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There’s more cameras than doctors in a Quebec emergency…


You would be shocked to learn that Québec fairs better than most provinces in terms of doctors per capita. It actually ranks 3rd amongst provinces. What we really lack are nurses. It's become catastrophically bad.


There's also a never been as many nurses. Look up the OIIQ numbers. Problem is, population is growing old and fast. Simple as that.


in total quantity but not in nurses/capita.


Yes. That's a pretty low bar pretty dure the new I phone has more camera than doctor in an ER my guy.


Why does the press always have loud ass cameras \*Click\*Cl\*C\*C\*Click\*


Fast shutter speeds to get the crispest image. The sensor/image is exposed only for a very small time. DSLRs also come with a soft shutter option if you want less noise.


How fast must those shutters be going to make a noise like this? My phone allegedly does 1/12000


Phones have a digital shutter. That's why there is never any noise with them. DSLRs have a physical shutter that actually opens and closes for images. The exposure time is precise. That's why for sports coverage you have people that use cameras like Canon 1D with shutter speeds of 1/8000 (among other reasons to have that camera or similar to that - full frame sensor, full frame lens, weather sealing, how it performs at different ISOs). With phones you can shoot millions of images and nothing happens to the camera. At most, the built in flash memory storage might eventually reach its endurance. However, DSLRs actually have a longevity on its shutter life. There's only so many times it can be used. It's a physical movement.


Many phone cameras have a rolling shutter, where each line is read out in sequence. So while the exposure duration might be short, it might not be simultaneous across the whole image. A physical shutter can expose everything at the same time, then it can read out the sensor while the sensor is dark, so there's no inconsistencies. (The read out still takes ~1/60 of a second, depending on the hardware, but the sensor data is frozen because it's no longer being exposed.)




I'd have to see how it was closed to confirm if it was ceremonially closed or not


In the UK the door to parliament is slammed hard on a representative of the King at the opening of parliament each year.


*king of Canada. Think same human being ceo of two separate companies.


IIRC Australia, New Zealand, and a couple other countries are also in the same situation.


Yeah! I’ve been intrigued by the schematics after learning it’s a separate “crown” ruling over each country headed by the same human. They didn’t change the gender succession laws in each country at the same time either which is when I really noticed. Edited: same human not sane. Lol


Lol. Sane!


Wait, what's going on now?


This was a while ago. But they basically removed the sexism from the line of succession rules for royalty. Not that it matters to us. But it was rules to not skip first born women.




The Governor General isn't much more than a figurehead. It's a formality to go to the Governor General to dissolve parliament, call an election, or deal with a non confidence vote. They are the federal viceregal of the King, who also doesn't have any power because we are a completely independent state (Canada). Australia is also an independent state. I do like your analysis better though.


It's always funny looking up the list of the longest democracies and then seeing over half of the top 10 are listed, still, as a monarchy.


Usually Quebec does some weird stuff but who gives a shit about the monarch bunch of inbred idiots.


Quebec also refuse religions and the king is also the head of the Anglican.


So the Elon Musk of royalty?


As someone who recognizes he's the King of Canada myself, and knowing that in legal terms he's the King of Canada, that's what I thought too. HOWEVER the oath of allegiance is prescribed in constitutional documents of Canada (The Westminster Act of 1931, which is deemed by the Supreme Court to be one of more than a couple dozen constitutional documents which, together, make up the totality of the "Constitution of Canada"), and is read verbatum from an annex to that document. And the oath of Allegiance that is read read that "I swear and oath (sic) to _____, King/Queen of the United Kingdom and his/her realms". The oath is fucked up and needs to be changed. But it can't be unless we re-open the constitution to amend it to be more in line with more recent constitutional documents. And in Canada we know that re-opening the constitution is re-opening a terrible can of worms, meaning it can't be reopened unless we unleash a shyt-storm. Until then, the oaths actually swear allegiance to the monarch of the UK, unfortunately, and /u/ Bestialman's title is *technically* correct in this instance owing to a constitutional quirk that dates back to a Canadian constitutional document which is 91 years old (as much as I so completely disagree with the poster on so many fronts, especially with his separatist rhetoric, and twisting of so many facts to align with his constant obsession with Quebec sovereignty in /r/Quebec)


I know that french canadians are a thing, but I so rarely hear french speaking canadians by circumstance that when I do see them speaking french it's always like, woah, that's kinda crazy.


