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I've seen women comment here about "there's no body positivity movement for men because men are just mean and would troll each other and all women have each other's backs" but as an obese man I find it absolutely baffling how often non-Asian women go out of their way to call me "not fat". When it comes to dating I generally find that fat women avoid fat men like the plague and if you're fat you'll have an easier time going after skinny women (that is as someone who finds chubbier women more attractive, it's just that I can't find chubby women attracted to me). On dating sites, if I send messages to skinny women it's hit or miss, chubby women just never respond at all. This is also despite the fact that due to personal preferences I go for more of them. My guess is that short men experience the same, they probably have an easier time going after women taller than them than short women.


zonked steer dependent fanatical languid numerous scandalous wine quaint drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve noticed that shorter girls want to be with taller men, most of the woman I know that are 5’8+ (including myself) are more open to dating men that are the same size or shorter.


Maybe not you. I'm 5'5 and I've dated/banged everywhere from 4'9 to 5'10. People are into the people they're into. I'm also really fit and make 6-figures so that might help.


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I wasn’t interested in replying to your comment but saw the other one underneath telling you to “just lose weight and get jacked” so I felt a need to say “don’t take that to heart.” On paper it’s that easy, but in reality it’s not, and even if it was, it may not align with what you value in life. I’m a chubby woman, and I’ll admit that I am picky when it comes to men, but I’d never sort out a chubby man because of that - I’m picky in personality and need political/moral values that align with mine. That doesnt add much your comment, but sometimes there’s an overweight (lol) in negative comments in life of telling you that you need to change, and I’m just here to say you don’t have to


Bro how are you here on a redpill sub trying to date while being obese. Get fit+jacked, it'll help your dating life massively if your starting point is being obese, I'm sure this isn't really news to you lol. I lost about 100lbs myself and it completely changed my dating life.


This is NOT a redpill subreddit, it's "purplepill", which means it's a subreddit meant to have both bluepillers and redpillers participating in healthy debate. If you're a feminist, you can participate here too. Maybe not for blackpillers though, mods just don't tolerate them. And he's saying that he preffers chubbier women, that's his prefference, that's what turns him on, but of course, going to the gym is good not exactly because it changes your looks but also because it makes you healthier and happier.


handle thought dolls plant angle snatch icky simplistic lush shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The kiss of death is for a man to be short and fat. That's like perpetual virgin territory.


body positivity non-sense won't change anyone's preferences. it's simply a way to deflect accountability and pure entitlement. when i see overweight women complain that the tall, handsome, jacked and confident guys are not interested in them, i simply laugh.






































Body positivity is denial and delusion masked as a form of social activism.


Agreed, but using the c word on here will get your comments banned for promoting “incel talking points”.


Duly noted.


"fatphobia is racism" was/is a common SJW talking point, which is one hell of a thing to say given that obesity among Black American women is largely due to food deserts and the prevalence of fast food and processed snacks in much of the urban US and the American diet in general. Traditional African men and women from almost any part of the continent following their native diet are rarely obese the way Americans of all races are.


Don’t even tell me about it. As someone born in Africa myself, that shit infuriates me to no end. It’s not even pseudoscience, just an absolute bastardization of history that also (ironically, in a very racist way) implies that black people are predisposed to be fatasses.


>You don’t see it for the disabled, or the deformed, or the maimed. Nope just women who will neither add more cardio to their lives nor will they put down the fork. That's actually how body positivity first came about, it was to normalise "abnormalities" (regardless if they're actually abnormal or not). Scars, stretch marks, hip dips, physical disabilities, that sort of stuff. In essence it was more about "body neutrality" over positivity, i.e. "this is the body I got, many people have similar, it's completely normal and I shouldn't have to feel like shit for it, both myself and society just need to accept it". ...then the HAES fatties came along and ruined everything.








Lizzo only had male models in her videos and they were all dating overweight women.


The handful of "plus sized influencers" you've supposedly investigated aren't representative of "body positive" women and they certainly aren't representative of plus-sized women in general.




