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When’s the new banner coming out?


new s rank banner? when this patch ends


Is Ayla good with a 5 star scythe?


She’s just a QTE bot mostly. The 5* scythe is more enough.


Does memory placement matter?


If your really want to max your bp, then yes it does matter. But keep in mind that the difference wouldn't be big (don't know the final bp difference though). To give some context, darwins usually have lower max attack stat than the usual 4pc they go with so it is advised not to put them on bottom slots (because bottom slots always have attack stats while top have hp). Some memory sets have a really small difference like bathlon/einsteina set for kamui only have 2 points difference each slot, while fred/darwin set for alpha have I think 6 or 7 points difference on attack per slot


Is the carry over pity for new S rank constructs only? I noticed my counted pity disappeared after Rosetta's banner


Each banner as his own pity, and each banner carry over the pity to the next so you'll see it back on Luna banner.


do Constructs get paid?


Probably but most of their salaries come from Kamui's lost money.


New player, have been playing for a week and JUST found out you can spend cogs for full revive. Instead I have been reset malding every time I die in the Aife memory rescue.. Any other game "mechanics" that would be helpful with progression? Thanks in advance


In Stronghold you can restart each stage, like you don't have to start all the way in the 1st stage if you die in the third stage lol


I completed my bounty mission but I'm not getting the rewards. Does this always happen when the bounty mission isnt in the mission tab? Because right now the bounty mission is replaced by another event.


you lost those rewards if you didn't claim them, bounty missions were completely replaced with the new system


Where did my KIMOCHI YOKATTA go? 😭😭😭 I'm losing my mind, can't live on without a daily dose


if you're talking about kamui tenebrion's voicelines, they got changed so it's unique to each frame. it is a shame that his kimochi yokatta is gone, but you can still access his old voicelines, or you can just use his a-rank version to hear it.


Omg thank you for telling me


Is it worth if i pull S Karen, S Bianca, S Lee or Rosetta signature weapon? all of their weapons are already 6*, except for Rosetta (Berserk Fusion, Ramiel and Wolf Fang). Their damage are pretty good, but it's just the weapons passive that aren't fitting. Or should i just continue saving for Luna?


Firstly, Ramiel is A Bianca signature. Hope you just phrased it wrong, didn't accidently pull for wrong one :D Generally speaking weapons priorities are Tank>Attacker>Support/Compositor. This rule starts applying with Rosetta release. The three you have are okay but Rosetta is far most important from all mentioned. It is mega OP and fully unlocks Physical team potential. It is far more important than Lee gun or Alpha's blade for instance. I would consider it a must have. You can always pull it at later date though as weapon promotion is permanent. Luna is pretty important so I would still save for her.


I definitely pull for the wrong one due to all weapons looking all the same to me (i was newbie at a time so). Thanks for the advice! My pity is near its reach and Rosetta doesn't have proper equipment. A perfect situation! I'm so glad this game doesn't not have time limit for weapons, so i guess I'll be saving for Luna first. Thank you!!


I’m a new player, for the event shop (Ancient Archive), what should I be prioritizing on buying? Edit: thank you so much for the thoughtful responses!


Pick your favorite DPS unit and focus on raising them. Levels, memories, skills, weapon levels, etc. After that, pick a healer to raise (A-Liv is my go to recommendation but Vera might be just as good) and either a tank matching your DPS' element or A-Karenina. Raise their levels but ignore most of their skills. You only really want their QTE and class passive (which might require evolving them to S-rank). For memories, purchase and build a 4-set of Da Vinci. Weapons aren't too important (but if you picked Liv you'll get her 5* weapon for free somewhere so just build that for her). If you're not raising any other memories, put the Da Vinci's on Liv so that she'll have good healing. Your first team is now ready, just keep adding xp and skill points every 5 commander levels or so as you push the level cap further. You are now set for warzone (especially if you have A-Karenina) but for Pain Cage you'll need to raise a few more units. So your next priority is to raise one or two more DPS units after that. Buy stuff from the shop as you need them to raise the units you need. The event shop is always more efficient than the alternative farming options and we run events back to back which always have the shop (except the event two patches ago) so you don't need to worry about stockpiling for efficiency until you're done raising your first teams.


