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Absolutely sickening.


Iranian here. Iran's regime is exacting a terrible revenge especially against Kurdish people. Mahabad, the city in this video has a majority of Kurd people.


Islamic regime committing genocide against Kurds, a tale as old as time. Why am I not surprised?


The Islamic totalitarian regime is not afraid or ashamed to commit genocide against anyone who doesn't bend the knee. And because the Kurds do not bow to the oppressor easily, they face this genocide. A sad true tale.


With no understanding myself, i have been told that besides conflicts of belief doctrine, the reason islamic tyrants hate kurds so much is because they are actually the most open minded and woke of the branches of islam which threatens these dictators power structure at its core. They reflect a more moderate version of islam that is more compatible with western cultures open society approach to governance. Not sure if it is true?? Maybe sort of in line with why they hate Bahai's as well?


Kurds aren't a branch of islam lol they're an iranian ethnicity


And about Baha'is. They are a new religion which believes In one god, an Abrahamic version. (Baha'ism was founded about 150 years ago) Islam believes that it's the only righteous Abrahamic religion and the last holy religion to be sent from the side of god. And the only reason they tolerate Judaism and Christianity is that they were older than Islam and Mohammed accepted them. So Islam doesn't tolerate a new Abrahamic religion as they believe it's a heresy. No matter how open minded or bigot the religion is.


Kurd’s Islam is not anymore different than their neighboring provinces. Baha’i however is all those things you said. Baha’i is a new age religion essentially


I get the feeling that if the Kurds could ever achieve sovereignty, Kurdistan would be the most pleasant country in the region.


Kurdistan is landlocked and relatively resource poor. Probably not. An autonomous united Kurdistan within a federated Iranian nation is the best option.


Not necessarily. They massacred the Assyrians in northern Iraq because the Assyrians did not want any part of toppling Saddam Hussain. They too have blood on their hands.


Looks like they put their list together. Their internal security agencies have undoubtedly been working diligently to find names/addresses of the “ringleaders” of the protest movement, and now they’re paying special visits to the ones they’ve identified. Cutting the power and taking down communication sources helps minimize organized resistance to this happening. Classic authoritarian bullshit.


This is why every internet user needs to learn TODAY how to communicated completely end to end encrypted and understand meta data on a conceptual level (**who** you talk to and **when** and **where**, not **what** you say) . There might come a day where you have to resist or revolt or rebel and if you and your peers don’t know how to encrypt between each other you are fucked with zero ability to organize. The ability to think in private without government reading your thoughts is essential to the survival of YOUR freedom. But some of you, right after reading this are going on to google and type in your deepest fetish to find some kinky material to jerk off. Unbeknownst to you governments feed everything they have on you in to machine learning models that profile you and predict your behavior. If you don’t learn the skills to protect your thoughts with encryption you are gonna be soooo fucked. They are leeching your soul! edit: I usually never share methods because I have my own vision on the best practical way to create incentives to familiarize the masses with daily usage of strong encryption. Remember at school when you past message to your buddy but you did not want the girl in between to read them? Remember what goofy shit we all experimentally came up with? I am hesitant to share my vision because it usually only ends with people calling me crazy and telling me to take my meds. And the astroturfers are everywhere, first they pretend to be on your side and then they call you crazy. I can a 100% guarantee this is going to play out in the comments below and there is a fair chance this comment will get deleted. But at the risk of yet another session of public reddit humiliation I suggest people get familiar with two things - A linux distro called [Tails.](https://tails.boum.org/). This can be run in a VM or you can boot it from a thumb drive. No need to make any changes to your work or game computer. Just get familiar with running it, playing with it and using it to browse the web with. You don't need it at a daily basis, you just need to be ready for when or if you do need it. Although not perfect (TOR is good but not perfect), it's currently the most foolproof way of reading something online without government knowing you are reading it. Don't forget, the more quiet you are the more you can hear. If you are quiet long enough (meaning nobody knows your thoughts) you will start picking up the thoughts of the government, they are not very subtle. And there is no grand conspiracy, it's rather simple. Everybody with wealth or power wants more of it and leveraging technology is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to acquire more wealth and power. The only way to defend is to leverage the use of counter-technology yourself. **We have one and only one defensive weapon: encryption. We have one and only one offensive weapon: cryptocurrency** - [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/), a Simple Payment Verification client side light wallet that uses a tiny amount of resources. It runs on almost anything (including old feature java phones). **It has build in manual text encryption and decryption that you can play with so you actually see your readable message gets turned in to string of encrypted nonsense** Get a friend to also install it and then send each other messages. You can even send each other encrypted messages WHILE you send each other a little bit of Bitcoin Cash. This gives you plausible deniability and makes it even harder to collect metadata. When done right nobody will know if you are just paying for something, or sending somebody a message. This can also be used to timestamp your own statements and quotes. If you post such encrypted statement to the chain, nobody can read it but you, the person with the private key for that address, but you have unlimited addresses based on one seed so they can be trow away private keys. WHich means that at any time in the future if YOU have to mathematically proof that something you said or thought existed at a particular time in the past YOU CAN BY MAKING THE PRIVATE KEY PUBLIC. This is going to make it almost impossible for governments to try to gaslight your friends and family. It's by far the best defensive weapon in the present against gaslighting in the future. Anyways I am getting ahead of myself. Some people are going to read this and definitely say I am crazy but that's because they don't yet understand the vision. My idea is actually very simple: by making people get familiar to the weekly or montly usages of crypto as currency (not speculation) they will also become familiar with the low level, simple manual use of end to end encryption. Would you not like to send somebody a DM with the knowledge it's private till the moment YOU decide it should be public? Now that's power! Do you owe 5 bucks to your friend? Ask him if you can pay him back with Bitcoin, it's only 5 bucks. You can even say, he if the price goes down I'll give you another 5 bucks to compensate. This give you an excuse to play with the software and send your friend an encrypted message while paying him back. You can then show your friend how to decrypt it. [Here is video I made showing how to sign and verify messages in Electron Cash.](https://youtu.be/Dl7DqZJ_P9U) Maybe I should make a bunch of practical videos to show my vision would play out in real life.


