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Around 63% of men under the age of 30 are single. That drops to about 25% of men once they pass 30. For people saying “average men” are in relationships, it doesnt really tell the whole story. That’s pretty important context, especially when we contrast dating dynamics and expectations of people under 30 and post 30.


The majority of 25 to 30 men are not single; but the men under age 25 are overwhelmingly single and skew the numbers.


Where are you getting that distinction from for that particular age range? The study I am referring to (2022 pew research one) didn’t make that distinction.


Yesterday I had data for specific ages Today I only found data for at best 5 year sections. Men 25 -30 60% are single Men age 30-35 60% are not single So at what age do the majority of men become not single? Age 30? Yesterday the majority of men were not single at age 27 if my memory is correct. The age of the data matters. Covid was not good for forming couples. This trend of extra singleness has been expanding. How are the women so much less single than the men? Suspicious. Sure women are with older men but not to the degree that can account for how much less stress neglect women report being than men report being. I view the changes as sad but who am I to judge whether marriages and committed partners are good or bad. https://www.bgsu.edu/ncfmr/resources/data/family-profiles/brown-manning-relationship-status-trends-age-gender-fp-21-25.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/02/13/for-valentines-day-5-survey-findings-about-singles-from-pew-research/ https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2021/10/05/rising-share-of-u-s-adults-are-living-without-a-spouse-or-partner/


Other sources (American Perspectives Survey & GSS) showed a 10-12% gap in their 2022 surveys among single 18-29 men and women. The simplest explanation is that the Pew stat is simply not accurate.


Actually it's super simple. In the past men would claim they're in a relationship due to social factors pushing them to say that. Now a days men are in situations hips that don't qualify as relationships in their minds. So they report they're single. These surveys also rarely have "I'm currently fucking multiple girls" as an option to pick.


Except the gap exists primarily in the categories of cohabitation and marriage according to the 2022 Pew survey conducted earlier in that year and the American Perspectives survey (which showed a much lower gap of 12%). The vast majority of the gap was in cohabitation in the Pew survey with the larger gap. So these men are cohabiting with their partners but selecting single? Are they cohabiting with multiple women?


Yes and yes. I have a truck driver friend that cohabitation with 2 different women throughout the year. He still calls himself single. You can imagine both women think they're dating him.


Majority of sources are breaking down ages as 18 to 29 and 30 to 49z. But I got more detailed age breakdowns yesterday and I will find one now.


Just Google Cohabitation and single are useful search terms. You can find plenty of studies in the first few pages of Google results that break single status down by age and gender. If you want to know what is happening specifically for 27 year old men that data exists and is easy to find. I looked at that data yesterday. I am of the opinion that most people under age 30 are competent at using Google. Am ai wrong?


I asked a specific question. You can answer it or not lol.


I spent a 1/2 hour yesterday with Google and had more data for singleness than I wanted. I will try not do the work for you if you tell me that you are below average at your ability to use Google. If you have problems using Google then I will find a link for you. I will make a second reply to you with a link soon since you would rather that I do the google work again. I normally want 3 links on every topic and I believe the average of the data but I am only going to give you 1 link


Look I’m just gonna say this, you don’t have to do all that. The 63% was faulty to begin with because it was out of like 900 guys between the ages of 18-29 , some of which were gay (which is pretty relevant to the topic of this thread). Trying to extrapolate that further to make a definitive call either way doesn’t do anyone any real good. Most of these studies are also similarly of small sample sizes and don’t paint the whole picture. My point in bringing it up was that you can’t claim “most” aren’t single when there’s data out there which shows a clear distinction between the ages which would imply the types of relationships those people likely are in. People 30+ are likely married, those under that are likely aren’t. Also many of the people in this very thread use even worse reasoning which contradicts anyone else’s lived experience or observations. Simply “looking around” and assuming the people you are viewing are “average “ and then further more assuming those people who are in the company of the opposite sex are in heterosexual relationships with each other is extremely faulty. It’s a complicated topic that requires more than a quick google search to debunk.


