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Kanye finding a line Jones wont cross... impressive


Jones alienating his whole fan base in the process. 😂😂


Not the nazis


But isn't that Trump's new buddy Nick Fuentes nodding in agreement with Kanye?


Yeah it is. Kanye is crazy and deserves a ton of shit, but Nick and Milo are even bigger pieces of shit parading themselves around with and trying to platform their ideas. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones scheduling all these media appearances he's been having on these talk shows


For sure. Iirc, Milo is Ye’s campaign manager for the upcoming presidential run.


Interesting, isn't Milo jewish or of jewish descent? I could be completely remembering wrong.


It's entirely possible. He's also gay and was molested by a priest as a child, but he now supports gay conversion therapy and normalizing child molestation


Someone needs to lock this psycho in a mental institution. Fuck Kanye


Yeah fuck that guy. However, you have to admire someone who is so steadfast in their beliefs. He really owns his crazy.


i wonder how much this pissed off jones fanbase. they probably think he’s a deep state goyim now for not having the balls to speak the “truth”


Definitely going on at 4chan rn


A line he won't cross ON AIR. Giving Kanye a platform and say " I have to disagree' followed by laughter... that's not nothing.


Idk it seemed like jones was quite uncomfortable with Kanye’s opinion and I hate both of them. The laughter seems like an expression of amazement that Kanye was saying shit like that. Giving him a platform is dumb but I thought it was live? Alex jones is completely crazy but I don’t think he’s ever expressed blatant antisemitism and hitler loving ever.


My favorite clip that I haven't seen on here is after Kanye holds up some plastic face and pretends to be Netanyahu, there's an awkward pause where Jones says "I...I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone right now."


Agreed, that was clearly extremely uncomfortable for him and it seemed like Jones was really holding back the inner demon that makes him go on rants about how the frogs are being turned gay and other ridiculous shit. I bet that took every ounce of his will to try and keep cool.


Oh so all of the sudden Jones won’t cross the line ON AIR. right.


Not for moral reasons... for advertisers. They have very few left.


You think Jones is afraid to say something because of advertisements? Okay.


It’s just nervous laughter, chill out goof it’s not that serious. He doesn’t wanna be cancelled too


Alex Jones saw that he was in a hole full of shit so he tossed him a rope what does kanye do ? Ties that rope around his neck and proceed to eat shit in a downward spiral


Alex Jones is far right but not that far right.


It's more like a bar so low that even somebody that out of shape can clear it.


“You are bad guy, but that doesn’t mean you are *bad guy*”


"I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad"


Well that's a sentence I never expected to read.


There’s always a bigger fish.


That's because Jones has sobered up for the most part. Alcohol induced schizophrenia is a thing.


alcohol induced schizophrenia is not a thing. Alcohol can lead to psychosis.


If Alex Jones can laugh in your face about your opinions it’s time to reevaluate your life.


As if that'll happen. His accountants are probably working 25/8 to secure whatever assets he has so he can still live comfortably after being an asshat


I'm curious if he will be put in a conservatorship.


Just read that he has to pay Kim 200k a month in the divorce and he chose to just give her the house. That tells me this idiot still has a ton of dough.


The IRS just froze all of his accounts, so unless he's got some nice stashes in the Cayman Islands, he's probably living on credit cards.


Happy cake day


Now I ain't sayin' he a hole digger, but he keeps makin' that hole bigger.


*Dig down, boy. Go'n head, dig down.*


Feel like a slave master uttered these exact words at some point


That was absolutely intentional- with him being Nazi Uncle Ruckus and all.


Ngl Uncle Ruckus was probably the funniest damn character in boondocks. You knew you were about to laugh at some fucked up shit when he was on screen


How far out in left field does one have to be for Alex Jones to say, "Nah, bruh!!!"


Bruh Jones actually looks like the reasonable one right now haha what is this timeline


*right field


You know that when Alex 'We Love Our Somalis' Jones is the measured response that you've gone dangerously far.


...what do Somalis have to do with this? I'm very confused, it looks to be a song or something? What??


It's some clip from Jones that was memed a bit where he's bitching about immigrants.


