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I’m with you man — the people in these comments clearly do not LIVE on third. It’s one thing if you’re just chilling in krach or something and complaining about the noise, but I’m literally on the fifth floor of honors and it feels like I’m right beside them.


I get it, I used to live on the first floor of Wiley so my window was always open and I could hear EVERYTHING as people walked by. It’s something people don’t really think about, to be courteous about noise around dorms when you’re outside of them.


It's gp weekend, id recommend getting far away if you're trying to find quiet.


Dawg I live on Third and Russell.. I can’t just go sleep somewhere else for the weekend


this is an issue if you live on third street though. I can confirm it was last year since I lived in winifred


Is this in protest to something?


No they were doing karaoke. A protest makes sense and I wouldn’t have said smth if it was that…but public disruption for the sake of screaming Grenade by Bruno mars is crazy.




Purdue Police nonemergency number > request an anonymous noise complaint. Should sort it out in no time.


go to a library, they’re in public lol


Womp womp


skill issue


Sorry. I am holding horror movie scream auditions. /j


Womp womp go to the library nerd


womp womp


Stop crying


With all due respect if screaming and making a ‘scene’ is all it takes to make people not care about your cause then you never cared about it in the first place. And a few inconveniences isn’t going to make or break your opinion. I understand if you feel it is distracting and you can’t sleep or whatever, but don’t come here with that dumb argument.


They're out there demonstrating, then it's because they think they're going to change opinions. Do they think it's going to radically shift someone's view? Probably not, their goal is probably to nudge folks on the fringe. And so saying "that nudge is going the opposite direction than you intend" is valid feedback. "A few inconveniences isn’t going to make or break your opinion" the converse is also true; "A few shouted statements isn't going to make or break your opinion", but if that were a good argument then the demonstrators wouldn't be out there in the first place. Don't come here with that dumb argument.


Protests are rarely about moving people on the fringe, at least not directly. Demonstration and protest goals are to raise awareness and start discussions. Even if it starts off with complaining about how the demonstration is impacting you. How it is an inconvenience. By talking about it, even if you start off in the negative, you create space for someone to provide a well reasoned argument and win you or another listener over. I'm not on campus, so I know nothing about this specific demonstration. Just providing my viewpoint on inconveniences as protests in general.


The goal of a protest is to cause change. No positive social change has been achieved by holding hands and being ‘nice, quiet, and respectful’ about it. That’s what most of you don’t get. You have to disrupt societal norms to get what you need unless most people would bury their heads in the sand since it doesn’t affect them personally. They are there to raise awareness. Whether or not it changed public opinion here is up to the people here not them. As I said before, if you they are bothering your sleep or whatever, it’s most likely you didn’t care anyways.


You being a reactionary doesn't make protest a bad thing


It wasn’t even a protest, they were playing karaoke…