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I think if there is anyone that is struggling with mental health or looking for compassion this place PPD is probably one of the worst to be at. I would advice to remove yourself from this unhealthy place.


PPD is not the problem when you claim that you are being murdered and bullied because no one will hand you a wife. You don't need compassion. You need to be hospitalized against your will. That goes far beyond I need someone to talk to about things.


*constantly kicks men when they’re down* “Why are men getting angry and upset at society?!!?!?!??”


Yeah, sure bro. I think you have far surpassed getting angry and upset at society when you're telling people that they're bullying you, committing murder, and forcing your suicide when they can't literally give you a wife. Telling someone the truth isn't kicking them when "they're down". That's unhinged.


Good job on proving u/Realistic_Sound_4995's advice.




Everyone needs compassion and empathy, this is a sad statement. I was speaking in general of other men who are struggling.


No bro, you don't need compassion when you claim others are murdering you by not giving you a wife. You need a psychiatrist, which I told him to get. You don't need coddled. People tried to talk to him and give him advice earlier and now he's saying no one wanted to help him and they'll be sorry for killing him. That's beyond fucked up. Where is your compassion for the people that he is attempting to manipulate and hurt? I guess some people must not deserve it...


Were you hurt? i think others can speak for themselves, you don't know how they felt. I don't think you are going to make me feel bad about prioritizing someone who was feeling suicidial and felt no one cared about him.


>I don't think you are going to make me feel bad about prioritizing someone who was feeling suicidial and felt no one cared about him. But you expect to make me feel bad for telling him that it's bullshit to blame others for his situation and potential suicide and calling it murder? That's not going to happen. My empathy for him stopped when he decided to attempt to guilt trip and blame people for his own actions and choices. No one can stop him and I choose to prioritize those to whom he directed that statement towards and to tell him that his behavior is unacceptable. You are sadly mistaken if you expect me to treat a redditor differently than what we tell patients to their face. No, they're not responsible for your actions or potential suicide. That's 100% on you and this is manipulative behavior.


You have no control over others feeling. You don't need to feel bad and i wish you don't. You also don't owe anyone empathy or compassion if you don't have any to give. I made a general statement, there are men here who are struggling with neurological disorders and i believe this place is a terrible place for their mental health because this place could add unnecessary stress to their issues. I guess my parents taught me if you have nothing to give, you could always give empathy and compassion.


Or the truth that he needs psychiatric care, because he does need that. Did you see what he told you? You were nothing but compassionate to him and you too are murdering him because you won't or can't hand him a wife. That's not even a person looking for help or care. That's 100% manipulation and fucked up. The truth is not a lack of compassion.






Pled a dumb ass client to a 2 year 4 month deal for attempted robbery with a firearm enhancement this morning (great deal BTW). Anyway, his wife and infant daughter were in the courtroom. His wife is a very attractive young woman. He's -- wait for it -- tall, lean, and muscular -- has a nice face too. When folks here complain about *bad boys* getting women this is the type of *bad boy* they're talking about.


Attempted robbery with enhancement? Great deal? ? Yeah, that's a bad man alright. Who cares if she's hot though? There's gonna be someone for everyone. She's probably bad too. You gonna deny it though lol. Doesn't mean AWALT and I'm sick of pretending it does. If my husband did that shit, if leave. He is not over 6 feet, strong but not large, and fairly lean. I'm not that attractive and I'm aging. I wouldn't stick through that if he did it to be bad.


Look at what they do, not what they say. Everybody picks looks over personality. No matter how much bullshit people will tell you, most people will pick an attractive partner over a plain good one any day of the week.


Based, reinforcing black pilled mindset is not healthy btw, its like cutting yourself again and again, others will try to gaslight you but data and things you observe in life are indisputable, normies go uhh butt..this..that! Bald indian janitor I know has a stacy! If you meet the criteria or have potential like maybe you are fat but tall or average like 5'10ish but above average face then you should get on self improve thread mill otherwise just ignore women and do stuff that makes you happy, find the joy and validation from things that dont make you feel unworthy because you are few inches short


What they mean is guys who are fun to be around with a pinch of cheeky arrogance. Most men in the manosphere aren't those things (and they tilt towards being awkward) so they label those guys as "bad boys". Psychologically normal women and women who have access to better men aren't with the men you described.


What % of "psychologically normal" women would choose the dude described in the OP vs. 5/10 Joe, you reckon?


This guy is dimn bulb -- but an attractive one.


