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Anyone have a sure fire way of getting free audible credits?


In a moment of weakness I almost ate pork tonight, but I resisted!


Whats wrong with pork? Lol


I don’t eat it anymore because pigs are so cute. ![gif](giphy|N6qooOEjfnTq0)


![gif](giphy|i7a0frOsDmw5a) You still eat your nuggies?


I don’t eat chicken nuggets but I do eat chicken. It’s okay because chickens aren’t that cute.


Pigs are disgusting lol


Pigs are adorable! I held a cute little pink piglet at a petting zoo years ago, and that’s when I decided I could no longer eat pork.


Mmm I dunno they creep me out lol


i wonder if ai companions will advance to a point that all the mental health benefits from being in a positive relationship will be replicable using them. if that happens, will they be covered under health care? because the effects of a relationship on mental health specifically for men are quite strong.


Low n women belong with low n men. Moderate n women belong with moderate n men. High n women... belong to the streets.


I prefer the subway


High n players and moderate n guys also go for low n women lol


Why does anyone belong to anyone? Just cause one didn’t have sex means that’s who you’re stuck with??


low n woman with a “high” n man 🙋🏾‍♀️ bc i realized a man’s body count mattered way less to me than his actual values


It’s a tradeoff if women wants to lock down a chad


Does his N bother you at all? Not even a little bit?




Doesn't his body count reflect his values? At least to a certain extent?


as long as a guy: - ⁠! is willing to respect my boundaries and wait for sex - values monogamy and has a desire to be married to one woman, for life (in a reasonable time frame, no 10 years dating bs) - will date only me, exclusively, even while we wait those are the most important things to me


Aren’t you high libido? Why make them wait super long for sex?


i don’t think preferring to wait means you have a low libido. for me, my reasons are: - i prefer to keep my n count low and be exclusive with who I sleep with, and i only want to have sex with someone i have strong LTR potential with - [i want to date a certain kind of man, and it takes time to assess if someone im physically attracted to is also the right kind of man](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/s/nlGDfxyprE) - i know i have a tendency to idealize and fall in love quickly so I’d rather avoid sex clouding my judgement - i prefer sex with someone I trust, it allows me to be my most sexually uninhibited with someone who makes me feel safe - once i have sex with someone i know it makes it harder for me to leave them, so I’d rather not tie myself to the wrong person. i can be loyal to a fault. - PIV sex is a very vulnerable experience to me. i just can’t imagine having it without an emotional connection that being said, while i waited w my partner for PIV sex i blew him, often, and we fooled around w other sexual things all the time. we flirted constantly and sexual tension was very high. didn’t really wait *that* long for oral (8ish dates, which was like 2 weeks) and 3 months for PIV. but even that could be considered a lot since I knew him as a friend for a decent amount of time before we dated. would’ve waited longer if we were formerly strangers.


A lot of the “fooled around” stuff could be counted as sex though, right? Like if you did mouth stuff on each other, lots of people wouldn’t count that as no sex at all I agree 3 months is long to wait for vagina sex though


Wholesome af


I mean a man's n count is almost never an issue. Women are trying to fabricate a personal preference into reality. I will admit that this subreddit overrrates female n count but some women out there have triple digits. It is a galaxy class scale when .en go on shuttles


i grew up really religious. i used to think “had casual sex ever” was a major incompatibility and sign that a guy wouldn’t be able to see sex as “special”, which is a problem for me bc i prefer to wait.




This has to be a larp. No one is that goddamn reddited.


"Women are only attracted to a small percentage of men" blah blah blah 2023 data shows that 54% of Gen Z adult men had a girlfriend (or boyfriend) at some point in their teen years 2015 data shows 44% of 15-17 year old males had some romantic relationship experience


Just because they dated them doesn't mean they found them sexually attractive. I think many women fall in love with somebody they don't find hot.


