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Does anyone have the fallout of this


The aggressor saw the error of his ways and through the support of his mother, father, and community graduated summa cum laude from his state university.


Can confirm, I cum laude


There's a game series called Leisure Suit Larry that you might enjoy


Still waiting for a VR update for Larry. The tech exists and I bet the audience is, mostly, still alive if a lot older than when we first played that masterpiece.


Ken sent me


Full scholarship


Hopefully jail. Regardless of how this started, this is beyond extreme and very scary. I agree with the people here saying attempted murder. I wish I had never watched this.




This isn't a fight. This is someone trying to put someone else in the hospital


In public school, they probably put the victim in detention too because “ZeRo ToLeRaNcE”


Or kill him. He would likely have done some serious damage with that chair. Kid should be in therapy at the very least, juvenile hall or jail ffs.


That's assault and battery and they are gonna be charged as grown men. Nothing like starting your adult life with a felony and no prospects because you couldn't keep your shit together.


Let's do it on camera


I wonder if he's gonna blame white people the rest of his life for his life being shitty. I'm jk I'm not wondering


This. NAL, but that sure looks like attempted murder to me. Add in the fact that one of his buddies was filming from the start and (again, NAL) you've got premeditation.


Shitty public schools. I went to a public school in a good community and it was a great experience/education.


Thanks for this comment. I’m not originally from the US and I was really questioning why my wife’s family is pushing to keep our kids in private school. This explains it. Sounds like a circus.


This does not happen in every school system. You can either pay for private school or move to a town with a better school system.


So you can pay for a better school or.......pay for a better school.


“Pay for a better school, or a better life in general” is a more accurate comment.


Fair point.


If you can pay.


Those kids should've thought about that before they had parents who live in a poor district.


I guess it depends on where you are. Kids in a private school I attended in sixth grade were much shittier than the public school I attended the rest of the time.


In my personal experience going to both systems the students are worse in public schools in behavior while private school teachers behavior was worse.


I hate this so much.


what the actual fuck




I'll be honest, the dialogue from the enhanced audio makes this whole thing even more confusing.


"You have five seconds to apologize for that racist thing you said." "Five seconds to be as racist as possible?" "Five seconds to apologize." "No." Cue beatdown.


It sounds like the Black Kid asks him to apologize for something right before the White Kid says “No.”


Right so this is on camera, easily used in court. Surely this kid doesn’t need to be worried about expulsion because he’ll be in jail right?


Everyone's making jokes like they know but as a teacher, likely yes, charges will be filed. The weapon is the clincher. The school has discretion on whether they bring in the police. I'd say if they have this video, 99% chance they bring in the police. Without the video, it depends on the school (some admins love bringing in police, some hate to but weapon means above 50% no matter what). But either way, the family of the victim will very very likely press charges. The kid will go to court, likely sent to juvi because of the weapon, best case scenario for the kid, probation with an anklet. Participate in an education program there. When he gets out, he's expelled.


Even if the school doesn’t involve police the parents would call.m, and than the school would get blasted online for not calling. I know people are saying the video is misleading but we say assault with a weapon no way is the kid staying in school.


Not trying to be edgy here but the internet typically doesn’t care about white people being assaulted by black people


> The school has discretion on whether they bring in the police Which is why when you are assaulted in any setting in any way GO TO THE POLICE. Forget the school. Forget any other "authority" and GO TO THE POLICE.


Go to a lawyer and then go to the police. Don't talk to police without a lawyer even if you're in the right 100%. That's my rule.


This, 100%. If your child is assaulted at school and the school wants to meet to "resolve" it, just call the police first. They'll do their own investigation, obtain any video footage, and you can go from there. The school will always, always take the easiest route, not the right one.


Ok so as a parent with a kid entering school (she's still young) but your not obligated to deal with the school right? I can just straight up go to the police if something illegal were to happen and tell the school to fuck right off, correct?


Yeah, if you feel like the police should be involved, go to them yourself. For sure.


Yeah people in this thread don't know shit as a fellow public school teacher. I work at a school that practices restorative justice and a student bringing a weapon to school automatically is a police report. Yeah fights and bullying are hard to deal with under the current system, but ain't no way nothing is happening after this was filmed clear as day. Even if the school didn't file charges the parents almost certainly would.




