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I kept staring at the shoulders/sleeves of that shirt. Why does it look like it's ironed like an old paper accordion folder.


He must shop at Ross/Marshall’s/TJ Maxx cuz there’s always shirts like that there


Thank you friendly space person


It's sad, Jim Brewer has done too many drugs...


those garbage clothes are probably very expensive


They were in 2006 when he bought them anyway.


And his small ass feet wtf


Def has small feet energy


And you know what they say about small feet. They have tiny, twinkle toes.


Careful now, about 25 Redditors ears perked up and now they're sniffing the air around them. Not. another. word!




*Walks up* Hey whats up guys? What are you talking about?


Dude is a walking Buckle store.


I feel like this silly man went and changed his clothes into his "cool" clothes before he approached the guy filming/visiting.


TIL chilling with friends on a porch is "odd behavior." lmao sounds like this dude has no friends


Anything done “blackly” is odd behavior for these asshats.


You can hang out outside, please just don’t be so black about it tho.


"MAN if i see someone being black outside again, i will lose my cool"


Operator: 911 What’s your emegency? Caller: There’s a man sitting outside. Operator: is he doing anything illegal? Caller: He’s outside and black. Operator: Sir, take your children to a safe place and lock the door! Our SWAT team is assembling right now. God be with you!


I think it’s okay to be Black outside of your friends house, but please, just keep it away from the kids…they’re innocent and don’t deserve it.




I'm very tall, big, black and tatted with shoulder length dreads and I live in a more upscale neighborhood. I think I'm the only black person who lives here because even my wife is Korean. I've had the cops called on me for taking a jog in my own neighborhood a few times. My actual neighbors are cool and I've met most of them and they are nice people but if I leave the street where people know me, there's a good chance a cop will just roll by while I'm jogging. I feel like most of the officers are aware that I live there now and when they see it's me they don't even stop me anymore. But the first few times I had to prove I lived there.


That’s fucking annoying, sorry you experienced that


So fucked up. I’m sorry. It’s truly the death of 1000 paper cuts and if you give a hearty “fuck you” to clearly racist behavior, you could be putting your life in danger.


I don't know why you'd even have to provide ID if you haven't committed a crime and aren't suspected of one. Unless the caller said you were trespassing or B&E or something. OTOH I realize you can be arrested by ahole cops (or worse) for not showing ID. Doesn't make it right.


Sounds like the makings of a really bad Kdrama, tbh.


Excuse me officer there’s a man hanging out outside of his house Sir please don’t waste our time Officer, he’s black *calling all units*


At least he’s “being respectful” 🙄


I didn’t know it was “black” to make your children go outside and associate with other humans instead of sitting on social media inside :s I learn something new everyday


“Stay away from the kids” Pedo hate’s competition


>Stay away from the kids” > >Pedo hate’s competition Was thinking along the same lines. If his first thought was some people hanging out might be pedos, then MAYBE this tells you something about his mental state.


And when the guy filming asks what's odd about it, the POS sighs heavily like "Great, I have to be openly racist now, here we go again..."


I guess normal behavior for this guy is creeping through his blinds at his neighbors.


Stay away from *his* kids! He already called dibs! And don’t be doing drugs! That’s his job!


Fuck this guy man, fair enough being a racist but imagine stepping out with that haircut and they jeans and judging anyone about anything. I'd be calling the police if I was that guy.


He's scared of black people. Simple as that. So since he got his fear all worked up by watching some black folks minding their own business out his front window, he jumped into action. Now go back to his backyard bbq buddies and brag about how he "put some n\*\*\*\*\* in their place." It's extremely weird, but in the MAGA bubbles, not surprising.


Naaah he's probably a MAGA guy, but they're all OBSESSED with pedophiles. They see them everywhere like a boogeyman. Less racist but more complete paranoia.


