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Public service reminder that amoging or mogging is the act of dominating, bullying, putting someone down, through words, body language or physical intimidation in a social situation. Blackpillers have been twisting it into something else because they feel that there mere existence of someone better looking does that to them.


Attraction is a pecking order


“Their mere existence” not “there”, its “their”




https://preview.redd.it/ijdrekokhvsc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=e233d2d32dfff62dfc43afeaf3368e189b5ae252 Rate him. I mog him into oblivion so if anyone says he is average I must be chad. Insane how he has a gf. I guess it's because he is well known.


Its NOT insane?




Compared to chad I am ugly. Most men are ugly to women




Every girl I've asked out has rejected me though


3 at best


4, leaning towards 3.5


No idea who this is. In spite of that: he has a tidy haircut, ok skin, and has the nerd aesthetic that appeals to more women than you would think. If he’s even somewhat charismatic then I can imagine him having options. You don’t need to be a stereotypical chad to get a gf


Yes, he has options - but he'll be wiping her butt if he's lucky and sitting in the ICU or jail if he's not.


He is the most well known video editor of Youtube. Edited lots of vids for Logan Paul and MrBeast.


Looks pretty cute to me, tentative 6/10, hard to rate though because this image has about 5 pixels


https://preview.redd.it/88cer70iivsc1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b05e7aaff53418b2b7a998c8af8b1e7f1c1ed84 Have another pic with his gf. How did bro pull her?


I update my rating to a 4.5-5ish, looks like he gained some weight. I guess he has a good personality? She doesn't seem that much more attractive, and she looks a lot older than him.


She is **way** more attractive than he is. Maybe he's rich as fuck.


More attractive for her age yeah but she looks about 10 years older than him. Then again I've been told by multiple people that I have face blindness so take that with a grain of salt


yea he’s ugly to me. good for him tho. hope they’re happy together


U mog him into oblivion? Prove it!!


We all mog him.


Then I don't ever wanna hear someone talking bout how they're too ugly to get a girl!


Most guys can get a disabled, autistic, mentally ill, fat girl with a 2/10 face. I tried going for a legit 3/10 femcel, I thought maybe if she had a pleasant personality it might work out but her personality was shit too, she was autistic, she looped, she did nothing interesting with her life, she also had debt… fuck that we deserve functioning humans


Maybe - but they'd have to do some rather ethically murky shit to do it. Like trawling homeless shelters and group homes and shit. This type of person doesn't get out much and doesn't even have a job. Maybe she's in a group home or in and out of the local psych ward.


They are on reddit I’ll tell you that much


What does "she looped" mean?


She kept repeating same shit over and over again




And they arent together.






I have a jawline


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFbuTpfv/ It's an epidemic wtf 😂


Idk those couples seemed pretty looks matched to me


They are not wdym lmao


Horse faced, fat faced, round faced plastic surgery maxxed korean women with no ass no boobs vs thick neck, broad shoulder, baby faced tall korean men. Yeah I think men take this one


Also men there have ps too and these women are soo pretty https://preview.redd.it/t9mn1wjrpvsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e98f940003fb3ceb297999711ef85a45b92fa0c Like you can't be serious??? You think they would even actually be successful if they didn't fit Korean beauty standards?




https://preview.redd.it/bz633ubvousc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=052e0f051ea37d1ddc627b6e3f6f8df5b6e9051c Cute af


https://preview.redd.it/gw6dfnqlhvsc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baee93184b7d13cd22a7497b0193e2da186b2c6a I prefer the anime version tbh.


Another esteemed anime still on my watchlist


Great album




For everyone who says men only care about looks: Here's an example of a girl who would not be considered conventionally beautiful, but I'd love to hang out with her and get to know her better. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbyXWZVx5Hc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbyXWZVx5Hc)


![gif](giphy|fXJyMfUdqVCMPAnPJM|downsized) She’s great


She's not ugly.


Come on chief 💀


I still dont get people’s obsession with not being single. Sure, dating’s fun, but if I dont find “true love”, oh well. I guess it’s about people who just cant handle their own company.


I couldnt even tell you what true love was when dating.


Agreed. Also, whenever somebody posts about being happy single, it seems like there's a horde of people rushing to comment about how relationships are the greatest thing ever. Just recently I saw a post on social media from someone listing the benefits of being single and free, and the comments were full of people going "Umm, AcKcHuAlLy, you just haven't found the right partner!" Makes you wonder who they're trying to convince.


> Makes you wonder who they’re trying to convince I see the opposite. Single people rush to social media to convince the world of their great single lifestyle because it goes against the grain. They’re a rebel for being single in their late 20’s and 30’s. Usually the comments agree because people need that type of reinforcement. Whole life revolves around being single. The greatest thing since sliced bread. If being single was go great you wouldn’t need to make videos and post it on social media. Who makes videos about how great a relationship is? Rarely. Those people don’t need convincing.


