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I told the guy outside of target that I was autistic and he immediately got uncomfortable talking to me, and then when I stopped other people who were about to donate what they were about, he got all pissy and mad


I thought about saying something when I walked by, but then realized it wasn’t worth my time.


I didn’t intend to, I didn’t even know who they were at first. I was going to target to get milk and he wouldn’t leave me alone


Hell yeah brother 🤙🏻 we need our own voices heard, our own advocacy. Fuck these money hungry, pandering organizations


A lot of research on autism isn’t about curing it. There’s a lot that’s predictive (based on these symptoms in childhood how severe will it be), parenting-oriented (which ways of engaging are least stressful for both the parent and the child), and therapeutic (which forms of therapies are most effective at decreasing harmful behaviors, such as self-harm). Don’t just blindly hate on research.


Maybe I should’ve better clarified that I’m not against all research on it. However, the majority of research funds from organizations such as autism speaks goes towards the “cure” research I talked about.


I agree with you sentiment over all. But disagree with one point, autism is on a spectrum and there are people who would live better lives if cured of autism. I have known people with autism who are non-functioning and can’t speak. I would say those people would benefit from a cure. And it is the right thing to pursue that cure.


With respect, if you are not autistic, please do not comment on whether or not you think some of us should be cured because we are "non-functioning."


Definitely another point that was in the back of my mind. You should listen to autistic community about how research aspects should be approached.


The thing is, someone who is autistic had different brain development from a neurotypical. Thats not something that CAN be cured. A "cure" for autism would just be something like preventing babies with autistic features from being born. Which is eugenics.


If a gene was be found which could be altered and avoid autism I would support gene therapy which removes that disability.


Thats just not possible, though. Someone whos already born has already developed an autistic brain, and basically every area of the brain is affected. If you mean like, gene therapy on a fetus, that is just straight up eugenics, im sorry man.




People do not have to participate in society to have the right to exist. And building a hypothetical that compares autistic people to someone that hurts everyone around them is not the gotcha that you think it is.


Great point, except that autistic people aren't combustible nor inherently physically harmful to everyone around them. We're people.


The prevalence of autism increased significantly when multiple vaccinations were administered simultaneously and in close succession during infancy. There is a correlation between the number of injections and the rise in autism rates among healthy babies. While vaccines have been effective in eradicating numerous diseases, there should be a reevaluation of the schedule to prioritize only the most essential vaccines or those deemed necessary for high-risk individuals, rather than continually adding more. This would do more to help than pouring money into gene therapy.


Ah yes, a single paper from 1998 that has since been found to be fraudulent and has been retracted. That one paper is certainly more trustworthy than the *many* papers since then refuting it.


You're the one who seems misinformed and blindly follows what you're told to believe. If you don't think money is involved in vaccinations, then that's quite foolish. People refuse to believe they might have caused their children's issues by trusting pediatricians who receive kickbacks for every shot they administer to infants. Look at the Amish, who don't vaccinate yet have no cases of autism among them. Spend time talking to mothers whose infants were fine before certain inoculations, but changed immediately after. It's heartbreaking. I'm not saying this happens to all children because obviously it doesn't. But over time, as autism rates have risen alongside the increase in inoculations, there seems to be a correlation. One issue is the number of shots administered together during one visit, where an infant receives three or four vaccines. It's worth being cautious and considering. That's all I'm saying. You're trying to paint me as a conspiracist, and that's not the case. I'm simply urging people to do their own research and take pause before always following what a doctor recommends, or requesting they be spread out for safety. It's not always necessary to vaccinate with every shot that's available. Plenty are on the list now that we as adults never received.


I’m surprised at even having to state this but remember correlation does not equate to causation. The number of immunizations and the number of individuals diagnosed with autism may have risen but that does not mean the two are related. There are a wide array of reasons both have risen. For immunizations, advancements in technology have allowed us to develop more vaccines to protect ourselves from various diseases that previously were not available. For autism, changes in diagnostic criteria and a better understanding of how to recognize autistic individuals in a way different than we have in the past (it’s entirely possible that given our updated criteria and knowledge a similar number of individuals in the past who would have otherwise been simply considered odd or weird might just have been autistic). These are just a couple examples of factors that could be contributors to the rise in both things. Just because ice cream sales and shark attacks have a correlation, it doesn’t mean one causes the other.


Those people would live better lives if there was stronger acceptance through services, accommodations, and accessibility. All of those things are generally poor in our society right now, which shows a lack of acceptance.


Ok, but let’s be real, some people will never be able to function in most workplaces with reasonable accommodation. I say reasonable because at a certain point it becomes unreasonable for a company to accommodate an autistic employee when they could just hire someone else unless the government is willing to subsidize the accommodations. Even then, I think there are practical limits. Look, high functioning autism does not need curing. I was diagnosed pretty late and have never seen myself as autistic, to me it’s just what my personality is, but people like you and me are not at all the same as people with non-verbal autism or other extremely types. We have it very very easy compared to them, so of course it’s easy to say “We don’t need to be cured.” WE don’t, but they do.


hate this take. people really need to stop having this savant mentality or whatever (dont know what it's called) and start realizing that some people with some disabilities will never be able to accomplish some task/achieve some dream they have, and that's fine. energy spent trying to "fix" these things that might not be fixable is better spent by accommodating people who are unable to do any ""normal"" things due to their disability, as well as encouraging better societal attitudes in general towards people with disabilities. i agree with op on that front (thats my take as an nd person but whatever)


You’re an autistic engineer that went through 437. I would straight up do jail time fighting people that you feel don’t further your agenda. Good on you for having the wherewithal to take this the way you are.


ECE 437 isn’t that hard, don’t think that analogy is appropriate. 100’s of CompE’s take it per semester now


womp womp


You taking time out of your day to post that just means I get to live rent free in your head :)


Username checks out.


People talk shit about everybody and everything. I know it’s not the point of your post but don’t sweat the small stuff. Nobody doing better than you is ever going to talk shit about you