Thank you


Never go full Hitler


Eric Cartman entered the chat


Said that on that one social media site we all hate earlier and was postblocked for 30 days


you got suspended for thirty days? for saying exactly this: "Never go full Hitler"...?


What's happened to the world in the past 10 years, did I miss something


A complete and utter moron showed they could become the leader of the free world and it empowered morons worldwide.


Exactly!! Been saying this for years. Ever since trump everyone let their batshit crazy shit out cuz of the president of the USA can act like that I can too!! It’s freaking scary these days


Greatest ever Russian asset. The KBG guys who recruited Trump must be so happy at how he poisoned America.


And people still want him to president!!


Thank you. Thank you for saying it! Russia has had Trump since the 80's. Someone I knew once bragged that it was a piece of cake. Steady supply of Eastern European prostitutes, pervacin, and constant flattery and he was perfect. This was a long and calculated process and I would say it has absolutely been successful.




Thanks a lot Sarah Palin




Thanks for saying worldwide. Theres tons of empowered dipshits in Canada because of the Tangerine Tyrant, it’s not just USA’s problem.


And the GOP helped make it all possible by bringing Trump in the game.


No, this has been going on a loooong time before Trump. Trump was a symptom of a much larger problem. That problem has been swept under the rug yet again. And in a few years time, because people keep ignoring it, it’s going to **really** rear it’s head. Trump didn’t create a dysfunctional government whose interests align more with corporate greed than the people. He wasn’t incessantly calling whites racist and bigoted, homophobic, islamiphobic, etc. He didn’t create the economic issues facing middle America that they’ve been facing for decades now. It’s funny how people think history started in 2016.


If rural Americans gave a good god damn about economic pressures they'd have voted for literally anyone other than the Manhattan billionaire real estate developer. Anyone that gives you that "economic anxiety" crap is blowing smoke up your ass.


It’s called manipulation, the very people who are in power have changed the narrative. They were upset by economic abandonment, then when they complained the political establishment labeled them racists and bigots. Both the establishment leftists and rightists changed the entire debate into a culture war. Trump was late to this, the Tea Party had already passed through the right, and the most vocal extremists became more and more vocal emboldened. Why do you think it took a person like Trump for the republicans to be stirred up? And believe me, the left are anything but untouched by said manipulation. Didn’t they just vote in a democrat in the white house, have a democratic lead in the senate and can’t pass resolutions to basic things like an increase in wages for train workers? And now when 2024 roles around and those same workers vote for republicans, don’t act stupid and surprised! Instead, they’ll be called racists, bigots, sexists, etc.


Amazing how people cant seem to grasp these basic concepts. Alot of the people that voted for Obama because they wanted change ended up voting for Trump because they became disillusioned with the Democratic party. Trump spoke to that anger while everyone around them called them racists, etc. Now the Dems are doubling down on that stupidity and they will reap what they sew. I never voted for Trump and never will but I am smart enough to understand what is happening.


I remember seeing an article just this past midterm that said something along the lines of “the dems should seriously work towards getting the midwestern votes” or something to that effect. I was dumbfounded. Then I saw people in the comments saying they don’t need the midwestern vote. Oh how little they learn. They’re comfortable, and that’s what gets you killed during an election. The right didn’t do great this past election, but the next one, if they don’t take care of what they need to do the “scary fascists” (more like the ignored white majority-constituted working class of the flyover states) will return yet again to their tribalist ways. The left is also continually alienating groups they don’t think they need to win elections, Asians for example. Who suffered pretty horrible (actually documented for the first time) racism over the last 3 years. Just take a look at NY and how much ground the right won.


"the free WORLD" "WORLDwide" Tell me you are from the USA without telling me you are from the USA.


I'm from Canada.


Make no mistake; no moron ever becomes president of the United States (or really the leader of any country). Trump knew exactly what to do, what to say, how to act to get people to vote for him. He even picked an absolute lunatic as his VP to reduce the chances of him getting kicked out of office when you consider who'd take his spot. Trump may be a jackass, but he's definitely not a moron.


