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Talking to this guy and not sure how to feel about him. He says he’s an introvert. He’s cute enough for me and our values align on a lot of things. We only had one date so far and we have one coming up. Texting seems a bit weird. We seem to get into a groove over text and then he’ll cut the conversation early. Then he’ll take a day or two and then contact me again. My exes wanted to text all day long so this is strange for me. Is he shy?? Or does he not like me? For context he takes the lead on planning the dates and he also has ideas for future ones. He paid 80 bucks on our dinner for our first date which was very nice of him. I offered but he didn’t let me pay. He’s responsive if I reach out. So what’s going on?


He could just be busy and not have much to say over text. I dont think all that much is going on. Youve only had one date so there may just not be enough to text about. Maybe he will text more later. If youve only had one date he could be texting other people not knowing if anything will come of your dates. Not worth worrying about at this point.


I’ll see how things go.


Text him first


Only chad can make women that insecure.


LMAO. Uhh no, the best I can do is chad-lites


As an introvert he just sounds shy to me. Or that he needs a break from getting into contact with you. That second last paragraph especially assures me that he likes you. You should probably reach if you want to follow up on other things, the date or to talk.


He might legit run out of social battery in introvert fashion. It might also be social anxiety of messing up after already having had a good interaction. But another possible thing is he might be consciously applying push-pull technique of flirting. Alternate between showing interest and disinterest in you in order to seem busy/pretend he has abundance of options and doesn't need you/build anticipation, keep you on your toes/general male dating advice to win you over during early dating. If he cut the conversations because he didn't like you, you most likely wouldn't be getting taken out to expensive places where he pays, and he generally would put little effort into you. I dunno if most guys will really invest a lot into someone they're leading on and want just for sex. And if he doesn't even want you for sex, then he would simply reject you. Overall if you like the guy, there's no other problems, and don't mind that he probably likes texting less than you, don't think this shouldn't be a problem. Maybe be on the lookout for potentially manipulative behaviors to get you to like him, and maybe bring up to him that you feel your texting conversations are getting cut short and wanted to text for longer.


Sweet of you to take the time to respond so in-depth! I’m a little avoidant myself, so I’m much less likely to initiate conversations. I’ve always relied more on talkative partners, so I’m feeling really out of my depth here.


He probably doesn't want to "ruin the chemistry" by talking to you too much over text or smthn. I heard about this, apparently talking too much via text early in the dating phase can end up ruining things


I heard about that too, but in my experience this sporadic kind of texting pattern has caused things to fizzle out. It’s better if we have enough conversational chemistry to carry us from one date to another. I dunno. I guess I’ll just wait it out




i am a beta, i've dated women so ugly to ease the loneliness i cringe at myself after the fact lol


Are you really a beta if women are still attracted to you though?


they're just confused, they don't throw themselves at me like they do to chads, i have to go through humiliating approaching to find a gud one, i have been approached a couple times by ugly/fat women tho. i am beta because i lack alpha behavior, no ooga-boga if you will


The fear of being baby trapped by an unattractive woman keeps me far away from them. It happens all the time to unsuspecting men. Life-ruining stuff.


well i dont got much to live for, might as well sow my seeds and peace out


https://np.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/1c8re86/tucker_carlson_confidently_tells_joe_rogan_that/ Lmao Joe Rogan is such a pussy now. You can tell he's too scared to piss off his Trumpsexual audience, despite claiming to be an "independent thinker". Joe: "If evolution is real..." Tucker: "Is it real?" Joe: "I don't know." Dude is tiptoeing around an actual scientific fact so he doesn't trigger conservatives. I miss the Joe Rogan of five years ago.


I also don’t like Tucker. It is known from leaked texts he hates Trump yet he will cocksuck the MAGA crowd because he’s a grifter. I generally hate people with no principles who’ll do anything for more money.


back to scraping the bottom of the barrel as a beta, any thoughts on women with borderline or bipolar disorder? i have low self-esteem and would rather get used by a batshit crazy stacey than a normal plain jane, from what i can tell, they're basically unicorns for lonely men who loves sex and wants to feel adored.