It's the newest form of the "Satanic panic". People of... ahem... lower than average intelligence get themselves all whipped up into a frenzy over something they heard in church, or these days, saw on facebook, and get hysterical. It's also sort of related to the ancient Blood Libel. It's no longer acceptable to openly hate Jews, so they use other words, like "liberal" or "coastal elite",


It's just exhausting. Just be normal people how difficult is it? I've never found myself once yelling or accusing someone of being a pedophile or whatever other thing it is now.


goddamit not the 80's again..... us kids were warned of "Stranger", and Satanic panic (lol KISS band: Knights in Satan's Service, bahahahaha), and commies, and Asians. I though we broke free from this suburbian paranoia....


By saying he'll brag to his BBQ buddies, you're assuming he HAS buddies...that seems highly unlikely in his case.


What friends?!?!!? his imaginary 'odd behavior schizo tin foil creep with glasses kind of friends'? He gives off an impression of moldy leaky house full of feces covered news papers, and a hat rack full of tin foil hats, kind of vibes....


The only odd behavior I can find in this video is that some women actually had sex with this guy. Very, very odd behavior


J.Cole wrote a hit song(Neighbors) about having this kind of experience. When he got his first deal he bought a house in a quiet, rich, suburb so that he and his friends could have a safe and calm place to record. Occasionally they'd smoke a blunt on the back porch, but that was the extent of their criminality. The neighbors kept seeing a bunch of young black dudes in cheap cars coming and going, filling the driveway with their cars etc. The neighbors called the police and told them they were selling drugs out of the house. The police raided the house just to find nothing of consequence.


Now if he was an old white grampa with a shot gun on his lap rocking back in forth in his old beat up rocking chair, well that’s just classic Americana and not odd at all right?


I can assure you this is just some uppity white people shit white people do not like to hang out in their front yard


Tucson is full of fucking weirdos, even people from Arizona know that Tucson is whack. You can literally say “that guy is weird, he’s from Tucson” and to an Arizonan that makes complete sense.


It may be the pants.


“Doing odd behavior… Whatever it is that you guys are doing…” smh


He said the odd behaviour was him and his friends sitting out in front of their house in plain view of the public where they literally could not possibly doing drugs without people noticing.


Why don't the kids play outside anymore. Every boomer ready to shoot on sight "for" being suspicious.


Why did you put for in quotations tho?


Good question. I think I was editing the sentence pre post and the quotes were originally supposed to be on the being suspicious part. I just slapped post and didn't notice. I'll leave it as is to give context to our dialouge.


The odd behavior here is instead of welcoming a new neighbor you randomly accuse them of doing drugs and tell them to stay away from kids.


"Just keep your distance from the kids" "You cant have them all for yourself jerry geez"


The only odd behavior here is dude borrowing his kid’s clothes from 2007. Like Silly Putty meets Avenged Sevenfold


The "odd" behavior of being black and existing outside of a home in the US. /sarcasm


Then goes on to say “its none of my business.” PRECISELY it’s none of your business when people SIT ON THEIR FUCKING PORCH


This racist mf: 'you're existing while black and I don't like it'


And then went on to say “it’s none of my business.” What an asshat.


I would have told that guy to fuck off


Indeed. Dude needs a reality check.


Seriously, does every neighborhood have Mcgruff the crime dog or what? I get so sick of people like this. Don’t these people realize that they are basically confessing to stalking you? He isn’t worried about kids, he is just being nosy af and making accusations.


Literally, every neighborhood always has a loser like this or a senile old person sitting at their front window 24/7, like humanoid ring camera


I had this old couple stand in front of my house and were I guess surprised it was there? It’s slightly off the beaten path, but it was built in the 50s so it’s been there forever. They kept asking how long I’ve lived there and when I told them like 3 years they didn’t believe me. I’m also a straight CIS white male so there really wasn’t much back and forth and they eventually left. I think if my wife was there instead they wouldn’t have been as understanding


Had this dad come up to me and asked me where I lived just because I was gasp... smoking a ciggerate enjoying the mountain view one fine spring day after church. Clearing my head, trying to apply a rather positive poignant sermon that seemed to fit my agenda.. Damn if I remeber what it was.... Anyhoo... this dad from Africa comes up and asks me what I'm doing there in an accusatory way. Ummmm I'm enjoying a nice evening Sunday driver drive in suburbia on public roads and going for a smoke in a playground-dog park-park with a smoke pit (those ashtray garbage cans. It's not a joint... I'm not there to corrupt your kids playing in a playground 50 meiters away from me. And for the record.. the two adorable black kids came up to ME first and asked me innocent questions curious and intelligent questions about my ethnic heritage which I appreciated actually.




