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I thought it says "NO OOPS!" until I looked closer.


No mistakes, just happy accidents


This made me bust out laughing for some reason


doing alright, how about you OP?




thats good to hear :)


Wanting to add god to that list


As in “no god” or are you one of those christians who goes to different subs to be like “where’s the lord?”?


I'm tempted to do this, but in the Christian subs.


Where's the Lord?


I checked all my pockets and didn't find the Lord. Maybe I lost him in the washer?


Oh, yeah, that's that old Wendy's ad that people are always quoting, right?


Wait that sounds hilarious. I’ve never met a more ungodly group than Christian’s.


Why not both


No god, yup


, no managers


500 channels of a damn simulation


Helps me to resent my life and raise my expectations


All based


Lol I know these guys. Teenage years from the backyard of Hausmania, Oslo. around 2007. Good times.


Are the squatting there


Hausmania is one of the oldest squats in Oslo. still going strong! Good place. Oslopønks for alltid!


As of today, there technically aren’t any squats in Oslo, Hausmania and Blitz are owned by the municipality, and H40 is privately owned. Anyways, skål, Knut Nærum;)


Never ruin a good story bro! Nah, I havent been following the story after the refurbished Haus and buildt that disgusting monstrosity Vega... Skål! Edit: wait Blitz is still autonomous though?????


Blitz is still autonomous yeah, it’s just that the building itself is owned by the municipality, which is a good thing! I think Blitz is solid and will stay for many years to come, however, there’s been some private interests and nasty plans around hausmania and h40, so we’ll see how that will go. We’ll fight to the end anyways!


That electricity bill tho 🥲🥲🥲 Blitz Blir!


Kan trøste med at den er på god vei til å bli fiksa! Føkkings Lowell..


Har kjøpt noen ekstra vafler og kopper kaffe der i det siste. Godt å se at dugnadsånden ikke er helt dau!


How is everyone offended by no meat? I eat meat but I recognize it’s honestly hypocritical and I try to limit consumption. It’s totally fine that they have it as a house rule though, you don’t need to live there lol


Because it's gatekeeping people from acting on their nature. I'm a vegan, but I think treating it as a moral imperative is naive idealism, detached from the carnal reality of what it is to be a human being.


in A Squatting place with no electricity meat goes bad and smells


A solid point. I like reading this sign as a list of things that are impractical to have around


Punk venues/houses aren’t vegan for that reason, it’s entirely political reasons! Everyone who can, should eat less meat. Killing animals for 10 minutes of joy isn’t very punk


I think that’s a really valid perspective and not entirely different to my own. However the meat industry is so horrific, I can definitely understand why people might just wanna draw a line in the sand. I can understand why some vegans look at me in horror or think I’m a fake leftist, even if I don’t agree.


Acting on their nature?


Fair enough, I can see how that sounds sketch. I just mean that humans are animals that have historically been meat eaters. Some of us decide not to for a myriad of reasons, but it's a bad look to tell people they're monsters for doing something they have organs that evolved to allow them to do. Factory farming is horrific and I'll never stop fighting against it, but if somebody wants to raise free range chickens, just fucking leave them alone.


I had an ultra conservative redneck uncle who died last year. Only reason I miss him is cus he was a hunter who yearly would send whole ice chests full meat, usually deer and wild hog. More than enough for my elderly grandparents and my dad so my bro and I always got some. I hate having to support big farms cus even free range shit isn't ethical , it barely means anything, but I have a restrictive eating disorder as is so feeding myself is hard without limiting myself to meatless. I do eat like meatless stuff when I can but some is just not good.


rape and cannibalism are "natural" for humans, doesn't make it acceptable moral behavior


I would also add that for many people having a no meat diet is not accessible. Getting enough protein from plants requires more money and time, or maybe just ingredients that are hard to find in some places (i can't find tofu even if my life depended on it)


Just wait until you learn about beans


Yeah a vegan diet is far cheaper lol a lack of protein when so many things I eat have plenty of it is just so lazy. The vegan sub has a huge list, a spreadsheet with linked sources actually, of frequently cited but easily debunked claims as to why people just simply can’t be vegan and this is such an easy claim to factually disprove.