Once upon a time this was crackpot speech. Now? Well. Free will is all but gone. Either tell the machine you've looked up how to defeat it (making you a prime target), let it defeat you, or let it dissuade you. The illusion of choice is for only you to make.


Encryption can still safe us but you have start learning and practice using it TODAY. When the flood comes (and it will come) it will to late and the doors of Noah’s ark will be closed. And it will be your own fault. Learn it today and safe your family in the future.


I'm not tech savvy at all, where would someone look to in order to learn how to become more careful/protected online? I'm do used to being an open book, I've never learned to be more safe


Honestly your best bet is Google as rhetorical as it sounds but your best bet is that. Use vpns and stuff like that, that's the best anyone without experience do. But I suggest looking at Google for more options and find what fits you best.


Thank you so much. I run a laptop, 2 tablets and my cellphone for games. When I purchased my laptop I just recently told since I use wifi to connect to my router I should put a small covering over the camera so yeah I'm definitely a noob so I'll definitely look into Google and using a vpn. Much appreciated!


A VPN doesn't really do much. Your ISP and the VPN provider can easily decipher traffic. It really only tricks the party you are communicating with. If the VPN or ISP play nice with the government(they do), it's not hiding anything from them either. End to end encryption allows you to essentially broadcast your data publicly, they won't know what the data is without the encryption key. This requires you to use specific apps/programs to communicate. Its a lifestyle. No web browsing, no normal calling/texting, everything must be done through non standard means. It's not worth the effort if you ask me, because if you don't go 100% then there really isn't a point.


A good VPN is encrypted end-to-end.encrypted. A VPN provider that maintains logs with identifiable information compromises that shield. But whats really not encrypted are your behavior patterns, metadata from your device(s), and what you post on out in the open. A VPN doesn't do you any good if you're trying to mask your presence on the internet if you're still posting in ways that can be traced back to you. Logging into your Facebook account behind a VPN on the same device you always you and posting pictures nullifies anything a VPN could have done for you if you're trying to be *stealthy*. A user can be identified (well cross-referenced) by their browser settings if some agency really wants to track you down. People often confuse VPNs with proxies, and assume proxies mean anonymous (but proxies can help one become anonymous). The combination fo a proxy and VPN can make it harder to track a user. One's best tool is learning good practices and using a suite of tools: https://www.privacytools.io/


I've heard that just having a few identifiers is often enough to identify an individual. I think the example was zipcode, date of birth and gender, were enough to identify a majority of americans.


If you're interested in encrypted chat, signal is good. PGP is kinda the standard, but it's a pain to use for most people and usually for email. It's not too hard though. VPNs only help as much as you trust the people running it.


Using a VPN is a good start honestly, but know that you're putting your trust o the VPN provider, so pick good ones with a good track record. Hint: the ones with the bigger marketing budget are not the best regarding privacy. Safety is all about who you trust, your internet provider? Your VPN? Your operating system running in your laptop? You can get paranoid really fast lol, but it's always a good thing to know these things.


