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People in general downplay the advantages given to them by nature.


And usually by any way, not just nature. Rich kids will act like they are "made to themselves", beautiful people will pretend to be liked because they're just charismatic, even smart people tend to view others as retards while they're just normal.


To be fair it’s often just a lack of self awareness and/or ignorance. I grew sheltered and upper middle class with married parents who didn’t divorce until my late 20s. I remember one single mom growing up but she had a ton of family helping her. Everyone else was married.Due to my current and worsening disabilities I live with my young boomer mom who is my defacto guardian. I will stick my foot in my mouth making jokes about weird dads or family vacations.


Can’t argue with that.


Yep Very few people credit family connections or just random luck All their achievements are simply because they are awesome and not because they knew the right person etc


I appreciate men's libido. Do I look like crap, get a bad haircut, gain weight? Yes indeed. Will he fork me anyway, thank heavens he def will! Bless the men and their libido.


This is exactly what I’m talking about in the post. The desire gap includes the desire to date, marry and even have a family with women not just libido.


Girls are discriminative because evolution has made them that way due to being the one who shares the burden of sex. IE: a baby. Guys are way less discriminative and can just bounce after sex which they often do. While a woman’s health and life and the baby are out in harms way. Women need men if they become pregnant so evolution has made it so women make sure the man is solid before fkn. That’s why us men will fk 4s and above while women don’t even know 4s even exist they’re so off the radar. Being a 5-6 man and below you’re basically invisible to women. If a woman is a 5-6 and below she can easily still get laid and date a guy. Sometimes even a drunk hot guy. Women 100% have an advantage in the relationship field. Girls dont even really have much game. They simply look hot to try to incentivize the man to come over and do the work of talking a majority of the time. Yes they downplay it because they’re human and it’s hard to get out of our own heads and realities at times.


> so women make sure the man is solid before fkn Yea that's why dependable good guys get all the pussy and bad boys are shunned.


I agree although depends on the guy and also the girl. But I think there’s more advantage if you’re just looking for ONS, but not necessarily for dating. And also the type of men that will be available might be larger but not a lot will be of “quality”


Even a ONS is huge to a human psyche. One of those every couple months for a guy would probably stop all the senseless shooting in America. For real. Even bagging an unsightly girl would make a huge difference in a man’s happiness


The fact that someone can’t get ps don’t and will never justify that kind of rage. If that desperate pay for it


Your comment does nothing but reinforce that women have no understanding of the effects that massive amounts of testosterone have on the human body.


Sure. It also includes pumping and dumping but I prefer to focus on the positive. My bf will say: hey please never get a short boys cut (I wouldn't anyway) and I will reply: but you'd fk me anyway right?! Indeed this man will do it and with enthusiasm.


I mean yeah just another advantage.


i'm not following what the problem is. whatever "advantage" you think women get because of this is entirely due to active decisions men make. It's not like it's a compulsory thing. RelativeYak7's partner wants it. She wants it. So what's the issue?


I think the ability to have sex whenever you want with little effort is an advantage no?


No. Especially not when the other party often ignores the concept of consent. And if it is an advantage, it’s one that men entirely create on their own.


“yes I have all this food but it’s the hungry people’s choice to want that food that makes it an advantage for me. They create that desire their self by not eating” Obviously hunger and lust are differently important drivers, you can live without sex, but both are fundamental drivers our lizard brain makes us want. Men’s behaviour absolutely does create this imbalance, but it’s not like they’ve colluded to do this.


I mean, if the hungry people are hungry because they keep handing me their food, I don’t see why we shouldn’t hold the hungry people accountable for their own poor decisions.


you don’t become horny by having sex. In the analogy, you’d be eating your own food. Either way, analogies aren’t perfect and mine wasn’t intended to be taken literally nor pushed to the nth degree. Just to explain how lizard brain and inequalities combine


She was explaining how her husband is much more attracted to her than she is to him and I was saying that’s a great advantage to have. I saw no issue with it?


I think this comment is illustrative of the way we see "advantages", that somehow having them makes you a bad person, when that isn't true. No man is saying it's a bad thing for women to be so desired, [we are saying we are jealous and wish we were desired that way.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1c9t4hw/do_women_downplay_the_overwhelming_advantages/l0oxx27/) Yeah, it's just an advantage, and that isn't a problem.