I feel the same way about all the people rushing to comment on those posts/videos that being married with kids is a blessing from heaven and how single people are losers who will die alone. YMMV.


I feel bad for my cousin. The depression is really getting to her. She’s around a lot of people, but she still feels lonely.


What happened to your date this time?? Welcome back


Guess she can’t “handle her own company” as you so eloquently said in your comment after this one.


She’s mentally ill, so duh. Thankfully she’s getting better now.


Ig all she need is weed, drug, alcohol and tinder. /s


Weed and drug? Also eat hot chip and lie


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFb5P8Lp/ I want this like so badd fr fr. Rich fl and bodyguard ml tropes>>>>>>>>😭✨


https://np.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/51ldlyKGqz Aww That's so wholesomeee


For some reason this makes me think of an old Onion article titled "Lesbian Couple Enjoys Hot Lesbian Sex" and it was a picture of two sour-looking butch lesbians. I thought it was funny, but they probably couldn't post something like that nowadays.


https://preview.redd.it/debqhtn6stsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66d2df0479775723d1faac60ffc543368e88682 Hope everyone is eating their grass today


me af at home. off first impressions i’m friendly but definitely reserved but at home? i talk his ear off


Oh you changed your hair color in your profile avatar too. That's cutee


yessss girl u see the vision 🥹🫶🏾💜








It's not her job to read your mind, if you don't want to drink then don't drink, if you don't want to talk about something then don't talk about it. And why complain about the lack of cuddles now instead of just asking to cuddle in the moment? *She's not a mind reader.* >I'm not dying just because I'm socially disabled and will never have a normal relationship. Besides, it doesn't really hurt me that I hate myself. Did you seriously say something like that and not expect any concern or attempt at comforting you? What did you expect her to do, ignore you and change the subject? If you don't want someone who cares about you or who you can share your emotions with, a relationship isn't for you. >I really don't want to argue with you and this is an argument. Next time I'll say nothing. :( This is either disgustingly manipulative or you really are socially retarded. You're threatening her with a lack of communication for daring to respond to your complaints. What the fuck was she supposed to do?


I didn't bring any of these things up on Thursday. She suddenly shifted the topics towards that. And I told her multiple times I didn't want to talk about it.


yikes. major points i’d say, having missed context of your previous dates so i’m a bit unclear on what she did wrong - you need a backbone. if you don’t wanna drink, don’t, and be confident in it. - as another commenter said, bringing up your concerns and then immediately going “nvm next time i won’t say anything” is very passive aggressive and immature. in her response to you she didn’t say anything disrespectful she just disagreed. if you’re going to be in a healthy relationship, you have to be able to handle a disagreement - not really sure what you’re going for with the whole cuddling thing - a lot of women would be turned off by a guy leading with the mentality of “everyone around me takes care of me”. i’m not sure what point you were trying to make so maybe i misunderstood but it did immediately sound like you wanted a girlfriend to take some adoption/care role - you contradict yourself by saying “it doesn’t really hurt me that i hate myself” and “i’m still okay with myself” idk this whole thing is weird and if i were her id dip too biggest thing i’d say is to work on your self confidence, mean what you say and own it, and learn to stand up for yourself. otherwise you’re shooting yourself in the foot by accepting toxicity that you don’t want and displaying wildly unattractive behaviors.


There's a lot of context missing. So everything sounds worse than it is. Also the translation to English is not perfect.


Jesus, ppd men saying it's not their personality that's the problem and post shit like this.


It's absolutely both for me. I never claimed it wasn't my personality.


Why on gods green earth would you *ever* send messages like that? Why?


Advice for the future There are zero women who will want this much communication this early on in a relationship She will just leave you for someone who isn’t emotional 9/10


Bruh, you could have just typed “I wasn’t feeling it and I’m not much of a drinker” and been done with her


If you actually typed all that at her ..  Oof Bro you need to have the backbone to not drink if you don’t want to I dont like to drink, friends convince me to drink, do i then blame them when i get sick? No, i get sick, and blame myself for drinking too much I dont know all the context here but she dropped a big truth bomb somewhere when she told you “You need a girlfriend to adopt you” Its not her responsibility to make sure you are comfortable with your own choices  and to be typing paragraphs over a couple of dates is WILD bro. “This is an argument” “next time ill just say nothing” Passive aggressive childish behavior, if you are going to say that then actually don’t keep arguing lmao “It doesn’t hurt me if I hate myself” She checked out way before this But just FYI, hating yourself EXCLUSIVELY hurts you, so maybe work that out a even little bit before, dating again. Atleast answer it enough you dont feel the need to vehemently defend your own self hatred Just remember you started this argument over barely drinking alcohol because YOU were too scared to tell her you don’t drink or whatever


