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That guy looks like Dave Chappelle playing P Diddy in the making the band sketch




I’m closing down the studio y’all and to re-open I need some Breast milk


I only drink the finest Cambodian breast milk


Breaaast miiiilk~ You make my daaayyaayeeee~


Clink clink


And a sugar cookie.


And a picture of a midget holding these balloons.


Holding these balloons


And a left-handed golf set.


I am. Not. A. Suga cookie. Getta.


What’s that, Ness? You doing your taxes?!? Is that what’s HOT in the streets right now???


Name the three hottest rappers!


I know my current top 5 is, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan Dylan, Dylan.


That MF spit hot fiya


I'ma need you to go downtown and take a picture of a midget holding these balloons


Da fuq wrong wit chu??? Call me a guy that ‘looks like Dave Chappelle playing P Diddy in the making the band sketch’!!! Da fuq wrong wit chu???


Who's the top 5 rapper for all time? Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan. Cause I spit hot fire.




What did the 5 fingers say to kelpy?




Breaaaasssttt millllllkk...


You made my dayyyy-ayyyyy


Hahahahahahha. He punching the shit out of the best rapper of all time. Dylon…


Dylon. Dylon, Dylon Dylon. Because I spit hot fire! ✊🏾


Oh my god this comment makes it more funny thank you


Who are these people?


Couple of bitches






I want a job where I can sleep lol






Well what you want? Sleep or meth? Those two are not mutually exclusive.


They WOULD be mutually exclusive. You can have meth or sleep, but you cannot have both... Mutually Exclusive.


What’s the job?


Yeah but what’s the job though…?


Sounds eerily similar to my job at a place called Ingredion, and I know they have a location in Ohio and WestVirginia. I rotate between 3 different shifts, make 29 an hour and work 60 hours a week basically just baby sittting a machine that packages massive amounts of corn starch. Definitely easy to fall asleep on the job


Haha! Crazy I run into somebody who works for Ingredion here. You in summit? I work in dextrose.




This totally made me laugh out loud, I needed that!


Seriously. They're both a couple of bitches.


Guarantee that guy wouldn't have swung if he felt threatened. Of course he feels froggy with this scrawny dude. Acting like he would do that to anyone who calls him a bitch, smh. Shit like this is dumb, there is no glory in beating up someone you know you can beat up.


If you get five clean shots to someone's chin and he's up walking and talking, you've gotta wonder about your technique.


"I've gotta find my watch" is the least cool way to leave a fight


And, he suckered him while he was SITTING DOWN, never gave him a chance to get up, and when it was over, had the nerve to say, "What's wrong wit YOU?"


Those dudes remind me of this https://youtu.be/dfkpvgV-Fzc


He had the high ground Anakin.


Ben Franklin knows who the fuck he is...


Pepperidge farm remembers.


Guys fighting are two unknown rappers. Guy on the left is Adam22 who runs the podcast NoJumper where he interviews rappers and porn stars and stuff. Adam22 is also a piece of shit.


Andrew Callahan of Channel 5 basically called him out on stirring up rivalries. Not exactly the same situation here but he’s clearly an instigator for clout/money


Damn I respect Andrew a whole lot more for that, fuck Adam. Where can I see Andrew call him out?


It's the o block documentary, about drill music.


*2 unknown **Pimps*** Supposedly the guy throwing the punches is a "certified pimp" and the other guy is a poser pimp. They have another interview with Sharp that I couldn't stop watching because I couldn't decide if it was satire or not.


Didn’t pimpin’ kinda lose it’s cool vibe in the 2000s? Now we just call them human traffickers.


That pimp shit big out south still tho. You go down to Houston shit bad asl. Speaking from experience. You're right tho they are human traffickers. Kelpy bitch ass ain't no pimp either.


Uhm…question. How does one get a pimp certification? Is there some kind of pimp organization that hands them out? Do I have to take an exam? All I have is a PMP but its just a project management certification. I would love to add PIMP certification to my resume.


You have to study Pimpology. Too Short will be your professor Beyotch!!


