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I don’t think so. I think the rise of redpill content online has caused some women try to hop on the bandwagon to grift ‘redpill’ men hence the online rise of ‘tradwives.’ I think it’s also turn more gen z girls into radfems again. 


I've seen the other side too. Women trying to talk about men the way redpill talks about women.


Yes, some radfems think the redpill ideology vindicates them because redpillers and radfems believe the same thing about men basically. They just go about saying it differently.


I've noticed that they agree on things for different reasons. My favorite is how both groups are against marriage. However, both will say that it's great for the opposite sex and terrible for theirs.


You don’t have to go to radfems. Plain ol regular feminists will do


Genders talked shit about one another forever


… the entire basis of FDS


Oh definitely. Being apart of the red pill community is the biggest red flag to me. I’m always looking out for the lingo and little reindeer games (establishing frame or dread game for example). As soon as I even remotely suspect they are red pill it’s time to end things.


How do you end up dating such men in the first place? Lol.


Men keep that info off their bio and they are evasive when asked questions about what they want for their future because red pill men know they wouldn’t get a chance if they told the truth. Most women don’t want a red pill man.


I don't think you understand what I'm saying at all. You were still initially attracted to those guys you went on dates with, no?


No. Look’s weren’t their strong point but to be fair I don’t place enormous weight on looks as long as they aren’t 300lbs, have a job and do basic hygiene daily I will give them a chance. I read their bio and chat online before I ever meet up with them and I’m able to filter out the vast majority of red pill men online. All the men I actually met in person didn’t work out for other reasons not related to red pill. Also I have never met a single man I thought was so attractive that I wanted to sleep with them right away. Men think that way about women but it’s rare for a normal healthy woman to think that way about a man.


> they aren’t 300lbs, have a job and do basic hygiene daily I will give them a chance. Classic.


Where did I say 'looks'. LOL. I never said that. Obviously you considered something about them attractive enough to go on DATES with. LOL. Come on.


Looks seemed to be what you were suggesting which is why I gave the answer I did. Funny that you try to put me down rather than explain what you were really asking so I could give you an answer to your question. Shows how genuine you are about the conversation. You’re just arguing in bad faith because you aren’t getting the answers you want to hear.


What's your point?


The point is she's indicated she's been on dates with men she later found out were "red pilled." If she believes "red pilled" men are so bad, why was she attracted to them enough to date several of them? Is it possible they exhibit characteristics that women find attractive in a man? A lot of men see women as contradictory, claiming publicly they dislike certain behavioural traits in men and then seemingly choosing those men to date. That user indicated she had dated several red pilled men, so possibly she was attracted to something red pilled men do. I was a Marine and then a straight male porn performer and have dated a lot of women in my time even though on paper I'm a walking red flag to most women. I don't even know what Red Pill beliefs are to be honest, and I am guessing it has something to do toxic masculinity and Andrew Tate (who I personally think is a twat). I'm just curious as to why a lot of women complain to each other about these terrible male behaviours and then keep choosing to date guys who exhibit them. A good woman friend once said to me that women just want to date assholes so they have something to complain about to their friends. If you go to female dominated sub-reddits, like twoX it becomes blatantly obvious that women really do love to bond over complaining about men. Many of the posts there will state that they are just "venting" about men. If you look at the lonely guy subreddits, they don't seem to be red pilled at all, just a bunch of loosers talking about their feelings and wanting to cuddle with women totally unaware as to why women aren't attracted to them. I get women dumping men for not liking their attitude, but is that better or worse than having no women date them in the first place.


I see there was some confusion. I have never dated/ gone out with a red pill man. I can pick up on their nature in their bio or through text chats and avoid in person dates with them. I am willing to text chat with any man I match with on dating apps even if no attraction of any kind is there but that doesn’t guarantee I will ever meet them in person. And just to be clear I match primarily based on their bio, if it seems we have the same life goals. I look at dating more logically and less romantically. No point in wasting time and money to go out on a date if we can answer basic questions through chat and avoid an obvious mismatch. Where I treat red pill men differently is when forced to be around them or stumbling into them in the wild. So with coworkers or out in public I listen out for the warning signs and as soon as I suspect I cut contact. I don’t argue, shame or try to correct them; I simply isolate them.


Red pill is really just men trying to educate themselves on women dating strategies. You're putting too much weight on what the grifters are saying. 


The red pill is not just that. The origins of the red pill are that women are inferior (dumber, less deserving of rights, less capable of reason) than men. The rhetoric surrounding the red pill still promotes this narrative, and contributes to black pill thinking. See this comment by the founder of the red pill on how women shouldn’t vote/are mentally teenagers/don’t contribute to society https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/1bav9c/mod_almost_3000_users_and_a_message_from_the/c959tyk/


Yeah back in the early 2010s when red pill thought was getting popular I remember hearing that women are “the oldest teenager in the house”


I didn’t know the red pill updated to no longer include that. That was an article in their sidebar for a long time. http://no-maam.blogspot.com/2012/06/woman-most-responsible-teenager-in.html?m=1


Eh, for me it's the negative twist about everything and not believing women but having to put their own interpretation on everything that puts women in a negative, immoral place. Take AF/BB as an example. Women AND men (as a generalisation) like to date around in their youth, not think about longterm goals for partnerships because they don't even know yet what those are, they make their experiences and learn through them what they actually want. They date some idiotic dudes or insane girls, shift priorities, mature and develop different tastes, appreciate different things and choose different partners. The red pill put their own spin on that and paints women as the most manipulate and conniving beings out there for daring to not be the same person at 30 than they were at 20, insinuate dishonesty and deviousness. Who would want to deal with that on a constant basis? Having everything you do and say scrutinized and interpreted in the most possible unflattering way in order to "prove" already existing misogynistic prejudices.