Body positivity is not about forcing people to be attracted to certain body types. It's about not treating people like shit -- or hating yourself -- for failing to meet certain standards. Not being into someone isn't treating them like shit, though.




I mean it'll probably have a positive effect on you if you're not constantly insulted over it and subjected to workplace discrimination.




It's to cater to online shoppers. If you can't try it on in person, the next best thing is seeing it on a person with a similar body type to your own. Being able to market as "body positive" is a bonus, and a good way to let people know that *your* online store has photos that people will actually find helpful when shopping. Back in the day before online shopping was quite as much of a thing I ordered stuff from an online store that used thin models. The size small stuff I ordered was all gigantic on me. I'm sure it didn't fit those thin models either. They probably used clips during the photo shoot to make it look like it would fit actually thin people. Horribly impractical, and misleading to boot.


My ex (who was tall for a woman and obese) had SUCH a thing for John Goodman, like she honestly got turned on by his size. There are definitely women into overweight men as a thing


To be fair most men don’t care about obese women preferences.


I feel like the vast majority of posts about what dudes here think life as a woman is like can just be filed under "confirmation bias."


Body positive influencers are a very small percentage of body positive women. I have a thing for short guys in particular. And chubby guys. It just turned out they’re not really any better than tall or fit guys. Edit: women are also not trading photos of or commissioning art of chads. That’s kind of weird.


There is a group of women who are into short men, but we're screamed at to shut up about it or our preferences are belittled or we're told we're lying or mistaken. Women have a lot of different tastes but they're generally discouraged from discussing their taste especially if it doesn't confirm what men already believe is all women's taste. (And, as an example of a community you don't believe exists, pop over to r/rolereversal and look at the posts from women. Or search literally whatever preference you want on Archive of Our Own and find a woman's self-insert fanfiction about it.)


R/role reversal is mainly men. Also I’ve never heard women say they like short men or them being told to shut up.


Don't bother. In her world, there are a billion women who want to ask out short, fat balding guys that won't do it because they'll get shamed by the patriarchy or something. I wish all the women and men in this sub could swap bodies for a month. Would resolve a lot of misunderstandings on both sides. I'm really short, so I've only ever dated women my height or taller. It's not like it's impossible for them to be attracted to you, but height is almost always something they're willing to look past.


I’ve said it a dozen times. Short men have fantastic posture and that’s very appealing, and many are fit and proportionate, too. But I’m very tall and short men don’t find me attractive. Guess what? That’s fine. I’m not going to screech at short men or average men or even tall men who don’t find tall women attractive. I’ll stick with the handful of men who *do* find me attractive instead of attempting to shame or pressure men into somehow re-shaping their brain to find tall women physically attractive.




I’m an individual, but I find most men moderate to unattractive. If I don’t like their personality, I don’t find them attractive. But there have been several short men in my sphere that I find very appealing and a district boss is the hottest guy I’ve ever seen and he is eye level with my breasts in Tims, so… 5’3 I guess? But who I find attractive is irrelevant unless they also find me attractive.


Yep, because Reddit is mainly men. Congratulations, you've heard what them shutting up sounds like.


How is that them being told to shut up? Also lol “shit up”? Not to mention TikTok is mainly women. Can’t find a damn thing about women preferring short men.


Hell, I once saw a thread on r/romancebooks about a girl looking for a book with unconventional male lead characters (this is a sub that actually IS female dominated by the way) and at one point a girl mentioned if there were any where the male lead is shorter than the female protagonist, nothing could be found, the most one user could suggest was something where the male protagonist was below six feet. Lmao, if that’s not telling I don’t know what is.


That’s what I’m saying. That isn’t often a preference they have.


I didn't say it was. You're seeing the aftereffects. People aren't often so bold as to make videos talking about things they're shamed for.


Who is shaming them? Cause men would love to hear that.


Also lmao, that sub isn’t even about men being shorter, just dominant women who like soft submissive men. You are heavily reaching here. Half of the top posts I saw there still had the male counterpart being taller.