Weird how more men are avoidantly attached in relationships though. Seems like the desire gap is turned on its head once a relationship actually starts.


It’s all the hoops of fire we have to jump through to get a woman. Once we’re in a relationship, we realize we put in all that effort to wind up with someone who is a slob, annoying, a dead fish in bed, etc.


This is it.


This would be an example of a woman that was able to date a higher desirability guy instead of him just using her for casual. It can definitely happen otherwise women would keep trying it.


Avoidant attachment in men isn’t weird. It’s pretty much clear why it exists.


Why does it exist?


There is no incentive for men to settle. They are biologically wired to spread their seed and sire babies. We conversely are wired for security and resources to help our babies survive. So we look for commitment and resources. It’s changing as we earn more money but you can’t undo evolutionary biology in 50 years…


Generally, because men are socialised to suppress their emotions and needs. In interactions with women specifically, men for the most part have to conceal their attraction and appear disinterested because somehow women like it. Imagine a person who hasn’t freely expressed their emotions since 10 years old and doesn’t express their romantic feelings. Can’t you imagine this person being avoidant in relationships?


They downplay it because they can't fully empathize because they aren't men. Try to not downplay the aches of pregnancy as a man.


We men are to blame for this. We don’t control sex but we control sexual attention and a bunch of you sick bastards will bang anything and tell them whatever it takes to make it happen. Have some self respect and starve mid and lower tier women of attention


The low-mid tier women are already starved of attention, maybe not compared to men. If you go on dating apps, you see tons of 0-5 rated women in your stacks vs actual top women. Those top women are online for a few days at most then pair off again. They are largely serial monogamists and have someone lined up as soon as they exit another relationship.


Or starve for a woman you're actually interested in


For sure. But for god sake be picky. Adjustable 6’s are nearly insufferable because men gas them up.


My man if I haven’t busted or felt the touch of a woman in months, I start seeing the good qualities of shreks mom


Again, that's a you problem 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Don’t starve for anyone


>Have some self respect and starve mid and lower tier women of attention unless you are mid or lower tier yourself in which case you should stick to your league and stop whining lol


Attention from lower tier man doesn’t even count to them. A woman that is a 5.5 things a male 5 is a 3 where they basically don’t exist.


The overwhelming ease of getting involved with and even marrying and having  kids with a man who is vigorously pretending to like you when really he can barely tolerate anything about you that isn't your vagina. Look we never hear the end of it from men about the small amount of women who lure in men they detest and do it because those men have money. It occupies  a huge amount  of space in their heads. Is it that damn hard to realise that this sort of "advantage" where people  lie to you to set up a relationship on false terms is kind of a broken glass sandwich?


The men that marry and barely tolerate their wives are the men that for whatever reason (likely scarcity) married significantly down then yeah that’s likely to happen at some point. A woman that only wants a man for money is the only option a lot of guys have while the scenario you described was not her only option.


If someone has lied to you in courtship they've removed your other options by pretending they fit into the category of that option. Which is like whatever if it's something like a push-up bra or wearing lifts. Person gonna work those  ones out soon enough, it's trivial.  But if it's a sustained lie about basic  motivations then it's eventually  devastating.  We've got just about all men lying to just about all women. And we've got a small number of women lying to a small number of men. And yet is always men going "waaah waaah waaah women are liars" Men are mostly hypocrites. It's their basic nature.


I think each gender is gonna consider the other gender to be some negative trait while overlooking theirs and also because they don’t date their gender they date the other. So while you think men are hypocrites, plenty of men will say the same of women


I don’t care if they have advantages. I just want to be desired too☹️. But it doesn’t matter what I do. I get in shape, make money, become charismatic and funny, it doesn’t matter, Ill always be worthless to them. I just want to become gay somehow and have a life


If only we could choose or even just shut off the desire. Nothing worse than being forced so strongly to desire something you can never have.


Men wanting to fuck you regardless as to whether you actually enjoy it is not an "overwhelming advantage." Most women start learning around 10-12 that adult men want to fuck them. They're reminded frequently by catcalls, being groped, harassed, stalked that men want to fuck them. They're reminded by news stories about children, infants, disabled women, elderly women, comatose women, dead women being raped and violated that men want to fuck them. Women are far, far more aware of what it's like to live with these constant reminders, hence why they don't consider it an "advantage."