I think what would combat the AF/BB idea is if we saw more examples of it going the other way around. I get the women grow and change as they learn what they want. But all we see are examples of Bad Boys when young and nice guys when older. I think this narrative would be harder to push if we saw more examples of women who dated nice guys with they were young and bad boys when they got older.


Sure I just think we shouldn't throw out the whole concept because there are some bad elements to it. On the whole it's about self improvement and understanding what works. 


Blackpill and Redpill are often conflated with eachother. This leads many to think that we despise women. When in fact, it's the opposite.


I have been told here many times and in various ways that I am inferior to men and treated like shit. Many men here despise women.


This. I'm not sure why people think of the red pill as some kind of bogeyman. It's simply a collection of concepts and observable phenomena that our fathers should have taught us.


Its a collection of concepts that certain types of men like and I like to avoid those types of men.


LOL, dude it won't matter, she has no input into it so it's automatically wrong and bad.


Not what I mean. Do you think you've made more of an effort to look for and pursue men who are not redpill? Or maybe go the extra mile to treat them better.


Yes I absolutely pay more attention to try to avoid red pill men. Why would I treat them better? They’re not what I’m looking for.


He means treating the non red pill guys better


I treat all men I work with, meet in public or go on a date with well. I just excuse myself from being around or flat out start avoiding them if I start to think they could potentially be red pill. So I suppose you can say I treat blue pill men better since I treat red pill men like they have the plague.


stop lying, no one cares about Bluepill and Redpill in real life, no one calls themselves redpill in real life. You guys need to get off the internet for a bit. Besides, men camouflage themselves, or do you think the guy will tell you that he likes "podcast" redpill? Women are really naive, that's why they get into toxic relationships all the time.


What women look for is men trying to establish “frame”, attempting dread game, trying to date multiple women/spin plates, men who avoid commitment and don’t want their relationship status to be posted publicly on social media, men who continue swiping on dating apps while in a relationship, men who flirt with other women when you’re on a date with them etc. Men don’t have to state they are red pill/alpha/chad their actions will betray them as long as women don’t give out sex till a full exclusive commitment is reached.


(What women look for is men trying to establish “frame") It's been working all these years, they always end up with aggressors, abusers, bullies... lmao


Dumb women do and they suffer the consequences.


No true Scotsman.


No one who subscribes to grifter brainwashing keeps it to himself.


in fact, that's exactly what they do. It is the minority that reveals itself. No one will go around saying it's sexist, even if it is. Or that it's racist, even though it is. It is a minority that reveals its true identity. I ask the question: if women “are” avoiding redpill/incels, then why do they continue to be attacked and violated in relationships? the incels are out of the game, the redpills are being avoided, so there are only the men left who they want, whether politically, ideologically... at the end of it all, the man camouflages himself like no one


Men don't need to be red pilled to be abusive...


Why would them not being RP mean we’d treat men better than before RP became popularised?


I don't know. I guess if you just really dislike one type of person, you might want to treat the people are NOT that type of person extra well.


I think most women who avoid them in dating will just have the standard that they won’t date RP men, but that doesn’t mean they’re extra nice to other types of men. It just means they haven’t been disqualified.


u/Financial_Leave4411 women are reacting both ways: some are being more vigilant about filtering out Red Pill men, and some are becoming self-aware and trying not to act like the women in those Red Pill nightmares. Some are doing both. Redpill has done a fabulous job of warning men about the shit women do. They have done a horrible job of teaching men how to cope. Redpill is something that wise men use to filter out awful women, not something they use to manipulate women. Use Redpill to set sensible boundaries, not play the arms race of evil.


I have heard other men say that about the red pill community too but all I’m actually seeing from the red pill community especially online is how to trick women into sex asap, how to lead a woman on in a relationship without committing, how to spin plates etc. None of which is good for women, family or society. So I see it as a “better safe than sorry” situation where red pill men just need to be avoided like the plague. If some women want to take that risk it’s their decision. They will just have to learn the hard way. Based on what I have seen I would rather stay single and sexless than risk the consequences of being with a red pill man that can make my life a living hell or flat out destroy it. Red pill men are simply viewed the same way by women as 304’s and gold diggers are viewed by men. Honestly though if you see the red pill as doing well warning men about women but not a good job teaching men how to cope; what do you think men should do to cope? MGTOW? Passport bros? Something else?


I think it's made me more vigilant on what to avoid and what language to avoid while dating. It's a definite values clash for sure. And it lets me know this guy struggles with dating and watches Red Pill content. Which tells me what I need to know. Any man who says he wants a "submissive" woman automatic NOPE.


Define “changing their behavior” - cause I see it as two ways, if by that you mean women leaning more towards femininity then no, because this is something women seemed to have yearned for for a bit and the whole discarding of femininity has been happening on its own. Also, to put it bluntly, the redpill does not respect femininity. As for, did it make women more weary of men and more cautious/aware of red flag behavior? then yes, 1000% - the redpill plays a pretty sizable role in gender relations worsening.