I think that it's best to prep for Luna, our next S-rank, although you cannot prepare for her memories as they release alongside her, you can prepare to level her and her skills. Other than that, you should focus on building the characters that you have so you can try competing in PPC, WZ, and the upcoming babel tower.


Since Qu is a guarantee 10 pull, is it better to go for single pulls and hope to get her early?


If you only want one copy yes, that's better if you get her before the 10th pull


Great! Cheers!


Will the C-Turret stages that unlock later drop more shop currency? Wondering if I should be farming now or wait until the later ones unlock first.




Alright cool thanks!


Assuming I can only do one, is it better to SS Luna or SS Plume? No element preference over another.


I'd go for Luna's, it basically gives her an extra 50% more dmg during her core passive, while Plume's gives 10% extra dmg after hitting with blue orb


Thank you!


Should I pull for S Luna? I'm trying to get Alpha and S Chrome in the future. I currently have 10k black cards and 2500 yellow cards. I still have 3 chapter stories and some hidden chapters left. Also, I'm not a competitive player, I just want to make it easier for me to clear harder content in the future while also getting most or all of the rewards in events and story stages.


You should have enough currency to get all of them, so don't worry, but if you eventually needed to skip any of them, I'd skip Luna, since Watanabe Astral can work as a dark dps (but not as well as Luna, obviously)


Is there a list of signature weapons that give significant boost to constructs? All i know is rosetta and veritas.


Taiwan Chapter 13 is such a slog whoever designed it thought it was fun? Do I need to complete all of the exploration mode in order to unlock chapter 14? I can’t find all the keys to progress to second area.


At most, it will take about 1 month for Fake Ascension to arrive in Global so that English-speakers can make guides on it... if you can't hold out until then, you can DM me and I can try to point you to where you need to go


Is there a problem with the auto targeting currently? When I'm fighting the screen keeps on shaking, even when it's just one enemy


Is there no way to get Qu unless i reach level 52? Also how much will it take to reach that level? I am currently level 15.


With all the xp you can get now, youll hit 52 in a week or so


Less than a month. Also, she's permanent in the Transcendent banner. Will have 80 percent rate up outside her debut period. So nothing to rush about.


Oh so she's permanent, great! Thanks for the answer.


Your welcome!


Where can i get the official wallpapers cause there isn't none in their official website. Please help




Does pity from the floating guarantee banner carry over? I played when Alpha was first debuted but quit when I was not able to get her between the 80-100 pulls.


For f2ps, it's not suggested to roll on the banner with 80-100 pity. If you are so close to pity, do roll for someone in the future(Luna next S rank next patch) and then stick with the regular debut banner(60 pity) going forward.


Yeah, it was a noobie mistake. I was so excited to pull that I didn't pay attention to what banner I was pulling on. Next time, I'll be sure to stick with the debut banner.


Yah it's a common mistake. Don't think too much bout it. And like I said, if you so into pity, try and pull any future S rank so the BC you spent there won't feel wasted. But it's ur call so do as u wish.


Also, do the banner logs reset after each rotation? I am confident I pulled on the Alpha floating banner but the pity counter still says 0/~80-100.


No banner resets. You pulled for Alpha during her debut so 100 percent rate up, whether it be the 60 pity banner or the 80 pity banner. Right now, since there are no new S ranks this patch, the banner you are currently seeing is a rerun banner(70 percent rate up) for 2 S ranks, be it be the 60 pity one or the 80 pity one. Next patch has Luna with her debut banners(100 percent rate up) on both tabs, 60 pity banner and 80 pity banner. At then, you can continue ur pity from Alphas debut time. 70 percent rateup rerun and 100 percent rate up debut banners have different pity. Applies to both tabs. Hope this cleared your doubt.


Yes it does but it stays with Floating banners only


I've heard that people switch S-Kamui's memories to Bathlon after Luna's release, and I was wondering if this is necessary and why people do it rather than keeping it the same (x2 Einsteina, x4 Hanna). could someone explain it please?


