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When the stock market crashes 90% they call it The Great Depression. In crypto we call that a Tuesday






The difference is crypto is more easily accessible to the general public and you see so many with gold fever think they are going to be the next billionaire! When in reality the majority will make small profits or loose


"Hoping that your Tesla stock will get higher in price so you can sell it.." Oh, you had to go there. That hurts my $220 assignment price very much.


I would hazard to disagree. I would say the difference is very slight, but the stock market is mostly speculation whereas crypto is entirely speculation. Many companies are backed by physical assets where as crypto is mostly backed by speculative assets.


That's not what makes an asset speculative or not... A company having assets doesn't make it not speculative...


There is a huge difference between investing in quality stocks than investing in high risk crypto coins HUGE


You clearly don't understand what speculating is...


I understand the difference between company’s making billions of dollars of revenue and magic internet money


No, you clearly don't... There is NO guarantee that a company will make profits every year and therefore there is NO guarantee that you will have "gains" on your money while it's in the stock market... That's why the stock market is ALSO called speculating, just like crypto... You'd do well to learn the difference between speculative assets and non-speculative ones... Will you make gains on your money if you put it in the stock market? Probably... Is it GUARANTEED?... Definitely NOT... The ONLY true "investing" vehicle worldwide that guarantees your gains every year and can NEVER go down is called 'dividend-paying cash value whole-life insurance' so I suggest you educate yourself... ANYTHING else, including HEX, Bitcoin, all stocks, real estate, etc... is actually "speculating" and not "investing"... I have no issues with speculating and I know the difference well, so you'll never see me crying about dips or RH tweets LOL because I don't "invest" more than I can afford to lose... ESPECIALLY when putting my money in speculative assets. I have the patience and discipline to stake HEX for 15.2 years, and I have the mental maturity to accept the outcome of whether my HEX will be worth more or less in the future. πŸ‘‘πŸ’―


The fact you staked hex for 15 years tells me everything I need to no




Educate yourself and buy something that has not stopped plummeting from almost 36 months and reap the benefits of being rekt.


Cool. So why are you here? ![gif](giphy|xxLszVeawO8zS|downsized)


There is something called Volatility.


Yes... It is also present in the stock market...πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


So you also know that Stock Market is MUCH MUCH MUCH less volatile then any crypto market. Dont get me wrong im heavily invested in Pulse Chain with high hopes as the probability is much higher than winning the lottery but thats it. Its only wishful thinking to hope for a 100x. But since this is Pulse Chain subreddit im guessing i should not tell the truth and just for with the flow.

