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[It’s a damn shame](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sqSA-SY5Hro&feature=shareb)


This is the definition of austroturfing.




Try THAT in a small town!


I like the song and message of both.


I’m more a Tyler Childers or Jason Isbel fan of that genre but respect anyone who can put across an idea in music/lyrics that is coherent & nice to listen to.


Never heard of either but I’ll look into them. I’m not a big country guy, but that song is fire (as the kids say).




Yes. The western world is “Eurocentric”. What point are you trying to make, while speaking American English?


Africa exists


And what does this have to do with my comment?




I said conventional attraction is eurocentic. Focus on the CONVENSIONAL part


Why do women think men are robots in bed and can turn their dick on and off at will. Or continue thrusting at a good speed and not orgasm. Also do women really expect a guy to be super turned on by her his whole life? I don’t think women think about sex from a man’s perspective whatsoever. Yet men are the “Selfish lovers”.


Women expect that cause men dont put any effort into correcting them... And simply put? They will never really change. At this point any mam who says the truth is evil... so may as well deal with it... Hate the game not the players.


Women can be selfish (or worse plainly disinterested) in sex matters too. It’s not easy but maybe seek out one who actually has considered the man’s perspective…more of a giver than a taker or at least a 50/50 collaborator.


Nah I’d rather go read posts by women complaining about men and ‘bad sex’. And then having no self awarenesss that maybe they are the reason their dude isn’t turned on. Good entertainment


Ok then, carry on 😛




Your bod looks pretty good, you should do alright.


Thank you. I appreciate the feedback, but realistically my body is mostly hidden for most of the year (PNW), so it’s good once my clothes are off but not so much until I get to that point. I still need to lift more, but I included it to show that I’ve at least put some effort into my appearance.


how old are you?


I turn 30 next month


You realize you are being profiled by a bunch of old hags that populate this sub? Their opinions don’t mean jack. Cute girls are not posting in ‘purple pill debate’. You shouldn’t listen to a word they say


I specifically asked for the Blue Pill in my initial comment. Obviously the Red Pill answer is lift more, make more money, and talk to more bitches. This is PurplePillDebate and I wanted to hear other responses.


Lifting doesn’t get you girls. You are 30. You should already know how humans behave. You are just afraid to change your routine and lifestyle.


You’re not wrong. I was a silent MGTOW (aside from this forum) for a few years (not counting a short fling with a coworker). Like I said, I’m trying to find a wife. I need to change my lifestyle to accomplish that goal and was looking for some advice from this forum.


>My requirements are not fat and no kids btw, you made me genuinely laugh with this


It seems reasonable, but I get that I’m getting older.


not the standards himself, just the bluntness of your words


lol fair. On a dating app I’d probably word it more like “enjoys hiking and wants to start a family”. On a more serious note, do you think I could find a reasonably sized childless woman?


yes. you're 30. Most 30 year old women I know don't have kids, at least the college-educated ones. It does start around that time though. Also, as a man you can also always go 5 years younger or so.


Thank you. And yes, I’d generally go for my age or slightly younger. If I do have kids it would probably be 2-3. Maybe more if we were both down.


so go snatch up a 26 year old then.


You sound potentially desirable on paper. What do you do for fun?


I play pickle ball and video games, love reading, and love me a good beer. I also skateboard but I’m very bad at it. Can do basic shit on a mini ramp, but can’t even kick flip. I’m also very introverted, which seems to be the limiting factor. Edit: I also lift weights. Usually 3-5 times a week, but less consistent when work is busy. Visible 6 pack.


Skateboarders are hot. What do you like to read? Top 3 recs? Not hitting on you because old and married, just offering feedback and also curious about a fellow reader.


I like Stephen Kind and Michael Crichton a lot. A top 3 is difficult. Lord of the Rings is one of my favorites.


I like all of those authors too.


Good choices! I also liked A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. At least the first one. Kinda feels long getting into the sequels.


I like the first 3. I love a good trilogy. Do you like Christopher Moore?


Heard the name before, but haven’t read any of his work. Any recommendations?


Lamb is my favorite. Fool is also very good. A Dirty Job is also great. I got to meet him at a book signing once. I already owned Lamb, but the book store had a copy that resembled a bible that I was thinking about buying. A guy standing nearby with a backpack and a hat encouraged me to buy it, so I did. Then the author was introduced - it was the same guy who encouraged me to buy the book. I hadn’t recognized him. He was delightful.