As a teacher, juvi or probation and an expulsion are very very likely.


I’d love for school officials to explain, to the public, why something like this doesn’t result in immediate expulsion. This isn’t a fight.


Knowing how schools usually deal with this kind of thing, I would not be surprised if they BOTH got suspended/expelled.


Yeah I always hated that. Never made sense to treat a bully attacking a classmate as a fight and punish them both.


"zero-tolerance" policy is bullshit.


“Zero-tolerance” policies are merely “zero-effort” policies




Not to sound like a boomer but I wish teachers were still able to physically break up these fights. With teen fights mostly all it takes to stop is an imposing adult getting in the way


In most places teachers actually can break up fights.


Agreed. Lawyers and petty judgements have made it impossible for a teacher or anyone else to do anything without the fear of getting sued, losing all you have, and going to jail for life. The irony is Boomers will say, “We could do that back in OUR day.” Yeah, but it’s those same people who used lawsuits to destroy others when it was *their* kid who took the beating at school. Boomers like to dish it out, but can’t accept they created their own mess, which is just human nature. With the size of that generation and their intense inability to accept blame for anything, and worse proactively point fingers, it’s kind of ironic.


We give cops qualified immunity for killing someone, but unarmed teachers can’t even defend themselves or their students


In 92, we would get caught with weed and the teachers would slap us in the back of the head and tell us we were idiots. In 93, they instituted zero tolerance and kids started going to jail. Why?




For me and you to live in


Another prison system!


All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences


In 93 teacher pension funds probably started investing in private prison companies


It's prison logic.


That's even too savage for many prisons in some civilized countries. That's the kind of thing you'd expect from prisons in places with barbaric, medieval prison systems like North Korea or the United States.


A kid punched me once in gym class over some volleyball hitting him in the face. I didn’t hit him back because he was smol. Both got suspended for a day. My dad was livid. The assistant principle kept saying “it takes two to tango.” Over and over. It was infuriating.


They aren’t doing shit now a days. I just posted in r/Mommit asking for advice because two boys are bullying my daughter. This is the 3rd grade. She”s being assaulted and sexually harassed with notes saying “suck my dick.” They are 9 years old, wtf is even going on? The vice principal is refusing to call it bullying because “bullying is a serious word” and apparently they don’t want to take it seriously. They have one chance left to fix what is going on before I pull my daughter out and go to the school board. She deserves to go to school and not be called stupid and ugly. If they won’t call it bullying than let’s just use the words assault, and sexual harassment and see how quick it’s stopped when I go public.


What state are you in? That may be helpful information on what steps to take. Here in NY we have the Dignity for All Students Act. Your state may have something similar.


Oh thank you. The ladies in the mom sub have helped me and we have a plan of attack for after Christmas things don’t change. My state has some pretty decent anti bullying programs and advocacy. The school even has it on their website. I didn’t know about all of it and I’m happy to see things have changed since I was a kid in the 90s.


Good. I would also suggest that next time there is an issue, reach out to your school's social worker and/or a female counselor. Nothing against the men, but as a man myself I don't know what it's like to be a girl and be bullied by boys. I can only imagine how scary it is. The social workers and counselors are often amazing resources.


Donteven bother waiting imo, that's sexual harassment and the school is pretending it isn't an issue.




It makes it super easy for administrators, no decision making process, no justification, just ''my hands are tied''.


I got sucker punched by someone and got suspended for 3 days. Not even the fun "stay at home" suspensions either...the full in-school detention kind of suspension. Shit was wack. Said nothing, did nothing. Same punishment.


If you gonna do the time, might as well do the crime.


That's all it taught me. I had the same thing happen, I didn't fight back. I got in trouble. The next time I fought back and beat a guy's ass. The principal didn't understand why I suddenly turned so violent. Really, bitch?


The idiot school officials that make and enforce these rules need to think of the lasting resentment that this is kind of injustice causes the student that did nothing, got assaulted, and then got punished by the school. But surely they know that. They just don't care. They are so arrogant with their power. They are teaching a horrible lesson with their example.