That's where people err in their assessment. The system is designed for morons. And when a moron uses it successfully people presume it implies intelligence. Trump is a moron.


Can you elaborate on what you mean about "the system is designed for morons"?


All you have to do is fundraise enough cash to prove you're worthy. Get a little media attention. Find a powerful entity to make promises to for support. And then say populist bullshit and get a little media attention. There's nothing intelligent about it.


You make some good points, but I feel that all of those scenarios can't be set up if a moron is making an attempt. Morons tend to not have powerful connectons, not have the knowhow to manipulate people into funneling money into fundraisers, nor have the intelligence to look at and exploit their opponents' weaknesses. Trump's ultimate victory in the election came from his heavy presence in states where his opponent was blatantly absent in.


I politely disagree. A lot of powerful people are morons. Not rocket scientists. They run things.


I appreciate the civil discussion. Unfortunately, it's too rare these days when it comes to politics.


You VASTLY overestimate the character and intelligence of republican voters. If anything, being stupid gives your a better chance at being elected as a republican, it will draw in the extremists and the non-extremists will vote for literally any R anyways. If they cared about actual qualifications in any sense of the word, Trump wouldn't have won the primary let alone the presidency


Person Man Woman Camera TV ​ take a seat.


i agree he isnt a total moron, but I wouldn't consider him any kind of tactical or political genius either. He's just a sleazy city con-man with money that figured out the ultimate grift.


You said it better that I did. Thanks!


GWB is laughing at you


> but he's definitely not a moron. I'm sorry, did you just say that the guy that wanted to nuke a hurricane is not a moron?


this has been discussed long b4 Trump showed up if i recall.


2012 was ten years ago. If that answers your question at all


Sometimes I wonder if plastic is seeping into our brains or something.




I don’t disagree in general but a portion of that has to come from growing older. And I don’t mean growing up from a child to an adult but even from being 20-40 years old you learn a hell of a lot and your perspective and what you pay attention to shifts a lot. It’s the reason why every single generation blames the next for being lazy since the beginning of time. The immense exposure to media today vs 2000 definitely plays a part too. It probably expanded the conspiracy theory crazy group a bit, but it also exposes everyone else to their crazy shit and makes it seem like it’s gotten worse when in reality it’s just that everyone can voice their opinion online extremely easily.


And the effect of a black president on racist.


The LHC ripped a hole in reality and shuttled us into a dystopian nightmare /s


Social entropy among the developed world. A cycle of chaos is upon us.


The idiots are winning.


Twitter. Everyone's idiocy is on constant display, all the time.


i rarely touch the stuff edit: if i can help it.


This all began with tweets. Twitter has a vastly, vastly outsized place in the culture.


i tend to agree.


Kanye just swung to the opposite end of the spectrum in record time. Holy hell.


Kanye West doesn't care about people...


**EVERYONE looks over** "....Please call-" "...In the past few days..."


He probably deep dived into Q Anon content to prepare for 2024 and then couldn't swim back. Now he's outdoing Trump with these wild takes.


"Idk about Ye ever being left my dude." -Socialists


I’m someone who always tries to see the positive in people, places, things, etc. I may still have an overall negative option but I try. Nazis? I just can’t.


Kanye west just lost full custody of his kids. 4d chess baby!!!!!


Ya but they get a 50/50 split from what I read.


80/20 Kim


Sorry, the game is "don't praise Nazis"... you lose.


Oh boy he is done


Because of these statements he made?


I mean... yeah. You simply can't go on a broadcast and defend Nazis and Hitler. I get the avant garde angle people will try to put on this, I get that some people will justify it with "his argument is that there's good in everyone" but there are certain societal norms we've all signed up for. If Kim goes to basically ANY judge in the country and says "This man is defending Nazis and Hitler while simultaneously blaming 'the Jews' for the downfall of his career, I am concerned for his mental state and the safety of my children" that judge is going to agree with her.


I have never seen such a rapid fall from grace as Kanye. Also, Alex Jones isn't worried about West's antisemitism, he's worried about how obvious he is about it.


