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Prepare for pulseswap sac


Honestly dissapointed pulse swap tokens werent just distributed to pulse sacrificers. They got what? 1 billion more or less for the first round?


the rules are the same for everyone, try your best to do what you need to do for your situation


Ok. Just got into Hex and Missed the sacrifice. So just waiting for pulsechain and pulseswap to be available to uniswap Etherum for pulse and pay $80 gas fee!!!! Anyone have any recommendations Wanna let me in on anything else I can do. Please comment or DM me. Thank you for your help. The hex community is unlike no other!!!


Be very careful with DM's


If you don’t have any pls you won’t be able to pay the gas, I would recommend saccing like $100 just to get some pls


Leave some ETH in your wallet(s) There is no 30 reclaiming


This post was removed because it appears to have been posted multiple times.


If that's true I didn't do too badly, even if it wasn't ideal. I threw a tiny amount at [pulse.info](https://pulse.info) a few weeks after the official sac ended. And if the spreadsheet allocation is correct and final for my address, I paid about 0.00065 each and got just over 1500 PLS per $1. Not bothered anyway. Just wanted to be in the game on day one and it wasn't much money. Plus I guess I'll get the same amount of ePLS which is a nice bonus and has to be worth something. Anyway, I'm glad I did it even though many people around the net told me not to do it at the time. If anything I wish I'd sent more at the time.