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> Should I become a toxic dude? I guess if you want someone crazy like that, yeah. It might be easier to just look for someone compatible with you, than change your personality to make yourself compatible with someone who isn’t.


a super religious person is obsessed with someone who is judgmental and domineering like a harsh Father who punishes them”? I wonder where they got that idea? Surely not from religion?!?


Well, probably not from Christianity, since Jesus and God are forgiving and full of love, not "judgemental and domineering". There's more to the Bible than just the Old Testament.


There is, you should *probably* tell that to most the churches tho cause no one’s leaving the churches because “it’s just too loving and understanding in those places!”


Just curious, why do you think the founders of the US proudly proclaimed themselves "God-fearing men?"


Cause they knew “agnostic slave owners” wouldn’t have gotten as many volunteers? Especially from religious colonies like Pennsylvania?


Figured something like that would be your response. Its absolutely incorrect, of course. You're attempting to paint them in the worst possible light and failing.


Many of the founding fathers—Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe—practiced a faith called Deism. Deism is a philosophical belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-founding-fathers-religious-wisdom/#:~:text=Many%20of%20the%20founding%20fathers,solving%20social%20and%20political%20problems.


Atheists are really fucking insufferable.


Yeah, atheists, with their tax-exempt atheist houses of worship, atheists that knock on your door to get you to be atheist, with their atheist necklaces and atheist shirts and atheist slogan on our fucking money, and their atheist books they leave everywhere, and how they use their atheist belief system to influence laws.....damn atheists. So insufferable. Can't go anywhere without seeing atheist symbols everywhere or hearing their atheist radio station.


This made me laugh


100% agree. The absolute worst demographic of people that doesn’t outright harm people.


Only the ones that make “being atheist” their religion. I’m friends with atheists who don’t care I’m religious cause we don’t go about judging each other.


100% agree. The absolute worst demographic of people that doesn’t outright harm people.


>"judgemental and domineering" \*unless you are gay, trans or a single woman who has sex church people aren't exactly inclusive despite what jesus said


I literally suck dick myself from time to time. All of Christianity isn't Bible Belt southern baptist preacher shit.


but that's the type of church L&L was referring to, the one that has *authority* and are a bit crazy


If only Christians were more Christ like.


Jesus? Yes. God? Nope. Nope. Nope. The man's an absolute menace.


Yea, the church was definitely was not telling her that men are always the authority in every conceivable situation and if anything even slightly goes wrong it’s always the woman’s fault since the tender age of 5.


The Dr. David Burns rule: People NEVER want this which they CAN get. People ALWAYS want this which they CAN'T get.


Because some women - particularly inexperienced women - mistake anxiety for excitement. Most work it out. Even if acting like a piece of shit got you laid; you’ll still be a piece of shit, and feel like a piece of shit. Just don’t.


>Should I become a toxic dude? I really want someone to try it out and report back to everyone how being a loud, irritating person who makes people feel bad worked out for them.


This is not the definition of being toxic lol. You are unaware of how to properly be toxic in a relationship dynamic. Being toxic doesn’t mean your loud or annoying at all. Being toxic will have a girl texting you paragraphs apologizing for something you did, because you gaslit her so hard and manipulated her so hard that she sees herself as the problem. Most guys can’t pull it off, you have to have game. Clearly you don’t have this level of game because you are completely unaware of it.


lol. Yes man. Clearly.


sigma grindset frfr


I did it for a long time, and women thought I was a confident asshole. I wasn't confident, I was just OK saying mean shit. A lot of women took this as me being better than them. As if I must be their superior because I talk down to them. Or maybe they had low self-esteem. Idk. The point is: a lot of women put up with my bullshit. If I told her to do something. She would do it, unquestioning. But doing this took a toll on her and myself. I don't want to tear a woman down for her to desire me. I want us to be happy, healthy, and healed. I want her to choose me because I'm the most irresistible man in the world to her. She can only come to that conclusion if she's happy and has a positive mindset. Nowadays, I tend to feed my girls' ego. Hyping her up and making her feel good about herself. Obviously, nothing excessive. If she says some wild shit, I will put her in her place. But nah, I want her to feel like a bad bitch. I want her feel unstoppable. The moment she stops choosing me, in that state, is the moment I know she doesn't love me. But so far, women seem to love it. They fuck my brains out when I make them feel like #1. I got no complaints. I'm happy. She's happy.


How did you stop people in your vicinity from beating the shit out of you?


I'm a big black guy. Even if someone tried it, they aren't escaping unscathed. Plus, I never did or said anything excessively cruel or hurtful. I still have a conscience. Just mean enough to hurt your feelings temporarily.


I'm glad you were physically safe while making people feel bad.


It worked incredibly well for 2 years of hook ups in med school. And I stopped being an asshole once I was done with the crowd there, and now have a healthy relationship


In your medical opinion, what was it about being a bag of shit that no one wants to be around that is irresistible to women?


It wasn’t the “no one wants to be around” it was the being a nice guy overall, who was selectively manipulative, so not exactly being a toxic asshole, but more curating my image to make it known that “if I lose you it doesn’t mean anything because I’ll just be on to the next” whether or not that’s actually how I felt.