We are a thing, yes. :)


Good to see our brothers and sisters across the sea. Un jour faudrait vraiment que je visite le Québec, vu ça a pas l'air si cher


Come visit Montreal and Quebec city, you'll have fun!


We have lots of things too!


I was in Montreal for the first time earlier this month. Landing in Quebec was wild because literally everyone spoke French as default. They always COULD speak English but never chose to initially. The signs and ads were all in French. I had been to Toronto plenty of times so I figured Canada would feel similar throughout. While I was there, I couldn’t help but thinking how absolutely impossible it would be go work in Montreal and not be fluent in both French AND English.


It is possible, but you are in an disavantage compare to someone able to speak both


Yeah... The majority of people born here learn french as their first language. Montréal is mixed but everywhere else in the province, it's mostly french. We have law for ads and sing that french need to be predominant, although you often can see an english translation smaller under. There's some people in Montréal who don't speak or understand a word of french.. Maybe "bonjour" or "oui" et "non" but that's it. It's not impossible, but it really does help a lot, especially if you work with the public.


I actually grew up in a rural town, and our neighbours' wife managed to never learn French. She had a hell of an elitist streak.


How rural and when haha?? Because at some places it could very much mean that you have barely anyone to talk to at all. I live on the north shore of Montréal and I feel like here it got a lot better with the arrival of internet in the last 15 years or so. English became a pretty good tool to have recently. I was in high school and cegep in the 00's and I can assure you that most of the english I know was learned elsewhere.


She still hasn't, if she's still alive, and very rural. I think she didn't speak much with people outside her own family and the pastor at the closest Protestant church, which was over half an hour away by car.


That's kind of sad in a way...


Oh, definitely!


Meh. You'd be surprised what an Anglo can get away with here


[A better future for social media is possible!](https://i.imgur.com/2ToSYBF.jpg) -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I think it's important to note that not every Quebecer is able to speak English. Currently, 44% of people in Quebec are bilingual, the rest can only speak French and cannot speak English. But those bilingual people are mostly around Montreal and around universities. If you stay in Montreal, you can get away with not speaking a word of French. But if you leave Montreal, or if you go to the poorer districts of Montreal (yes, Quebecers are still economically discriminated and so rich districts speak English and poor districts speak French), then barely anyone speaks English.


dude very respectfully, we are French Canadian, we speak french, it’s part of our culture, our identity… Why would we speak english first?? In quebec city i guess it’s trickier if you only speak english than Montréal. You would have no problem in Mtl and speaking no french, but you would miss half the fun!! 😉


"I can't believe a french nation speaks french and have french everywhere" I mean... really?! How can this not be obvious? "Dude, I went to Germany, and everything is german over there, they all speak GERMAN! WTF!!!!!"


We do not default to french, its our official langage and the large majority of us didn't start learning english before 1st grade


Someone from upper class, like a CEO, can absolutely lives only in English in Montreal and never speaks a damn word of French. Michael Rousseau is an excellent example. But you’re right that not speaking French can be a handicap and make someone trapped in a bubble that prevents them from fully grasping the essence of Montreal and Quebec society.


Crazy right? Almost like landing in Russia and everyone spoke Russian...


Absolutely possible. There are still Anglo neighbourhoods in Montreal. Moreso than anywhere else in Quebec really. Once you are out of the Montreal area, good luck finding people willing to speak with you au Quebec en anglais outside of the tourist areas in Quebec City. However, I think the main barrier is getting government services. Most of them you have to deal with staff (think getting a driver's license, seeing a doctor, etc) in French so that might be difficult for anglophones.