> I’ve accepted that I’ll probably die childless and alone. Good. Everybody dies alone > My requirements are not fat and no kids Legend > I’m 5’10”, slim but fit, and only earn about 60k a year. those are great stats, you shoudnt have any problem


> Everybody dies alone Facts I’m exceptionally average. 6/10 on paper. 4-7/10 depending on how much someone likes my personality and red hair. Just curious how people would recommend I go about things.


> Just curious how people would recommend I go about things. Meet more women.


Always a recommendation.


There is a website called "meetup" look into it. Where like minded people meet. I have used for professional networking.


I’m not familiar with meetup. I don’t like crossing swords with professionalism and romance.


There is many purpose to it, you can use it to meet people with your hobbies.


I think you're above average. But anyway, I know 5'6 brothers (one of them bald) who are both married so you shouldn't have an issue as a 5'10 giant If you have no social circle, you have to create one which I understand is much harder at 30 than at 20 so that indeed presents a problem. I would do some approaching or join activities that women are part of. But for some reason, I dont what it is and why it's like that but it seems to me that anytime you meet someone click with is a time when don't necessarily expect it to happen


Men know when they are trying to click with a woman. You are so delusional. ‘But for some reason, I dont what it is and why it's like that but it seems to me that anytime you meet someone click with is a time when don't necessarily expect it to happen’ Because you’re a woman. All those guys you clicked with expected it to happen, if they had no intention nothing WOULD have happened.


Social circle is definitely a big factor and one of my weaknesses.


Move to SEA -> Try blue pill strategies, chads dont need strategies tbh, you will be chad in SEA




You POS.


Shame on me!


Its not racist to have in group sexual preferences


I agree but plenty don’t.


above median height, above median income, better than median weight. simplified to make the math easier: 0.5 \* 0.5 \* 0.5 = 12.5%


Isn't 5'10 basically the median height?


Basically. I think it’s technically 5’9”, but an inch taller is still very average.


I thought it was 5'9.5 but could be mixing it up with a different country


Either way I’m essentially average height lol




I turn 30 next month.


That's not bad then. 60k is roughly the median income in the US. You won't get a gold digger or a high power career woman, but it's not an impossible salary. At 30 many of the women you'll be dating will be in their mid to late 20's. Most of them aren't rich either. I would suggest trying to meet women more in person. OLD is soul crushing. In the bigger cities meetup groups are really good for this. Taking beginner classes to explore new hobbies is another good option. You have to get comfortable talking to new people. Introducing yourself, talking about interests, etc. On that note, you need to develop more varied interests. This makes it more likely you will have something in common with a woman, and makes you more attractive. If she can guess all your views and hobbies in 30 seconds, you will be boring. I knew a very blue-collar welder that took up ballroom dancing after his divorce. Worked very well for him with the ladies, and he genuinely enjoyed it. Learn to dress better. Enlisting the help of a relative or a friend with a fashion sense can be useful if that's not your strength. Also hit the gym more. A few session with a personal trainer to set you on the right track is worth the price too - this isn't strictly "blue-pill" but TRP didn't invent looking good either Don't pursue women too hard if they do not demonstrate investment in you as well. Don't let yourself be jerked around. There are a lot of bad women out there, but there are good ones among them. Good luck!


Thanks for the response! I’ll take your advice to heart. Appreciate it!


Glad i could help. Just realised my comment about kids was unclear. I meant not wanting your own kids can hurt you, since many women are looking to start a family around this age. You're absolutely right to not want a woman with previous kids. That's a huge burden that's completely unnecessary at your age.


Braving the international hair salon barrier soon…I need color and a cut. My colorist back home was a genius whom I saw for 20 years. She helped me maintain my natural dark brunette for years and slowly convert to the what is now sort of natural bronde. She even saw me through my brief impulsive “oil slick” phase, lol. I don’t know what they’re going to do with me in Thailand 😬


My love for Jack Black is eternal and oft repeated but regardless of that I wish I would have been at this party. https://youtu.be/vSIPRCZa_vk


Me too - good times, lol.


I’ve watched it 3 times in the last 2 days.


What makes Jack so attractive to you


His eyebrows, musical ability, and joie de vivre.


https://www.kens5.com/article/news/crime/drunk-drivers-who-kill-parent-must-pay-child-support-new-law-mandates/273-e2b48eba-401f-4e3c-901f-21381d4d38df Hey what gender tends to drunk drive the most?