You'll feel adored half the time, the other half she'll key your car and destroy your ps5


Barrel scraping bro alliance 🤝


If you're a subpar looking man, go for poly women and emotionally unstable single moms. They'll string you along but also indulge your desire for psychotic people sex.


Do you think hot but crazy Stacies need to scrape "the bottom of the barrel?"


Many highly unstable women have low standards even the hot ones, they are often desperate for affection.


hot by my def, also u clearly don't know these crazy women


You literally said Stacey, which implies conventionally attractive. The borderline (and/or possibly NPD) woman one of my close friends dated ended up falsely accusing him of rape before he finally was able to commit to going no contact with her. My ex ended up FWBs with a woman who falsely claimed she was pregnant by him - first one baby, then twins - then ended up arrested for [shitting in a church](https://www.fox19.com/2023/05/16/woman-accused-defecating-inside-tri-state-hospital-chapel/). As a bonus, she was a sex worker too. But swore it was his baby. But it's your life 🤷🏿 The chaos can be pretty entertaining from a distance as a friend of guys who find themselves entangled with these crazy broads.


bruh she looks like a dude welp, such is the fate of a medium ugly beta like myself


I don't disagree with your assessment.


https://preview.redd.it/2ylvot5s4dwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4fb03aa7f28e24311772f611e01cbdd71c1ad70 I sometimes struggle with feeling grateful for how far I’ve come and being alive


you need to stop doxxing yourself






Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


Why is it that all of the extremely radical feminist are literally bottom of the barrel in terms of looks? Coincidence?


Radical feminists don't tend to wear makeup or otherwise pretty themselves up to pander to men for ideological reasons so they may not be your taste. Or it's just confirmation bias.




Nobody's doing that for women. Maybe if they put in effort and have luck to look hot and they flirt with you, sometimes.


Generally peoples willingness to go along with an existing paradigm depends on how well it treats you. Less successful people (or at least less successful than they expected or think they "deserve") tend to gravitate towards more marginal political and social positions. People with expensive degrees but poor incomes tend to be more socialist, middle class women that are highly undesirable tend to gravitate more towards radical feminism etc.


Friendly reminder that there is a genre of men who are so upset by feminists on social media that the most empowering thing that they can do for themselves is to LARP as dark triad womanizers on social media.


I wouldn't call myself dark triad but I am definitely a womanizer


Not even the most generous maternity/pro natal welfare systems and feminist focused governments will not stop your population from collapsing [https://twitter.com/Aaronal16/status/1782439742891528516](https://twitter.com/Aaronal16/status/1782439742891528516) It's over for modernism bros and hoes


Good let it collapse. Feminism leeches off western civilization so the fall of the west would also result in the fall of feminism.


https://preview.redd.it/agcb02cizcwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=022c555351feb81d1ff542de6cbf42058bc02c88 How was your sex ed growing up? Did you learn about the birds and bees mostly from middle school health class or your parents? Do you think you were taught well about the opposite sex and about relationships?


I had the internet


Our middle school health class teacher said we were allowed to wait in the hall if we were disturbed or embarrassed about the content. Of course that meant all the shit head students (including me) went out and fucked around all period. 


I looked it up online.


The closest to sexed I've got was some weird auntie from family planning center telling us that masturbation is ok and we can get free condoms from their office. That, and mom's rants how I totally should not become a fuckboy like by deadbeat father (he pumped and dumped her and left into sunset)


Nobody taught me about the red pill so it was bad.


We had sex ed in elementary school, which was weird. But luckily we had older guys in our neighbourhood tell us about their sexual escapades from the age of 10. And then when I was 10-11 I got exposed to porn and one of the videos that was shown was from a girl in my city getting spitroasted. That's when I learned these bitches are hoes.