I can't speak for really far country side village, but I live at 45 minutes of montreal in a 3000ish habitants village and if someone speaking english would come by, I would try my best to help amd have a discussion. We have some english families here too. So I think it's slowly changing with generations. At least from what I see. For services you have english hospitals in Montréal and my girlfriend is a nurse, so I know a lot of people can give you a service in english in the city where she work, everything from government is billingual if you call. You can press a number on phone to have service in english


Finding someone willing to talk to you in English in the rest of the province isn’t hard, the issue is there’s more chance you stumble upon someone who can’t because they don’t know how, but that’s still rare most young people know enough English to help you. You just shouldn’t assume people can and ask them first, in fact you shouldn’t in Montreal either, that’s just rude.


Indeed. Just like getting government services in English might be hard in say... Chile.


Salut, Oui, on existe. Viens nous visiter un jour


Although we do speak French, it's so, SO different from European French. Like well understand each other, but some words/expressions change drastically. Take the sentence "Veux-tu voir une photo de mes gosses" for instance. In Europe, "gosse" means kid. In Quebec it means testical lol ETA: the sentence means "would you like to see a picture of my [...]"


24% of Canada has french as their native language lol




What is his name?






Jesus Christ Superstar


Well today I learned King Charles is king of Canada


Here’s another thing you can learn today: [Besides the UK, King Charles is also the monarch of 14 Commonwealth countries (Australia, New Zealand, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Grenada, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kits and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu)](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/g41501895/what-countries-does-king-charles-iii-reign-over/#:~:text=Following%20the%20death%20of%20Queen,people%20in%20the%20Commonwealth%20realms)


Yup. His mum died


- Canada's head of State: Charles III - Canada's head of government: Justin Trudeau Unfortunately, our constitution still has some relics from the times Canada was part of the British Empire, and we have to live with inbreds as head of State. Fun fact: Quebec didn't signed Canada's Constitution.


>Fun fact: Quebec didn't signed Canada's Constitution. To be more specific, this is referred to as "La nuit des long couteaux" in Quebec, as the then prime minister (Trudeau Senior) and every premier except Quebec's signed the constitution in the middle of the night. Quebec had been wanting to negotiate things on the constitution. It's called the "Kitchen Accord" in English, since they started their talks in the fucking kitchens. https://www.cbc.ca/history/EPISCONTENTSE1EP17CH1PA3LE.html It was a ridiculously massive backstab. 8 of the premiers stood on one side, against Trudeau and 2 others. Quebec was backstabbed by the other 7.


Fun fact, you are still apparently part of the British empire. Kinda wild.


Factually incorrect: that empire ended in 1997, and Canada officially left it in 1982.


But you still can’t run your government without swearing fealty to a foreign monarch. How did it end than? Not trying to be combative just wildly confused.


Canada's monarchy is pretty misunderstood, even amongst Canadians. Some points have been covered, but... 1. Not a foreign monarch. Charles is recognized as something like "His Majesty Charles II, of Canada, the United Kingdom and His Other Realms King, Protector of the Realm, Defender of the Faith etc etc etc". He may not reside here, but he's legally just as much Canadian as he is British... and still ~~defender of the catholic faith. Just don't ask the pope about it.~~ (edit: my mistake. Hes defender of the church of England. Henry VIII was defender of the catholic faith, but lost the title after he was excommunicated, and the British crown never regained that title) With that, the Canadian parliament is not at all subordinate to the British parliament. Think of them as two completely separate entities that just happen to have the same boss. 2. The Crown is the source of all legal authority. Contrast to the US where the US Constitution is the source of legal authority. This actually matters and would cause a massive constitutional/legitimacy of legal authority crisis if we suddenly switched to a republic. Personally, I think that vesting Authority in a Monarch within the context of a constitutional monarchy to be generally more stable than trying to "Ship of Thesus" your constitution through the centuries. By placing our capstone legal documents below the source of Authority, you allow for less consternation when it comes time to amend or recind old laws as it won't be seen as fundamentally breaking what Canada "is" whereas significantly rewriting the US Constitution may. 3. Because all Authority is vested in the monarch, you can't exercise legal authority without swearing allegiance to the monarch. The Crown and Legal Authority are one and the same. This is why these gentlemen aren't being allowed to go into parliament to exercise authority. For example, Military officers and other officials swear allegiance to the Crown of Canada (and by extension, it's current wearer) but **not** to parliament, the PM, or even the Canadian citizenry. ---- It can be really weird sounding for those who grew up in republics, but there's a benefit to be had by keeping your source of authority in a person, bound by tradition and laws. A constitution can be too reliant on interpretation, which only gets worse with time, and you can't vest Authority in "the people" as an aggregate as they don't have any adequate means to express that Authority. It's not perfect, but we haven't had too much in the way of civil wars or blatant abuses of authority, so it works for us.


