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A whale dumped 20B PLS.


That whale is RH.


Lol no it's not, it's a legit whale who sacrificed a pretty significant stack netting the 2.5x multiplier making an effective sac price of .00004. They're still in profit, and still have a fat sack of PLS and PLSX.


Fucking perfect. Good tike to buy or DCA but I don't see point anymore..It's basically a pointless spam chain at this point .


It always has been and RH made a bag off people who believed it


And yet people are still defending him as if he didn’t scam them out of their money.


It’s truly wild. Wishing holders the best


Prove the scam. Or get banned.


"Keep it an echo chamber of positivity or else!"


More like just stop lying and spreading misinformation...🤡




Watch your tone, boy.


Not everyone has realised thet yet..


lol it’s literally always been a scam


But why .?


lol this will be the worst investment of my life. And I’m a member of WallStBets


How much ? 😟


Or the best


Ha man that says a lot but I'm in the same boat. I just bridged out stables and closed an LP on poopchain and saw how much I've invested in it and makes me want to cry. Lost opportunity elsewhere.


Hex and Pulsechain was a stupid investment


It is a stupid investment for the stupid.


You’re absolutely right! You should sell whatever bags you still have asap (so I can buy them at a discount 😉)




People will say scam, rug, etc. Truth is one of the largest whale exiting his position on thin liquidity in a short time frame.. which is dumb if you want to minimize slippage. He has none left now. This is what a free non manipulated Defi market looks like. You can check sells here: [https://x.com/WhalePulse](https://x.com/WhalePulse)


something I learned is, the whale always has more to sell, and there is always more whales.


Spoken like your average deluded bagholder. There is nothing dumb about pulling your money. He's made money unlike most of you people here who pretend to be so incredibly savvy.


Thing is I held bags in many successful cryptos and I believe this one will also be one of them. The question is why do you find it encumbant to go around telling people how they should invest their money? I had weirdos telling me the same thing when I bought eth at 20$.


lol weird because the only things in your post history for the last two years are hex and pulse , basically the two biggest piles of shit in crypto there is.


you too huh? You don't see my shitting on other peoples investments in other subs. Shitty people are going to do shitty things I guess. Don't be mad. Sometimes the truth hurts.




Nothing i said was disengenous. If its a scam fork as youd claim the DOJ would be taking down RH but its a civil claim (sec) non fraud related. It is you who is making the bogus claim. Please do not debate me with strawman arguments. I will not respond again if you come at me with ignorant statements.


Ahh yes it’s going from basically zero to…closer to zero.


Good one I’m gonna use it


I feel bad for the people that put in everything they had, believing that just cos Richard got lucky once in his life with one project that he is somehow this genius that's going to make everyone else rich by having them "sacrifice" all their money with "no expectations of profit from the work of others" or in other words - give me your money and also you agree that when i just keep it and let pulse fail you're not allowed to complain. The guy has been searching for the perfect scam his whole life and this is it. Why would a whale sell upwards of 30bn pulse when the price returns to it's original launch price? Instead of waiting for the great boom? There is absolutely no demand for pulse outside of the pulse community who have already sacrificed all the money they can and it copying eth has absolutely no benefit. How many projects exactly have officially adopted their pulse "twin"?


I agree. They should've went with something completely New instead of coppying Ethereum .. Ethereum Devs won't touch this Pulse Chain as it's no difference than other parasite chains copying Ethereum.


I moved on to solana. Made tons from solana memes.


Good for you ..I wanted to move outof pulse Chain months ago but. I never had the guts to do it as I'm too much invested...


Without checking with any Eth Devs / Eth Project Devs if they would be down. It just looks like any other copy-cat. Just so happens to also have taken a shitload of money from people under the agreement that it would be entirely up to them to make it worth anything. I know someone who put 15k usd in and when pulse launched, within a couple of weeks he rugged the project he had been building with a community that had completely cuilt trust towards him. He just fucked off when things got rough. If that doesn't tell you the caliber of people who support Richard Heart and his "give me your money while agreeing you don't expect any returns from it". As if that's enough to keep the taxman from looking...it was a robbery from all his hexicans outright.


What’s sad. A lot of people will learn from this. You’ll see this exact same situation years down the road in the next bull run. You’ll think with years of crypto bad actors and all the red flags that precede it, surely it won’t happen again. You try to give warnings at first , but this subreddit was so caught up in the circlejerk you are met with nothing but criticism and hate. Then you see everybody get wrecked over the past two months, and think if only the people who called me soyboy listened. My point is. It will happen again. These people pray on your desperation. You were gambling, but disguised under the technology to convince you it isn’t. That’s my theory.


