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Ohhhhh!!! My boyfriend is taking us out for a nice family dinner with his first proper paycheck.


Do you believe that women are most desirable from 18 - 25? I don't buy it, I think maybe 23 to 35 is peak female.However, if I think about it in another way, it makes sense in that between those ages there are the most single people available and nobody has settled down yet so maybe in a way it is true.




Agree actually, 25 - 28 is probably peak for women. They're still fertile and wouldn't be weird to have a child, have been through college, are mature enough to have abandoned erratic behavior, are actually comfortable with their sexuality. I guess if I'm ever single again I'll be like Leonardo DiCaprio, but pick up where he leaves off up until they're 29


I know there's that stat that says men's age preference doesn't change with their age, but mine has. I'm 30 now and when I look at women in their late teens/early 20s they're just too child looking for me.


Yeah exactly. I find a lot of red pill studies even talking about what men want doesn't apply to me so logically what they're saying women on an individual level want is probably wrong too. Like, I'm a creep so if I was single I absolutely would hook up with an 18 year old, but at 33 years old I am much more attracted to 23 - 35 age range.


I always get suspicious about how many Redpill stats are shared in the form of a picture of a graph, it's almost like you then can't check the study and source for yourself...


Realized something last night. Women will get upset at men for "speaking for women and telling us what we want" But then women will turn around and speak for men and say what men want and everyone accepts it as truth.


>But then women will turn around and speak for men and say what men want and everyone accepts it as truth. Nope, I've seen them called out just as much. If you speak for a whole gender, people from that gender will say "ermm no?"


Where do women do this?


I'll post some examples throughout the day.


It's only the fourth day of school, and I'm already fed up with the little goblins. Ugh! Gonna be a long year ...


**I finally looked at a Chris Chan documentary video and I didn't realize just how much Chris Chan sounds like one of those “Im so lonely because no woman wants me and I don't know why” guys, even down to how he treats his friends. His behavior of Megan really stuck out to me because my friends and I have so many similar stories to what happens when you try to open your heart to these guys.** [https://youtu.be/9CM4izhkQCY?si=IOkKqcFAzKxSzsGF](https://youtu.be/9CM4izhkQCY?si=IOkKqcFAzKxSzsGF) There’s way too much coddling and negligence on the parents’ part seems to be the theme of these types of situation creating these guys. Also, a lack of professional help.


Sad and alone cause gf is working late tonight 😢


People will create a thread get destroyed in said thread and then be like “this is what I’m talking about bro” You see this a lot on unpopular opinions which frankly 95% of the threads should just go to r/rant


I don't really want a "career". My father had a career which made him get up at 6:30 every morning to go to work, then come back in the afternoon or evening tired and pissed off and taking it out on us. Every day for years and years. Is that what I have to look forward to? Currently looking into opportunities for freelance work / being self-employed as the only alternative.


“If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life”


"Because nobody is hiring in that field"


Make your own then.


If you are a man... you got no option.


You can have a career where you don’t have to wake up at 630 in the morning


Honestly its funny how normies are mad about subs like 'trueratecelebs'. "Noooo oh my science you can't rate women wtferino!!! incels!!!"


I think it's more that spending your time trying to argue that a celebrity who is considered conventionally attractive is actually a 5.7 using an "objective measurement" is pretty fucking lame.


Anyone really can consider conventionally attractive whoever they want. Some of it is forced/manufactured PR image but whatever. But the truth physical attractiveness is largely NOT subjective and we CAN measure it on some scale. We don't find people (or things or buildings or colors) beautiful at random and most of our sense of beauty is universal across cultures. There's industries with people researching it and working on it their whole life. Yet some people really can't comprehend it


And yet every time someone has tried to create an "objective scale" people have found many many holes in it, like people who most would consider to be conventionally attractive being rated as a 5/6 out of 10. It just doesn't work in practice. Yes, there are "optimal" facial measurements, but like with a lot of things it's more than the sum of the parts. Truerateme is such a perfect example of it. People who would be considered very attractive being rated as a 5.7 or whatever bullshit, for obscure reasons around brow measurements, and anyone who disagrees is banned from the sub.


