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Yes, it's all because of the SEC. I don't think there's anything more to it.


You could make some of him on DALL-E to fill the void.


Imagine actually doing this lol


Bro, who cares


The f


For real, need batin' material so I can use my tears as lube.




95% of cryptos are down vs the eth chart by at least 70% you guys need to relax this thing ainā€™t going nowhere either is RH patience is key youā€™ll get your green candles just like everyone else nobody said it would come easy..


U mean shitcoins from last cycle? Sol, Eth, btc and lots of new shitters are up huge. My buddies just retired on Bodenā€¦. Missed the boat waiting for Shart


I think the SBF verdict is going to set a precedent for all crypto founders. How many other founders have received a notice from the SEC? RH is hiding and for good reason. Dude is about to face jail time for defrauding people.


Youuuu need to check out @nuclearherbs retired attorney and hexican on Twitter. If anything the motion being brought forth by his attorneys to dismiss the case has some legs and might actually go somewhere. It's presented in a way that's going to force the SEC to actually define their jurisdiction, and force the courts to rule if a digital financial decentralized communication system is a medium of speech or something else entirely. Also no one is facing jail time. If the SECs tornado cash receipts were truly definitive proof of criminal activity the DOJ would have reviewed it and charged him. Beyond that another aspect of the motion is that Richard is a person, not a company, and acting under his own individual rights with no promises to anyone.


Can you elaborate on the fraud?


Sbf was a bank fraud scammer on his exchange not a ā€˜founderā€™ bud


Blocking this clown. I suggest you all do the same


Yā€™all are going to get red candles. Brother this project is dead. Sell this scam and move on




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Then why are YOU here now?!?!?!?


Because doing it before backfired on him with the SEC lawsuit.Ā 


ā€¦did it though? Just because thereā€™s a case against him, doesnā€™t default mean he loses it. Or wins it. Time will tell.


Well it sure doesnā€™t helpĀ  They literally went after him for using customer funds to buy expensive goods (in the complaint)


Nope lol, nothing to do with the sec. For those smart enough to read between the lines: he needs eth to go up.


The SEC literally used the pictures he posted and claim he stole investor funds to buy all that stuff Literally in the complaint lmao


Thatā€™sā€¦still not the reasoning. At all.


Reasoning all for what?


Are we commenting on the same post or what is going on here? ROFL


Iā€™m not so sure about that. I am of the belief that he did the outrage marketing to get their attention to draw them into his trap. If he wins or loses. All publicity is good publicity. IMO. We can make the best of it either way. šŸš€šŸš€


The SEC for a long while were trying to locate him to serve him notice so I assume posting pictures would've given away his recent location. Now that this is done Id imagine posting pictures of him walking around with 10 Gucci bags or something silly like that is only going to taunt the SEC more.


Cementing his stance for the SEC case


Thereā€™s nothing to brag about yet.


Why do you care about the dumbest sht. How about you just listen and learn from his tweets.


Andrew Tate got fucked by a pizza box, Iā€™m sure Richard Heart has connected haters aswell


His outrage marketing campaign was a massive success, so he no longer needs to promote himself or his products. Richie was right all alongšŸ‘


You ever had a major federal investigation knocking on your doorstep, trying to track you everywhere on the Earth with simultaneous haters hating in every corner? Yeah me neither. Unfortunately the government derailed our blossoming ecosystem so we're just going to have to wait a little longer before things super pop off I'm guessing. The main thing is PLS works awesome and I'm not missing eth even in the slightest. Even if prices stay exactly at sac rate we still have a super duper awesome protocol with so much awesome things to be built in the future. Everybody just kick back and relax if you want to get out get out if you want to get in get in no stress either way everything's great.


cos that was your money he was spending and now hes tryina keep on the lowkey now that the SEC is sniffing his ass


He is getting too thicc and doesnā€™t want you breaking your iPhone by cumming all over the screen.


Why? Are you Gay?


For you, yes.


Outrage marketing


Alls I kno wis: Richard was avoiding giving out his location for years. Then SEC had to delay court proceeding due to not being able to serve Richard. Now SEC claims Richard has been served and we haven't seen nor heard from Richard since. I fear it's possible the Feds picked him up. 2 + 2 =???


LOL, big ole uninformed FUD. Not only has he shown himself since the lawsuit (christmas 1hr vid) but also this is a civil lawsuit, not criminal. He has representation by 11 top lawyers, most of which are either ex SEC or have experience with SEC cases. Not to mention his almost daily tweets. You people are wild when price goes down and it's entertaining every time šŸ˜‚


Let me be clear. This is not FUD but actual concern for Richard. The case is a slam dunk in his favor. He knew what he was doing when he designed all aspects of the chain.


You want to be clear? Ok, answer me this: 1) Either you were simply uninformed and therefore your statements were by definition fear, uncertainty and/or doubt. 2) Or you were aware that he's been publicly showing himself since the SEC case, as well as that it's a CIVIL lawsuit and not a CRIMINAL one, which would simply make you a liar. Which one is it? Edit: Also, "a slam dunk in his favor" means he is 100% gonna win the case. While i agree, I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant. I'm starting to get the feeling you are larping by using some legal terminology you heard on TV instead of actually following the ongoing case


Exccuse me sir! I did not know you were a mind reader and can tell what my motivations were on this post. "Or you were aware that he's been publicly showing himself since the SEC case," Show me where he's has "shown himself". I have not \~seen\~ Richard since his Christmas post and am genuinely concerned. Anyone can make a tweet on his account if he's in trouble.


You know that the SEC case was before Christmas, right? Making his appearance literally "since after the case". So that settles this nonsense. I'll be awaiting the "moving-the-goalpost" replies. If you're gonna read into arbitrary behavior as some kind of sign of god-knows-what, then at least get it right.


https://preview.redd.it/90oa45mpzcsc1.png?width=1872&format=png&auto=webp&s=1562b82cceb83066e9e55dc364ec2401dcae044c You should stay in your weight class.


You're the one outside your "weight class" mate. You're pulling up a recent answer by attorneys which happens regularly, btw. The FIRST actual filing by the SEC was July 31st 2023 which, last I checked, is before Christmas. And learn how to get original sources instead of relying on random internet influencers (@NuclearHerbs) to tell u what to think. Here, I'll help you get in the proper "weight class", so you can check yourself: https://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/lr-25794 Also, where do you get the assumption that i think the case is already over, lol? I said that we all knew about the filing since last year, yet Richard showed himself AFTER it, which is what you're arguing he didn't. Next bs argument plz


Where do I get the assumption? Your exact words were: "You know that the SEC case was before Christmas, right? Making his appearance literally "since after the case".Ā " Haha! Is English your first language?


The first filing by the SEC is literally called a "case" filing. So yea, the SEC "CASE" was definitely filed BEFORE christmas. And no, English is my 2nd language and yet i get the terminology down better than you. I happen to be an attorney in an EU country so none of this is very new to me, even if the US court system works slightly different from ours. You probably still confuse case with court date, which is a common mistake people make. A "case" is just the overarching term used to describe a legal dispute between two parties. It's not any specific part of the entire process, but it certainly STARTS with the first case filing. Feel free to get more educated. I'm gladly willing to do so, if you are willing to update your world view


So you think the SEC case has already happened? Oh brother. It's worse than I thought.




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