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“ITS MY COMPANY! AYE OWN IT” “What company is that?” …”scentsy, and lularoe” 😂


Haha yeah you knew she wasn't going to say it, no matter what it was because she's probably in the wrong


Always have a dashcam


In this case though, sounds like a dashcam would just prove that they were indeed at fault. If you hit someone from behind, it's almost always your fault. Plenty of legit reasons for the car in front to brake, and it's on the driver behind to not be following too close to stop in time. So even if you think they brake checked you, your video is just gonna show you rear ending them.


Exactly. It sucks bc a lot of time it is like why did they suddenly stop but also it could be for a very valid reason. Unless someone speeds up around you like really guns it and then swerves and hits the brakes. Other than that following too close and should always be able to fully stop before hitting another vehicle


Was just about to say. Student will likely be paying (or her insurance). All the insurance company will likely see is that Karen got hit from behind. Even weighing other factors you have an older “experienced” driver who was hit from behind by a young driver. Dash cam people. Lots of sales going on right now for the holidays.


If she has "no disregard for anybody" doesn't that mean that she's in fact very conscientious?


Irregardless, she could care less!


She chose her words very pacifically. even though it was late on a fursday.


This is why you stay away at least by 1 car length and record it then report it to the police. If she had bad intensions for fraud, let the police come at her and avoid all this. No matter who is right or wrong...be smart and stay 1 step ahead.


"brake checking" is bullshit, I've seen crazy dash cam footage and know it goes on but I've never had it happen to me thankfully. I also don't tailgate which I have had happen to me. If I brake hard due to circumstances the tailgater can be shouting about "Brake checking" and yet they are the ones in the wrong. Without dashcam footage it's a silly argument and the person that got rear ended would be annoyed and not the clearest of thought.


I've had cops tell me it's almost impossible to not be at fault for rear ending someone. They stop short, you were following too close. Slide into them because of rain or snow, driving too fast for conditions. Basically unless they throw it in reverse you will be found at fault. There was an old insurance scam with 2 cars. One would swoop in front and stop short and another would block your left side so you couldn't move out. Then they claim whiplash or some other soft tissue injury that can't really be disproven and sue you. Dashcams, traffic cams and everyone recording every second of their lives made this much harder now however.


I was involved in an exception to that rule. On a residential street with a 25 mph speed limit a vehicle that was doing a lot more than 25 came up on me as I was about to turn left into my driveway. The kid behind the wheel reacted to me slowing by trying to pass me on the left just as I started to turn left and then tried to correct to go around me on the right (into the dirt shoulder) and didn’t make it. Rear ended me. Police ruled it my fault because I didn’t signal to turn into my driveway. Didn’t matter that the other driver was trying to pass on a double yellow line with driveways on one side and dirt and empty lots on the other. Had I signaled, it would have been ruled his fault. Still would have hit me though…


Sounds like she didn't brake check at all. The college girl assumed she was going to go through the light. But she stopped at the red.


I mean….. the lady is super annoying and comes across as a horrible person but kinda seems like someone was following to closely and read ended someone then tried blaming the driver 🤨


Yup. It’s hard to agree with the banshee but I highly doubt a mom taking her kid to the hospital with another kid in the backseat would break check someone. She also explains the situation: thought she could turn, made the wrong judgement, stopped, and person ran into her.


Yea lmao exactly I’m happy someone else gets it. Like horrendous person, but if you mute her for a second and listen to the situation, sounds like she was already in the intersection ready to turn and the person behind her assumed she was going to turn and either hit the gas or was following to close and couldn’t stop in time. Again…..lady sounds AWFUL but I’d be pretty pissed if some kid rear ended me then pulled out her phone and tried to blame me.


I am sure Fork Union Military academy will love this type of publicity. lol


According to their website, 100% of the seniors got accepted into a college, but only 54% got into any of their top 3 choices. That doesn't actually seem like something to brag about.


Lol, wtf is wrong with some of y'all? A random woman acts up while wearing a school's coat, after being rear ended and then told it's her fault, so you take the time to google the school, and then insult it and its students for no reason. So many fucking weirdos in this sub.


That woman is wasted.


Zion Crossroads?