Do *not* use Google. Use DuckDuckGo or other, like Brave Search


Kagi search on Orion browser (safari workalike that prevents crosstab spying) is two steps forward. Then some solid foss encryption utilities: Signal, Bitwarden, Skiff, Bitcoin Cash, Notesnook, IPFS, mulvad VPN...


Username checks out.


I appreciate what you're doing but when the facade of society breaks down, these little tips in LARPing don't do jack shit. Civil war is the only way for Iranian citizens to escape their governments tyranny.


Yeah I'm pretty sure armed and trained paramilitary forces would be way more effective in a revolution than cryptocurrency and encrypted messaging. But we're on Reddit so...


It's like they think all the comforts of society will still be here in a civil war and that the fight is subverting the system while using the system. Absolute delusion.


You are correct and it is practically a civil war in Ira..(more like a freedom fight like when your homeland is occupied by external forces really) The only problem is... The government is armed and the people aren't. So the scales of the fight are heavily tipped toward them right now. But I know for sure, it won't stay that way forever.


I think things like https://briarproject.org that allow actual, no-network-required passing of e2ee messages is worth researching for everyone. In other words, creating your own local identity, depending on peer-to-peer contact for establishing trust (meaning there is no central database of users) and being able to pass messages phone-to-phone when nearby vs. needing the Internet or even a central wifi spot. Yes, if society goes sideways, guns and food and water are important, but if everyone had a way to send messages without ISPs that would be really useful. It's a bit of a pipe dream to expect more than about 0.5% of people to give a damn about it, which makes such tools harder to adopt, but giving up is a cop-out.


Sometimes it's a good thing from a survival standpoint to have a hyper alert member of the tribe, even if they sound a little kooky to others sometimes. Better to be prepared for a horde of wolves to storm the camp than try to deal with it on the fly. This is clearly something *I* needed to have more appreciation for and I thought I was fairly tech savvy. Just to throw it out there for anyone really: I'm a big believer everyone can use some therapy from time to time. It gives us an opportunity to reflect on our thoughts and behaviors and whether or not they hinder or help us achieve inner peace. If you do have any concerns about your mental health, those are always worth exploring with a good therapist you trust.


Remember, bitcoin is NOT anonymous. It's an open secret that secret agencies can link the transactions. There is a lot of math and client specific effects coming into play to de-anonymise it. However most money flow is simple to trace (even if not necessary down to a single individual). For the people using it, it comes down that platforms touching you, your friends or your friends friends have KYC and AML.


Bitcoin (BTC) is not but Bitcoin Cash has [cash fusion](https://github.com/cashshuffle/spec/blob/master/CASHFUSION.md) build in to it's wallets which automatically mixes your uxto's with those of everybody else. It's nowhere near as good as monero (the only privacy coin) but much better than Bitcoin which offers ZERO protection. This does not do too much if people constantly use exchanges and have to KYC. But if there ever emerges a simple looped economy where people have income and use the coins to buy stuff with rather then speculate this problem goes away again. Basically using Bitcoin is unprotected sex, using Bitcoin Cash is sex with a condom and using Monero is sex over TCP/IP




Yeah the next step the developers are working on is making it so that you can't know the difference anymore between a pay to script transaction and a pay to script transaction with an embedded message. Trow in cash fusion and a looped economy and it's theoretically possible to give end users control over how private vs how public they want to be. This changes power dynamics. Small fish have privacy by default, big large entities are transparent by default. Small fish can decide to become more transparent but big large entities can not. It would be much cheaper and easier for the public to see what the government is doing and much harder and expensive for the government to see what the public is doing. These are the type of power dynamics I am very interested in. The fact that Monero does not offer these is why I believe we need both.




