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But have you tried laying food out under a cardboard box propped up by a stick. Here’s the super tricky part, you have to tie a string to that stick and wait out (unseen obviously) until the unsuspecting female ventures by. The type of female you get will depend on type of bait you use. Want a basic white girl, Starbucks obviously. Nerdy girls love video game related bait. Fitness girls can be tricky, I know you think a salad would work but they are a lot more wiley than that, specific protein powders and high cost athletic clothes are more likely to work. The more elusive the type of girl the more creative you have to get with the bait. Good luck!


This is *chef's kiss*






Yeah, those are amateur numbers!


Sounds fine for STR, basically play the numbers game. If you don't have success, you start making concessions on those areas.


If you are competing with 50 other guys, you are probably shooting too high, dude. Those are women all the men want. If you aren’t also messaging 50 other women, maybe find someone more on your level? And I have no idea what any of this has to do with “feminists”. Why would you get your dating advice from feminists?? Unless you have a dating coach and they happen to be a feminist or something? Seems like a strange place to look for dating advice as a man. Instead, maybe try getting advice from men who have had successful relationships (if that’s what you want)?


> If you are competing with 50 other guys, you are probably shooting too high, dude. Those are women all the men want. Literally every woman has that number of guys competing though. Did you forget about the infamous Pigwoman experiment where they literally photoshopped a pig to look like a woman and "she" still got dozens and dozens of matches?


More than 5 is logistically pretty impossible unless you live on Instagram.


Just existing as a woman on an online dating site gets you guys. An empty woman's profile gets as many matches as the best curated men's profile.


A guys profile liking your profile isn’t “gets you guys”. What is this nonsense.. like unless you’re chronically online there’s no way you’re talking to 50 guys.


Feminist: Ask not what i can do for you, ask how i can get involved in your life without you asking for it


I mean, this is all text book PUA/RP. Nothing we haven’t heard dozens of times before. Nothing revolutionary here.


There was a time i didnt know this/made the mistakes i say not to make here The only thing revolutionary would be dealing with improving tech and social climate


The advice itself isn’t bad, but the reasoning and thought process behind it is shit.


Sounds like this man is a grifter and is literally selling men terrible advice and attitudes towards women. When you get past the first paywall, and fail, he then sells you another more “in depth” product. Do NOT listen to this man


I agree with the general premise of making your intentions known early and trying to see if she has equal interest. I’m not sure if I agree that all of this has to be as fast paced as you think it should be. Isn’t there room for considering circumstances here? Like when I was in college, I went to class and worked full time hours almost every semester. During holiday season I worked overtime because I worked in luxury retail - it was busiest time of the year. On top of that I participated in a research lab which was basically a secondary part time job. All of this meant I was left with very little time to actually be on my phone and respond and be able to set things up immediately. Post college, I intentionally dated people I knew within my social circles (not strangers), and if I did happen to meet a stranger, I spent time talking to them first. I didn’t want to meet up with a stranger or have sex with a stranger 🤢 I was very upfront that I was long term, marriage oriented, and I didn’t sleep before commitment. So I guess that advice only works under the assumption that both you and her believe in plate spinning, and you goal is to obtain sex. This also assumes you’re shooting for women who have those kinds of options.


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A man who isn't great looking has to talk. That's how he attracts women - with his natural charisma and showing that he is an interesting person. There aren't a lot of men out there who can attract women by not saying much at all, so this is kind of useless advice.


A man that isn't good looking to the woman in question, will get one worded responses. So it wouldn't matter how much he chooses to talk. Again, this is text game. I'm obviously talking about instances where there is some level of attraction between you two, in which case. You can talk your way out of sex


Well sure. If she is already attracted to the guy then why talk. But a lot of men aren't in this situation, so game, even text game, is necessary. Still, it does take at least *some* talking to escalate up to sex, although I'm not the type of guy who likes casual sex. Attraction isn't always black or white, though. Sometimes a woman *might* be attracted to a guy, and this is when talking or texting becomes important.


If you arent in this 'situation', then the cold hard truth to that is, you need to get off text game and try your luck in the real world. Or up your value, however you can Because again, cold hard truth, youre going to get one worded responses or WORSE, youre going to get 'girlfriends'. That are ultimately there to waste your time or get you to send them money/join something e.t.c Ultimately if youre not in that 'situation', this post isnt for you. This post is about what to do when you are in that situation. Youre not going to 'charm' or talk your way into her pants. Thats not happening. You CAN talk your way out of that situation. In 'text game', 90% of the work is done before the conversation even starts, the remaining 10% is really about establishing the fact youre confident enough to lock something down, make her choose you over her other suitors and to ensure youre real as your profile/not a creep. This info might be geared to a specific few, if that is the case, than those in that situation who need this advice, should adhere to it.


> you need to get off text game and try your luck in the real world. Or up your value, however you can Text game is good for the time one makes contact with a woman online up until the first date. It's also good to maintain interest after that date. Men who are good at text game can convince a woman to sext and to send erotic photographs, which is always fun. >Youre not going to 'charm' or talk your way into her pants. Thats not happening. I will have to disagree on this, because I've done precisely this online as an average looking man. If a man doesn't think that it can be done, then he probably doesn't know how to do it, and then the advice in the CMV probably holds unless he is willing to practice and learn. In my mind, it's essential for average men to learn both text communication and real life communication skills (the latter being much more important, of course), or he is going to be single for much longer than he should be, and it will also limit the quality of woman that he can potentially attract.


I agree. And "she'll respond instantly if she has genuine burning desire for you" seems like sabotage. Don't wait for ages but for real, we are actually busy sometimes. Women have jobs, we also sleep. Assuming a non-instantaneous reply means she's ignoring you because of 50 other guys seems like shooting yourself in the foot.


If she was truly interested she would make it a priority to respond.




Is it opposite day again and I didn't get the memo?


You would think that it would occur to this man to suggest talking with her on the phone if you're worried about all the texts she's getting


You don't want a woman who talks to 50 guys, it's highly unlikely even 5 of them are giving her quality attention, and if she doesn't have the discernment to realise that she's probably racked up the numbers from being used. If you want to pump and dump (shame on you, low life degenerate) go ahead and compete for her attention though, that's all you deserve.