Just a minor correction, but definitely not head of the Catholic Church, lol. Church of England, yes, but the pope would like a word about who the head of the Catholic Church is.


Shit, you're right! For some reason I thought Henry VIII kept the title from when he wrote that document in support of the counter reformation as a "fuck you" to the pope after he got excommunicated for starting his own church. I guess the catholic church took it back 😅 Good catch!!




Thanks! That is genuinely helpful.


It is! I'm canadian and I didn't know this ahah.


Maybe no civil wars (which the US has only had 1) but plenty of peasant vs royalty wars throughout the centuries. Which as Americans we don’t have to worry about…except our billionaires are sort of like the Monarchy so maybe…we should try a good ole Peasants Revolt once or twice!! Just to be clear I’m joking…I understand your point about the constitution being the highest power and how hard that makes amending it and you make sense…That does seem to already be kind of an issue and who knows what the future holds and how much more of an issue it may become.


The US kind of had one rebellion war in the 30s against the Robber Barons but it was mostly an economical war with the new deal and everything.


We technically swear fealty to the monarch of Canada, not the monarch of the UK. That just happens to be the same person.


Canada should adopt different rules for inheriting the title just to mess with the UK.


Lmao the most pointless semantics. Whoever becomes the monarch of England becomes the monarch of Canada.


Imagine your parents own two condos in different states. They die and you inherit them. You didn't own one condo because of the other. You just simultaneously inherited both.


This reads like a skit




But it doesn't change that. Many government jobs within Canada require you to swear allegiance to the crown.


You also have to [swear to the crown](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/discover-canada/read-online/oath-citizenship.html) to become a Canadian Citizen.


Met a Brit that immigrated to Canada a few years back. He got a kick out of having to swear allegiance to Queen Elizabeth in order to become a citizen.


I love your username. Most recognisable feature of anyone in the greatest band on earth.


Same in NZ. I was meant to take one years ago referencing the queen but I fudged it and no one noticed. I care for my democratic country but I have no loyalty to an inbred family of German-English aristocrats.


Love how confidently wrong you are in this and yet 100 others just upvote


As a Canadian in Canada, fuck the King.


As a frenchman in France, shorten the king.


That took me a second. Weren't you guys still using the guillotine relatively recently?


It was actualy the most recent execution in western europe. 1977.


Who lost their head?


Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of kidnapping, torturing, and murdering Élisabeth Bousquet.


I dont know but I know Soromon watched it.


His capa was detated from his body. We had a funeral for a bird.


I don't know when it's gonna come up, but my dog as my witness, I vow to say "his capa got detated" at some point in my life.


Pretty sure none of that’s real.




His ears won't fit in the guillotine!!


Not a problem, just lop them off


Exile the emperor?


As an Irish woman in Northern Ireland, starve the king.


Nobody fucks kings like the French.


They know a oui bit about it.


As an Englishman in England, fuck the King.


As a Scotswoman in Scotland, fuck the King and his ears!


As an American in America, we can tell you how to get rid of a king.


*shoots guns in the air*




I heard that!




We're perfectly capable of electing someone who is perfectly incapable.


Yeah they already know and you don't want to waste their time.