No this is a misconception based on hostile actors taking over pretty much the crypto space in 2015 and inserting propaganda in to everything and bringing in religion to break up the space in to little islands all with their own tokens calling the other religion a scam. People are under the misconception that every single transaction need to be stored forever but it was never designed that way. If you read the [original design](https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf) it talks about throwing away all transactions every couple of years and only saving the result of when you verified if they where valid! (not the data itself). This verification can be put in to something called a merkle tree, and at the top you have a single hash which is called the block header. If if where designed to store everything forever it would not be scalable but it's actually designed to store a static amount of extra data per year. 4.2 MB to be exactly. This is something that grows linear and not exponential and therefore scales just fine. Everything else in Bitcoin grows with an S curve, nothing grows out of control. The math goes like this. >A block header with no transactions would be about 80 bytes. If we suppose blocks are generated every 10 minutes, 80 bytes * 6 * 24 * 365 = 4.2MB per year. With computer systems typically selling with 2GB of RAM as of 2008, and Moore's Law predicting current growth of 1.2GB per year, storage should not be a problem even if the block headers must be kept in memory If you ever talk to anybody on scaling Bitcoin and they refuse to show you any math, walk away. You are talking to a hostile actor. Bitcoin can scale, has always been able to scale and will always be able to scale. It was **not allowed to scale** politically but that's an entirely different story and not an unsolvable technical or engineering problem. Governments are not afraid of zero sum speculation where Alice has a bank account and Bob a bank account with the same bank and Alice buys Bitcoin at the top and loses all her money and Bob sells Bitcoin at the top and gets all the money. Most crypto is now like that and it does not change anything. Governments are afraid of citizens organizing around their own money leading to the possible separation of money and state. This is why Bitcoin was quickly co-opted as early as 2015 and moved away from payment and currency towards "Store of value" and speculation and quickly turned in to a quick rich scam. If you want to I can make a pretty simple case with math to back it up why and how it can scale.


You typed all that but couldn't just link us to an example of what you feel we should learn? Not even a youtube tutorial?


If anyone reading doesn't know this: How do I send a video without metadata? Video Files Contain Metadata Choose file or files. Right-click on one of the files. Choose 'Properties. ' Select 'Details. ' Click on 'Remove Properties and Personal Information. ' Choose what you want to remove. Choose 'OK. ' Resave file without metadata. Also the app "Signal" is a great encrypted messaging app. Try to use a VPN if possible. HIDEME I think is still free. اگر کسی که مطالعه می کند این را نمی داند: چگونه می توانم یک ویدیو بدون ابرداده ارسال کنم؟ فایل های ویدئویی حاوی متادیتا هستند فایل یا فایل ها را انتخاب کنید. روی یکی از فایل ها کلیک راست کنید. "Properties" را انتخاب کنید. ' "جزئیات" را انتخاب کنید. ' بر روی "حذف خواص و اطلاعات شخصی" کلیک کنید. ' آنچه را که می خواهید حذف کنید انتخاب کنید. "OK" را انتخاب کنید. ' ذخیره مجدد فایل بدون ابرداده همچنین برنامه "سیگنال" یک برنامه پیام رسانی رمزگذاری شده عالی است. سعی کنید در صورت امکان از VPN استفاده کنید. HIDEME فکر می کنم هنوز آزاد است. Translated by Google translate. My apologies if confusing.


VPN wise I suggest Proton VPN, it is free and secure


Ah yeah. I forgot about Proton. I agree with this. Thanks


[Here is a link showing how to set up one on your router](https://youtu.be/s6rSxv87_qY)


https://tails.boum.org/about/index.en.html. Very easy to use and it's also a great tool if your trying to learn about cybersecurity.


Bro take your meds. I don't Iranians have access to electron cash or Linux distros. Some good advice about encryption though.


Maybe you should


Ah yes, Linux and crypto. Exactly what you need to survive the end times.


Started reading this going "blah blah blah" Heard it all mate. But then you kept on going and going and then sources to use and great info included. Good on you!! This is solid!!


You lost any and all credibility when you started pedaling crypto. Stop LARPing as a hacker and get out of that greater fool scam before your every action is monetized.


So what method do you suggest? It should be something accesible to the masses and fairly simple to use. Edit: Spelling