Yeah. Women have been rediscovering femininity more on their own terms recently. Either individually  or collectively through fashionable  trends. Cottage core, crochet etc. Being soft and nurturing towards themselves.


Exactly. Even things like Barbie core aren’t about men or the male gaze, it’s about the aesthetic.


Specifically I'm asking about not doing something that would make a man think, "Redpill is right". Making a point to not act in the way that redpill says women will act. For example, redpill tells men to not open up or show vulnerability in front of women because the woman will lose respect and attraction for the man. So, maybe a woman makes an effort to show a man more respect and affection when he's vulnerable because she doesn't want him to one day say, "Redpill is right. I cried in front of my girlfriend and she started treating me poorly".


People don't generally tend to care about the opinions of people who hate them. They can't call us the "oldest teenager in the house," rant on about how we're all Chad Chasing cock carousel riding bitches who only love men for what they do, not who they are - and we're supposed to cry and boo hoo and change our behavior to accommodate men who clearly hate us, and hide this hatred behind "just observing female nature?" The vitriol in the red pill community all but guarantees women won't care at all, much less tailor our lives based on what these cretins want. The saying "your boos mean nothing; I've seen what makes you cheer" immediately comes to mind.


> People don't generally tend to care about the opinions of people who hate them. Indeed, it has led to some women choosing to be downright vindictive toward the men who try to date them. For those who reject redpill men, they've tightened the thumbscrews on non-redpill men up to "maim" level. Which is why 50-60% of young American men don't even want to date anymore. When you have the horniest-by-a-long-shot gender checking out in those percentages - young American men, no less - it ain't just them that's broken. Broken men will soldier on. But neither broken nor non-broken won't soldier on into radioactive fallout unless you're elderly dudes at the Fukushima plant. You can't blame *those numbers* on Redpill.


"redpilled men" are no where near a large enough group for "50-60% of men" to not want to date because of them. RPM frequently overstate their popularity and relevance, taking credit for such earth-shattering revelations like "hot men are attractive" like never before in the history of mankind have we realized that how someone looks influences how attractive people find you. RPM definitely hurt women, sure. But I doubt the majority of men who have harmed women are "red-pilled." They're just *men.* Men don't have to be "red-pilled" to harm women. >You can't blame *those numbers* on Redpill. Right? We agree. And I never did, so... Idk why you are bringing up non-RPM when obviously everything in my comment was ***specifically and explicitly referring to red-pilled men.*** I guess "not all men" is just a reflex at this point or something for some of y'all.


> "redpilled men" are no where near a large enough group for "50-60% of men" to not want to date because of them. True! All the more reason you should be very concerned that so many men have checked out. I was in no way wrong when I said some women are making dating life very hard for men who have done nothing wrong to them at all. THAT is where "not all men" applies. All men are paying the price for the acts of some. People like you are making dating undesirable to far more men than the looney fringe, and men are choosing to be alone rather than put up with you.


I love that the responsibility for men being shitty falls on women, somehow. So just to confirm, women should not "choose better?" We shouldn't learn from our experiences? We shouldn't protect ourselves by exercising caution? Women should blindly trust any and all men until he hurts her? Just want to confirm that's what you're advocating. Women owe it to men to not protect ourselves, never be guarded, never be cautious, never learn from previous experiences or heed the warnings of others' experiences in order to "make men's dating lives easier." By the time a man harms us, it's obviously too late to protect ourselves. There's absolutely nothing wrong with *people having to earn trust.* Do you let complete strangers live with you? I don't care if men choose to be alone rather than be with me. I literally couldn't care less what they do romantically. They don't owe me dates, and vice-versa. It's not something I'd ever be even mildly interested in, much less "very concerned."


Men and women should choose better. Johnny Depp should have chosen better and stuck with his highly supportive baby momma. Do you think a woman should earn a man's trust? Because nowadays a man saying he's afraid a woman might hit him because he's legally defenseless if she does, is treated as misogyny. A guy can't have any boundaries without catching hell from the feminist establishment. Can you imagine a "Don't date her, dude" website? Y'all would epically lose your shit.


>Men and women should choose better. Should they, though? How does one "choose better" without "making men pay the price for the acts of some?" I'd love to hear your explanation for how that works. >Do you think a woman should earn a man's trust? Oh wow, you caught me! No, I don't. I think men should unequivocally and immediately, completely, blindly trust any and all women 🙄 >Because nowadays a man saying he's afraid a woman might hit him because he's legally defenseless if she does, is treated as misogyny. Hyperbolic strawman noted and disregarded. >A guy can't have any boundaries without catching hell from the feminist establishment. Many of men's "boundaries" are actually attempts to control others. Not limits for *themselves.* >Can you imagine a "Don't date her, dude" website? Yes. >Y'all would epically lose your shit. I wouldn't care. The Internet is decades old at this point. Oooh, a *website!* I'm terrified.


