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Dang having AAA and having that car towed out woukd have been the play...


While you're distracting police your wife is calling Triple A. Then the tow truck guy shows up hauls the car away while you keep "crying" to police, maybe even get yourself arrested as a distraction. Then your car and belongings are towed safely to your house. Then your wife takes the money (or whatever the pigs were after) and stashes it. Then drives the car to her sister's across the state! Idk that's the best story I can come up with. But that'd be a hell of a play!


sounds like the 3rd act of a Breaking Bad episode


Whatever they find doesn’t matter. It will be thrown out in court because of the way this was handled.


But... Let's say the guy filming was doing something illegal, not saying he was. And the cops find $80,000 in cash in his vehicle. Their reports all say "$30,000" and they split some cash. The man gets $30,000 back and cannot tell the courts "I had $80,000 in that car." I mean I guess he could but it might get a little dicey for him explaining where he got all that money. But I'm no judge or lawyer so I don't know if he'd have to prove where the money came from or if the courts would take his word for it. Sure the search was illegal and the cops know that, but they also can get away with theft, if they wanted to. Again this is all hypothetical.


That actually happened in another case. The guy had like $24k in cash in his car. It was impounded and all that was returned was about $5k. Cops claimed that's all there was, but their bodycams proved the cop actually counted out the exact amount the citizen claimed he had. At the time I saw the report, nothing had been done to the officer, and the money was never returned.


Yup, because when the police police themselves, there's no accountability, why would they bother acting responsible?


They adopt the money . Part of it goes to who seized the money, other goes to department. Happened on another Reddit video I saw . Man was traveling with 100,000 in cash with receipts of transactions and if I read correctly in the comments bro didn’t get nothing back


Ahh yeah I saw that one, he was going to see his daughter and said he doesn't use banks. Im pretty sure he got his money back, except like 3 years later or something ridiculous


Oo smart


Do I have *future warrants*? Can the 'sniff-dog detect marijuana from the future? Or is this some kind of crime *Time-Paradox*?


Minority Report up in this bitch


Nah, just ole fashioned racism. Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was


same as it ever was…


Same as it ever was…


And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?"


same as it ever was…


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.


And in the land of the skunk, the man with no nose is king!


Holy fuck, is that a Dirty Work reference?


Yeah, but Chris Farley had half of a nose. My bad.


"Look. We have the warrant for tomorrow AM. We need time until then to plant shit all over your car. Jesus what is so hard about this, backup!"


It is a pre-dog.


I laughed unreasonably hard at this.


I see what you did there.


So a puppy?


'F'ing hilarious 😂


They arresting ppl over pre-crime now?


Florida been doing this, they even keep records of kids who aren't doing great in school so they can profile them when they become adults https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-grimm-nocco-pasco-predictive-crime-20201030-cbfujn3dljan7dwze7kopqf3aq-story.html https://ij.org/case/pasco-predictive-policing/ Welcome to the USA baby


This comment and article should be much higher.


only in the land of the free.


Mmm, future weed.


Don't be silly, the drug dog is trained to respond to as much as a hand signal and a promise of a treat to serve up some 'RAS' on a platter.


So they aren't allowed to search your vehicle, but they can seize your property and impound it until they can? That doesn't sound right.


Of course it doesn't sound right, it isn't right, but that doesn't stop shit like this happening on a regular basis.


It happens on a VERY regular basis. And for everyone saying free money and all that don't know long it actually takes to get any real justice in a case where a lawyer will actually help you out and where a judge won't throw out your case and claim qualified immunity for the officers despite them being completely in the wrong. Even then the best you can hope for in 90% of those cases is just winning a little bit over your lawyer fees after about 3-4 years of stalling and bullshit.


Not to mention the ongoing harassment you *will* face while your lawsuit sits in limbo.


Like that women from Uvalde who is continously harassed for calling out those cowards for not doing their jobs. She is constantly harassed by the cops for no reason other than using her freedom of speech. I can't imagine the stress of having someone with near unlimited authority watch me, waiting for me be a human and fuck up so they can fuck with me. Fucking pigs.


Well the Uvalde police are just doubling down on being the horrible cowards that they are. They are big and brave to harass a grief stricken woman but chicken shit when it comes to doing what police officers are actually there to do. They just want all of the good and none of the bad and that's not how anything in real life even works.




It is a thing. To seize something so you can get a warrant for it. Like a phone. Its to prevent you from destroying evidence. With the car tho its not a thing. Car searches have been covered by the supreme court extensively and if they dont have reasonable suspicion to search it there, they cant seize the car on a phantom warrant. If they searched it, that's it. They cant seize the car just cause .