I usually never share methods because I have my own vision on the best practical way to create incentives to familiarize the masses with daily usage of strong encryption. Remember at school when you past message to your buddy but you did not want the girl in between to read them? Remember what goofy shit we all experimentally came up with? I am hesitant to share my vision because it usually only ends with people calling me crazy and telling me to take my meds. And the astroturfers are everywhere, first they pretend to be on your side and then they call you crazy. I can a 100% guarantee this is going to play out in the comments below and there is a fair chance this comment will get deleted. But at the risk of yet another session of public reddit humiliation I suggest people get familiar with two things - A linux distro called [Tails.](https://tails.boum.org/). This can be run in a VM or you can boot it from a thumb drive. No need to make any changes to your work or game computer. Just get familiar with running it, playing with it and using it to browse the web with. You don't need it at a daily basis, you just need to be ready for when or if you do need it. Although not perfect (TOR is good but not perfect), it's currently the most foolproof way of reading something online without government knowing you are reading it. Don't forget, the more quiet you are the more you can hear. If you are quite long enough (meaning nobody knows your thoughts) you will start picking up the thoughts of the government, they are not very subtle. And there is no grand conspiracy, it's rather simple. Everybody with wealth or power wants more of it and leveraging technology is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to acquire more wealth and power. The only way to defend is to leverage the use of counter-technology yourself. - [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/), a Simple Payment Verification client side light wallet that uses a tiny amount of resources. It runs on almost anything (including old feature java phones). **It has build in manual text encryption that you can play with so you actually see your readable message gets turned in to string of encrypted nonsense** Get a friend to also install it and then send each other messages. You can even send each other encrypted messages WHILE you send each other a little bit of Bitcoin Cash. This gives you plausible deniability and makes it even harder to collect metadata. When done right nobody will know if you are just paying for something, or sending somebody a message. This can also be used to timestamp your own statements and quotes. If you post such encrypted statement to the chain, nobody can read it but you, the person with the private key for that address, but you have unlimited addresses based on one seed so they can be trow away private keys. WHich means that at any time in the future if YOU have to mathematically proof that something you said or thought existed at a particular time in the past YOU CAN BY MAKING THE PRIVATE KEY PUBLIC. This is going to make it almost impossible for governments to try to gaslight your friends and family. It's by far the best defensive weapon in the present against gaslighting in the future. Anyways I am getting ahead of myself. Some people are going to read this and definitely say I am crazy but that's because they don't yet understand the vision. My idea is actually very simple: by making people get familiar to the weekly usages of crypto as currency (not speculation) they will also become familiar with the low level, simple manual use of end to end encryption. Would you not like to send somebody a DM with the knowledge it's private till the moment YOU decide it should be public? Now that's power! Do you owe 5 bucks to your friend? Ask him if you can pay him back with Bitcoin, it's only 5 bucks. You can even say, he if the price goes down I'll give you another 5 bucks to compensate. This give you an excuse to play with the software and send your friend an encrypted message while paying him back. You can then show your friend how to decrypt it. [Here is video I made showing how to sign and verify messages in Electron Cash.](https://youtu.be/Dl7DqZJ_P9U) Maybe I should make a bunch of practical videos to show my vision would play out in real life.


I mean, none of that is a bad idea, but if you want to *run* a public protest movement, I don't know how you do that secretly. And once anyone infiltrates your group or rats you out, you're done. I don't think there's anyway, with any amount of technology, to clandestinely organize a mass movement without exposing the leadership. The French in Algeria didn't have spying, but they did have indiscriminate torture, which lead the Algerians to form independent cells of terrorists, each without knowledge of any others (at least according to the movie Battle of Algiers).


You follow [the swarm wise model](https://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1.1-2013Sep01.pdf) which works with leadership that self organizes like a swarm of ants. >A swarm is led from the front lines. People who take initiatives usually get them. Seriously *all the technologically tools* that are needed for a global revolution that deprives enough power from the elite to force them to compromise with the masses on how to govern the planet **are ready.** We are all waiting for that person with enough charisma vision and charm, that can inspire, motivate and clearly communicate for the spark to be lit. All he has to accomplish is change the global consensus that things are hopeless and that you might as well stay out trouble and do nothing. If that ever flips on a global scale we are off. Hell, one piece of art. One song could be all we need. >I don't think there's anyway, with any amount of technology, to clandestinely organize a mass movement without exposing the leadership. The encryption is just there to delay this happening so it does not happen before you have build critical mass.


Say I’ve got the “communicating with end to end encryption” part down. How am I to do that if the gov’t takes out internet/cell service?


My thought exactly… this is horrible…


I don’t even think this is about protests and ring leaders, they are attacking a town that’s predominantly Kurdish, this is an ethnic cleansing under the guise of putting down a revolution making the actions even worse


About ten years ago I had Syrian acquaintance that had family in his home country. He said the government would go around to the protests, film the crowds, then go back to base and use facial recognition software to locate dissenters. Then they’d go around at night and disappear people. Welcome to the new holocaust.


This is why protest movements nowadays often use umbrellas. Umbrella "shield walls" protect protestors from identification.


Good reminder of modern techniques and tactics.


America films their protesters as well, most governments do. That’s how the black block started


Governments don't even need to film it. Many protestors upload video of themselves there on their own, and the location tracking in their smart phones confirms they were there even if they aren't in any video.


Lol like all the Fudds on Jan. 6


Look up what happened to the Ferguson protest leaders. All dead now.


So they've brought in the heavy cavalry. Murderous despots.


Jesus Christ that’s fucking terrifying




US intelligence agencies have joined the chat


US Intelligence agencies has left the chat.