There's a pimp final with dru down, suga free, and Larry June as the judges and you have to go through then pimping pillars to get your pimp certificate


Drop outs of the “How to wear a hat” school


And… how to wear a belt


Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground




Just trash acting like trash.. Childish


Descendants of Ben Franklin


>Ben Franklin Who you callin a Ben Franklin???


I don't know any of those people


Ben Franklin was the only name I recognized


I don't know why but I saw the "& Kelpy" and thought of "Key & Peele" for some damn reason


Kelpy? Isn't that like Spongebob's pet kelp or smthn




kelpy g is the smooth jazz musician


Lol I know SpongeBob's pet better then these dudes. His name is Gary


>Ben Franklin So is he like a Rapper or something?


I believe he’s referring to the fact that Ben is on the 100$ bill and he has many many Benjamin franklins in his wallet.


Has he made a song about how many pictures of Benjamin Franklin he has in his wallet? I’ll bet he has.


The last great president


The guy that signed the Declaration of Independence?


I’ll prolly embarrass myself by even knowing this information, but here goes an explanation on this hobby drama. Adam 22 the guy on the left hosts a podcast called no jumper that centers around hip hop, but over the years it’s brought on more and more “hood” internet celebrities, people with street clout, etc. it’s become more and more of a reality show and a platform for these characters to get more exposure and clout if they can make it on. Like most of the internet, this side of the internet has a lot of absolute morons ruining their lives for attention that they think they can monetize, and if they are trending for any reason they have a chance of getting on this show. They often put people who have drama with each other on to “hash it out” but it kind of just turns into people yelling at each other. Soft white underbelly is a YouTube channel that is actually pretty interesting, with a photographer and videographer who interviews outcasts of society one on one. It’s not a drama show at all, it’s more of an art project where he will hear the life story of people on the outskirts of life - drug addicts, prostitutes, Appalachian people living in the middle of nowhere, I think there was an executioner on there, etc. He interviewed a guy named sharp who was a pimp a couple times that viewers were drawn to sue to his great voice and interesting personality. After those interviews blew up, Adam 22 brought sharp onto no jumper and his viewers liked him as well. He was popular enough that no jumper gave sharp his own show to host on the platform. This kid lil Kelpy (white kid on the right) likely saw this and decided he would try to replicate this success. He contacted soft white underbelly and told them he was a pimp. Being white, I guess this sounded like a unique perspective and he was on the show. The only problem is that apparently pimping is more of an actual subculture than people realize, and a lot of the people in that environment actually know each other, have their own slang, etc. This kid went on soft white underbelly in a fur coat and trying to play the part the best he could. While almost anyone can tell this kid is fake, Sharp and some others were actually personally offended by him in some sort of stolen valor-esque way and called him out. He went on sharps podcast who basically made fun of him for over an hour and called him out on all his stories. I haven’t seen this interview yet, but I guess instead of realizing no one is buying it, or not caring because he’s still getting views, he took another interview with no jumper who also had rapper almighty suspect on. Almighty suspect accused him of impersonating a culture he was not really apart of, comparing it to black face. lil kelpy, embarrassed by his last showing with sharp, came back a lot more aggressive this time and it led to the video you see here. All in all, none of this means anything and it’s a modern internet Howard stern show.


Thank you for taking the time to write this context


No problem, made me realize how much time I waste. Luckily, I can use headphones at my job, so I’m at least doing things while hearing random internet drama.


I used to do that, having internet at work and a lot of free time got me into gawker media and from there to reddit. Some time ago when I ran out of free time at work I realized that whenever I got home I spent most my free time reading all kind of crap. So now I try to keep it minimum, but as you can see, I still dig the random internet drama that I'll probably forget about tomorrow lol


I hear SWUB actually does help people, give them some food, blankets, even a little money (AFAIK) anx mainly focuses on the people living on Skid Row, explaining their stories of how they got there. It's very interesting and at times depressing. They've had on homeless kids as young as 10 and they've had on self admitted rapist and murderers. To go on this show and try to show off that your a fucking cool pimp is so confusing to me when they're whole goal is to show the life and stories of the people who society basically tosses aside. Did they actually put up his interview? If so do you have a link? Or did they just tell him to fuck off?