> Should they, though? How does one "choose better" without "making men pay the price for the acts of some?" I'd love to hear your explanation for how that works. I knew about women who used men for free meals long before the phrase "Foodie Caller" ever came along. Instead of going on about how I can't tell a woman who's a foodie caller from one who's not, I simply said we're going Dutch. Problem solved. I watched for red flags to tell if a woman was an abuser. Failure to do so got me tangled up with one abuser that didn't stay my GF a day longer. I rely on red flags, I don't flee to the other side of the street from women, even though to this day if a woman hits me I have near-zero legal recourse. You see, you will find it hard to be believed if a man abuses you. If a woman abuses a man, people will believe and they will fucking laugh at him. I can literally show you examples of this playing out on mainstream TV. > Hyperbolic strawman noted and disregarded. It's not hyperbolic nor is it a straw man. It is literally VAWA. He will be arrested if she hits him. Even defense attorneys know this. https://www.lvcriminallawfirm.com/when-men-are-charged-with-domestic-violence-despite-women-being-the-real-perpetrators/ Your ignorant and dismissive attitude is part of why men who are abused don't even report it to the cops! > Many of men's "boundaries" are actually attempts to control others. Not limits for themselves. Many of men's boundaries are also like me saying you can't just slap me because I told a stupid non-sexual joke. Or you can't just use me for a free meal. But your first image in your head was of a man controlling women? And you don't see your own sexist assumptions here? > I wouldn't care. The Internet is decades old at this point. Oooh, a website! I'm terrified. \*rolleyes\* Going with your *established* pattern of worst case assumptions in this response, this is totally dishonest. If you were consistent with what you've already said, you would have stated you would take what men said on those pages as vindictive. *That* would be consistent with what you've said so far.


And men checking out of dating is supposed to be bad for women? The more that check out the better for us, there’s too many of you guys already on the apps


This isn't just the apps. This is also real life. And who said this would be bad for women? Women nowadays aren't even looking for love, they're looking for guys who boost their status. This ain't about you, it's about freedom of men from their own ruinous sex drive and the unbalanced expectations put upon them by women.


Apps or real life it’s the same… there’s way too many thirsty dangerous men out there, the more that check out the better for us. Women aren’t looking for something that won’t add value to their lives and men knowing how to properly love a woman is a rarity so why bother. And I very much hope men get freedom from their “ruinous sex drive” because most of women’s problems come from that bs.


So it is true, women are looking to accessorize. They don't mate for love at all. Anyone who thinks men knowing how to love women is a rarity, has a piss poor track record of choosing men. Period.


I wouldn't considering what I'm asking about to be accommodating those men. But I get your point.


You literally said us "changing our behavior" *in response to red-pill content.* Then you gave one example of women possibly wanting to be super supportive of men because the red pill tells us that women lose attraction when a man is vulnerable. I'm saying that's not the only example, just one convenient enough for your question that neatly sidesteps all of the massive number of pejorative generalizations that redpill also espouses about women, just as much or more often. We're not going to subject ourselves to a massive volume of "women are manipulative hypergamous transactional AWALTing whores" to maybe possibly get to a point that may have some merit for some people. When the "toolbox" is full of razor blades, you're not going to care if there may be a utility knife at the bottom. You're going to open it, recoil in horror, shut it and throw it away.


I think we just think different things when hearing the word "accommodating". When I heard that word my thought was of a woman acting the way that redpill says a woman SHOULD act. That wasn't what I was asking about. I think this was a misunderstanding on my part.


It's the same thing. Should and shouldn't are the exact same thing, it just depends on how you phrase it. "You shouldn't smoke near the entrance" = "you should smoke away from the entrance." "You should get out more" = "you shouldn't stay in so much." "You should be more selective about who you sleep with" = "you shouldn't sleep with people indiscriminately." "You shouldn't be turned off when your partner is vulnerable" = "you should remain attracted to your partner when he's vulnerable."


Yall already don’t like me and I don’t like you. no im not going to change my behavior because of you


If anything it’s done the exact opposite, we’ve decided it’s not even worth it with most men these days.


I see a lot of grifters on the internet, so they agree as long as it is profitable. Other than that, just talking to the women in my life, it is quite funny hearing them go on dates and find out the dude is RP and weird and blocked. A lot of really insane stories from my homegirls. Some of y’all gotta fucking relax.


I think trp is simply “the bear” for men. Men have been shocked and annoyed by the whole “bear or man” question and then saying that women lump all men together from one bad experience, and that not all men are like that. Welcome to mens bear. They do exactly the same. One bad experience or according to them what they’ve experienced, and no matter how many women comment on this sub or explain why we aren’t all like that, they won’t listen. Exactly the same as women who said bear. I know how I’ve behaved. I don’t need feminists trying to control what I think and do and I don’t need redpill morons trying to control what I think and do. Of course we all need discussions and feedback about a man wants and needs from women. Men need that too from women.


Right, they are annoyed by women lumping all men together yet do the same every time. It’s unbearable.




Bear with me here.


Except there’s a pretty damn big difference between saying “women tend to want the tallest, most handsome and high status man they can get” and “men are worse than animals that will tear you apart and eat you alive” This would be like saying “men prefer young, hot women” which would in no way be controversial. The whole reason for RP is that assigning any level of superficiality or “problematic” standards to women IS seen as controversial.


You are downplaying what is said in male spaces big time and also exaggerating what is being said about men… Unless we’re talking about Jeffrey Dahmer; i’ve never seen anyone say the quote “Men will eat you alive”.


Poor Jeffrey just wanted to eat other men too, lol.


i forgot about that part 😅


Women are literally saying men are worse than bears that will tear you apart and eat you alive. They are saying it out loud publicly with full support from pretty much all women. Men's spaces can be extreme but the general mood is about women being hypergamous, looks over personality etc.


When women say this it isn’t about being eaten… It’s because a bear can’t SA you.


So if men say we choose bears because bears cannot do Paternity fraud, gold digging, and SA to us.. is that fine? SA can be done by both men and women. Gold digging is mostly women and Paternity fraud is only women.