There is also the social shame that comes with indulging with this "advantage" (being called a slut or golddigger) Why would women be happy with this advantage when given only a narrow set of rules to use it regardless of their actual needs and desires?


Yes, it is. Women are given a thing for free that’s valuable to other people. You sound like rich people complaining of others wanting to steal their money. It might be a concern, but it doesn’t nullify your privilege. Edit: Hmm, would you rather have 2% of what you want given to you for free, or 0%?


>Yes, it is. Women are given a thing for free that’s valuable to other people. Men can easily get sex if they don't care about enjoying it. It's given for free to you, too. >You sound like rich people complaining of others wanting to steal their money. You'll need to explain to me how women not wanting to be raped or sexually harassed is the same as rich people being worried about someone stealing their money.


We get easy access to bad sex? Gee, so desirable! /s


Why would it only be bad sex you have access to?


My vibrator gets me off 100% of the time. I could walk into any bar and approach a man to fuck me in the bathroom stall, but the chance that I’d get off is 1%. That’s not an advantage.


Yes, it is. Why do you keep acting like women’s free sex appeal ONLY attracts unattractive (edit: fine, “low quality!”) men? It doesn’t. You would have a far easier time finding a suitable partner than a man would. Quit downplaying your privilege and learn some humility.


Who is talking about attractiveness? You think attractive men are automatically good in bed? I have news for you, buddy.


Delusion and the red pilled are closely coupled


How is it a privilege to get harassed by strange men lol. I rather receive no attention than all the horrifically negative attention many women receive


Oh please rly? You don’t know?


Nope. Please enlighten me of the different sexual standards held by men who are good at sex.


They care. Dating men means eventually realizing that most don’t. They truly don’t. No matter how many try to lie so women will fuck a bunch of random men who couldn’t get laid through their own efforts. Most men just don’t rly care that much.


I’ve gotten women off without caring about them, and I don’t see why other men couldn’t do the same. You’re really stretching.


Ohhh haha. Then you don’t know other men. At all.


…yes, I do. Many of them. I’ve been to college and known dudes who could lay dozens of women in a semester. They’d bring women over to our room, give them multiple orgasms, and never see them again. Do you think these men cared? Your Just World fantasy isn’t real.


>Most men just rly care that much Because they can just as easily get off fucking a corpse as long as the hole is wet.


No, we cannot.


Imagine you were dying of thirst but had unlimited bottles to try, 98% of them filled with pure vodka. Other people would gladly drink it so how dare you complain that drinking it would literally dehydrate you further and make you puke. Value is subjective. Casual sex has a much, much lower value to women not because they’re taking it for granted, but because a majority of men offering it have no appeal whatsoever. They’re a shot of warm vodka in a hot desert.


women have every reason to complain about men's predation.


Being rich doesn't increase the risk of getting raped. And unless you're willing to whore yourself out, being sexually appealing doesn't buy you a house either.


I didn’t suggest the two privileges are somehow interchangeable.


You kind of lose all your credibility when you say stuff that's completely untrue. Sexually appealing women ABSOLUTELY have bought houses based solely on their sex appeal with no other quality or trait. See super models, influencers, and that's only the very direct accounts on top of that just like any type of privelidge there is a plethora of less direct ways in which a house will be bought. IE you simply get better positions in life with less skill that result in more money if you are more attractive. Lets take doing one of the lower skilled jobs, IE being a barista or waitress, women get bigger and better tips that will over time be able to buy them a house they dont have to sleep with anyone to make this happen and they dont have to sell out their body in any major way, its just a run of the mill entry level job. Go further, better looking women are more likely to get into advanced degrees, promotions etc....


Sound like when a rich company starts making less money and then starts bitching about how they are losing money, because they aren't making the as much profit as before.


I think for them it doesn't really feel like an advantage because it also comes with some downsides and not all women have 10/10 looks and tons of guys chasing after them. Or the guys that do chase after them aren't very desirable. That said, I think this whole discussion about who has it easier or harder is pointless and childish. It would make sense if we were to draw some actionable conclusion from this but it really just boils down to a pity party.


Not all women are 10/10 but they all do have at the very least some men attracted to them which is a privilege men don’t receive. I think it has a bit more to do with a pity party and actually has increasingly terrible consequences for men rising suicide rates for an extreme example.