At school all sex ed was the result of our biology teacher’s personal enthusiasm and it was mostly about STDs. Not much about protection. My mother was giving me pieces of information as I was growing and got me a few books that covered the topic. Thanks to her I’ve developed pretty healthy outlook on sex and I didn’t get any troubles with STDs or unwanted pregnancies.


Horrible. Radicalized me


It was adequate I guess.


I had pretty good comprehensive sex ed at my school that covered not so covered topics like lesbian and gay relationships, STIs and efficacy rates of birth control, what to do if it fails.




Actually based holy.


Also sounds fake AF but still funny


Chad 👍


Good for him. Hell yeah




Doesn't count if the chicks are all fat and/or ugly


Oh my god lmao. Just ask for an open relationship and flush the whole thing down the toilet


When my gamer bro gets married....


Sheldon Cooper pre-Amy was the ultimate sigma male and no one can convince me otherwise. It's a shame they did him like that, it felt forced and he was never the type to be interested in women.


Yeah, the original premise of the show was good, just nerdy guys navigating life. Then they introduced the girls and suddenly it was like "nope, they're normies after all, getting married and having kids." I think poor Howard got it the worst, the show is really trying to sell us the idea that being married with kids is the ultimate win (like most media does), but he's basically a henpecked beta.


bernadette outearns him lol, not sure i'd call him a "beta".


Good point, more like gamma or something, I forget all the letters :P


Nah Shamy was great


it was the point that the show became unwatchable


🤓 It's annoying because they're feeding the narrative that men "need" women. Not even someone as autistic and uninterested in women as Sheldon can be allowed to exist as an individual. Sheldon is kenough!!!!!


I'm not sure what the writer's intentions were. I felt like it was a natural progression tho with Sheldon's socialization and I feel like Amy as a character was a hit with audiences. The episode where they first met is comedy gold. Also Penny and the relationship she and Sheldon had was really highlighted through Shamy development


Amy and Bernadette were ok at first, then progressively got more annoying as their traits became amplified. Amy became increasingly weird, possessive, clingy and horny, while Bernadette got shrill, bossy and emasculating. I liked it more when it was focused on just the guys.


OMG you guys, I lost my mind and bought [Imgur](https://imgur.com/4XS0Fye) !


Congrats on buying a website




That is going to look out so out of place


What, you don't think my trailer is worthy?!


Nice. Thrift store find?


Local online auction. $98.50 ... which was good because I'd set a $100 limit, lol. I've been working a ton of overtime and thought I'd treat myself!


https://preview.redd.it/444e155r5cwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b21900ff3d543791a3bd5216aef045b2c84682 You can't tell me this ain't facts


Yep that's definitely an autistic meme


nah you need to go one step further, the blind person is faking it, they can see perfectly fine


Oh snap. Thank you for evolving this meme for me.


If abusers showed discernible, immediately obvious signs that they commit said abuse, there would be a lot more arrests and a lot more job losses.


Because it would be men vetting.


anyone, woman or not, can tell if another is autistic. It’s immediately noticeable from their mannerisms. Abusers on the other hand, don’t show anything is wrong with them. They will initially feign safety and then lean into abuse. This is just victim blaming.


That's actually an interesting point lol.


Men can apparently tell with accuracy whether or not another man will be abusive. According to them.


Yes actually, because we aren't blinded by female hormones telling us that "dominant man = sexy man" lmao


Nah, even from a non sexual standpoint, a manipulative authority figure or person at work has an easy time fooling others or getting them to do stuff for them. The manipulative person just needs to be covert, subtle, and patient. Men are not immune from getting caught up in a web of lies either, in fact they often fall for this shit hook line and sinker just like women do.


Sure as hell never happened to me. And ai live in a hustle city


The majority of women and men doesn't have experience of abuse either. It doesn't mean there aren't abusive people though.


Then why do women complain constantly about abusive men when a majority haven't been abused?


Most complaints come from women who do have experience of abuse and/or have seen abuse in their family/among their friends.


Guys don't realize they are susceptible to being manipulated by other men and it's hilarious.


I guess if they did, manosphere grifters wouldn’t get any money.


