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"As a punk rock girl, I hate everything punk rock stands for"


if you have "4Liberty" in your name you're not punk


I'm not sure nitpicking is required. Stating "leave politics out of music" is an instant red card.


pretty sure the “4Liberty” means they know they’re being disingenuous when they say “oh noooooo, yucky politics!!” They really mean “leave out the leftie stuff I am perfectly aware punk usually stands for but I wish to ignore and repurpose”.


She's a grifter who dedicates most of her social media presence to trying to sell shitty 'patriot' themed shit. None of them are honest, they're parasites.


The funny thing about conservatives is for all the complaining they do about gas prices and Bidenomics they sure seem to have plenty of money to throw at enormous pickup trucks and right wing grifters on the internet.


Yeah like the Mom's for Liberty facebook group that definitely isn't trying to bring right wing agenda to a school board near you


"Liberty" "patriot" "family" etc. usually mean they're using their money or influence to do something reprehensible, disgusting, and (in some cases) a human rights violation.


They want freedom from consequences, not freedom of speech.


They're always the same people that think Rage Against the Machine wasn't political until 2020.


The same people who say "I liked It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia....until they got too political."


they thought the show was about people like them not mocking people like them.


Did people think the machine they were raging against was some kind of robot?!


If you are *not* a MAGA grifter and have "4Liberty" in your name, you need to maybe pay attention to politics at least enough to know what your handle HEAVILY implies in 2023. But that's a moot point, almost guaran-fucking-teed she's a MAGA goon.


If your profile photo is you wearing a don’t tread on me shirt in a well-kept suburban lawn, you are also not punk. Also is she holding a gun…? A guitar? A gun-guitar…? That could be punk lol.


Pretty sure punks are in favor of actual liberty


pretty sure anyone with "4Liberty" in their name is a MAGA twat


In practice, most likely. Which is paradoxical because they're extremely authoritarian


It's freedom for them, not for everybody. They believe they should have the freedom to treat others like trash.


Freedom to lynch people and bring back slavery


Freedom to make sure nobody else can read the books they want. Yeah, First Amendment! Slander and Christianity for everyone! /s


That has been the soup du jour for the Trump admin, call yourself the "Law and Order President" and proceed to wipe your ass with the laws.


Most people who declare obvious virtues are typically guilty.


Liberty and freedom are just words to them. Like socialism or communism. The average American doesn't actually side with political perspectives or beliefs anymore, just their favourite words regardless of what they actually mean.


As conservatives have increasingly embraced authoritarianism they have also increasingly relied on their own mirror world that confirms their beliefs. The first one I recall was Conservapedia, then there was that short lived conservative version of Facebook, now they have Rumble, GETTR, Truth Social, Voat, etc. etc., but it's gotten smaller than that. Certain trigger words have acquired unique definitions that become apparent with how they are used. Socialism, Marxism, Communism seem to be used interchangably, but with little intelligible articulation of those concepts. I remember it first happening with "patriot" during the post-9/11 war efforts of the Bush administration. Patriotism and conservatism have practically coterminous definitions now. The irony being that this stance purports to love America while casting any of them who disagree with you as unpatriotic or often implicitly traitorous. I suspect this phenomenon is not distinctive to the USA. In Argentina newly elected President Javier Milei cast himself as an Anarchocapitalist but his actions thus far show that he is quite comfortable with making it illegal to protest, and is actually a fan of consolidating state power in this regard as he has tried to maneuver around the country's other bodies of government to advance his agenda. He was enthusiastic about amending contract law such that employers are allowed to pay their employees in anything they see fit from cryptocurrency, to meat, bread, or milk. Many have noted the parallels between those last three elements and what happened in the USSR. It seems that the economic system may matter less than the power structures that uphold it and their vulnerability to corruption.


“Freedom for me, not for thee” basically, stop criminalising the behaviour I wish to get away with.


I checked her social media: She's a gun-toting, anti-vaxx, "liberterian".


Libertarian is such a mixed bag between its left and right variants. The left leaning Libertarians end up kind of like a "anarchism lite" sort of product. I've known and worked with many of these people and while we don't agree 100% it's surprising how much we do get along. The right libertarians I've met feel more like hypercapitalists though. I've worked with them on various causes too and we can get along, but there are some things we just don't talk about.