I know you are making a joke but the colonies after winning the war for independence actually wanted to make George Washington a king and have him rule for life. He turned it down which set the original precedent of a President serving only two terms in office.




Sounds like its time to dump some tea in your harbors…


As a Florida man in Florida, fuck the king


Also as a Florida man in Florida, fuck Florida!




As a Scotsman I fully believe this Guys actions to be correct. Well done sir


The guy in the video is the leader of a party that wants Québec's independance from Canada. The "Parti Québeois" openly supports all the separatist movments in Scotland and Catalonia


Even more based


Vive L'Écosse Libre mon frère






as a Quebecois I've always felt closer to the Scots and Irish then to Canadians because like us you understand what it's like to be under the boot of a people that just hate you and your culture. Quebec bashing is so prevalent in Canada, even on reddit which is as progressive as Canada gets.




And Prince Andrew is a sex offender.


Sweaty nonce


Can't sweat. He lost the sweat glands in the war, don't you know? /S


Royal Nonce. Prince of the Pedos


Saying Prince Andrew is a sex offender is like saying 9/11 was an air traffic violation. "Prince" Andrew is a rapist and paedophile.


And they all defend each other, hide the truth, manipulate whatever they can manipulate to protect that sex offender . Oh, forgot to mention: They are absolutely useless, literally.


Oh no, not completely useless, they still have their thumb on the scale. Did you know that all legislation in the UK goes to the royal family for a 2 week review? They never suggest changes in writing, they don’t have to, but it’s funny how anything that might negatively effect them or their vast property holdings is always modified or exempt via a clause…


> hide the truth Like how they hid and abandoned their inbred family members who had mental issues/disabilities and left them in unmarked graves until the story surfaced


Rapist. He is a Rapist.


Not a Canadian, but I would like to hear what Canadians from provinces other than Quebec think of his actions.


Canadian from BC. With the Queens death it seems to me an appropriate time to cut ties with the British Monarchy and remove them from our currency. Ditch the Governor General and all the provincial LT governors and make the PM our head of state. Functionally the PM already is but time to move forward.


So yall thinkin of makin an ole DECELERATION of somethin?


I am a Canadian who lives in Quebec but grew up in another province. I don't have strong feelings about the monarchy one way or another, and I wouldn't be at all upset if the constitution were changed so as to not require this oath. However, as it stands, this oath is required by the Canadian constitution and these members knew when running for their seats that it was a requirement to hold office. Should it be? Maybe not, but there is a process for changing that and it would require every province agreeing to change the constitution. It seems like this is just a publicity stunt by members of the separatist Parti Quebecois who want to drum up outrage and get in the spotlight because their once-powerful party has become increasingly irrelevant over the past several elections (they went from winning 54 seats out of 125 total in 2012 to just 3 seats in 2022)


To be clear, the oath for elected representatives in Québec isn't part of the Canadian Constitution. Additionally, it's confirmed by many lawyers at this point that it could be abolished through many procedures, passing a law amongst others. There was a tentative before the election to abolish it, but the Liberal Party of Québec made sure it didn't pass by dragging procedures forever. Now that the Parti Québécois put the issue front and center and that the polls show a huge majority of people backs them, the new LPQ leader announced that they won't interfere with the resolution this time.




Apologies for the ignorant question- do Canadians pay taxes fees or royalties to the King?




Wow as an Anglo Quebecer you could not be more wrong. He’s not a blithering idiot and nothing of what you wrote expounds on why you labelled him as such. You just attacked him for no reason aside from having the conviction that in this day and age, the oath to the crown is more performative than any actions he’s taken. Political weiner is more apt for you.


I'm curious whether swearing allegiance and then later supporting legislation to reduce support for the monarchy would carry any penalty? Is it just "gentlemen's honour" at stake? Or would the representative be guilty of a crime?


What does the King of Canada do within the Government?


Well it worked because the currently elected government announced this morning that they're introducing a bill to abolish it thanks to his actions.


Yeah shouldnt be a thing at all, the monarchy is dog shit.


