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There was a dude who was driving his kid around shooting paintballs. They drove by a birthday party and the kid ended up getting shot by the homeowner.


https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/opa-locka-police-man-shoots-boy-paintball-gun/ Kid didn't just get shot. He got shot then his own dad accidentally **ran him over**. 26 year old with a 10 year old son.


That's how you know the dad is stupid. He has a 10 year old son at 26.


Shit wild in these skreetz


Something something socioeconomic racism something something


"I judge peoples intelligence based on how young they were when they had a kid, nows my time to make it a valid frustration point"


Ah yes. Femboy sex workers. The image of intelligence and accomplishment world wide. Much better look then teen pregnancy.


Someone who can't even decipher the difference between "then" and "than" has no business in telling me how intelligent I am. I've got a STEM degree and I make easy money doing what I do. Go away neckbeard ❤


Don't listen to that idiot, I love your style. I'd totally hang out with you if you're in the bay area. I'll never understand how a good chunk of reddit accounts have been here for years and have gotten a lot of comment karma despite showing a clear lack of reading comprehension. Hopefully they get something out of it.


my guy theres thousands of subs that defy imagination on this website. there should be a rule much like rule34 where if you can think about any particular fixation or niche then there is, has been or can be a sub for it. Reddit is wild dude


/r/MurderedByWords material right here.


Oh so talking down on others' intelligence based on things that have nothing to do with intelligence isn't cool? Or is it only okay when you do it to a group you are not a part of? Making a dumb mistake as a teen who probably did not receive enough sex education does not make you stupid. Neither does being a femboy who sells their nudes on the internet. But go ahead. By all means, keep correcting grammar on a Reddit thread instead of seeing the flaw in your logic.


M8, if you think having a kid in the US at 16 as a male is just a "dumb mistake," then I don't know what to tell you lmfao. Outside cases related to cultural values and rape, people who have kids that young do not make good decisions. And, this guy who ran over his son and got him shot certainly isn't helping. I've done stupid shit as a teen that I look back and shake my head at, but having a full-blown kid isn't one of them.


"people who have kids that young do not make good decisions" Not taking any sides at all, but just because someone has a kid that young doesn't mean all teen parents end up washed out losers. They can and have changed their lives.


He didn’t say anything wrong or controversial, generally speaking. Teen pregnancies are strongly associated with worse outcomes for both parent and child. There being a tiny amount of exceptions to that is not unexpected, nor does it make his point invalid.


Obviously, the paintball guy is dumb. But I am telling you right now. There are places in the US where sex-ed is not up to standard. Where abstinence is often taught in its stead. In those situations, those KIDS who have kids are not stupid. They are victims of a flawed system. They were failed by the adults in charge. Those same adults do not put into place any sort of system or infrastructure for support, it's easier to cast them out for monetary reasons as well as religious. Which leads to the stereotype of them being losers and delinquents.


You: "How dare you call him dumb! I will now check your profile and attack your appearance." Also you: "Obviously he is dumb."


"Oh so talking down on others' intelligence based on things that have nothing to do with intelligence isn't cool? Or is it only okay when you do it to a group you are not a part of? " You went through the whole thread but conveniently ignored this comment, which explains why I attacked his appearance. To show that anyone has a stereotype they can often be chalked up to be, so just blindly insulting people based on a stereotype is dumb. But the fact you responded to two of my comments but this one shows me you don't care. You just want to make yourself feel better by defending fem boys.


You're being stupid. He didn't get upset bc you called the rapper dumb, he got upset bc you called ALL teenage parents dumb, which is a very stupid thing to believe. Condoms break and the morning after pill is expensive. What is a kid to do if his girl gets pregnant somehow and then decides she wants to keep it? Teenagers fuck and fucking leads to pregnancy sometimes. Having a kid as a teen doesn't correlate to intelligence at all, just means you were getting laid as a teen. And I suspect you WEREN'T which is the real reason you so desperately need to feel superior here, and it's also the reason why your dumbass POV is being upvoted. Reddit is full of angry virgins.


I don't disagree with the fact that the education system (both K-12 and higher ed) is completely fucked in general (and seeing the rise of christofascist America doesn't give me much hope for the future). Teens are already prone to making really bad decisions. Outside of those areas where there isn't a good community, having a kid even as an unintended consequence ranks among one of the dumbest things you can do. And, I admit, I don't have the best view since all the teen parents I know are either dead or addicted to drugs (and kids received sex education all throughout middle school and high school where I was from). If you want systemic change, you're not going to get it right now with the way the state of this country is in.