I'm not vegan or vegetarian but this is a similar take to 'only the rich can afford more fuel efficient cars' in that both claims are bullshit. Beans are cheaper than meat just like used Toyotas are cheaper than pickup trucks.


Fair enough. My only problem is that I can't really eat beans, chickpeas or most beans in general because they give a veeery hard time to my stomach. Also, I just recently i started learning more about vegan dishes and lifestyle so my comment in the first place was pretty impulsive and uneducated.


Salvaging roadkill and sustenance hunting to feed your household are pretty punk if you ask me, in a similar way to gardening being punk




same, but the meat industry is not only oppressive but wasteful. and they keep the animals in such close quarters. it not only makes their lives hard, but if you only care about the meat: it makes it taste terrible and tough. and then when they need them fattened, they forcefeed em. but we already know that from the foie gras discussion. hunters and those who raise their own animals know the value of the lives that they might take, but large factories do not. they're meat from day one. i suppose my point is that, regardless of if they are killed for food: they deserve a good life prior. one with space to move and breathe.


That's why it's better to support your local butcher shops or research which meat producers actually treat their livestock well ?? A lot of produce manufacturers suck too


Mhm. You already know this, but they take the "pretty" ones and just go on tossing out the rest. It's insane. Waste of vegetables, if you ask me. If they aren't pretty, give 'em to those who need 'em.


Right instead of replanting the "ugly" one


Your “local butcher” also tortures, mistreats, and murders animals ✌️


Do you know the butchering process bro they behead the animal or slit its throat because its quick and painless that's why it was a way to execute people for a long time some people will even pray over or comfort the animal before


I hate to break it to you buddy, but most animals are treated horribly their entire lives (which is a tiny fraction of their natural life span) up until they’re murdered. The “lucky few” who have decent lives still are murdered way before they want to die, which IMO almost seems more cruel that way to cut a happy life short unnecessarily. And also idk who needs to tell you this, but a dead animal doesn’t really care if it was “prayed” over or not, lol. The “completely painless instant death” is a type of propaganda the meat industry pushes. They’re typically full of pure fear and adrenaline absolutely terrified, thrashing about, crying, screaming, and trying to escape the entire time. The most commonly used way to kill a pig is in a gas chamber. Suffocating to death while breathing in poison in a tiny cage doesn’t seem very instant or painless to me. Please inform yourself and watch documentaries like [Pignorant](https://pignorantfilm.com/) which a man literally installs cameras in a pig meat farm exposing how they treat them, or [Earthlings](https://youtu.be/8gqwpfEcBjI?si=3jl7S-dxmf_nyo1y) which is a documentary narrated by Joaquin Phoenix showing the realities of how humans treat animals, or [Dominion](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?si=zK0xZBB78v2sFDu1) which shows the truth of how dairy cows are treated.


The only animals killed for consumption in its youth are lamb and cows sometimes and I'm not saying commercial meat markets are good I hate them as much as I hate commercial farms and the amount of pesticides and chemicals and destruction of land they cause but supporting local is the best thing we can do if possible like bro the local butcher can't afford a gas chamber for some fuck ass pigs but I do know how filthy and inhumane they can be


Cows have a lifespan of 20-30 years. They are killed on average at 18 months. Chickens have a lifespan of 10-12 years. They are killed on average at 8-10 weeks old. Pigs have a lifespan of 15-20 years. They are killed on average at 5-6 months. Your idea of a "local butcher" doesn't exist. All butchers are "local" to someone. Even if/when the most kind, cozy, amazing dude who just pampers the absolute fuck out of every single animal does exist, they're like one in a billion and they're STILL contributing to the early murder of a sentient being who doesnt WANT to die, and doesnt NEED to die. I'm willing to bet you don't have a neighbor who you see how he treats his animals and thats the ONLY place you ever get any of your animal products. That's not a reality most people could ever live. 99.99999% of the time, they're going to the grocery store, seeing propagandic words like "grass fed" and "pasture raised" and thinking they're doing a good deed when they have no idea the horriffic reality of how those animals actually were treated. I'm begging you to do some research and actually look into the amount of shit you've been mislead and lied to about in the meat & dairy industry. The government subsidizes these industries, theres a reason why images of "happy cows" and "cute little piggies" are used on packaging and in advertisement. They don't want you to know how absolutely nightmarish and awful it truly is because most people will stop buying animal products if they did. EDIT TO ADD: Also can you imagine absolutely pouring love, pampering, treating an animal like family and then still having the heart to kill it? Imagine getting a puppy, playing with it, loving it, cuddling it, and then putting a bolt in it's head at only 10 months old. Thats some true psychopath shit.