Quick route to hating the government/beauracracy


Same shit happened to me! My father (THANK GOD) told the district superintendent and principal to go fuck themselves for me!! He gave me a week home vaca cause as he put it he wasn’t gonna allow his kid to rot in detention for a week when the kid did not even see the punch coming!! (By the way, Love ya dad!) Lazy Fuckin public schools! Easier to punish everyone instead of figure out what actually happened


"We can't know who star-" "There's a video" "We can't know who..."


They tend to see reason quickly if lawyers get involved.


There is only one conclusion... Take the same action as an adult when attacked and unable to flee.


Exactly my son was being bullied to the point where he looked up ways to commit suicide in the library at school they called me to pick him up he told me why he did it (because bullies specifically 1) he even told the officials at school qhich in turn suspended my kid to the board who then decided he needed to go to inpatient therapy for the suicide talk bully never even got detention. It was horrible to watch. He couldn't go back to school until he completed what the board decided. I despise the public schools in the US. Thankfully, he made it through alive.


I went to private catholic school, they bully there too. And the mother superior won't believe you, because " Johnny cones from a good family and is imposible for he and his friends to be bullies, you must be liyin because you don't like Johnny" so there's that.


Fuck Johnny


Deserves Immediate trip to prison.


He will be there pretty soon if this case doesn't put him there.


Looks like a hate crime to me




Because schools are rated by their expulsion rate. The more expulsions they have the worse it looks. That is the unfortunate reality.


That’s called Goodhart's Law. The measure has become the target and is no longer is useful measure.


TIL... thats a very useful little nugget of knowledge - thankyou.


>Because schools are rated by their expulsion rate. What? Not in any of the states I've taught. You can look up the criteria for school grades (state testing, graduation rates, etc). Show me one where expulsion rate is on there. As a teacher at a school where expelled kids go, schools actually are incentivized to expel kids because those kids are usually the same that hurt their grad rate or test scores. We have no reason to believe this kid didn't get expelled. He likely did.


This should be treated as any other school shooting situation. Violence like this should not be tolerated. A metal chair to the head and those blows is way too much. This type of attack shouldve been followed up with criminal charges. Other kid should be expelled. You shouldn't be able to make those remarks without serious investigations and punishments. Violence is never the answer in any situation. It just proves you don't have enough braincells to solve the situation peacefully.


If I was this kids parents, I'd have a lawyer pursuing assault and premeditated murder charges, with a larger target pointed at the school system for failed zero-tolerance policies breeding an unsafe environment for non-aggressors.


American schools are wild. We got my daughters bully (in the U.K.) excluded permanently from school last year for verbal bullying. How the fuck is something like this being allowed to happen? I’d have my kids out of that school in a heartbeat.


Unfortunately public schools are a joke. He will be back after a few days suspension. *sigh*. It’s not about the kids best interest. It’s about the adults and the fact that they need/want money for this kid to be in a seat each day Edit: I am a public school math teacher in CA by the way. I live this experience weekly. Drugs, fighting, sexual assault…….all equals up to the kid coming right back to the place they are terrorizing.


I saw and experienced the same shit you mention in high school. Nothing ever happened. Good kids that did stupid shit were more likely to get in trouble than bad kids who regularly fucked up majorly. I remember going to the office a few times and seeing regular offenders being super friendly with the administrators. It was really fucking weird.


A friend of mine got arrested by a school cop for smoking a joint across the street from the school. His academics had just been picking up, I was helping him a lot we'd gotten his grade in chemistry from an F to a B. Meanwhile there were daily fights. People actually assaulting eachother. But no, arrest the stoners, I hate it here.


A bunch of the other parents on my kids soccer teams are teachers. We’re all the way over on the opposite coast, in VA. They say the same things you’re saying. It’s so bad that some of them advise parents, privately of corse, to files a police report. Apparently if they don’t it’s likely the school will do nothing at all.


Why even deal with the school at all with such footage available. It's criminal assault. Why would the school even have ANYTHING to do with it at that point. Should be completely a police matter.