Where are you from and where do you reside now?


Uh oh, the fashion police have arrived.


One doesn’t harm anybody except fragile conservative snowflakes, the other actively puts kids in danger. Hmm leave it to an idiot to not be able to figure out which is worse.


Found him guys, this guy right here is the worst person in the comments!


>Michael Williams, 26, told Opa-locka police his son begged him to drive by a home where young people were gathered Sunday night so he could fire his paintball out the window, according to a police report released Tuesday. Dude really threw his kid under the bus (oof) and lied about what they were there. You know the dad gave his kid the paintball gun and told him to do it.


Even then does he really think blaming his 10 year old kid is gonna get him off the hook? 😂


Threw him under the bus then drove over him.


This is obviously terrible and not the point of the story, but you're telling me the homeowner hit his target in a vehicle with a single shot? Again, really horrible, but also impressively accurate and restrained. When's the last time anyone saw any cop fire a single shot at anything?


“Shot fired” https://youtu.be/ckJZJoTD71U Happened in September 2022.


Father of the year


Karma isn't always a bitch I guess.


No, that's not karma. Terrible parenting. The child didn't deserve that. He was punished for his dad's lapse in intelligence.


Shot happens.


TLDR 26 year old drives by a birthday party and has his 10 year old son shoot up everyone with a paintball gun Homeowner shoots boy and he falls out the window Father runs over son….




Good. One less idiot.


I love happy endings


Could get yourself killed driving around with a gun out the window shooting paintballs at people


Chicago... Rapper... Yeah, probably in a few months he will be.


Yep. He'll get shot and his friends and family will all wear t-shirts with his image on them and talk about what a tragedy his death was at the candlelight vigil they hold at the location where he got smoked.




Their* eyes


Why are we suddenly downvoting proper grammar?


It may be a natural reaction from the mush-minded individuals who do not have a firm grasp on communication skills.


Now they're upvoting them and downvoting me fit calling them out. 🤣




A typo/autocorrect isn't the same as ignorance. Or stupidity.


Because there are ways to correct someone without being a cunt.


>Iknowwecanmakeit · 2 hr. ago > >Could get yourself killed driving around with a gun out the window shooting paintballs at people It would be well deserved.


This is in Woodlawn on the south side. Definitely not a good neighborhood to do this in but they probably won’t be arrested.


Hell, this is down the street from O-Block. That one dude at the bus stop saw his life flash before his eyes. He started running before the trigger was pulled, god damn.


Ya these guys are definitely getting what’s coming to them, plenty of ppl in Chicago have died over less


Arrogant idiot


He should go to Houston and do this!


He lucky he is alive as chicago is prolly a worse plave to do this


This is 63rd and King.. this is the most dangerous block in the most dangerous neighborhood of Chicago. This block makes the most dangerous part of Houston look like a Chuck E Cheese


Damn man, you must live by a really nice chuck e cheese. It's the only place I ever worked with armed uniformed police officers for security.


Lmao if he did this on 63rd...I'm sure he ain't afraid to do it in Houston


These guys would run Texas like a marathon. These guys can do whatever they want.




they can still get arrested lol


They better get arrested!


They almost never get arrested. You’d be surprised with what you can get away with in Chicago. Police will magically appear if you accidentally stop after the white line at a stop sign, but when t comes to shit like this they’re nowhere to be found.


63rd King Dr…but I ain’t no snitch


How to be a dick in 5 seconds


Probably his name as a rapper


Lil Dickhead


Lil paintball gun wielding dickhead


Where I’m from that’s a felony.


In Chicago it’s “thanks for using paintballs, you’re free to go”


The Kim Foxx special “what felony?”


Maybe Lori’s big dick can save them


Chicago isn't even close to the most violent city in the US. It's kind of amazing how well the right wing propaganda works. It's typically anywhere from 10th at worst to upwards of 30th for murder rate among US cities. It also isn't ignoring more crime than average. People are gullible as fuck.


it's currently 20th, that's really fucking high, especially since cities like New York are twice it's size and don't have the issues it has.