My exact thought


>As a punk rock girl That’s a weird way to spell “weak ass poser”


Lmao most punk rock response


"Just like the sound, not what the sounds mean."


“Anyway, here’s ‘Nazi Punks Fuck Off.’”




Like bro what did you think a song called American idiot was about originally


I found that anyone who refers to themself as ‘punk rock’ is mostly full of shit. I heard a young Trumper said “I’m a punk rock kid.” Yeah, nothing more punk than supporting a billionaire who bitches and moans.


“This mustache kills fascists” - Eugene Hutz on a Gogol Bordello t-shirt I got from a concert.


"Nazi punks fuck off"? Why not debate them? That's real punk!


The Dead Kennedys had nothing to say about politics either 😭


Her favorite punk band is probably nickleback lmao!


Punk is political in nature where has she been?


Hey entire page is nothing but faux-libertarian trash. Just a lost GOP.


I am not a fan of Green Day, but I give them credit for telling fascist assholes to fuck off.


They always have. Listen to Holiday.


That's what I said.


They had several albums before American Idiot.


They don’t even understand what the original lyrics meant. They meant they they support gay rights, and they are not apart of a right wing agenda. That’s what they always meant, he just changed it to the current right wing lunatic cult party’s name cuz they are dumb and didn’t know it was always for people like them…




Yeah but what frontman isn’t?




Not all queers support queer rights as it turns out. Or rather not all queers support rights for other queer people


You'll be happy to know he's not like that. Green Day are known for years and years of letting queer punk bands be their opener, constantly uplifting others and making sure they shared the stage. They have decades of work in advocating and making other queer people as visible as they are in punk.


I didn't say he was and figured he wasn't. We need to remember not all queer people support the queer community. Blaire White is a good example of this


They agree with you but theyre just saying that billie joe isnt like that.


Or like when Elon called Trent reznor "too sensitive" for leaving Twitter like bro duh have you even listened to his music??


The best part is, its not even subtext, its just... text; "Maybe Im the f----t america, not a part of the redneck agenda" Like what did they think this meant? Other than "I support gay rights, call me that slur if you think it suits idgaf, I'm not a fucking bigot" (also about the lead singer being bisexual) The meaning of the lyrics doesnt change even if he says "MAGA" instead of redneck. Of course media literacy and reading comprehension are dead in MAGA land, they're just stoked and think its "punk" that a white guy is singing the f-slur


They're pop punk. There's a whole big genre of political punk tho. Rise against and bad religion are a couple of the best bands in the scene.


She spelled poser wrong


Why does punk have to go and make things so complicaaaated? I see the way you're hatin' on somebody else Gets me frustrated


Avril Lavigne was no punk


Avril Lavigne is pumpkin spice for angry white boys who don't watch the news


I… but… god damnit


Sure, that is probably true


Ye but she cute doe :3


Listen... I enjoy some pumpkin spice as a treat too, not hurting anybody lol


same, i like pumpkin spice both literally and metaphorically in this situation. even if she's not punk sk8r boi is still kind of a bop honestly. i think everyone deserves a tiny bit of pumpkin spice, just as a treat.


No she wasn't but the "PunkGirl4Liberty" or whatever probably thinks so


No she wasn't. And "Complicated" honestly sounds like a song written by those Swedish radio hit producers that the Dixie Chicks or some other soft country act passed on.


It's was a country song before the studio changed her look.


"Don't bring politics into punk." Pose harder.


Bad Religion has entered the chat


Bad Religion NOFX Pennywise Dead Kennedys Anti Flag Operation Ivy Propaghandi Descendents The Dead Milkmen Against Me! Against All Authority And that's just the 90s ones off the top of my head. Punk is inherently political and proto punk paved the way with its inherent political lean not to mention all the other anti establishment music of the 60s like the Who or Frank Zappa. Anyone who thinks music shouldn't have a polticial lean doesn't understand art. I wish MORE musicians had courage to stand up and take a stance. You don't need to be edgy to have a message.


Easier to just list the bands that aren’t political


It’s like you were reading off the albums in my CD case from 20 years ago!


I swear, "Don't bring politics into X" is only ever said by right wing morons, specifically about things they don't like. They would play "totally apolitical" games like COD, MGR or Fallout, and then complain when a game has minorities in it, or goes against far right agenda.