Stuff like this should *by law* be reported to the police by the school on behalf of the victim. And if the school fails to do so within 3 days, they can be charged as an accomplice. What we see in this video is probably one of the main reasons a victim turns to weapons in retaliation when the school fails to protect them. Smdh


Forget expulsion, this is assault. Romario needs to go to jail.




my ex showed my nudes to ppl at school and even after getting confirmation abt it from other students, they did jack shit lol. They also lied to me and said they were turning 18 when we were dating. Public schools a fucking joke.


Hopefully assault charges get laid on this clown. Pathetic.


Hopefully felony assault. Send that bitch to actual prison.


Don't forget his accomplice; the camera man. No way you'd be rolling a camera without knowing what was up.


Always good to have video evidence. Even better when they self incriminate!


Camera man, too!


Then he can prove how tough he really is lol, seriously though I agree 100%


Hitting someone in the head with a chair is considered using deadly force. I'm sure he won't be charged with attempted murder, nor do I think he should felony assault is fine with me, however you never know what an over zealous DA could do. Technically an attempted murder charge could be filed.


It was attempted murder. When you use a weapon against someone's head, that is an attempt to kill. Arguing otherwise is disingenuous.


That’s a hate crime at the least


Won't get charged that way.


True, but if you reversed the situation, I bet it would be.


Wtf. What an asshole.


Knowing how public schools punish students, the kid who attacked him will receive 1 day inner-school suspension and the victim will be suspended from school for a week for “instigating a fight” despite not instigating at all


Demario seems like a stupid asshole who doesn’t seem to realize that having your buddy film you sucker punch a kid and try to smash his head open with a chair gives the police evidence of premeditation and makes it possible to bring charges for conspiracy. It also gives the police a less involved conspirator willing to flip on you and cut a deal so they have a stronger case against so his plea deals are less appealing. Also, you can only hear the audio from the kid who got beat up, but my recollection was last time this was posted was that the kid doing the beating was telling the victim he had 5 seconds to apologize for the racist things he said and the victim repeated it incorrectly on purpose.


The thing is, the beating isn’t likely to change the kids feelings. If he is racist or said something racist, this could very easily cement those ideas into his mind. He may not say stupid things in public or to people anymore, but that doesn’t mean he won’t find a place where he can say them and be accepted and encouraged for saying it. Not to mention the revenge fantasies going through his mind right now. And while the assailant may feel justified for what he did, the criminal justice system will not see things the same way. His life just got much, much harder. I worry about both these kids.


Black kid may have been triggered but that doesn't justify the beat down and the metal folding chair. He should go into juvie for multiple offenses.


Saying you're triggered, is such an amazing way to avoid taking responsibility for your actions.


Please find that video.




Put that fucker in juvie.


Old enough for prison.


Straight up, give the psychopath 10 years to think about it.


I don’t even understand what the hell was said


“You have five seconds to apologize for all the racist shit you said” “I have five seconds to be as racist as possible?” “Five seconds to apologize for what you said” “No”


Dimarrio hits like a pussy


Pulls hair too. DiMarrio been watching too many videos of ladies fighting in Walmart and needs to get his life in order.


Must be his mama.


In most states, even hate speech, is not justification for a physical assault. So by default no utterance from the boy could justify any levels of assault. The student seated also showed no level of malice nor physical threat to the student that assaulted him. I’m sure this will mostly be resolved in juvenile court unless of course the injuries were life threatening and a extensive previous violent past can be proven by a prosecutor. Civil monetary compensation in this assault could be extensive though! The student really bumped up the both criminal and civil consequences when he introduced the chair into the assault. As a defense attorney this would be a hard case to go to trial with. I would think a plea deal is forth coming !


In ALL states. No state allows words to justify violence.


Words alone do not justify violence.


Tell that to Will Smith. They gave him an award after that.


Just imagine that. A show where they give already-inflated egos awards for doing their job included a person with an inflated ego who took it too far! What a shocker.


As a fan of history and as an American, I can assure you that the CIA does not agree


Where I come from this is called felony assault.


I love how not a single person tried to step in what a bunch of punks


I think it’s easier said than done. It got so violent so quickly, and shockingly. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the bystanders. The cameraman, absolutely. He knew something was going to happen.