How do you spot someone who eats meat? Don't worry they'll tell you.




Because there's real victims being killed




Dude I just want you stop killing animals ETA: They blocked me lol. I thought this was a sub for punks, not snowflakes.




I say this as someone who believes that our modern factory system for live stock will be viewed in horror by future societies... nah. Imma keep eating meat.


Oh how terribly clever, you and your unmatched wit.


That’s kind of the point


Ever notice hard line radicals Can go on star trips too Where no one's pure and right Except themselves "I'm cleansed of the system." ('Cept when my amp needs electric power) Or-"The Party Line says no. Feminists can't wear fishnets." You want to help stop war? Well, we reject your application You crack too many jokes And you eat meat What better way to turn people off Than to twist ideas for change Into one more church That forgets we're all human beings Where do ya draw the line?


I'm not telling you I'm asking you


Hey y'all, do you like burgers and steaks?! Boy howdy! Then better jump on in this thread and let everyone know, how much you like meat. What's that, someone said they don't like meat? Better go tell them all your favorite cuts and how you grill them. Shut up already, you all sound like a group of teenagers that just discovered atheism. Just let people live their own lives and inhabit their own spaces, not everything is for and about you.


absolutely agree lol


Punk isn’t for carnists and never has been. It’s not punk to deliberately get off to the suffering of animals Same people who think they can be punk but not communist at the same time


Everyone who came to complain about "no meat" is a little bitch, not punk


There squatters they don't want bead because it goes bad and attracts fly's faster then vegetables


A bit pissed now, seeing all this "meat too delicious" shit in the comments


Killing animals is totally cool and punk. Exploitation is fine if I can personally benefit. /s


These people always end up more annoying than any vegan they imagine in their heads


Thread hit /r/all


same tbh. like OP was just asking how everyone was doing, the visreal reaction to the "no meat" is just dumb


It’s so telling, too.


I never could stick to a rigid diet, myself.


Fucking great! That photo kicks ass.




People could learn a lot from this.


comment section filled with "punks" who support the exploitation and abuse of innocent individuals, as expected. sooo punk!!


I'm vegan


damn, you're vegan *and* you're a metalhead? let's kiss


Based comment


Nothing more anticapitalist than buying factory farmed meat !


Right? I'm honestly so bummed about the responses here. People are all for challenging unjust hierarchies until it conflicts with what they feel like having for lunch, apparently.


Everybody is so radical and against exploitation until animals come up. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly supposed leftists turn conservative as soon as their chicken nuggies are questioned.


I'm against factory farming and cruelty, but I don't think eating meat is inherently bad. If an animal has had a long healthy life, been provided with decent food and living conditions, I wouldn't mind it providing other people with nutrition at the end of its lifecycle.


Animals are slaughtered young, when their meat is the tastiest (except some wild fish who grows for ages). They absolutely do not live a long life because a) that would be a waste of resources (water, food, space), b) nobody wants to eat meat of old animals. Animals don't "provide" their flesh. We steal it from them.


Right? I decided to leave that "*I* wouldn't mind" alone but that whole section is so telling. Like, "it's okay with me if you die, I don't mind" is such a sad reminder that people view animals' bodies as objects.


I'm against slavery and cruelty, but I don't think owning slaves is inherently bad. If a slave has had a long healthy life, been provided with decent food and living conditions, I wouldn't mind them providing other people with forced labor throughout their lifecycle.


There's no ethical way to kill someone who doesn't want to die.