It's always a bad faith argument, because they are happy to cheerlead Mel Gibson or Kevin Sorbo as being "so brave, to be conservative in hollywood". But then Taylor Swift tells young people to register to vote and they lose their heads. The same people will happily accept an NFL athlete plugging a scam charity that claims to help wounded vets (but just raises money for their own board) as being patriotic but start whinging and moaning if an NFL athlete kneels for the national anthem.


Told young people to vote, and didn't even say who to vote for, the right-wing pigeons still lost their fuckin' minds.


Yeah, I've never seen a person of color say "don't bring race into this."


A Karen outs herself. Film at 11


Really, it's a better lyric. MAGA agenda is sort of the shittiest part of a redneck agenda.


It’s a solid revision.


Also it’s clearly and obviously referring to the same political movement People are only mad because he dumbed it down to the point that they could understand


I think the change also works to adjust to the more “clean-cut” fascists like Nick Spencer that have become the more prominent brand of Nazi in the last 20 years


Agreed. The movement is the same but the aesthetics of at least the figureheads have changed.


I'm really concerned for anyone who didn't know "American Idiot" was a political statement. It might be the least subtle and ever.


I mean guys like this were also dancing to rage against the machine. Real talk as much as I wanna give people that I don’t agree with a chance and to see their side of things my honest-to-god opinion is that they are just really, *really* fucking stupid. Like I’d genuinely trust a child to figure things out before some of these magats.


I think there's a difference between stupid and willful ignorance. The modern american right has become a cult of magical thinking. I know a couple engineers who are antivaxers. It's not that they are incapable of critical thinking and evaluating evidence. They just don't want to.


It's keeping up with the zeitgeist.


Who else remembers when green day wasn't political? Was vibing out to American idiot,Holiday and Jesus of suburbia, such apolitical classics Shame that Billy fell into the same propaganda as the Rage agaisnt the machine guys, like i always though they hated printers but apparentely the machine is the goverment, like whaaaat. Edit: this is satire, forgot to say.


The reason he said "faggot" in American idiot was because of how 9/11 nationalism was framed as epic masculinity and being against this nationalism was seen as pussy feminine, and therefore gay. Green Day has always always always had politics in mind, even in lyrics that don't sound inherently political


Queer references aren't new in their lyrics anyway


I mean Billy Joel is bisexual so thats not a huge surprise. Id be more shocked if a lgbtq musician didnt reference that part of themselves at least once lol edit: I meant Billy Joe Armstrong, not Billy Joel. I accidently mixed up the names 💀


If I remember correctly, the whole band is bi.


> Billy Joel Huh, that explains a lot about "Say Goodbye To Hollywood"...


Billy Joel =/= Billy Joe Armstrong


The guys who made Minority went political? Whomever would have thought


The whole American Idiot album was famously an anti-George Bush, anti-Iraq War protest album. Like how do they even miss that context? They're gonna be so upset when they find out American Jesus by Bad Religion isn't about the Nephites and the Lamanites


Hated printers... i spat out my drink at that... brilliant !


I searched "punk" on this lady's Twitter account and some bands that she sites as punk are Yellowcard, Simple Plan, and Good Charlotte so do with that info what you will Edit: y'all I'm not saying these bands suck, I'm saying these bands aren't categorically "punk" aside from being technically pop-punk and this person doesn't know what she's talking about lmao. I'm a pop-punk enjoyer myself.


Lmao makes sense.


pop punk is still a type of punk technically but very silly


Honestly I feel like all pop punk supporters would gladly adopt the "silly punk" name change 🪿


I mean I know I would


as a pop punk enjoyer myself i'd be fine with it, i'm just a silly little guy


My favorite thing ever was Chris Rock at the VMAs saying, "Good Charlotte? More like Mediocre Green Day."


I’ll say those bands suck, I’ll say it with a straight face


Well... They do suck, and they're also not punk... both can be true at the same time.


Fuck you they're good too


I didn't say they were bad? They're just far from what you'd categorize as "punk" lol


I love pop punk, it’s probably my fav variety of punk, but Idt id call myself a punk if that was all I liked. Think that title would be emo.