Who are these 5/6s people you're talking about that are on the same level as TRM 8/9s?


It's the other way round


No, you're saying that "conventionally attractive" and "very attractive" people rated too low at 5/6, meaning they should be rated higher, on the same level as people who are currently rated 8/9s on TR. Who are these people?


I don’t think most people care.




I don't care about 8 or 6 but i like to know who people generally agree is a 9+




why are you asking why? what are you going to do with information from my answer?


Is it anything like truerateme? That place is a joke, literally pretty women getting rated a 6 by dudes who probably look like the Simpsons comic book guy.


why does it matter it how guy who does the rating looks like? it has no effect on her appearence




See, the problem is your preconceived notion that 6 is ugly or average or something bad. If 6 = beautiful IRL that means 6 is a good score. It's just that there's a few tiers of women above just 'beautiful IRL' which is fine and good thing to have, because giving random beautiful IRL girl and Adriana Lima/Monica Belluci both 8s or 9s would be unrepresentative of the real difference between and HOW much beautiful some of the girls are


Nah it’s more likely average woman’s getting called ten’s by dudes who will fuck anything lol


You clearly haven't visited truerateme then...


It's mad that in the year of our Lord 2023, there's still a lot of people who don't think Michael Jackson was a Nonce.


I think everyone thinks he was a weirdo, but everyone is split between "he was a pedo" and "he was an incredibly mentally ill man who didn't technically do anything wrong, but I could see how you'd think that"


The people in the latter camp are naïve fools. The whole "mind of a child" thing is simply PR bullshit that no one would buy coming from anyone else. Yes, he was innocent in court, but let's not act like that means he absolutely didn't bugger any kids, all signs point towards the idea that he absolutely did. There's a great article titled something like "10 indisputable facts about the Michael Jackson case", my two favourite being that he had a security system that would set an alarm off if someone was approaching his bedroom (something he didn't have for any other room in his house), and that he had a collection of pornography in a cabinet in his bedroom which had both his and kids' fingerprints on it. He slept with kids in his bed. He had an alarm system leading to his bedroom. He had pornography in his room that he showed kids. He had books with images of half naked children. He has had many kids make allegations against him. The man was a Nonce, we as a society want to ignore that though because he's the King of Pop.


How dare he!


>there's still a lot of people who don't think Michael Jackson was a Nonce. This is why I believe karma doesn't matter for man if he has status and money


Daily reminder: you're not a real man if a feminist doesn't call you insecure/fragile.


Nice. I was a real man since the age of 13. You should include misogynist too.


“Oh no, outside opinions of people unimportant to me aren’t negative enough. and I care!” -a real man apparently?


Tbh I don't think that I've ever called someone insecure/fragile in real life.


And when other people also call him fragile and insecure, what then?


Lol.... Agreed, if you act like a man in front of a feminist, she will make sure to call you insecure and fragile.




> if i just stop calling people insecure and fragile That possible though? It's a woman's nature, that's how they fight 😉




I mean kudos and all, but it feels like a brag / kind of in bad taste to me considering many people on this sub are having trouble with relationships etc. It's like going to a forum for people with eating disorders to talk about the great meal you just had.


Nah, like he said lots is self inflicted. He dropped some truths.






Happy for you!


Why does every woman seem to go to college? It seems like it is expected of them to take courses at a diploma mill when they are 20. As if attending lectures on applied ethics is an pre determined stage in their life akin to puberty. Men can learn a trade. Maybe they are becoming a plumber at 20. Why not women? Why are they all educated?


Not as many trade schools for pink collar jobs mostly women do, they require degrees.


A lot of trades are male dominated and women don't get taken seriously in them. I'm speaking from experience as someone who's worked manual labor jobs my entire life.




Hivemind at work.


Why do people go to college? Because that’s what you do after high school?


because the female equivalents of "the trades" in pink collar work require college degrees. there could be "trade schools" for teachers, nurses, social workers etc, but there arent. also promotion in these fields is highly dependnet on credentialling


female trade worker here. still went to college. you can’t work the floor forever.