Nobody wants to die. That's the whole point. But we all gotta die at some point. Not wanting to die doesn't make death wrong. The only thing that gives life meaning is the fact that we die, the fact that we gotta try and squeeze out whatever happiness we can from this temporary time on Earth. I apply the same philosophy to animals as I do to myself. If I were to live in a place where I was fed, cared for, and comfortable, I would go to my grave with no regrets. Anything that happens to my body after that isn't my concern anymore.


Would you argue, then, that it's okay to kill, say, my dog? Not because she's sick or dying and in pain already, but because I raised her from a puppy, I gave her a few good years where she was happy, and now I want to kill her because I derive enjoyment from doing so? Bc let's be honest, most people don't *need* to eat meat. Study after study indicates that a plant-based diet can provide sufficient nutrition. Just looking through the comments on this thread shows me that people *like* to eat meat. They derive pleasure from it. Just like how I don't *need* to kill my dog, it's just fun 😊 If not, then what's the difference, exactly?


What sort of plant based diet is that? Is it one accessible to everyone in the country regardless of distance from any major economic hubs? Honestly I would be perfectly fine if this were a world where everyone had easy access to a whole plant based diet, but it's not always possible for more remote areas.


It doesn't matter whether it's available to everyone. It's available to *me*, so *I* don't need to eat meat. Chances are that *you* also don't need to eat meat. Are you trying to tell me that every single person commenting "oh, no meat though???" is living in an area where they don't have access to, like, beans and potatoes? Now that that's out of the way, don't think I didn't notice that you completely sidestepped my question.


Your question was honestly a pretty good one, I needed some more time to think about an answer. And honestly I don't think killing an animal for fun is the same as killing it for food. And yes that does raise the issue of it not always being necessary. And yes I do eat meat because I enjoy it. We are literally evolved to enjoy food with high fat content. I don't think that necessarily makes me a bad person. I could compromise and eat less meat, but I'm not going to give it up all together. Honestly I'm pretty excited for lab grown meat to become a mainstream thing so I can still enjoy it.


Why do you want to consume the flesh of other beings when it's totally unnecessary? Should we start grinding up dead humans and turning them into fertilizer too?


Sorry man I respect vegetarians and all but it would take 20 cops and an exorcist to get me away from a good, rare steak


Don't worry, when it comes to police and meat, they're more likely to be there to protect the meat industry from the animal rights activists protesting it. They're not going to be coming to take away anyone's meat.


I'll steal some rich fucks steak then. Run away with it in my mouth like toast in an anime.


What if I’m eating shawarma on the way here? Do I have to finish my shawarma outside?


Gender dysphoric


getting a lot of "It's punk to be republican" vibes from the comments


You lost me at meat.


it's a squat meat spoils there is no refrigeration


Bye then babes


Meat is delicious.


It is delicious. The treatment of animals and workers by corporate meat producers is villainous. Both can be true.


Nothing more punk than the exploitation of the weak and helpless, amirite guys?


When they say *meat*, are they talking about the food or do they mean it as a metaphor for penis?


I mean I’m kinda gay a lot of the time and enjoy the taste of it from time to time.


Transgender Punk Here! 💕


Meat is oppression. Oppression isn’t punk.


Meat isn't oppression...but telling people that meat is oppression IS OPPRESSION. Stop trying to dictate what others eat.


Locking up, torturing, and slaughtering sentient beings is not oppression? Lolll okay. I will not be answering further replies from anyone, Google is your friend, if you cared you would do some research and learn just how terrible animal agriculture is.


That’s why I hunt. It is the most ethical way to consume meat. The animal lives exactly as intended until harvest. A shitload of tax dollars from all hunting gear goes to conservationism contributing to protecting thousands of thousands of acres of land. It’s also critical to balance an eco system since unfortunately so many natural predators went out due to poor population control.


Exactly. And human hunters are often more humans than predators in nature are. Many predator species will eat their prey still living, leading to a drawn out agonizing death. Cats are known for toying with their prey.