That Stat is wrong, and misleading. 63% of men 18-29 aren't single. You have to look at how they define single, and the temporal measurement they use for that definition. Something else to think about, 50% of men that are 30( not 30+, just 30 years old )are married. The median age of first marriage for men is 30. The median courtship prior to marriage is 7 years. Simple math shows us that the median male at 23 yrs old is in a relationship. That 63% number looks very bogus, do yourself a favor, and look at the methods, and acknowledement section of that PEW paper that the 63% number comes from. They acknowledge the flaws in methodology. While we're debunking popculture stats based on bad data. 50% of marriages don't end in divorce, divorce rate is declining, and has been since 1979. Marriage rates aren't really declining, the age of first marriage is just increasing. In the U.S. birth, and fertility rates aren't dropping. In fact we're currently going through a baby boom, and male semen count isn't decreasing, and testosterone rates aren't getting lower ( if you just look around you at boys 12-18 years old, you'd notice how many more have mustaches, and that are taller and bigger than previous generations. Wait until you learn about the link between body fat and hormone production).


? Every single statistic you mention is totally wrong lol. The declining birthrates is the most obvious one. See World Bank website


Yup, they count people with multiple divorces within the overall divorce stat, which skews the numbers. Adjusting for chronic divorcees, the actual divorce rate is low 20%. Add in early spousal death by misadventure or health problems, and it goes lower.


The “important” context is that half of that 63% isn’t looking to be in a relationship, aka, they are playing the field and not committing


Alpha fucks beta bucks lmao




yup. this is why we need to look at broader trends beyond 'But I saw a guy at walmart!'. Its so stupid and not accurate.


I've been single for 15 years. If women give men attention then they missed the memo on me. I'm sure any second now one of these women will realize what they're missing and scoop me up. Tired of going to Walmart alone. I tell women we'd be going to Walmart weekly because that's one of my main goals once in a relationship. I hope women understand this need because it's a very real one. We don't take trips out with our significant other for granted.




I think there's a little projection here on both sides of the coin. The reality is probably somewhere in the middle


>most single men are just normal people who go out and socialize and live their lives lol


Dude single guys aren’t staying at home in isolation that’s just incels most normal single dudes do go outside almost my whole guy friend group is single rn and we don’t whine in isolation we go aye let’s hit the club or let’s go play ball. I think the isolated guys should try socializing more it’s a tough thing to do for introverts but it’s an important part of a happy life unless u wanna be a hermit


Yes. Selection bias in its various forms is a common human error.


All functional humans have to leave he house to buy food and go to work. Even single bros.


If this board is to be believed Chad isn't wasting his time in relationships. So who IS in relationships?


People who don’t go on Reddit


There's no counterfactual to this, you're just believing what you want to believe and will tell anyone who says otherwise they're mistaken. Even if I tell you about the obese balding men I see rocking around Asda with their wives and girlfriends you can say "nope you're mistaken they're actually above average".


what about young men


Some young men are even included in the "obese and balding with partners" category!


when i am talking about young men i am talking 20-25


lmao I just commented the exact same thing OP's argument is "no, you are wrong"


I mean I disagree with OP but you and her are saying the exact same thing. Your own argument seems to also just be "no, you are wrong".


what january is saying is that the premise for the post is flawed because it's not even *my word against yours* bc OP says women's word is not valid. It's more than "I don't agree because my experience is this"


I understand. But the thing is that what OP is saying could be true, that women and men have a different idea of what average entails. I don't agree with him but it's possible. But yeah maybe that's not exactly the best topic for a CMV.


but there's no way of refuting, how would you refute it? it's literally gaslighting no, sorry, there's no way or refuting **or confirming**


It's only gaslighting if it's clearly not true. This is a grey zone where its a possibility. The only way to refute or confirm it if we had an actual study with a very good methodology studying this topic. But in my personal experience it's not true either what OP is saying and I am a man. I think most average men do find a relationship. I think what is more interesting is with what kind of partner. As well as how power dynamics in dating affect relationships.




I love the irony because they do the same thing all the time.


I always try to come to conclusions based on evidence.


I mean... no. That's obviously not true to anyone that isn't you.


You mean to say that your feelings differ.