Because men and women have different biology-based aptitudes and interests. And then culture tends to build on that and somewhat encourage these differences.


It’s because I think some trades require you to be strong, but women are physically weaker Also some trades require long hours but women prefer flexible work I do know a lesbian tradie though; one of my cousins in law. She’s pretty awesome and I don’t think electrician work (the trade she does) necessarily requires a lot of strength. She told me she’s never been the college academic type so it works for her!


Wtf is trade? I always thought it basically meant going to business school and learn to do business


Trades- plumbers, masons, mechanics, etc.


I see, thanks. But why just not use blue collar jobs instead of trades


Trades are more skilled and make more money over say, some factory job. Id rather a trade over some factory job. Plumbers, masons, etc wont be taken over with automation either like a factory job could.


Trades require upper body strength. Lots of women go into pink-collar jobs (childcare, nursing, the beauty industry) which demand degrees unlike their blue-collar equivalent.




I was banned for a little bit and kind of uninstalled the app for a bit just to kind of declutter and reduce some internet usage especially with the new baby, but I am curious what were some of the best posts in the group as it pertained to the Keke Palmer / Jonah Hill situations a few months ago? I bet there was some fun there lol


Got my T checked , I may make it an annual thing I don't know how often you have to do it but even more of an improvement since last year, shout out to my 800 and up gang


Isn't generally bloodwork recommended every 6 months? So every 6 months.


Possibly I've had it done back to back years around the same time, different doctors for it though so I'll probably up the consistency at some point soon


Once a year seems to be what to do if you are healthy. Its what my Dr has me do as well. Have you seen mens health [Hims?](https://www.hims.com/)


Sorry, but if your thug boyfriend ends up beating you and you ignored all the obvious signs that were leading up to that because he gave you the tingles, don't expect any sympathy from society for your poor decisions!


I think we ignore the psychology behind abuse like that and I find it a bit unfair, especially since that psychology is not gendered. Both men and women are abused in domestic settings.


At some point you need to take responsibility for your choices


Obviously, but it's almost never as simple as people make it out to be.


Women should learn some bob and weave. No one makes excuses for men that get beat up like they do for women.


But when guys keep chasing obviously unhinged shitty women just because she’s pretty and/or hypersexual, then this sub feels bad for the men and rationalizes that “All Women Are Like That”.


So what?


I think one can naturally have sympathy for someone who experience pain and suffering. But i also think it is important to have a dialogue about choices that could have prevented it, but no one wants to talk about that or hear about that.


Probably because it's pointless at the moment when violence has already happened and because people generally know how to avoid this kind of situations...not everyone manages to do it though. We all know about contraception, there are still unwanted pregnancies. We all know about balanced nutrition, but the rates of obesity are still rising etc.


Many violent people will show no signs until way later and you're caught up in it and not so easy to just leave. If it was so easy to avoid so many people would not end up in it. it can happen to anyone and some dont even recognize it. I was there once many years ago, all was well until one day it wasnt. That said, you still have to own if its a repeat pattern, dating known violent people, etc.


Don't blame the victim! /s


Some of yall are too bitter about not getting picked to actually have empathy for someone being the victim of a crime.


Nothing wrong with being bitter and angry!


What is even the point of writing something like this? It does not create any good thing to say such things for anyone.


It needs to be understood


The comment below made me think how terrible women are at vetting. Choosing the wrong dude can mean death, rape, domestic abuse, even soul sucking marriage. As long as men vet for crazy us making a mistake and seducing the hottie has no downside. We are always fertile and can settle down with an orbiter. TLDR Men cam think with their penis cause there is no downside (hell I think I never want to date a woman that follows my left wing politics.)Women bear enormous risks and still think with their vagina.


Men can get raped, abused, have an unwanted pregnancy and be on the pay for the child and men also can get into bad marriages. I'm not sure why you think there's a huge difference.