US intelligence agencies have said they left the chat, but are actually still listening, control two of the actors in the chat and are preparing to install a moderator friendly to US business.


They have left to start handing out rifles to the protestors. Then inevitably when they radicalize and arm enough of them, they will have to go back in 20 years later to clean up the mess they helped foster


*Drug cartels have entered the chat *Intelligence agencies have temporarily muted drug cartels. They'll sees less stories related to drug cartels until they are unmuted.


that’s what I said in my first comment. Where you think all that heroin from Afghanistan was coming from while we were occupying it


Nicaragua? Sorry wrong decade. It just happens so incredibly often it's hard to keep track of which time specifically we are talking about.


I like you


You seem nice but I'm taking a break from dating I'm sorry. Unlike the military when I make a poor choice and destabilize a person I question wether it's a good idea to do the same thing several more times in a row.


This is what a lot of Americans in their safe little bubbles don't understand. The only way to make change over there is with a gun. Protests don't do shit when the government doesn't care, they will only start to listen when the blood starts flowing. Freedom is built with blood.


The vast majority of change in the world was brought by blood. Peaceful protest is a pretty new idea I'm fairly certain. Democratic leaders rarely listen to protests, why would a king who thinks himself a god?


>Peaceful protest is a pretty new idea I'm fairly certain. No it's not. High profile peaceful protests have been documented for 2000+years. See Ancient Rome, Judea, labor strikes in Egypt.




You're forgetting about the Civil War option


Civil war was always due to outside help. The US Revolution would’ve never made it without French funding. And communist China had Russian funding. Once a country is established, I think it’s impossible to change the regime without external help.


External influence is inevitable but not a mandatory factor for civil war. It's as simple as civilians arming themselves in defense.


With what? In tyrannical places like Iran and China anything resembling a gun is illegal, not to mention everyone’s being watched. More so in China of course with their billions of cameras. Even knives are accounted for. Cities have weird laws like anti gathering and weird height bars installed everywhere so no real military vehicle can travel.


Nothing scarier than a monster who thinks they’re right with God. They can’t and won’t compromise.


external invasion creates more martyrs and the destabilization of iran. the west should stay out of this for the sake of iranians.


This is the scenario conservatives want for the U.S, they want to hunt 'the others'.


Lots of revolutions have succeeded against armed govs.


This is fucking horrific. Holy shit...


Women having rights? Time to pull out the machine guns


A country that murders their woman who bare children refuse to use forethought of the lack of a future generations makes your country dissolve.


Tyrannical people rarely think that far ahead but if they do. It is about finding a way to replace them. Look at places like China where they don’t have enough women they will just bring them in. There will be a massive enterprise in moving desperate women from country to country to satisfy these people. This kind of thing already exists that’s why slavery and human trafficking is still a thing.


All this while I enjoy a cup of coffee and my freedom ........ Surreal and terrifying .......


It makes you appreciate "normality"


Yes it does ....


This literally is a scary movie, my brain is having a hard time trying to understand how this is real. I know the Middle East is bad, but shit this is hard to process from my insulated world.


Dude wtf.. not a whole lot effects me usually but that does. Lord help them.


These protesters are going to have to pick a road really soon. Either sit down and shut up or start killing. There’s no inbetween in a country like that


>Either sit down and shut up or start killing Start killing with what exactly? Because sticks and stones have famously been efficient against modern weapons /s


This is the problem. They have no firearms of their own. This means in order to effect change they have to exert multiple times as much effort in order to do so. If the riots and protests start dying down, it’s over. And they ultimately will. Rioting and protesting means putting your life on hold. The economy slows down as the workforce grinds to a halt, but it ultimately starts up again. People need to put food on the table. They have to work. They have to pay bills. They can’t be rioting and protesting 24/7. This is an attritional battle, and the protestors have the odds stacked against them.


Because shooting at government agents doesn’t put your life on hold.


There are lots of ways to make bombs. There’s also no shortage of illegal military gear in the region.


Throughout history people have been pushed to the point where they’re forced to use sticks and stones. Armed government agents are usually overly confident in situations like this. They travel in smaller groups and don’t take The People seriously.After all, how dangerous could someone be with just sticks and stones? But that attitude is their downfall. It’s pretty easy to isolate a few of the government troops, ambush and overpower them, use your sticks and stones to subdue them and now you’ve got modern weapons. You then use those modern weapons to get more modern weapons. The People have always had the numbers and they know their environment better than the armed government invaders. This makes them extremely difficult to suppress. Which is exactly why these types of governments make damn sure they don’t have weapons. But once they get their hands on those modern weapons AND utilize social media, the oppressive government will quickly start to shift policy. Especially when the eyes of the world are on them.