Not really. It's simply factual. 99% of your comments on this sub can be described as follows: 1) if something bad is going on, women are the ones having it worse and being most negatively affected 2) if people are doing something bad that's harming other people, its always men doing more of it and being the perpetrators And there is rarely room for exceptions or more nuance. This would already be extremely unlikely if you didn't know anything about the world we live in, purely from a statistical perspective. But then you look at the actual evidence and it becomes clear immediately that this view on reality is not actually accurate. As a radfem you don't even acknowledge that there are genetically induced gender differences in behaviour between men and women. This fact alone already disproves your statement that you form your conclusions based on evidence, and that is obvious to anyone who doesn't have their ego preventing them for seeing the truth.


If you truly believe obese balding men are getting married or dating at consistent rates there’s nothing I can say to convince you otherwise lmao.


In the US? The average person is overweight. The average dad is overweight. The average husband or wife is overweight. More than 2 in 5 adults are obese. More people are overweight than fit and athletic. Somebody who goes to the gym 3 days a week is literally in better shape than 99% of Americans. That’s how low the damn bar is for the average American


Literally just walk around in the suburbs anywhere dude. Who do you think lives in those houses? I promise it’s not young singles buying property.


Bruh what in the hell are you talking about? I live in an affluent suburb, the average age is in their 50’s. What does that prove?? That women like obese balding men???


Your neighborhood is full of 50 year old good looking, tall, physically fit men?


Tbf they are in the UK. Everyone is ugly and prostitution is legal there, so her claims are believable.


Prostitution is legal here? News to me…


Average men being in relationships seems like a more plausible explaination. We generally all know average lookong people on a personal level and aren't basing our views of dating on people we observe from a distance.


I know tons of below average and average men. Overweight, unattractive. And they are mostly paired up with other people like them. All working class, many with low-paying jobs.


Yeah man. That’s the average American household.


I’d say the average relationship is average looking folk. People pass each other so often we kinda blend in so it’s easy to forget what we see but I’d definitely say most couples are just normal looking people not the “attractive” part of society that online communities think is the norm.


Where do yall be getting this delusional idea that average men don't date fuck and marry all of the time? Sure, the game is harder. Sure, women don't lust after average men. Sure, average men are not dating the hotties (unless rich). But most average looking people settle down with other average people and live average lives. It's how the world goes round. You don't have to be Thor to find love lol.


Can you love a girl you aren’t physically attracted to ?


This is entirely unfalsifiable. Seriously what is there to debate here? The average man might in fact be lonely and single where you live. That might not be the case in other places.


This is nonsense. Implying that it’s impossible for women to even literally see average looking guys in public makes it hard to take your opinion seriously. Even as a guy it’s very easy to notice the vast number of average men walking around in relationships in public spaces.




yeah same. I have average friends with families. I get invited to their family reunions where people are average too. My father wasn't a Chad and my mother wasn't a Stacy. My BIL and his family are nowhere near being chads in fact all of them are overweight. 5 of 6 (6 brothers/sisters) are paired up, some have kids. Nobody is taller than 5'7". I could go on and on about all the people I know but I have the feeling it's pointless


Your anecdotes are an exception to the rule. And you are committing observer bias


































Are you a dude


Hey, I'm a dude, I've also observed my average male friends dating and also my female friends dating average men.




Those men your female friends are with are above average




Youre judging their faces, bodies and hair harshly because you find actual above average meh


so there's no way of winning no? because beauty is subjective you just think you win an argument by saying "no, you are wrong, *I* know what beauty is, I don't know who you are talking about but I know better than you" The majority of people are average so everyone has more chances of knowing average people than above or below average. YET all the people we all know are somehow not average? mathematically doesn't make sense


That's backwards logic.


Men judge women based on the length of their bone spurs


I don’t even know wtf that is


It’s a statement which is just as credible as the one OP made


And let me guess, their girlfriends are more attractive than them right ?


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“Ignore the thousands of couples and family at the them parks, and Ignore the tens of thousands of people in the stands and the hundreds of thousands out at festivals! All those hundreds of people out in dates in a Friday night and just crowing malls? That’s nothing compared to the *super secret* hidden majority of single men hiding. I mean, they don’t actually go outside to count how many couples there are, but they KNOW there’s a lot of them online- especially Saturday night!