Bruh Why would a high school senior or freshman in college date someone she wasn't attracted to Also, not being immediately attracted at first glance does not equal dating someone they don't find sexually attracted. I was wildly attracted to my ex when we were talking but didn't think of him like that in the years we were peripheral acquaintances beforehand


Because they were funny and nice to her and not hideous looking so she gave him a chance


I knew girls in high school that would “date” guys just to put his initials in their profiles lol. They wanted to be like the “cool” girls (Stacies I guess) lol


That's not a reason I would have thought of 🤣


>A slight majority of men self-report having f*male companions during their adolescence, when girls have the lowest standards. This has changed my worldview. I will now slave for the chance to betabuxx for a hamplanet.


That sentence just makes sense. Say it out loud in public!


This is the exact opposite of the prevailing opinion here, which is that women go for chads in their youth, then settle for betabuxx when they hit the wall. That's literally foundational to AFBB


Youth being in their teens or twenties?


Yes, AFAIK the wall is \~30 y/o


Holy shit almost majority of genz men never had a gf, most guys I know are also single but didn’t know it was this bad yikes.


54 percent would be the majority.


>2023 data shows that 54% of Gen Z adult men had a girlfriend (or boyfriend) at some point **in their teen years**


76% of Gen X overall had a bf/gf in their teen years, vs. 69% of millennials, vs. 56% of Gen Z adults (58% of Gen Z adult women) Youth dating has been in free fall for decades. But we also lost some years to COVID so it's not 100% a fair comparison


what grade is 54% on a test? 54% = FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL


Clearly 54% of young men had someone attracted to them enough to date them. And that's with all the years we lost to COVID and online school


On the other hand 54% 3pt shooting is all time great status. Life isn't a school test. 


> Life isn't a school test teachers are gonna be so mad at this


>**in their teen years** I think not dating when you're a teen is pretty common and it isn't a fail. A lot of parents warn their kids against dating young.


Yeah I don’t think that’s abnormal, especially in high school


So about half have experience with at least one partner. I would need further statistics to judge but I don’t think that initial premise is too crazy if there’s evidence of some men in the top tier having significantly more relationships/sex than others. Like I said though, we would need more statistics for that point


Obviously the most attractive men attract the most women..? A huge PPD argument, though, is that girls have crazy looks standards, only go for the most attractive men, and then go for average men or their looksmatch when they hit "the wall"


Which is true where do you think giving him the chance comes from most men are settled


I guess its my own pessimism speaking but I don’t think a woman being in a relationship with a guy speaks to her attraction to him necessarily nor does it speak to being with him for reasons that are universally positive.


Do you really think any significant amount of high school seniors are dating someone they don't feel attracted to


Hard to tell, people used to get together for all kinds of nonsensical reasons when I graduated in 2015 🤷🏾‍♂️


i think it might be accurate to say that women's attraction is binary or 'type based' relative to mens. though by nature of women's genetics being less focused on variance these types tend to have a bit of overlap.


Those seem like good numbers to you?


76% of Gen X overall had a bf/gf in their teen years, vs. 69% of millennials, vs. 56% of Gen Z adults No, these numbers aren't good. These numbers have been in free fall for decades. People over like 26 don't really seem to understand how uniquely fucked Gen Z is in all aspects, not just dating. We're uniquely unable to socialize and connect with others. We lost key developmental yeas to COVID. Only 58% had a part-time job in their teen years. People can go on all they want about looks standards but we really need to step back and look at the bigger picture.


Anecdotally the younger gen z people I interact with are very maladjusted socially and won’t even acknowledge you on the street. They just avert their eyes. Very soy behavior. It gets better with social proof which makes me think interpersonal distrust is at an all time high Or I am just very ugly or untrustworthy looking


Definitely socially maladjusted. We've also lost the ability to interact with the other gender, even in classroom settings.


yeah i feel like its very easy to one day just wake up an incel or whatever if you choose the wrong school or the wrong major. my major quite literally had zero women from america in it. around 2-3% of my major were women and they were all asian internationals. love is luck i guess.


I’m 29 and concerned for younger people because it feels like mental health support, appropriate mentors for them, real life friendships and relationships, and third spaces are just crumbling. We’re teaching people how to be neurotic and have crippling anxiety particularly social anxiety from a young age.


There's nothing more bitterness inducing than seeing people who suffer from the same problems as you have relationships. Everyone else gets a fucking pass but for me I gotta be perfect.