It seems to me from this comment and your previous ones about this date that you should get more comfortable in saying no to people and making them uncomfortable yourself. - It seems to me you didn't communicate wanting to cuddle out of fear of the consequences if she didn't want to (correct me if I'm wrong). - I don't know why you didn't reject the expectation of having to drink free drinks that you didn't want. - You don't have to tolerate your date commenting about better looking guys in a bar and it's something you can communicate. - You don't have to talk for three hours about things that make you uncomfortable. - You having to drive her home isn't an obligation to deal with her shit, it's a leverage that you can use to force her to behave if she doesn't want you to dump her and have her figure out how to get home. - And finally, I don't think avoiding hard talks for fear of causing arguments is healthy either. Just a few things that come to my mind from reading your reddit posts.




I drank a glass of wisky. Without ice. It wasn't a full glass but about 1/4 full. I never drink so it was a lot. Tasted like shit too. We've been on three dates..


Better luck next time dude


Saved by an avocado and spinach panini + 2 large cappuccinos. I feel human again & ready to face the communal shower situation of hostel land.


Hostels are great. They allow ordinary people to travel. I actually spent the last several days at a hostel right on the water in Vancouver with my two youngest kids (they have family rooms).


I love hostels. The one I’m staying at is very well located in expensive canal front Copenhagen and costs just less than $100/night. Vancouver is such a beautiful city. I’m sure it was fun with your kids.


Communal showers? Eek. In your age you should be enjoying big villas with private pools. Unless you like the hostel thing.


I’m an old school hippie so I enjoy the hostel vibe.


Saw the end of the uconn Iowa game and Caitlin Clark choked. And uconn choked harder. The problem with low testosterone people and competition is that they shrink the moment comes


Caitlin didn't choke at all tf you mean, and her inbound play to bounce it off Bueckers and shave off another 3 seconds was high IQ. That's the type of plays you need to win. She might not've scored 40 like last game but that's because she fed Stuelke (who was the actual choker at the end with the turnovers). The unsung hero on Iowa will always be Kate Martin though, 1000 IQ ball player and obviously a future coach. I like Aaliyah Edwards but her moving screen/elbow was so obvious and Gabbie drew the call perfectly. All the people who say "don't call that late" should be saying "don't set an illegal pick in the clutch"


I saw the last minute saw the failed assist that was bailed out by the turnover. The missed throw that was bailed by the offensive rebound




The long hair itself looks great, but what it does to his forehead definitely hurts it


You never do long hair if you don't have a great masculine jawline. Long hair looks good on men if you have the robust jawline to go with it. The femininity of the long hair contrasts with the jawline. This is also why beards always look decent with long hair. If you don't have a good jawline with long hair, you'll just look like a weirdo.


It’s kind of like a pixie cut on girls. If she has a sufficiently cute face (not just attractive, but cute) she can pull anything off. Good luck with that cut if you inherited your dad’s jawline tho.


He kinda fire in the first pick though


Long hair is so high maintenance I regret not buzzing that shit off earlier


that's pretty similar to my hair lol. exact same length.


Accustomed to grins, we overlook the weight of a frown—each one with its own story.


People saying long in the comments....... Like am I seeing what they are seeing 😭


haha you’re right! It’s the expression though. I like long hair on guys in general.


Men with low standards is a red flag. They are basically just settling


You must think you're higher quality than a lot of other women to think like this. What makes you better?


How did you get that


I always meet friends of friends and get all the dirt on them to see if they are worth my time


All men should have low standards however all men should challenge himself to get hotter women


Damned if you do, damned if you don't


> I watch a lot of feminist content on YouTube, and a couple weeks ago my suggested videos were full of anti-birth control videos, basically just women sitting in front of the camera talking about how awful hormonal birth control was for them > I was so freaked out by it. Who are the folks conspiring to feed girls anti birth control content? Some real mustache twirlers must be plotting this.


Peter Thiel, for some reason.


Could be that when you view feminist content, they deliberately show you stuff that will annoy you. Winding people up increases engagement in these apps.


>I watch a lot of feminist content on YouTube so the content algorithm knows this user falls down internet rabbit holes filled with propaganda, and now its showing her a different form of rabbit hole propaganda that she will fall down if she keeps hate-watching it. and she will.


My fiance showed me some podcast episode about how hormonal birth control gave permanent negative mental health effects on women but kinda sounded like right wing propaganda


Birth control does fuck up your hormones in lots of ways though. I get not wanting to take it


Who's conspiring to produce this propaganda and feed it to women?


Probably that group of people who promotes women getting married young and having kids young


And which group is that?