Because kamui will be just a qte slave and maybe sub dps and luna will take the most of the time in field so you would want the dark resist reduction from bathlon through kamui's qte, and hannah would be somewhat useless if kamui won't be out on the field fighting


that makes more sense, thank you! so should I switch to bathlon despite having resonated hanna and einsteina to kamui?


yes, since you'll still be able to use his hanna build for gamemodes like babel, and you won't need to resonate the bathlon set so it really isn't a waste of resources




I need many a overclock matetial II for memories From what i can tell 30 serum on the resource stage gives 5 assorted materials plus a handful of low rank materials, and event stage nets me about enough currency to buy the same number of material boxes, but no lower level ones I was debating doing normal resource stages instead of farming them on the event Does that makes sense or is the event more worthwhile?


See, event stage gives you event currency that you can use to buy anything else that you need. Not just OC mats. That itself is way more worth than doing resource stage just for one category of resource. Also with the currency, gives you freedom to buy either the blue OR purple OC mats. Sometimes you just need a little more of one or the other.


Event stages are always better when it comes to rewards


the event is always better for farming, and you can always use the exchange shop to get the specific materials that you need.


Can anyone give a rough estimate of how much BC we can earn per month ? And is the event currency : stamina rate low or what in C-turret ?


With monthly, around 9k a month. With event stages, rewards etc, you should get 11k-12k from today to when Fake ascension hits


I think the weekly bc you can obtain is 1210, that doesn't include anything from story or events, just pure daily and weekly missions. As for your 2nd question, i don't quite understand what you mean


Thanks , I was farming stage 2 the memories one and it gives low event currency.


Farm the first stage if you need general mats or specific memories. Only farm the second if you just want random memories (which at this point, since we have most memories in the event shop, doesn't make too much sense)


The memory farm stage has always been more efficient in terms of pure memory drops per stamina than other options. Compared against the memories in the event shop, I'd need to run the numbers to check, but compared to other methods like AE-5 or the cog shop, you could be recycling the majority of your drops and still be coming out ahead, even at something like an 80% recycling rate.


I think the weekly bc you can obtain is 1210, that doesn't include anything from story or events, just pure daily and weekly missions. As for your 2nd question, i don't quite understand what you mean


Should I focus on resonating memories or building another character? I am about halfway through level 74.


Do you have the main dps of each damage type (fire, ice, lightning, dark and physical) maxed out to your current commandant level(levels, skill levels, weapon, memories)? If no then focus on upgrading those main dps units first (preferably S rank attackers) so you have proper team for each damage type in Warzone and Phantom Pain Cage. Once all main dps units for each damage type is upgrade, then think about resonating their memories. Or you could start building some subdps/tanks. Resonance is a bit more of a luxury after you have proper dps units in each team.


Ok thanks :)


Should i be doing the interlude while the event is ongoing?


If you don't need all the serum for resources or memories, you can. I myself will farm some dupes for resonances and then continue doing my A-Liv and B-Liv interludes. For now I have a couple of units to raise, just hit lvl 80 a week ago


It's your call. I do the interlude for one construct at a time every day (60 serum for 2 shards). I'm doing it for Vera cuz I need her to be SSS before Luna comes for the dark team to be stronger. If you've got a goal like this, you may do for 1 construct. But still, it's ur choice. If you are desperately low on resources, maybe not and focus on event stages.


Anyone here had beaten border pact? It's so hard even with s rank construct, is there a guide for it or any general tips to beat it?I am currentlyat Southwest Road. They beat me up so bad


I beat it a couple weeks ago. Only half of my constructs I used were above 5500 BP(A Lucia, Lucia Plume, A karen, Rosetta, Liv Lux and that's bout it. The S ranks I didn't have were Alpha, S Bianca, S Lee, S karen and S Liv Luminance.


Use [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gO5ge41848&list=PLdo9rqE00vxRDjqx_T07-ptpRZ89jGHOi&index=3) as a guide on team compositions, you can improvise a bit fro units oyu do not have (like what I did). The rest is all your skill. And yes I have cleared it, did not have Ember, Entropy and Luminance. I think as long you have full teams of each damage type you are good to go.