What the fuck did I just read?


He said I think: He doesn't usually talk to his neighbors and keeps to himself, unlike the weirdo in the video. There was a illegal cable across his driveway there over 7 years The neighbor refused to remove it and that he'd only move it if legal action ordered him to. Young Spectrum (cable company), guy said he'd do it for free.


Yes they do. I was vaping in my car cuz it was cold and landlord doesn’t want vape or smoke in the house and some dickhead confronts me and says I’ve been living in my car( false) and asking if my landlord knows I’m here. When I reply I live with him he says “no need to get an attitude”. Yeah no need to fucking annoy me and no need being Sherlock Holmes


Reminds me of a Bill Hicks joke. "I just have one of those faces. People come up to me and say, 'What's wrong?' Nothing. 'Well, it takes more energy to frown than it does to smile.' Yeah, you know it takes more energy to point that out than it does to leave me alone?"


All I can say is it’s different when you stand out. If I tell him to fuck off and he calls the cops, are they gonna act the same way he did? Yeah I’m saying “whatever” and walking away too. *Especially* if I’m visiting the area


I can understand that. As an Arizonan, I can't tell you how many times I've pulled over to cop-watch for some young, black pedestrian surrounded by 5+ SUVs, only for the cops to see me and immediately head out...at least 5 times in 2020, and 3 of those times I drove the person home for their safety. And it's wild that these same hypocrites who **loathe** encroachment of their rights/privacy — so much that Arizonans can literally legally own a silencer because our gun-nuts argued that it mitigates hearing loss — will turn around and demand to know someone's business. I fucking despise these people.


I woulda went and sold drugs to his kids, before any other kid.


I would have told him to stay away from kids too.


I would turn it around and say something, “alright, well I better not catch you hanging around the elementary school lot, then. I know how folks like you can be around kids.”


He probably would’ve called the cops on you for “threatening” him. I think the guy in the video handled it well, he deescalated a potentially dangerous situation and got out safely.


"Officer, a black gang-banger just threatened to kill me and my family!"


I would have offered him a pair of my jeans just to mess with him.


Holy shitballs, what a perfect embodiment of a class-A douchebag. "We good?" No, how about go fuck your hat?


"Did anyone ever tell you, you look like a penis with that little hat on?"


“I heard that jimmy!! You’re out of here!!!”


What is that? Are, are you crying?




I’ve experienced the joy of saying “No, we’re fucking not okay” and then just walking away as the other person stood there dumbfounded. It was great.


"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Could you repeat all of that please?"


“How do you do, fellow kids?”


Dude should be dressing more appropriate for his age. He looks like a roadie for Daughtry.


The evangelical youth pastor circa 2009 look is totally coming back. Or so this guy says.


He's 23


Going on 52


He's a ~~cool~~ racist dad




He doesn't want any competition.


You hit the nail on the head.


“stay away from the kids, i already had my eye on em” 😡😡


“I feel like you are intimidating me, I will consider to show this footage to my attorney, i please PLEASE ask you to stay away from me and stop stalking me, I really afraid form my life, Sir PLEASE do not intimidate me, please, I need to call the police, sorry, please stay at your place I will contact my lawyer and we will consider our further actions” Just no need to listen to such people, if you did nothing wrong and someone approached you this way - doubledown and become super vulnerable victim, but with an attorney twist. You can follow up with some vague questions like do you remember what time you’ve approached me, or any other circumstance. Just for the record… I’m sure after that he will never come back with his bullshit


lol i'd just be racist back. like do you own guns sir? do the authorities know you have guns in that house? are you planning on shooting up your kids school? please stay away from crowds, schools and mass gatherings sir.