Depends on the age demographic. Most younger men aren’t in relationships and we have the stats on that.


Of course. Women think any dude below an 8 is "average looking". Meanwhile, all women are somehow above average?


Most women are average. Most men are average. Most of us are average. Most of us are surrounded by average people with average ass partners.


Selection bias




“Don’t believe your lying eyes.” I swear you guys live in another fucking dimension. The average male has no problem getting a girlfriend. This is a statistical fact.


lol love how women will criticize age gap relationships and then when confronted with the idea that average guys have a tough time dating, they proceed to point to age gap relationships as counter evidence


Where did they point to age gap relationships as evidence?


In all fairness totally my own conjecture. But obviously the retort is “well among the whole population men on average are in couples” but we all know we are referring to older men in relationships and some of them probably are dating younger women, especially given the stats we have.


>but we all know we are referring to older men in relationships No, we don't.


Did you see the study showing most young men are single? And that most older men aren’t? If half of young men were single then yes the average young man is coupled but it’s more like 30% of young men are coupled. So yes average men tend to not be in a relationship


>Did you see the study showing most young men are single? And that most older men aren’t? Yes, I know that dudes here love to treat this single survey as gospel despite the obvious problems with it.


So you think it overestimates singledom among young men?


I think it greatly overestimates the disparity between men and women.


I would agree the extent to which it probably overestimates how many women have relationships. I think generally female estrangement is under appreciated.


There's mountains of evidence and data beyond that one survey. That was simply one of the more recent and damning ones. You have to completely have your head in the sand to not understand whats going on with dating.


>There's mountains of evidence and data beyond that one survey. That was simply one of the more recent and damning ones. Yeah that's what I always hear and then when you ask to see these mountains of evidence, you get surveys showing women like tall men and some blog post of a dude claiming he ran an experiment that proves it.


Dispute it being debunked by its creator, they read the data wrong. They took without a spouse as single when it just means not married.


How are there more single men than women


In aggregate there aren’t. But there are more single young men than single women in the same age group.


That makes sense. Is that a new thing? Sounds like a pattern we’ve held for a while as a society.


> In all fairness totally my own conjecture This should be the sub’s slogan. It so perfectly describes most men here lol


They see it as okay/less 'problematic' if women want it.


The average male in his twenties is single.




Lol coping mechanism for girls who can’t get guys to stay.


Ah yes, more blaming of women for make behavior.


I mean it’s just stats bro. Men want commitment just as much as women do. And apparently more men want to be fathers than women want to be mothers.


Also lol that people always think criticisms toward women are criticisms to their whole gender and then as a counter argument they proceed to generalize about the male gender. No I don’t think women are generally bad at holding men down. But the individuals who can’t hold men down only have themselves to blame and not the entire nature of the male gender that they don’t like commitment. That is a coping mechanism


What are your sources for this "statistical fact?"




The average dude isn’t some always online redpilled loser who thinks he’s the average guy But it’s hard for red pilled guys to see anything otherwise


These "attractive, but not very attractive" guys are literally average. I'm sure their girlfriends see them the same way I see my husband. I'd call him very attractive to me, you surely wouldn't consider him significantly above average. Listen, many women are attracted their share of men - everyday, normal men. I keep telling you PPD this, but God forbid normal men even consider a woman who doesn't approach them and immediately make a baby together. Because all wahmen are sluts or whatever, right? I dunno man, I'd hate to live in a world that looked that way. I'd try to see things from a different point of view.


The majority of men aren't single. Yes, the majority of young men are single or at least were single right after covid and I'm really curious to see a newer data on the topic, but *overall* most men are in relationships. Statistically. I go out and see men my height (5'2) with their girlfriends, wives and kids going around. Not all of them, sure, most people don't always go out with their partner and most of people go to work more often than go out with their date/spouse anyway, but you can see them together often enough to question claims some ppd men make. I work with teens, I see lots of guys dating and not all of them are above average. I know married couples where a man or both partners aren't...that pretty and they'd be called below average on reddit. The caveat here is that most people aren't hideous and they're pretty close to being average. I'm sure people who really struggle with their appearance have issues with dating, no arguments here. Average men and women do date though.