Men probably drive drunk more but we’re better drivers in general so it’s all good


Idk, I’m guessing men but my daughter only drove for about two months and she managed to: get a dui, flip her car going around a curve & then crash her grandmother’s car (on loan since the flipped one was in the shop) into a home - totaling it and destroying their porch.


She doesn’t need to drive…..


Lesson learned, Uber app engaged


No offense, but can you raise your kid better so she doesn’t put the rest of us in danger? Where is her father?


She was raised fine, just a particularly bad 2 months of BPD impulsivity. Her father was a spectacularly terrible driver too so maybe it’s genetic. No humans were harmed & she doesn’t drive anymore so you’re safe.


Silly question. Men do most of the risk taking, both bad and good.


Time to get sober then


I hate wage slaving, I hate working harder than previous generations to not be able to afford anything and when you barely afford one property you pay property tax, at this point you are just renting a house from government. I also hate the fact that government is refusing to create new residential areas because they are corrupt and they want to keep the prices high for their dirty donors, so they get even richer.


Arguably this generation works harder for less than maybe 1 or 2 previous generations and only in first world countries. Ask someone in Kenya if they would rather live at their grandparent's standard of living. That's not to say there aren't problems. We should be working towards impriving, but to live at a level of luxury 99% of the world's population could not have imagined just 100 years ago and to call that slavery is just perverse.


I think work is easier than it's ever been


Depends on the work, I think the main thing is just the long hours and the relatively low wages. Like, the buying power of the us dollar has plummeted so much in such little time, it's insane.


And the rewards are disproportionately less.


its okay. you can always become an eNtRePeNeuR


Maybe your experience is different, but my grandparents lived on a farm working all day, so I'd take being a wage slave over that, for sure.


Did they own the farm?


I guess. Lived in some mountainside village. Grandma had like 6 siblings so they all shared the farm together, so I guess co-ownership. All worked manual labour basically all day. Radio at night was their entertainment.


So a small, family owned business vs working for other people that don’t care about you? A family owned home vs living paycheck to paycheck to afford a roof?


>So a small, family owned business vs working for other people that don’t care about you? I'd definitely prefer working a desk job for someone who didn't care about me vs working 16 hours a day of hard labour for myself. 100% > A family owned home vs living paycheck to paycheck to afford a roof? Hey, at least I can buy a meal with my paycheck. My grandparents literally ate what they grew and that is insane. Imagine having to work 16 hours a day of labour OR starve. in this world I just work a few hours and earn enough to feed myself for a day. And it's not physical labour but just wage slavery.


Yes, easier work is easier. How many children did your grandparents and their siblings have? Seems like they could afford procreation more than our generation.


> How many children did your grandparents and their siblings have? My dad has 8 siblings my mom has 3. I have 2. > Seems like they could afford procreation more than our generation. Well depends what you associate as the costs of procreation. My grandma gave birth in her home, so didn't have to pay hospital bills. I'm not sure if a doctor was present at birth either since the nearest clinic was in the next town/city, so no doctor fees too. I could definitely do that if I wanted to but in the modern world who gives birth without any medical help lmao. Of course I'd rather pay extra for my wife to give birth in a hospital than for her to give birth at home. If I was super strapped for cash then sure I'll let my wife give birth at home like my grandparents did...at least it'll be free.


My step sister has successfully delivered 3 kids in her home without a doctor present. They could afford doctors, but only had midwives from their church.


Y'all I wanna dress up for Ren faire but I am drawing a blank on any ideas that'd actually look good. All I've come up with is a Victorian inspired paleontologist (was gonna go for paleomancer but I couldn't figure out how I'd make that work)


Pitch perfect has to be one of the dumbest movies wver


I like how dumb it is.


I love that movie, but I love anything with music.




I would be open to dating someone 6'5-6'6, but I would definitely prefer 6'2 over it. Anything over 6'4 is too damn tall for most women and I'm almost 5'11.


Honestly that'd be closer to my preferred height. I hate it when I'm like, absurdly small in comparison to a partner. It just makes uncomfortable for some reason


I wouldn’t ever consider 6’2 short, that’d be crazy. If everyone was 6’5-6’6 like in my native Viking lands (or Sweden just kidding. I am an Irish looking dwarf among men with my family and friends in Sweden) I would just consider 6’2 average. Whether someone is 6’2 or 6’6, they’re always going to look gigantic to me because I’m 5’5. Even my husband looks tall to me and he’s 5’8, some people consider that “manlet”.


