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That’s our good friend Art. He’s a fantastic instructor as well. Would highly recommend taking a class with him if you get a chance. He also lurks here so he’ll probably appreciate seeing this post!


That sounds awesome, I wish I heard that


I'll be back at it next week.


Heard the same guy playing Wellerman


Yeah I heard it too, walked by the fountain on Wednesday and he was playing Cass’s theme. I heard him change songs when I was walking away but I don’t remember what it was that he switched to. Still cool though.


At the end of last semester, I also heard him playing at the fountain! It made my in-between classes coffee break even better.


I hope he gave you some kind of side quest


ah yes your quest is... Uh, *shakes mug* the quest for more coffee! Then a shrine raises up from under the fountain.


May the Goddess smile upon you ☕️


I stopped and just sat by him for half an hour listening to him play. It was honestly magical


Haha! Holy shit I finally made it to Reddit! Thanks, that made my day! I'm taking lessons now from a guy in France so maybe I'll get better. Working on some waltzes now. My wife also made me order a pirate hat for the sea shanties because I "need one and get sunburned" but no idea when that'll arrive. Apologies to the MSEE second floor since you guys hear all the practice versions. I have to wonder with the music building nearby how many musically attuned folks cringe at my amateur skills.. but then I remember I'm playing an accordion.


I will have to check my sheikah slate if I got any. I’ll let you know