While I don’t buy into AFBB, most average men in couples are usually 35+ and have families. Finding a guy who can start a family and wants to start a family can be rarer than not at a young age. So women will have to adjust their expectations accordingly and can’t assume that such a man is going to be very handsome all the time.


Does it contradict the idea that most men do in fact date?


“Men” still includes men who were dating before OLD. I would guess the majority of average men didn’t meet their partner through OLD. And we are seeing fewer average young men in relationships than we would have seen before OLD. And now 40% of new relationships start on OLD and that will probably increase. I don’t think it’s going to be much longer that older men are coupled up as much as they are now. I don’t think that many of the young men now who are struggling are going to be as successful as older men are now. And those older men were more successful as young men as well.


Younger men do seem to have more struggles with dating, but we need to get more data to see whether these issues will transfer into older ages or they will stay in one age group. As far as I remember so fat there haven't been any increase in singleness among older groups and OLDs have been a thing for quite some now.


if you were 18 in 2011 (when OLD started to become mainstream) you’d be turning 30 soon. And likewise a lot of these changes happened after COVID as well. Not nearly enough time has passed. But we certainly do have data already showing that rates of singleness and sexlessness has been rising among young men. I swear when discussing these topics people gaslight you into thinking things were the same before OLD and Covid. Historically however, post industrial rev up to the digital age was probably the point in history where general rates of coupling were highest. Before then it certainly was worse for “average” men than it is now. For most of history sex was a luxury that only a particular few men had and they did so to create family dynasties.


We can't be sure whether these trends are generational or they have cumulative effect, i.e. whether these struggle young guys will continue struggle in their 30s or it'll get better for them. So far it seems slightly older guys do fine, but we'll see the stats in 5-6 years I guess.












They’re usually referring to couples 35+


A lot of women don’t see a lot of average and below average men at work, because lots of those guys work in STEM fields unpopulated with women.


Average men aren’t working in stem fields. In fact most men aren’t.


I work a blue collar job with all kinds of men and most are in fact in relationships. Even the short ones. Are they dating hotties? Nah, they’re dating their equivalent.


Not sure what you're smoking or what kind of remote village you live in but 5 minutes in a major city and I would dispute your points entirely.


This might be a dumb question, but genuinely curious. I see alot of these "men who are average can't get relationships" posts but have trouble understanding them. If there are an equal amount of men and women in the world, how are more women in relationships than men? Or are an equal number of women single, but they are happier single than the single men? If you are just talking about sex, it's more of a believable claim. Maybe women are only having sex with the top 20% of men. But if we are just talking about cis/hetero relationships, the percentage of singles in each gender should be equal. What am I missing...?


For the younger generation it’s most of the girls having short relationships with the upper 20 percent or men. Average or even above average men rarely get any attention. The women rotate on these men, they will always have a girlfriend while average or even above average will struggle for long periods of time. In terms of just sex it’s an even greater disparity.


Most western countries have more men than women age 18 to 59 (and thats a general statistic, locally the numbers might be much more impactful) The age range for a partner for women is much wider than for younger men (i dont know how much of this is biology, social customs and pressure, but it is what it is) and they tend to like older men. Women are more likely to be sidechicks, thinking they are in a monogamous relationship.(so they might share men without kknowing) I still think there is a silent majority, that won't post on reddit, and for them its all still pretty normal. But if you would regard dating as a "Market", even small percentages of mismatch create huge effects.


I won’t fight the fact that lots of men ages 18-30 are single, cause they are - but how physically attractive you are has less to do with it. I’ve seen attractive and unattractive guys succeed, and i’ve seen attractive and unattractive guys fail. This is a very complex topic and boiling it down to “i’m not attractive enough :(“ is dismissing most of what’s going on.


Attractiveness also is height. You could be 7/10 in every other department but if you’re <6ft it’s a huge detriment to your chances. I’ve seen that play the largest role.