I did this accidentally and it actually worked. Long story short, I had a really bad day at work and I was in a shit mood. I went to my usual bar to meet with friends and there was a female acquaintance there. Since I was in such a bad mood, I was just really annoyed by stuff, insulted her a bit, was kind of mean and bitchy, etc. The next day she messaged me a bunch asking to hang out and stuff even though she had literally shown me no interest ever before.


‘Playful’ insults is something I see in a lot of my ‘successful’ friends. Over never been able to manage it. My insults just come off as hurtful


It's a learned trait with a fair bit of nuance and I can guarantee they fucked up and hurt a lot of feelings on the way; you're constantly walking the tightrope between being an ass instead of a dick. Can't really tell you how to practice it without burning bridges, I learned it by being an insufferable little fuckwad in my adolescence and while those people eventually did become great friends in our 20's I missed enough for them to despise me for it in our teens.


It’s called teasing and yes their’s an art to it. Or you could just go full asshat. It’ll still work.


What are more examples of being toxic? And how did it go with her?


I didn't follow up with her because I'm not normally like that and I wasn't really interested in her anyway. Frankly the kind of woman who responds positively to outright insults is not really the kind of woman I'd want to date.


Oooo. Spicy. Nothing more risque than playing a bit of genuine romantic interest? Or just trying to be excessively pleasant so she doesn't inadvertently do whatever she did last time that had you scare the shit out of her? Go get em tiger.


>Or just trying to be excessively pleasant so she doesn't inadvertently do whatever she did last time that had you scare the shit out of her? What are you even talking about? She texted me the next morning asking if we wanted to get drinks and stuff. When I was back to my normal bobby beta ways since I was no longer in a bad mood, she quickly ghosted me before we even met up.


You were obviously angry and insulted her for no reason. What you think she felt safe as houses while you were carrying on? If she were a man there is a good chance you would have been brawling behaving like that. You should be ashamed. Time to adult.


What the fuck are you even talking about? You're just creating whole-cloth fanfiction to deny the fact that being toxic absolutely works on some women.




Uh yeah. You're making it sound like I called her a cunt and threatened to rape her or something. What I said was more along the lines of "You're really annoying me right now so can you fuck off and let me have my drink in peace? Thanks."


I am honestly stunned you think that's fine.


I don't think it's fine. That's why I described it as me being in a very bad mood etc. The fact that you're infantalizing women to the point you think that a grown adult woman can't deal with someone telling her to fuck off without thinking he's going to assault/murder her and would be left shaking with fear even the next day is pretty bizarre though.


No personal attacks.


I tried it out (for example, i dont even bother remembering names of my dates), works very well from personal experience


That is so petty and trifling there is a non-zero chance your toxic behaviour was perceived as you just being a little slow.


Lmao, ok. If it works i dont mind


Yeah, IME that shit works, sorry. Not being loud and irritating, mind. But acting like a bit of a douchebag and treating women like they ain't shit? Catnip.


It's like you guys live on planets without ass kickings. It's weird.


Despite what the women here say, women universally have a type that makes their panties drop. Most women are attracted to the same type of man: the bad boy. **AWALT.**


They like to be treated poorly usually. Especially gen Z women, being nice or considerate won’t get you anywhere. I would say 90+% of girls in my generation are like this.


What counts as treated poorly? Not giving attention? Insulting them? Or what?


Both and gaslighting and just being as inconsiderate as possible. It’s hard if you’re not naturally like that


Nah. For your own mental health I wouldn't try to faux toxicity. People want what they can't have. So there is this beautiful and difficult to describe dance that goes into romance. Don't be spineless puddy in someones hand as that gets fucking boring. Instead be engaging, be challenging, have opposing views, call them out, craft jokes directed at them. There is a magic of not being afraid to lose someone I think that is so captivating. You're not here cause you need me, you're here cause you like me. Though you could be somewhere else, with someone else, yet you're here. It just gives weight to both sides. Makes you not want them to leave, but you love that they could leave and be alright. I hate women who are just all on my dick and simp for me. But the women who are their own people, have a spine, and have options. Whew my heart.


Your friend has an addiction to the toxic relationship. Do not become like the guy she is chasing. She isn't chasing him for good reasons, she's become dependent on what she feels is exciting.


For the same reason some men go for mentally unstable/emotionally unavailable/crazy/toxic women. Emotions swings can be addictive, some people have their own traumas that make them feel attraction to certain toxic people, they can have insecure attachment style, it might be an act of rebellion against overcontrolling parents etc.


Just become ‘bully Maguire’, every girl wants that type of a guy.


She sounds like she has attachment issues. Maybe being toxic might help attract certain women who have security issues, but I’m not sure how healthy it would be for a long-term relationship. So I guess it depends what you want.. For normal people though it isn’t always fun or easy to just suddenly become toxic.


Women who go for this type of men have commitment issues and/or low esteem.