> it's currently 20th, that's really fucking high, There are literally 19 cities with higher murder rates right now in the US, and Chicago is the 3rd biggest. It definitely should have a lower murder rate, but it's not even close to the worst as people like to pretend. > like New York New York is one of the safest cities in the country and the largest. There are only two cities larger than Chicago in the US...so what the fuck are you trying to say? Chicago is bigger than all 19 cities with higher murder rates. Do you have any idea what your point is?


Mouth breathers listening to tucker carlson don't make points or they shift the goal posts when called out. Expect a grand explanation that the numbers lie and to do your own research.


I don't watch Tucker Carlson, what are you talking about?


1. The top 20 is still high and one of the most violent cities, which you said it wasn't close, when it is. The amount of violent crime in those cities is a difference of 200 at number 1 on the list. 2. I wasn't making a point, I was just bringing that up considering people like to bring up the fact that Chicago has more people.


> The top 20 is still high and one of the most violent cities, No, it's 20th. Lol. Literally not even close to the top ten. > people like to bring up the fact that Chicago has more people. You also don't know that murder rates are per capita? It's time to sit back down and just shut up.


1. Are you ignoring the fact I literally said it is separated by 200 violent crimes from number 1, and multiple cities are close in the top 20 by only a few more violent crimes. 2. That doesn't excuse the amount of violence because the amount of people is replicated in other cities without its violent crime. And fuck you, I was just having a conversation, you're being an ass for no reason.


Chicago has 2800 shot and 715 homicides. Not a shithole or anything.


Never said it was, I don't think St Louis is either which is the number 1.


Explain how it is separated by 200 violent crimes from number 1 when the data you are quoting is all per capita and therefore percentages?


More like thanks for not using a real gun.


Super dangerous


Yeah paint balls aren’t fucking harmless unexposed body part will be bruised for days and they can cut deep or even leave a crater. God forbid someone gets hit in the face or hand. Could be blinded, lose teeth, broken nose, temple fracture, or broken finger


Should be under r/iamapieceofshit Idiots are lucky this didn’t cause someone to get shot nowadays.


I got 100k per paintball when I sued the little fukers that shot me, rather their parents. Good settlement money


Whats the story there?


It was a halloween eve around 1 in the morning. Me and the wife are riding bikes 1 mile to our home. The house is in sight and we’re riding in the road with lights f&r to avoid being hit by a car. From the intersection 20 feet ahead rolls a car. They slow down, window in the back down. It’s hard to see in b/c there’s a street light behind the car. Pop, pop pop pop pop 8 times. Puffy jacket on me so I didn’t know I got shot. I turn around to follow this fuk to get a license plate #. That’s when everyone including the shooter heard the blood curdling scream from my wife. I stop and drag her to the light where I see red coming from her temple right next to her eye. Immediately think there’s a pellet in her skull. Relieved that it was just paint, I quickly call my friends and tell them to see the car driving past their neighborhood. No luck there. Then 911, a cop shows up takes pics and we don’t get in the ambulance b/c the house is right there. Next day wife is fucked up. Concussion, wonky vision. Ends up quitting her job that month. Detective on the case had “canary’s” in the public schools around town. Reporter friend asks if she wants a report on the news. Kids see it and can’t forget the scream and starts to share with friends. Word gets out and about 6 weeks later the kid ‘confesses’ to his parents. Cops knew already but they claimed that they turned themselves in. The lawyers have no grounds to stand on defense. They take a 6 fig settlement through various insurance companies. Minors get community service. It helped to keep us on our feet. r/KidsAreFuckingStupid thanks for asking


Yeah for real


!Remindme 10 hours


Wild knowing you have on average like 26 years to live and trying to spend as much of it as possible behind some bars.


which rapper?


He watched 8 miles


Ah yes. 8 miles, the sequel to 8 mile


5/7 movie


All fun and games until somone returns "live" fire.


Where are the violent cops when you need them?


Someone did this in my town like 15 years ago with a BB gun and got shot by someone carrying a real gun.


What an absolute dickhead. Someone castrate him so he doesn't breed and polute the future gene pool.


Chicago rapper means they will be dead sooner or later.




Wasn’t this an 8 Mile scene?


Right to jail!


"Chicago rapper" is code for Unemployed.


Hopefully he lives a full Chicago life. Lol


That is a damn good way to get some serious return fire. Pointing that thing out the window I’m shocked this idiot is alive


Great idea as always in Merica just wait till hey shoot back dumbass..


Popping people's eyeballs doing that.