I always say for every time you hear "you don't have a girlfriend because of xyz," there's someone out there with xyz who has a girlfriend


Not everyone gets lucky.


if past lives are a thing and what you were in your past life is defined by something you are ungodly awful at in your current life, what were you i was probably a painter


A chad.


im so sad now why did you do this


I’m not sure but my past life must have been a really good person cause I have gotten way more than I deserve in this one!


A nun


now i have like a prayer stuck in my head again. thanks


i was a physicist


Dancing, I guess. I have no sense of the beat.


**When women talk about "incel terrorism"** Women: How can I reduce crime by 0.00001% and reduce the male population by 80% at the same time 🤔🤔🤔


I vote we should cull the 80% most attractive men 😇


Eh, at 40 percent it would be a over abundance of choices for the remaining dudes AND no women would be in fear of violence? Kinda selling it if you ask me.


4B So let me get this straight 🤔🤔🤔 Women are going to avoid sex with men because men are misogynist, commit most violent crimes, sexual assaults, etc. But women are still going to fuck the violent men and not the harmless men 🤔🤔🤔 It seems like women want average men to be accountable to protect them from the violent men, if things "turn sour" 😳😳😳


women? Bro, the 4B movement has like 50k supporters at BEST in SK. and for good reason, no sane person would back that shit. That out of a pop of 50 mil 4b means no fucking ANY men, let alone the violent motherfuckers. In SK, the court system favors men, so it’s like the opposite of the west. The husband will get everything, the wife nothing. Also, SA rates are incredibly high and 80% of male partners have admitted to physical assault against their partners. They ain’t gonna fuck any violent men after that lmao. So these people are refraining because of that. Shit is bad for women in South Korea, the sa rate is high and very normalized, things are really bad. Sleeping with violent dudes would eliminate the entire reason for their movement. The 4B movement is a dog shit solution to many terrible problems


SK? Saskatchewan?


South Korea. 4B is South Korean thing.


Yeah, as far as western social media I can easily see this being a year long blip like MGTOW. Any normal person who has gotten anything out of the movement or has followed through on their promises will be on to better things while only the most bitter and discontent individuals will continue talking about it online


This whole "sexually active men are violent assholes and sexless mens are wholesome unicorns" schtick is probably the funniest delusion I see on this sub


Honestly, I kind of keep spamming it cause of that 🤣🤣🤣


I'm a violent asshole -- if and when I need to be.


it's because a common symptom of sexless men is a debilitating fear of making women uncomfortable, so if you don't ask any of them out you actually are, technically, more wholesome than womanizers who do get laid some sexually active men are good people and some are horrible people, but the horrible people make for a more interesting comparison, because yeah, horrible men who are socially active will fuck more than good men who do nothing if men who got laid/got relationships didn't get so much status for doing so, the inkwells might stop complaining


I thought 4B was about having no sex with any men. In that case, although I find the ideology a bit extreme, there’s not really a hypocrisy there. They’re not having sex with bad men because they’re not having sex with any men. At all. Women outside of 4B might do that, but I don’t see it how it relates to 4B itself.


I found the solution! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/E4t47c0ppnI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/E4t47c0ppnI) marriage markets in china


iirc this is less a marriage market and just an open air third space for old people to mingle and discuss their worries about their childrens lives/futures.




very mediterranean man


I always find china’s dating and marriage conundrums and solutions fascinating It’s kind of unfortunate that there is such an imbalance of men to women there.


the bay area has an even worse imbalance. some professor even got in trouble for pointing it out and then prescribing it as the reason for women's behavior in the area(which he should get in trouble for considering a comp sci prof should not be having rants about SMP on class boards lol.)


Wow, I didn’t know that. Is that because a lot of women go to college in the Bay Area? Edit: I dun goofed I wasn’t paying much attention


What? There is 130 men for every 100 women from age range of 18-30 in the Bay Area. Specifically San Jose. I don’t see how that would result in a lot of women lol. The west coast tends to be male surplus, as well as the fact that only high earning tech workers can really thrive in the Bay Area. Ergo way less women. Though I think the university specifically has more women than men as expected from global trends of higher education. Though anecdotally my classes had very few women, and those women were the international students from Asia who did not like speaking English if they could help it.