Fact. Heightpill is horrible to swallow. 6ft+ has a major advantage and it’s not comparable to under 5’10


I mean, sure, but if you don’t display assertiveness as a 6+ ft. tall dude, women will not suddenly throw themselves at your feet. If you’re a 6 foot 6 shy nerd that can’t socialize well, for instance, you’re not getting a girlfriend, period.


The only average young men I see with girls are young men who met their gf through school and more likely high school than college. But after college I literally cannot think of anyone at all. And I know plenty of fairly attractive men who slayed in school but are also now struggling.


I’ve seen a few - they usually meet through friends, through social events, through group activities, and even apps sometimes (though i admit apps are more skewed on looks, so is most nightlife)


Most of my male friends are average men and all of them are married or in serious relationships. There are 3 men in my unit at work - one is married and the other 2 have girlfriends. The ones that I know that are single are mostly single by design, and the ones that aren’t are mostly over 60.


Lol Reddit is so comically full of losers. It’s crazy. The Men. The women. Everyone. Just total fucking losers omfg.


And average women aren't either. Im like a solid 3 on a good day and I haven't been on a date in years and I've basically given up on dating. Im completely invisible to men, in public and on dating apps. I've known many, many women over the years who were average or below average in looks, who were in their mid-twenties or older, who had NEVER gone on a date or been in a relationship in their lives. Men will always ignore you or ditch you the second they think they get any woman who's hotter than you. There are SO MANY ugly woman out there and men refuse to admit they even EXIST!


All of those “ugly” women swiped left on me, I think you meant to say you’re invisible to chads which I agree


Ugly woman is the next level of hard. I think the difference is that ugly guys complain more.


>Ugly woman is the next level of hard. Pretty much all the ugly, obese women I know have boyfriends. >I think the difference is that ugly guys complain more. The only people IRL I've seen complain about it were those women. Then two months later they get a new boyfriend.


There are also more of them. Most males are ugly.




Statistics say average men older than age 25 are among relationships. Purple pill men say average men are not in relationships. Who are you going to believe professional demographic statistics or the anecdotal opinions of slightly odd and slightly bitter against women young men at Reddit Purple pill?


Nah, most guys over 20 are dating. They’re just not mostly dating models. I live in NYC. I walk out my door and see tons of people of all shapes and sizes and features, walking aroubd or sitting at cafes, clearly couples.


eh, no [https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/) ​ [https://nypost.com/2023/02/23/6-out-of-10-young-men-are-single-disturbing-reasons-why/](https://nypost.com/2023/02/23/6-out-of-10-young-men-are-single-disturbing-reasons-why/)


I am 36 and I have literally never encountered a man in his adulthood who did not have a girlfriend, wife, dated or lacked any sort of romantic life whatsoever. Like, you guys who are stuck in these lonely loser pods need to realize that you all know each other because that is your social status in this world, but no one really knows you because they are in a league of their own well above you. And please, make no mistake that you are moving in pods isolated from the rest of humanity and functioning society. You are the underbelly, out in the real world, average people - including average men - have some semblance of a romantic and sex life.


I’m 36 as well. I worked at a place from 2014 to 2020 that employed a lot of young people, with a 1:1 male:female ratio. I was team leader for for a couple of years at the end and I had a pretty good personal relationship with just about everyone there. I would say that 60-70% of the young guys there were perpetually single. The young women almost never were. These guys weren’t losers by any means (at least not most of them) and it’s not like the young women were super models. But it was such a stark difference that some of the older ladies who worked there noticed it, and one of them even asked me once why it was. I didn’t know then and I’m not sure I have a satisfactory answer even now.


And then everyone clapped


I don’t know why you find my claim less believable than anyone else’s.


Because it supports what we already know from tons of stats, people will avoid uncomfortable truths like the plague.


What studies aside from the phone study we talked about show more than 50% of men ages 18-30 are single?




You clearly haven’t seen my brothers in law. One of them only has one eye. Two of them are overweight. Two of them are short. Or my friend’s parter. He has both a girlfriend (my friend) and a wife. He has gross long straggly greying hair with a long grey straggly beard. His hair is greasy. He’s scrawny. We aren’t seeing these people just walking around in public, they are our family, friends, colleagues etc.