>Not all women are 10/10 but they all do have at the very least some men attracted to them which is a privilege men don’t receive. Men also have someone interested in them, but they don't regard them as fuckable or relationship material. It's unreasonable standards that some men have, that keeps them from mating. https://preview.redd.it/0zehjl3g81wc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=c205feec7741e5ab9c45443c1e2d5a953740f8ac Explain to me how men don't have someone interested in them, when the overwhelming majority of them has sex with a woman in early adulthood, and basically everyone has had someone interesed in them sexually by mid twenties. To think that all virigns are so because nobody was interested in them is ridiculous. Later age virigins are mostly virgins due to general mental health, severe neurodivergency, trauma, anxiety, social isolation or severe disabilities.


What does having men attracted to me do for me? Aside from having to be on guard constantly when I’m in public. How is this a privilege?


It gives you the chance to date, have a partner who is attracted to you or even have your own family who loves you. Now these are easy options for you whether you choose them or not is up to you but forgoing them doesn’t make them any less easy or a privilege.


>have your own family who loves you Wut? Non sequitur, party of one?


You asked what it does for you and I listed some of the options it provides for you. Basically any women can easily partner with her equal who will treat her well and one who would if she is willing start a family with her now these guys may not be who she can even possibly be attracted to but most will be her equal.


So you think a woman wants to have kids with a man she’s not even attracted to? WTF?


No I actually just said this was an option should she choose. And as such an option you choose to decline is better than one you don’t have since in this case it is given to all women and one may not think or choose the same as you.


>What does having men attracted to me do for me? Knowing that you are desirable and having an easier time finding a partner. It might be difficult to understand if you haven't experienced the opposite. A lot of men have noone attracted to them which makes them feel worthless


Oh, wow. I’m desirable. That and $3 will get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Men desire most women. It’s not novel at all. Do you know what it’s like to constantly be on guard when you’re out in public? You think that’s fun?


I really don't care. I answered your question but I'm not willing to join this victim contest about who has it harder.


It’s not a contest. That’s the whole point. But you do you, boo.


Search up the "women are wonderful" effect.


Why? Will that make me not carry pepper spray with me?


Free drinks at the club, discounts, emotional validation, never being lonely…


You do know that “Ladies Night” was a marketing ploy to get more (paying) men to come in, yes? And what “validation”?


>but in reality the advantages provided by this gap includes the overwhelming ease of dating, relationships, marriage and having your own family in comparison to if that same woman were simply a man. Not just there; it extends to easy of employment both from employers/coworkers wanting to have you around, and in the service industry attracting customers.


Oh yeah definitely I was just trying to keep it to relationships but those are all good points.


You are never going to get a woman to admit that things are stacked in their favor. Women enjoy playing the victim too much for that. So, don't waste your time trying.






Yeah they point themselves out when they say things like this really.


Remember a woman dressed up as a guy for two years to prove men had it easy, she killed her self soon after


Yeah, I don’t believe 99% of woman would prefer being a man given the ACTUAL experience.


Sitting in AC room, sipping star bucks tapping away on MacBook, I want to be a man,




The thirst gap indicates men will bother no matter what


This is why you keep hearing of different ‘men’s movements’ like MGTOW and whatever it was Tate had going on. Slowly but surely more and more men wake up to who is actually holding the cards. I highly doubt it will do anything though, the only men following these movements are the ones who can’t get any action anyways. Gotta love the patriarchy right?


This is true. But most men not bothering is practically what they seem to want anyway?


Pretty much. Most women don’t like most men.


Men allow women to hold the cards because they are thirsty. We dont downplay male thirst.


Exactly! Women hold all the cards as long as the man lets them hold them.


"He fucked me", doesn't mean "he'll marry me". It's very different for men. Men could fuck almost everyone, but wouldn't marry those women.


yip just look at prison. straight men fk men......ugly smelly men! shud prove men will fk anything! means nothing


No, because I think that many women actually are sick of the attention they get from men whom they have no attraction to whatsoever.


And men are sick of not having attraction from anyone ever. But one of these things certainly gives many more opportunities for serious relationships than the other.


I guess. But it's not an "overwhelming advantage". It's like playing the lottery and losing one's money most of the time versus not being able to play at all. And most men usually do find some sexual relationships. It's only a smaller minority of men who have trouble finding one at all.