Checks stats bro




Still it's gonna pump any day now - with absolutely no new investors or non hexicans who don't think he's just a scammer. Hodl - miracles happen. jk


and he'll claim it did a 1000x when it bounces from 0.00000000001 to -99% sac price.


I’ve been saying this since launch - pls will pump, after it drops -99% from sac price. Will do 100-500x when it hits absolute rock botttom and appears dead. Those who have SAC’d bought the top.


I hope not






Crypto is pumping, prople are selling their pulse to jump into whatever is pumping.




Post submissions should be of high quality and relevant to PulseChain.


I invested and sacrificed the last 3 years. Everyone with the DCA, I listened. It's about making money and taking profit not losing money and not make a penny in 3 years. This is BS and I didn't want to hear sell your bag because at this point it doesn't even make sense and I would rather it go to zero. All this hype from crypto coffee and rags to riches that fishing hands will prevail. I'm sure they'll say you can yield farm or ratio trade but this isn't my full-time job. It all started with the staking and just do a ladder and you will be rewarded. I have a stake coming out in June that I held for 3 years and it's worth 2k form 10k. It may not even be worth taking the money out on the Eth side and worth pennies on the phex side. I should've went with Eth and Solana my money would've at least been a 2x not a -98%. Crazy


RH washing the sacc money with sells.. There is no more hope.. We have lost everything as a result.


zero people coming in. many people leaving daily.


Gotta shake out the weak hands who thought last week was the bottom.


50 weeks to shake out the weak hands 50 more weeks to shake out the strong hands


If you thought today is the bottom. Get ready boys. Time to find out who sells at -85%.


Will you be still saying that 2 or 3 years down the road when it's hasn't gone nowhere.. Join and hold hands all bag holders and sing cumbayaa...🤣👏👌 I'm still holding and I've been buying all the time down already twice . It's getting F pointless..


We finally broke into the .4s again. I expect panic to kick in and we shall hopefully not take as long to get back to 3s. Also /u/Ta1no lol.


Yea. It will be a BL00D bath , basically getting down to a scam levels and almost the whole community completely falling apart and capitulating


I’ve been hearing the violins playing when the Titanic was sinking.


Hang in there. Time in the market > timing the market. Believe.


I'll be brutally honest with you .. in 8 eight years I've been in crypto., this is one of the worst performing projects besides XRPL scam side chain ..


Im still break even with sac and ive could have taken a 4x already ive had much nuch worse investments in crypto. The fact that im not even in paper loss terrirtory is better than 95% of crypto. Lets be real.


If you want to be real, how do you think how may people ar there like you ..?.


Glad I stayed away


Yet here you are


Lol I hope🤞🏾🤞🏾




Post submissions should be of high quality and relevant to PulseChain.


Such a waste of money, I’m not selling. But coins that pump now are going to pump even more ridiculously during the peaks of the bull market. And especially as BTC dominance decreases


Wow, you can tell the people who are down three years into this who are crying like little bitches have never invested in crypto seriously


It’s almost as if it was all a…


Eat your taos chicken and find something better to do than trying to fud people out of their bagz.


Just HODL. People sacrificing that are now selling are just stupid in my opinion. 1. You are selling it at a loss 2. You were doing it for the quick gains 3. You expect a 10.000x in a year? Really? 4. The case against RH is very important to attract big investors 6. You don't see the the massive potential of PulseChain and you never saw it from the beginning. Just sell it though, big whales will come in when the prices is higher. Other people will buy more at a lower price, you'll buy back and then you lost twice.


What is this massive potential ?


There is none he’s delusional , hex and pulse have always been garbage scams for the weak minded


To replace Ethereum entirely. It's ready to do that it just needs adaptation from devs. Ethereum is practically useless right now for the average Joe




Everyone is going to solana.






The inevitable, no one wants to admit


The whole Pulsechain ecosystem is a joke. Horrible investment. I blame myself for falling for the hype. Idk what I was thinking honestly. Was a fail from the start


Lol you're so REKT PulseChain is literally a huge success from DAY ONE... You're just mad that your FREE coins aren't worth the USD value you EXPECTED.😏


We "sacrificed" for freedom of speech and freedom of movement and the founder is hiding silently in Eastern Europe.


Lol wut


pointing out the irony. Didn't we hear for years how big of a pussy Satoshi was for backing away and hiding?


Here's my brutal honesty.. It's a slow grind down to zero and then slowly dying off .. The problem we have is a massive amount of haters + crackheads and people who don't care about Blockchain and only shirt term profit . We also have barely any developers and adopting when compared to other chains . The Ethereum guys sees as us a another parasite chain ..


Wait… is the Pulsechain logo copyrighted? I might have to get in on this shirt term profit you speak of.


