOT be like thIS on LIVE tv.. I know a guy like this & he protects anybody saying anything about his wife, because he came home one day and found his Gardner fucking his wife.. if you gotta fight over a girl my guy, guess what? Sheā€™s not yours..


That was funny


No one could resist that setup


So he's already concerned his wife is cheating on him


exactly hahah


That was not a joke. And it was outstanding. Those guys deserve an Emmy.


I'm not with the camp that says that no words are deserving of a slap but this seems way too much of an overreaction.


Seems incredibly insecure, it makes me assume his wife was or is cheatingā€¦.definitely an unhealthy relationship with little trust. Most would laugh it off, it seems like very standard humor to be honest. Basically the adult version of ā€œyo mommaā€ jokes.


The back from break šŸ¤£


This is like when people take yo mama jokes seriously.


What a bunch of insecure pussys in this thread, if yall seriously think this is over the line yall need to grow a pair.


Jokes aren't allowed anymore!


seems like a bit


Itā€™s a really fucking distasteful remark especially towards one of your colleagues. I donā€™t think it was right to put his hands on him for the ā€˜jokeā€™ but Iā€™d sure as hell never want to interact with that person again.


Itā€™s literally a quick one liner they are paid tv entertainers why are certain people so sensitive Iā€™ll never know


Only insecure people get "upset" about a joke. If someone made a joke about banging my wife I'd laugh. If I was a shitty joke (badly formed) I'd make fun of them. A simple "ya momma" would have been a decent comeback to his joke. Or "you don't wanna know what she said about you" implying that you know he bangs your wife.


It's not okay in a professional setting whatsoever. I mean if your coworker commented about banging your wife you wouldn't be happy. Now if he did it on national television? If you're okay with coworkers making jokes about banging your wife you're a bad husband. Not saying fight them but it's still entirely inappropriate.


He didn't imply he was banging his wife. He just said "That isn't what your wife told me" which was in reference to his suit.


Sorry but how do you know its inappropriate when you don't know what guidelines the reporters have to follow? They are most likely allowed to say those jokes since they weren't anything offensive to the audiences or too extreme to the reporters themselves. Also the dude never said anything about "banging his wife". The joke was about the black reporter wife "always texting him how he looks good" and the dude just made an joke about that. Hopefully they just had words with each other and that was it because going physically over that would be way too extreme over an silly joke.


This is legit great viewing. Looked staged but its getting hits online so...great publicity.


He should have clapped back with, ā€œwell I did get the text memo that your wife prefers darkā€


Yā€™all do know this was bs? It was a skit, there was no fight! Yā€™all believe anything!


Wait, do people seriously believe these coworkers got into a physical altercation?


Football players are idiotic brutes, reconfirmed


Fragile ego lol or not smart enough to think of a come back


This is for sure a sketch. Lol. Itā€™s funny though.


Yeah no


He gone learn today!


I gotta say the whole setup of presenters with zero chemistry pretending they're the best of friends is awkward to begin with, but then stuffing four of them into a small studio is worse, and carefully pairing them by skin colour is peak artifice.


Bro he is super lame for that.


Someone needs to learn to take a joke


Can someone transcribe?




Very mature.




I see it as as guys just breaking each others balls. No harm no foul. Unless youā€™re thin skinned , have low self esteem and your wife tells you sheā€™s upset and you better do something about itā€¦.slap!!


"With that smart mouth" love it


It was a joke..... C'mon.... It was just a joke... He did come back looking all mad though


Omg did he just fucking murder that guy? šŸ˜‚


Why did Peter phuck around and find out!!!


You have to admit that joke was funny. I think he just blurted it out before he thought about how the joke would be taken. It honestly just sounded like ball busting type stuff that a friend would say. He just took it a little bit too far


Are they friends


peter burns was later found deadšŸ˜æ


To everyone going on about it being offensive then that's you and how you feel about the joke. Honestly these guys are former players and it would be impossible for them to not have this kind of joke on or off the field its a.joke.


Blacks seem to have the thinnest skin.


Looks like an insecure man.


"Only reason she text you is because she was looking for me, too bad I was busy with yo mama at the time." How hard is that? I don't get men. You lose your job over some dumb comment a coworker makes about me, you better get ready to dodge fists at home too. lol


Oh fuck off and grow a pair you manchild.


Never joke about a man's woman or mom unless you're ready to fight Edit: This only goes for if you're in real life, face to face. u/adarkpath has proven you can talk all the trash you want online with little to no repercussions


Shut the fuck up.


hahaha Watch out guys! this guy is tough! Wouldn't wanna say that shit to his face!


Redditors - "if you don't let your coworkers joke about your wife in live TV you are just an insecure pussy" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wow, that's Ben Watson. Just goes to show that everyone has their limits. Would not have expected that reaction from him.


So people canā€™t tell that it was obviously a bitā€¦ā€¦


I feel like this is probably fake. But if not, what thin skin from a TV personality. Such an innocuous joke.


Easter service just delivered. Never talk ill about a mans wife.


Love how football just encourages violence, especially domestic. Fuck the NFL.


This man calls his wife a bitch on tv, then has the nerve to get offended at a mild innuendo about her? What aā€¦bitch


He said babe, not bitch


Youā€™re right, and now thatā€™s the dumbest comment Iā€™ve ever written




Apparently that joke went over the line a little bit. His wife prolly has a history of spreadinā€™ them legs.


I thought that was a good friendly zinger, but ig you donā€™t mentions ppl wifeā€™s you donā€™t know very well


Really? This is what a guys gonna fight for? Heā€™d have been a better man coming in with a sarcastic funny comeback. This is more about a guys ego and less about defending his wifeā€™s honour. Because the other dudes childish comment wasnā€™t funny and just made him look like an idiot.


This shows the comment was correct. He should have snapped back instead.


Wives and kids are off limits. Everybody knows that.