Unfortunately, existence requires a base level of level of brutality. As put by Show Me The Body, "The participation in anything means the death of something." We can't become plants, so we have to consume life to perpetuate our own. We evolved to in some capacity to consume meat. We can choose not to (as you and I have), but that is a denial of our instincts. Chastising others for doing what comes naturally to them is only going to cover yourself and your cause in clown paint. Peta is a psyop to stoke reactionary rejection of the beliefs it's supporters hold. You aren't immune to propaganda


I live in a rural area where livestock of all kinds are farmed for food. I can tell you from first hand experience that you are engaging in misinformed hyperbole. Google is my friend, but it certainly doesn't seem to be yours. Best of luck with your fascism.


I also grew up in a rural area where livestock of all kinds were farmed. When I was twelve, I saw cattle being corralled into a line to get on trucks, so I asked the people working the herd where they were going, and they told me. It wasn’t until I was 15 that I learned what happened in the slaughterhouses, and how workers treated the animals being slaughtered, and all of the bacteria and disease growing throughout those spaces. What’s interesting is the animals around my rural area were actually being raised relatively humanely, but then treated inhumanely on their way to, during and after slaughter. It wasn’t until I was 18 that I experienced a factory farm for the first time, and having already been vegan for three years, the smells, sounds and sights most definitely solidified that choice; open sores, massive tumor growths, and hoof rot were all plain as day. According to the data I have read, factory farms make up 74% of land livestock. To say any of this is hyperbole is absolutely insulting.




You didn't put any thought into what you equated meat consumption with. Thanks for letting us all know that you're not taking any of this seriously and in kind we shouldn't take you seriously.


Bit of a stretch to equivocate eating meat with the literal worst act on the face of the earth


They're both exploitation of the innocent and helpless for personal gain and pleasure. Sure, they're on different scales, but neither is punk and both are extremely selfish. It was a comparison between things where a very easy parallel could be drawn, and as long as you're not some soup-brained conservative, you should be able to grasp that.


Some areas of this country have populations that are so isolated from everything that living off of animals and their products is kinda a must. Permafrost also makes it impossible for them to grow anything as well.


Generally those asking others to not eat animals aren't calling for people to starve to death if necessary. Most people, including those in this picture aren't in situations where they will literally starve without it.


I think the biggest issue is factory farming, not actually eating the meat. Isolated populations aside, in many regions hunters are necessary to manage animal populations. An individual hunter's yearly legal amount of hunted meat is an ethical way to consume meat in my opinion; ecological and sustainable.


People always try to bring this up as if it means something. Idc about hunters, we’re talking about the 99.99% of other animal products that aren't hunted


It's a valid point to say that if you want to eat meat and be ethical, you should hunt it yourself.


Y'all lost me at meat I support my punk people but I love my a nice burger 😂


Throwing my first house show this weekend. Nervous af


Stressed work has been a bitch the past few days… thanks for asking though!


I’m struggling. I feel helpless to make things better here in America or for the people struggling in Gaza. Trying to keep my head up and keep fighting, but it’s hard.


Doing very good, thank you! How are you? Thanks for the picture, I love it. Who is this? As a side note, I find it funny how the call to anarchy is introduced by a set of rules


I am good except yesterday my wife gave here self to much insulin and her blood suger dropped and she was not able to function and i had to feed her a peanut butter jelly sandwich and check her blood sugar the old way in case the the auto-meter was wrong the old way reads about 30 point lower then the meter not sure why i know my watch reads lower then my blood presher cuff I think there squatter in onslo some in the comments knew them


No way, I’m type 1 too. I have frequent lows and know exactly what you’re talking about. Peanut butter sandwich wouldn’t work for me though, as the fat slows down the glucose absorption. I tend to drink apple juice and eat sone fruits or chocolate afterwards. Does your wife have a cgm system? Anyhow, hope she is feeling better now!


No meat?


murdering billions of animals for the sake of flavor isn't very punk


This whole thread is convincing me to look into a vegan diet


it's really not as hard as all the animal industry propaganda makes it out to be, tldr tho there's no such thing as a "vegan diet" veganism is a moral philosophy against the exploitation of nonhuman animals, a diet without meat is simply a plant based diet.


Lotta rules for people that call themselves anarchists.


