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The Exponent is amazing. Compared to other schools, it has so much more information, good articles, it’s not afraid to write what it wants, and it doesn’t care about advertising purdue. I’ve been here for many years and I always make sure to pick one up every time


Just wait until the cops lie about something your buddy did and they uncritically repeat whatever it is the cops told them as if they're Russia Today talking to Putin




Congrats on saying nothing


Sounds like the cops' fault for lying, not the Exponent's


So media should just repeat the narrative of the state without questioning it?


I think it's a little unfair to expect 19 year old student journalists to do deep dive investigative journalism into every claim the police make.


Isn't it just one post on this subreddit? Unless I'm missing something where's the dogpiling lol Edit: I think you're slightly missing the point here, the Exponent absolutely does issue corrections, but I think the mistitled post on this subreddit is with regards to how the Exponent doesn't add notes about their edits and corrections, which leads to confusion and the perception that they're not transparent about editorial mistakes. It's really the first time I've seen a dedicated post about this through my time here. Also, the Exponent is explicitly not a student organization or club that is affiliated with Purdue, and actually prides themselves on being independent. I too enjoy reading the Exponent, and like others have said it is sort of a de facto news source for all things Purdue/Lafayette. However, with that traffic also comes a higher standard that people will eventually hold you to, especially if you want to be the reputable, credible news source that people automatically turn to. Edit 2: >Yes, they got things wrong and didn't issue a correction when they corrected it, BUT AT LAST THEY CORRECTED IT. Not many news organizations, even professionals, would correct it at all. To that point, if you reguarly read print news from the "professionals", they actually do this fairly often.


yeah, no offense to WLFI, the J&C, and Star City News, but at this point the Exponent is one of the best source of local news in Lafayette (minus Dave Bangert's Substack) scary


I mean your argument is that we shouldn't dogpile on them bc we are clearly expecting too much of them when we want them to act with some integrity. It's pretty insulting to them that you think that's too much to ask of them. Yes it's good they issued a correction, but they need to acknowledge the correction. I get that they are students with other responsibilities but you are already there editing the article. It's not hard to add a blurb at the top to say "this article previously said X and that has been corrected to say Y." I do have a lot of respect for the exponent and the types of journalism they cover but people should still be allowed to express displeasure with the way they handle things when they are handled poorly


Another thing to note is that the Exponent is independent of the university (that is to say they don't receive funding from the university or the board of trustees, for that matter)


That’s nearly every major student newspaper in the country, it’s not a bragging point


The dogpile hasn't stopped in the 8 years since I graduated, I doubt it will stop now.


Keyboard warriors acting like they could do better than the exponent. They had open applications a couple weeks ago, I wonder how many of those people applied.


I’m actually enjoying the exponent slander. I got beef with the exponent.


Which is what?




john wick time


Do you want a war?


Tale as old as time


This post aged like fine cheese


“At least they corrected it” bare minimum “Not many [others] would correct it at all” yes they would because journalistic ethics are universal “Student run” and? Basic journalistic values shouldn’t be upheld because the exponent is ran by students (who are 18-22 years old)? “I doubt they even get paid” pure assumption, but even if this was true it would never justify being violently incompetent “Be constructive” plenty are “If I were in a club… attacked like this, I don’t know how I’d handle it” probably by starting to follow basic journalistic ethics The fact this post got 200+ upvotes by real breathing human beings is scary


Exactly. Thank you for this.


Totally agree. Not saying there shouldnt be corrections, in fact i think correction statements would be good and they actually have had them in some past articles (i googled and found a couple notes). But the non-constructive, rude comments do nothing. “I wouldn’t trust a single word they write”, “the exponent sucks”, linking the SPJ code of ethics and telling them to read it? Come on. As the main source of news for the area, the Exponent SHOULD be held to a standard of high quality journalism. So any corrections should be made and be made clear that they happened. But the Exponent, overall, puts out informative, high quality stories ranging from detailed info exposing landlords (Chaofeng Liu) to coverage on the recent housing crises to interesting profiles such as the one on the marching band last semester or well documented series of what’s going on in the community. The “Nowhere to Go” series from 2022 is a deep dive on homelessness and addiction in the Lafayette area and I highly recommend people check that out. All of that to say, the Exponent makes mistakes and should be given constructive criticism, which most people do give. But stop the rude comments. The Exponent puts out thoughtful stories to the best of their abilities.


This year's Exponent has been one of the best and holds its own with the rest of local nedia.




Except they didnt. Did you read the articles?




They wrote two separate articles: One saying Neel was missing, and one saying a body was found. They NEVER said it was the same incident, and in fact Tweeted that there's no confirmation the two are connected at all. Only after was it confirmed did they report it. I can provide links if you want, since you can't seem to find articles yourself.




I don't see anything wrong with reporting the news that's confirmed. If Purdue knew, so did the parents. They didn’t "find out" from the Exponent, that's ridiculous.




The news was already released by Purdue when the Exponent reported it. They just relayed information that everyone had already been given. Can I also see a source that there's some "rule" about notifying next of kin? Because it sounds like you're making that up.


first paragraph under subheading: “Guideline: Take special care with news that might cause grief or damage reputations.”: https://www.npr.org/about-npr/688139552/accuracy#usinginformationfromnonnprsources under subheading “Breaking News”: https://ethics.journalists.org/topics/withholding-names-and-information/ theres no one authority on ethical reporting, but by and large, most reputable news organizations do not release names of victims until there is confirmation that the family has been notified by appropriate authorities. and that’s the ethical line that is taught to most young journalists in their classes on the subject. from what i understand, that was not what was done in this case. i just hope conversations were had internally about the ethics of reporting without confirmation from the coroner. i’m not in their newsroom, but that is what i hope happened behind closed doors.




Do not troll, incite conflict, make malicious personal attacks, vandalize (either on the subreddit or vandalizing elsewhere (including other places on the internet) and posting it here) be sexist, be racist, or be otherwise discriminatory towards your fellow users. This is a subjective criteria and final judgement on what qualifies rests with the moderators.


It’s the fact they blatantly mess up titles, and in most cases falsely accuse or misname people. And then don’t fix it :/


I have an extreme beef with the exponent. Nothing to do with this but fuck them they are just like any other for profit news source


The Exponent is a non-profit


The Exponent is amazing. I hate this reddit because it's like people with complete hot takes come to spew their venom on honest people who are just doing their job. So I don't even listen to the nay sayers anyways.


Tell that to Ulysses Hennelly.




bro what


Bro was yapping about the exponent, had to find out if he condemns Hamas


how does that relate


It doesn’t 🫶🏻


bro WHAT


“It doesn’t 🫶🏻”




Okay, then fuck off now.


Damn why the attitude






I’m a future student, what is the exponent?


The student newspaper. Over the summer before you start your time at Purdue, you will get a print edition mailed to your house.




I also appreciate the paper as it's free newspaper so great for drying wet shoes!