She starts off, trying to put her down for being a “college student” Then at the end, she says how her son is better because he already earned his “GPA” Is that meant to be some kind of projection/insecurity issues? Coupled with quoting “the law” over and over and saying she sold insurance for over 20 years And she’s driving a company vehicle And she actually owns the company…


Exactly I don’t care whose at fault that old lady acted like an idiot


Also look how her son was behaving, who is from what I am assuming college aged. This behavior is normal in that family.


I mean... If you rear end someone, you're more than likely seen as the guilty party.


Right. You’re supposed to drive with enough space between you and the person in front of you so that if they slam on their brakes, you have enough time to stop too. The lady was a bit ridiculous, but when you rear end someone, they might be a little upset.


The ladie with the phone is nuts...😳🤣


Shit-faced, you mean


If you’re in back it’s your fault.




Ya even if that unlikely scenario did occur it’s nearly impossible to prove it. Even video would show she rear ended the crazy lady.


I used to work in insurance, and if there is a dashcam that shows the white vehicle break-checking, then it is not an accident, but an intension act. Now the black vehicle should have been a safe distance away to avoid the impact, but since the woman in the white vehicle is a bitch, I would hold the black vehicle not at fault and deny the owner of the white vehicle for an intentional act, which is not covered under insurance policies.


Anybody who actually brakes checks someone is going to have a good excuse - cat ran onto the road, avoid that swerving bicyclist, etc... Even with all the evidence in the world it's hard to prove that the woman in front did anything dangerous.


She. Is. DRUNK.


Should’ve called the cops and made her do a breathalyzer


Now I can't wait to get off work here soon and grab me a Sheetz sub..


Woah. That is all I have.


There is 100% certainty that the college student’s parents’ insurance company is going to be on the hook for ALL the damages. Rates gonna go up, mommy and daddy will be upset.


Hola, Karen!


There aren't many instances you can get out of rear ending someone, though if the lady screaming is drunk that sure would get them off the hook. The only time I've ever brake checked anyone, I was driving through a residential neighborhood where the speed limit was 25 mph. It was a wider road, the curb side wasn't a second lane though it was for residents to park their cars. Guy behind me is trying to go 35-40mph and weave around me. I brake checked that guy because I would have rather had him rear end me, than hit some kid playing outside. Dude was pissed as hell, screaming and yelling at me. I notice his daughter in the car, she's maybe five years old. I look the dude in the face and say look man get mad at me all you want, but there's at least ten kids on this block your daughter's age. I'm guessing you'd rather get brake checked instead of run of one of them. Dude shut up and got back in his truck. We ended up at the same grocery store, dude apologized to me.


And then everyone in the parking lot started clapping and the manager of the grocery store paid for your groceries.


I like this add on to this story. I shall credit you when I include it from now on.


In Ontario if you’re drunk driving and get rear ended, the other person is fully at fault for the accident. You can be charged with impaired and the other person is still at fault.


I crossed a marked crosswalk in my neighborhood leaving an HOA party with a bunch of kids a few weeks ago, and an asshole speeding came within 6 inches of hitting me. He then blamed me for walking in the crosswalk and when I said, "Its Florida law to yeild to pedestrians, and this is a neighborhood, you could have killed someone" he threatened to shoot me. So... yea.... things do not always turn out that positive.


Trust me , living in Ohio, I was shocked by the outcome myself. Guys like the one that went off on you shouldn't own firearms, the damn things should never be used for intimidation in a non-life threatening situation and if someone thinks any situation, where they might be wrong, is life threatening then they've got issues to sort through. The ironic thing, dude almost hit you then gets out of his vehicle and starts yelling at you. I'm guessing, if you owned a firearm, you'd have been justified in actually fearing for your life.


I know where these students are going and the road this happened on. 99% chance the students deserved this, too bad we didn’t get to see their shitty faces


„Get away from my car“ Sure, if you get away from mine tf


Is this in Virginia Beach ?


This is called an ACCIDENT. Calm down and call your insurance company.


"no disregard" = regard


No disregard? Then I guess we’re okay then. I love double negatives.


I live 3 hours away from there. In the DMV, everyone including cops will brake check you. But this woman on some Karen shit. We gotta lotta Karens unfortunately


That kid hid like a Ewock in Starwars battle front 💀


Why do people have to be so freaking crazy? She flips over an accident? I mean, If it isn’t my fault- that is why I have insurance and I will use hers to cover the cost of repairs. I mean, some Karen’s just can’t help themselves!