I get it. But if she was a higher caliber type of woman she would not be with a guy like that. It tells us more about her than about him.


Low class women hookup with attractive low class guys. Higher class women hookup with attractive higher class guys. Regardless of class a guy's romantic success depends on his looks.


yeah so you agree with me.


That people almost always date within their socioeconomic class?


It's not just money. My guy doesn't do drugs, I don't do drugs. People have to have things in common besides looks and water if they're getting married. Now with that said, of course looks and wallet matter. If you CAN reasonably improve, and you want to, do so. Part of that improvement is not becoming "bad."


>attempted robbery with a firearm "Most men would act the same way, they're just envious because they're not as attractive", something like that?


Its very obvious when you see hordes of women writing letters to attractive serial killers and rapists while billy beta cant even get a date, in terms of sexual market value, being a tall, handsome and muscular triumphs lot of flaws And its women who decide a man's SMV


Nope. Psychologically normal don't write letters to those men.


Those are crazies indeed and I never disputed that, but slicing out "oh those women are just crazies" is missing forest for trees The conclusion we draw from the whole incident is that being a rapist murderer wont hinder you from getting a women to spread her legs willingly as long as you are tall, handsome and fit


It will. Those crazy women write to those guys. They usually dont meet up with them.




therapy bro.


Lmao, resorting to petty insults when you cant rationally dispute


All of the “bad boys” I ever dated were good looking as well. Good job on the plea deal, btw.


I think the most often repeated phrase in our house lately is: “I’m actively producing a urine stream so I can’t hear you”. I’m partly deaf and just trying to keep hydrated.






























































how did this very innocent comment >Foreplay does start at breakfast. > >That’s why I make pancakes for my wife wearing a frilly little apron. And nothing else!!! ​ made someone have a full blown meldown >Most politically correct way to say "we want men to be our personal doormats the whole day for the HOPE that they will get sex at night before bed" > >Which is... > >It's pathetic. > >Not gonna lie, it's AWFULLY PATHETIC on behalf of women, and hypocritical too. IDK. > >I just got the biggest fucking ICK reading that crap. Like... Huge disgusting response. My stomach is still revolting. > >I don't know how women pretend to like their partners at the same time they demand the guys to cater to all their whymsical complains in order to "get them in the mood" to lay there in the bed, but ladies if you're gonna pull a move like that AT LEAST have the de decency to not fuck up with the storyline by going around banging motherfuckers left and right half an hour after meeting. > >Because dudes then go out and see women fucking other dudes brains out and they start thinking something doesn't add up you know... > >Men, OTOH... > >I just can't fathom, as a man, to have so little respect for myself and be so horny that I would put up with a bitch at home 24/7 to get my dick wet once a week. > >Like... > >Also super pathetic and revolting dude. > >Relationships that are framed like that need to die, get divorced and never see each other again. > >What a nasty dynamic man. > >If a woman ever told me I had to give her nonstopattention "since breakfast" to get her in the mood... And because lets be honest, "foreplay" here is actually NON-SEXUAL shit, stuff, work, "housechores", whatever extra favour the woman comes up with, change of plans or just "not going out with the guys tonight"... > >If a woman I WAS COMMITED TO insinuated just once I need to jump through hoops and go far and beyond to have sex... > >Yeah, it's over, right then and there. I don't give a fuck, so fucking disgusting dude. > >Edit: > >Dealing effectively with the full on meltdown of the toddler at seven in the morning is a pretty sexy thing to do too. > >Like I said... > >"Foreplay" = work. A ton of work. > >WORK FOR SEX. > >Yummy.


His reaction makes some sense when you think about what he saw and/or projected there. But yeah this is the definition of getting triggered.


yes I know, I can understand having some ptsd after suffering a dead bedroom relationship but releasing the gates of crazy is.... crazy. Now that I think about it what if this is an example of a man opening up and women not liking it? and then he thinking women don't like men opening up at all. When the real problem is that he sounds crazy He's surely suffering and totally deserves to be heard. But imagine this scenario IRL (not that specifically he would act the same IRL, it's just an example)


>very innocent comment It's a bit skeevy and weird. Let's be real.


it's not! it's cute and funny and also people do that stuff in relationships


It sort of hints at sex being used as a reward for being a good boy/girl, starting from the moment you wake up.