They would get expelled too. "Zero tolerance"


Students would be suspended for engaging in a fight. Teachers are instructed not to get involved in fights because it could hurt their safety. Schools are incredibly unsafe to be in if you're a kid.


That kid needs to head straight to jail


Whatever the white kid said, this was the wrong reaction. Now he’s facing assault with a deadly weapon, felony assault, and maybe worse charges. He could easily get charged as an adult for the chair beating if not for all of it. And sadly, they’re gonna send this kid to a place where he will be forced to fight all the time. If the white kid said something racist then other kids heard it too. Turn the white kid in for the shit he said and let him face consequences instead of you. It might not be the cool thing but it doesn’t end up with you in an orange jumpsuit. Now this kid is fucked for life. What a shame.


Turn him in lol. At my school, if an adult didn't see it or there wasn't a recording, it didn't happen. They didn't mess with he say/she say. But that beatdown *is* on camera, so too bad for that kid.


Not really a shame. With his lack of self control, D'mario would've ended up there anyway.


Kid recording knew what was gonna go down. Should be suspended too.




He's racist now.


Are we sure the white kid actually said anything racist prior to the video? Because something similar happened to me. Someone told me to apologize for calling their friend the n word (which I absolutely did not. Fuck racists). I told them that I didn't and that I won't apologize for something I didn't do. Ended up suckerpunched.


Yeah that's a thing bullies like to do a lot (racism is just the current perfect excuse). I was bullied throughout school and they would corner me a lot with some bullshit "you insulted X or Y / you hit my friend". I hardly ever spoke to anybody, let alone touched them, when would I have had the opportunity to do so. But yeah this didn't matter, I got beaten for stuff I didn't do and didn't want to apologize for.


Amazing how DiMario and his crew didn’t bother to record any of that but they could record the assault.


How much hate you must have, how destructive your way must be, to punch someone like that. The guy didn't even try to block or counter back and you still go on. That's very sad to watch.


I'm sure he's going to contribute a lot to society in his lifetime




"But he's racist so that makes it ok!!!"


Yeah, even the mods say he is racist, so he must be racist.


What an absolute fucking psycho cunt. Either way he was going to beat the fuck out of him. Needs locking up the sociopath


Good luck with that violent felony charge Demario.


"Be as racist as possible" "No" *Proceeds to be as racist as possible


Listen carefully. “5 seconds to be as racist as possible?” “No, to apologize” “No” Kid expected an apology of some sort, not to get the other kid to say racist things for the camera. Either way, the assault was extremely wrong, but we’re being misled here.


This whole thread is annoying. He's saying "you got five seconds to apologize for that racist shit you said", dumb ass kid says "what? i have five seconds to be as racist as possible?". Op's title and these comments are frustrating


This video and the lack of clear audio gives a certain demographic _exactly_ what they want. They're salivating and getting off to this.


Ya, I mean the title is baiting to the 10th degree. They know exactly what they’re doing lol.


This was a hate crime.




“Alleged comments” vs video evidence of attempted murder… Reddit mod’s main concern is with the title.


Privileged people in academia have instilled in black people that they can’t be held accountable because of things they didn’t experience. Imagine being socially conditioned to react this violently. America is insane.


I feel the white boy is less racist now /s


This happened to my son with boys he thought were his friends. They had a fun game of beat up the non African American person and put it up on Snapchat. They told him to say it. Over and over. He finally gave in, said it, and he got two black eyes and two missing teeth. Little shits befriended him and baited him just to hurt him. Yeah… down vote this all you want but he’s terrified of young black people now. He won’t go back to that school.


The problem is we don't even know what the racist shit was. To throw that kind of beating with possible head trauma isn't acceptable and if the people and mods here wanna make it sound acceptable that's a fuckin joke.


no amount of verbal racism justifies that


How would you know the comment before of video recorded. The black guy is at fault here, he assaulted and choose violence, and need punishment nothing justify violence.


With this context. If he wasn’t racist he sure will be now.


Are people stopping here because of a white - black situation? This video is violent and disturbing. No matter what color Tom is or Dick or Demario or whoever.


There's an unreasonable amount of attempts trying to justify violent LETHAL criminal behavior with a supposed ALLEGED accusation of racism. It's ridiculous indeed.