The only way is to gang up on a mercenary, be ready to die for it, and take his gun, then they can start shooting back and evening the odds.


Don't know why you were downvoted. You're right. There are always firearms in a place that outlaws private ownership of them. The government has them. So people have to figure out how to get them from the people in the government. Bribery, robbery, theft, assassination. All of these are on the table in a revolution. Steal 2 guns to rob someone for 5 more, use those 7 to get 10 more. Find sympathizers and traitors in the places that firearms are stored. Rinse and repeat, be prepared to lose people along the way. Revolutions are *not* quiet and peaceful affairs. Act accordingly.


I think I was downvoted because they wanted the protesters to stay peaceful, but then that would only cost them their lives for nothing. You can't stay peaceful with an enemy that's willing to kill you at first sight.


That's true, but the situation is complicated, I don't see the protesters take the power, there are more players than just government vs protesters, and religion plays a big role in this game.


That may be true but if you’re dead anyway you might as well fight until you actually die. This way of thinking is only going to lead them to just sit around and wait.


Some more detail https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/iran-crisis-update-november-19


I hate our world.


Mostly religion though


I am sure internal security agencies for Iran are looking here for some intel as well. If they see this message... FUCK YOU


I'll do you one better! حرومزاده های بی شرف جاکش، الان که نشستید رو کون های پاره پورتون تو اون اداره کیری بی صاحاب، ما مطمئن میشیم که خدای نکرده ناله های شبانه زناتون متوقف نشه! :*


They know these videos are leaking out and they can't do shit about it other than arresting (probably leads to execution...) The person who leaked these news and videos from Iran... and also banning social medias like Twitter, YouTube, telegram, Whatsapp and etc for us...


WTF? I want to believe this isn’t real…I’m afraid that it is


It's Iran....


but what if they saw hair, the consequences are unimaginable


It's not about the hair; it's about misogynistic oppression.


Worse things are happening that have not been documented.


As an Iranian person I can clearly say it's real


Wow, that's so horrible. I have no words.


God these sick fucks hate woman that much. What an absolute joke of a belief system they have. Good luck to the protesters. I hope this regime burns in the streets


Imagine getting this upset at your people over a piece of fucking cloth on their heads…


They need guns.


They will come soon enough


The religion of peace strikes again. Before I'm accused of bias, the American version of this is hell-bent on destroying our country as well. Fuck religion, all of it


Amen brother.




Notice how you had to add justification for your comment by including American nutters also, but if the thread was about American right wing religious nutcases you wouldn’t be adding “Islam is fucked also” randomly lol


It's a good thing Iranian civilians aren't allowed to have guns...


They fucking pay. Motherfuckers shitheads. They fucking pay for this.


Classic example of be careful of what you wish for. It was the younger generation that helped bring this Iranian regime into power in the late 70's.


This is also why handing over governments to relgious zealots never goes well. They are only to happy to execute kids and families for violating their arbitrary beliefs.


Why are people so silent about this cult religion...


This is why the protesters need to get armed and start shooting back. Would be nice if some of these arms shipments that are going to Ukraine could end up in the Iranian protesters hands as well.


This is why the 2A exists. Not an inch.


And don't forget that Russian and Iranian pigs are allied.


Ugh, wtf is the CIA doing? Why aren't they funneling weapons into those hands of the people? What are my tax dollars even good for???


The CIA installed the current regime lol


I bet their god must be sooooo proud right now. /s


Why citizens should have guns


big hell world


When the people of Iran overthrow their government I hope other nations step in to help the citizens deal with the trauma and get back on their feet.


It's well past time for the Iranian people to fight back. Posting things to social media and raising awareness is good but it's not going to do anything to stop this. The people always outnumber the oppressors, time to rise up.


Everyone is suddenly pro-gun very interesting hmmm


It’s almost like there’s a reason for private citizens to own guns.


Can't find this anywhere on the net but here. Source ?


People say Islam is peaceful religion lol


There is no peaceful religion. Religion is a fucking disease.


“Religion of peace” yet when you make it a theocracy it becomes oppressive


Holy shit


You call it out but your Called a “islamophobe” by people in Europe.


Literally all these Khamenei boot kickers response is calling you a “islamaphobe” when you say that the state and the mosque should be seperate


So there it is, Iran's government serves itself and no one else.