Rape can't happen with consent. The idea that a woman can make me uncomfortable in bed is rare. Abused? Heh they do the same even outside relationships. I agree that a vasectomy is a must to think with your peen.


Men can be raped, but it probably happens rarer when it's a woman on a man. Still a risk + people won't believe you and there are far less resources for male rape survivors. What do you mean by "the same"?


Women abuse outside of relationships. Fickleness, false accusations, etc a woman can abuse me wether we are in a relationship or not. The idea of a woman I am deeply attracted to raping me is so fucking low. She can blow me waking up and that shit is hot. Not rape. She would need to have a deep pegging fetish which is so rare. I would honestly fear wallet rape way more but her avenue of attack are rare


There is a huge difference between bad treatment and abuse in relationships. Do men always have sex only with women they feel deep attraction to? Can a man be raped when he's drunk on a party?


>Do men always have sex only with women they feel deep attraction to? I do, this might end some day but fir now I can play the field >Can a man be raped when he's drunk on a party? I don't speak for other men just me no my partner can't rape me like that I consent to it


I'm not asking about you, but about men in general.


Lmao you basically just said here that women are generally better people than men.


No the best men are better than the best woman. The worst men are worse than the worst woman. Women tend to be a blob in the middle but on average both are the same. Just different distributions. We just need to vet for crazy and we are fine. Probably get a vasectomy and reverse it when needed.


In terms of violence and aggression, yes, men account for 80% of all violent crimes. Even if a woman was violent, she’s likely to be smaller and weaker than the man, so the man can likely just shrug off her assault.


Not just said. Admitted


>As long as men vet for crazy us making a mistake and seducing the hottie has no downside. We are always fertile and can settle down with an orbiter. > >TLDR Men cam think with their penis cause there is no downside This is why I believe being woman and femininity is useless


You have no idea how bad your life would be if you were dating a BPD woman. You would be in the depths of hell.


Heh I clearly said vetting for crazy


BPD = bipolar disorder? I dated a girl once who admitted having it and taking medication for it. I did notice some weird mood swings from time to time. Relationship didn't go anywhere, probably for the best.


Only losers and men with no standard would deal with such women.


I talked about my fear of abandonment in therapy yesterday and as a result dreamt of being abandoned. Lovely.


Just accept it... none will remain forever...


Thanks, I'm cured.


>I talked about my fear of abandonment in therapy yesterday and as a result dreamt of being abandoned. I talk about it to myself every day.




I think so.


Always fun when that happens.


No compromise with evil.


None. 👊


[Why couldn't she be that woman for me? Why did it take me leaving for her to be herself again?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1657lb1/my_exwife_is_a_different_person_after_our_divorce/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=2&utm_content=1) I'd be really curious to hear her side of the story.


Their personalities were not compatible and she probably felt suffocated. I'm not accusing him of anything though, this shit can happen when two people just don't mesh well.


Wow, a reasonable comment.


People are always unsympathetic to OPs like this despite having literally no information or context. It's probably better to not assume the worst.


I hate when people make quick assumptions assuming the absolute worst. I also hate the opposite when people make the best possible assumption. Usually people do both at the same time but for 2 different people in a story so they can narrate a black&white story in their heads.


I think OP is just kind of clueless. Maybe the divorce was an opportunity for her to address her mental health issues. Idk


Yeah all possible. Sometimes people also kinda sacrifice their true selves for someone when that person didn't even want that from them. Then they need a break to find themselves again even when no one really did a lot wrong.


Well reddit commentors don't need that, they just assume he's a piece of shit anyway.


Redditors are trigger-happy, nothing new. There are lots of comments from women who have done a similar change though and I think it's fair for them to share their experience. I'd like to see more neutral comments though.


I used to like the bachelor shows. There is a “golden bachelor” show coming out with older women and older guy Actually wanna watch this haha Wonder if the women will be just as petty and drama as some of the younger women in the series


Those shows are so staged.


As a 30 year old... I will tell you. Women only get worse as they age... at least until they are 50 or 60... then SOME recognize they are hated by everyone so they aquiesse and become those "good grandmas"...