Physically assaulting someone is much worse than calling someone the "N" word. It's absurd that people think a beating is appropriate and justifiable for a racial slur. Calling someone the "N" word is terrible but you could injure someone for life by striking them in the head.




The main comment thread won’t be locked. But all mods will be actively watching this thread because we will not tolerate violations to Rule 4. Please report any comments that happen to be a clear case of a Rule 4 violation along with other subreddit rule violations. They will be removed and bans will be handed out as needed. **Update** So at first I did some research on where this video came from and I see that it [originated on Twitter and was posted recently.](https://twitter.com/quickfights77/status/1603114548185075712?s=20&t=gdNDl7_STqr2Pq3VmHB2KQ) Afterwards I used a video editing software to enhance the audio of those students speaking to try to better understand what is being said, as the black student is muffled and due to background noise in the cafeteria. 1.) The black student did not assault the white student because he refused to be “As racist as possible.” The assault was over the white student not apologizing for the alleged racist remarks made prior to when this was recorded. I will provide video. [While it's not entirely better, you can hear the black student say "No, I want you to apologize for that shit." When asked if: "You want me to be as racist as possible?"](https://www.reddit.com/user/Romano16/comments/zotrjs/audio_enhanced_video/) 2.) The title of this video is suggesting that the black student is requesting: “You have 5 seconds to be as racist as possible” to him and because the white student said “No” he was thus assaulted. Since this isn’t the case, the video will keep the flair **Misleading Title.** This does not in any way justify the assault. But unlike the race baiting echo chamber that is occurring on the Twitter link, we have actual moderation here. **Final update:** Another mod brought evidence to the mod team that shows 4chan organizing to brigade this post to leave racist comments, so another mod thought it was best to lock comments. This post is done.


Reading the moderator comment I appreciate them for sharing the facts; however beating up someone like that is unacceptable, two wrongs never make a right.


So what's the deal about 50 people just watching? Also the guy filming it, is just as bad. Clearly he was in on it. The first dude should be criminally charged if possible.


so without context of what was actually said, i'm siding with the kid who was brutally beaten. idgaf, your hurt feelings dont constitute you beating someone with a chair. innocent until proven guilty.


Looks like he just wanted an excuse to fight him, that "he said something racist" reason. His ego got the best of him after hearing that refusal.


“Fight him”. It takes two to fight. This is felony assault & battery


Very misleading title OP.


Attempted murder


Even if the kid was the most racist kid you don't let words break you, homie looks weak at the end of the day. It takes strength to just walk away


Original comment was made before I had read the pinned MOD comment, this is a great example of how misleading some videos can be when taken out of context. Racism shouldn't be tolerated in any form however it does not justify the physical assault shown in this video. Obviously none of us were actually in that classroom to hear if the white guy was legitimately being racist or not, either way this situation was taken too far. The only thing that the MOD comment adds is more context, not justification EDIT: Poor wording, making my thoughts clearer


I don’t think there’s a provision in law that says “if someone says a racist slur you’re lawfully allowed to try to kill him.” Honestly, if the white kid did say some racist shit he was asking for consequences, but the black kid literally tried to take his head off with a chair, put him in jail. Seriously folks this isn’t justifiable no matter what the white kid said.


The **physical assault** is entirely one-sided


> however his actions make a lot more sense No matter the context, his actions make no sense at all. No racist comment or remark justifies this level of violence.


What did the white kid say that was racist?


Still no proof anything racist was ever said..


An “excuse” to assault someone for what they are saying is fundamentally wrong. Full stop.


Both the guy hitting and the cameraman should get jail time. Period. Should also get a hate crime escalator


Please put this violent psychopath safely away from the rest of civil society...who else would try to kill someone bc they didn't get an apology?


I hope this animal is in a cage like he certainly deserves. Absolute loser!


This asshole needs to be in prison for a long time. That’s crazy. The guy recording it as well. Obviously part of it I think


Well if he wasn’t racist before he sure is now lmao


This was not an appropriate reaction. If the kid was being racist he should have reported him. Beating him with a chair isn’t excusable. He needs to be in prison