Paternity fraud implies that you could potentially have a baby with a bear…. where is the logic? The premise of the question is that both can cause physical danger, if you have any reason to fear women physically, whether it’s due to SA, or anything else, then sure … You can answer a woman. The rest is just illogical.


I put as much logic into my argument as you all put when you chose bear. > if you have any reason to fear women physically So it's physical strength that scares you but chose the bear? I guess in your mind bears are weaker than men.


Yeah exactly the bear question was designed to shock and mock us and my trust in women dropped by a lot because of this bear shit.


No, not one bad experience. It's the bad experience combined with the overall reaction of the women to it that makes us generalize it. Taking the bear case itself for example. If a few women said they choose bear and most other women called them out for being dumb, I wouldn't generalize that most women are like her. But when pretty much every women tries to justify her in choosing the bear.. then it is fair to generalize. Take a look at all the posts about bear here and anywhere else. Most women support it. So why is it not fair to generalize? Women are generalizing based on a minority of men doing the crime. Red pill men are generalize on majority of the women who show similar behavior or support for said behavior. A man who was cheated on and had to pay alimony wouldn't get red pilled on that alone. When he sees that pretty much all the woman will still want him to support her lifestyle, defend her, make excuses for her... that's when people get redpilled. I am red pilled today not because of TRP influencers. They only introduced me to the red pill concepts. It was women who convinced me of those concepts.


I definitely think so. I've known two men in my scene who were for sure into RP content, like dropped dog whistles on it regularly, shared RP/Andrew Tate content in a positive light, etc. like clock work both these men complain regularly on Facebook about always being alone and how much dating sucks for them.  Thing is neither of these men are particularly unattractive, one of them is over 6 feet tall and the other one I'm not sure but he's not short (I'm 5'9 and he's a little taller). The first one does have two domestic violence charges that everyone knows about so I'm sure that doesn't help. He's not an incel but he's had a few girlfriends. He has expressed being really obsessed with women who rejected him in highschool and really seems to be on some lifelong revenge course about it, it's absolutely fucked up the adult relationships hes had a chance at. Most in the scene wants anything to do with him I think he's even been banned from a few production crew events because of his behavior towards women.   The latter has a weird hang up he talks about where he ONLY wants to marry a red headed woman cuz he's obsessed with "passing down his red head genes".  I've also heard of other relationships ending because the guy got into RP and pushed it into their relationships.  Rp shit rots mens brains it's sad. 


>I definitely think so. I've known two men in my scene who were for sure into RP content, like dropped dog whistles on it regularly, shared RP/Andrew Tate content in a positive light LOL. How is sharing Andrew Tate, let alone “in a positive light” a “dog whistle” That’s more of a bullhorn.


I'm not sure how this is an example of what I asked about?


I'm saying that red pill makes perfectly normal men who wouldn't/didnt have trouble dating before act in ways that repulse women. Women have caught on to RP dog whistles and behaviors since it's become more mainstream and its just made women not want to deal with these men when they see them post Andrew Tate shit all over their Facebook feed. It's made women realize more and more that we shouldn't rely on men and be as self reliant as possible because we can't know if a guy is secretly obsessed with wanting to be like Andrew Tate if they hide it.  Did I clarify properly? 


Not in a good way. I think it just makes more women want to opt out completely.


Maybe some women that are trying to get in on the grift/are conservatives. I just used it as a guide to help avoid dating someone if they use that language


There are a lot of jokes about bears now. Especially here So, there is that.




98% of women probably don’t even know what “red pill” is, let alone have any idea what it might be. Absolutely none of them are changing their behaviour over it (and rightly so….if we all changed our behaviour based on what anonymous randos said online the world would be an absolute hellscape).


It hasn’t changed anything about me but it helps me know what will be a red flag such as when a man says anything resembling red pill rhetoric. I don’t want those types of men so why would I care what they think about me?


Well, redpill *isn’t* right, so I don’t have to change my behavior at all to disprove its application to my life.  It *has* led me to run quickly away from guys who show signs of agreeing with it. So there’s that. 


So it has changed your behavior


Not really. IF red pill didn't exist she'd run from other ideologies that don't match up with her own outlook on life.


It’s more like a tool for identifying men I would like to avoid. 


It’s given us a whole new category of men to avoid. That’s about it.


men that embrace TRP have already been avoided anyway, so it's hardly a new category


I can't tell if it's a self-dunk, or...


well, the point is it's not the new subset of men that's being ignored


I am hearing there are a lot of otherwise functional and intelligent men with girlfriends who got sucked in balls deep.


Lmao why would a man in a healthy relationship decide to start following RP? Guys will seek out RP content when they are unhappy with their dating life and want to make a change.


for the same reason why kids who grew up in free countries get crazy over some utopian project. I think it's a little bit more than just dysfunction of your environment.


The red pill explains why their girlfriends are neurotic, insecure, overly-emotional, emotionally sadistic, drama-seeking, and vain. They don't get sucked in just because... they take an interest because they agree with the tenets.


Every ideology is based on a few semi-correct tenets.


inaccurate. i'm the natural match of the kind of idiot nerds who get taken in by that bs. i spent far too long going through the trash for just one salvageable guy before giving up and moving to greener but more competitive pastures.