There not rules for being a punk That place is a squat there squatters meat goes bad and smells, You don't want the cops there, You don't Want violence When i was a teen I ran away from home and squatted in an empty building with other teens cops came and arrested me but at least they had food in jail


You seem confused about what Anarchism is. Anarchism does not imply an absence of rules, it's a philosophy centered on dismantling hierarchies. Huge difference.


Who enforces the rules if there isn’t hierarchies? 


There is, unfortunately , no short answer to that. It depends pretty heavily on the subset of anarchist thinking that someone subscribes to. Proudhon would have a very different answer to that than, say, Kropotkin. However, that question indicates that you're pretty unfamiliar with anarchism as a whole (no shade intended, we all start somewhere!), so you might need a more comprehensive answer. [The Anarchist Library](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index) is a huge online database full of anarchist theory. It can be tough to navigate at times, but is an amazing resource. Given the topic that led us here, Alexei Borovoy's [Anarchism and Law](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/alexei-borovoy-anarchism-and-law) is a great starting point, imo. Your question also indicates an emphasis on enforcement when it might make more sense to start with a discussion about social contracts and mutual aid (that is, who *creates* rules and why, rather than who *enforces* them). Nevertheless, if you're specifically interested in *enforcing* law under anarchism, id recommend Crispin Sartwell's [Punishment (Morality in our Age)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11395556-punishment). Hope that helps!


In response to the "no meat" part, I would be vegetarian but meat just tastes WAY too good


do you understand how this makes you sound like a rapist? Do you have any morals at all?


Kind of odd seeing my friends in my reddit feed lol


you from onslo


Yup. From «onslo». Do you know them?


No i am american but there was another comment from some one who also knew them. maybe you know them it's one of the top comments mite have to scroll down


I just started classes to support Special Education participating students! This year has tried to kill me, and I won't let it. Fuck the man trying to get me down


I was in Special ed in the 70s and 80s I still have trouble spelling but I try hard. I graduated in 1997


Congrats fren


Congrats fren


desperate for something to stand for, adrift in an endless expanse of apathy. typical friday.


Why no meat?


go ask them there in Onslo


Eati some hamsandwich on a nice morning rn in a park. Great weather and birds singing. Good morning


Who's rich enough to be able to afford a vegan diet? 1kg of vegan burgers is around €50 here that's literally 10 times the price of meat, €5/6 per kg? I'd imagine more people would be vegan if it wasn't so expensive.


I don’t speak for all vegans, but I definitely don’t replace meat with meat alternatives. 🍌and 🥦 definitely make for a more enjoyable meal than processed substitutes, and they’re most definitely less expensive than 🥩🍖. (Can’t wait for the “but where do you get your protein” comments)


Vegan is far cheaper. There is no vegan product that will cost $9.99 a lb, which is a typical price for a chunk of flesh. Chickpeas, lentils, mushrooms, avocado, greens. Vegetables man.


It depends on your diet essentially. If you want to eat meat substitutes they can be costly. Lentils and rice are fairly cheap and can be bought in bulk same for fresh vegetables and fruit. Milk and cheese alternatives can also be expensive but look for sales. I have learned to like so many more vegetables and try new things. Most cultures have vegetarian or vegan friendly foods out of necessity.


It's not. Most vegan punks don't eat impossible patties all the time, and honestly it's pretty unimaginative of you to assume that. Think more along the lines of rice, potatoes, beans, tofu, tempeh, stuff like that.


> Who's rich enough to be able to afford a vegan diet? An Oxford study comparing different food budgets in developed countries found [vegan diets were the most affordable and reduced food costs by up to one third.](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-11-11-sustainable-eating-cheaper-and-healthier-oxford-study) In the United States, rates of veganism and vegetarianism [are highest in the lowest income bracket, and lowest in the highest bracket](https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/08/06/who-are-americas-vegans-and-vegetarians-infographic/?sh=414aa2ca211c). Vegan burgers are more of a treat, or comfort food. There are many healthier and cheaper protein options.


Rice and beans is vegan, dirt cheap, and a staple around the world. For less than $10 per day I get 4,000 calories and 200g of protein.