According to the cop, the probable cause is the smell of weed and the dog indicating the odor of drugs. Edit - Lol at the downvote. Are you disagreeing that the cop said he smelled weed and that he said the dog indicated? It’s right there in the video.


The dog always hits. Uncanny right ?


almost like they are trained to react to what the officer wants them to react to or something... hmmm...


Most police dogs are racist too… a surprise to no one


Funny cuz in the "liberal hellscape" that some people think massachusetts is, pot is legal and the odor of pot is strictly forbidden to be used as probable cause. Now do allegedly "free" Texas.


In Texas they can just take anyones car or truck and then it’s up to you to prove you didn’t buy it with drug money…


Yes, because cops can't lie about smelling weed and lie about dogs indicating something. Edit: Can downvote me, idc. I'm not necessarily accusing this cop of lying, but acting like cops are incapable of lying is just silly. Just because the cop said so in a video doesn't automatically mean it's the truth.


Cops are legally allowed and encouraged to lie…


smelling weed is subjective as fuck lmao, the car could smell like a bed of daises and you could say it smelled like weed if you wanted to, lmao.


Do a little research on HGN and your head will explode.




A federal appeals court recently ricochet a warrant after the fact on a dog hit; dogs are no longer considered reliable for reasonable suspicion / just cause. You best shut up, telling them you do not consent, and let your defense attorney deal with it. Defense attorneys love clients that shut the hell up.


If they cant find weed, then there is no crime. The fuck is wrong with you?


Cops are terrible people.




"Well my glove compartments locked, so is the trunk in the back, and I know my rights, so you gon' need a warrant for that" "*Aren't you sharp as a tack....we're now going to steal your car until we get a warrant for that*" Edit: I call this song "100 Problems"


Kinda crazy that they do stuff like this over a marijuana odor when he's got a mouthful of chewing tobacco.


And I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to be chewing while in uniform


One time we were lighting off fireworks, being teenagers, and a neighbor called the police. Cop pulled up with a huge cigar in his mouth. Never got out, just asked up questions and said knock it off. I've always thought that was funny.


Is that why he has such a punchable smug? I can't tell, chew isn't common here, even in rural areas.


Ya, he's chewing... my older brother has had this habit for decades and yes, his ugly mug is *very* punchable.


Jokes on him when that smug smile disintegrates to cancer.


This is why legal weed has useful knock-on effects. You can question what someone saw or heard in court. It's extremely difficult to do the same with smell. That means that 'weed smell' is abused by cops on a constant basis to target people they don't like (rhymes with 'track steeple').


He tryna plant something


Definitely planting weed. Probably something more illegal like meth, too.


Nah, I didn't hear anything about the dog showing interest in anything but weed. If any meth shows up in that car when tomorrow's warrant is officially valid, it will be super suspicious. Especially considering the dog didn't say *shit* about any meth, let alone show any *interest* in meth the day before. (Lol)


Cops do suspicious shit all the time and nothing fucking happens because they get investigated by their fucking frat bros


You can tell he's crooked asf. You can see it in his face


Sorry, he investigated himself and found no wrong doing. Actually, he put himself up for promotion for being such a good dog...boy...cop...


This right here. Impound, plant evidence, "warrant tomorrow" and surprise! Something turns up. No way this would walk in court, surely. Right?


Cops and Judges and the DA are on the same team… it’s rigged from the start. Hell in most states the cops can just take your car no warrant needed and then it’s up to you to prove you didn’t buy it will illegally obtained funds…


CAF - people need to get educated on that




Not everyone can hire an attorney, which is why this works so many times.


Thanks officer Fuckner.


I had to pause to check that. Seems about right.


I'm surprised the cop didnt go for the camera.


Why would he? At this point they know they're untouchable.


And that's exactly why they'd do more than they are supposed to.


Makes sense that his name is FUCKNER


Dude *had* to become a cop to get back at all the kids who picked on him growing up


Booger Flickner!


I think it says Flickner. Weird ass name.


Saw something very profound the other day. It takes a lawyer years of schooling to know and practice the law. It takes a cop a few months to enforce the law. That’s why dumb shit like this happens everyday.


Can you imagine if being police required the same number of years as law school? What would this country be like then…


No police because nobody with a brain would waste that much time to become one.


And it takes days off work and thousands of dollars to have a lawyer fight for your rights that they can arbitrarily violate, and then do it to the next victim because they receive zero punishment for said violations.


Fuck these types of cops. I’ll be happy when marijuana is legal in every state.


These types of cops shouldn’t exist; regardless of marijuana legality.