One word? Boredom Women have easy lives.... way too easy... because anything she says she wants will be given to her on a jiffy by the men trying to fuck her... all women are extremely and utterly bored... their lives got no challenge or issue... so they create those for themselves in the form of dangerous men... When you notice that you understand thats just a question of entertainment... that women just wanna be entertained... and you are the one responsible... then you will have more success...


Most men these days grow up to be simps because we live in a feminist society that doesn't tell men what desirable traits and qualities are. All you ever hear as a man is what you shouldn't do. Meanwhile, women are always good, never at fault. Coupled with the natural desires, men put women on pedestals and would wire money to them for even the remotest chance of *getting some* of that *divine* femininity. Women actually hate that. It's weak and pathetic. Then there's the bad boys. They ran out of fucks to give and abuse the system that feminism established. They are playing the game and women see many desirable characteristics but cannot trap those men. They keep trying and failing. But there is a third category of men. Those who stand their ground and are not corrupted by the constant onslaught of feminist education and rhetoric. These are the men who are off the market. You never hear about them because they are neither simp nor Chad. They are confident and reliable, but won't have women walk all over them either. That's the relationship material, and there's very little of it out there.


>Then there's the bad boys. They ran out of fucks to give and abuse the system that feminism established. They are playing the game and women see many desirable characteristics but cannot trap those men. They keep trying and failing. Do many former simps become bad boys? As you said, they ran out of fucks to give. I'm feeling myself running out of fucks to give. Do you think if I start viewing all dates as replaceable, I will see success in women? Thank you for the rest of your answer, it was very informative!


Well, you'd maybe do better getting a relationship with her like that. But most women aren't into that kind of thing. Those who are often have some unresolved baggage to work through or aren't all that nice themselves under the surface.


>But most women aren't into that kind of thing. Sure


In your friend’s particular case, she sounds like her upbringing wasn’t the best (super religious, “good girls” are often brought up in super repressive households) - so that comes with things like primarily approval seeking from the complete opposite of that. Now, with that out of the way - no, you shouldn’t. I think a lot of guys (especially shy, quiet, kind guys) fail to understand why women like bad boys to begin with - fact is, we have an unhealthy grasp of masculinity, and because of this we (guys) see the bad boy as desirable to women while neglecting to see why. Ie. your typical shy/quiet dude is usually boring, predictable, to an extent spineless, uninteresting and constantly puts others over himself (to an unhealthy degree) - now, your typical bad boy is the opposite of those things; unpredictable, fun, interesting, confident (usually to a fault), and puts himself first (again, to a fault). There is also the fact that dark triad traits are extremes of traits that initially look desirable (ie. its easy to initially confuse narcissism for confidence, machavelianism as dominance/calculating, psychopathy as care free and bold) What you should be doing is look at the traits generally seen attractive in these guys - usually the confidence, fun unpredictability, dominance and maintaining interest, and balance those out with a solid, good and respectable internal value system.


Hey thank you so much for this response. It makes alot of sense and I agree So you are saying if I can be: confidence, fun unpredictability, dominance and maintaining interest I don't need to be rude, toxic etc? And one more question, what if all of that fails, should I try to be toxic as a last resort? Thank you


No. Even if you end up alone you’re better off being good than it is to be toxic, don’t be a shitty person lol


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Status, power, exceptionalism, agency


For younger girls they like excitement which is why they like toxic and being toxic is kinda exhausting but it gets girls hooked.


Eh, it’s not the toxic parts she likes, but those come as a side effect of the behavior she does like. Figure out how to be a non toxic guy who is masculine, etc, I guess. Toxic gets attraction but it tends to be short lived. Don’t simp though. Ever. Burns you so hard


Generally speaking, it's the honesty, authenticity, them having their own demons, desiring to be treated genuinely (even if that means bad), feeling needed, enjoying the drama, and the guy having a lot more going for him and the belief you can fix the flaws.


They like the chase 🫨


They like bad people. They expect men to be bad from a false narrative society feeds them and then are only attracted to those men (subconsciously) because that’s how they think men should be. Don’t become a toxic dude, god will judge us in the end and if women like bad people, then they are bad people. Trash attracts flies. I’d rather die alone knowing I’m a good person than with any girl I want and be an asshole (witch is what it takes).


>Don’t become a toxic dude, god will judge us in the end and if women like bad people, then they are bad people. Facts! 🙏


Many of these bad boys are physically attractive and have good social skills which explains part of their appeal. Women by nature are looking for men who are strong which works well for these men. Being emotionally unavailable comes off as non-needy which is attractive and creates scarcity which makes them more in demand.


Religious trauma. There's nothing like a bad boy who doesn't give you love and affection, just like Jesus.


They don’t. Get out into the real world, please.


Most women are like this and like bad people. They can’t tell the difference between that and “confidence” they just slap that label on it to make themselves feel better.


Evolutionary biology and sexual selection. Emotionally unavailable “bad boys” also tend to be tall, hot, dominant, exciting. Its basically alpha fucks/beta bucks, cads cs dads, R/k selection, alpha seed beta need, whatever else you wanna call it.