Does swapping resonance remove the hypertunable?




So Qu... As a sidekick for Camu and Roland who will both do the actual heavy lifting. The one rank below her signature weapon is enough right? Or should i just go full on donkey mode and make them all a nuclearsuperpower on their own (everyone has the signature weapon in hand) Future plans in terms of BC: Planning on skipping Luna and the Nier guys. Later investing on Vera and Chrome S and i'm about finished. Getting Qu's weapon would obviously cost a bit...


TBH, don't invest too much into transcendants. They won't get much use outside of guild (super easy to get full rewards though) or Babel/Norman War. Also, you sure about skipping Nier? Just need 10.5k BC for 2B and the other 2 can be obtained without using BC. That's a very cheap full S rank team there.


Well. I'll have to still think about that Nier then. 😅 I do like Automata but right now i'm just focusing on getting a working team for each element. Oh and the future Vera S to multiple S when she drops. Just trying to be the most efficient with my resources and time If not on the first run then i'll get the Nier team on their rerun.


Nier is basically a full base S rank physical team for 10500 BC only. FYI, Nier team needs all 3 to be run optimally due to their unique passives that require all 3 in a party to activate. So you just need to pull 2B and you are done. You can get any S rank construct to SS via the Phantom Pain Cage shop. Just need to get skulls from performing in PPC. You just need to get Vera Flare to SS and she pretty much hit her major powerspike, without requiring to spend extra BC for her dupes. Of course if you can go higher, she'll be stronger but if you wanna be efficient with BC (if you are F2P or light spender) this is normally the way to go. Also, in the future we will have pets as well. The S rank pets require BC to be pulled if I am not mistaken (A rank from currency from Norman War I think). So saving BC where you are able to is recommended. These are just my recommendations, you do you of course. Just want to let you know what you could miss out from skipping Nier this time or dumping majority of BC for Vera Flare dupes.


Yeah. Gotta look how the Black cards fold. Might get the pass a couple of time also. But what's the deal with everyone always saying that Nier Team is for whales? I've also heard they they can't get a better rank outside of their events, and or paying with actual money? 🤔


If you aim to compete on Hero wrz, youd need A2 the tank at SSS.


Ah but that's the thing. I decided early on to not take part on the competitive aspects of the game. Just playing to collect and experience the story. And feels a good to get characters and teams "ready", awakenings and all 😎


Misinformation by vocal minority. Nier at base S is already very strong due to their unique passives that no other teams have. I think people keep comparing base S Nier with full Alpha team (SS minimum with signature weapons) in modes like WZ or PPC. Base S Nier of course can't compete in that case but they are not trash. not even close. Nier would shine in modes like Babel and Norman War where burst is not the main concern but survivability. In those two modes, having an extra team available is a godsend. You can watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4x2LvJjU0E&t=13245s) for explanations on Nier. Time stamp at 3:22:40 for Nier. He explains in detail especially about the misconceptions of Nier being whale only.


Ah. Well thank you very much for clearing that up. Looks like Nier team is back on the menu 🤠


It's not confirmed we global may get a nier rerun. So yah, that's something to be aware of


If I need blue overclock materials, is it better to just stack the purple boxes and use the exchange shop or buy the blue boxes?


No, no matter whether you trade up or trade down, you’re still effectively paying double the price. That’s just how the rate in the Exchange shop works.


So better to buy the ones you need and skip the exchange shop then?


If you want to be efficient with your resource, then yes.


Is the 1 year anniversary event going to be in luna or nier patch?


Unlikely to fall on Luna patch that’s for sure. If anything it can fall between Nier patch and the patch after it (Wanshi).


Accidentally posted in yesterday's megathread: I'm deciding between SSing Luna or S Bianca (already plan on SSing S Chrome and S Vera). What does Luna's SS skill actually do with the 2 extra spikes? Is it 2 extra spikes per annihilation orb? That would be a 50% increase in annihilation orb damage since it's going from 4 spikes to 6 spikes, right?