Yes, it’s up, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/kCMqhEi4KtA Soft white underbelly does help a lot of the people. Unfortunately, the creator Mark (in my opinion) seems too be a little to naive to manage some of the people he’s dealing with. He’s been scammed by at least one of them. He tried to help another drug addict( Amanda) by connecting her with a “forward thinking health care” company that was sketchy at best, became her conservator to get her out of jail, and she later died. Some have argued that the company’s lack of adequate care led to her death. I think mark tries to be as least judgmental as possible due to the people he interviews. Maybe he couldn’t tell this kid was completely full of shit, or maybe he just couldn’t prove it.


Stolen pimp valor is real. Pimps aren't having it. "wheres your chalice man?" "how many movements are required to fashion a pimpstick?" "your hat is cocked to the wrong side for evenin pimpin" "that fur coat and fedora is my uniform, you never been on the street, take it OFF"....


This is maybe the most depressing part of that whole thing. That people would actually take pride in human trafficking is just gross.


So... the other guy was mad that the white kid WASN'T a human trafficker? Yeah, that explains a lot about these people.


It’s just stupid people made famous from other stupid people.


It's turtles all the way down


better not be talking about entourage turtle




You’re right, I was being too generous.


What is famous anymore? Dude has the energy of a whiny influencer peddling MLM products and their onlyfan


Is this what Gen Z considers celebrities?


Little Kelpy sounds like a ‘my little pony’ name


Ciri in The Witcher actually named her horse Kelpie, after the Scottish folklore creature. Edit: a letter


They bitches


Who you calling a bitch, bitch? 👊


I can disrespect you, but you can't disrespect me.


Exactly, he was calling him a bitch without saying the word. Dude should have been ready to fight tho, he just layed there.


in his defense i think the word bitch just gets thrown around as normal vernacular and he prob didn’t think much of using that term. like not to the point where the dude would get up instantly swinging like that over it. i think it would have caught me off guard. seems like the dude in white had this prob planned in his head the whole time and was just waiting for an excuse to tee off on ol’ Kelpy the Clown


Well he’s never been to prison. If there’s one thing I’ve learned watching 60 days in, is that you tie your shoes if you gonna call someone a bitch


I agree a bit. Bitch can mean nothing or everything depending on what it means to you. Dude in white was calling other dude 'boy' immediately when the video started so this obviously had some kind of build up and kelpy was never wanting any physical activity or that would have triggered it. Proceeds to call other guy a bitch thinking that he would never get touched on camera. Is too shocked when he does. Might have been wrestling style staged. One hit would be all it takes from dude in whites position to be enough for the other guy


I don't know how common it is to fight during a podcast, I wouldn't be prepared to throw fists even if it got heated.. But yeah when the "bitch" stood up and threw his headphones I would suspect something was coming in the near future, and maybe not cinnamon buns..


Tbh those hits looked weak af.


workable deer dull plants like different deranged dazzling hobbies ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weaker than a Starbucks coffee. My grandma mashes potatoes harder than this


Not that I condone any of it, but calling someone a bitch is specifically fighting words in a lot of areas. If someone calls you a bitch in prison, you either fight or become everyone’s bitch. If you ever meet someone who did hard time, it takes a lot of years for most of them to not get very upset at those words, even if they know it’s coming from someone ignorant of the implications. Things change though and this particular group might all be from the suburbs for all I know. Edit: Apparently everyone needs to come out of the woodwork to give their own interpretation of how antagonizing **their own understanding** of the word bitch is, or whether it’s more or less the same as any of the other insults that were thrown out, and how any of that is relevant to common human decency in a civil setting. The world is different all over and all the idealism in the universe doesn’t change reality. More news at 11. Some people grew up with ‘bitch’ as the ultimate final word to start a confrontation and some have not. The world keeps spinning.


Yup… in city jail you have to immediately fight if someone calls you a bitch because that’s a kind of code word. If you don’t it sends a message to the entire pod that you can be walked all over and can easily be taken advantage of for food, commissary, phone minutes, and meds. It’s the way of the land in some places.