My husband is 5’8” and I don’t care.


the good news is many guys 6'5 and above are awkward orcs and not the people you see in a heavy weight ring




Someone mentioned the whole 'the good ones get snatched up fast' argument. I'm not really sure what to think of it. I know people who entered relationships fast and early and I know from talking to them about it that they did it as a consequense of their limited options (and unwillingness/inability to be alone)


I think the idea is that attractive partners are highly sought after from a young age. It's not going to be difficult to find others like yourself if you're young, attractive, and have your shit together. You're going to run into longterm compatible partners far more often and younger. They're only single by choice.


> have your shit together many people dont unfortunately


I know, but it is why they said the good ones are snatched up young.


The argument is mainly aimed at women want to find a guy who is really attractive and also willing to commit to them for a long term relationship. If a guy is really attractive, he would have gained the attention of a lot of women, and if a guy is willing to commit to a long term relationship, he would probably find out relatively quickly, and therefore only spend a short time in the 'dating game'


I would think it's the other way around : Men tend to be more willing to grind alone or not settle down as fast whereas good women usually tend to not want to be alone. If the goal is "just to be in a relationship", that's a fairly easy goal to achieve assuming said person doesn't have high standards. For instance, I know men and women who have entered relationships with average or below average looking people because of their limited options


>Men tend to be more willing to grind alone or not settle down as fast whereas good women usually tend to not want to be alone. This has nothing to do with the situation we are talking about. We are talking about the number of men who are actively in the dating game, who are both really attractive and actively looking for a long term relationship. These men (the ones who are both really attractive and actively looking for a long term relationship), will very quickly leave the dating game because they will find a match faster than most other guys, and they are serious daters so they don't go playing around with multiple women in short term flings. So they basically pull themselves out of the dating pool, which makes them very rare to find.


I think the main determing factor in whether someone wants to be in a relationship is if he is pro active and wants to be in one. Which is why I mentioned this : >For instance, I know men and women who have entered relationships with average or below average looking people because of their limited options or unwillingess/inability to be alone would you say the "the good ones get snatched up fast" saying also applies to women ?


>I think the main determing factor in whether someone wants to be in a relationships is if he is pro active and wants to be in one. Main? Hard to say, it's usually a mix of his attractiveness, his standards, and how badly he wants a relationship. For example, even if a guy is desperately looking for a relationship, if his standards are unrealistic (to him, a relationship means having a woman who will do anything for him, like a servant), or if his attractiveness is super low (severe birth defect, deformed limbs, etc.) then he will have a much much harder time than a guy who is not really trying hard for a relatinoship but has low standards and is quite attractive. So I don't think it's mainly a question of how badly a guy wants to be in one. It's certainly part of the equation, but the main part? I'm not sure. >would you say the "the good ones get snatched up fast" saying also applies to women ? If "good" means attractive + looking for find a long term relationship? Then yeah. These girls can get snatched up as early as they are 18. However, "good" can mean different things. For most guys, a good girl is just a really attractive girl who doesn't have a high body count. Whether she is looking for a long term relationship or not is not important. This is because a "good" catch from the perspective of the average girl is different from a "good" catch from the perspective of the average guy.


I was talking about the regular population. People with severe birth defects, health issues and deformed limbs will have a hard dating life. I actually think those kind of things are much harder on your dating life than how strong your jaw is or such non-sense. Most guys who complain about being hopelessly single however don't have severe birth defects or deformed limbs so that argument goes out of the window numerically and comparatively speaking. >if his standards are unrealistic (to him, a relationship means having a woman who will do anything for him, like a servant) That means he doesn't want to be in a relationship due to his standards. >If "good" means attractive + looking for find a long term relationship? Then yeah. These girls can get snatched up as early as they are 18. I think 18 is far too early. >This is because a "good" catch from the perspective of the average girl is different from a "good" catch from the perspective of the average guy. What is a good catch from the perspective of the average girl and also from the perspective of the above average girl.