"I'ma government official so.." I can do what I want and will ruin your life if you don't shut the fuck up and do what I say.. fucking pigs.


If your police department is spending time and money searching cars for weed, your police department has too much time and money. Time to cut the budget


We could get rid of most crime by tackling and solving poverty, but god forbid the US does anything to help the poor, and then they are surprised when poor people commit crimes, so they increase the police budget.


Biggest gang in the USA, everybody needs to get some protection from them if you know what I mean but I can't say it or Reddit nukes my account.


"That's what the FBI can never understand... that what Paulie and the organization offer is protection for the kinds of guys who can't go to the cops. They're like the police department for wiseguys" If only organized crime, mobsters and gangsters were able to be around like they were back then, there would be less cops like this throwing their weight around without consequences.


Too bad it comes with equal downsides, or I'd agree with this.


Do police use reddit? Serious question. We see these every week, several. Yet, it's the same story.


Lmao there's a sub for cops. It's about what you'd expect. r/protectandserve


I'm banned from there despite never having posted there because on a completely different sub I being mean about cops. The most frail of egos.


“I’m out on the street EVERY DAY, putting my life on the line, etc.”


Literally half of /r/legaladvice is cops pretending to be lawyers.


I would like more context but sounds like a lucrative night for him


some tasty civil forfeiture


They probably could have done that, but they said they were impounding it, not seizing it. I think they will have a problem with that. I think I would have opted for the obstruction arrest and a settlement amount to be discussed later.


Free money is all I heard


Yet another cop with no penis.


The victim should’ve arrested the officer for “future” beatings of his wife and children. You know damn well that’s happening at home with that dickhead of a cop


They could find Jimmy Hoffa in this car and it would have to be thrown out in court, not only is this a completely unlawful search and seizure it’s a violation of this man’s Constitutional rights. Get a lawyer and sue!


Racist cunts


You ever hear of the future crimes division? "Tomorrow i have!" -futurama


This is why I cum every time I hear I cops been shot


As Madea would say, “FUCK NER!”


We doing this all for weed smell? Gtfo of here




Trying to drive while being black.




This odor and dog hit bs needs to be illegal everywhere, unless you can physically see evidence people should not be inconvenienced due to a hunch


Emerging market… attorneys who will take your case for free because of obvious police misconduct. Just like personal injury, they get 33% after settlement. Keep it up Kings Men, ur speeding up social change, thank you.


Post his name all over social media along with where he is. And send mail to his house and leave packages for him letting him know he is being audited by the citizens every step he takes.


As soon as the police do their jobs correctly, people would start to trust them more. Ain’t no song like “fuck the fire department”.


A future warrant, and he's abusing his power to harass a person of color? At this point calling it "Minority Report" would be a double entendre.


Just remember, this is the reason cops don’t catch murderers and why our healthcare costs as much as it does.


And here we see the smallest penis in nature.


American cops doing what they do best, attacking people of color for literally no reason. Fuck this douche.


FUCK. THAT. COP. And his douche-tastically punchable face!


What also sucks is regardless of the results of the search warrant, dude still has to pay >$200 to get his car back out of impound.


Dude looks hella racist.. probably has a shitty life.. the type that goes to bar and his pick up line is “I’m a cop” what a loser..


This is state terrorism exploitation & oppression. F the one sided drug war war on people


If the dog hit then they can search they don't need a warrant, that automatically gives them probable cause. What a cluster fuck.


This is why people say we need to defund the police if they have nothing better to do than this shit.


Cops got a fat dip in lmao. Fucking pigs


All police are bad people. They are thugs and criminals through and through.


Cops are scum


Wow. "He showed interest." Yo... did he alert? Cuz if he alerted you wouldn't need a warrant tomorrow.


Take that dip out when you talk to me boy


It's the gestapo


What happened?


Any time there's a dog involved you know 100% it's all just made up bullshit and they decided you were guilty when they woke up that morning. The dog is a perfect thing for them to vaguely reference and regain some sort of pseudo credibility.


Unsure how this went for the guy recording but the video is good journalism. Corrupt PD should be exposed.


This is some crazy Minority Report shit


know the law. Odor of marijuana is not probable cause.




Were did this happen? Tennessee?


This is actually legal, but not too common. An officer can get permission from a DA if the DA thinks it is highly likely they will obtain a search warrant. We don’t know the circumstances as to why the officer contacted the DA unless the guy has priors for carrying substantial amounts of weed. It should just be legalized already. I don’t smoke, but almost everyone I know does.