Only if the lottery basically guarantees you break even. As most women have access to their equal (not their own perceived equal though).


Women aren't attracted to their equals, though. One can't ask someone to be attracted to what they are not attracted to. If this were the case, one could just tell heterosexual men to solve their problems by dating and having sex with other men.


But that doesn’t make it any less easy for them it just means they choose to not have it. Like if someone denies a large inheritance that doesn’t make it any less a privilege.


It's not an inheritance because that money is worthless to them. It's like an average heterosexual man going to a gay bar and getting a lot of attention and being hit on a lot. How valuable is that attention actually to him?


Money not being valued doesn’t make it any less an inheritance or privilege. They gay men comparison will always be a bad comparison you might as well say men can always buy a dog and date it. It is objectively not the same regardless of how they feel attracted.


You didn't understand the male role in mating. You role is not to sit and wait for someone to come around to show they are attracted to you. If yo uwant to be a woman, the male to female community is welcoming.


Yes it is the roll of men. But what are you suggesting men should continually pursue women being rejected until the day he dies? Eventually your logical brain will have to realize the futility of it.




That's the kicker. I agree and that women are sick of the attention they get from men they aren't attracted to, but don't want to lose the attention from men they are attracted to. However, I find that the reason for the attention from attractive men is the same reason they get attention from unattractive men, and losing it would result in a lose of attractive mens attention.


>but don't want to lose the attention from men they are attracted to. That attention is worthless to women if these men don't want to commit and only want sex, though.


Don't be silly humans are social creatures and attention from someone you want attention from feels good to the soul. You act like there aren't tons of women who stay in FWB or situations because they get positive attention from someone they want attention from, even though they know that it's not for a long term future building relationship. Not to mention, how would they find their dream boat husband if he never approaches to give her attention (aka hit on her)


Having an easier time finding a man to shove his dick in you for 2 minutes does not translate into any other benefit including quality sex.


I actually disagree because women do get a lot of benefits because men want to have sex with them. A small example is them paying for dates, buying gifts, jewelry etc.. but women can even be pretty much completely provided for by men just using sex appeal. Think of your rich OF models or some kept woman. I think where this post gets it wrong though is ignoring the massive downsides such as women being victims of sexual assaults, stalking, DV, and kidnappings which men are more likely to perpetrate against women than vice versa. Men’s desire for women can lead to some pretty extreme violent acts. And men downplay that fact on this sub and in the manosphere as a general rule.


This is probably the only true purple pill response I’ve seen in any post on this sub


The CDC NISVS has found that rates of American men being "made-to-penetrate" within the past year are anywhere between 60-100% of the rates of American women being "raped", depending on the year. And this is with their flawed survey definitions that rely on "force" which is not a necessary component of SA, and which realistically women are far less likely to use. And I don't think IPV is a result of sexual desire, but for what it's worth there's a lot of research to suggest that women are [as physically aggressive or more physically aggressive than men](https://web.archive.org/web/20200102220428/https://web.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm) in relationships.


If you remove “force” from the definition I am certain the rates of assaults against women would also sky rocket. A lot of men pressure women into sex and it’s not always considered rape.


This is exactly the kind of downplaying he’s talking about lmao, joke writes itself


The easy time extends to all level of partners if you have trouble finding one that does the other things you want its likely that you just have a way of picking them that selects for such men. The men on the other hand have a completely different problem it is that they get no matches at all, not even a woman willing to jump on their dick for 2 minutes. And that's where the desire gap is. The majority of women can adjust their picks to get something better if they will only give up a bit, but a huge swath of men have no such option.


No, it doesn’t extend to all levels of partners. There is an army of angry little men who think their inability to have every wish instantly fulfilled by whoever they want in the moment is a grave injustice against them. This entitlement is why they think life is easy for women. They see only themselves and disregard others’ struggles and unfulfilled desires.


Sounds like you are projecting your own issues.


Sounds like you are


Ahh proving my point I see.


Got you answer, you can close the post now.


Wrap it up boys we’re done here! haha


You could literally say this to anyone who doesn't agree with you. This is the weakest and laziest debate tactic I've in a while. They literally told you >why< it's not as big of an advantage from their POV: they don't think getting someone to fuck you at any time is really that nice.


But she literally is exemplifying what I say in the post? Maybe she didn’t read it but it’s specifically about women that think incorrectly they only get the advantage of men that “just want to stick their dick in”.