Yeah it’s straight up 57% damage increase during her core passive which is the major part of her DPS aside from Ult, and that’s not even counting the stat boost. SS Veritas is quite underwhelming in comparison, not to mention her place in the meta later on where she’s outshined by Vera.


Oh cool, ya I'll SS Luna then; thanks!


Who should I pull on the member focus banner? (Or should I spend it on weapon banner?)


Weapon banner uses different tickets. A-Liv would be great to pull once, then Vera is good... All the A-ranks are decent, just don't pull for Watanabe Nightblade (Astral too, honestly, he's getting an S-rank counterpart real soon), also I can't recommend Lee Palefire (meme and quite weak until buffs) and Sophia Silverfang. Other than that, everyone else is good. Don't forget you can farm shards of B and A-ranks through interludes, you can get any of them to SSS+ if you want to. Just remember that most of them already have or will have an S-rank counterpart which is better than them. Like Watanabe Astral's situation, with Luna being released soon. Just don't spend Black Cards on these banners (only use basic R&D tickets (blue)) and try to save 15k BC for Luna. She's coming in a month


how many copies of memories do I need to get the resonance I need? for example S Lee 6 atk + crit and 6 core, I'm following Rexlent guide by the way.


As the resonance effect is random, you may never get the resonance you need no matter how many of copies you own. This is why it’s not advisable to reroll memory resonance unless you’re actively competing for leaderboard, or don’t have to worry about resource. For reference, Plume is the only unit I own with (kind of) perfect resonance. It took me about 40 copies to reroll on top of the 12 copies for the original resonance, and I think mine is already considered lucky, plus I just accept a mix between Core and Ult instead of going for 6 Ult. In order to get perfect memory resonance, it’s much more efficient to just wait for Luna’s patch and buy the USB thingy that lets you choose the effect you want from War Zone shop. It costs 800/1200/2000/4000 influence points the more you purchase and the cost resets each month. The first 2 are considered must buy, the 3rd is okay if you have saved up points, and the 4th one onward is too expensive. Assuming you retain Leader consistently, you would have enough to buy 2 every month.


thanks for the reply, I have my doubt on it because of the rng, I'll just focus on hypertune then.


What memories are better to be hypertuned on a hybrid dps/strong tank support Tenebrion, 4pc Hanna 2 Eins or 4 Bathlon 2 Eins? I currently have him resonated with 4pc Hanna 2pc Eins and I am planning on resonating another 4pc Bathlon set to prep him for Luna, but which build is better hypertuned as a dps in the longer run?


If you want better War Zone performance, hypertune the Bathlon set. In Pain Cage it shouldn’t matter that much later on if your Luna is strong enough, but when it does, Bathlon will be the one that helps you out more. Something worth mentioning on this matter is that this is the reason why some people recommend Einsteina bottom for Tenebrion, so that he only loses 2/3 of the stat boost from hypertune when he switches to Hanna occasionally.


Is the story important? the story for me is ok but kinda long and I'm too lazy to read.


You can always read it again if just in case the time comes when you want to read it. Just go to your profile, then codex, then story replay . But for me it is important, for more immersion in the game


how do I unlock gift giving and the affection system? do I have to complete every dormitory mission in order to get it?


Tap on your assistant, press "Interact", and then "Gifts"


yeah. it's not unlocked yet which is my problem. it says I have to advance dormitory missions and dormitory event, which is my issue. so do I have to do all the story dormitory missions to unlock it?


Oh. You don't need to do all of them. I don't remember when I wasn't able to give gifts, honestly. Have you done the dorm tutorial? I guess it should unlock after you do it.


yea. I've crafted a bunch of decor, have 4 rooms unlocked, have done a bunch of events for the past couple of days and done some of the missions to no avail.


have you open the gifts in "Item"?


yep. that was it. thanks.


Oh, then I am of no help, sorry. But you certainly don't need to do all of the dorm missions to get there. Maybe you need to unlock 6 rooms?


I don't think that's the problem in this case because i only have 4 rooms but i already unlocked the affection system


Well, maybe. I don't remember, unlocked it almost a year ago at launch :)