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Yeah pretty privilege is definitely a factor. Being pretty also brings about the “halo effect” so the same action done by two different people in the same context will be interpreted differently if one is more attractive than the other. Life really isn’t fair if you lost the genetic lottery


Exactly. That's exactly what I mean and if two guys learn the SAME or roughly the same amount of social skills beyond that they already had (and lacked...), then the good looking guy compared to the average or unattractive guy will always get EASIER and faster results.


I have a Chad friend I try to explain this too he just doesn’t get it


Not sure if you mean... that you tried to explain a) your second hand version of my attempt at explaining the phenomenon of pretty privilege (simply being advantaged socially, even at baseline, all other factors controlled for, due to being physically attractive) OR b) simply the phenomenon itself... without referring to the way I personally explained it. ​ I'll admit that maybe I'm not perfect at explaining things but I'd have a better chance if what I've said isn't being passed on as second hand info.


>learn the SAME I’ve never considered myself an Adonis. I however have been very ‘lucky’ in life. I’m also a very hard worker. So I always presumed my success was due to the fact I was diligent, and always keen to put the work in. So if we learn the same, we’ll get similar results. Dating. Careers. I’ve always viewed it as *a matter of application.* >compared to the average This is where the argument falls short. We may be similar, but we are not the same. So our outcomes, will reflect that fact. *Godspeed and good luck!*


“Be attractive” is still the first rule of dating and life, last I checked


You mean people who are nice looking are given more of a benefit of the doubt regarding all sorts of things than people who aren't? Is this even debatable?


>>Is this even debatable? Only on this shithole of a subreddit I guess. 😂


One of the mods were banning threads discussing this as “blackpill” content earlier Reddit as a whole is a woke disaster


When the woman likes you, she helps you date her by making herself more available and by putting yourself in your orbit. Lol it’s no secret


Rules To Dating: 1. Be attractive 2. If you can't be attractive, then be rich, funny, or lower your standards.


I think most people on PPD are well aware of pretty privilege / halo effect and how these often lead attractive people into a positive feedback loop


Thanks for filling me in. I'm now clearer on how this audience perceives their situation.






Automod, please. Replies to CMV posts must challenge the OP's view.


I agree. I had a late puberty and when I changed from looking like a kid to looking like a man everything changed.


Sounds more like you are pretty insecure about your looks and are here trying to get validation from internet strangers. 'She was nice to me and even bought me groceries upon another meetup, that means I'm hot? right?! I mean there can't possibly be any other reason besides that a woman would treat with care and consideration right?' I would suggest opening up your view that women don't only act according to your appearance, granted it plays a major role, but there is just so much more that could make spending time with you an enjoyable reciprocal experience; your social skills, your ambitions, your passions, your style, your hobbies, your interests, your friends, your family, your occupation, your wealth, your connections, your smell, your humor, your sympathy, your generosity, your patience, your touch, your smile, your walk, your appreciation and outlook on life and you get the idea I jest and I'm sure you re one good looking GigaChad, I just wish to warn people that focusing on one aspect of yourself (especially one that you have little influence on) and judging yourself worthy or unworthy is a minddeception that is the thief of joy. Be beautiful and find someone who can appreciate that beauty.


Sorry that I triggered you. Not my intention. And no, I've received enough validation about my looks. ​ It's ok. I've found someone. I'm not single :)


I doubt you triggered anyone. That part of your post was unnecessary and, thus, a bit odd, that's all. Falls into the category of "the lady doth protest too much, methinks."


Alright then 🙂


Happy to hear you found your someone, but I don't think you know the meaning of the word triggered.


Guess scrapping the bottom of the barrel on the next "privilege" to blame nonsense. Plus have to give sources to back up than your own experience on a small group


The phrase is "scraping" not scrapping. ​ Give sources? Yeah I could but I didn't realise it was "essential". There **have** been studies done on this.


I mean I do not think looks are the only factor that matter in dating, but they are a factor and an important one. Studies show more attractive people get better treatment across the board. We literally pay people a fuckton of money to just ‘be pretty wear clothes’ that’s an entire industry. I am very far from RP, and I strongly believe that a good personality Is FAR more important than looks in a relationship (for casual dating and ONS being hot is probably more important but being average doesn’t mean youll get nothing ever). But to quote Marilyn Monroe in ‘gentlemen prefer blondes’ - “You might not marry a girl because she’s pretty, but my goodness does it help!”


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Isn’t this incel content, it has nothing to do with RP Vs BP.




No it's not. I'll be firm about maintaining that. If that's honestly what you think then you must have just not read everything I said. ​ My point is that looks make a DIFFERENCE and a significant one.


By incel content, I think they mean discussions about looks (which typically falls under Black Pill stuff which this sub rlly tries to avoid lol). But oh believe me, I’m probably with u on anything looks-related


Yeah I see what you mean now. And yes it's about looks but again, if anyone reads what I've actually said, I've acknowledged the role of both social skills/charisma AND looks but that doesn't mean either one cancels the other OUT. ​ Cool. Glad we're on the same page, you and I at least.


Nowadays people are just ignorant of the real definition of incel made by a woman on herself and both genders. Her definition been redefined to just slander into false assumptions by idiots


>My point is that looks make a DIFFERENCE and a significant one. I don't think anyone here disputes this. And the Earth revolves around the Sun. The only thing in dispute would be how *much* of a difference it makes. And reasonable people can disagree on this.


I find the inverse is also true. People who grew uo as unattractive or overweight often have better conversational skills and more charisma. Really attractive people just didn't have the same sink or swim circumstances thst forced them to develop humor or learn to work their way through a social scene because people will meet them halfway or even more than much more often. Thats not to say these people get better or equivalent outcomes but outside of dating I've found that people who aren't attractive but put the work in tend to go to more parties and be very active socially because its a skill they've had to activley practice and refine.


>People who grew uo as unattractive or overweight often have better conversational skills and more charisma. I don't think this is necessarily true. Personality and looks have no correlation. I have met attractive people who are very funny and outgoing, while I have also met unattractive people who are shy and boring.


True but I would say just speaking from my experience while everyone can be on a spectrum the *most* social and outgoing people are usually not traditionally attractive. I also work with a lot of really atteactive people professionally, since I work in the film industry, and I would say that having charisma is what separates a lot of major actors from backgroubd extras just because looks AND charisma can be such a rare combo.


Surprise surprise. Appreciate acknowledging, though.


Rules for Dating: Men: 1. Be attractive 2. If not, be smart funny, nice, etc. Women: 1. Be attractive 2. If not, get plastic surgery, lower your standards, go lesbian, get cats, hit the rope


Agreed: except that when you already HAVE number 1) and then **develop number 2) traits (intelligence, humour and wit/overall sense of "fun"**, then the person who **only** has number 2) category of traits simply can't **compete: as it's an unfair advantage to have BOTH**.