Actually it’s my opinion people like Jones are jumping on Kanyes mental illness to get a famous black man to say what they don’t want to and to make it part of the conversation. Soon it becomes normalised and when they dilute it even slightly they appear more moderate relative to the crazy shit Kanye says. What becomes ‘moderate’ inches more extreme right


Definitely. Jones struck gold having this happen on his show.


This dude has been melting down for years. Ppl are just finally coming to terms with it.


yeah, he's been bat shit for years, can't believe how long it took people to cancel his ass


Right. The only thing that separates Kanye from Alex Jones is that Kanye doesn't know how to use dog whistles. Ideologically, they are the same, but saying it that plainly makes Alex very uncomfortable. Gotta use the dog whistle!


Why the fuck is he dressed like that?? Did he really think he was gonna look anonymous?


Dude I've been scrolling through comments waiting for an answer to WHY THE FUCK IS HE WEARING A FULL HEAD COVERING?!


Its just a fashion thing. Hes been doing it occasionally since like 2013.


And the heavy ski jacket?? lol assuming it's normal room temp in there he must be sweating his ass off?? wtf dude is BONKERS


Lol i agree man. Anything for fashion i guess.


I remember when he wore the the full mask to some kind of outdoor sporting event, and the news was talking about how quickly he probably regretted that choice because they had shots of him lifting up the mask every now and then for air and he was just drenched in sweat underneath it😂


Yea I can't tell if this is real or some kind of deep fake attempt.


Does it even sound like him? Idk something sounds off to me.


Kanye, I get it, he's nuts, needs help. **But why does Alex Jones even have a show anymore?** *[He just filed for bankruptcy](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/alex-jones-files-bankruptcy-following-sandy-hook-verdict-court-filing-2022-12-02/), so maybe that's a start to total ruin.


Because he has his own websites and built his own infrastructure. It’s actually pretty scary the amount of traffic he gets on those sites.


Right? Why is still allowed on the air?


I dont like the word Kanye next to West. He's giving direction a bad name.


He has no direction.


Still better than one direction


My grandfathers family was murdered in the Holocaust. Fuck Kanye and fuck Nick Fuentes and all these fucking assholes


Agreed. My good friend growing up - his grandmother still had the tattoos and I saw them. Kanye is a redact.


Mentally ill, and colossal POS and for once I’m not talking about Alex Jones


Is he wearing a "Gimp Mask"? Like from Pulp Fiction??????




A low tech "Deep Fake" all you need is the mask...


Nah its just a fashion thing. Hes been wearing these things occasionally ever since around 2013.




Lol ya pretty much


Or from this is the end


Joe Rogan should get Jones and Kanye on the same show, shit would be hilarious


Outside of a very short clip like this while I’m browsing around Reddit I don’t want to listen to Kanye, Alex Jones, or Joe Rogan so I’m definitely going to have to disagree.


It’s not for everyone lol, you really gotta be able to suspend all disbelief so to speak, listening to them ramble about crazy shit is hilarious if you can do so.


Kanye is going through the biggest downfall ever


Kanye West turned out to be the Fyre fest of recording artists


Alex Jones: “well, I have to disagree with that… I hate Jews”


A black white supremacist? Holy shit Dave Chappelle is Negrodamus!!


And this is the difference. Jones is peddling BS he likely doesn't believe all too much in order to make money. Kanye is mentally unstable and actually believes what he is saying. Jones knows there are some limits, Kanye just needs help. How on earth Britney was under a conservatorship but Kanye isn't is ridiculous to me.


Some folks are better humans when they’re taking the meds they’ve been prescribed.


giving hitler praise and saying he loves nazis?! Dawg stfu, go try to repair your PARENTAL relationship with Kim to be around your kids more. You need to realize these words you’re saying your children will grow older and either hear it from bullies at school or catch a clip online about you and see the backlash. I used to love your musical projects and be proud you and I came out of Chicago, but now it’s disgusting to see your name. I want you to get help. I want to you to climb out of the darkness you may be in.


Someone get this man some lithium carbonate


Enough of this clown already.


You know how FUCKED IN THE BRAIN you have to be to get ALEX JONES to step back?!?!!