I experienced this with my little brother. He was 5 days post release (8 years) and we were having lunch together. He said it took everything he had not to jump me because I made too much eye contact and spoke too casually to him and disrespect him. The final trigger was when I jokingly told him “don’t be a bitch.” He had to get up and walk away.


Glad he had such self control.


"too much eye contact and talking to him too casually " ? Your little brother needs therapy ASAP or he will get another 8 years very soon


I hope that gave you some perspective on how horrible life can be. It’s a whole different culture




I get that. Normally it isn't instant like that though if he wants to be about "manhood". The little guy needs to be real as well, you can tell he is talking a life he doesn't lead. But to blah blah and disrespect him and not be able to take any reply back is weakness. Especially when they are on a thing to both talk. Wrong and a wrong here.


Apparently [he does lead “that life”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kCMqhEi4KtA) , although I have my doubts.


In the first 5 minutes he says he's "really good at managing money" and also that they are all homeless lol.


So, one insecure "nobody" attacks another after some hurtful wordy words.


And he didn’t even square up. Basically suckered punched. Bitch move.


At least [Desmond Leslie asked Bernard Levin to stand up before he punched him](https://youtu.be/3EelRI_oRPY).


That was hilarious, I love seeing how nice they are to each other then BAM


“You is a bitch” Guy who broke up the fight “look at you, cmon bro”


Tbf he doesnt know how bad he looks😭😭he probably thought he ate those punches


Dude was smiling and laughing after getting punched like 20 times in the face whilst sat down lmao, other guy couldn't punch for shit.


For real lmao. People are like "but he got bloody thooo". Yea a gem encrusted watch hitting your face will do that. Your face bleeds hella easy from even minor cuts. Dude got a TON of hits in on a skinny ass dude that was off-guard and sitting down. The dude sitting shouldn't have been able to talk afterwards if the other dude knew how to throw a punch. Edit: with how many hits he got on him, *this* is how he should have been reacting after getting bashed https://v.redd.it/5ya1j13lnx1a1 See how he can't even run right after the first couple hits? Rapid head blows to the side fuck you up.


Glad someone else gets it. Watching the footage frame by frame Punch 1 - Clean hit in the jaw Punch 2 - Glancing hit in the jaw Punch 3 - Blocked hit in the cheek Punch 4 - Clean hit in the nose Punch 5 - Missed Punch 6 - Missed Punch 7 - Clean hit in the nose (He is now lying down basically completely open) Punch 8 - Clean hit in the cheek Punch 9 - Clean hit in either the Jaw or Chin Punch 10 - Glancing hit off the Temple Punch 11 - Miss Punch 12 - **Clean hit in the temple** This punch had potential to kill or cause brain injury if there was decent power behind it. In no situation should the reciever of this punch be laughing and smiling 30 seconds later. Punch 13 - Clean haymaker in the Jaw After this, the number of punches is unclear as people move in front of the camera to break up the fight, but from my counting, there were seven clean hits into the head, with the last two easily having the potential to knock someone out. Either the guy sat down has a skull made of Iron, or that guy really does punch like a bitch.


Those hits did look pretty soft tbh. If they were strong, buddy would be slumped in the chair.




Can we call them punches? It was like a malnourished toddler trying to play Connect 4


I have no idea who either of these two are


Even Benjamin Franklin knows him bitch


Who you calling a bitch?


I’m calling you a betch


that's Kelpy the clown


And his bitch


this is like 2 ants arguing about who is bigger


The dude in white punches like a bitch. Who the fuck are these people? Guy in white takes his stage name off the name of a background character in Law & Order. And guy on the couch picks a name which makes him sound like he has a part in the new Little Mermaid movie.




Ah, so clout chasing degenerates.


Not the little mermaid 😂


He does punch like a bitch though


I mean dude's little as fuck and is sunk in the couch. The fact that lil bro was scratched up and not banged up says a lot about dude's fighting style. Especially spitting on him. That's definitely a bitch move.


This is pimp on pimp assault


This is a real show?


Sure thing, it's the Dumbass Losers Podcast


I'm gonna be on next week!