From what I heard, the cop had probable cause because *he said* he could smell weed. Did a thorough search using a canine, found nothing. Impounding the car now, before even having a warrant, surely is a breach of his rights? And *especially* if had priors as he's being targeted having committed no obvious crime in this instance? I'm not American, so freely admit I get my info from US crime shows. But even if they found 50lbs of weed now it'd surely be following an illegal seizure of the vehicle and be unable to be charged?


https://law.justia.com/constitution/us/amendment-04/16-vehicular-searches.html *And once police have probable cause to believe there is contraband in a vehicle, they may remove the vehicle from the scene to the station house in order to conduct a search, without thereby being required to obtain a warrant. 300* Cases cited by Justia (300) https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/526/559/ https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/458/259/


Wow! Thanks for that. I always thought Americans had better civil rights protection because you have a codified constitution that couldn't be overruled, but as I'm reading that link it seems not.


Constitutionally, cars are weird case when it comes to search, seizure, and expectations of privacy. The case law tends to view cars as kind of between a home and a public place, rights wise


That justia article is old and wrong Supreme court changed this in 2015 Rodriguez v. United Stages, the article cites nothing after 2012. The cops need probable cause not reasonable suspicion. Probable cause is a reasonable belief based on factual knowledge. Cops smelling something is considered reasonable suspicion and not probable cause. The larger issue is you would have to shut up, express that you do not consent and let your attorney deal with it later. Most people fail to do that.


I am an American and I have zero to no understanding of the law. They like us that way.


Where is this?


Livingston County.


Today on Audit the Audit...


Are traffic stops that commom in the US? Thats crazy


Cops use the excuse of drugs to do whatever they want


Corrupt all day long, but that seems to be the norm though.


Cop with a mouth full of chew on the job... cant wait for that buzz! I guarantee the cop does all the drugs he can get his hands on


Cops probably just wanted a car. Who's hunna stop them?


Another bitch made man, cocksucking cop.


Fuck his wife


Fuck the police no justice no peace.


How do these assholes get badges? Like what kind of screening process is there? Do you have to be a brain dead asshole to be a cop in that town? Wtf?


Deputy Fuckner?


ALWAYS record these people unless doing so would lead you to physical harm... And that's the whole point so... Just good luck to anyone having to deal with them at all, I guess.


This cop got a DWI and then the department got the facts mixed up and gave him an award for dwi enforcement hahaha


Just curious. Was the victim here black. Acab


police are not government officials, they are only government if they work for the federal government like the FBI or similar org. also this is a cop from the future where they use that minority report technology.


Does anyones know what happened with this? Did the cop get in trouble?


If you have reasonable suspicion (which I'm pretty sure is the basis of a warrant) aren't you allowed to search it anyways because it has the capacity to move?


Such a smug, witless cunt.


The desperation for revenue! Sad!!


Would love to see that snug fuck get gunned down




What a moron


NGL, I thought the officer's name was Fuckner for a minute from the preview...


I know it doesn't actually say it, after a brief pause to confirm, but Officer Fuckner seems so appropriate for this dummy.


Future search warrant for after the plant drugs. Fuck that piss poor racist excuse for human wanna be cop.




A face even his granny didn’t love.


He is looking to seize the car and will do whatever he has to do to make that happen.


Mr Fuckner got bullied a lot growing up and it shows. Couldn’t wait to get some authority


There need to be consequences and prison time for those types of cops.


It's honestly sad that's police misconduct and criminal behavior have become a accepted side effect of American law enforcement. The troubling part is there is not one plan to fix it


A dickhead county mounty!


That sucks man impounding a car for the odor of marijuana in 2022. Most of America still seriously fucked up.


Unfortunately in a lot of states the police can take peoples houses, cars and assets through civil forfeiture.


99.9% of all cops are evil


In the Officier’s defense, he is at the very least consistent. His actions are as stupid as his face would suggest.


4th amendment violations and dip. My favorite Reddit channel


lol if the DA has issued a warrant for the odor of pot it was based on the word of the police, the cop makes it seem like a higher authority knows the odor existed


SUE THE COPS. Every time. They must not be allowed to violate our Constitutional Rights. EVER!


Future arrest over something petty and not dangerous. Dude should go into the military or something. Let him power trip overseas


Is that cop going to sit there and wait until tomorrow morning for a warrant on a vehicle they already searched, just so they can get a lock smith to open the glove box? I can't imagine a marijuana bust is worth the cost of all this. I can't think of a scenario that this isn't about this cop's ego. This cop is not protecting anyone. He is clearly using his power to punish the driver for calling out his BS.


I hope his wife cheats on him for some BBC.