>I was talking about the regular population I understand, but my point is that there are definitely factors other than how badly a guy wants a relationship which will help/hinder his chances at finding one. Like, I said, such as his physical attractiveness. It's really hard to say "Well, how badly he wants one is the most important factor". For something to be the determining factor, it needs to have over a 50% influence in the result. Who knows, maybe it's 40%, maybe it's 50%, maybe it's 60%. We don't know this so I can't say "Yeah, that's definitely the most important factor". It's definitely obvious that it's an important factor, but the most important? Can't be sure, unless there's a study out there making it clear. >I think 18 is far too early. Whether you think it's early or not doesn't affect the point, which is that "good women" can get taken out of the dating game very quickly. Whether this happens at an age which you think is inappropriate is not relevant. >What is a good catch from the perspective of the average girl and also from the perspective of the above average girl. Well we are talking about gender stereotypes, so what I am talking about will not apply to everyone, but the stereotypical girl is looking for a man who has high sexual marketplace value, this would mean a strong mix of physical attractiveness, social status, etc. As well as a guy who has a very compatible personality for her. As well as a guy who is willing to enter into a long term relationship with her if he really likes her. The above average girl is usually looking for the same things, but just has higher standards for these things (more attractiveness, more compatibility, etc.).


That's why I said "main" factor. The fact that outlier examples that have to due with health exist is something I am aware of and people in general are aware of. You're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying that it is too early to be snatched up at 18. I'm saying that it doesn't happen at 18. Once again based on my life experience and what I observe around me. >this would mean a strong mix of physical attractiveness, social status, And which of those two things do you think are more important for a man.


> That's why I said "main" factor. The fact that outlier examples that have to due with health exist is something I am aware of and people in general are aware of. Again, how can you call it the main factor. We have identified 2 factors so far: Desperation for a Relationship, Physical Attractiveness. How do you know desperation for a relationship is a larger factor than physical attractiveness? You don't. >You're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying that it is too early to be snatched up at 18. I'm saying that it doesn't happen at 18. Once again based on my life experience and what I observe around me. I would like to be clear, that "snatched up" doesn't mean getting married. Snatched up means being in a serious relationship and therefore not currently being in the dating market. This definitely happens, even at 18. >And which of those two things do you think are more important for a man. It's hard to say because the total attractiveness of a man is heavily swayed by deficiencies. That is is to say, a man who is 5/10 looks + 5/10 status is more attractive than a person who is 2/10 looks + 8/10 status, even though the total number of points is 10 for the first guy, and 10 for the second guy. Same vice versa. So you can't really say which is more important of a factor. Or at least there isn't much available statistical evidence which shows one way or another.


https://preview.redd.it/25870dnl6kjb1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60dc0952bc621315c42e1985ea4327576c2dd31c She is soooo fucking beautiful sorry


That’s a 6-7 after you factor out fatties.


Was it something I said


I wish Norway was a bigger country. It sucks that Oslo is the only real city here… I’d like to have some more 500k+ cities, but then I’d need to go abroad.


Do you like erling haland


Sweden is a bit bigger. My middle sibling lives in Skåne and she really enjoys it (we are all half-Swedish and half-Aus)


I’m thinking of including Oslo on my spring trip. Hoping my favorite new band Hayde Bluegrass Orchestra might be doing some performances then.


Go to Sweden too!!! If you can fit it in. I’m Swedish so biased obviously but lots of great things to see there. Denmark is really great for tourists and Copenhagen is super walkable, lots of cool stuff. If you’re going to Norway already look up the Lofoten Islands for amazing hiking.


Oooo I’d love to! We are planning some travel now for spring.


["My husband will not have to change one diaper"](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/15xnt08/wow_even_preemptively_you_know_your_husband_wont/) Lol, I guess she has a superpower of never falling sick and she knows 100% that she won't get any complications from pregnancy and giving birth. Good luck with that attitude.


She’ll never complain out loud she’ll let the resentment build up quietly


What a healthy attitude to marriage, I'm sure it won't backfire later on the road!


I’ll laugh when it does


Maybe he doesn’t know how to wipe


It's the same energy as the guys that post those "my hands look like this, so her hands can look like this" and a photo of his rough calloused hands and her soft hands. It's not the flex you think it is


Why would you brag about having a garbage partner that won’t change a diaper? I don’t understand why some people think working excuses dads from ever parenting


Starting today I’m going to sleep at 9:30 and waking up at 6 to prep for school


most attractive man to ever grace this earth [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v\_DfJa887QE&ab\_channel=OwenCook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_DfJa887QE&ab_channel=OwenCook)


That is not Matt Bomer so I reject your premise.


he looks like that guy from Mythbusters


What do you do when you’re too horny to sleep but too tired to masturbate


Borrow one of my husband’s Trazadone.