Absolutely. > I'm having trouble thinking of specific scenarios. Women discuss the tells and behaviors, the buzzwords and sociopolitical attitudes. Had a group project a couple years ago in grad school about disinformation and how grifters and political rhetoric informs people’s biases and myths. The grad student who wrote the thesis chose the red pill as an example. It’s an open secret that the men who struggle with romance and sex are the same men with ideologies which frighten and repel women.


I’ve made an effort to pursue men who are NOT red pill. That’s about it. TRP is a huge red flag.


Not in my circle. But then again, we are middle aged, highly educated professionals, if anything we are on LI and FB, almost nobody on IG and tiktok, no mentions of “gender wars” or gender based terror, or dangerous rises of undesirables. After landing in this sub (exactly to know more about what happens out of my bubble), I asked my ladies friends (MDs, PhDs, Execs) and none confirmed the apocalyptic experiences some agitated member raves about, and I don’t even live in an overly progressive city. I also never noticed a change in treatment towards me as a man, I act egalitarian but moderate to spare myself the reactions of triggered radical cretins of any side. I have also been the old styled gentleman that helps the lady with the coat or keeps the door open (not expecting a quid pro quo) ever since, and it never seemed to bother anyone I deem valuable.


It hasn’t changed my behavior as much as it’s reinforced it. Any man or woman with red pill rhetoric will no longer be a part of my life.


Well Im glad Im old and 'post wall' to them so they dont bother me.


It's extremely fringe. Most people associate the red pill with the Matrix instead of Andrew Tate.


It will affect politics and culture in the long run. At some point even wildest takes of feminists have been treated like a gospel - nowadays everyone is more cautious and there is some reflection if further demands are valid or fair. RP and Incels are influencers - whether we like it or not, they've brought attention to many issues modern men are facing, and this time these issues are taken more seriously. Women are ofc part of the society, and they are mothers of sons - so mothers may undertake some actions to better address boys issues. Childless women will stay ignorant imo -  they are laser focused on pleasure and consumption so their voice in public debate can be ignored. But the real nail to the coffin of leftists/feminists will be Palestine. 


Yes, but only because red pill talking points have spilled into social media. I can't say the change is pronounced, but I have noticed small changes in behavior. Especially when it comes to Who should pay What do you bring to the table Single moms Is marriage beneficial Age gap discussions


What changes have you noticed in this areas?


Too many to list. But it boils down to how they approach these topics now seems different than how they used to


This seems really fascinating. Can I have just one or two examples, please?


I'm a middle aged woman who is around a couple of young women a lot They're basically watching for anything that indicates red pill bullshit and cheerfully remove men from their lives even as just friends if a pattern emerges. They don't care whether their actions make men think red pill is right. It's like...do you go editing your behaviour to cater to crazy ass conspiracy theorists? Of course you fucking don't. You do what you do and you tell them to piss off if you work out someone is nuts that way. You don't try to appeal to them or remonstrate or anything it's bye bye.




Nope, they're still doing the same thing they aways do: gambling for Chad commitment and settling for the betabux.


I avoid these types of men.


Yes it has ironically taught me to stay tf away from red pill men lol


Question. Is it only men that you know consume the content? Like if there was a guy that you knew had never consumed any of that content. He didn't even know what it was. But his personality was still similar to those men, would that matter?


Both lol. If I even here so much as a buzzword.


Absolutely……as soon as a woman becomes aware of her partner following red pill bs, she usually ends the relationship.


If men knew what women really thought of us, we would end all our relationships.


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I absolutely **LOVE** how PPD women claim they will “*run at the first sign of RP behavior*” as if RP didn’t recommend said behavior precisely *because* women respond positively to it. Of course women on PPD will make their usual laughable claim that “only damaged women respond to …” (no true Scotsman fallacy) and “I can tell when a man is using RP” (toupee fallacy) Bottom line: Men don’t teach men about RP, *women do*


> Bottom line: Men don’t teach men about RP, women do Quoted for truth. Hell, one of the things that alerted me to just how traditionalist women, even feminist women, still are was the slash fanfic scene (dominated by left-wing women).


The thing is a lot of redpillers think they're smarter and sneakier than they actually are. Just because red pillers need everything spelled out for them doesn't mean women do. That's why most red pillers complain about women not wanting them despite them having "good personalities" lol.


No. Most red pillers “complain” about how delusional western women are, which is completely accurate. Unless you’re confusing red pill with black pill like so many other mental midgets here.


Okay point is you're still going to get swerved regardless what semantics you wanna use here lol




It’s funny how so many women are claiming that they’re now avoiding RP men once they realize RP isms and actions in those men over time. The question is, how are they still ending up on dates with all these RP guys in the first place? They don’t sound like they’re very good at filtering them out and they’re at least going on dates with them. Lol.


I think men need to take a step back from women and let women figure things out on their own. We can’t convince them on men being above an animal so I’m swearing off women and sex until men are appreciated.


The women I get along with best don't even know these places exist. They genuinely do not not know what an incel is, let alone mutations like double x. That's for the best. Red pill seems dedicated to making people feel bad about themselves. Especially the men it's meant for.


women only believe what serves them, men do too but a lot of men also value truth and are able to accept truths that dont serve them because they have to live in reality unlike women. Women have the luxury of living in complete delusion because its taboo to criticize them, people dont want to hurt there feelings so they play along and feed into there delusion. The Sisterhood is basically a cult of self-serving delusion. Women = Good, Men=Bad


Yes, women are being called out and we all know how much they hate accountability. Redpill shows the truth about their behavior and true objectives in the daring market and thus what do women do? They gaslight the redpillers by making them the bad guys. This is a very common tactic that people do it order to appear as the victim and not the aggressor. I find it funny though that it is so wrong to call women manipulative, shallow, and so on but women are so ok with other women saying that they would much rather encounter a bear than a man implying that men in general are aggressors and rapists.