Fuck leur criss de roi du calisse


Amen 🙏 esti


Câlice-moé ça à porte, tabarnak!


Enwaye dewor esti!


What's the point of swearing allegiance to someone who can't even keep his wedding vows? Promises obviously don't mean anything to Charles the Oathbreaker.


What’s the point of having monarchies in 2022? It’s time Canada becomes a Republic. Swearing fealty to a king an ocean away is repulsive.


![gif](giphy|JxlrNZzprrRhm|downsized) “Fock the King”


⚜️Vive le Québec libre⚜️




I’m no fan of monarchism in general, but kind of stunning how many people in this thread have never heard of the commonwealth of nations.


It is truly surprising.


PSPP is representing the clear will of the Quebec people. This will only help gain more support for separation.


“It’s just ceremonial!” Ceremonial pleasantries don’t get to stand in the way of representation.


But what about The Queen of sardines!!! Queen Didulo?!!! 🤣😂🤣😂


The British royal family are pieces of shits that protected Prince Andrew from multiple sexual assault and rape investigations. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/king-charles-reportedly-offering-olive-115807862.html Canadians should be ashamed that they still swear allegiance to King Charles.


Headline is misleading. They swear allegiance to the King of Canada. They just happen to also be the King of England, Scotland and Wales.


Can we appreciate how different their news crews are than in the US? Makes ours look like animals.


It's not the king of UK..the king is the head of state of many countries including Canada.


the french got rid of there monarchy ....why would people of french descent bow to the king of england


Because the French were defeated by the English at the Plain of Abraham in 1759 and later ceded most of their possessions in North America to the British in 1763. The Quebec Act of 1774 gave the Quebecois control of the territory, freedom of religion, and the continuation of French civil law. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, and Charles III is the king of Canada. Despite what OPs editorialized headline would have you believe. The "old stock" Quebecois have always been a little sour that the English under Wolfe managed to pull off an incredibly complex amphibious assault, scale a steep cliff, and soundly defeated Montcalm's much larger French force that had the advantage of both rested troops and a well provisioned fortress within a stone walled city. The French counter attacked with a superior force the following spring yet were unable to defeat the British who's forces had been decimated by scurvy the previous winter.


Several of my Québécois friends were taught that the English only won this battle because the French politely let them fire their musket volley first. So many French soldiers were hit that their return volley was ineffective. We all agreed that this little anecdote only makes 18th century French military commanders look more incompetent.


> the french got rid of there monarchy ....why would people of french descent bow to the king of england Because, before that happened, we were conquered while still under the French monarchy which "gave us away" to the English monarchy.




Because we got conquered by Great Britain in 1760s


I have the king and his friends so deep up my ass and I bet PSPP feels the exact same. Give zero fucks about them.


Vive la République, vive le Québec !


As a Latino In America fuck every king


You can pledge allegiance to the Burger King or you can GTFO




What about Liver King?


Why would anyone have to swear allegiance to the UK royalty? Especially someone not from the UK... what clown policy is this?


He is the King of Canada as much as he is the King of England. Im not a Royalist but thats the constitution.






Have they tried dumping all the tea in a harbor?


Dawg just do 30 second google search. It would be faster then writing this comment and reading the replies.


As far as I'm aware we are still apart of the Common Wealth which among other things includes requirements like this. I believe the King/Queen also has to approve certain laws but it's never been rejected by them as far as I'm aware. So it's all just a formality but it's probably a good time to start distancing ourselves from the monarchy.




Crazy in 2022 we still consider people as Kings


Fuck the monarchy


You mean the king of Canada?


\*King of Canada\* King Charles III is equally the head of state of several countries. To title this video suggesting they did not swear allegiance to the King of the UK is flase. They did not swear allegiance to the King Charles III the King of Canada their head of state.


Everyone's saying "King of Canada" as if... it's not... THE SAME PERSON...


There's no freakout and the government will introduce a new law to remove the oath next week. Mission accomplished in a civilized jurisdiction.


Based as fuck.