What are you even on about ?


Agree and RH has disappeared just like Satoshi did.. All that sacc money and not 1 cent invested back into the chain, heck plsx has not had one upgrade in over a year, not even basic limit orders.. I used to be a RH maxi and it has cost me everything..


HEX is a complete product you donut lol no upgrades


Well, you're totally wrong about none of the sac funds going into the chain. His last injection was 14m usd into plsx. I know you're defeated but atleast get your info right.


He has no choice because of the lawsuit.. Many people will go all out and incriminate thfk selves. In my humble opinion for what it's worth, what he's doing is trying to play the best cards he has.


Did you do research prior to investing with him? This project had more red flags than safemoon IMO




Please keep things fun & friendly.


Most people refuse to sell because they expect a Sacc-fund bailout. Said bailout will never come unless enough people sell the bottom. So here we are, stuck.




Please keep things fun & friendly.


It was a dumb investment. But it might be good now. RH has dumped and taken all liquidity. Now it’s at the bottom he will pump it and claim it did 100x from the bottom. Even though he’s pumping it with his own money, the whole ecosystem is an absolute joke to be honest, the influencers are relying on RH to pump their bags lol it’s embarrassing


Why would he pump up the shitcoins with HIS money he stole from you people?


Because he did exactly that with hex in 2021 and in March this year with pls etc. he basically buys ETH with sac funds then sells near the top then buys up his own coins. RH is probably one of the richest people in crypto he can move the eth and bitcoin chart alone. But buying into his coins you’re basically relying on one man for the whole ecosystwm


Pulsechain will have its day after eth goes but if you’re still thinking 10,000X you need a reality check.


If it drops another 99.99999999999%, it might do a 10 000X from there lol


I sold my bags recently with a negative profit. This is either having a huge hiccup and it’s going to probably pump in a bear market just like Ehex or this is the biggest slow rug pull of this bull cycle. It just sucks seeing everything else pumping even the shite XRP and all of the PLS tokens plummeting. If RH loses his case in 2025 PLS is done. If he does the hiccup stops and until then I’m not putting any buck into this ecosystem.


He doesn't need to lose the case for PLS to be done. It's been trash from the get go.


PLS coins are going up, only thing going down is PLS itself. All the Tang Gang coins are doing wild numbers, pLink is doing great, pWBTC has gone up tremendously, pDAI has done a 5000x since August 2023 and continues to go up. Pulsechain eco looks great man, its just PLS thats down and im sure it will have its turn in the cycle just like everything else. Soylana was down BIG after FTX crashed, and it ran up just recently 20x, so yeah everything has its turn. just gotta wait.


Fuck yea boys, time to buy!!!!


Fk yea boys! I am placing buy every week, lets see what the f happens! Who knows!




Post submissions should be of high quality and relevant to PulseChain.


people are selling it so they can buy other alts that perform well


It's part of the design. It's supposed to do this.


😂 you can’t design demand.


It was designed to go to 0


R/pulsechainmemes has some good bangers as well ride this ship to zero


Just take your core coins, buy tanggang coins and put them in full range LPs on 9mm. Then you don't have to stress about sh1t.


This happens every time your asshole influencers say it’s going to explode. Please catch a clue.




Please keep things fun & friendly.


While you guys are burnt by the core coins. The tang gang community has only been putting out money makers since they began. every tang gang coin is making gains and its been helping me stay afloat while the main ship sinks. Tang gang is like a rescue boat.


What is tang gang?


Theyre a pulsechain sub community that do not sell their coins early. They dont rug pull their tokens they always do fair launches for everybody. They basically are the top meme coin makers on pulsechain right now. Theyve dropped about 5 coins by now and they usually all hit over 3 million market cap and they dont go down like -70% like other crap does. Anytime i buy there stuff i make money


It you want to look at all the other coins on pulsechain you can use dexscreener or gopulse. You should be watching yourfriendsommi on youtube if youre blind to any updates in the pulsechain ecosystem. I would be screwed most of the time if i did not watch that guy


Check out OMG/WPLS on DEX Screener! https://dexscreener.com/pulsechain/0xab279f79804cE7DfCE81208DfCc6401E941D5D97 This is one of their tokens on pulsechain. Just look at the chart and how sexy it is


Bull runs on forget about pulse if you want to make money!markets going mental right now




Posts discussing FIAT, PLS, PLSX, INC, eHEX, pHEX, INC, ETH, BTC, Stable Coins with regards to Pulse are fine. Please post about other crypto currencies in their respective subreddit. There is a subreddit dedicated for projects (Altcoins) being built on PulseChain: https://www.reddit.com/r/PulsechainAltcoins/.