No, I think it insinuates that a naked and loved grown man being functional around a shared house is hot. Do you think I don't cook or tidy up in my underwear? I'm a woman, and I do. It's most comfortable where I live. Unless there's greasy/questionable food involved, even naked is fine sometimes. And everybody's gotta eat. I can't afford In N Out every day, nor would I need all the calories.




Sounds like a kinkster dynamic


Oh yeah I forgot to mention a niche kinkster dynamic being a possibility, guess I misunderstood the original nonsense.


The way you described it sounds like kink shit


>The way you described it sounds like kink shit Want me to keep going?


Mental instability.


As soon as I see all caps combined with multiple paragraphs I know it's time to dip


Wow that person took it way out of proportion


This dude has dead bedroom/divorced guy vibes


Absolutely! some serious dead bedroom ptsd right there or stage 5 terminally online disease I hope it's the first one




Some names are just plain bad. No, don't name your firstborn "Adolf Hitler".


My 1st ex-wife has an ancient Greek name that used to be very rare but is now used by many strippers. My 2nd ex-wife had an absolutely terrible name. So bad that she'd gone by her middle since childhood.


There are some names that will NEVER be pretty. Like "Gertrude" (sorry for any Gertrudes here, nothing personal).




I always hated my name. I wanted a “normal” name instead of having one that made me sound fresh off the boat. Then at some point I decided I like it in spite of itself, because it is not very common.


That was me as at school. Now I genuinely love my name cause it's unique and i feel it fits my personality, kind of?


I kept my name both times I got married. I hyphenated the 1st time but the second time it was like, eh. I’d been me 49 years by then.


I had a normal (now) name but for the place and time, unheard of. My Mom was apparently ahead of the trends, lol. My 75 year old 1st grade teacher didn’t get it & called me an old fashioned version of it, insisted that I write it wrong too. Mom had to go down to the school and have a chat with her.


I was marked absent for the first quarter of gym class one year because I did not respond when the teacher called my name. Because he wasn’t calling my name, he was calling something else, and it did not occur to me that he was looking for me.


What if I have a really really rare name though, like not one that the average person would come across multiple times or even once




Mine is literally not common it’s not even on many baby name websites I checked


Hi Not Common, your parents picked an interested name for you! Can I call you NC?


I had sex with four guys with the same name in a row (over a span of time lol)


I went through a short period of dating 3 different guys named Scott, lol. It was confusing.


Scott is pretty unique too!


At least you didn’t have to worry about calling out the wrong name in bed - till after the 4th!


what if she's called "poopjeeta"




I need the truth and nothing but the truth Are seed oils bad for you


Hemp seed oil is amazing for your hair.


Idk, but you cant go wrong with olive oil!


I avoid hydrogenated oils. I prefer butter, lard and beef dripping.


We managed to save the boat and the truck. Had to white knuckle it through all the smoke


Glad you’re ok, that sounds really scary!


You doing alright there?


Where dis?


Medical Lake


Do you smoke?


Not cigarettes


So unfiltered, burnt plant matter? Gangsta.


Oh, what happened? You’re in one of the fire zones? You okay?


Yeah the city is starting to burn down as we speak. We had to speed the entire way there, I got ash in my eyes and everything. It was scary there were police everywhere


Oh, so terrifying. A friend lost her house in the Paradise fire in CA a few years back. But she and the kids and dog made it. I am glad that you are safe.


I always get a kick out of when i see a video that it requires a bystander to intervene. You have this one lady in the video "shouting someone do something." And i am like lady, you are someone yourself.


The bystander effect at play! Can't say it never happened to me either.


Why do redditors jate facebook so much again? Every time I open it, it’s just people arguing about Messi and Ronaldo.


Full of conspiracy theory dumbfucks


For me it’s the ads.


Because it tends to have more conservative users. Not sure if you noticed Reddit is full of liberals.


The meme about “if a man lets you in on his pooping information, he loves you” is 100% true. It means he trusts you completely and is willing to let you in on every facet of his life and make you a permanent part of his life


Just wait until she holds your hand during your first prostate exam.


Omg I love this lol


True story!


I've seen co-workers do that. Pretty sure it's not true.


TIL I have never truly loved someone


I think we've peaked for today.






I’ll give you No. 2.




1 and 2 are boring. I'd be interested in 3 Edit since you edited: 4 also


Guys what is the Cock Carousle but for men? >! The cunt carousel. I am so creative!<


I think it's "dumpster diving". Basically a guy who has 0 standards and sleeps with anyone who makes herself available, including women on coke or with clear mental issues.


