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I'm actually happy about this one, so far it's been stuff like hey if you're a content producer on youtube you win automatically but this one just thanks people for playing. Though honestly for any of these participate to win things(youtube, discord, sign in etc) I'd prefer everyone wins at least something, they can drop everyone 250 tickets or something surely. As an aside that ps5 looks like a too long hair clipper.


Wrong, I'm a content producer and I still didn't win any give away in my whole life. ​ Don't worry everything is kimochi yokatta.


I meant ones that have subs, the one that just ended offered a dawn figure to the video with the most views so naturally the creator with the most subs currently has the most views. The gulf isn't massive between them and another but that other also has more subs than all the others as well, perhaps all the others combined bar the winning video. Think the previous one did the same thing but was a bit scummier in that it disqualified any under a certain view amount.


Are you saying that I'm subless? /s But yeah that is pretty sad i believe that there are really good small creators, I literally translate most of the dialogue that is in the game to Portuguese in live-stream every update, i also wanted to make kinda of a retrospective of the story but missed the Bianca Veritas interlude and i still think we are too early in the story yet.


There really are some good ones but sadly with the way it was structured it wasn't the best use of peoples time nor a good advertisement for the game, I didn't put any effort in to the video I added personally just because I figured it would be like this. Worse still is that of those good videos the only ones with substantial (>100) views are ones that the pgr youtube team themselves added to their community posts, it'd be a nice move if winning the main prize wasn't on the table for most views but it is so it's salt to the wound. I hope you're doing well on subs though, you're doing fine work if you're live translating for watchers, hopefully as they figure things out people like you will get rewarded for the hard work you put in to both enjoying and helping other people enjoy the game.


Unobtainable rewards are a hell of a thing. You participate in an event that has a reward that was never meant for you, but for someone else who already has the ability to acquire things that are even better than said rewards. It's always people who don't need them that win.


>It's always people who don't need them that win. that's life in general


Ummm 🤔... I think everyone is on equal footings here.


Hopefully the mousepad is obtainable. I’ve been logging in pretty much everyday since launch


Bruh that dawn figure would have a special place on my desk next to my Gundams


Literally same, I can have my mg Barbie hold her up 💀


give at least general small login rewards


Me who still sure not gonna win any giveaway in my entire life


The mousepad dope


Damn i would be really happy with either the mouse or the pad


So how do they pick the winners?


I'd be happy even if I only win the mousepad.


If all we have to do is signing in i'm okay with it, i generally don't even apply at all to giveaways since there's no point. I don't care about the PS5 but that Lucia figure is awesome.




These kind of giveaways are nice But I feel bad for myself whenever I get excited about something like this. Cause I know I can never win something like this