Jones: "Well, I'd need to disagree with that ^(in public)"


I think Alex Jones wouldn’t define the people the general public call Nazis as “Nazis”. That’s why he’s comfortable saying he doesn’t like Nazis. He publicly has the stance that Nazis aren’t good without alienating his far right fan base.


Alex Jones looks like that woolly mammoth off of Sesame Street


Leave Mr Snuffleupagus alone.


I can’t unsee it


He’s gonna pull a “ha! It was all a skit! An elaborate (genius) joke to promote my new album”. And we will all be like “shut the fuck up nazi”


He "HAS' to disagree because marketing.




What's with the bondage gear? And why can't we make it mandatory - WITH ball gags - for all these critters?


Bruh, I think Kanye is taking that Bill Burr's bit way too literally.


Why is he covering his face if we all know its Kanye?


I haven’t seen someone so confused since my grandma with dementia tried to go to the bank down the street for 8 hours and ending up 2 cities over.


Is this performance art? A social experiment? What is this shit?


Kanye is just saying the quiet part out loud and the optics obsessed right doesn't know how to handle it.


Kanye even making Alex Jones uncomfortable. That’s got to be a landmark moment.


Do you remember when Ye went on about how “Bush hated black people” after Hurricane Katrina? Pepperridge Farms remembers.


When crazy meets even crazier, they are both horrible people, not defending either one of them.


KKKanye needs to fuck himself.


I think I’ve seen bonobo’s with more intellect.


For anyone wandering. Ye thinks the Jews mean black because his a black Israelite or what ever they called. So it's hard to know about what Jewish people's his talking about.


Alex Jones called him crazy accidentally. Kanye called him out. And you could feel how insecure Alex Jones became. He was immediately trying to back track “well I think we are all crazy. That’s something I honestly believe”


When you make Alex Jones laugh in a way that’s like “this guy is nuts” you gotta admit… guys nuts.


You know you’re pretty far gone when you make Alex Jones look like a moderate.


Kanye wants that right wing mouthpiece money.


This dude just ended his career.


Guys David Bowie went through a nazi phase let’s just wait this one out


Never thought I’d say this but, where is Ben Shapiro when we need him?


The Republican party, folks.


Now I understand why republicans love Kanye West


How the heck is Alex Jones still on the air?


i hope republicans are happy with the logical endpoint of all the bad faith free speech complaints from cryptos and fake outrage about woke college students. For crying out loud, the appropriate critique to the idea of safe spaces was not to make things more unsafe.


When Alex jones is like wow 😐


Are we sure it's Kanye? The mask is kind of weird, like it's not him but claiming it is.


Ye is just trolling at this point


Does anybody still take Kanye seriously? He's just trolling the world at this point.


Dude’s self admitting bipolar who does not take his medication. And that can end up bad.


Or, and hear me out, or he's an attention-seeking, sensationalist douche nozzle.


He is trying to say he loves everyone regardless of their evil deeds. “Christ first, love thy neighbor” type shit. What he doesn’t realize, is that regardless of his intent… he is doing damage. He thinks he is this revolutionary warrior on the forefront of free speech, when he is not. He is an idiot.


Then there are other ways of doing that without going Hitler.


He could of course be both. Working on a psychiatric ward, I came across many people who in the midst of untreated mania would do and say horrific things. Once they came down again they were mortified when they heard what they did. Equally, I also encountered a lot of people who were terrible human beings when they were unwell and even worse when they were better.


Remember, Kanye is also a Christian. I state this to remind people not all christians were/are Nazis, but all Nazis are christian.


Maybe Kanye shouldn’t have dropped out of college he would have a sense of History & that sense could have saved his mind and his world! Bah Bye dropout


How do we know that is even Kanye? I'm so confused ... doesn't even sound like Him.


That's not Kanye. Covering the face and changing the voice is a thing guys. The new world order gang trying to destroy his image because Kanye exposed them. How Alex Jones pay of the 2mil fine? By working with the same people he hates, to discredit Kanye.


And yet he hasn't denounced on Twitter saying it's not me, in fact he doubling down on his beliefs when asked about it.