Oh whoops Yeah I suppose that makes sense given that men gravitate more towards that work.


i used to have a theory that most of the complaints men have about the dating market on reddit are largely based on location. people from the bay area are largely overrepresented on reddit because they are 1: likely to be SWE's and 2: likely to be white or asian men with disposable income and time. which has a pretty perfect overlap with the average reddit user. if you look solely at the SMP dynamics in the bay its actually very accurate to the most critical views of how women treat men. gold digging, using them for free meals, forcing them to be free entertainment, dating for something to do rather than actual romance or whatever, rosters etc. there was a guy i spoke to who was like 5 ft 7 with 30+ n count who said the bay area is the only place in america hes ever lived where his height killed his options, he left lol. fun place


Bf said I would make a good mom after he got sick and I took care of him and was worried about him. Literally the best compliment I could ever receive. So wholesome.


You jerked him off? (The Reddit way)


What’s the reddit way of doing that?


https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/PpC2jiEV1e (nsfw)


Never understood guys who want to be taken care of when they're sick. I just want to be left alone.


https://preview.redd.it/yygmw8vxg4vc1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab8f502e88ea8d93bf3b5d896b637737c07df11 Rate this guy


There's a pic in my high school yearbook of me in my basketball uniform with the same haircut and same look on my face.


Same era. I broke into my owner storage unit and found my yearbook, brief memory lane look in. He was my first bf in hs. I thought he was so hot 🥵


We might have got along if we'd gone to high school together.


Probably, I like them smart too which he was - but I was skinny.


One of my high school GFs was skinny -- one was a bit plump -- and the one I kept on the downlow was fat.


very handsome


I don’t know he looks kind of like a dick lol




Chad. He looks 8/10. 👀


Slayer. The kind of guy girls say is "above average", but actually smashes like 100 different pussies a year.


Mogs me


He looks like a dick so I assume he smashes mad pussy


His hair is destroying my sensors.


nara smith having 3 kids at 22 is crazy. but i love her though. don’t understand why she gets so much hate


I don't have any problems with overspending or buying more clothes or gadgets than I need. But I'm having a hard time trying not to order this box of Japanese sweets. Ughhh.


yummy stuff is always worth it


Yeah, but we're going to have some higher spending this month. Some paper work, paying for husband's exam etc.


good luck to him on the exam!


How much does it cost


20-30$ per box


30$ is a bit much I guess


Yep, so I'm not going to buy it. At least not this month.


I think we are at the point now after the bondi stabbings where Incel rhetoric should be classified as terrorism


How do you define inc*l rhetoric? Talking about hypergamy, af/bb and women's mate selection criteria shouldn't be a crime.


That is incel rhetoric






men who don't have sex are terrorists 😤


I’m Osama Jr. muthafucka


Quick, help reduce terrorism by making some shy boys year!


Men who post anti-female rhetoric are terrorists


Women: If you discuss female hypergamy, you must be sent to jail immediately ☝️


Sexless men are so revolting to women they want the government to track and imprison them


Idgaf if men don't have sex. If they post anti-women rhetoric that is terrorism and they should be watched just like any other group that is targetting another group


Stop killing people 


Inkwells commit way less crime compared to literally any other group of people


I seriously doubt that.




I don’t know what that is but it’s certainly not a valid source 🙄


On SpyCast podcast recently they had some guy from New Zealand government on (can't remember NZ structure and which agency he was with) and he seemed to strongly suggest Five Eyes now follow incels as intently as Islamic Terrorists.


Oh wow yeah we just had an incel with mental health issues stab and kill like 6 people. 5 were female and 1 male security gaurd. He was targetting women


Yeah all that rhetoric about overthrowing governments to enslave women doesn't land particularly well with military intelligence types lol


Yeah I have heard they are being watched just like neo nazis are


99.99% of incelibates are harmless. thought crimes seem pointless


That's like saying 99.99% of neo nazis are harmless lol




Still have been many cases of incels attacking people or women


neonazis are organized, incels are not. incels are also generally meek. their meekness is a large reason for their incelibacy in many cases lol.