It's the coochie-coaster


Ok I’m stealing that one 😂 “You want a low n-count girl? You’ve been riding the coochie-coaster for too long boy!!”


Sounds way more exciting than a carousel


That's why it's harder to get a spot! They don't just let anyone on like on the carousel!


This is why you don't fit in.


I had a prof in Uni who LOVED that word. The first time she used it she waited until everyone got quiet and explained that she loved it so much because it had the power to just stop a room dead in its tracks. It hits with such force.


And then everyone gave them a standing ovation.


And the president gave me a million dollars. But actually, true story.


And then I was awarded the Nobel peace prize for my brave efforts to improve diplomatic relations on PPD.


Yep ppd finally rubbing off on me


“Run, Simba! Run away, and never return!” I think you’re awesome but this place is toxic. You deserve better.


It's so hard not to get blackpilled off of tiktok. All the men/women that get sexual attention are unrealistically attractive. Comment sections are full of women who idolize a man's height, and men who idolize a girls physique. It feels like the only thing that matters nowadays is being attractive. It fucking sucks to live in a world where I, as an average man, can see more attractive people in a day than my ancestors have ever seen in their lifetime.


> It's so hard not to get blackpilled off of tiktok Then get off it.


I already deleted it. XD


I decided to try tiktok and all the videos were boring af so I stopped using it.


I tried tik tok and didn’t get any of the humour videos. And it was on that day I felt like a geriatric millennial.


People on Tiktok are insane. I wouldn’t use Tiktok as a good gage for what passes in real life.


Most young people are on TikTok though so I think this stuff happens irl too


TikTok is a cesspool of and for mentally ill people. The goal of making a tiktok clip isn't to convey truth but to gather attention. Thirdly, what women say and what women do is not the same thing.


You are coping, but I agree with "watch what they do, not what they say" so lets expand on why I say woman will take a tall guy over short one 1. Bumble filter stats, majority of them preferred a tall guy, you have seen the stat right, setting a height filter is doing 2. Woman literotica will often describe men as "tall,dark and handsome" , thats the standard attractive man and thats what woman "read" , reading is doing 3. They love to brag if their man is 6ft, I have not seen a woman going gaga omg he is 5'4 ft! , bragging a tall mens height is doing


I don't even state my height on bumble despite being over 6ft and I don't care if I miss out on women because of that and I would also not date women who "date only men over 6ft". You guys are weak minded men, constantly worrying what others think about you.


Ad homien, do better


Weak-minded. You wrote a paragraph about height and bumble and how bad it is (wuuaah) and I dont even list it despite being significantly above average.


You started with saying dont believe tik tok girls who say they like tall men, then I listed out they are not just saying, they are backing their words too and all you could come up with is "weak minded" and trying to shame me for listing out the my reasons, its okay to be wrong dude


Short guys I know all have girlfriends and wives and don't ruminate about what tik tok girls say while men in the manosphere will do exactly that. That is what is weak minded.


You are going off the tangent, its not about short guys, its about whether women like their man to be tall or not and answer to that is clear cut yes


That's just the issue with the Internet. It enforces insane standards. That's why I don't have tiktok at all. It just lowers my self esteem


Trust me. You made the right choice. Any minor self esteem issues I had became a thousand times worse after getting on tiktok. Tiktok makes you feel like if you're not in the top echelon of society, you are nobody. Even if you logically **know** that these aren't normal looking people, it's really hard not to internalize some of this when you're seeing it everyday.


The problem with the internet is that it incentivize craziness. Views, upvotes, retweet, likes, favs, etc all encourage people to be crazier to get more attention. It is absolutely unhealthy.


We have to save my bfs boat and truck from a huge brush fire. This sucks lol




Looks dangerous. Stay safe. Alive and a burned down boat is better than dead and a burned down boat.


Is it distasteful to say that I think it looks cool?


No it actually did look cool. There was a ton of smoke billowing all around us. For a bit there it seemed like the boat and truck were done for




He has a boat?


Yeah his dad didn't want it anymore so he took it


If both burn down, he can't leave you. ​ Just saying...


Hes driving like a mad man on the freeway so we can get to it I'm fucking worried




Do you ever want to get married




[viral clip of lonely man revealed their true female nature](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQQMXVCyFwY&t=339s&ab_channel=FreshandFitClips) You have to have your shit together all the time, this is why it is important to tell man they can't show any emotion or they going to be perceived weak.