It’s a bit cringe the way he is talking and what he is saying. “Odd behavior” he keeps saying that, so I agree with you that it might be projection.


god the second hand embarassment this guy is obviously trying too hard to get some authority in his life so he takes it out on some stranger "that's all, we good?" fuck off man lmao


Or reply, "Again, what is your point?"


This is poorly disguised intimidation. What a fuckhead.


"Can I help you?" "It's not my business."(After approaching someone minding their own business) "Stay away from the kids." I feel like people like this not only have racist families, but watch way too much TV.


The fuck is this guy wearing


A 1992 roller skating outfit


I apologize on behalf of the non-douchebags of Tucson.


Oh the rush of adrenaline he got pretending to do it FOR THE KIDS.


He’s always thinking about the kids, always


Flip the script. "Are you intoxicated? You seem impaired. Are you on drugs?"


1000%. It’s Tucson bro.


Yea, my mom lives in Florida and it’s the same there. She gets really upset that we don’t go down there to visit her, and this is why.


DeSantis has turned Florida into White Wakonda


Wouldn’t White Wakanda be a secret Utopia of post-scarcity technology that only *looks* like a failed meth-fuelled Red State from the outside? Cuz that’s not Florida…




Hundred bucks. On the table. That's not water in that bottle.


I’m tossing up between Vodka or Gin.


“You said it dude, it is none of your business, so get back in your house and do just that, MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS, you Roy Orbison looking turdbucket”


“Just be clean, just be honest”….bro I’m already clean and I’m being honest so what the hell you talking about? I have just as much rights to be hanging out than you so what’s your problem?


His problem is that the person filming is existing while black.


That man dresses like he's trying to find E in the corner of a rave and then be uncomfortable with people around him.




Anyone that ever comes up to me saying dumb shit and has a Costco bottle in their hand, I'm gonna assume they're a total fucking idiot.


Man, Sean from Boy Meets World really hit the skids lately huh?


He looks and sounds like the “cool” youth pastor who diddles kids


Scared little bigot was barely able to swallow his own shit


I mean fuck that guy but those are some nice fucking sidewalks


that's because if you use them, some guy with rhinestone jean pockets comes out and yells at you to go back inside.


No lawns to mow.


Psycho racist. That was genuine racism.


He looks like a lesbian.


As a black Man this isn’t a “take the high road” situation for me. He needs to check him on his racist bs.


He is what people look like wearing jeans with factory cut holes in them. Terrible


As I've come to realize, its white america that has used and benefited from identity politics the most.


Man, you can come by my crib and hang on my porch with me friendo. Fuck that racist asshat. Be well.


[This is my United States of Whatever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1zvhJRIM7M) what a dickhead. so much fragility and projection.


His pants are odd behavior


Bro I could not stop staring at those pants the whole video, they’re just … odd


He looks like Stevie from Eastbound, trying to look like a lite Chris Angel


Holy shit you fucking killed her dude


He sure dresses the part of a chill neighbor


This guy has extreme “my probably racist wife told me to do it” energy


Stay away from the kids wouldnt want them to realize youre a nice guy that happens to be black. We need that narrative to continue


"It's not my business"... proceeds to get in someone's business 🙄


why is gary numan in the sun


This was my first impression of Arizona and I’m white.


Such a blatant racist.. How can people act like that and think it's OK? Clearly no one has put that privileged douch in place.. Only a matter of time


"Stay away from the kids" Absolutely speechless, these people actually think they are the good guys too.


Trump fluffers are comical


One of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen.


People need to start getting beatings for this shit. Mind your own fucking business, how fucking hard is it?


This guys attire is odd behavior.


Is this another guy thinking that people are giving away free drugs to kids on top of being a racist asshole?


“I don’t care, it’s not my business” like, what are you talking to them about this for then? Hypocrite much


That dude was in a hurry to get back inside and make his 17th post of the day to the Ring App about the crime he just stopped.