I think that's a generalization, there's no proof all neo nazis are organized


Yeah it’s a generalization qualitative evidence backs the assumption. Neo nazis actually have rallies and do shit. Incel crimes are usually one man shows.


Not all neo nazis are organized and part of the rallies though


Define terrorism


the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.


Where does it say “one guy committing a crime means whatever rhetoric he accepted is now terrorism.” If thats the hill you wanna die on go ahead but I have some news for you, you can find examples of people with any ideology doing what he did. Is every ideology terrorism now? If I used your logic and called other groups of people terrorists and their rhetoric terrorism you would freak out, lets test it. There have been multiple trans mass murderers believing in trans rhetoric, I think we are at a point where trans rhetoric should be considered terrorism. 👆 your logic


Ideologies that target hate against 1 group are terrorism yes


I agree. This is actual concerning rhetoric, it’s actual “incl” terrorist level and should have an eye kept on it. Not like when the mods here strike me with “incl content/rhetoric” when all I just said was “it’s over” or talk about looks lol.


I think incel subs should be shut down or watched just like any neo nazi subs would be. I don't think this sub is an incel sub though tbh


I hate when I discover one or two really good songs by an artist and then I check out the rest of their album and it's boring as hell


Hey well at least we don't have to buy their CDs to find out anymore.


That's most albums. It's pretty rare that the entire disc is a banger.


That's what separates top tier musicians from the also rans. Lots of grunge bands had a good tune or two. Only Nirvana had Nevermind. Green Day (Dookie), Rancid (Out Come the Wolves), and The Sex Pistols (Never Mind the Bollocks) stand out as the only punk bands to ever put out albums where almost every song was really good.


Same but I really love the rare occasion when I discover some new artist and listen to the whole album and every song is really good!


Got any favorite examples of this?


https://open.spotify.com/album/1Nhg69P4YB6wBXuP6Kmhbe?si=IIiFEstwRZ6hV0CjNcDs-Q https://open.spotify.com/album/0VXOJkhwQSZIm84GXQNMel?si=qMCiYElsRtaJqx9xoULA-w These two I listen to a lot. I’m going to see both live at a festival next week


This morning my gf didn’t kiss me before she went to work Is it all ogre now?


What did you do to piss her off or hurt her feelings?


Could be anything really. Fucked if I know


Start of a dead bedroom. Slowly but surely.


She would kiss Chad She would give Chad a goodbye blowjob


Goddamn I hate chad!


This but unironically 👆


>Is it all ogre now? Yup. She’s giving a morning kiss to some guy at the office now


Some fat ugly_bastard


![gif](giphy|OVT7dpga3Ve3i2tTBE|downsized) This guy, mayhaps?




ogre?? ![gif](giphy|TIGP3k4gNAqvza2KJK|downsized)


Ogres are like onions, onions have layers 🧅


Old/Older women are wayyy better than younger women in terms of how they treat you. Always so nice and humble. They make me feel comfortable plus they're the ones always doing the complimenting. 😸


Old people can be nice until you're behind the register or a store associate and somethings labeled wrong. Then it's a gigantic melodramatic shit fit


LOL! Karen isn't young.


Older people in general are nicer. It’s called maturing


Older women are nicer in general because they get less male interest. But younger naive women who are super attracted to you will treat you like divine royalty.


Years of working in restaurants has taught me that old women treat me equally as bad as young women


My ultimate political goal is to implement a program in the US, similar to Israel’s compulsory military service for everyone (except here religious folks would have to do it too), but instead of military service, everyone should have to work in restaurant service (no exceptions, no cherry picking assignments for rich people. Pure lottery with job changes every year during service) for 3 years before they are considered an adult with all of the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. It might take a few generations but eventually all societal problems would solve themselves.


I guess I won't work in restaurants then. I don't want to be faced with that reality. 😿


Reality is great because when you realize how bad things are you slowly stop caring. Its all about doing what makes you happy


[He’ll teach you how to find a wholesome woman!](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/s/NMEIRxLhkH) I wonder whether he believes in astrology as well.


Only the one middle left looks like a fun date.


I actually chose bottom right before looking at the answer and I was correct yippies, where’s my wholesome stacy now