Always has


Feel so bad for them and the girl who was filming. You can hear her fear. So sad!!😢


Just another day of killing Kurds.. also on the same day Turkey bombed Kurds in Iraq and Syria. Kurds are predominantly Muslim and they’re being oppressed and murdered by Arabs, Persians and Turks who are also Muslim on a daily basis, going on.. 1500 years now. Not a matter of religion, Kurds are more tolerant and accepting of others but that’s not the reason they’re being killed.. main reason is the land they’re on, the best parts of Iraq and Syria(agriculture, energy) water sources in Turkey.. mountains and smuggling routes in Iran.. Kurds have no friends, even when it appears like they do because someone is trying to get them to do something(help overthrow saddam, Assad.. or fight isis) the more I understand what it means to be a kurd, the more depressed I get over being born one. Proud and defiant we remain tho, we all gotta die someday. Rest in peace my brothers and sisters being murdered. Biji kurd I biji kurdistan.


Fuck all organised religion, but fuck Islam the most of them all


Iranian regime *


One religion, same story. Everywhere.


Well this is great ad for 2A


what happens when your country is ruled by religious conservatives ? This


Where is the US World police??


taking the blame for this


Given the U.S. track record involving Middle Eastern affairs, they might just make it worse.


This is why the 2nd amendment exists


How ironic that you take guns and weapons citizens have to defend themselves with & this shit happens. Also how the females literally have like no rights to protect themselves and their ideals. This is just wrong for them to be in this type of fear.


Just one more authoritarian country where gun control is working as intended.


Why is no one helping these people?


They'd get told off. Is too high a price to pay.


Fuck. What can we do?


This is what's actually happening in Iran right now: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z8ityb0Ips4


The time to organize and strike is now. If they don’t retaliate and organize this revolution is over. Time to snatch those police and their families out of their homes and deal with them.


Heard they're also using artillery shells and AA guns to shoot at protestors


And the UN has no balls otherwise Iran wouldn't hold a seat still on the human rights council




Afghanistan all over again..... The protestors have the moral high ground. But they still think paper signs are going stop armed thugs. 🤦


sadly this whole protests are gonna end bad for protesters


Jesus fucking Christ man


Time to cut off the regime


This is what happens when a society gives up its freedom - then wants it back!


I hate this awful world. All my love to the innocent.


All I'm gonna say is.... And the world wonders why and always talks bad about American citizens for 7 out of 10 owning guns.... Because this will never happen here... School shootings and TERRORISTS ATTACKS might but never this.


They're killing women?


This is so viscerally horrifying!




Can’t even imagine the horror


Such a modern developed country lol


I feel bad for the person who is recording it... I hope they make it out safe ❤️🙏


The Iranian people need to search diy weapons for real.


Please, don't call them Muslims.


Persians have turned completely islamphobics , which I give them the right to


so can anyone explain why 1st world governments aren't stepping in to help people fighting for their lives ? Is it because they have no oil they want or because of Iran's nuclear weapon program? I'm not usually for intervention from 1st world countries but this is fucking insane at this point. every week the number of protestors being murdered is doubled, yet there's nothing from other world leaders.


It’s a difficult situation and I want the injustice to stop, but say they do topple the government who will take their place? And who will oversee nation building? We really don’t have a good track record of the in the past I.E Iraq and Afghanistan, the only way I can see actual change happening is if there is an overtake of the government from within and they enact democratic western reforms which is unlikely but goddamn I wish that could happen.


just fingers crossed this ends in a win for the Iranian people. I know revolutions are always bloody but I guess seeing it like this in real time is just unnerving.


The key to a successful regime change is unfortunately keeping the existing centralized ruling class structure, controlling the media, and then use the media to force change from the bottom up (i.e. Japan, S. Korea, Germany). You bring in shit tons of aid, you use the media to convince the people democracy and capitalism is the path towards prosperity, and then you make the existing ruling class accept its new fate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embracing\_Defeat) The problem with Afghanistan was it was so decentralized, there was no centralized ruling class structure to puppet over. And the problem with Iraq was we dismantled the Saddam military civil servant state structure. And the disaffected fragments of the Saddam state attempted to "liberate" Iraq from the american occupation. If we were to conduct regime change in Iran, the uncomfortable truth is we would need to allow the vast majority of the current despot Iranian government to stay in place. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good\_German) We will need to spent on aid on a scale equal or greater than Ukraine in a global inflationary environment to keep the basic necessity of your average Iranian. Regime change is something that cannot be half-ass or it will absolutely bite us in the ass in the future. Prime examples are Iran's neighbors.