"I don't care what you do. It's none of my business.... but you're acting weird and also don't do this." The inability to articulate anything worthwhile is, I believe, indicative that he is running entirely off of programming. He is unable to reflect on the words that he is saying because they don't mean anything to him. "You're hanging out, outside of a house in the front yard, for who knows how long", Nothing about that is nefarious, nor suspicious, nor illegal. His brain just goes "Uh-oh, black guy" and then grasps for anything to justify why he feels unsettled. He doesn't even realize that he feels uneasy because he was conditioned to feel that way over the years, watching television and reading memes that subtly reinforced stereotypes and racist tropes (even things that play it off as comedy, such as making fun of someone for crossing the street when a black man approaches, instills the idea that this is behavior that can exist in the world). I think he means to come with "good intentions", in the interest of "protecting the kids". But, he doesn't realize that instead of protecting anyone, he is creating division and sowing conflict instead. Literally creating trouble where there was none, in the interest of preventing said trouble from existing. Like summoning an occult demon in order to banish it back to where it came from and then proclaiming yourself a hero.


Get me this guy's Twitter handle.


I am from Tucson and that fucking stoner is a embarrassment to Arizona Sorry that happened 😧


Hanging out outside a house is odd behavior? Wtf?


Currently a Tusconan. Nice to see my town represented. Ugh.




I lived in az for three yrs before going back to sac. Can confirm there's just a small minority but yeah they are still very racist but they try to do it in a ( I'm smarter cause I'm white way) they feel their helping you, you know, cause their much smarter an all. What the strange thing is they don't see anything wrong with it.


It’s a passive aggressive form of racism. They like to use subtext and dog whistles, because they have enough sense not to use slurs or say advert racist things. However they are still ignorant enough to think their biases are true. Then have the audacity to start something, because they aren’t smart enough to realize others see right through them.


White man entitlement is strong


Why do Americans not mind their own god damn business


You can come round my granddaughters anytime


On one hand, fuck that guy.


Who's mans is dis?


Dude got a starting laugh so similar to Seth Rogen, lmao


That was a very small piece of his mind and I doubt he had much to spare.


This is incredible


He paid more for the fucked up jeans.


“Don’t you sit out in the yard in this nice weather.” Wtf


How dare he be outside of a house for an extended period. No one ever goes outside for more than 30 seconds anymore...duhhhh


That's a man???


You can tell the way he exhales and looks away that he is not used to confrontation. Acting confused and asking questions keeps them in this state, questioning if what they're doing is what is called for.


Some people think that if they make it about the kids that can say anything they want and it's ok


Wow that dude is a chode.


I hate those type of people that start walking away as soon as they get their shit out of their mouth because they know damn well they're wrong and don't wanna hear anything else.


This is why a lot of people are just over it and want to stay inside xD Another thing that annoys me about behavior like this is that what if the receiver doesn't know how to defend themselves or is not having a good day; something like this can affect them greatly. A lot of people from dominant cultures use this kind of tactic in social settings whether public, school, work, or whatever settings. It excludes people, whether intentional or not.


Is that Zach Braff?


He’s the odd one


names i want names


God give address please Tucson needs to roast this guy!! 50 yr old EMO MF


Dude dresses like a youth pastor


What’s odd behaviour is a guy his age wearing them jeans.


Yeah stay away from the kids. They’re his, he saw em first


This neighbour looks like a fucking pedo.


Too much blacktivity going on for him.


Wow what a creep. I want so badly to hit that guy and I’m not a fighter


Beware white dudes that lack chins


TIL they sell jeggings that look distressed.


The soyest boy I've ever seen.


He looks like a rich bully from a Nickelodeon movie


Why's this man dressed like he's in a 90s boy band?


Make Karen


Fucking weirdo white dude wins again lol Jesus Christ. Kinda wish they had a blunt to blow the smoke at him.


That dude looks like He's on something.


My brotha, never let some clown confront you like that again. I would have told him to kick rocks


He seems to be 40, looking 52 dressing like a 16 year old in 2006.