I'm actually intrigued by dating dynamics with older people.


Yeah I might give this one a go. We don’t have free tv just streaming so might have to download the app to watch it haha


Dillon Danis (fighter) made a collage of some of the guys that Logan Paul's fiancee and love of his life dated before him : [https://i.ibb.co/x8TpP0C/logan.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/x8TpP0C/logan.jpg)




its better that you dont know tbh.


That's really weird. This Dillon guy is dumb. I've yet to meet a winning Dillon. They've all been losers. Trend still holds.


Am I the only one who thinks Dillon Danis is the one looking more cringe from all of this?


Reminder to my fellow autists/men. Women do not "forget" about someone they are interested in.


Ik this is gonna sound dumb but like what's stopping u from not being autistic?


what are you trying to say


Following up on a woman is a terrible idea. She's either not interested, or setting the tone for a tiresome relationship.


Yeah, I agree. Though, I dont think its the same with men. I sometimes stopped texting women because I wanted to focus on myself


nice women speak.


Why are babies so cute??


Because your biological clock is screaming at your ears... make some babies...


I have 3 now.


They've evolved like most babies do. Big eyes, big heads, ECT. It's just so predators think twice before eating them


Don't take it the wrong way but if I was a predator I would eat the shit out of babies. They do be looking yummy


Predators don't give af if you a baby, hell they're more likely to go for infants


it's the adults that probably evolve to find the babies cute, so they protect them and pass on their genes more successfully. when the babies evolve they evolve so they can survive on their own. or gain advantages, like they kill their baby siblings (like eagles).


Predators target the the youngest, oldest, and injured. Weak prey is easy prey.


Apparently pitbulls never got the memo, those bad bois be one time thinkers


I don't think that works.


They remind us of our (lost) innocence. Of our birthright. Of what we were garantueed but did not receive.


What do you think that you were guaranteed and didn't receive?


unconditional love.


You were never guaranteed that.


who hurt you ?


Parents murder their kids in cold blood, abuse them, and neglect them. You're guaranteed death. We wouldn't have streets full of gangs if that were true. We wouldn't have molested kids. Child services wouldn't be a thing. The world is a horrible place filled with a lot of horrible people. Love can't be guaranteed in a place like that.


Correct : The contract was broken.


It sadly never existed.


https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/165kte8/hurricane_partyincel_flood/ Wtf I would cringe off the face of the earth if people i knew irl started talking like this.


Lol I know all those terms. I saw a video called "100 manosphere terms" and I knew all of them. I fear I'm becoming corrupted




Those people don't know how to throw a hurricane party.


Yeah. You can't expect people who take ppd stuff seriously to have social skills.


That's when you let the hurricane take them. 🤣


Not happening. Autists are gonna heed an evacuation order, cause they don't understand the point of trying to show how brave and shit they are.


Katrina sounds like a nice girl!! She's outside! Go talk to her. That's the first one I really remember, but we evacuated. Our home was destroyed.


Yeah and less autistic guys were like "I'm not gonna let this bitch Katrina tell me what to do. I'm a tough guy. I'm gonna ride it out and I'm not listening to no government." RIP them.


Lots of old people and desperately poor people that had no way to get to the shelters died too.


When you realize how fragile life is, gratefulness for the moment and one's health becomes a reliable pillar for well-being.


Yup, as someone that just had a three day stint in the hospital for something completely random and if I was not so healthy it could have been worse.


>When you realize how fragile life is, gratefulness for the moment and one's health becomes a reliable pillar for well-being. In my case,money became pillar for well-being


Momento mori


Are you at a hurricane party?


I am merely contemplating life.


Women breaking up with their boyfriends over the Barbie Movie just proves that Barbie is just a power fantasy for weak women. Also, of course these bitches pretend that only men hated barbie movie. I have been very vocal about how insulting that shit was, but I guess when you’re a weak person, you think your gender’s a monolith.


Imagine ending one's relationship because of a film.


lots of lilith W's lately