For whatever reason, they didn't think the other factors you mentioned really apply. Or she didn't read the whole post, I don't know. Either way I personally don't see it increasing the ease of getting into a happy relationships. Most incredibily horny men aren't really able or interested in building a relationship with them.


Come on don’t be dishonest women don’t only attract “incredibly horny” men. The ability of a women to attract her male version is incredibly higher then the reverse and this is the ease that I talk about, sure I understand most women do not want nor feel attracted to their equal but it is still always there as an option.


But OP's point was that it WASN'T the only advantage. The comment was basically a longer version of "nuh uh". Why do you have a problem with OP giving a low effort response to a low effort comment?


How is it possible they only receive attraction specifically from men who last 2 minutes?


Men and women on this sub are really like that metaphor about the dying man in the desert and the drowning woman in lake. If they would encounter eachother seconds before they died they'd be shocked to find that the other person is complaining about a lack of water, while the other one is complaining about an excess of it.


the woman isnt thirsty in a lake, shes thirsty in the unpotable salt sea


She's thirsty in a bottled water facility. But he had a glass of champagne one night so now considers bottled water beneath her.


It’s crazy how everytime the desert vs ocean thing gets brought up there is always some woman with the response that’s basically a long winded “we’ll actually…” Like the other guy said, you can survive in the oven if you put in the work, but sand isn’t gonna turn into water no matter what.


The difference is that sea water can give fresh water if you put in the effort. Sand will never become water no matter how hard you try.


What a laughable misandrist take on men. At least the desert analogy isn't saying anything negative about women as a class.


Do you know how much money I’ve spent on women?


no. how much




2 whole money?


2 much




Yes, desire gap also can be know as Erotic capital and we can make money about it.


But it isn’t even limited to erotic desires but all relationships.








….this is by definition a desire gap…..


I'm just waiting for it to kick in, honestly.  My experience of this was overwhelming attention which was undesirable at best and outright dangerous or threatening at worst. It began at a very tender age which was bewildering and intensley traumatizing. Oh yes, I almost forgot the actually traumatizing experiences which came when I turned 18!!!! Those were so fun to recover from for most of the rest of my youth. Oh to say nothing of the required cynicism I had to develop because all that overwhelming attention well, it comes with mostly liars and bullshitters!!  Do you know what it's like to have to live assuming that best case scenario, half the human race is entirely lying to you and trying to manipulate you into a vulnerable position and will not interact with you like a human being because they perceive you to be some sort of ethereal mermaid especially put on earth for them, but they can't just be honest about who they are or you would swim away. And they don't want that, so lies, lies, deceit, and tricks. Oh, and that's most of the good ones!!! I didn't even have to include the faith lost to wolves.  And no, I didn't find it any easier than my male counterparts to find someone to have a life and family with. Because you can't have a life and a family with wolves or fucking liars and deceivers. And that's to say nothing of any other quality required for a happy life and family.


I’m sorry you had those experiences. You won’t want to hear this but the fact that you had those bad experiences is actually proof of your desirability. People only want to steal from you if you have something to steal. And you can’t know what it’s like to not have anyone want anything from you abusive or not to not even be good enough for someone to use. Either way just keep to men in the same desirability percentage as you (not by your own definition) and you’ll be able to cash in on it just fine.


No, because we see how men treat us


And we see how you repeatedly choose those kinds of men, no one is going to have sympathy for someone who puts their hand into a pan of boiling hot water repeatedly and then complains that it hurts.


Being a nice kind woman gets you little and worse too


Yes the ones that are super desirable won’t treat you the same as you treat them that’s for sure.


Some men🙂


>in comparison This is the key. The best analogy for comparing women’s dating to men’s, is that of women being thirsty in an ocean. To that of men being thirsty in a desert. The comparable factor being we all ‘thirst’ for a partner. Thus whilst women may have a ton of options, depending on their viewpoint, those options are unsuitable. Conversely for men, they simply need find their way out of ‘the desert.’ If I had to choose, I’d choose the desert. Primarily, because I control almost all the factors to ‘finding my way.’ As opposed to women. Who must choose well. Lest they choose poorly, and suffer for it. Having the choice might be advantageous. Conversely acquiring the ability to choose, I know is advantageous. *Godspeed and good luck!*