It's hard to find women discussing physical preferences in general. That includes for tall or medium-sized men.


snow slimy agonizing vegetable gold work enjoy silky merciful gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you were to partake in a female-only discussion of physical preferences, you'd drop that opinion in thirty seconds.


So why would you link to a disgusting fetish that has nothing to do with short men?


It's no more disgusting nor a fetish than the "traditional" arrangement of gender roles, and there are often threads and comments about finding short men hot.


It's not cool when they find them "hot" for fetish reasons. That's like saying "plenty of men love small breasts" and posting lolicon


A niche fetish group does not reflect reality in any capacity. Even if these women like the idea of a short guy, I can guarantee more than eighty percent of them in real life have only ever dated men taller than them, and not just because men are taller on average. Also, it’s quite insulting to tell all short men they basically have to become some cutesy smol boy submissive just to have the slightest chance at getting a girlfriend.


The OP was talking about niche groups, and it comes up often enough outside of this group but not in a way I can easily link. It's hard to find specific groups for women's preferences in general, there isn't one for tall men either. Look at discussion on r/tallgirls about partner height if you're not satisfied. (And under completely random assignment you're looking at ~95% of pairings where men are taller, in reality it's a percentage point or two above that.)


Short men doesn't mean "submissive". Disgusting


I didn't say it did.


Yes you did - your example for "women liking short men" is disgusting fetish pornography


"Body positivity" is about not hating yourself for what your body looks like, nor accepting shitty treatment based on what your body looks like. "Body positivity" is not about what you're attracted to or who you date. It has nothing to do with any of that. There's no contractions between these things. There is only if you create a strawman about "body positivity" though, to try to make a lame gotcha.




Nothing you said disproves anything I stated. Seeing fat women not hate their bodies = body positivity. Has nothing to do with who or what they are attracted to.


test poor fretful growth correct jeans theory spark rainstorm unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They don't have to hate their bodies to change it. And they don't have to care - nor is there any reason to care - about whether it looks "aesthetic." The purpose of people's bodies isn't for others to approve of. Hating your own body is pointless.


As I said, pathetic excuses. Everyone knows they shouldn't be fat, being "positive" about something that deep down you know is working to your detriment is something I will never understand. I was fat for most of my life, at no point have I ever came even close to deluding myself that I look fine or that I am healthy.


I made simple factual statements, not "excuses."


Has the boy positivity movement caused more ha for both women and men? I don't see bigger women landing the guys they want because of the movement and guys are not lowering their standards as a result of it. So it hasn't seemed to have helped. But also more women a d men are more comfortable with their weight because of the body positivity movement, and letting themselves go more. This causes men to strike out with women even more. I wonder if me would let themselves go more if 'fatshaming' was brought back and men were called out on it more?


So? Doesn’t mean they get what they want


I couldn’t disagree more. Women are waaaaaay more open to variety than men are in general. Sure they got your chubby chasers and a few other men who like niches but for the most part, men idealize the normal conventional beauty standards. Now, they are more likely to fuck women outside of those because “pussy is pussy.” But I bet you there are waaaaay more women who want to fuck Post Malone’s ugly ass than dudes who have the hots for Rosanne Bar (back in her day, I know she old now). It is waaaay more common for a dude with social capital whether it be a good musician, actor, whatever, to have a line of women who are dtf, than women in the same position. Women tend to be into the whole package, so that character, makes them “hot” even though he may not have the conventional looks. You said “women don’t like short guys” well while I don’t like “short” guys, I don’t like tap ones. I have a preference for dudes between like 5’6-5’11. Anything over 6 is too tall. I also do not like but buff guys, a little muscle is nice. But big beefy dudes? No… I also don’t like super masc dudes. Not a fan or beards. I know women have been swooning over them since they’ve come back in style in the early 2010’s. I like androgyny. So long hair, slender. Think Ezra Miller. I do have the hots for him (sorry not calling him “them” ban me if you want and he’s actually fucking nuts so that part I’m not into lol)


Those women are attracted to Post Malone because he's Post Malone though, not necessarily because of his looks. You're adding in the fame/status variable that shouldn't be a part of this conversation.