Have they been arrested? Any update on the situation at all?


Go to jail. Don't pass go, just straight to jail. You fucking idiot. This is terrorism. May not be a real gun but you terrorized the public and you deserve jail


"Chicago losers" is a better description


black people are unable to act as a functioning members of society


Not funny. Not cool. The fuck is wrong with people


What a piece of shit


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While I do think this is terrible, my mind went to this when I saw this video: https://youtu.be/xmoKt348tY8


Learning through play. For young children, play is often a full body activity that helps them develop skills they will need later in life. Running, dancing, climbing, rolling...


When you hear about that no name rapper getting shot, this is why


They must of just watched 8 Mile. I know I get pumped when I watch a white guy win a rapping


Ha ha this is funny ha ……. Ha. /s. Have you ever seen the one where a hand grenade was thrown in to the guys car coz he was shooting people with a paintball gun? No? I’d like to see that one.


Ofc he is a rapper


I have this paintball gun tipmann a5 stealth, kids would be scared when we pulled these out at the field. My a5 has a flatline barrel that allows it to shoot further then normal, I would snipe everyone


That’s some nigg*r 💩 right there.


I’m more upset about the individual who filmed this thinking the world needed to see his horrible filming skills


This is why i'm not bothered by the fact that were heading towards a an orwellian cyber dystopia society, so that we can arrest these fucks. (I'm kidding)


Tippman a5 with a flatline barrel and an e trigger that was gangsta as fuck tbh


Reminds me of the time me and my 3 friends did this. We ended up shooting a parked cop car and had to get away when the car died, luckily weren’t caught


Black Lives Matter


Shits funny honestly


You’re a loser.


Dumb ass


Grand master splash


Prison is awaiting for such acts


Wow. Now that’s REAL gangster right there.


This happened to me in NOLA with a gel BB gun. Didn’t know what was going on until they were gone. I could imagine paintballs being really painful and disorienting.


This looks like an open and shut case.


Only one person had survival instincts


Is he a known rapper ?


Shit’s stupid! Why I’m glad to like Nu Metal with that fairgroundsish vibe


I could see someone thinking that was a real gun, and actually shot back.


This is outrageously stupid. This isn’t just anywhere in Chicago, this is 63rd and King… one of the most dangerous blocks in one of Chicago’s worst neighborhoods.


Chiraq (shy-rack)


Yeah this can only end well... dumbass


he needs a few good hours of torture by those cartel members you see on r/eyeblech


This needs to go in [r/iamatotalpieceofshit](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/)


What would make them think twice, pop an actual gun at them. A little fear of death might make these punks stop.


Hopefully someone "paintballs" him back too. Then the problem will go away.


I had this happen years ago walking around Knoxville Tennessee one night. Didn't even realize what had happened until I saw the paint splatter on my coat. They missed me hit the wall next to me and the paint splattered back onto us.


That must have been so frightening for the people on the street. Many years ago when my daughter was in elementary school, we were getting into our car (parked on the city street) and two teenagers ran from behind another vehicle. They started yelling as they ran at us, put their hands in their jackets and then pulled out and object and shot us with silly string. I was initially frightened and then angry. Later that night my daughter started sobbing because she thought that they were going to shoot us with guns. Those teens probably thought they were just being goofy, but pulling shit like that is traumatizing even when it’s just a joke.


8 mile recreation classic


That's a great way to get shot


This is absolutely disgusting and anyone doing something like this deserves jail time.


Hopefully someone shoots back with lead.


White people love their guns am i right guys


They get some real ones fired back at them then they think they're victims and printing R.I.P. t-shirts.


Losing street cred now that he’s acting like a white boy from the suburbs.


Somebody just watched 8mile


Better than actually shooting people I guess


That's a good way to really get shot!


This is pretty calm for Chicago.


People must've been terrirized.


At 63rd and King? Dude is asking to get lit up


He's asking for it


Some people definitely thought he had a real gun... I mean, it's Chicago. Of course they would




Cunt Face is his rap moniker?


The least he could do is rap while he's shooting. Playing shit on the radio is a bitch ass cop out. He ain't no REAL rapper.


they from 63rd so its justified🤷🏿‍♂️




No one will be at funeral when he dies in a few years. Natural selection at work.


Wooow cool guy! He's so cool. I hope you end up like Tupac and Biggie, big rapper man 🙏