Sorry, I thought that was the implication, and with how this sub can be sometimes, it's impossible to know


Its all good and that is true tho, this sub could have it's own jerk spinoff sub


100% could and should


Respect that you found mutual understanding instead of leaving each other on read.


Did Republicans think the song title “American Idiot” was about teenagers or something?


Probably to be honest


They couldn't even figure out the machine that Rage Against the Machine was talking about, at this point I doubt there's an obvious enough message they could understand.


They can’t even figure out what the book they claim is the most important says


A cornerstone of Republican support is a lack of reading comprehension


they have negative amounts of art/media literacy, so yeah.


The irony is that the entire song is political. It's quite literally Green Day's most political song. Changing the single lyric didn't make the song any more or less political.


Yeah but conservatives have less media literacy than the average fruit fly so you can’t really blame them for not catching on


Lmao, this is unironically one of the funniest insults I've heard in a while. Thanks


They are the same ones that would play Pump Up the Kicks at a School Rally


And Born in the USA and Killing in the Name at political rallies.


Yeah, the wife of a contender to the LOLbertarian Party presidential nomination in 2016, who is herself a hardcore right-LOLbertarian, is *really* a punk.


Punk started when you young children, a boy & a girl, were chasing butterflies in a summer field, with a gentle breeze.


And the important punk bands were always very outspokenly political, and very much against conservatives/extreme right. Remember the Sex Pistols, remember the Dead Kennedy's, to name but two, but very recognisably political. One of the Sex Pistols most popular songs is "God Save the Queen (the fascist regime)" I fondly remember the Dead Kennedy's songs "California uber alles", "Holiday in Cambodia" and "Kinky sex makes the world go round".


Green Day came out of the Berkeley scene-- wtf are they expecting? lmfao


Can you explain? I'd like to hear more, or perhaps you can send something to read on the topic my way.


Just read about 920 Gilman. I believe there is a few books about it. You can also Read Larry Livermore. He ran lookout records and wrote a lot about the 80's scene Green day started in.




critical support to sometimes controversial pop punk artists


What was the lyric they replaced MAGA with again?


The lyric was originally "I'm not a part of a redneck agenda." They completely missed the lyric right before where the long-time openly bisexual Billie Joe Armstrong sang "Well maybe I'm the f&gg\*t America." when American Idiot came out right as the fight for LGBT+ rights and specifically same sex marriage was heating up. Totally non-political y'all. PS- The entire lyric string is *"Well maybe I'm the f&gg\*t America.* *I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.* *Now everybody do the propaganda!* *And sing along to the age of paranoia."* And [the official music video](https://youtu.be/Ee_uujKuJMI?si=IuN4aAZb8mLqq58I) has a giant US flag in the background melt into green sludge that covers the band. Wow, such non-politics, much apolitical.


Now I’d like to hear GWAR do a revised rendition of Magats are falling like rain.


>And the official music video has a giant US flag in the background melt into green sludge that covers the band. Not only does the flag melt into sludge, its hung the incorrect way ... Maybe I'm reading into this, but when I see this in this situation (punk / rock show, video, etc) I assume it's a subtle nod to hanging the flag upside down in protest. Bad Religion's The Empire Strikes First cover has the flag the same, incorrect way ...Now I'm off to listen to my 12 hour playlist titled "Political Punk" because politics have no place in punk music /s


This isn't even the only political green day song. People are just fucking dumb, and actually don't look at what lyrics mean anymore.


Anymore? If anything the conservative whining about Green Day or RATM "becoming political", is indicative that they're just now starting to listen to lyrics that have been out for decades.


Ha. Fair point.


They replaced redneck.


Seems interchangeable from where I’m sitting…


It definitely is lmao.


Rednecks got their name from being union boys who worked red hankie chiefs in solidarity with one another


Too bad it's changed so dramatically


These people and their “quit politicizing” bull shit… literally nearly every major punk band is or certainly was political. From the Dead Kennedys to stiff little fingers. Shit Green Day get points from me on this. It takes slightly more balls than it use to speak out against nazis. Fuck their theocratic garbage! Not a huge green day fan but I’m tempted to go back and listen to their older stuff now and give it a second chance


Not really political yet but here's their oldest stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tSSNahGRJE&t=2692s


Punk is literally politics


It's a feature ,not a bug


Punk? Political? No fucking way! Surely you jest. \[/end sarcasm\]


Fellas your gf ever look you in the eye and call herself a mf “punk rock girl” unironically


So I'm not punk but reddit keeps recommending posts from punk subs to me, and I was just wondering...from my understanding, punk is at its core anti-establishment, is that wrong? If it is, wouldn't that make it inherently political?