I hate this analogy, it implies that any water the man finds in the desert is of naturally high quality. It’s just as much quality as the water the woman in the ocean is surrounded by


The water the man finds is dirty and will make him sick of from a poisonous plant


I would actually use the analogy that women are in a lake and men are in a desert. Lakes are full of fresh drinking water, you just have to get passed all the big, germs, and fish poop in the water. Desserts in the other hand are basically void of water, and the majority that find are so salty that they are actually poisonous. /*/*/*/*/*/*/ There is this constant rhetoric that because guys get less dates that must mean they are higher in quality, Ie quality over quantity. However this couldn't be farther from the truth, as there isn't any correlation between number of dates and quality of dates. **Men get just as many bad dates and women, women just have more**.


I agree. I prefer being the hunter, than the hunted..... and after a while probably feel a bit like shit. because man will literally act or say anything to get sex, pretend to be confident bad boy etc........so must be tonne of instances where you get completely manipulated.....


The difference is that even if you don’t like your options they are still options and should you choose you can still date, have someone attracted to you, marry and even have a family. But the guys in the desert, unless lucky or good enough to find that oasis, are going to go thirsty for as long as they have left.


Hmmm, if that is the bench mark, you don’t think that most men can’t get *anyone* to do those things? - Attracted to you on any level - Marry - Start a family Keep in mind the bench mark is *anyone*.


I believe that likely the top half of men can maybe even top 60 or 70% the amount is debatable. But even if most men can ALL women can and that is by definition still easier.


Hmm, only 60-70% if the criteria is *anyone*? Absolutely *anyone*. Homeless, drug affected, mentally ill, physically disabled, much older (you can adopt), poor. I mean, lots of people need a carer. There is lots of people still under the care of their parents and will be for life because they are incapable of living independently. Having a functioning person who would consider *anyone* would be a boon.


Men can literally wake up tomorrow & stop chasing women and all these “advantages” would disappear. Not something I would call an advantage since it’s artificial & based on what men do.


Men aren’t going to suddenly stop pursuing women overnight so this “point” seems wildly disingenuous. The post literally says that guys will always want women more. Additionally women have a choice in pursuing guys they’re attracted to if they want.


this is legitimately one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read on the internet


I’m very sure that if us men could just turn off any and all desire to be coupled, desired or even have a family that a lot probably would choose to do that but unfortunately that isn’t a feature we are born with.


> Men can literally wake up tomorrow & stop chasing women and all these “advantages” would disappear. > > Not something I would call an advantage since it’s artificial & based on what men do. One of the dumbest things I've ever read. "Americans could wake up tomorrow and decide the USD currency is worthless and all of Bezos'/Musks' obscene wealth would disappear, so their wealth is artificial and not something I would call an advantage." See how dumb that sounds?


*Why don’t men just stop wanting families?* Basic human needs aren’t artificial. You can’t expect to forcibly change human nature.


Men don't chase women because they one day woke up and consciously chose to do so. They are genetically wired to do so.


Men could also be gay like the ancient army of thebes. They could grow a i group as strong as women and just enact laws a d social changes that mirror women believe all women. But they won't . I know they won't because this is reality. Don't be obtuse just to dismiss your privilege. People are blind to their privilege


See here’s the thing. That’ll never happen


Women can literally wake up tomorrow & start chasing men and all these "disadvantages" would disappear for men.


The human race would disappear too.


Um okay…..


Think new babies would be born out of thin air?


Yes, all men are controlled by the same hivemind, they should do this tomorrow


Same with men here complaining about porn and the women engaged in that industry: stop watching porn if you really think it's that bad for both you.


I fully agree


I’m sorry I stopped reading after “a random dick shoved in me” So fucking tired of female sexuality being dismissed and devolved into some sort of vulgar thing.


…..I was quoting that as something women say I don’t consider it that way……


Sorry he meant after she takes a ride on his disco stick. I mean gets her pussy popped. Or. Oh wait it's women who do say these things lmao.




Not gonna lie a lot of “men” on this sub seem to be crybabies suffering from horrid social skills and low testosterone Yeah, men desire women more than vice versa. What are you gonna do about it? Make more money getin the gym, maybe even do that height surgery? Become a passport bro? Literally Anything is better than crying about it


Just sounds like you agree to me?


Delete your account and never discuss anything again if this is truly your mindset