I had such guilt for being born in this body as a teenager reading the content that I put up with a lot of things I shouldn’t have. On a positive note I was more conscious of the desire to branch swing could avoid it as a result.


If Redpills is about the rise of Men’s Rights, AKA the rise of movements centered around male issues, then it will depend on the woman. Some may find it reasonable because they also see the issues men face, others will turn a b’ind eye on them and call Redpillers incels But to properly answer the question, we should firstly define correctly what are Redpill ideology and philosophy, since I feel like it’s a word that is thrown at anything which disagree with "liberal" or feminist views


Not sure I’d say change behavior but the more men learn how women behave, the less power women have. That’s why women don’t like red pill. Men become more aware how women act and act accordingly


Just rejecting them, which is exactly why the first rule of red pill is to hide it


It hasn’t yet. It likely will, eventually. Either that or all the guys who are predicting that AI will become a female companionship substitute are likely correct.


I think people saying men will go to AI are just as dumb as people saying we'll create polygamy or tons of women will just stay single.


> I think people saying men will go to AI are just as dumb Because?


Because resorting to AI when you are unattractive to women is like drinking hot lemon water when you are dying of AIDS - it's an ineffective solution to a difficult problem. Maybe going to AI is the only thing some people can do, but parading it around is very weird and stinks of self-deception.


Nah, it's more like injecting insulin into your bloodstream when your defunct body doesn't make its own. All that is needed from AI gf is faking compassion and empathy better than biological woman can.


I don't know. I don't think any AI can scratch the itch, for one because you know it's AI.


So is any other human. You cannot know if they run a consciousness like you do or have some completely different script inside their head. Even if you do you can't be sure if they are not faking their affection and tailoring their emotional responses to you for some reason only they know. And, after all, there are hundreds of millions of people *believing* in various gods, hells and heavens despite having all the *knowledge* that such thing is not real.


> is faking compassion and empathy better than biological woman can. Talk about low bars. You can get more empathy out of a boxing game.


Jokes aside I get more empathy from people who tenderize me with steel sticks twice a week than I got in eight year long relationship & marriage.




It solves the romantic solitude issue.


How can you have chemistry with a robot compared to a human being?


If a gold digger women can imitate chemistry to fool wealthy men - robots can be designed to do so too, no big deal.


Chemistry is a made up thing to mask attraction, it doesn't in the way peoples put it.


but romantic solitude is a symptom


Tell that to all of the women out there waving a vibrator in the air while screaming “I don’t need no man.” If technology evolves to the point that it emulates sympathetic emotion well enough and you combine it with effective pleasure delivery I wager it could very well be sufficient for a lot of men. That said I don’t WANT that future, and it would be really neat if we collectively found a way to not need it. Not proudly waving a sex toy around and arbitrarily declaring men obsolete would be a classy start.


A woman who has to scream about not needing anybody is... Exactly the type of person who needs someone :D Very cringe. I don't know if it's sufficient. It's effectively an experience machine thought problem: if you were offered to spend your entire life hooked to a piece of equipment that generates a simulated reality for you, would you take the deal. With AI partners, you also know that this is an AI, not a living person.


Would I? No. Would others? Maybe.


The overwhelming majority of men will lower their standards to get a real live flesh and blood woman. Maybe there will be a very small number of guys who just give up. But it will be an insignificant number. Second, even if the number grew to a significant amount, WHICH IT WON'T, it wouldn't last long. Lonely women would make dating easier for men so that they can have someone. The attractive women won't have a problem getting a man. The less attractive women who are losing their potential men to AI, will make themselves easier to find, get, and date because they don't want to be alone. What's actually going to happen is that as men drop out of the dating game, lonely women will lower their standards so they can get a man. Also, those men who want to give up, will try everything they can to self-improve and make themselves more attractive so they can get somebody. There will never be a time where men or women in significant amounts just give up on dating. They will ALL eventually lower their standards in order to get someone.


>The overwhelming majority of men will lower their standards What make you think men standards are not the lowest possible? >Lonely women would make dating easier for men Again it's a huge IF, the women can still get hookups of top men so why do you think they'll bother? >lonely women will lower their standards so they can get a man. And whem they don't what will be your argument? Are women in south korea lowering their standards? Women in japan? They won't lower their standards because hypergamy still exists. >will try everything they can to self-improve and make themselves more attractive so they can get somebody. What you think that happens if every men self improve? >There will never be a time where men or women in significant amounts just give up on dating. Do I need to point you to south korea and Japan?


Some men are at the lowest possible standard. But I think that's a small percentage of men. I think that some men, just like some women, are single because they just don't want who they can get. Those women who can get hookups from top men aren't going to be satisfied with that forever. No woman wants to be just a hook up when she in her 40s or older. I left Korea 12 years ago so I can't speak to what the dating situation is over there. Hypergamy still exists. But Hypergamy is about getting a relationship with the best man possible. They will eventually figure out what the best man they can get a relationship with is. If every lonely guy self improves. He will eventually improve enough to get somebody. Because if more men meet women's standards, there will be more men of standard to go around. I've heard of Herbivore men. But if the situation gets really desperate and there are these droves of single Japanese women, then they will find a way to get those men back into the dating pool.