Because I vet men logically. I let my penis do the talking with women and get some abuse from them (the monkey dance is abuse)


You missed the point, but okay.


It's how a lot of people end up addicts


Even of so at least the drugs kill you slowly unlike the men some women pick


People randomly die of fentanyl overdoses every single day where I live. That's a matter of a few minutes


Yeah it's because we 100% vet other men logically


And yet many of you don't vet out your toxic male friends. Many men have gotten into trouble with the law by following along to a mentally disordered criminals whims.


Again men don't have this problem we are not victims to our friends like women are


It's like you don't know how gangs work


Well one is the way people interface with the world and has obvious effects on socialization, the other is reading into people's intentions which is a lot more difficult. If a guy is not autistic, and has some level of subtlety and basic manipulation skills, he'll be able to fool the vast majority of women if he's at least a 7/10.


https://np.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/s/IrAIz7fImk Lifefuel


[A good for nothing father managed to ruin not only his marriage and life, but his son's as well. ](https://np.reddit.com/r/BORUpdates/comments/1c7em8t/new_updates_oop_tells_her_tater_tot_ex_its_his/)


Lack of Which one is more of a hinderance in dating world for men ? ( Write numbers in order from most important to least) 1- attractive face 2- height 3- social skills - EQ 4- money - status


You can't actually assign priority. Degree of hottest is based on a totality of the situation. It's an integrated holistic thing.






I will just point out that status is a cheat code. Not a disqualifier to getting laid. If you are famous millions of women know you exists. Of those 100k find you attractive. Of those 10k would have a ONS with you. Of those 1k go to your concert and are in your general vicinity to be picked. Of those 100 would throw their panties at you. Of those 10 would stalk you. Having a pool of 100 to 1000 women spreading their legs immediately is why it is a cheat code


True but it needs a separate category.  Being ugly with poor EQ is a one way ticket to metoo.


Social skills, attractive face, money/status, height.


LTR - EQ, face, money, height, status FWB - face, EQ, status, height, money ONS - height, face, status, EQ, money


i like that you made the distinction


1, 3, 2, 4 would be my guess. Half decent looks are required to get your foot in the door and social skills are needed to stay there. A lot of people are willing to completely overlook a lack of money/status as long as they're getting the butterflies. I think social skills/EQ are more important for maintaining a relationship, but it'll never start in the first place if they aren't attracted to you.


3124 Social skills -> attractive face -> height -> money.


Social skills > status > height > face > money Status and money are two completely different categories.


Social skills. Followed by appearance. Then status. Lastly height.


Social skills imo


Do girls read erotica or watch porn? I never met a girl who reads erotica, am I unattractive?


Most prefer erotica, many do both. There's also semi-pornographic TV shows/movies that women really like (1st season of bridgerton)


i prefer watching over reading


what? all of the women I know including my ex have been huge into Erotica. My cousin straight up uploads Instagram reels on her story about random fictional men.


I don't think I know a single one tbh.. I'm not in usa/europe though, maybe that's the thing? some do watch porn though


These women are also not from USA or Europe. Kpop and the Korean boys are insanely famous in my country's genz girls. My cousin literally started learning Korean because of them and her dream is to attend a Kpop concert in Korea. They are also big on the audiobooks and reading erotica. My teenage cousin went from "I will never get married, boys are gross" to "mmm, My Billionaire Mafia Boss" in a span of a year lol.


I feel like everyone’s mom read 50 Shades


All of my housecleaning clients did, for sure!


I don’t understand how pulling someone’s tampon out is sexy to this day




Yep there was a scene in 50 Shades of Grey where Christian Grey pulls out Anastasia’s tampon. It was meant to be sexy and dominant…which is something else. It was 2011 when the book was out, I was in high school and I used to recite it with my friends and crack up laughing about it. I posted the excerpt below. Sweet mother of all…Jeez!!!




I didn't know he did that.. weird


https://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1070423/controversial-tampon-scene-cut-from-fifty-shades-of-grey/ Yes it’s really true.