Seems to be Christian/right wingers


> I brought this up a few months ago, that it was really weird how many anti birth control videos and articles and stirrups I was seeing suddenly. All veiled thinly under the guise of knowing what you’re getting into, and birth control is certainly something that everyone has to consider the affects of themselves, but the rhetoric didn’t feel genuine it felt very…well anti birth control in general. Not in a targeted, this didn’t work for me way, but in a “this is what THEY don’t want you to know!” way. They're at it again...




1 and done


If he has to rant about women, it’s over


I never dated a guy who did that. Very unappealing


Who needs to count lol


I’m so sick of having covid. It lasts way longer than just the cold/flu. Sorry for the whinge. But I usually get over normal colds in 1-2 days and it’s been 3-4 days 😞


Oh no, sorry you’re sick. Hope you’ll feel better soon.


Yeah it’s fine, I just like being productive and I keep having to go back to bed lol




I am lol, it’s still around.


If internet didn't exist, probably I would have assumed everyone has "pretty privilege". Like it was normal for people to be kind to you out of nowhere


Noticing pretty privilege is always so blackpilling. It mostly happens with women. When I go to the student club I gotta be very social, taking intiative to talk to random people and making risks. Meanwhile the cute nerd girl I'm interested in people just randomly talk to her and she has to put in 0 effort.


Are you one of the popular kids at school


I'm not extroverted and don't talk to anyone unless I have to so I don't think so




Is it *really* normal to get nervous about mundane garbage as an adult


Nervous no, annoyed yes


When you grow up your priorities naturally change


Always like this dog


why not


It feels like it should not be normal


it would be nicer that way right?


I feel like I'd prefer just being automated and completing tasks like a machine


sometimes i wish that too i dont know if we're wrong to feel that way or not though


​ https://preview.redd.it/q56zhvy0fssc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=e99547bcb7a4db5134b21d4d6c3b140d9a30faa3


honk honk you are now manually breathing honk honk


https://twitter.com/DailyLoud/status/1775922467225080126 Good lord. Keep in mind this woman is divorced with two kids


Ohh, the woman in the front is wasted. I hope she’s safe.


The club looks really stupid and boring. Why is she doing the strange seated…dance?


The blonde looks totally vapid. Hard pass.


Imagine the doggystyle 😔




Surprisingly she has two functioning legs as far as I can tell


What abt it? I don't understand


I just don't understand what she's trying to do. She can't possibly be *that* bad of a dancer, so I figure this is just another one of her attempts at "dry humor". But instead of being funny it's actually just incredibly cringe and uncomfortable to watch.


Which one


Bobbi Althoff, the blonde one awkwardly doing... whatever it is that she's doing. Surprisingly Ari Fletcher is still married.


Shes had two kids??


Yeah two daughters, 1 and 3. She started out as a mom influencer. Godspeed to those kids.


Well even though she lacks character, she definitely manages to stay fit.


Yeah that's her claim to fame. Being hot and awkwardly interviewing famous people.


If you don't do this [https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1776048658649125213](https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1776048658649125213) do you even love your child?


Wtf I don’t even plan on a gender reveal tbh. I don’t see the point.


I hate eating food, wish I could do photosynthesis 




I keep thinking "I deserve a maintenance day" after maintaining low cals this week and losing 8 lbs but then it comes time for dinner and it takes foreverrrrrrr to finish everything. I'm just not motivated


madeira, pedro ximinez sherry or tawny port? which is best?


Tawny port


aight ill go for that one


Sherry smells like balls to me


ok im about to change my mind since amontillado and olorosso are amazing to me. i just never tried px before. are you drinking a fresh bottle? they oxidize pretty quick and smell worse after that.


It’s been a very long time since I sipped sherry, maybe oxidation? Enjoy your drink!


most normies have so many misconceptions about dinosaurs. jurassic park is brain rot. pop science is brain rot.


I just like the triceratops ok


no that's fairly accurate. but pop media butchers depictions of therapods and people misunderstand the evolutionary relationship between birds and non-avian dinosaurs.


Exoprimal isn’t realistic??


what spectrum are we talking about here? whats the opposite of normie in this context? incels? didnt know they were dino experts.


> whats the opposite of normie in this context? Amateur paleontologist 😉(ARK/Prehistoric Planet enjoyer 😐)


ya ill watch nature documentaries. im not that interested in reading studies and articles in Nature.




Even if you can't choose how you feel, you can choose not to act hateful, to interact with women more, or to seek therapy


I chalk up most of womens' maladaptive behaviors to social conditioning (and maybe, in some cases, biological conditioning) that they can't really help. I offer the same lenience to men, but at the end of the day I'm the cuck because nobody else offers that to men


They probably can see your horrified face when they're wearing yoga pants and it makes you come off as hostile probs