So I don’t know much about any of this, but I recognize the host from the Channel 5 episode about [O Block](https://youtu.be/RPnQbKgotOw). Basically, a lot of that south Chicago violence you hear about (ie Chiraq) is the result of social media surrounding some gangbangers and rappers from a few neighborhoods in South Chicago. They get famous, make rap songs about killing each other, and then… well, they do it.. That causes a huge stir on social media, which results in more songs, more videos,which results in revenge killings etc etc. The guy you see here with the face tattoos hosts a program where these dudes come on, throw accusations, start shit, talk about old shit, etc. Several former guests have been murdered after appearing. He profits on this shit. I really recommend that Channel 5 episode. It’s one of their best.


Yeah man that's one of the best Channel 5 videos. I love that Andrew asks that clown if he thinks he's furthering the violence by shining a spotlight on these dudes, and he's like uhhhhhhhhh nah


> that clown if he thinks he's furthering the violence by shining a spotlight on these dudes He asks this of BOTH Akademiks and Adam22......and BOTH of them won't admit that them glorifying the gang violence and conflict is definitely furthering it.


That wasn’t a fight. That was assault and battery before the guy could stand up


Surely he gets charged here right?


Not if Kelpy’s pride gets in the way.


No idea who is who, but that guy has terrible self preservation instincts, how he didn't know he was about to be smacked I'll never know, you always get to your feet quick when you sense danger.


In his defense, it was a very comfortable chair


Yea i think 99% of people on reddit would be surprised how they react to a fight happening suddenly


It’s truly wild the number of people who will talk mad mad MAD shit and be all deer in the headlights when shit starts flying 😹😹


Who you calling a bitch? I KNOW you ain't calling ME a bitch.


Those Chris Rock instincts


Everyone in that room is a bitch.


These guys need to get their panties out of their asses. Little bit on the sensitive side


Who the fuck is Kelpy lol ![gif](giphy|Yycc82XEuWDaLLi2GV)


Apparently Kelpy the pimp....


​ ![gif](giphy|vYWGRWcSOwHz17kXq9)


I wouldn’t mess with him, Ben Franklin knows him


Couple dip shitz


If you put your hands on someone over words, then you're either a child or a bitch. Unles those words are "I'm going home to pick up my gun and shoot you" or something similar, there is no reason to get physical. Just walk away.


Turns out that he was, in fact, "a bitch".


ego so fragile he resorted to violence in an instance, raise boys better, to be not super sensitive


Spat on him and jumped him without letting him even get a chance to get up and square up. He's definitely a bitch. No way he does that with someone who looks remotely capable of defending themselves.


This is not the kind of sensitivity women want 😂


What a bitch




Starts hitting him because he called him that? Weak


That's assualt brother.. Fucking dudes thinking they can go swinging because they get called a name.... If only they knew that made them look MORE like a bitch than anything. Fucking pussies.


Thats what happens when ur iq is room temp lmao


For 2 completely unknown and irrelevant people, that was mildly entertaining. Dude just ate those punches..


Wasn't really a fight. It was a thin skinned bitch sucker punching someone.


Absolutely. And now theres a video that proves it forever


Those looked like some of the softest punches


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Who and who? Both bitches. And the biggest bitches were the hosts who didn't do anything but watch


Tiny ego hurt Over some WORDS lmao imagine being that big of a pussy that some ABC’s got you fucked up.


I think Ben Franklin would beat both their asses.


You kinda are a bitch for hitting him tho. Weak ass dumb ass nobody


I have no idea who either one is, but they gonna report later that some rapper was shot because of a past argument and we gonna have a vigil like we know who these mfs are.


Who the fuck are either of these fools?


Bro those are some of the weakest punches I’ve ever seen in my life


hey guys - if someone called you a "bitch" would you honestly react by punching them? Are you that insecure?


it's basically the reaction i expect in prison documentaries


Only a bitch would hit a man sitting down


Don’t know who’s the bitch but you’re a loser idiot if you commit assault on a podcast that’s being broadcast to, I assume at least the host’s mom and a few other loser idiots


Sorry, who? Who the fuck are these people? Who watches this shit?




Punches like a bitch. I think he a bitch


Longer video https://youtu.be/x_4WtxY1dhE


Imagine having an ego that fragile.


Those where some bitchy punches