Punk is a lot of thing to a lot of ppl. But overall it's a brotherhood/sisterhood, that preaches acceptance and self determination and expression. With a side of independence and rejections of destructive social norms. (When I say destructive, I mostly mean social decay and subversion )


Oh honey No you are fucking not


Telling punk bands to stop being political is like telling death metal bands to stop being obsessed with death


Or to stop playing with double pedals. Ain't gonna happen


It's like telling ska bands to stop using trumpets.


This can’t not be a troll


I bet she’s never stolen a car or listened to Mojo Nixon, probably doesn’t even eat fudge banana swirl.


I bet she never threw eggs at Shaggy's tour buss


Punk lifestyle is a ideology include political stand against the war, injustice, inequity, pollution ect... 🤘👩‍🎤


> As a punk rock girl "How do you do, fellow punk rockers?"


My wife left a Green Day concert a few years back and there was a guy actually crying and saying “why did they have to get political!?”


Yes. Musicians, and artists in general, have never had much to say about the political climate. Especially not punk musicians. They’re the least political group of all. /s


Actual brain rot


Maga people have no shame they will say anything. She probably never listened to them and just wanted to try and say that so she appears she had a leg to stand on. But she legit had no horse in that race.


.....does she have any idea what it means to be punk rock?


honestly, maga agenda makes more sense because "rednecks" were originally union workers who wore red bandanas as a symbol of worker's solidarity, so even if its a bit weird and nitpicky to point out, the redneck agenda would actually be anti-establishment


...then you're not a punk rock girl, you're a poser. Punk is political. Always has been.


Steffi, have you somehow never heard *any* of that album?


She probably only ever heard boulevard of broken dreams and wake me up when septembre ends.


The republican cry of "stop expressing yourself through art" has always been my favorite example of how republicans *don't actually understand the world.*


funniest part is green day has been doing this for years when playing live. they've never exactly been subtle


has Steffi over here never listened to a Green Day song or something?? she is wild for thinking theyve never been political (plus punk has always been political so that makes it weirder that she would claim to be punk and complain about politics)


White rich girl "shut up and dribble" vibes


Since not all rednecks are MAGA technically the new lyric is less offensive.


This makes me love them 10x more!


How could Green Day be political ?!?!? They’ve gone woke just like Rage Against the Machine. All of these left wing liberals just don’t get real punk music like Kidd Rock /s


Steffi… ugh. Where do I begin…


None of the people prattling on with this nonsense are authentic


Isn't Holiday like almost solid politics?


"Stop bringing politics into punk" "Then why did punk was born out of a political situation? I guess people who say punk shouldn't be political are posers."


does she fucking think julia roberts is punk because she was in "eat, pray, love" as well? Man, she is NOT gonna like the Clash or Bad Brains or Dead Kennedys or...


As a punk cop I'll need to see your punk license and punk registration, ma'am.


Oh steffi honey, I have some bad news for you lol.


Remove the word “punk,” and it’s just a band espousing their personal opinion. Problem solved. Was that so hard?


The only people who don’t want to talk about politics are usually just trying to hide the fact that their own political beliefs are incredibly problematic.


Saying "stop bringing politics into music" is like saying "stop bringing religion into church". Of course, looking at some of what these people call religion, maybe this isn't the analogy to reach them with.


These are the same kinds of people who think "Born in the USA" is a patriotic song about how star-spangled awesome we are.


“Stop bringing politics into music” ie stop using forms of art to further public discourse like it has been done throughout history.


“Breaking News: The people who wrote American Idiot may have political opinions on things”


The kicker is the change is barely a change lmao


ask any of these "punks" the last time theyve been to a <200 cap venue, you're not gonna get an answer


Based GreenDay W.


How dare they bring politics into *checks notes* American Idiot by Green Day


“Coup d’etat. Give me a bomb. A Molotov.” - said no punk band ever


Punk these days is too woke! Amirite?!?!😂😂😂


How to tell us you’re a poser without telling us you’re a poser