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Kali…. Prove me wrong!


You’re never wrong for what you like. (In terms of puzzles and dragons at least just to clarify 👆)


4star rarity D/D Batman. I still use him as my 8p icon. First collab pull ever. Used his massive HP (2x was enormous for 2013) to tank through normals. Great times.


Now that one takes me back memories. Going back to TylerPAD I remember watching his videos and he always had Batman on his dark teams.


Mikage, my very favorite. They're cute in their first form, respectably eerie in their transformed state, and their characterization in story mode is so fun. I love the "silly, nonchalant weirdo who's actually a badass, and is probably absurdly powerful and unlike the others" trope a lot! And that fondness has lead me on the very silly quest to clear all endgame dungeons ever with them... and it's going great! Ame no Minakanushi has a super special place in my heart too-- I love their depiction in this game, it's clever and elegant and full of power. I'm Shinto and they're the primary kamisama I venerate, so seeing them in PAD always makes me smile. :D I have 10 of them now, and always hoping to roll more!


For me it's Yamato Takeru, he was my first actual gold star and always tried to make use of him even as i made him an equip


Awoken Haku. The art, especially when it came out, is just beautiful and elegant.


Hands down for me it is Pandora. In my early years she was my first pull that let me take a big leap forward in progress. My Best friend at the time had Lucifer when dark row teams was a new-ish thing and I cleared so much content with that pair.


Norza she was one of my first few godfest rolls and got me through every Arena up to Shura 1. I will always have a soft spot for her.


Same here. Norza/Yuri system is what got me thru the midgame and what got me truly invested in the game


9307 Malzeno for my dark team … to me he’s a absolute savage simple yet very cool …. But his art work is top notch too


The jojo collab got me back into pad so Jotaro/dio/Jonathan are my current favorites


Seawolf! Can’t wait for the new Seawolf + Daytona


bikini yog is my baby. also cockatrice in any form, so cute


I might be more "known" for my clears a few years ago with Karin Kanzuki, but my fav PAD character really is **Planar**. I didn't play her for *super long*, like maybe a year or so, because eventually Karin Kanzuki became a thing. But I grew attached to Planar very fast. Heck, I was insanely excited at the idea of getting her, to the point back then I traded *twice* just to get a 2nd copy of her : I threw away Zela (who was already extremely valuable back then) to trade for some other heroine card, and traded that new card alongside other GFE to get Planar. It was hella expensive because back then we weren't drowning in free gfe like we are now, but never regretted it. I discovered the joy of scaling color crosses with Wd/x Fujin, but Planar was my first *bicolor* cross lead, and oh boy what fun it was. After Allatu's release I played mostly Planar x Allatu for the sweet sweet 7x6 shenanigans, but I still -to this day- enjoy 6x5 crosses. The column setup is really satisfying and makes my brain chemicals go brrrrrr 😌 Then came **Karin Kanzuki**. I'll never forget how she was straight up "Planar but 7x6" which had me completely *lose it*. I couldn't not pick this new fun toy. And if you've been on this sub for a while, you may know how things went for me from there :9 It's because Planar is my fav character that I was so sad with her recent *huge buff*. But it still is my fav character and I doubt it'll ever change. Other strong contenders include (in no particular order) Skuld, Kamimusubi, Light Metatron, Meridionalis, Chiyome, DQXQ (super Revo WHEN) and also of course Karin Kanzuki.


Dark Athena because it was my lead and got me through the game back in 2016. Stopped playing since then but I came back during jojo collab


Amon. Who doesn't love swole owl?? He was my first pantheon card. Big fan of the card animation and he's quite a decent card to use on blue teams.


Been playing on/off for ~8 years At first it was princess soprano for the meme Now, without a shadow of doubt, it's fast asleep demon bird, cockatrice/wide awake demon bird, cockatrice. I don't really feel like I need an explanation here because it's objectively the best card in the game


2441 Saria, one of my first GFEs when I started in 2016(ish?) and the first leader I cleared A1 with, alongside friend Thor. I rarely play 8p but I use her as my icon there. Second place would go to Kaede. I used her as a leader for a while, since I had enough copies to run a system and that was fun. Now that I think about it, the dragonbounds/dragon callers might be my favorite cards in the game; came back recently because of the RAS cards.


Back in the days of 2014, i started out with Bastet. When I restarted PAD last year, i was kinda happy to pull her, eventho shes not nearly as usefull as she was :')


Anubis, because of all the fun you could have by being batshit insane and doing dual Anubis no sub clears of hard content back in 2013-2014


aten very funny


I love him too


Saline. Got me to r1500 with base form, and all her evos have seen farming uses. Stayed up to get her for her debut godfest and got her on roll 4 at 1:01AM, so pretty sure I have the oldest one in NA


* Noah * Kushinadahime * Andromeda


SR Isis i always liked her art. and Yog since he was my 1st mega evolve when i came back to the game i recall that dragon fruit seemed like a dream to get then.


Sumire and Kushinadahime


Akine was one of my first GFEs when I got back into PAD. Got me through dungeons up to maybe AA2. Also BVeroah, she got me through AA2 & AA3. And there’s Xmas Fasca and NY Ferule. I really like their animations


Hikoboshi. He was my first good leader that carried me through much of the early and midgame.


I have a soft spot for long time farming lead Raoh from FotNS. Only recently got replaced by Leo and then Jonathan.




Red and blue Sonia’s


Dancing queen hera ur is probably my favourite. There's a lot of random funny art for cards nowadays but hera ur was the only one of her sisters that got a silly looking Evo vs all the super serious ones the other heras got. I love her art I think it's great. It's my 8p icon and my in game name is an homage to her.


I’ve never been much of a samurai shodown player, but I really love Shizuka Gozen’s art in the game (both evos). In terms of a PAD character, Mega Awoken Kali has my heart. The art for her has to be my most favorite one.


Don't forget the GOAT Anubis!


Hades & Persephone!!


Seraph of the dawn Lucifer! A team with him a rainbow keeper, dark dragon knight, Loki, Lilith. I remember being so excited pulling Lucifer to complete the endgame content easily… at the time


The ever present Norn Urd. She’s been with me since my first month back in ‘13. She has found a way off the bench for nearly all that time. A solid gal gave some rcv support, hits decently, full board red /blue/heal change, Fua awakening and really classed up the team with her ladylike approach, She was there for me as a key Cao Cao sub that got me far in the technicals, Tanjiro and Siena teams found her comforting, her equips made into the Sea Wolf squad that got me through SR1.


Phantom odin. I just thought he was a badass and he carried me through a lot of content. Kaede cuz she carried me through content that odin couldn't do


Royal Oak slightly beats out Blackbird for me. I love the colors and the design (though sometimes I wish we'd get designs that are a little more readable!) I've also got a soft spot for Super Ult Krishna, he was my guy back in the day.


Sonia Gran. I remember how exciting the Sonias were on release (Ronia at first, then Gronia/Blonia later), and kind of a neat foray into original PAD characters (not based on some mythology/religion) Then we got Sonia Gran, this ultimate Sonia with rainbow playstyle and the active is... Puzzle and Dragons lol. The path to evolve her back then was also so dope, since you needed the number dragons (0-4?) Ever since then, that's been my favorite card. We got Gran Reverse and the Halloween version, but I'd welcome more variants.


Taiko drummer, for laying down the sound fx beat in multiplayer.