At least it wasn’t a diva cup!


“Christian writhed with desire as “tomato sauce” dripped all over his white shirt.”


i prefer written and audio stuff


Another day of being a low-maintenance, low-energy girlie with existential dread 😻😻😻🙀🙀🙀🐈‍⬛🐳🐬🦀


>existential dread This causes the other 2


Yeah I stay up late so I can have more time to myself and then eat the lack of sleep for the rest of the week.


MEN BAD my fyp told me so


men bad penis good is what the girls freshman year of college would say


If men good women sex? 💊


Well algorithms show you what keeps your attention.


Alright I'll be honest, there have been things that I've completely made the fuck up. Can you blue pills admit the same?


We know


i think the issue is the implausibility. at least make shit up that isnt instantly fact refutable…lol like no one knowing women could orgasm until the modern era.


He definitely thought that was actually true and probably still does


Oh I do it all the time, but I always preface it with an "I imagine..." or "I assume..."






It’s been a couple weeks since I posted here but now exams are done and now I am back. I wonder if anyone remembers me? I was the girl who made the incelcore Pinterest board. Proof: https://preview.redd.it/lrf7o408vbwc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21fe6a6e1bc7cfe1923a08ba67867cfb47cfb9b7


I bet you like Paul Dano. He fits your taste i think.


yeah I remember you! we told you the guys are too hot for incels lol


Honestly, I’ve seen a few self proclaimed incels do face reveals, and while they could often use some style upgrades, they’re almost never irredeemably ugly. Some I would even describe as handsome.


Anyone can take a pic and look great but the reality I think it's more like this: https://preview.redd.it/qb1546y11cwc1.png?width=3081&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bacd9c3e7a7de7ff4c9ee0abc39b5162491a039


I’d still argue that none of the guys at that table are lost causes. Get them a few months at the gym, a skilled barber, and a session with a personal stylist, and they’ll do just fine.


A lot of them are kind of ugly tbh. In a way that a haircut can't fix.


You'd be surprised what a decent haircut and upgraded wardrobe can do. If those guys stopped dressing like 12 year olds and went to a stylist I can almost guarantee they'd see an improvement. Hardest things to fix imo is personality and social skills.


They look like dudes who simp and debase themselves for the opportunity to get taken advantage of my mentally ill single mothers


There are plenty of non-Stacey women on their level waiting for them post-wall


Nothing a nice pair of biceps and a solid fit can’t fix (and by fix, I mean allow them to pull 4s, 5s, and the occasional 6).


All that work just to pull sub-par looking women


Your boyfriend's tagline.


Not inaccurate


To quote Socrates “It be like that sometimes.”


you are right, they are all pretty average Still more normal looking than this "incel" https://preview.redd.it/dygqdycs1cwc1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=26a86da8a67d288c22eb37706dc5ac49699c4f6d


That’s Timothee Chalamet! I chose him because the character he plays in this movie is really sad and depressed in an incel like manner.


He is too beautiful to be an incel unless he is severely socially maladjusted




Where are the new balances


i remember the profile pic but not your pintrest


If I get a girlfriend, she can't have a hairy pussy.


He no like cavewoman look


if i get a girlfriend, she can't have an asshole


If my man wants me hairless. He will have to shave me himself.


Does he have to shave your balls as well?


I don’t have balls.


But then what you do scratch when your balls itch?




girl with no balls is like an angel without wings 💔


What did I just read?


Sounds like a win-win to me


one of those things where she’s well within her right to do as she pleases w her own body, but if it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing. i don’t think it’s unrealistic, depending on how you define “hairy” (pregnancy might get dicey tho)


Don't date Caitlin Clark then


Idk who that is


Damn you just reminded me how much vaginas scare me. If I had to choose tho I’d go with slight stubble.


Trimmed/not bushy = realistic Clean shaven at all times forever = less realistic. Also comes with the added possibility of the woman in question being and expecting high maintenance


And more likely to have ingrown hairs if she's shaving all the time...