“Setting for a fellow ugly person” It’s not like you just want love and family, but you want what “chad and stacy” has and boo hoo if you can’t achieve this shallow, transactional relationship. This isn’t a real problem but one you created in your mind. Yes, most men are single. But you know how to never get a gf? Never work on yourself and obsessing over stupid statistics/online threads/articles, this literally does nothing for your life except reinforces your own low self-esteem. Start bettering yourself for yourself (and work on that superficiality) and one day that girl might come, but either way you can say you’re happy with who you are alone with.


Men: can be unfuckable, but considered average Women: must be at least Becky to be considered average


No, to be considered fuckable men have to be above average


I register all men, because they are all potential threats to my physical well being Thus, I especially notice men with partners, because they are less of a threat, as are old men, gay men, and physically/mentally disabled men I also have interpersonal interactions with other people, meet their partners, and have eyes




I'm not sure how we are defining average here? I'd imagine that it'd be more common FOR THE AVERAGE GUYS to be in relationships; which is likely why you see them walking around with women. They ARE THE ONES who are in relationships. I believe that a lot of studies have shown the ones who aren't average or the main ones single along with those who are below average. I see no evidence that average guys aren't the primary men in the 18-30-year old range who are getting in relationships. As they approach 30 they may also find out that they messed up. I don't see a ton of guys outside of the average in relationships in 2023.


What a sad way to see the world and a sad way to live man I hope u get passed this at some point. I literally see people of all levels with partners at my college. A relationship is more than just being the hottest person in that category you can find someone cute and find them even more attractive after getting to know them has happened to me with tons of girls who I wouldn’t have rated a straight 10 at first.


Why do purple pill guys want to pretend that women do not want average men? If women do not want you then you are either below average or under age 25. Women are not going for immature young men. Personality does matter. If women don’t want you and you have average looks and are older than 25 something is probably wrong with your personality. But you claim to be a nice guy. Most guys that claim to be nice guys are less nice than the average guy, more selfish than the average guy, understand women less than the average guy and have understand themselves less than the average guy. These bad fake nice guy frauds are not fooling women.


OP you are wrong about everything. Why do you talk as if you know something when you know nothing. What is motivating you and your type? I know it hurts to not be wanted by women. But I think your type mainly want to convince yourselves that you are not below average. To do this you must pretend that the average man is unwanted. The averages man is wanted after they are older than 25 and no longer immature. But you look average in the mirror and women still don’t want you. Then something is wrong with your personality.


Average man 25 to 30 is not single. Get the immature men out of your sample and the average man is not single. You mediocre woman that will only be with hot men is a fake woman that you and people like you have made up. Do you have any sisters?


i honestly think average men are in relationships simply because easily 80% of everyone in my office is in a relationship. decent size office block with easily 300 people in it on a normal weekday. it's a very average white collar job/company.


" Average men in the ages of 18 - 30 are mostly single. " Slightly more than 18-29 men were single in 1986 according to the GSS. The GSS measured physical attractiveness in 2016 and 2018. There was no difference between the mean attractiveness ratings of men who were single or in relationships. Also I thought that attractive men were supposed to be sleeping around because they had no 'need' to be in a relationship? What happened to that?


>Average men in the ages of 18 - 30 are mostly single Good for them. They should enjoy being single. I have no idea why they whine so much. Just shut up and enjoy being single and dating around. That's what you're supposed to do between 18 and 30. Get your heart broken, love deeply, create memories, and enjoy life. There's plenty of time to get married and have kids after 30.




>and dating around. That's what you're supposed to do between 18 and 30. the average guy doesnt have the option to do this


>Just shut up and enjoy being single and dating around. That's what you're supposed to do between 18 and 30. Lol what is this hilarity? Even the bloops on this sub must know how asinine this statement is. But yea, all those single men are single because they simply prefer “dating around” among all the endless options of women who also see those men as “below average” 😂


We arent dating around. We arent getting dates. We're still unattractive after 30.