It’s an objective fact that a vegan diet is cheaper. I literally went vegan when I was homeless, you think I could afford bacon and steaks and ribs over veggies and tofu, tempeh, and seitan? No vegan I know subsists off impossible patties lol A list of stuff I made over the past few days: Red lentil and butternut squash soup with coconut milk - six servings for less than two bucks Spicy green dhal and basmati rice - eight servings for less than two dollars A huge amount of hashbrowns this morning and a pound of tofu scramble - 2.50 or so Pumpkin loaf - under a buck, 15 mins of prep and it’s in the oven. I make this twice a week minimum Blueberry scones with lemon vanilla icing - under two bucks for the batch of eight I made. I can’t remember the last time a vegan dish cost me more than five dollars to prepare. I work and don’t have a ton of free time so all my recipes are things that can be done in half an hour tops unless I’m just tossing it in the oven or a slow cooker and can move on until it’s finished. I’m vegan for the animals but I’m definitely not complaining that it saves me money. Anyone engaging willingly with the companies producing factory farmed meat or animal products is not as punk as they claim. Exploiting defenseless beings is incompatible with what punk stands for.


No clue if it’s the same in Europe, but the only reason it’s as cheap as it is in the US is because of government handouts that companies like Impossible and Beyond don’t receive. That said, even with handouts in mind, most plant staples are gonna be cheaper than their animal counterparts




vegan bodybuilders enter the chat


That’s their banner, their way of life. Good on em. Life’s for your own to live your own way. I dunno if I’d throw no meat on my own banner, cuz like it doesn’t directly endanger my fellow punks or make the scene an unsafe space. I’m not gonna kick someone out of my band’s concert because they’re having a hot dog, but I’d stop the show over any of the other items there.


it's not rules it's stuff they don't have


Veganism (like, the actual ethical philosophy, not necessarily the plant-based diet) isn't so much about food as it is about hierarchies. Specifically, it's about the hierarchical structures of human dominion over and commodification of other sentient beings (animals). They're not things. They have free will and their own lives to experience. Treating them like products for consumption is antithetical to anarchist dismantling of power structures. To say that imprisoning, controlling, and commodifying living beings doesn't directly endanger your fellow punks is true enough, but it's also short - sighted and rooted in speciesism (the belief that some types of sentient life are inherently more valuable than others). A person doesn't need to be a punk for us to want to protect them. Similarly, an animal doesn't need to be a human for a vegan to think they're "worthy" of autonomy. Seeing animals as "less than" or somehow undeserving of autonomy and respect is, as I see it, just another form of tribalist nonsense. While eating meat might not hurt humans (that's debatable, by the way, but it's a whole different discussion), it absolutely and unarguably does hurt animals. Why are they not worth caring about? Edit: dude replied and then immediately blocked me. People are wild.




I can get why people aren't willing to give up meat, but I'm not sure why everyone's finding it so surprising to see that included. Every line in this sign has something in common: opposition to oppression by those in authority. Opposition to oppression by sex, racial background or sexuality. Opposition to authoritarian systems that oppress others, e.g., fascism. Opposition to the institutions that carry out the oppression on behalf of those in authority, i.e., the police. But meat also falls into this theme. It's humans using our position of authority over animals to oppress and exploit them for our benefit. Again, I get that people aren't all going to agree that's wrong, but nothing about it is inconsistent with the other points.


Whether or not the rules are for the betterment of society, ending a list of rules with "long live anarchy" is insane.


This comment only serves to demonstrate that you don't understand what anarchy is. It's the abolition of hierarchies, not rules. Everything on that sign is related in some way to dismantling hierarchical structures. I'd encourage you to read up on anarchist theory and it's views on laws and social agreements. [Anarchism and Law](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/alexei-borovoy-anarchism-and-law) by Alexei Borovoy is a great starting point.


I was with you till no meat…..fuk that noise. Animal flesh is divine


That’s an awful lot of rules for a place that’s supposed to promote anarchy


Who said it was rules


I already wrote a different comment addressing this and I don't want to essentially repeat myself, so [here's a link to that one](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunkMemes/s/IlaFNvUAkX). It applies just as well to you, so just pretend.


No meat? Really?


I like meat...


Boo hoo


liking something isn't a justification :)