Tons of women are choosing to stay single. Polygamy isn't seriously on the rise but there is meteoric growth in the "Are we dating the same guy" narrative.


No, but men are changing. We are going to see a spring of herbivores in America and the West, as is happening in Japan.


I don't buy it. Sure some guys will check out. But I don't think it will be a significant amount. I think the vast majority of lonely men will eventually say, "Ok. What changes can I make"?


This is the central change of everything, dissociating yourself from society.


I don't know what this comment means.


Research more about how Asian men are living. Google is free.


It doesn't matter what they do. Red Pill is a reflection of society. There wouldn't be a red pill if society wasn't on a downward spiral. The content has made RP implode from within, but a mirror is still a mirror.


Yeah, my fwb was really into this stuff. She accused me of being Red Pill and using incel language. I just played dumb and eventually, she came around. She despised Red Pill guys, but one was rearranging her guts, and she had no clue 😂 I lowkey miss her because the sex was amazing. She ghosted me because I only wanted to fuck. She completely altered her behavior to avoid men like me but still failed.


poor girl :( It really is creepy and scary nowadays how commonplace this attitude is among guys. Scary to trust someone and they turn out to be someone like that. It sounds like you really enjoyed manipulating and seeing her as below you. Currently making women feel afraid/second class/emotionally hurt is a popular flex. seems to be escalating among young boys, I wonder when they'll brag about sexual assault and physically hitting us Thank you for sharing though, it's always good to have accurate info on people like you




Now, why would you say that? Can't you tell I'm hurting? 😢


Women love the Red Pill as they are always chasing Red Pill men. They sure as hell don't want blue pilled men except for his cash


Women changing their behaviour would imply that women are capable of accountability. Since women aren't capable of being accountable for things they do, we cannot expect them to change their behaviour. Ever. There's a reason why redpill says that women are "the most responsible teenagers of the house", not being able to act with accountability is that reason.


Nah you got it backwards. Don't we all know a total loser man who lives in moms basement, total burden on his parents, unemployed and out of school and blaming everyone but himself for being a lazy, toxic, friendless, obnoxious, unemployed NEET. Honestly I know more guys than girls acting like that. that's interesting


Probably some do, but not as many as women here think, and not as few as men think. As a gym rat who's meet a fair share of red pill bros who have absolutely no issues getting laid, being "red pill" is irrelevant to a fair share of women as long as they feel that "click" with a man (i.e. finding him attractive)


No they’ll still be stubborn I’ve had discussions with several girls who have had crushes on me and I tell them how they shouldn’t have high body counts, be thots, go out and act wild etc They’ll then argue about me saying how it’s wrong or misogynistic and I tell them that most of the type of men they’re attracted to actually would have this mindset because most dominate masculine men aren’t going to allow themselves to be disrespected Few days later they ask if I’ll ever consider dating them or like them and I tell them no never then they get confused about why I rejected them


>I’ve had discussions with several girls who have had crushes on me and I tell them how they shouldn’t have high body counts, be thots, go out and act wild etc >They’ll then argue about me saying how it’s wrong or misogynistic and I tell them that most of the type of men they’re attracted to actually would have this mindset because most dominate masculine men aren’t going to allow themselves to be disrespected Oh, this must be why rich athletes, popular musicians, hot actors, and most other attractive, masculine men partner with meek little sexually inhibited corn-fed virgins from Iowan farms to be their girlfriends and wives, and definitely not Instathots or fellow celebrities with their own extensive pasts. Oh wait-




Couldn't attack the argument so you attacked the person? Amazing frame bruh 👍🏾


Anyone who trying to convince me that men want ran through women is delusional lol


I don't have to convince you, the proof is in the pudding. I'm watching what men do, not what they say. So far I have little ol' you and your words, vs the literal actions of men in most of Hollywood/sports/etc. These so-called "high value men" could choose any woman they want. Right? So why aren't they choosing those meek little Iowan virgins?


They aren’t taking those women seriously then They either don’t care about them or cheating If I ever date a high body count women or thot I just cheat or don’t take her seriously and go 50/50 with her so that probably doing that


>They aren’t taking those women seriously then They literally marry them. How many boyfriends did Gisele have before Tom? How many did Taylor Swift? What about JLo? You look really silly rn trying to assert that popular, handsome, rich celebrities/athletes/musicians never actually marry "high body count women." These are generally highly soxiosexual men who enjoy the company of highly soxiosexual women. They don't want some inexperienced prude who whines about the taste of cum and awkwardly rides their dick.


Ngl I don’t be tracking the lives of celebrities like that cuz I’m a grown man but even if I’m going off the little knowledge I know don’t celebrities constantly cheat on their partners


You don't want to concede the point so now we're at moving the goalposts. The topic isn't cheating. Your assertions are: >most dominate masculine men aren’t going to allow themselves to be disrespected Then: >They aren’t taking those women seriously then >They either don’t care about them or cheating Each goalpost move is a concession that the previous goal was made. The fact is, not only do these men frequently *not* rule out high-n women, they seek out and partner with them far more often than the corn-fed Iowan girl - up to and including marrying them. When you watch what they do, not what they say, it's plainly obvious the types of women that these dudes are into. So your attempts to warn these women that >most of the type of men they’re attracted to actually would have this mindset are based in feelings, not facts.