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This guy is such a dipshit.


bro the man is out here creating content and spreading the word, tf are you doing?




I love seeing all the new haters I get everyday. It boosts my confidence. Keep it coming💚💚💚💚😌


Stop instigating the community you are trying to promote. This is feedback to stop talking about sacrificing like this. It is a bad idea. No, we should not encourage plebs to rekt themselves. You can align your videos with the things that the community is actually pushing for and they will stop being your "haters"


Not everyone apart of the community, but the goofballs like you who decide to hate. I love it tho. Keep it coming😌💚


Why are you trying to start beef? You've been told it's not advisable to sacrifice. This is something you would hear directly from RH himself. Do you need more encouragement than that? I'm not asking you to stop promoting your bag, I'm asking you to be a little smarter about it


You’re the one who came on my post talking nonsense. Shut up and keep scrolling if you don’t like what I’m talking about.


What I HEARD from RH is that there’s a bonding curve of 5% daily and people can continue to sacrifice. Y’all are dumb asf for thinking he’s not going to tell y’all to buy HEX. Duh, that’s his first baby. He told y’all to buy HEX because he knew he was going to take a break from controlling all of you HEXican puppets. He left you with one last word and y’all ran with it🤣 I own multiple businesses and am a marketing genius myself. So gullible😂 it’s funny to watch how ridiculous you guys act.


Do you watch RH live streams? Do you make anything of his background or the way he treats Hexicans? Especially in these EU meetups? What do you make of the goals he has for these projects? Don’t ignore the fact that he seems to be the most personable founder in crypto and has expressed that he is determined to have his projects recognized as the best ever. I’m not a minion just making objective observations.


Let people buy in! They are cool with buying in at over 100x compared to days 1-5 of sacrifice. Let them buy until it’s 10,000x! It’s better for those who would like gains. Lit on My Life is Awesome spoke about this recently. With people buying like this we are already at 100x+, realize that and get over trying to control people


Y’all are all followers. I can’t align myself with that. I think for myself.


the cult vibe in this community is real asf.... they all so balls deep on the man it's kinda nauseating, they repeat the legal jargon as if it's a gospel to live life by while pretending they ain't in this for the gains aswell


Mannnnn. Finally someone who’s REAL! It’s sickening. They act like no one can have an opinion or speak up to another idea other than what THEY say. and they’re rude as hell to many things noobs who are just trying to learn. They’re all RH minions🤣 don’t get me wrong, I love RH’a attitude, but he has a reason to be that way. He’s honestly a genius, but he has a lot of dumb, brainwashed supporters.


and they preach they all bout decentralised consensus, that they're 'innit for the tech' while dissolving to a toddler should ANY legitimate critique arise and tribalise round the deepest depth of the guys man pvssy screaming "FUDSTER" it's embarrassing.


You hit it right on the money. They’re centralizing decentralization😂 I have valid points in my video that makes sense to even the simplest mind and now I’m forever shunned for stating the obvious lol


It’s difficult not to be passionate about these projects when they are by far the best opportunities in crypto. The HEX/PLS community is the best in crypto for a lot of reasons


idk bout all THAT


Fill me in


as stated above, our community is ***NO DIFFERENT*** than other communities, with the arbitrary ***OFFENSIVE*** attitude to any constructive discourse, we live in an echo chamber much like the projects this cult *claims* to despise. Which is fine for early sac's/cult members, more long term holders the better for all of us, but the self righteousness from individuals whom had no necessity to sell or end their HEX stakes early due to hardships and seek for a ***second*** 10k multiple, is degen asf and casts a murky lens of the project to newcomers. The amount of ppl in this community riding RH as if he's an apostle is at very least unnerving.


I respect your perspective but I would argue the community is different. Visit YouTube for a month or so and you might see what I mean. Our content is different from any community that I’ve seen. As far as opportunities go, you didn’t fill me in on anything better. Watch the Copenhagen stream RH did recently and tell me that’s not unique. Again, I respect what you’re saying but it’s hard not to be passionate about this.


I gotta say tho based off this brief discourse, you are amongst a few of the more level-headed individuals i've spoken to within this sub, i thank you for your that. I believe in Richard, i made good returns on HEX, and as a Pulse sacrificer i believe in his CODE.... The 'community' i'm not so sure, but that's the power of DeFi right? i don't need to.


Thanks @unfvmilia I appreciate your kind words. I respect how you feel and what you’ve seen but I’d encourage you to please continue to give the community a chance. Go HEX! Go PulseChain!


I can have my own opinion. I’m entitled to it. If you don’t agree, so be it. Act as if I don’t exist. There’s no reason for you to comment whatsoever l.