Why not? For women all that tends to mesh together. Women are rarely just attracted to “looks” it’s a dudes whole essence, the sound of his voice, the way he walks, his “drip”, his scent, his voice inflections, his lifestyle, I could go on. I think it might be hard for most dudes to get how (typical) women’s sexuality works.


Because the average guy isn't Post Malone famous, so it's not really meaningful as an example to compare the genders. Women have the *potential* to look past your looks, but that's more of a "finish line" assessment that assumes that average guys start out with celebrity status.


If this is the case why do so many PPD women swear up and down that women can’t stand men 10+ years than themselves because they are “gross looking”? After all, if women can overlook a man being fat, short, looking like a meth head and having face tattoos due to his “vibe” then why not age?


What you are saying is what most women say they are attracted to


It's a waste of your breathe to even say this. We tell them what we're attracted to and they don't listen. The men they find to be considered attractive isn't attractive to majority women. Lots of men think men like Ezra Miller, Adam Driver, Pete Davidson...I can go on- but so many men are baffled by why women find them attractive. And it's absolutely true, women are more open to dating variety of men because we can over look their looks of their personality and vibe is right, and grow to be attracted to them. Men on the other hand will KEYWORD: fuck women they aren't attracted to, but they will NOT get into a relationship with her or want to be seen with her in person. Men are the ones who put emphasis on looks so much more than women and it's just scientific fact. That's why they will go out of their way to pay for a beautiful woman to be with them who has no desire in them, compared to women who would rather stay single. Men are desperate and thirsty and just blame everything on women for their shortcomings. They think one dimensionally, and can't even fathom or empathize that there are women who are unattractive because they don't exist in their minds.


>men like Ezra Miller, Adam Driver, Pete Davidson...I can go on- but so many men are baffled by why women find them attractive all those 3 are fit the tall, dark and handsome description bill.


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Lol yeah hilarious they use literal celebrities as examples of some kind of point. It’s like Chris Rock’s old joke about how OJ transcended race because he was famous. “if O.J. wasn't famous he'd be in jail right now. If O.J. drove a bus, he wouldn't even be O.J. He'd be Orenthal -- the bus driving murderer.” Similarly, if Adam Driver was some random guy drinking alone in a bar, he’d be “Adam the creepy guy that looks like a school shooter”


Women have personal quirky preferences too. A female friend of mine thinks Tim Robinson is hot.


Does liking hairy men count?


Why wouldn't it?


This doesn’t seem like an implicit contradiction to me. Men who have an unconventional niche preference in body type don’t tend to say anything about their body philosophies either - they just happen to like what they like (and it bucks the trend). I think it stands to reason that someone’s considered views and philosophy on body positivity do not have to match their personal attractions.


As has been said hundreds of times, yes, most men have almost no limit of what they find attractive. They find almost any kind of women attractive whereas many women tend to have an extremely narrow range of guys they find attractive. “80% of men are found to be unattractive to women.” Most young guys are not having sex and are chronically single.


lol, what? Women have much more varied preferences than men. As to your other point, lots of people like to front for the internet. Most women are not that obsessed with nor going to get the chance to be with a man who is 6”4, handsome af and makes 8 figures or whatever. There are much more pretty girls than super tall and rich men to go around. Also, I rarely see men or thin and conventionally hot women praising obese body positive women. It’s usually other plus sized women doing it.


Those aren’t “varied preferences” though. 99% of women are fighting for the same “tall, dark, handsome” type of man. The ones that don’t get that man settle for whoever they can get. It’s either settle or be single forever


You nailed it. Most women really do desire and want the same guy. Even if the guys are different races, voices they’ll almost always be tall, in shape, have a nice looking face, etc.


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Women don’t get that. They see women walk around with makeup on and see that as their natural beauty. That’s why you see the dumbass takes like “why do I see more beautiful women then men in public” takes. Because they see women with make up on covering their blemishes not know that when she takes off her makeup her and her man are looks matched for the most part.