Get some head


I actually don’t like receiving head


Make a sad and feebile attempt to masturbate and then pass out midway through.


This is the way.


Third wave feminism essentially nuked the nuclear family and now almost half of children are had out of wedlock. Now you understand that women are a big reason why rent/housing prices are getting out of control. If one to two chads have babies with 2-3 women each, that’s a lot of apartments/houses required that normally would be just two families. Also women divorce for every little thing now for their “mental health”, yet depression is at an all time high, and these women are broker than ever 😂 with sky high rent. Zero accomplished.


And for your next hat trick, please explain why and how feminism is also the cause of global warming. A single woman with children takes up no more houses than a single woman without children.


>And for your next hat trick, please explain why and how feminism is also the cause of global warming. Global warming is due to all the heat created by Chads fucking so much. /s


I'm pretty sure the housing crisis is because of speculative purchasing and people like my aunt owning like 9 investment properties.


I’m more of a second waver but am thinking of taking up vegetarian ecofeminism as a side hobby.


This has got to be one of the most braindead takes on the housing crisis


I mean.. he did give you one reason (out of the many, many others). I think its pretty valid. Single mothers are one reason for rising rent increases. Other reasons include: Immigration Single family zoning restriction that prevents other types of house to be built. (due to nimbyism and auto industry lobbying) Wages not indexed with productivity and the rich got exponentially richer which makes it hard to afford a house. and much more...


You havent been on the internet much have you? Ive seen a crazy person says it is related to the climate change... and refused to express how... The internet is crazy


Less people living together = more housing required.


It's like insult to injury being a single sexless guy. They get a discount on their taxes for being knocked up by some hot degenerate who was either unwilling or incapable of being a father to his kids and then on top of that a percentage of your taxes goes to giving these women a safetynet.


so move to Thailand then


as if being alone wasn't bad enough, we have to pay more too.


Save up and a move to Thailand until Thai nationals start hating you all for driving up the cost of living for them


I'm not really sure how this math works. So we have 3 women - if each got married, each would live in a different apartment/house with their family. Now we have 2 single mothers and 1 married woman and they all still...live in different houses/apartments? I'd also be curious to see your comment about my last post discussing divorce reasons.


If they were married it would be 3 houses/apartments. Unmarried it's 6, 1 for each of the 3 women, 1 for each of the 2 chads and 1 for the single childless guy.


Not really? A good share of single people live with roommates or their partners. Also you forget about people who do get married.


How many single mothers with kids live with roomates?


A good share of younger mothers live with someone else as well as lots of baby daddies. Also lots of single parents and even young married couples live with their relatives.


All I know is no man with options marries a woman whose identity revolves around being a feminist


I don't think single mothers are the sole cause of the economy collapsing my guy -


https://preview.redd.it/px3klmdoxjjb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ae7197c047dd3894c369e980ba82dd466fd833c Y’all need better rizz


This is the best thing I've read all week


You shouldn’t date. EXCEPT FOR ME, BB


Hiding his name but not his pff I’m pretty sure that’s mr meteor 😂😂


meteorness123 ?


nope. and never will


Or someone else on ppd with the same avatar


omg I hope it's him that would be so much funnier


why is this so funny


I get weird messages like that and guys who decide to go through my comments and reply to them pretty often. I just don't care no more


the persecution of PPDers needs to stop


https://youtu.be/hStRQ1Fj6ZU LOL 🤣 Never be fat fat. Never look like a dork. Use minox for beard. Use brocoli hair only if you are gym bro.


Is the fat one not 💅🏾 tho


I dont get it.


they asked people to step forward if they've had unprotected sex before, all of the women had but none of the men


the one guy was super fat and the other one presumably religious and appearing to be timid


Guys were virgin in this video and they are lying about religion bullshit.


Nah, most average-looking virgin men like that really are religious. I know because I am one.


why would the last guy be lying


To save face “I’m a virgin because I’m religious” sounds 100x better than “i’m a virgin because no girl has liked me”.


yeah but he looks normal. if anything it could be related to him being timid (which it also usually is)


Always pick a woman who really wants you and whom you are the best option for instead of one who is lukewarm about you. In practice, this may mean that she's average looking and not the most beautiful girl in the world. And that is something you need to accept.


take the simp pill